How to give breast milk to a baby. Features of feeding a newborn baby. How to determine that your baby wants the breast

Nine months of pregnancy and childbirth flew by, and then the baby was born. A happy mother is often lost at the sight of a baby. She doesn't know how to handle him. But it is still necessary to establish feeding the baby. After all, from proper nutrition From the first days of life, the health of the baby and the development of its organs and systems depend. How to properly organize feeding a newborn?

Properly organized breastfeeding from the first days of a baby’s life determines whether he will receive a sufficient amount of food during natural feeding, and whether the mother will be able to feed him only by breast in the future.

That's why You need to make every effort from the first days. To do this, you will need the help of other family members, because after giving birth, a woman needs to rest and recover, and almost all of her time will be occupied with caring for the baby. This is not always realistically feasible, but it’s worth trying.

So, immediately after birth, the baby is placed at the breast. This is a necessary natural vaccination for a newborn; in addition, his sucking reflex is triggered, he establishes a connection with his mother.

In the first days, it is advisable to feed while lying down. The woman lies on her side, the child is placed nearby. The baby's mouth is located in the chest area. The mother helps the baby find the nipple and grasp it correctly. One feeding of a baby usually lasts from 15 minutes to half an hour. The baby may not suckle all this time. He takes breaks and continues again. Therefore, there is no need to rush to take his breasts from him. Let him go when he is satisfied. However, the baby should not hang on the chest all the time. Mom also needs to rest.

You can also feed while sitting. To do this, the mother must sit comfortably, for example, in a chair. There are special pillows for feeding. They help mother and baby sit comfortably. After all, feeding takes a long time.

A woman should not get tired or feel stressed. The child is positioned lying down, facing the mother. The baby's head lies on the mother's hand. With her other hand, the woman holds the baby and helps him latch onto the breast correctly.

If earlier doctors insisted on feeding by the hour, now the newborn is with his mother all the time, and she offers him the breast as often as possible, especially in the first days.
The baby still cannot suck for a long time and gets tired quickly. Frequent application helps to increase lactation and its rapid establishment.

The first days of life are very important; it is at this time that it is necessary to establish correct mode feeding

A young mother should be prepared that even at night the newborn often wakes up and asks to eat. Therefore, during the day, a woman is recommended to sleep when the child sleeps. It is not advisable for infants to take a long night break between feedings. Firstly, babies most often cannot withstand such an interval, and secondly, this has a bad effect on lactation.

Since a woman after childbirth needs to rest a lot, devote all her time to the newborn, sleep when the baby sleeps, then for some time after the maternity hospital another family member or a special assistant should take on household responsibilities. It is advisable to discuss this in advance.

Why you shouldn't wash your breasts before breastfeeding

If a few decades ago it was believed that breasts should be washed before each feeding, it has now been proven that this is not so.

The mammary glands have a special section (Montgomery gland), thanks to which it is hydrated, nourished and disinfected. A special lubricant is produced.

It will be useful for all young mothers to know. This will help avoid serious problems - lactostasis, mastitis, etc.

First breastfeeding

The first attachment of newborns to the breast occurs during normal births in the delivery room., immediately after birth, and is the final stage of childbirth. This is very important for establishing lactation and for bonding between mother and newborn.. The baby feels the smell of his mother, her warmth, taste, and this helps him adapt to the new environment.

In addition, the baby's attachment is a kind of first vaccination. The mother's microbes are transmitted to the child, and he will receive immunity to them through the first milk - colostrum.

Valuable properties of colostrum

The production of colostrum begins even before birth. This is a special secretion of the mammary glands, the production of which occurs under the influence of the hormone oxytocin. Colostrum has a thick consistency and a yellowish tint. This secretion is produced during the first 3 days, then it is replaced by transitional milk, and later by permanent milk. The composition of colostrum varies from woman to woman.

Colostrum has a very high energy value. It contains:

  • Easily digestible proteins;
  • Natural antioxidants (vitamins A and E, zinc, selenium, beta-carotene);
  • A small amount of fluid, which protects the baby’s immature kidneys from overload.

In addition, colostrum contains many protective immune factors. They help the immature body of a newborn to protect itself from many viruses and bacteria.

How often to apply to the breast?

Previously, breastfeeding was practiced hourly (every 3 hours).

Modern breastfeeding experts believe that you need to feed your baby on demand. Each baby has its own rhythm: one can withstand 2 hours between feedings, while the other will ask for the breast every half hour. It is especially common to put a baby to the breast in the first days after birth.

How long feeding will take also depends on the characteristics of the newborn. This can be from a few minutes to half an hour. After all, the baby is just getting used to the new diet. Therefore, he will not be able to eat much at once.

As he grows older, he will get stronger, begin to suck better, and a certain routine will be established.

How much should a newborn eat?

If the baby is breastfed, he eats as much as he can at one feeding.

If the baby sleeps peacefully, it means he is well-fed. When he gets hungry, he wakes up and asks or starts looking for the breast with his mouth.

However, not all children have the opportunity to receive mother's milk.

To find out how much formula a newborn will need per feeding, there is a formula:

V=n*10, where V is the volume of food, n is the number of days lived.

For example, a baby is 5 days old. We determine the required volume of mixture for one feeding: 5*10=50 ml.

To find out how much formula is needed per day, the calculation is based on the baby’s initial weight:

  • If a baby was born weighing more than 3.2 kg, then the volume is equal to the number of days lived *70;
  • If with a weight less than 3.2 kg, then *80.

