A one-year-old child sits with a round back. Why does a person have a round back and how to fix it? Corrective measures

Every third Russian child today has problems with posture. They can be more or less pronounced, accompanied by additional symptoms or proceed almost unnoticed, but they are all quite dangerous and require mandatory correction. In this article we will talk about what types of postural disorders exist and what correction will be most effective.

What it is?

Postural disorders are considered to be any changes in the position of the spine relative to the physiological norm. The spine can be deformed both in the frontal plane and in the sagittal plane. The frontal plane is considered to be the rear view, and the sagittal plane is the side view. There are both disorders in a separate plane and combined disorders, the pathological signs of which are found in two planes at once.

When the vertebrae are in an unnatural position, a large force is placed on them and on the muscles and ligaments that are required to hold the spinal column in a stable vertical position. To maintain the necessary balance, the muscles are in constant tension, which leads to pain and discomfort.

Incorrect posture is not considered an independent disease, it is only a pathological condition that needs correction, correction. In the vast majority of cases, the problem is fixable.

If you ignore the first changes in the state of the musculoskeletal system, this can cause a variety of unpleasant consequences - the occurrence of irreversible deformations, displacement and compression internal organs, violations of their functions.

A long-term and advanced problem with the spine increases the likelihood of spinal column injuries, fractures, displacements, spina bifida, etc. Statistics from the Ministry of Health, current at the beginning of 2018, state that various types of postural disorders occur in approximately 2% of young children.

IN preschool age up to 17% of children suffer from them; at middle school age, the number of such children increases to 33%, and at high school age - up to 65%. This suggests that during the growth of bone tissue, the deformation tends to become aggravated if correction is not carried out in time.


Since postural disorders can be observed in two planes, it is also customary to classify them according to this type. Frontal disorders include scoliosis and scoliotic posture.

The list of sagittal deformities is much wider. These include:

  • flat back (a condition in which all vertebrae are flattened);
  • lumbar lordosis (pathological forward curve of the spine in the lumbar region);
  • cervical lordosis (bending of the cervical spine);
  • thoracic kyphosis (concave back);
  • round back (combination of increased thoracic kyphosis with smoothing of lumbar lordosis);
  • slouch;
  • kypholordotic posture (increase in all curves of the spine).

Any type of postural disorder has several degrees of severity.

  • In the first case, the violations are usually initial and can be easily corrected.
  • The second degree, as a rule, requires a longer and more painstaking approach to treatment, but in most cases it can also be managed using conservative methods.
  • The third degree of violation is more serious; it is not always subject to conservative treatment; sometimes surgical methods are required.
  • The fourth degree very often requires not only surgery, but also the establishment of disabled status for the child.

IN childhood up to 10 years of age, disorders of 1-2 degrees are most common; at middle school age and in adolescents, disorders of 2-3 degrees are more often found. According to doctors, this is due to the fact that in more early age An accurate diagnosis was not carried out, so the mild degree of the disorder went unnoticed.

Let's look at the most common types of deformations.

Scoliotic posture

This disorder differs from scoliosis in that there is no deformation in the pelvic area. Most often, curvature occurs only in one part of the spinal column and only in one plane - the frontal one. Visually, the child may have a slight asymmetry of the shoulders - one is higher than the other. With scoliotic posture, changes are visible mainly only in the vertical position of the body. When the child lies down, his spine is straight, the curvature is not visible.

A small degree of scoliotic posture essentially does not require treatment; it is enough to more often focus the child’s attention on the need to keep the back straight, and also conduct exercises on the horizontal bar (hanging bar). The third degree of this posture corresponds to the initial stages of scoliosis and requires treatment.

Kyphotic posture

In medicine, kyphosis is usually understood as a curvature in the thoracic spine. Kyphotic posture is a condition that usually precedes kyphosis itself. At the same time, the child tilts his head forward too much, his shoulders are also lowered forward, his shoulder blades stick out like wings, which gives the back a rounded shape.

Poor posture of this type definitely needs correction. If alarming symptoms are ignored, an independent disease develops, for example, positional kyphosis. The poor posture described above is its very initial stage.

The danger of this type of deformation is obvious - the chest bends inward, the lungs and heart suffer, and a hump may begin to grow. Osteochondrosis gradually develops.

Round back

Thoracic kyphosis (bending into the chest) with this disorder is very pronounced, but the bend in the lumbar region, characteristic of all people, is almost absent. The back looks like it is rounded, slightly humpbacked. But an outwardly unsightly appearance is not so bad, because this position of the spine is extremely unstable. Due to the need to maintain balance, the child begins to walk on bent legs, which increases the load on the knee joints tenfold.

Even 20-30 years ago, this type of disorder was rare in childhood. Now, when children spend more time at home, at the computer, and move less, it is this pathology of the spine that has taken a leading position and is almost “on par” with scoliosis.

Round-concave back

With this pathology, all the curves of the spinal column, which are caused by nature and are necessary for moving in space on foot, are smoothed out. Therefore, in children with a round-concave back, their gait changes dramatically - in order to maintain balance, they have to place the center of gravity on the knee joints, which already in adolescence leads to knee injuries, severe changes in the structure of the knee joint, as well as its premature wear.

The shoulders of a child with such a crooked back are raised and brought slightly forward, the shoulder blades stick out, the stomach and buttocks sag, and when walking, his head is always slightly in front of the body. Depending on the degree of poor posture, treatment is prescribed, which, by the way, is quite effective.

Flat back

This is the name for a disorder of the spine, in which the vertebrae more closely resemble a straight line - all bends are excessively smoothed and reduced. Quite often, such a back is observed in children who are lagging behind in physical development and those who grow too quickly. In the first case, the muscular frame of the back is weak, and in the second, it does not keep up with the growth rate of bone tissue.

This danger is not correct posture lies in the constant risk of injury and microtrauma to the vertebrae and spinal cord, since natural shock absorption, even during normal walking, is significantly reduced. Such children often complain of headaches and nausea, this is due to microscopic injuries to the vertebrae.

This type of pathological posture is considered one of the most dangerous; with it, any accompanying deviations in the condition of the spine become intense and occur very quickly, be it scoliosis or osteochondrosis of one of the parts of the ridge. Treatment is needed immediately.

There are other varieties, for example, a flat-concave back, the so-called “flaccid posture,” but they are less common. In addition, there are congenital forms of spinal deformity associated with diseases such as myelodysplasia of the lumbosacral spine, the presence of additional vertebrae or the absence of some of them. Some forms of poor posture are hereditary in nature - a stooped father and a stooped mother rarely raise a child as slender as a cypress. In most cases, the child also slouches.

Curvatures can be traumatic and post-traumatic, arising after injury to the spine and muscles, as well as pathological. Pathological refers to violations of posture that became possible as a result of the body’s reaction (in particular, the vertebrae) to the presence of a disease or tumor.

