Ready-made house projects in the minimalist style. Projects of private houses in the style of minimalism

Do you think minimalism is something rectangular, white or black, and a little empty? Not at all like that. The main idea it conveys is to use the surrounding space itself in design using clear and clean lines instead of filling it with numerous decorative elements. It's not that they are absent - there are few of them. They do not get lost in the mass of things, but focus attention on themselves.

A definition is often added to the word minimalism - Japanese, where it is pure form has existed for more than 5 centuries. In Europe, Scandinavians have always gravitated towards this trend, and in its current form it was developed in America in the 50s of the last century. This style easily and harmoniously fit into the life of Western civilization.

Elegant design country house

In European architecture, this direction rather reflects a new worldview, awakens imagination and makes it possible to express it in an objective sensation. A house in the style of minimalism - on one side there are straight, clear lines, on the other - contrasting colors and textures, interesting game with light and big windows, allowing the surrounding nature into the house.

1.The country house project in the photo perfectly combines concrete and wood, and the light pouring from the windows gives the whole structure a fantastic look

2. A cottage almost completely closed from the street, with panoramic windows facing the forest. Light finish artificial brick“lightens” the building, just like rectangular arches

3. Photo of a cottage on a slope. Its shape follows the relief, and the building seems to be a natural continuation of the landscape. The upward-pointing profile looks great against the backdrop of the surrounding mountains

Features of architecture - a house made of cubes

Despite the fact that a minimalist country house looks like a structure made of cubes, it always seems light - even floating above the ground. Almost every project contains pillars, rectangular columns. As a rule, they carry a functional load, supporting a porch, balcony or open terrace. In addition, the style is characterized by other interesting elements.

Flat roofs- they are equipped with a recreation area, a solarium, and sometimes winter Garden. True, in the Russian climate, such a roof requires special attention to waterproofing; snow accumulates on it, which needs to be cleared. However, it benefits in cost compared to expensive construction multi-slope structures.

Horizontal projections - individual parts of the house can protrude far beyond the border of the facade, forming blocks “suspended in the air”. These can be either living rooms or balconies.

An abundance of glass - large windows, vertical and horizontal, often merging entire glazed galleries. They are often tinted, are mirrored, and are included in general graphics building.

The design uses the entire color palette from snowy white to black, and always stands out individual elements Houses. If initially most projects were dominated by gray shades, then now there are purple, orange and even lemon ones.

4.The project contains all the typical elements of the minimalist style: external structures on supporting columns, panoramic glazing. Interestingly, the roof is made with a slight slope - this practical solution for the northern regions. Saturated blue tint makes the appearance of the house clear and fresh, and thoughtful lighting makes it fantastically beautiful.

5. Contrary to the prevailing opinion about the “cold” design of minimalism, a friendly cottage captivates with its friendly appearance. Just looking at it, you get a feeling of convenience and comfort surrounding its inhabitants. Uncharacteristic at first glance forged grilles in in this case organically complemented the project. By the way: minimalism does not reject tradition; combining new and old in one image makes life more interesting.

6. The project of an interesting cottage includes ground floor, partially cut into the slope. As a result, the elegant building is somewhat reminiscent of an old chalet in a new interpretation.

7. Amazingly harmonious fusion with the surrounding nature. A small country house seems to grow out of the ground, and the surrounding boulders support this impression

9. The design of a country house made of “glass” does not seem overly “explicit”, since the lower part of the building is skillfully covered by an inclined concrete entrance and a closed staircase

Interiors in minimalist style - 5 design principles

What turns an empty and devoid of imagination space into an elegant modern interior? Let's try to find the main thing that distinguishes them from each other.

1. Materials and color are the main components of the decor. In a room that is not filled with objects, they catch the eye, so the finish of all surfaces must be impeccable.

2. Niches, stairs, doors and window openings are part of the style; all structural details are equally important and participate in the construction of the overall graphic rhythm.

3. Places for storing things - they are carefully camouflaged under the walls. Fans of magnetic stickers on refrigerators and shirts on chairs can take a break. The aesthetics of minimalism does not tolerate diversity.

4. Islands of comfort - a bright colored lamp, a rug with a graphic pattern give home warmth and comfort. But there are few of them, and each of these items works to create a holistic image.