These formulas are valid until the 10th day of a baby’s life. Further calculations of nutrition for infants are carried out differently. For a child under 2 months, the volume of food is calculated using the formula: baby weight * 1/5, that is, 1/5 of the child’s body weight. There is a table for determining the required volume of the mixture.

How to check whether your baby is full or not

A newborn usually sleeps all the time, waking up only to eat. Already when the baby grows a little, he will have periods of sleep and wakefulness. If the baby is well-fed, then he sleeps peacefully. When he gets hungry, he begins to open his mouth and look for a breast or pacifier. If you feed him, he will continue to sleep. Otherwise he will wake up and start screaming.

Usually, in the first days after birth, the baby loses a little weight. This is a natural process. If the mother doubts whether the baby is eating enough, then you can wet diaper test.

In this case, the child is without a diaper for a day in order to count how many times he peed. If at least 8 times, then everything is fine. The child is eating.

School for young mothers: we figure out how often it costs.

Feeding in the maternity hospital

Just two decades ago, in the maternity hospital, women were separated from their babies, and babies were brought to them for feeding every three hours according to a schedule with a 6-hour break at night. But often at this time one child was sleeping and reluctantly suckled, while the other was already hungry and screaming at the top of his lungs. Therefore, even from the maternity hospital, children began to be supplemented with formula feeding. Is it really possible to establish proper natural feeding in such a situation? Many answered no, and switched to a mixture.

Currently, the child is with his mother immediately after birth. Therefore, feeding on demand is very easy to implement. If after giving birth the mother does not feel very well, then you can put the baby next to her and feed her when she asks. The main thing is to be careful not to crush the baby in your sleep.

Feeding after caesarean section

Previously it was believed that after caesarean section breastfeeding is not possible, because disruption of the natural process during childbirth does not trigger the lactation process. However, practice has shown that if desired on the part of the mother, this is quite feasible. After the woman recovers from anesthesia, she puts the baby to her breast. Even if there is no milk yet, sucking stimulates its appearance.

If there is no milk in the first days

In the first days after birth, there may be no milk in the breast. At the same time, the woman secretes colostrum. It is high enough in calories to meet the needs of a newborn in a small amount. On days 3-5, milk will begin to come in. This is how nature intended it to be and you should not start feeding your baby formula. This could negatively affect his health.

To stimulate lactation you need:

    • Regularly put the baby to the breast every 1-2 hours;
    • Drink more warm liquids

weak tea, mineral water, dried fruits compote;

    • If you can’t express your breasts on your own, be sure to ask your midwife for help.

This must be done in the maternity hospital. After the maternity hospital, if possible, you can contact breastfeeding specialists;

  • Try to ensure that the baby latches onto the breast correctly, grasping the entire nipple;
  • Do not give your newborn water or formula.

The main thing in this case is not to panic. A nervous state does not contribute to the development of lactation and can be passed on to the baby, because he feels his mother.

Mom's mistakes

Inexperienced mothers often make mistakes when organizing feeding a newborn. Here are the most common ones:

  1. If a woman feels pain and discomfort during feeding, then there is no need to endure. It is worth reconsidering the organization of feeding. Perhaps the baby does not latch onto the nipple correctly, the breast is too tight and the baby cannot suck out milk. Seek help from a specialist.
  2. You need to feed your baby on demand, do not take the breast until the baby lets go.
  3. If the baby suckled at the breast for about 5 minutes and fell asleep, you don’t need to wake him up to get him to eat some more.. Of course, he didn’t have time to get enough, don’t rush to take the breast, the baby will let go on his own.
  4. There is no need to let the baby suck on two breasts at one feeding.. If milk leaks from one breast during feeding, place a pad in your bra.
  5. Breastfeeding mothers are advised to wear a special nursing bra. This will make feeding more comfortable.
  6. If there is enough milk, then there is no need to express. The influx of excess milk due to pumping can lead to stagnation in the breast and painful sensations (lactostasis).

If a young mother can follow all the rules for organizing feeding a newborn, then this process will become a pleasure for both the child and the mother.

The birth of a child is the beginning of a wonderful, but also the most difficult period of life for a family. We have to resolve many issues, some of which appear even before birth. But perhaps the most important problem is nutrition. What to feed - breast or formula? Modern doctors recommend breastfeeding. But how to breastfeed a newborn correctly and until what age should it be done? Should we rely on Mother Nature, who, as they believe, will not allow us to make mistakes, or is it better to learn from those who understand the problem?

The ideal time to start breastfeeding, according to WHO experts, is immediately after birth. Putting a baby to the breast in the first hour of his life helps both the baby adapt to a sudden change in his “living environment” and the mother to more easily endure the process of childbirth. The production of oxytocin during sucking helps the uterus contract faster, resulting in atonic bleeding (the worst complication of the early postpartum period) being prevented. There is a lot of research showing the benefits of breastfeeding for the baby - from reducing the risk of childhood infections to preventing obesity and even increasing IQ.

Should you wash your breasts before breastfeeding?

In the recent past, washing the mammary glands with soap before feeding was considered absolutely necessary. It was even recommended to treat them with antiseptics, which was supposed to prevent gastrointestinal infections in the baby, which he could allegedly contract from dirty breast skin.