The mechanism of any type of disorder is approximately the same: weakness of muscles that cannot hold rapidly growing bone tissue, accompanying unfavorable factors from the outside and from the inside, deformations that become increasingly difficult for weak muscles to hold. It turns out to be a vicious circle, which doctors, parents and teachers can break, because most cases of anomalies can be easily corrected.


As already mentioned, the causes of spinal column deformities can be either congenital or acquired. The latter predominate. Even during the development of the fetus in the mother's womb, irregular vertebrae, for example, wedge-shaped ones, can form. Congenital causes may lie in myotonia, connective tissue dysplasia.

Some birth injuries can also affect the child’s back in the future - hip dislocation, torticollis, subluxation of the first cervical vertebra during the birth process.

Acquired forms of poor posture most often affect thin children of asthenic body type (narrow chest, sloping shoulders, long limbs, narrow pelvis). But the point, as you understand, is not in the physique, but in the development of the child and external factors that affect his posture.

The most common causes of spinal disorders are:

  • poor and irregular nutrition, calcium and vitamin D deficiency;
  • low physical activity, lack of mobility;
  • improper seating at the table;
  • sitting for a long time in an incorrect position in front of a computer monitor or TV;
  • carrying a satchel or bag in the same hand;
  • low chair and high table or vice versa;
  • insufficient lighting of the child’s workplace, where he writes, reads, draws;
  • habit of reading while lying down.

At a very early age, parents themselves sometimes create the prerequisites for the development of postural disorders in the child. Thus, pediatricians believe that deformities of the ridge are greatly facilitated by carrying the baby on the same arm, early placement of it in verticalizing devices (jumpers and walkers), and on its legs. Subsequently, mothers do not attach any importance to the fact that they take their child for a walk all the time holding the same hand. All this, repeated day after day, forms persistent deformations of the ridge.

There are a number of diseases and conditions that also contribute to the subsequent development of curvature and smoothing of the vertebrae. These include:

  • rickets;
  • polio;
  • tuberculosis;
  • vertebral fractures, including compression fractures;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • flat feet;
  • shortening of one of the lower limbs.

Often, poor posture develops in children who have poor vision or poor hearing. In order to see or hear something, they often have to take unnatural poses, which are gradually “fixed” at the level of muscle memory.

Symptoms and signs

Signs of poor posture in a child are not always easy to notice with the naked eye at the initial stage. Usually parents begin to pay attention to this already when the clinical picture becomes obvious. This fact is a good reason to look at your child more closely. His posture should be assessed when the child is standing. Only in a standing position do some forms of pathological changes appear, which will not be completely obvious if the baby is sitting or lying down.

Slouching is the easiest to determine. With it, the child's head moves slightly forward, and the shoulders are also directed forward, like a person hugging himself by the shoulders. The buttocks look flat. On the back, you can pay attention to the protruding shoulder blades, their protruding lower edge is especially noticeable.

Kyphotic posture is manifested by a displacement of the head forward and slightly downward, a strong protrusion of the shoulder blades, as well as a strong rotation of the shoulders forward. The chest looks sunken, which creates the feeling that a vertebra in the neck area is protruding. The child walks on bent legs. The muscle tone of all muscle groups is noticeably reduced, this is noticeable in the condition of the abs: even in thin children, the tummy “hangs” somewhat.

Such symptoms are characteristic of many types of disorders of the spine in the thoracic and lumbar region, and therefore it is very, very difficult to independently distinguish kyphotic posture from kypholordotic one - only doctors can do this based on X-ray data. But an accurate diagnosis is not required from parents. In fact, it is only important to pay attention to the basic deviations and promptly, without delay, contact an orthopedic surgeon, who will determine the type and type of pathology and give specific recommendations.

Suspicion of asymmetrical posture should creep in if a child in a standing position with arms extended at the seams has different heights of shoulders, nipples and shoulder blades. The difference may be small, but it cannot be ignored.

Since any curvature in the spine causes excessive tension in the muscles and ligaments, the child often develops pain. True, it comes very gradually, and even the child himself may not pay attention to the pain for a long time. More often aching pain in the back appear after standing for a long time, the need to sit exactly in one place. The child may not complain, but adults should definitely check with him whether there is pain, if they notice that the child slouches while drawing or writing, if he often changes his body position while reading.

Poor posture, which has already caused complications in the functioning of internal organs, is often accompanied by symptoms characteristic of certain pathologies of these organs: when the volume of the chest decreases, it is more difficult for the child to take a deep breath, there is often a feeling of lack of air, headaches and dizziness may occur in the background. general hypoxia.

Oxygen starvation due to decreased mobility of the chest is usually caused by a stooped back, sunken and flat chest and other deformities in the thoracic spine. Severe and frequent headaches most often result from cervical deformities. Curvatures in the lumbar spine lead to numbness of the limbs and frequent diseases of the urinary system.

Typically, children with poor posture learn worse, they get tired faster, they have reduced attention and ability to remember and concentrate on important things, they are more likely to get the flu and ARVI, and viral diseases They quite often occur with complications on the respiratory system and heart. Often these children have a reduced level of hemoglobin in the blood.

When there is curvature and deformation in the lumbar region, the abdominal muscles are very weak, which causes the abdominal cavity to sag. The stomach and intestines shift and descend somewhat. In this case, the child begins to suffer from frequent constipation and other digestive problems. Pathological changes in the cervical vertebrae and vertebrae of the thoracic spine often lead to decreased vision.

The school physical education program is much more difficult for children with poor posture; they do not want to participate in sports sections not because of laziness or “another calling,” but because they get tired faster; for them, even active and active games in the yard can be quite difficult due to the rapid deterioration of well-being.


Emphasize on possible violations Parents can do it on their own, but only a doctor can determine the exact type. To do this, you need to contact an orthopedic surgeon in a children's clinic or a more rare specialist in Russian medical institutions - a vertebrologist (spine specialist).

The doctor will conduct a visual examination at the first visit. The child is undressed down to his underpants and T-shirt and placed in an upright position. It is important for the doctor to assess posture when viewed from the back, side and front. In addition to all the above signs of a pathological change in posture, others should also be revealed to the experienced eye of the doctor: diagnostic signs: displacement of the spinal processes from the central midline to either side, different outlines of the gluteal folds and popliteal cavities, as well as asymmetry of the costal arches. In doubtful cases, the doctor will use simple and understandable measurements: he will calculate the distance from the seventh cervical vertebra to the edge of the scapula, measure and compare the length of each leg.

Doctors also use the so-called Adams test. The child is asked to bend forward with his arms extended or lowered. This test allows the doctor to assess the state of the curves of the spinal column and the mobility of individual vertebrae. But even an experienced doctor with such a visual examination can make a mistake in the conclusion. Therefore, he will write down all the alarming signs that he discovers during the examination under a question mark and give directions for a more accurate diagnosis. This includes x-rays, MRI of the spine as a whole or a specific part of it, computed tomography, ultrasound of the cervical spine.