5. Increased attention to small details- a vase of flowers, a poster on the wall or a pillow on the sofa. In this design, arbitrary arrangement of souvenirs dear to the heart is not allowed. If there are many such objects, they form a single solid array.

10. The living room windows face west, and the setting sun brings a touch of comfort and softness to it. And on a cloudy day it is replaced by a lamp with flame-colored tongues.

11. An original lamp turns the bathroom into such a sweet, intimate place, and cream roses serve here as a detail no less important than the light stone countertop and snow-white sink.

12. The interior of the office would seem boring if it weren’t for the funny pillow and small souvenirs on the table. However, they are all chosen in contrasting black tones, and fresh flowers grow in strict gray pots.

Minimalist ideas and national character

“The East is the East, and the West is the West, and they will never come together,” said the classic English literature. But even in the East, Japanese culture, which gave birth to minimalism, is a unique phenomenon. If you look closely at modern interiors, a surprising amount is revealed design ideas, the sources for which were the Japanese principles of organizing space.

Residents of this country quickly transform a room with the help of bamboo structures - “fu suma”, adapting it at any time to a specific need. It is easy to perceive their similarity with the currently popular glazed interior partitions, is not it?

The second feature of the minimalist style is the absence of massive furniture. All furnishing elements were formed using numerous niches in the walls, ceilings and floors. They had different shape and size, were quite functional in nature and even proper names. The vertical ones served as a stand for flowers, scrolls (now books and disks), the horizontal ones were used as desk. The idea of ​​multi-level zoning of space, which is widespread today, was introduced from there at the beginning of the last century by the founders of today's design: Le Corbusier, Mackintosh and others.

15. In this photo there is a European-style living room, and the niches in the walls here are replaced by many pieces of furniture: a cabinet, a wardrobe, a dressing table.

The third feature of minimalism is panoramic glazing; it is present in almost every project. This is also a characteristic feature of eastern dwellings, people there have always felt like part of nature, the light shifts frame wall– and real nature: the sea, trees and sparkling Fuji become part of the residential building. This is a popular trend in the interior of European houses.

18. Laconicism and simplicity of furniture, unobtrusive colors, clear graphic lines create the effect of space, free for philosophical reflections about the eternal.

Note that, for all their conservatism, modern Eastern stylists assimilate some elements of Western culture. For example, the photo below shows a living room that could be imagined in any European home.

The main idea of ​​this architectural movement was formulated by the American-German architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. “Less is more” has become the credo of architectural minimalism.

Minimalism - embodies the need to highlight the most necessary and voluntary rejection of excesses for the sake of functionality. Ideality can be achieved by removing everything unnecessary. This direction in the modern world is becoming more and more in demand and popular.

House project plans in the minimalist style: characteristic features of the direction

Houses in the minimalist style are characterized by:

  • Exaggerated desire for simplicity.
  • Strict adherence to the basic rules of composition.
  • Predominance of natural materials.
  • Great attention to detail.
  • Correct proportions and lines.
  • Harmonious color scheme.
  • Lighting accents.
  • Predominance of light shades.
  • Focus on achieving good functionality.

House projects in the minimalist style (photos, diagrams, videos, sketches, drawings can be viewed in this section of the catalog) are distinguished by increased attention to the quality of the materials used. Naturalness is a priority, so wood, glass, stone or marble are provided. Coloring also takes place using natural colors. In this case, shade plays a more important role than color. Serious work with lighting takes place, creating light that is soft and diffused.

House plans in the minimalist style: how houses differ depending on the style trend

Minimalism as a movement is divided into several movements. Two-story or one-story houses in the minimalist style are designed taking into account the following trends:

  • Softminimalism. Soft, cozy, more warm option this style, which may include a cottage project in the minimalist style. The laconicism of these interiors is based on simplicity and the use of warmer colors, cozy textures, but involves the inclusion of interior elements and accessories that create an atmosphere of coziness and comfort in the home.
  • Ecominimalism. Typical house design in the style of minimalism ECO is the most fashionable trend. It is distinguished by natural, warm and environmentally friendly materials, which are not characteristic of “plastic” minimalism. Design of houses in the style of minimalism in its classical manifestation, which is provided ready-made projects private houses, does not include bright, cheerful colors of plastic chairs and armchairs. If you want to buy a house project (our prices are at the average market level for 2018) for turnkey implementation in a minimalist-eco style, it will be based on wood textures, wool, porcelain, natural stones, hides, glass, knitwear and plaster decorative type. This direction is a way of integrating nature into the space of a residential building. For an additional payment you can order your own original design.