In WHO recommendations recent years it is clearly stated that frequent washing mammary glands leads to the destruction of the protective water-fat layer of the skin. The result of this is a decrease in local immunity and an increase in the risk of skin infections. It is enough to take water procedures just once or twice a day without getting attached to feeding. You don’t move around on the ground with your bare chest, so why wash it all the time?

As part of food hygiene, hand washing should not be forgotten. Here everything is different - every time after visiting the toilet, changing a diaper and washing the baby, your hands should be thoroughly washed with some detergent(at least for dishes, although regular stuff is best toilet soap). Here, too, you should not fanatically strive for absolute sterility - you are not planning to perform an operation. Just wash your hands and just give your baby the breast.

I have a small papilloma on my nipple, can I breastfeed my baby?

It all depends on the size, position and condition of the papilloma. If feeding causes pain or there is bleeding during sucking, the growth should be removed with one of the safe ways(laser, electrocoagulation, cryocoagulation). It is unlikely that your child will become infected with the papilloma virus, but if this tumor bothers you, consult a doctor and together think through treatment tactics. It is impossible to give a single piece of advice here; it all depends on the specific situation.

What positions are there for breastfeeding?

Even doctors sometimes ignore the important issue of breastfeeding positions, getting off with the line “the main thing is that you are comfortable.” This is not a completely correct approach, although it does not exist clear recommendations, as in sports, like “heels together, toes apart.”

Of course, for the first time, a woman exhausted by childbirth may attach the baby incorrectly, but later they should explain to her how to breastfeed correctly. So the rules are:

  1. The baby's head and his body, regardless of your position, should be on the same line. He will not be able to suckle if his head is twisted, bent or wobbling left and right. Don't believe me? Turn your head to the side and try to drink from a cup.
  2. The baby is turned to face the breast so that his nose is level with the nipple. This way he will be able to capture mainly the lower part of the areola.
  3. Bring the baby as close to your body as possible. You should not put the breast in the baby’s mouth; it is better to bring him to the breast yourself, otherwise the nipple will periodically fall out. This is fraught with excessive swallowing of air, belching, colic, and is simply unpleasant for the baby.
  4. Do not bend over while feeding - your back should be completely relaxed.
  5. In newborn babies, the whole body needs to be supported, not just the head.
  6. If you need to hold the breast, do it from below, forming something like the letter C from your fingers. Do not grab the nipple with “scissors” made from the index and middle fingers - there is a high risk of pulling out the nipple.

How to breastfeed while lying down

It is better to breastfeed properly while lying down only during the day. Yes, I want to sleep at night! Yes, no strength, we agree! But momentary convenience for you can turn into tragedy if you fall asleep and “sleep” the child. So there is only one rule - feed, then lie down and continue to sleep. Let the baby sleep in his crib.

How to breastfeed twins

If you're lucky (or unlucky, depending on how you look at it) and have twins, the feeding problem becomes a little more complicated. It may take more time, and such a life also takes a lot of energy. But they also feed twins and even triplets, some feed both their own and someone else’s child, which means you can handle it too. There should be enough milk, because the child himself stimulates its production, and the more children, the more stimulation. Help will most likely be needed in other household issues not related to feeding (washing, ironing, cooking, etc.), but this is the second question.

Technically, there is no difference between feeding one or two children: babies should grasp the entire areola with their mouths and suck so as not to choke or suffocate. You can feed them alternately or at the same time - whatever suits you. Most mothers prefer the simultaneous option - it takes a little less time. The main rule is not to “tie” Vasya to the right breast, and Petya to the left: each baby sucks differently and may require different amounts of milk. If Vasya always sucks more from one breast than Petya from the other, the breasts will become asymmetrical and this will be aesthetically unpleasant even for the mother herself. Therefore, breasts must be alternated.

There are several positions in which feeding two children does not turn into torture:

  1. "Out of hand." Babies are placed under their armpits on rolled up blankets or special pillows. The children's legs are located behind the mother. Each child is given a breast: the right - the right, the left - the left.
  2. "Crosswise." First, one child is laid down, pressing him to himself, then the second, pressing him to the first.
  3. "Parallel". The first child lies on the arm, the second - under the armpit, the bodies are located in the same direction.

It is ideal if you feed your children at the same time. However, you should not fanatically follow this advice: one of the two wants to sleep, so let him sleep. Don’t forget that the main rule is that the baby is in charge of feeding, not his mother.

When I breastfeed, one breast is larger than the other. Could this be due to the fact that I feed more often from my right breast than my left? Olga, 27 years old

Yes, Olga, if before giving birth your mammary glands were the same, then this is the reason for the difference. A more “active” breast produces more milk, and accordingly it increases in size. Try to alternate, placing the baby on the right breast during one feeding, and on the left during the second, and everything will return to normal. And don't worry, usually after lactation stops both mammary glands become the same.

Which is better to feed: one breast or both?

Among nursing mothers, especially inexperienced ones, there is a myth that if you feed a baby with only one breast, it will become larger than the other and everything will remain that way. In reality, however, after the end of feeding, both mammary glands return to normal and their size becomes exactly the same.

Biologically, there is no difference between feeding one or both breasts - milk will be produced as much as the baby needs. Moreover, if a child prefers to eat only from one “plate”, do not disturb him. This is the essence of feeding “on demand” - to let the baby eat how, when and how much he wants. He, not you, controls his diet. Just don't pump unclaimed breasts: there's no point in doing so.