The results obtained will help determine the angles of curvature with an accuracy of one degree, see the presence or absence of torsion (twisting of the vertebrae), and microtrauma of the vertebrae, if any. Based on the results obtained, the doctor will be able to decide on treatment tactics or correction of incorrect posture.


Treatment of postural disorders is always complex. It includes several methods that allow you to correct stooped posture, eliminate muscle tightness and tension. Bringing the muscular system back to normal helps the child’s body to readjust and provide proper support to the spine, as a result of which the load begins to be distributed correctly and the spine straightens.

The exact way to correct posture and strengthen muscles that are not working correctly is determined by the doctor, depending on what type of disorder is present and to what extent the pathology exists at the moment. Grades 1-2 of almost all types of postural disorders do not require surgery or medications, but will require a lot of work from the whole family to achieve the desired result.

Grades 3 and 4 violations are essentially already an indication for the use of surgical treatment methods followed by a long period of recovery and rehabilitation. Let's look at how to correct posture in different cases.

Conservative methods

The most popular and deservedly loved by doctors are four main methods of correcting posture: exercise therapy, massage, physiotherapy and wearing special orthopedic devices. Best results This can be achieved if all four are used simultaneously, strictly following the doctor’s recommendations.

Exercise therapy and gymnastics

Exercise therapy is therapeutic gymnastics, which is carried out in specialized rooms in children's clinics. The doctor’s task is to develop certain muscle groups of the little patient that suffer the most, as well as strengthening all other muscle groups.

Exercises for each child are compiled individually, taking into account the changes that were detected in his spine. If the postural disorders are minor, then you can attend classes at the clinic 1-2 times, after which the doctor will give recommendations for classes at home and tell parents about the training program.

After a course of exercise therapy, a mandatory break is taken, during which parents must show the child to an orthopedist or vertebrologist to make sure that the treatment is beneficial and the disorders do not progress. In case of complex forms of disorders and advanced stages, it is advisable to study the whole course under the supervision of a specialist, visiting the exercise therapy room every day. You can visit such a specialist in paid clinics, but in this case it is important to take with you a prescription from the attending physician, in which he indicates the specific type and nature of the disorder.

You should not assume that everything will be limited to classes at a clinic or private clinic. Parents will additionally have to do special gymnastics with their child at home 1-2 times a day. It must also be approved by the attending physician, but its general principles are as follows: training should be aimed at all muscle groups, especially the muscles of the back and shoulder girdle. Effective exercises for correcting posture can be divided into several groups.

  • General standing- these include bending the body forward and to the sides, bending with a gymnastic stick, with a fitball in the hands.

  • General sitting- are performed on a hard chair with a hard back and include spreading the arms to the sides, lifting them up, including with a gymnastic stick and a gymnastic ball.
  • General lying- are performed on a flat, hard surface and include exercises to strengthen the abs and shoulder girdle; they are also performed with and without a gymnastic stick.

More specific exercises are considered to be those during which the child will stretch and strengthen certain parts of the spine. This includes hanging on your hands on a crossbar or wall bars, a “corner” on the wall (raising your legs at right angles to the body while hanging with your back resting on the wall).

Not only the horizontal bar and gymnastic stick, but also the fitball will be useful for parents. Simple rolling on it on the stomach and back is useful for a 6-8 month old baby with a tendency to curvature of the spine, and for a slouching teenager.

Swimming is useful for strengthening the back muscles; it is recommended that a child with poor posture be enrolled in it. Some clinics today create a physical therapy complex in such a way that it will necessarily include water aerobics exercises for back correction.

If there is no indication for rest, then the child should move as much as possible, this will allow the violations to be quickly corrected and the back, spine and muscular corset to be strengthened. True, parents need to remember well that there is no need to expect quick results; they will have to work for several months, or even more than a year.

It is not advisable for children with poor posture to make sharp jumps, practice on a trampoline, or dive headfirst into the water from a diving board. You should also avoid traumatic sports in which falling is common, such as rugby, hockey, and wrestling. Such activities can provoke microfractures and even macrofractures of the spine in a weakened and damaged area.

When working out with your child at home, remember that you should increase the duration of the exercise to correct posture gradually, starting from 2-3 minutes per exercise and ending with 10-minute approaches. The duration of the lesson itself should also increase gradually, as should the load on the body. Only in this case will it be possible to achieve a soft and stable correction.


In case of minor deviations in posture from the norm, it is recommended to carry out a restorative massage based on warming up, rubbing and kneading the muscles of the back and shoulder girdle. For more complex disorders, the doctor will recommend manual or orthopedic massage, which is carried out only in clinics and massage rooms.

To correct posture, massage is done in courses, the duration of each is determined by an orthopedist. A break is required between courses. Even home massage should be done intermittently - the most common scheme looks like this: 10 days of massage daily - three weeks break.

The formation of correct posture by massage alone is excluded. It is imperative to combine massage with therapeutic exercises, swimming, and other recommended methods. In most cases, parents do not require large financial expenditures, since massage techniques that strengthen the back are quite simple and do not require specialists. All mothers are familiar with them in general terms: these are the same “Rail-sleepers” from our childhood, only each element must be completed for a longer period of time than the comic game implied.


The most popular methods include magnetic therapy and electrical stimulation of the muscles and ligaments of the back. Such sessions are carried out in a physiotherapy room in a clinic as prescribed by the attending physician. Both of these methods allow you to quickly achieve a muscle state in which they will more reliably and anatomically correctly support the spinal column.

Treatment is carried out under the supervision of a physiotherapist; it is a course of treatment; for uncomplicated forms of postural disorders, it is enough to attend procedures 1-2 times a year.

Orthopedic devices

Teaching a child to maintain posture is quite difficult, especially if he has already formed the habit of sitting incorrectly and has some disorders. Special orthopedic devices can help parents.

Reclinators for children are elastic loops that, like straps, are placed on the shoulders and converge in the area of ​​the shoulder blades. They prevent the child from hunching over, keeping his back in the correct position. There are reclinators with sound signal, which sounds every time a child breaks the landing.

Semi-rigid and rigid thoracic and thoracolumbar corsets are indicated if the child no longer has initial, but rather serious, postural disorders. Such products are purchased in orthopedic salons with mandatory fitting and a written prescription from the attending physician.

A reclinator-type backrest fixator can be purchased without a prescription, but in this case you must first consult a doctor, because all orthopedic products have a lot of contraindications.

Other methods

Other methods of complex treatment of poor posture include a set of Pilates exercises, as well as mud therapy and hydrotherapy. If you have the opportunity to buy a ticket to a sanatorium that specializes in diseases of the back and musculoskeletal system, you should not refuse this opportunity.