If you look at any cottage project in this category, minimalism will not be 100% present in it. The selection criterion for us was compliance with the fundamental trends of this architectural direction.

We hope that among our architectural projects there will be exactly yours! If nothing matches your taste and needs, we can create a new home in a minimalist style for an additional cost. Thanks to this service, a layout of house projects in the minimalist style will be created that will in the best possible way meet your requirements. There may also be houses in the minimalist style in the chosen project. The basis for drawing up an estimate can be obtained by using the “” service.

Enjoy browsing and choosing!

The design of a house in the minimalist style is carried out in such a way that residents receive the maximum amount of free space, while each piece of furniture must perform its functions. The main task of this direction is considered to be simplicity in the house, as well as the effective organization of living space, when each of the items home furniture stands in its place.

Most often, the minimalist style is used in one-story buildings with a total area of ​​up to 200 m2. When creating the interior of a country house, choose the minimum number of colors and shades, shapes and textures of furniture. The most popular color combination of minimalism is considered to be a combination of shades of black and white.

General characteristics of the style

The style in question is characterized by an open plan. If there are partitions or partitions in the rooms, reconstruction is carried out to create additional free space. If it is impossible to dismantle load-bearing structures they are partially removed.

You can create a cozy and comfortable atmosphere in a country house by combining lighting. For example, to highlight the main and secondary zones, use a large chandelier and Spotlights. With colored lighting, you can quickly transform a simple room into a party room.

One of the main features of the minimalist style is the absence of small decorative interior items, as well as the use of correct geometric shapes. Furniture is selected rectangular, in some cases round-shaped products are used. All interior items should be plain, without curls or abstract patterns on the surface. Materials may include rare wood species, marble and other types of natural stone.

Most common shades

The interior of a house in the minimalist style involves the use of two primary colors, the third shade is used to focus attention on any object. The use of neutral tones here is kept to a minimum, the most popular color scheme A combination of black and white is considered. Beige, green, brown, gray are used as auxiliary shades.

Most residential premises are decorated in white, with white paint covering all surfaces: floors, walls, ceilings, and some pieces of furniture. Accent shades, such as beige or gray, are used to decorate small areas, neutral tones are evenly distributed over all other surfaces.

When building a house or cottage in a minimalist style, you must follow a few simple rules:

  • The foundation of a civil building must be monolithic.
  • For frame buildings All load-bearing elements of the walls should preferably be made of metal.
  • Enclosing structures and building walls are constructed from foam concrete. This material has good heat-insulating properties and puts minimal load on the foundation.
  • Despite the simplicity of the style and the need to use natural materials, two-story buildings require monolithic reinforced concrete floors.
  • a country house is finished warm, use is acceptable.

Subject to these rules, it is better to pave the courtyard of a country house with paving stones. The use of trees and flowers on the site will create the effect of unity with nature, but it is better to make the terrace from natural boards.

Structural features

The main feature of the style in question is the desire for convenience. The premises contain a minimum amount of furniture and other items, which will free up excess space. Soft colors are used to create the interior.

IN country houses and cottages designed in a minimalist style have simple, large windows. Most of them are located on the south side of the building, this will facilitate penetration sunlight into the house, which, in turn, will create a feeling of coziness and comfort.

For façade finishing, it is recommended to use only natural materials, for example, wooden lining. To decorate the base, natural or artificial ceramics or concrete are usually used. The facade of the building is made in soft colors; beige, green or gray colors are used to focus attention on individual details.

Materials for construction

When choosing materials for decorating any room in a house designed in a minimalist style, it is recommended to give preference only to natural products.

Here can be used:

  • fabric and leather;
  • wooden structures;
  • stone;
  • glass (frosted or transparent).

The possibility of combining natural materials with artificial ones, for example, wood and plastic, is not excluded. So that these combinations do not conflict with each other, it is advisable to think through the interaction of their surfaces. A rough finish goes well with a matte finish, a polished finish with a glossy one.

One-story house project

Architects, when designing buildings in the minimalist style, give preference to one-story houses With usable area up to 200 m?. Tall windows and the same doors are used here. The project provides a terrace, which is used as a relaxing place for all family members.