Of course, more radical situations are possible - for example, one breast was completely removed and replaced with an implant. Of course, you won’t be able to feed her anymore, but there’s still a second one left! She may well provide the volume of milk needed for the baby.

Why does a baby freak out and arch when breastfeeding?

There can be a lot of reasons: uncomfortable position, lack of milk, difficulty sucking, improper attachment, colic. Together with your doctor, you should rule out medical causes and also pay attention to irregularities in feeding techniques. In extreme cases (for example, with hypogalactia), supplementary feeding should be given.

Should I breastfeed after a year?

In former times, it was believed that a child should be weaned when he reached one year or a little later. Even many modern experts claim that milk after a year is no longer the same, it does not contain the necessary substances, the child lacks something, it digestive system formed in such a way that mother’s milk is no longer absorbed properly. It is a myth!

The World Health Organization explains that breastfeeding after one year and up to two years is important factor psycho-emotional development of the baby. Moreover, according to the results of three studies conducted in Brazil and Bangladesh (1987, 1989, 1995), it has been proven that in countries where there is a risk of food and respiratory infections, where availability medical care is low, breastfeeding children in the second year of life significantly reduces the incidence of their diseases and alleviates the course of diseases in already sick babies. WHO insists on natural nutrition for children up to 6 months, strongly recommends - up to a year, and highly recommends breastfeeding and after a year - up to two years.

I've been breastfeeding for 6 months now, but I started getting my period. Should the child be weaned due to this? Alena, 30 years old

No, Alena, you don’t need to wean. Typically, lactation prevents periods from appearing, and this reduces the chance of getting pregnant by 98%. But it happens that menstruation begins earlier. This is not a reason to give up breastfeeding, since the taste of milk does not change, its composition also remains the same. Continue breastfeeding and use protection if another pregnancy is not desired.

Is it possible to breastfeed and formula-feed?

Sometimes situations arise when the baby begins to not have enough milk. There is even a special term for this - hypogalactia, which can be primary (usually due to disorders of the nervous and endocrine regulation of lactation) and secondary, arising as a result of many external factors:

  • complications of pregnancy and childbirth;
  • pathology of the mammary glands;
  • serious violations of feeding technique;
  • improper breast care;
  • severe course of various diseases;
  • improper or (more often) insufficient nutrition;
  • overwork, stress, lack of mood for feeding;
  • late start of breastfeeding;
  • disruption of the baby's sucking process;
  • taking medications or foods that change the taste of milk.

It is clear that with secondary hypogalactia it is possible to correct the situation, and by eliminating the cause of decreased lactation, normal milk production can be restored. Conventionally, this also includes lactation crises, when short term The child begins to lack nutrition due to his growth spurt.

Can I exercise while breastfeeding?

Yes, you can. However, you should plan your workouts so that your baby’s meals do not coincide with his workouts. Remember also that sports can cause chronic fatigue, which will affect the amount of milk produced. And definitely do not take any sports medications while feeding, because some of them may be dangerous for the baby.

In most such cases, mothers usually transfer the baby partially or completely to food artificial mixtures, doing big mistake. First of all, you need to see a doctor or a breastfeeding specialist and decide together with them whether it is enough to breastfeed your baby or whether you need to introduce supplementary feeding. Remember that it may only seem to you that the baby does not have enough milk (especially if he has suspicious grandmothers), but in fact the baby may gain even more than the required weight.

If there is a need for additional feeding, then some rules should be followed. Firstly, supplementary feeding is always given after the breast, otherwise the baby will stop sucking it altogether. Secondly, you should use only high-quality mixtures, but in no case whole cow’s or goat’s milk. Thirdly, when preparing the mixture, strictly follow the instructions supplied by the manufacturer with each jar. An excessively thick formula will lead to an overload of the child’s body with proteins and minerals (this is dangerous!), and a formula that is too thin will simply not be enough for the baby to eat. Pay attention to the composition - the daily dose of the mixture should contain all essential vitamins, micro- and macronutrients in the required quantities.

Everyone says that the baby should be fed naturally. But I don't want to breastfeed, I'm afraid that its shape will change. What should I do? Irina, 24 years old

Irina, first you should determine what is more important to you - healthy child or beautiful breasts. If the first, then try to set yourself up to give up your “wants or don’ts” and take care of the baby. If the latter, then remember that sooner or later the beauty of your breasts will dry up, and in adulthood it will be painful for you to watch how the child moves away from you psychologically. Are you prepared to be single in old age?

Should I pump my breasts after feeding?

Most mothers believe that if the baby has not sucked everything from the breast, the milk must be expressed, otherwise there will be less milk. This is only half the truth. There is a substance in milk called an “inhibitor” that suppresses its production. The more milk in the breast, the more inhibitor it contains, the more its secretion is suppressed. Then everything is simple: the baby sucked a lot - there is little inhibitor left - a lot of milk was produced and vice versa. Thus, if the baby has not sucked everything, the body understands that it should not produce so much milk and reduces its “production”. This is how mastitis and engorgement of the mammary glands are prevented.

It has been noticed that mastitis develops more often in those women who express milk constantly: they always have too much milk, it stagnates, becomes infected and illness occurs. Let the baby and your breast regulate the process themselves, this is biologically correct. Pumping is only necessary in a few cases, most often associated with the inability of the baby to attach to the breast.