Surgical methods

Surgical intervention to correct posture is extremely rare. Only in cases where posture is impaired due to a tumor or injury to the vertebra, which cannot be eliminated by other means.

If the deformities progress rapidly, one of the surgical treatment methods may also be considered, provided that the child is already 13-14 years old. For younger children, operations are performed only for health reasons.

Surgeons have many methods to solve the problem - from replacing a destroyed vertebra to fixative grafts. A high-tech operation - vertebroplasty - is successfully used. Certain ligaments and muscles are also sutured and corrected.

At the end of the recovery period, treatment is prescribed using the four main conservative methods described above.


The chances of completely correcting incorrect posture of any type of disorder if you follow the doctor’s recommendations and systematic exercises with the child are about 98%. Only in 1-2% of cases, according to the Ministry of Health, the disorders are persistent or progressive, which requires a different approach to therapy.

It is difficult to answer how long the correction will last. According to numerous reviews, some parents managed to straighten their child’s back in six months, while others managed to straighten it in a year. In some cases, correction can take one and a half or even two years. It all depends on what violations were detected and at what stage.

The earlier pathological changes can be detected, the faster the treatment brings results.


To avoid problems with posture, the child needs to be provided favorable conditions:

  • create a comfortable workplace, you can purchase “growing” furniture with adjustment for age and height;
  • make proper lighting of the workplace;

  • ensure that the child’s diet contains enough foods containing calcium; meals should be rich and regular;
  • harden the child, encourage walks in the air, active and outdoor games, being on sunlight(within reasonable limits);
  • teach the child to control himself and his posture; for this, parents must also keep their backs straight, because children often copy adults;
  • play sports with your child, be sure to do morning exercises, even the simplest and fastest;
  • do not rush things, do not put a small child on his feet too early and do not sit him down until he begins to sit up or crawl;
  • ensure that the student’s backpack is comfortable and orthopedic, with wide straps and uniform distribution of weight over the entire area of ​​the shoulder girdle.

The main thing is to closely monitor the child and his complaints. Even occasional complaints of headache can be a symptom of incipient spinal deformity. You shouldn't ignore them.

The most dangerous age is considered to be from 1 to 3 years, and then from 5-6 to 14 years. It is during this period that the most intensive growth of bone tissue occurs. Any changes that have begun in the condition of the spine can progress quite quickly in primary school and middle school age. Pay special attention to prevention at this age.

One more important point prevention are preventive vaccinations. For example, it is necessary to be vaccinated against polio. Tuberculin tests are also important, since previous tuberculosis very often causes spinal deformities. Don't refuse vaccination. Also, mandatory medical examination should not be neglected. It is she who often helps to identify disorders of the musculoskeletal system at its most early stage.

Poor posture is always easier to prevent than to correct. The child is growing up, and in adolescence it will become important for him how he looks. A crooked back creates an inferiority complex in girls and boys, which prevents them from communicating normally and building relationships.

In the next video you will find exercises for poor posture and scoliosis in children.

A round back is a deformation of the spinal column with a decrease in the depth of the cervical and lumbar lordosis and an increase in the severity of thoracic kyphosis (bending backward). As a result, deformation occurs, leading to a change in the entire functionality of the spine and improper distribution of the shock-absorbing load during movement. Following this pathology, dysfunction of all internal organs of the chest and abdominal cavity begins.

A child’s round back is formed under the influence of negative habits. If the baby often sits with a round back and no comments are made to him, then the muscular frame begins to get used to this position. Muscles increase their mass in certain sections. This leads to the fact that subsequently the child can no longer straighten his back due to deformation of the muscular frame of the back. Next, the process of secondary deformation of the cartilage and bone tissues of the spinal column begins.

If in childhood this condition is often the result of a lack of upbringing, then a round back in an adult is almost always a compensatory reaction associated with impaired performance of the musculoskeletal system or other body systems.

We will tell you in this material how posture correction is carried out and what needs to be done to prevent a child from developing a round back. If you see that your baby already has signs of stoop or another type of spinal deformity, then do not put off visiting the doctor. Effective and painless correction of posture until a pathological change in the structure of bone and cartilage tissue is possible only at the initial stage of the pathology.

We invite you to our manual therapy clinic. Here you can get a free consultation with an experienced orthopedic doctor. The doctor conducts an examination, makes an accurate diagnosis and gives individual recommendations for treatment.

Why does poor posture and a round back occur?

There can be a huge number of reasons why the back is round. And they all need to be identified and eliminated. As long as the negative effect of the pathogenic factor persists, it will not be possible to correct your posture. When the muscle frame relaxes, the round back posture will reappear and nothing can be done about it

It is important to understand that if your posture is poor, a round back is not formed just like that. This is always a compensatory reaction in order to eliminate pain, discomfort, and improve some parameters. Therefore, for full treatment, it is necessary to eliminate the factor causing discomfort.

The reasons that form a posture with a round back may be the following:

  • insufficient physical development of the muscular frame of the back (often found in children with a loose constitution and excess body weight);
  • flat feet or clubfoot, hallux valgus or varus deformity of the leg) causes a change in the distribution of load on the lumbosacral spine, leveling its natural lordosis);
  • hip dysplasia and a number of other pathologies of this bone joint;
  • rickets and accompanying pathological changes in skeletal bones;
  • high myopia, requiring the child to constantly move his head forward in order to look at distant objects;
  • diseases of the chest organs (pleurisy, bronchial asthma, pneumonia, tuberculosis);
  • diseases of the spinal cord of traumatic and inflammatory etiology (myelitis, poliomyelitis, tuberculosis, etc.);
  • consequences of back injuries after falls and bruises;
  • deformation of the associated parts of the spine (for example, a round back is often formed in children with subluxation of the cervical vertebrae);
  • mental disability, mental retardation;
  • congenital pathologies development of cartilage tissue and the instability of the position of the vertebral bodies that forms against this background.

In an adult, a round back is often formed against the background of osteochondrosis with protrusions and hernial protrusions of the intervertebral discs. For compensatory purposes, lumbar lordosis is smoothed and hyperkyphosis is formed in the thoracic region. Also, a round back in an adult can be a consequence of deforming osteoarthritis of the hip and knee joints.

Is your child sitting with a round back?

If the baby sits with a round back, then this is a signal of insufficient development of the muscular frame of the body. It is impossible to correct this situation on your own, since you need to determine the cause of muscular dystrophy and eliminate it first.

We recommend that you contact medical care. If your child sits with a round back at the age of 1-2 years, then you can be sure that he already has serious problems with posture. Meanwhile, it is at an early age that the final development and formation of all internal organs occurs.

As practice shows, with a round back in infants, a number of pathological changes occur in the structural composition of the diaphragm and pleura. They are deformed and in the future they will not be able to in full fulfill the role assigned to them by nature. Additional destruction of the intercostal muscles leads to the fact that the vital volume of the child’s lungs can be reduced by one and a half times. Compressed alveolar lung tissue is a huge risk factor for the development of chronic inflammatory and atrophic processes. Children with round backs are most susceptible to pneumonia, bronchitis with an asthmatic component, or bronchial asthma.