All houses or cottages usually consist of one main (bedroom, living room, children's room) and several auxiliary spaces that are used for household needs. For the latter, a separate extension may be provided. Here the boiler is installed, the equipment is laid out, which allows you to unload the living space.

Two-story house project

Such buildings are recommended to be used for big family, they will fit perfectly into the surrounding landscape design, will prove to be functional, cozy and practical. When drawing up projects two-story house It is necessary to provide several closed facades, but the front side of the building must be completely glazed.

During construction work It is advisable to use the same materials as for the construction of a one-story house. The selection of finishing products should be carried out before the installation of the building, which will create a harmonious connection of all structural elements. The foundation is monolithic reinforced concrete; natural tiles are most often used.

House projects

As we have already said, when creating cottages or country houses in the minimalist style, preference is given to simple one-story buildings.

At the design stage, it is necessary to take into account all the features of the future building:

  • number of storeys;
  • dimensions of the future house;
  • materials used;
  • functionality.

Single story buildings are different small in size, additional buildings are attached to them for storing equipment and other household items that have no place in residential premises. Two-storey house will ideal solution for a large family. When creating such projects, you can provide a place to relax, a terrace.

As the main material for construction load-bearing walls It is recommended to use foam block. The roof of the house is made of tiles or roofing materials. At the design stage Special attention need to be given convenient layout rooms.

Recently, it has become widespread frame houses, their utilitarianism corresponding to the spirit of minimalism.

Pros and cons of frame houses

The main advantages of these buildings include:

  • low cost (subject to the use of modern building materials, except laminated veneer lumber);
  • minimum construction time;
  • low cost of coolants due to the use of effective thermal insulation materials;
  • no shrinkage of the building during operation;
  • simplicity of finishing work.

As you can see, frame houses have a lot of positive characteristics, but such buildings also have disadvantages:

  • insufficient sound insulation of floors;
  • fragility;
  • high degree of fire hazard, possibility of damage to load-bearing structures by fungus and mold;
  • the need for professional drafting, which will avoid problems during the operation of the building in the future.

Japanese minimalism

Modern styles that come to us from other cultures are slightly different from standard architectural and design solutions. For example, Japanese minimalism does not use plastic. Paper, wood and stone come first here.

Distinctive features of this design are:

  • careful planning of free space ;
  • use of small furniture;
  • interior partitions are made of paper or wood;
  • use of beige, pink-brown, cherry, black tones in the interior.

Scandinavian minimalism

This style is somewhat different from the previous one. Here, instead of small, sometimes “floating in the air” furniture, massive objects are used. The facades of buildings are finished with wood or stone products, interior the simplest forms are present.

To create beautiful and cozy interior white color is used. Auxiliary shades are yellow and blue, burgundy, green and red. Lamps here are used to uniformly illuminate the main areas; diffused light is transmitted to surrounding objects due to reflective surfaces and stained glass.

Minimalism is a style of lightness and freedom, simplicity and convenience. Natural light, excess space and white colors are his distinctive features. But in order not to turn the interior into hospital ward, you need to be able to dilute the sterility of minimalism with bright accents.

Useful video about minimalism style

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Houses in the minimalist style: features and 4 interesting directions

Minimalist style homes are becoming popular. The main meaning of minimalism lies in project construction, where conciseness reigns, as well as maximum functionality. The style does not accept clutter of details, massiveness, excesses and pretentiousness, but implies the use of simplicity and spontaneity. Let's understand this in more detail.


House designs in a minimalist style, as a rule, do not introduce expensive finishing, but always embody restraint, expressiveness and effectiveness. Such cottages gracefully fit into the surrounding nature.

The minimalism style has certain features that are similar to the loft or hi-tech trends:

  1. Laconic finishing.
  2. Large-scale glazing.
  3. Spacious interior layout.
  4. The predominance of regular lines and strict forms - mostly they are all straight.
  5. A small range of colors and shades.

Modern houses are very different from the usual and traditional buildings. First of all, their appearance stands out.

Architectural features

If we consider the architectural features, it will be quite difficult to choose just one. They can be found at home in the form of:

  • An elongated parallelepiped.
  • Large cube.
  • Uniform pyramid.

Architectural minimalism manifests itself at different levels; ledges and niches are arranged. Asymmetry is also actively used. A striking feature is the outdoor terraces.