My hair is falling out a lot and I am breastfeeding. Is this connected and what should I do to avoid losing what remains of my hair? Ira, 21 years old

Irina, hair loss is a sign of a certain problem in the body. Most are guilty of hormonal imbalances, although only a few percent of such situations can be explained by this reason. Most often, hair falls out due to a lack of certain vitamins and minerals in the mother's diet, as well as due to overwork. In the second case, you can shift some of the everyday issues to other family members (husband, grandmothers, older children). First, you need to reconsider your diet and diet. It is better to do this with a doctor, and not with a local therapist, who for the most part do not have the necessary skills, but with a breastfeeding specialist or nutritionist.

Diet while breastfeeding

Healthy mother healthy child should not adhere to any diet. A nutritious, balanced diet is the key to successful lactation. All stories about the dangers of certain products are just myths. If your child is not allergic to the tomatoes you eat, eat them. If he is not “confused” by strawberries, bon appetit. Honey and nuts are strong allergens, and isn’t it strange that they are often recommended when milk production decreases? The main thing in a woman’s nutrition is its quantitative and qualitative usefulness. And if the child reacts to something, well, cancel this product. And don’t drink alcohol - it’s dangerous in any quantity, even 10 grams. You should not eat fast food either - it is biologically inferior and often dangerous food due to the low-quality ingredients included in its composition.

The same rule applies to drinks - drink something that does not affect your health. Ideally, you should only drink clean water. It is not recommended to take tea, coffee, especially energy drinks, as this stimulates the child’s nervous system, which is not prepared for such a boost.

We're planning a birthday, and I'm not sure I can avoid drinking a drop of alcohol. Tell me, how long after you can breastfeed after drinking alcohol, for example, beer? Anna, 20 years old

Hello Anna. Alcohol is a powerful neurotoxin and is extremely dangerous for nervous system baby even in minimal doses. We advise you to completely stop using it during the entire breastfeeding period. However, if you cannot avoid this, you should remember one rule - 20 ml of pure alcohol is destroyed by the body in an average of 3 hours. This is 50 grams of vodka or cognac, 150-200 ml of wine or a glass of beer. We recommend multiplying this time by two and also multiplying it by the amount of alcohol you drink.

Is breastfeeding acceptable in public?

Often in benches in courtyards or squares you can see women putting their baby to their breasts. Sometimes this causes serious debate about the permissibility of breastfeeding in in public places. Leaving aside the moral side, let's look exclusively at the medical aspect.

Breast-feeding- this is an “on demand” process, which means that where and when the baby wants to eat, he must be fed there and then. Nobody bothers you to cover your chest with a light scarf if the moral standards of society condemn such situations. The child should eat when he wants. Your task is to ensure the hygiene of the procedure. However, if you shower once or twice a day, this is quite enough to prevent infections. Just remember to treat your hands with antiseptic wipes before feeding.

2 years ago I had breast augmentation. Now I'm pregnant, and I know that the best food for a baby is breast milk. But is it possible to breastfeed with implants? Shouldn't they be removed in advance? Nastya, 28 years old

Good day, Nastya. The danger of silicone to a child is a myth. If the substance were toxic, it would have killed the woman herself first. Moreover, silicone is insoluble in water, which means it cannot penetrate into milk, even if the implant is damaged. Another proof of its safety is that millions of pacifiers for children are made from it and not a single one has ever been poisoned.

However, after breastfeeding, the shape of the breast may change and the implant will become noticeable. No one is immune from this; repeated plastic surgery may be required. Remember that the shape of your breasts could change without implants. And isn’t the health of the child more important than the beauty of the breast, which, especially, is seen only by one husband?

You can ask your question to our author:

Female mammals feed their young with their own milk, because they know that in this way they ensure their babies’ health and proper development. Since ancient times, it has been the case that a woman also has the ability to breastfeed her child independently. It is imperative to take advantage of this opportunity, since breast milk has a number of advantages over cow or goat milk. And no matter how much scientists have struggled with this problem, no one has yet managed to create a milk formula that would be exactly similar in composition to mother’s milk. Moreover, it is worth considering that each mother has an individual taste of milk. This is due to what foods the woman eats herself. It is also desirable that the feeding process proceeds correctly. Feeding rules will be discussed below.

A woman's breast milk is adapted to the baby's body. It has the amount of fat content that a child’s stomach can accept. In addition, breast milk contains healthy vitamins and microelements that cannot be recreated in the laboratory: taurine, living cells, polyamines, hormones, carnitine, immune factors, fatty acids, biological age regulators and other useful substances. Each of the substances performs its own unique function: the development of the nervous system, the formation of the retina of the eye, ensuring the acidic environment of the intestines and many other functions. That is why in the first days of a baby’s life, a mother should feed her child what nature gave her. In addition, breast milk increases the baby's immunity, which makes him more susceptible to disease than a newborn who is fed using various formulas.

The composition of breast milk changes with the age of the child, his state of health and the mood of the little one. In addition, breastfeeding forms the psycho-emotional relationship between mother and child. It is proper maternal feeding that is a strong stimulus in the process of developing the child’s mental functions. Breast milk is so unique in its composition that in the case of a mother feeding two babies, each mammary gland adapts precisely to the child who eats from it.