A child's round back is not just a cosmetic defect. This is a risk factor that provokes the following pathologies:

  • insufficient oxygen supply to cerebral structures can cause mental and mental retardation;
  • compression of the coronary vessels leads to the formation of heart prophets, the development of endocarditis, myocarditis in a chronic congestive form;
  • the position of the gallbladder is disrupted, which leads to its dysfunction and biliary dyskinesia;
  • kidneys and their performance suffer;
  • problems arise with the timely outflow of gastric juice from the pancreas, which negatively affects the baby’s appetite.

And this is only a small part of the negative changes that can occur in a child’s body if he constantly sits with a round back. Gradually, this habit will cause corresponding deformation of muscles, bones and cartilage tissue. You can develop a full-fledged hump, which will be very difficult to correct.

How to identify a stooped round back shape?

There are a number of clinical signs that are usually clearly visible to the naked eye. Using them, it can be revealed that the child is developing round form the back and the process of deformation of the spinal column begins.

It is worth understanding that at the initial stage this condition refers to poor posture. Those. if desired, a person can straighten his shoulders, remove the protruding corners of his shoulder blades and expand his chest. A child lying on his stomach or back with poor posture has an absolutely straight back with normal physiological curves.

A stooped, round back that does not change its shape when lying down is already a sign that structural pathological changes have occurred in the spine itself. Now, to correct the disease, you will need the help of an osteopath. It is important to restore the normal position of the thoracic vertebral bodies, since a person cannot straighten his back on his own.

The final stage of the disease is a round back, concave in front and with shoulder blades sticking out like a hump. In this condition, the costal arches are deformed, asymmetry in the position of the shoulders, elongation of the neck and a complete absence of lumbar lordosis are visible.

Primary clinical signs to look out for:

  1. constantly being in a sitting position with a round back;
  2. lowering the shoulders forward and bringing them closer to each other;
  3. stretching the neck and head forward;
  4. change in the position of the angles of the blades;
  5. When walking, the child bends his legs slightly in order to redistribute the shock-absorbing load.

There may also be complaints of back pain, increased fatigue, decreased mental performance.

If specific symptoms appear, consult a doctor as soon as possible. Correction of posture is possible only with initial stages. If the angle of curvature of the spine reaches 35 - 40 degrees or more, then only surgery can help the baby.

Treatment for a round back: massage, osteopathy and kinesitherapy

In children, orthopedists often like to prescribe wearing a special corset to treat a round back. Yes, it gives a quick visible effect. Which completely disappears immediately after the child stops wearing the orthopedic corset. Moreover, the angle of curvature of the spinal column after improper use of such a device increases by about 5-10 degrees.

This is due to the fact that the brace actually deprives the child's back muscles of participating in the process of providing stabilization during movement. It replaces their functions. As a result, the muscles relax and undergo dystrophy. After abandoning the corset, there is simply nothing to hold the torso and spine. Therefore, poor posture progresses quickly.

To treat a round back in children, it is much more effective to train the own muscles of the back frame for performance. To do this, you can use osteopathy and therapeutic exercises, reflexology and much more.

Massage for a round back allows you to relax those muscle groups that provoke curvature of the spinal column and increase the tone of their antagonists. In this way, natural posture correction occurs. Kinesitherapy allows you to strengthen the muscular frame of the back and form beautiful posture.

The course of correction depends on the degree of curvature of the spinal column and the presence of concomitant pathologies. Sign up for the primary free consultation see an orthopedist in our manual therapy clinic. The doctor will conduct an examination, review the medical documentation and tell you how individual treatment can be carried out in your case.

How to correct a round back in an adult?

Before correcting a round back in adulthood, you need to identify the cause of its formation. If this is an advanced case childhood disorder posture, then it is necessary to work with deformed tissues of the spinal column. If the patient has osteochondrosis and its complications, incorrect foot placement or deformity in the hip joint, then these pathologies are initially treated.

There are several methods for correcting a round back in an adult, most of them are based on kinesitherapy and therapeutic exercises. Only regular performance of a specially designed set of exercises can restore beautiful and stately posture. There are no miraculous corsets, manual methods of influence or pharmacological drugs. even a surgical operation performed masterfully will ultimately return you to your previous result.

Until the back muscles are in excellent condition functional state, you will suffer from a round back and all the accompanying pathologies of the internal organs.

By the way, did you know that 80% of cases of heartburn and the development of reflux esophageal disease are associated with a round back? And what about 70% of patients whose gallbladder was removed due to cholelithiasis, a similar curvature of the spinal column was found? Do you want to risk your health further?

If not, then we invite you to an initial free consultation with an orthopedist. During it, you will learn how to correct your posture and restore health to the internal organs of the chest and abdominal cavity.

The functioning of the entire body depends on the health of the spine. Habit of support correct position The shape of the body is formed since childhood, when there is a deviation from the physiological curves of the spinal column. Adults and children are often diagnosed with round back. The problem requires an immediate solution to avoid serious consequences.


What it is?

A round back is a deviation from the norm when thoracic kyphosis is strongly expressed in the spine and there is no lumbar curve. The formation of such a deviation requires immediate medical intervention. Not only is posture disrupted and gait changes, but internal organs are also displaced.


Any therapy for such a pathology will not be successful if the provoking factors of its development are not identified.

It is important to remember that poor posture is always formed as a compensatory reaction to eliminate pain and discomfort.

Among the reasons that lead to the formation of a round back are the following:

  • Deficit of motor activity.
  • Having flat feet or club feet.
  • Pathologies of the hip joints.
  • Rickets.
  • Serious vision problems.
  • Spinal cord diseases: myelitis, poliomyelitis.
  • Spinal column injuries or bruises.
  • Pathological deviations in the structure of some parts of the spinal column.
  • Diseases of organs located in the chest cavity.
  • Mental retardation.
  • Hereditary diseases of cartilage tissue.
  • Vertebral instability.

These reasons are most often observed in children; in older age, the provocateurs of the formation of a round back are:

  • Osteochondrosis.
  • Protrusions.
  • Herniated intervertebral discs.
  • Osteoarthritis of the joints.

If several are combined at the same time negative factors, then the risk of pathology formation increases.


A round back in a child is manifested by shoulder blades sticking out like wings; also in adults and children the following can be noted:

  • The shoulder girdle is raised up.
  • The stomach protrudes forward.
  • The buttocks become flattened.
  • The chest is sunken.
  • The arms are placed in front of the body due to the shoulders being pulled together.
  • If you bend forward, you can see the protruding spinous processes in the thoracic region.

When pathology develops, spinal movements are not limited.