Construction and finishing materials

Houses in the minimalist style are quite demanding when it comes to finishing materials. Both natural and artificial materials:

  • Metal.
  • Stone.
  • Concrete.
  • Glass.

Walls are often erected using brick, concrete finishing and steel structures frame type. May in modern construction use aerated concrete and ceramic blocks. The choice of material depends on the location of the house and the climatic characteristics of a particular area.

The roof is made of corrugated sheets and PVC membranes; they most closely correspond to minimalism.

Window frames

Windows play an important role in minimalism. Modern projects often include panoramic windows. Designers use glass in partitions and even walls. More expensive designs may have glass roofs.

Distinctive features window openings minimalism style:

  • Non-standard sizes.
  • No or minimal jumpers.
  • Rectangular windows. Others cannot meet geometric shapes, it is unacceptable.
  • There are completely no shutters, any grilles, new-fangled stained glass windows, as well as other decorative elements.

The absence of decorative elements on the windows of the house is not the most good option, if your home is located in a crowded area. In minimalism, preference is given to tinted glass. You can also purchase roller shutters.

Color spectrum

Minimalism is characterized by muted shades that are as close as possible to natural, that is, natural colors. The main color palette is considered to be:

  • Beige.
  • Sand.
  • Woody.
  • Dark green.

White and gray colors are recognized as the basis of minimalism. They are found in every project. Colors can be combined with each other, but, as a rule, no more than three colors are used. I note that the use of bright colors and rich contrasting combinations will be considered bad form.

Minimalism style: 4 directions

Many people say that minimalism is cold and austere. Despite this, it firmly and fairly quickly gained a foothold in the style trends of a country house.

The rapprochement with comfort and warmth allowed two new trends to emerge at once:

  • Software
Photo Description
Direction 1. Soft minimalism

These are the softest and most beautiful lines, with color shades. Different textures are actively used. The style is quite warm.

There is also a lack of decorative elements; houses are built in restrained forms. The following can be used as finishing:

  • stones,
  • wood,
  • plaster,
  • plastic,
  • metal.

It is worth considering that finishing materials should have an imitation of natural texture.

The main color scheme revolves around beige and sand, white.

Direction 2. Eco-minimalism

Natural and environmentally friendly finishing and building materials are actively used.

Natural stones, wood, and ceramics are used to decorate the house. Wooden houses are quite common in this direction.

If the owner’s budget allows, then install solar panels.

The main colors of this style trend are all shades of white, beige, gray, blue, light green and emerald.

Direction 3. Scandinavian style

This is a certain ethnic style, which actively uses bold contrasting combinations.

The use of variegated and bright colors is allowed.

Direction 4. Japanese minimalism

The simplest forms are found. Monochrome finishes are often used.

The residential building is compact. Houses are always rectangular in shape.

The colors used are mainly natural shades: wood, white, dark gray. The arrangement of the building necessarily involves the installation of lighting.

The direction of Japanese minimalism is quite rare in modern construction. This may be due to the low level of familiarity with this style.

Features of interior decoration

A wide variety of materials can be used as finishing materials:

  • WPC panels.
  • Profiled sheeting.
  • Plaster.
  • Planken.
  • Textured panels.

Choice building material depends solely on your preferences and financial capabilities. Materials can easily be combined in color and texture.

Internal layout

The living room is always considered the main and central place of the house. Minimalism was no exception. You can get into the living room directly from the doorstep of the house or through the kitchen. A living room in a minimalist style should have space, a minimum amount of furniture, a fireplace and a large aquarium.

Also on the ground floor there is a kitchen and dining room. Often this is a combined room. Classic version includes a terrace accessible through glass doors in the kitchen. It’s good if you can arrange a swimming pool and a relaxation area on the terrace.

The second floor should consist only of bedrooms. The number of rooms depends on the number of residents.

The arrangement and construction of an attic is allowed for houses in the minimalist style. It can become a full-fledged lounge, office or guest bedroom. Exit to the terrace or winter garden also refers to minimalism.

In minimalism, one-story houses are extremely rare, but such options can be built. To maintain style, it is important not to deviate from the requirements for color, shape and materials.

For interior design important to use modern furniture made from natural wood. Upholstery upholstered furniture should also be made from natural materials.

Furniture should be:

  • Functional.
  • Convenient.
  • Practical.
  • Elegant.