Benefits of breastfeeding

U breastfeeding has its advantages over formula and animal milk. Here are some of them:

  • prevention intestinal infections and dysbacteriosis;
  • guarantee of fast physical development baby;
  • adjustment of the biological maturation of the baby;
  • development of the nervous system and intelligence in a newborn;
  • the maxillofacial skeleton, speech, hearing are formed;
  • a mental connection between mother and child is established.

Just like for a baby, breastfeeding has its advantages for a mother:

  • establishing an emotional connection with your baby;
  • prevention of breast cancer;
  • ease of use: always at hand, milk adapts to the child’s mood and health;
  • medicine for a newborn for certain diseases: abdominal pain, pain reliever for teeth cutting, increased immunity.

Feeding rules

At the very first stage of breastfeeding a newborn, the first thing a mother should do is properly prepare her breasts.

The most important thing in a child’s nutrition is sterility.

No matter how clean her breasts may seem to a mother, even a small amount of microbes will not be beneficial for the baby. Therefore, it is recommended to wash the breasts with soap twice a day (morning and evening is sufficient), as well as before each feeding of the newborn, but without using soap. The towel should be special for drying the chest, and it should be changed regularly.

The second main condition is feeding the newborn on demand. A child can express desire in different ways: he can open his mouth, turn his head, try to suck a pen or something he grabbed. The mother needs to respond to these urges by putting the baby to the breast. The fact is that up to six months a newborn is not able to withstand different periods of time in feeding, and often mothers begin to feed when the child starts crying from hunger. Skipping some of the baby's feeding requirements will hinder the development of his growth and the accumulation of the required weight. It is also necessary to avoid frequent use of pacifiers at times when there is no time to feed a newborn baby. Frequent use of pacifiers subsequently deforms the baby's correct grasp of the mother's nipple.

Next condition proper feeding– the mother should be in a position that is comfortable for her so that her limbs do not become numb during feeding and she can hold the newborn near her breast throughout the entire time the baby is eating.

Afterwards, you need to properly hold the baby in your arms. The child should be turned to face the chest. You need to feed from a distance close enough so that the baby does not have to reach for food. The head and torso are located on the same straight line; it is necessary to hold the newborn with tenderness and accuracy, but at the same time quite firmly. The baby's nose, as a rule, is located at the same level with the nipple, the head is slightly turned to the side.

With properly organized feeding, the baby needs to grasp not only the nipple, but also the halo around it. This will allow the mother to avoid additional cracks in the nipple and reduce pain. Therefore, if the child fails to latch onto the nipple, a caring mother will correctly insert the nipple into the baby’s mouth. It is enough just to pass the nipple around the baby’s mouth several times so that he opens his mouth wider and captures the nipple along with the aureole.

You need to hold the chest with your fingers so that it does not block the baby’s breathing.

A newborn, provided he is fed correctly, should independently release the nipple from his mouth. Sucking milk should be unlimited until the baby feels full in the body.

After your baby eats food, you need to hold him in a horizontal position for about 10-15 minutes. This will allow the air that has entered the baby’s stomach during feeding to escape. Afterwards, you need to lay the newborn on his side, which will allow him to regurgitate excess freely and avoid milk getting into the respiratory tract.

Sometimes the breasts may become hard from frequent feeding and the milk may run out. Therefore, the mother should express after each feeding. If this procedure is not carried out or postponed until later, stagnation of milk may occur, which is harmful for the mother, since problems with health and breast milk may arise, as it may turn into crystallized.

From time to time it happens that the baby, having realized that he is given the opportunity to suckle at the breast every time he opens his mouth, he can indulge and ask to eat almost every ten minutes. At the same time, he sucks for just a couple of minutes and immediately throws the nipple away, or simply falls asleep on the chest. In such cases, there is a need for the mother to be firm and increase the time between applications. The baby will understand that it is impossible to indulge and will begin to eat correctly.

Breastfeeding a baby is quite convenient and very beneficial for both mother and baby. Therefore, a caring mother will do everything to ensure that she has a lot of milk: eat right in order to preserve the usefulness and taste of her natural food for the baby, and also follow all the rules of breastfeeding.

Mother's milk is the best food for a baby. Animal milk, infant formula, powdered milk, teas, sweetened drinks, water and cereals are significantly inferior in value to mother's milk and can often harm the child, causing a number of diseases (allergic reactions, intestinal disorders and etc.).

Mother's milk is more easily absorbed by the child's body. It also ensures normal growth, development and protection of the child from disease.

In the first six months of life, the baby needs only mother's milk. When breastfeeding, no other food or water is usually required during this period.

Even in hot and dry climates, mother's milk fully satisfies the baby's fluid needs. Provided full breastfeeding, the baby does not need water or other types of liquid in the first six months of life. Consuming any other food or drink may cause diarrhea.

Colostrum, the thick yellowish milk that a mother produces in the first days after birth, is an excellent food for a newborn. It is highly nutritious and helps protect against infections. Sometimes mothers are advised not to feed their babies colostrum, but this is misguided advice.

If the birth took place in a maternity hospital or hospital, then the mother has the right to expect that her child will be in the same room with her around the clock and will not receive complementary foods or water if she is breastfeeding.

Frequent breastfeeding stimulates milk production.

Many new mothers need to be encouraged and supported in their decision to start breastfeeding. A woman with experience in successful breastfeeding - a relative, friend or another young mother who has taken courses in preparation for childbirth and child care - will help them overcome uncertainty and avoid complications.

When breastfeeding great importance has the way the mother holds the baby and how he latch onto the breast. Correct positioning of the baby facilitates the process of latching and sucking.