How to fix it in adults?

When such deviations develop in an adult, therapy is expected to be long-term and using several methods. Considering that the formation of bone tissue is complete, in case of serious disorders it is difficult to completely restore the physiological curves of the spine.

Drug therapy is prescribed. It aims to normalize blood circulation and nutrition in cartilage and bone tissue, eliminate pain, and relieve muscle spasms. To do this, the doctor prescribes:

  • Vitamin complexes.
  • To improve blood circulation, taking Pentoxifylline is indicated.
  • You can relax tense muscles with the help of muscle relaxants: Mydocalm, Sirdalud.
  • You can stop destructive processes in cartilage tissue with chondroprotectors: Chondroguard, Structum, Dona.
  • If pain occurs, a course of NSAIDs is prescribed: Movalis, Amolotex, Artrosan.

It is impossible to correct a round back in an adult without special gymnastics. It may include the following exercises:

  1. In a standing position, place your hands on your waist and spread your elbows to the sides, trying to bring your shoulder blades together.
  2. The position is the same, one leg should be put back a little, resting on the toe. Clasp your hands at the back of your head. Bend at the waist, tilting your head back. Repeat with the other leg.
  3. In a standing position, spread your arms to the sides. Make circular movements in one direction and then in the other direction.
  4. Stand straight, hands touching your shoulders. Bend your torso forward and try to keep your back straight.
  5. Lie on the floor, hands under you. Straightening your arms, bend at the lumbar region.
  6. Lying on your back, on a hard surface, raise your legs up one at a time.
  7. Lie on your stomach. Right hand pull forward and lower the left one along the body. Bend at the waist, hold for a few seconds and change hands.
  8. The position is the same, hands under the chin. Spreading your elbows to the sides, bend at the lower back and come back.
  9. Lie on your stomach, clasp your hands on your lower back. Straighten them up and bend your torso. Try to bring your shoulder blades together.
  10. Walk on your toes for a minute, with your hands clasped at the back of your head and your elbows spread as far apart as possible.

Regular implementation of the complex will allow:

  • Correct thoracic kyphosis.
  • Strengthen your back muscles.
  • Train the correct body position.

Hyperextension with a round back for the buttocks provides a load on the muscles of the lower back and buttocks, which helps strengthen the muscular corset. Regularly performing this exercise will allow you to:

  • Tighten your buttocks.
  • Strengthen your back.
  • Maintain correct posture.

The technique is as follows:

  1. You need to sit on a special bench face down with your legs secured.
  2. The upper stop must be adjusted so that you can tilt freely.
  3. Hands are placed on the chest.
  4. The body must be straightened so that from the shoulder girdle to the heels it is in one line.
  5. As you inhale, lower your body down, rounding your back as much as possible.
  6. As you exhale, return back.

Keep your back straight while performing the exercise.

Surgical treatment of round back is carried out in rare cases when serious deviations in the functioning of internal organs, compression of nerve endings and blood vessels are observed.

Treatment of a round back in a child

In childhood, it is easiest to correct the pathology; the skeletal system is not yet formed and can be easily corrected. When treating poor posture in a child, it is important to follow the following principles:

  1. Provide favorable conditions for the functioning of the spinal column.
  2. Strengthen the muscle corset and improve the child’s physical capabilities.

Therapy begins with compliance with a general hygienic regime, which involves:

  • A balanced diet that contains everything important vitamins and minerals.
  • Frequent walks in the fresh air.
  • A good night's sleep on an orthopedic mattress and pillow.
  • Compliance with the study and rest regime.
  • Carrying out hardening procedures.

Doctors often recommend wearing corsets to correct a round back, but they give the desired effect, but it disappears immediately after you stop wearing it. This can be explained by the fact that correctors and corsets deprive muscle fibers of the ability to stabilize the spine during movement; they take over this function.

It is more effective to strengthen your own muscle frame, therefore the following are shown:

  • Massage.
  • Physiotherapeutic procedures.
  • Physiotherapy.

Exercises for a round back can be used as follows:

  1. Stand straight, put your hands on your shoulders. Bend your torso forward and backward. The back should be straight.
  2. Squats, holding a gymnastic stick in your hands in front of you.
  3. In a standing position, while inhaling, lift the stick up, and as you exhale, return back.
  4. In a standing position, bend your hands back on your waist, arching your back, and pull your elbows back.
  5. Lying on the floor, on your stomach, raise your upper body, bending at the lower back.

Parents should understand that the result of therapy depends on the regularity and correct execution of exercises.

Why are they dangerous?

A round back is not just a defect in posture, but also a factor that can provoke the following consequences:

  • Violation of all internal organ systems.
  • Difficulty breathing.
  • Development of osteochondrosis.
  • The lack of oxygen supplied to the cerebral structures in childhood is dangerous due to delayed physical and mental development.
  • Compression of large vessels leading to the heart leads to cardiac muscle defects and the development of myocarditis.
  • Violation of the location of the gallbladder leads to disruption of its functioning and the development of biliary dyskinesia.
  • Kidney function is impaired.
  • Frequent and prolonged positioning with a round back will lead to the formation of a hump, which is difficult to correct.


It is easy to acquire poor posture in childhood, but correction will require a long period of time. In an adult, the skeleton is fully formed, so problems with the spine that come from childhood are difficult to correct. It will take a lot of diligence, patience and compliance with all medical recommendations.

There can be a huge number of reasons why the back is round. And they all need to be identified and eliminated. As long as the negative effect of the pathogenic factor persists, it will not be possible to correct your posture. When the muscle frame relaxes, the round back posture will reappear and nothing can be done about it

It is important to understand that if your posture is poor, a round back is not formed just like that. This is always a compensatory reaction in order to eliminate pain, discomfort, and improve some parameters. Therefore, for full treatment, it is necessary to eliminate the factor causing discomfort.

The reasons that form a posture with a round back may be the following:

  • insufficient physical development of the muscular frame of the back (often found in children with a loose constitution and excess body weight);
  • flat feet or clubfoot, hallux valgus or varus deformity of the leg) causes a change in the distribution of load on the lumbosacral spine, leveling its natural lordosis);
  • hip dysplasia and a number of other pathologies of this bone joint;
  • rickets and accompanying pathological changes in skeletal bones;
  • high myopia, requiring the child to constantly move his head forward in order to look at distant objects;
  • diseases of the chest organs (pleurisy, bronchial asthma, pneumonia, tuberculosis);
  • diseases of the spinal cord of traumatic and inflammatory etiology (myelitis, poliomyelitis, tuberculosis, etc.);
  • consequences of back injuries after falls and bruises;
  • deformation of the associated parts of the spine (for example, a round back is often formed in children with subluxation of the cervical vertebrae);
  • mental disability, mental retardation;
  • congenital pathologies of the development of cartilaginous tissues and the resulting instability of the position of the vertebral bodies.