For walls it is better to choose light colors, but flooring It’s better to choose something contrasting. A brown wood floor looks harmonious with light plaster on the wall, ceramic tile, natural laminate gray. It is extremely rare to purchase linoleum, but it is practically incompatible with the minimalist style.

The use of different textures and bright colors is practically unacceptable. The color scheme consists of gray, brown, cream and white shades.

Quite often marble is found in interior design. It is good to use it in the bathroom and kitchen. Marble tiles can also be used by the pool, in the hallway.

  • It is desirable that the decoration of walls and floors include the use of natural wood, wood or plaster.
  • Minimalism requires the use of abundant glazing. Look good glass partitions. If desired, they can be decorated with various materials.
  • The rooms are different high ceilings and wide area.
  • Choose tall and massive lamps; they will also visually emphasize the height of the walls.

Correctly styled accents will allow you to create lighting. It would be good if it was located on different levels. For this purpose they are used plasterboard ceilings, niches in the walls, spot lighting. Minimalism means round and flat chandeliers, as well as wall sconces.


Houses in the minimalist style are unique structures that are in harmony with nature. Such houses easily fit into any landscape projects. The facade of a house can be very diverse, but the use of natural materials is considered the most correct and harmonious.

Interior space, direct sunlight, and lack of pretentiousness will allow you to create a wonderful country house project. Have you already come up with your own project in the style of minimalism? Share your impressions in the comments, and don't forget to watch the video in this article.

February 11, 2018

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Minimalism in architecture has recently become increasingly popular. Its main idea is functionality and conciseness, rejection of excesses, clutter of details, and pretentiousness. Some people find it too cold and uncomfortable, while others, on the contrary, appreciate it for its originality and simplicity. Houses in the minimalist style do not require expensive finishing, but at the same time they always look impressive and expressive, and also fit perfectly into the natural landscape.

Minimalism has a lot in common with styles such as hi-tech and loft:

  • the predominance of straight, strict lines and regular forms;
  • brevity in decoration;
  • large glazing area;
  • restrained color scheme;
  • spacious interior layout.

Such houses are very different from traditional residential buildings in their appearance, and therefore they are chosen mainly by people who are creative, self-confident, not prone to hoarding and who value personal space. Despite the laconicism of the buildings, the development of projects requires an impeccable sense of style and high skill from the architect - without this it will not be possible to create an attractive atmosphere in such a structure.


IN architectural plan these houses are very diverse. There are structures in the form of large cubes, elongated parallelepipeds, complex structures from several modules. Buildings are characterized by different levels, the presence of niches and projections, and asymmetry. Roofs are most often flat or gable without overhangs and are also asymmetrical. The presence of open terraces is welcome, and they can be located on several sides of the house or encircle it narrow tape. The foundation is usually low; if there is a base, it has a discreet, monochromatic finish.


Traditionally, minimalism combines natural and artificial materials - wood, concrete, glass, stone, metal. Brick is widely used for the construction of walls, concrete blocks, frame steel structures, as well as aerated concrete and ceramic blocks. Decoration Materials are also quite varied: for external cladding planken is used, composite panels, artificial and natural stone, ceramic tiles, corrugated sheets. In most projects, these materials are combined with white or light plaster. For roofing, the most common option is PVC membranes and corrugated sheets.


How larger area glazing, the better. Many projects include panoramic windows, glass partitions and walls; there are options with glazed gables and roofs. If these are simple windows, then they should be larger in size than standard ones, with a minimum number of lintels, or even without them at all. The shape of the windows is only rectangular, no arches, round or shaped openings. There are also no platbands, shutters, figured grilles, stained glass windows or any other decor. The maximum that is allowed is the tinting of windows from the sun and the presence of roller shutters.

Color design

Minimalism is characterized by muted colors that are close to natural: warm wood, sand, beige, dark green. But the basis of the palette is white and gray, which are present in almost every project. The colors are combined in various options, as a rule, 2-3 shades in one house, although monochrome finishes are also often found. Bright colors and contrasting combinations are unacceptable here, even as an accent.

Varieties of minimalism

The ideas of minimalism very quickly gained popularity, but even many supporters of the style consider it too strict and cold. Thanks to attempts to make it more comfortable, two directions emerged at once - soft minimalism and eco-minimalism.