At correct position baby when breastfeeding:

  • the child’s whole body is turned towards the mother;
  • the child is sufficiently close to the mother’s body;
  • the child is relaxed and satisfied.

If the child is positioned incorrectly, the following complications are possible:

  • sores and cracks on the nipples;
  • decreased milk production;
  • baby's refusal to breastfeed.

With the correct feeding procedure:

  • the child's mouth is wide open;
  • the baby's chin touches the mother's chest;
  • the area of ​​the areola (papillar circle) that is visible above the child’s mouth is larger than the one that is in his mouth;
  • sucking movements are long and deep;
  • There is no pain in the nipple.

Almost every woman will have sufficient milk flow if:

  • she exclusively breastfeeds the baby;
  • the baby is in the correct position and grasps the breast well;
  • the intervals between feedings and the duration of sessions meet the needs of the child (both day and night);
  • the woman is provided with rational, nutritious nutrition, including through the introduction of balanced amounts of vitamins and microelements into the diet or, optimally, food products rich in these vitamins and microelements.

Breastfeeding regimen

From the moment of birth, the child should receive mother's milk at any time of the day at his request.

Crying is not always a sign that your baby needs extra food or drink. Crying usually means that the baby wants to be held and cuddled. Some babies only need sucking for comfort. Sucking promotes production more milk.

Mothers who worry that they don't have enough milk often give their babies complementary foods or drinks in the first months of their life. As a result, the baby begins to latch less frequently, and the mother's milk supply decreases. There will be more milk if the mother does not give the baby complementary foods or drinks and breastfeeds more often. Mothers need to be reassured that breast milk alone is sufficient if it is available in the required quantity.

During breastfeeding, you should not give your baby pacifiers or bottles, since the sucking movements in this case are significantly different from sucking at the breast. Using pacifiers or bottles may cause shrinkage! milk flow from the mother, and the baby may begin to ask for the breast less often or refuse it altogether.

Breastfeeding provides the mother with an opportunity to rest. The baby's father and other family members should create an atmosphere conducive for the mother to rest while feeding the baby. They should also help her with housekeeping.

Breastfeeding protects babies and children early age from dangerous diseases and establishes a special emotional connection between mother and child.

Drinking mother's milk is the “first vaccination” for a child, protecting him from infections and other diseases. Maximum protection is provided by exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months after birth and continued breastfeeding during the first year of life.

Breastfed children, as a rule, receive more attention than bottle-fed children, which gives them a feeling of greater security and allows them to grow and develop normally.

Irrational artificial feeding can contribute to the deterioration of the child's health. If a woman cannot breastfeed her baby, then care should be taken to ensure that the baby receives breast milk or milk substitutes from clean containers.

Dirty bottles and pacifiers can contribute to diarrhea and ear disease. Diarrhea can cause the death of a child. The likelihood of illness is reduced if bottles and pacifiers are sterilized in boiling water before each feeding, but bottle-fed babies are still much more susceptible to infections than breastfed babies.

Complete balanced nutrition - required condition normal development of all organs and systems of the baby. It is important that children receive a certain amount of macronutrients (protein, fat, carbohydrates), minerals and vitamins daily. Thanks to this, they will grow up healthy, cheerful and smart. How to properly organize feeding of children under one year old? Let's look into this issue that interests all conscious parents.

Types of nutrition for children under one year old

There are three types of feeding of children under one year: natural, artificial and mixed. Each of them has its own diet. Let's look at the features different types menu for newborns. General schemes are given for healthy infants. In case of violations of food consumption norms, the doctor determines.

Natural feeding

A breastfed baby from 0 to 6 months receives only breast milk. According to WHO recommendations, after this age, solid foods (complementary foods) are gradually introduced into his diet. The share of breast milk in the daily volume of food decreases, but remains high. Famous children's doctor E.O. Komarovsky insists that introducing complementary foods at an earlier period is inappropriate.

When breastfeeding, most experts recommend feeding the baby freely, that is, at his request. This approach allows you to maintain lactation at the required level. After 2-3 months, even in the case of free feeding, a flexible feeding schedule for the newborn is established: meals occur at intervals of 2-2.5 hours.

Artificial feeding

At artificial feeding the child receives an adapted milk formula. Breast milk may be present in his menu, but small quantity– up to 20% of the total food volume.

Artificial feeding requires adherence to a clear feeding schedule with certain intervals between meals. E.O. Komarovsky reminds that they must be aged, since the mixture is digested more slowly than mother's milk.

Mixed feeding

The need for mixed feeding arises when the mother produces breast milk, but it is not enough for the baby. The deficiency is compensated with the help of artificial mixtures.

The share of mother's milk during mixed feeding is more than 20% of the daily diet. The feeding regimen for this type of nutrition depends on the level of lactation in the mother. If the basis of the diet is breast milk, then the schedule approaches free. If the mixture predominates, feeding occurs by the hour.

How to calculate the amount of food needed?

First 7-10 days

Calculation of the daily volume of formula or breast milk for children in the first 7-10 days of life is carried out in one of two ways:

  1. Zaitseva's formula. It is necessary to multiply the child’s body weight at birth by the number of days of his life and find 2% of this number. The result will be the required amount of food per day.
  2. Finkelstein formula. To determine the daily amount of milk or formula for a child weighing less than 3.2 kg, you should multiply his age in days by 70. If the baby weighs less than 3.2 kg, you need to find the product of the number of his days of life and 80.