In an adult, a round back is often formed against the background of osteochondrosis with protrusions and hernial protrusions of the intervertebral discs. For compensatory purposes, lumbar lordosis is smoothed and hyperkyphosis is formed in the thoracic region. Also, a round back in an adult can be a consequence of deforming osteoarthritis of the hip and knee joints.

Is your child sitting with a round back?

If the baby sits with a round back, then this is a signal of insufficient development of the muscular frame of the body. It is impossible to correct this situation on your own, since you need to determine the cause of muscular dystrophy and eliminate it first.

We recommend that you seek medical attention. If your child sits with a round back at the age of 1-2 years, then you can be sure that he already has serious problems with posture. Meanwhile, it is at an early age that the final development and formation of all internal organs occurs.

As practice shows, with a round back in infants, a number of pathological changes occur in the structural composition of the diaphragm and pleura. They become deformed and in the future cannot fully fulfill the role assigned to them by nature. Additional destruction of the intercostal muscles leads to the fact that the vital volume of the child’s lungs can be reduced by one and a half times.

A child’s round back is not just a cosmetic defect. This is a risk factor that provokes the following pathologies:

  • insufficient oxygen supply to cerebral structures can cause mental and mental retardation;
  • compression of the coronary vessels leads to the formation of heart prophets, the development of endocarditis, myocarditis in a chronic congestive form;
  • the position of the gallbladder is disrupted, which leads to its dysfunction and biliary dyskinesia;
  • kidneys and their performance suffer;
  • problems arise with the timely outflow of gastric juice from the pancreas, which negatively affects the baby’s appetite.

And this is only a small part of the negative changes that can occur in a child’s body if he constantly sits with a round back. Gradually, this habit will cause corresponding deformation of muscles, bones and cartilage tissue. You can develop a full-fledged hump, which will be very difficult to correct.

How to identify a stooped round back shape?

There are a number of clinical signs that are usually clearly visible to the naked eye. From them it can be revealed that the child’s back is developing a round shape and the process of deformation of the spinal column begins.

It is worth understanding that at the initial stage this condition refers to poor posture. Those. if desired, a person can straighten his shoulders, remove the protruding corners of his shoulder blades and expand his chest. A child lying on his stomach or back with poor posture has an absolutely straight back with normal physiological curves.

The final stage of the disease is a round back, concave in front and with shoulder blades protruding in the form of a hump. In this condition, the costal arches are deformed, asymmetry in the position of the shoulders, elongation of the neck and a complete absence of lumbar lordosis are visible.

Primary clinical signs to look out for:

  1. constantly being in a sitting position with a round back;
  2. lowering the shoulders forward and bringing them closer to each other;
  3. stretching the neck and head forward;
  4. change in the position of the angles of the blades;
  5. When walking, the child bends his legs slightly in order to redistribute the shock-absorbing load.

There may also be complaints of back pain, increased fatigue, and decreased mental performance.

If specific symptoms appear, consult a doctor as soon as possible. Correction of posture is possible only in the initial stages. If the angle of curvature of the spine reaches 35 - 40 degrees or more, then only surgery can help the baby.

Treatment for a round back: massage, osteopathy and kinesitherapy

In children, orthopedists often like to prescribe wearing a special corset to treat a round back. Yes, it gives a quick visible effect. Which completely disappears immediately after the child stops wearing the orthopedic corset. Moreover, the angle of curvature of the spinal column after improper use of such a device increases by about 5-10 degrees.

This is due to the fact that the brace actually deprives the child's back muscles of participating in the process of providing stabilization during movement. It replaces their functions. As a result, the muscles relax and undergo dystrophy. After abandoning the corset, there is simply nothing to hold the torso and spine. Therefore, poor posture progresses quickly.

Massage for a round back allows you to relax those muscle groups that provoke curvature of the spinal column and increase the tone of their antagonists. In this way, natural posture correction occurs. Kinesitherapy allows you to strengthen the muscular frame of the back and form beautiful posture.

The course of correction depends on the degree of curvature of the spinal column and the presence of concomitant pathologies. Schedule a free initial consultation with a podiatrist at our manual therapy clinic. The doctor will conduct an examination, review the medical documentation and tell you how individual treatment can be carried out in your case.

How to correct a round back in an adult?

Before correcting a round back in adulthood, you need to identify the cause of its formation. If this is an advanced case of childhood poor posture, then it is necessary to work with the deformed tissues of the spinal column. If the patient has osteochondrosis and its complications, incorrect foot placement or deformity in the hip joint, then these pathologies are initially treated.

There are several methods for correcting a round back in an adult, most of them are based on kinesitherapy and therapeutic exercises. Only regular performance of a specially designed set of exercises can restore beautiful and stately posture. There are no miraculous corsets, manual methods of influence or pharmacological drugs. even a surgical operation performed masterfully will ultimately return you to your previous result.

Until the back muscles are in excellent functional condition, you will suffer from a round back and all the accompanying pathologies of the internal organs.

By the way, did you know that 80% of cases of heartburn and the development of reflux esophageal disease are associated with a round back? And what about 70% of patients whose gallbladder was removed due to cholelithiasis, a similar curvature of the spinal column was found? Do you want to risk your health further?

Few people, having heard the expression - round back, will immediately understand what it is. But people with this deviation are very common, but often even they are not aware of their diagnosis. These changes in the shape and function of the spinal column have a history of long-term poor posture. Industrial civilization deprives people of the opportunity to actively move.

Many activities involve a sedentary position - school, college, most office professions. Work associated with movement is perceived almost as a punishment. The skeleton and muscles, spending hours in a bent position, weaken and lose their ability to maintain healthy posture. Numerous deviations from the norm develop.

Normal posture is characterized by a straight back, a straight line of the shoulder girdle, a retracted stomach and vertical landing heads.

If the body position does not correspond to these parameters for a long time, one of the following deviations can be stated:

  1. Round or round-concave back - shoulders tilted forward and down, increased deflection of the thoracic, lumbar and cervical spine, increased flexibility of the spinal column, with rare lateral curvatures, slightly bent knees and a head bent forward. Some researchers describe a type of round back with kyphosis and lumbar spine too;
  2. Flat or flat-concave back - weak deflections of the entire spine, flattened chest, retracted stomach. The compensatory functions of the spine are reduced to a dangerous level, which leads to damage from minor mechanical impacts and lateral curvatures;
  3. A stooped back - the chest deflection is clearly pronounced, the bends of the other sections are only outlined. Often accompanied by scoliosis of varying severity and direction.

Some deviations indicate only a slight weakening of the muscle corset and poor self-control, while others may be the result of serious disorders.

Therefore, you need to pay attention to this and possibly identify one of the violations at an early stage in order to take measures to eradicate it.

Symptoms and associated hazards

A round back is not a matter of aesthetics. Incorrect posture affects all organs and systems, which leads to deviations from their healthy functioning.