Soft minimalism is characterized by softer lines, warm tones and pleasant textures. There are still the same restrained forms and lack of decor, but the house seems much cozier and more attractive. The decoration is dominated by wood, stone and plaster in the most different combinations, as well as metal and plastic with imitation of natural textures. basis color palette are beige, sand and white colors, which are shaded in dark gray and dark brown.

Eco-minimalism involves the use of natural, environmentally friendly pure materials for the construction and finishing of houses. The basis is natural stone and wood various breeds, but complement them decorative plaster, ceramics, glass. Solar panels are often installed on the roofs of such houses and green lawns are created. Buildings in the style of eco-minimalism are in perfect harmony with the surrounding landscape, and the color scheme additionally includes delicate shades of emerald, light green, and soft blue.

There are two more interesting types of style - Scandinavian and Japanese minimalism. They fully comply with the general concept, but at the same time have unique ethnic features. IN Scandinavian minimalism The presence of variegated elements and more contrasting combinations is allowed; wood of various textures predominates in the decoration. Because of this scandinavian houses seem more comfortable even in such an ascetic design.

Minimalism in Japanese is characterized by very simple forms and monochrome finish. Residential buildings are very compact, correct rectangular shape. Zoning is done using wood paneling, glass partitions, metal slatted trim. Colours: white, dark grey, all shades of wood. When arranging such buildings, an important role is played by lighting, which is mounted along the perimeter of openings, eaves overhangs, and the lower part of the walls.

Decorating a house in a minimalist style

For finishing in a minimalist style, you can use a wide variety of materials: planken, WPC panels, corrugated sheets, plaster, textured fiber-reinforced concrete panels and others. The choice depends only on your financial capabilities and preferences. One of the most practical options is a combination of concrete surface and wood cladding.

An example of a combination of wooden paneling with plastered surfaces

Majority residential buildings It is built from brick or blocks, and not from concrete, so to get the desired texture, you need to choose a finish that imitates concrete. Thanks to the diversity modern materials, this will not be difficult to do. As an example, let’s look at the façade cladding with Knauf cement aquapanels and finishing concrete plaster.

Cement board "Aquapanel". Outdoor

Facade cement panels are a ready-made basis for any finishing. They are used in the construction of ventilated facades and are distinguished by a perfectly flat surface, so that the walls do not need to be carefully leveled before painting or plastering. These panels are mesh reinforced sheets with a core of Portland cement and light mineral filler.

Technical characteristics of aqua panels

Concrete plaster is very often used for finishing in minimalist, hi-tech and loft styles. It is excellent for outdoor use, as it is resistant to moisture and has high frost resistance. The most popular brands: Loft-Beton, Novacolor, Concret Art, Prof Decor.

Preparatory stage

The first step is to dismantle the gutters, cornices, trims, facade decor, if there is. After this, the walls are inspected for damage and the quality of the old coating is checked. If the house has been plastered and there are no visible defects on the surface, you need to lightly tap the plaster with a hammer: ringing sound– the coating is strong and reliable, dull – everything needs to be cleaned and plastered again. Masonry joints must be treated with a steel brush to identify possible voids.

Next, the detected defects are eliminated using cement mortar: embroider and seal cracks, fill empty seams, recesses and chips on the surface. Small protrusions and tubercles can be easily removed with a grinder and a grinding attachment. After the repair solution has dried, the walls are cleaned of dust and a primer is applied. If the walls absorb too quickly, you will have to prime in 2-3 layers to ensure high-quality protection from exposure to moisture.

Installation of sheathing

Aquapanels are attached to the lathing, so there is no need to additionally level the walls with plaster. After the primer layer has dried, you can immediately begin installing the guides. Suitable for lathing: metal profiles, so wooden beam. When choosing the second option, make sure that the lumber has no serious defects and is well dried.

Step 1. At the corner of the wall, mark a vertical line using a plumb line and mark on it the attachment points for the guides every 40 cm. The same markings are made on the opposite corner of the wall.

Step 2. Holes are drilled according to the markings, dust is blown out, and dowels are inserted. Next, apply the first beam to the wall, attach it with self-tapping screws, and align it vertically, using wooden pads if necessary. After making sure that the beam is positioned correctly, fix it with self-tapping screws until it stops. The second corner beam is also mounted.

Step 3. A cord is pulled along the top and bottom edges between the corner guides to make it easier to align the remaining elements of the sheathing. The intermediate beams are attached in increments of 50 cm. Having completed the installation of the sheathing, check the verticality of the structure again to avoid distortions of the sheathing.