Regardless of the formula used, the resulting daily volume must be divided by the number of feedings. This way you can find out the amount of milk or formula sufficient for one meal.

Over 7-10 days

To calculate the volume of nutrition for a newborn older than 7-10 days to 12 months, the Geibener and Cherny method or volumetric method is used. Geibener and Cherny's method allows you to find the required total amount of liquid per day, including formula, milk, water, juice, tea, and so on. This takes into account the child’s weight and age. The main recommendations are presented in the table.

For example, a baby at 3 months weighs 5.2 kg. He needs 5200÷6=867 ml of milk or formula per day. This indicator should be divided by the number of meals. The total volume of liquid should not exceed 1 liter in 24 hours.

IN modern conditions The technique according to Geibener and Cherny is rarely used, since it is not designed for children with increased body weight, of whom more and more people are being born recently. The volumetric method is considered more rational.

Food consumption standards, depending on the child’s age, are shown in the table.

Introduction of complementary foods

There are special WHO instructions that contain information on the sequence of introducing solid foods into the diet of children in the first year of life. Recommendations broken down by month are presented below.

Porridge must be boiled in water. Starting from 6 months, you should add to purees and porridges vegetable oil. For the first time, it is recommended to limit yourself to 1 drop, gradually increasing the volume to 1 teaspoon. Butter is introduced into the diet at 7 months. The initial dose is 1 g, the average is 10 g. It is advisable to add it to ready-made porridges.

The given complementary feeding scheme is relevant for breastfed children. If the child receives formula, then solid food can be introduced from 5 months, since his body needs vitamins and minerals for normal development. The same table is used, but all rows are shifted by month.

Detailed information on how to feed your baby “adult” foods can be found in the table. All recommendations are general character. Before introducing complementary foods, you should consult your pediatrician.

ProductTermQuantityDishes for starting complementary feeding
VegetablesWith normal or overweight from 6 (sometimes from 5-5.5) months.Puree from 1 white or green vegetable.
PorridgeWith normal or overweight body weight from 6-7 months. If the weight is insufficient, then they are introduced at 4-5 months.Initial - ½ teaspoon. Maximum – 100-200 g.Gluten-free cereals cooked in water - buckwheat, rice, corn, oatmeal. After introducing each porridge separately, you can cook cereal mixes.
Vegetable oil6 monthsInitial – 3-5 drops. Maximum – 1 teaspoon.Sunflower, corn, olive oil. They should be added to pureed vegetables or meat.
Butter7 Initial – 1/3 teaspoon. Maximum – 10-20 g.Qualitative butter without plant components should be added to vegetable purees and porridges.
Fruits8 Initial - ½ teaspoon. Maximum – 100-200 g.Monopure of soft fruits. Gradually you can make multi-component dishes.
Meat8 Initial - ½ teaspoon. Maximum – 50-100 g.Puree from one component - rabbit, turkey, veal, beef.
Yolk8 Initial - 1/4 teaspoon. Maximum – ½ yolk of a chicken egg.You need to boil the egg and add the chopped yolk to the puree or porridge.
Dairy products*9 Initial - ½ teaspoon. Maximum – 150-200 g.Children's yogurt, kefir or biolact. After 10 months, you can introduce foods with fillers (we recommend reading:).
Cottage cheese*9 Initial - ½ teaspoon. Maximum – 50 g.Children's cottage cheese in pure form. From 10 months it should be supplemented with fruit puree.
Children's cookies9-10 Initial – 1/3 cookies. Maximum – 5 pieces.
FishThe average period of introduction is 10 months (we recommend reading:). If the child has a tendency to allergies - 1 year.Initial - ½ teaspoon. The maximum is 60 g. It is worth feeding your baby fish 1-2 times a week.Low-fat fish varieties - river perch, hake, cod. It should be boiled or steamed and then pureed.
Juices10-12 Initial – 2-3 drops. Maximum – 100 ml.Clarified juices from green and white fruits.

*Note that the approach of Dr. E.O. Komarovsky regarding complementary feeding differs from WHO recommendations. He suggests starting your acquaintance with adult food with the help of sour milk - kefir and cottage cheese.

The new product should be given to the baby in the first half of the day. It is recommended to increase the amount very slowly, gradually bringing it up to the age norm and monitoring the reaction of the child’s body. A child should be introduced to one new dish per week. If an allergy or malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract occurs, the product should be removed from the menu.

Nutrition after a year

The baby's menu after 12 months includes all the main food groups. He no longer needs breast milk as food, which is why many mothers decide to stop lactation. However, it contains substances that are valuable for the baby, and there are still reasons to continue breastfeeding.

Lactation can be maintained even if the mother goes to work. The frequency of breastfeeding will decrease, but the baby will receive valuable elements. If there is a need to stop lactation, doctors advise not to do this during the child’s illness, when his body is weakened, as well as in the summer, since at this time there is a high probability of contracting an intestinal infection.

The diet of a baby at 1 year old does not differ from his menu at 11 months, but the portions are slightly larger (we recommend reading:). For breakfast and afternoon snacks, he should be fed porridge or pureed vegetables. Dinner and lunch should be filling. For dessert you can offer marmalade, marshmallows, marshmallows, and as a drink - water, tea, jelly, compote or fruit juice.