Violations are expressed:

  • In chest deformation;
  • Depression of cardiac activity;
  • Difficulty breathing;
  • In hand pain syndrome;
  • Loss of sensation skin dorsal and thoracic regions.

If the changes have not yet entered the chronic stage, posture defects disappear when lying on your back. At this stage there is still an opportunity without special effort strengthen the muscular skeleton and restore the correct shape of the spinal column.

Round back in children

The prerequisites for this defect are laid in infancy. While crawling, infants develop and strengthen their musculoskeletal system, and by six months it is strong enough to withstand vertical loads. At the age of 6-8 months, children first try to sit up on their own. Some more active children begin such attempts much earlier, at the age of 4-5 months.

Proud mothers, instead of gently stopping premature actions, on the contrary, help the baby by covering him with pillows or holding him in an upright position in other ways.

Early experiences of mastering walking are also joyfully welcomed. Parents do everything they can to help their child take the notorious first step as quickly as possible. Such haste often leads to a round back at an early age. If your child tries to sit down or stand up too early, you should do strengthening exercises with him. For example, letting him grab onto your fingers and gently pulling him up will help him quickly train his musculoskeletal corset.


In addition to errors in upbringing in infancy, thoracic kyphosis in children develops due to:

  • Genetic pathologies of the skeleton;
  • Disorders of intrauterine development, expressed in the wedge-shaped shape of the vertebrae or their underdevelopment;
  • Diseases associated with deformities of the musculoskeletal system (poliomyelitis, rickets, tuberculosis, etc.);
  • Poor vision, due to which the child bends low over the desk;
  • Lethargy of the musculoskeletal system, weakened by a bent position over textbooks, the keyboard (fetal position during sleep).

Prevention and treatment

Preventive actions:

  • Proper organization of the child’s workplace. Furniture of the appropriate size. Sitting on a chair, the child should lean on the back with a straight back and touch his feet to the floor with his entire foot. Good left-side lighting;
  • Optimal lesson schedule. The younger the child, the shorter the period of motionless sitting in one position should be. It is necessary to take breaks for warm-up games;
  • Comfortable bed with a semi-rigid mattress without sagging or bulging. Stable bedtime schedule. Limiting evening television viewing;
  • Proper nutrition. The diet must be brought into line with the needs of the growing organism;
  • Gymnastics, sports clubs, swimming and other active outdoor activities.

When to see a doctor

If the parents were unable to provide healthy living conditions for the child or the measures were insufficient, the formation of a round back is manifested by the following signs:

  • Shoulders dropped forward;
  • Protruding belly;
  • Head tilted forward, and sometimes slightly to the side;
  • Wing-like protruding shoulder blades;
  • Knees spread and slightly bent;
  • General uncertainty of behavior.

At later stages, there are different heights of the shoulders and asymmetrical triangles formed by evenly hanging arms and bends of the waist. If the process is left to chance, the bones of the skeleton will begin to deform and then recovery will become much more problematic, and in especially severe cases the changes will be irreversible.

Therefore, timely contact with specialists in case of poor posture in children is so important. After all, kyphosis also slows down overall development.

Deformation of the vertebrae leads to limited mobility of the ribs and, consequently, to depression of respiratory function. Curvature of the cervical spine disrupts the blood supply to the brain, which inevitably affects its development in the best possible way.

The child should be shown to an orthopedist and osteopath as soon as possible. Doctors will first establish a diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment. It could be:

  1. Passive stretching pectoral muscles, included in post-isometric relaxation methods. The procedure is designed to restore the elasticity of the pectoral muscle corset, the proper functioning of the heart and lungs, and strengthen the abdominal muscles;
  2. Therapeutic and prophylactic gymnastics with an individually selected set of exercises, which should take into account overextension and laxity of the spinal muscles in combination with increased tone and compression of the chest.

The complex necessarily includes exercises for the upper thoracic and lower thoracic regions according to the Clapp method. The exercises consist of crawling on all fours while deeply arching your stomach and chest, trying to touch the floor with them. Walking in a knee-elbow position with a slight bend of the back towards the floor.

  • Plank;
  • Pushups;
  • boat;
  • Swing your arms with a load on the shoulder girdle;
  • Pulling the arms back and other exercises at the discretion of the attending physician.

On average, after 2-3 months of regular exercise, posture begins to recover.

Round back in adults

In adulthood, pathology develops as a result of:

  • Genetic predisposition;
  • Congenital weakness of the musculoskeletal system;
  • Diseases or infectious lesions;
  • Injuries of the musculoskeletal system;
  • Work associated with long-term restriction of movement;
  • Age-related osteochondrosis and osteoporosis.

Correction of thoracic kyphosis in adults is possible only in the initial stages of the disease and is temporary. Effective method A complete cure in later stages does not yet exist. In addition, it must be borne in mind that the inept actions of an unqualified manual operator can cause great harm and instead of being cured, lead to disability.

However, if you contact in time a good specialist, you can significantly improve your health and quality of life. Young people under the age of twenty receive stable positive results after a year and a half of regular exercise.

In patients after thirty, this takes three years, and if a round-concave back is diagnosed at fifty years of age, treatment is limited to maintenance therapy; there is no talk of a radical improvement in the neglected condition at that age.

For all ages and at all stages of the disease, the patient’s condition is improved by: massages, swimming and a special set of exercises.

Round back - exercises

  1. Stand with your back to the wall, press against it as tightly as possible so that all parts of your body are in contact from the calf muscles to the back of your head. Do several approaches a day for 1-3 minutes;
  2. The pose is standing upright, hands behind your head, elbows pulled back. As you inhale, pull your stomach in, and as you exhale, sit down on your heels. On the second inhalation, kneel down and place your hands on the floor, trying to bend your back down;
  3. Sitting on the floor in any comfortable position, try to clasp your palms behind your back in a prayer gesture. Hold for up to 1-3 minutes. Relax, walk around the room, watching your posture;
  4. While standing or sitting, try to clasp your fingers behind your back. One hand from below, the other from above, hold for 1-3 minutes, then switch hands;
  5. While holding your breath, make retracting and protruding movements with your abdominal muscles;
  6. Complete the complex with a short meditation, sitting in a comfortable position with your back as straight as possible.

When doing gymnastics for medicinal purposes, you should especially carefully follow the safety principles:

  • Gradual increase in load and range of motion;
  • If pain occurs, stop the exercise and relax;
  • Those with a large belly, when doing abdominal strengthening exercises, need to ensure that there is no unnecessary stress on the lumbar region;
  • When performing any exercise, you should consider the impact on all adjacent areas.


Often, a round-concave back is not a consequence of a serious illness, but the result of a lack of attention to the conditions of one’s life.

Therefore, to avoid the question of treating a round back, it is better to reconsider your habits now and never see such a change in posture in your mirror.