Fastening panels

To install aqua panels you will need galvanized screws, a level, a screwdriver, and mounting spacers 3-5 mm thick. You can cut the material with a jigsaw, circular saw and even assembly knife, since the panels are cut quite easily.

Step 1. The first panel is applied widthwise to the sheathing from the corner, leveled along the bottom edge, then horizontally. Screw it to the beams with self-tapping screws in increments of 25 cm - first fasten it in the center, then move to the edges.

Step 2. When installing the second panel, be sure to leave a gap of 3 to 5 mm wide; for convenience, you can insert a piece of wooden slats of appropriate thickness. All subsequent panels are attached in exactly the same way.

Installation of aquapanel sheets

Advice. If the last sheet needs to be cut, lay it on a flat surface, mark the cut line with a pencil, apply a level or a straight edge to it and draw it with force with the tip of a knife. Having cut the reinforcing layer on the front side, the panel is broken along the resulting edge and the mesh is cut on the back side.

Step 3. The installation of the second row begins. The vertical seams in the covering should not match, so the first panel should be cut in half. Spacers are placed between the top and bottom panels so that the width of the seams remains the same over the entire area.

Step 4. Near the openings, the panels are fastened end-to-end with the window frames and window sill. The material must fit snugly on the cuts; the presence of through gaps at the openings is unacceptable.

Step 5. Having completed the wall covering, they begin to seal the seams with a plaster-adhesive mixture (for example, Bolars ARMIBOND, Osnovit Kaverplix, KNAUF-Sevener). The dry composition is diluted in water, thoroughly mixed with a mixer and applied with a spatula along the seams. The solution is applied in a thick layer, pressing into the gaps between the panels, and the excess is removed.

Step 6. Take reinforcing fiberglass mesh with cells 3.5x3.5 mm, cut it into strips 7-8 cm wide and put on top of the solution so that the seam is located in the center of the strip. Next, again scoop up the solution with a spatula, apply it to the mesh and distribute it in an even layer, rubbing it thoroughly over the surface. The recesses from the screw heads are also sealed a small amount glue.

Step 7 The corners of the facade, as well as door and window openings, are reinforced with a special corner with a mesh: a solution is applied to the corner on both sides, a corner is placed on top, leveled and pressed into the glue, and the mesh is pressed and smoothed with a spatula.

Step 8 Finally, the adhesive solution is applied continuously. thin layer over the entire surface of the skin. Since the solution dries quickly, it is most convenient to process the wall in squares. The glue is applied, leveled, a reinforcing mesh is placed on top and smoothed with a spatula from the center to the edges, recessing the mesh into the solution by 1/3 of the layer thickness. Adjacent pieces of mesh must be overlapped by several centimeters.

After the surface has dried, the walls are treated with a grater and emery cloth. This will eliminate minor irregularities, drips, and marks from the spatula. Then the dust is swept away with a brush and the façade is coated with a primer.

Video - AQUAPANEL: sealing joints and applying a base reinforcing layer


This stage is the most creative, and therefore requires maximum effort and accuracy. The finished surface should have a texture, color and shallow relief characteristic of concrete. Imitation of roughly processed or aged concrete is inappropriate here; this texture is more suitable for the loft style.

Step 1. Cooking plaster mixture: Mix the dry ingredients with water in the proportions indicated on the package, mix the mixture with a mixer at low speed until smooth.

Step 2. Scoop the mixture onto a spatula and spread it over the wall. even layer. The thickness of application is equal to the thickness of the filler grain. The spatula is kept at the same angle to the surface at all times and the solution is distributed with the same force. Try not to leave marks from the tool and not to return to areas that have already been traversed.

Step 3. When the base layer dries, mix a new portion of the solution and distribute it over the surface in the same way. As soon as the mass begins to set, take a plastic or metal grater and form a texture by vigorously rubbing the plaster in a circular motion.

Step 4. After drying, the coating is treated with fine-grained sandpaper, cleaned of dust and coated with a special varnish for stone or a water repellent.

As a result of this treatment, the walls will look like polished concrete, which is fully consistent with the minimalist style. For contrast, you can highlight the front area in white by painting the surface. If the house is large, there may be several such zones, the main thing is that the selected zones have a strict rectangular shape.

Video – Houses in minimalist style

Video - Facade cladding with cement panels
