Anti-stress diet: nutrition during periods of severe stress. Antidepressant products Anti-stress properties

This insidious stress awaits us at every step! The boss yelled at you - stress, had a fight with a saleswoman in a store - stress, was pushed rudely in public transport - stress, and so on... What happens in the body during any difficult life situations? For example, a child ran into the roadway. The body reacts immediately and forces you to make a decision at lightning speed. The alarm signal goes to the brain, then to the heart, muscles and lungs. As a result, breathing and heart rate increase, a large amount of oxygen and glucose enters the muscles, sweating increases, and body temperature decreases. Blood sugar levels also increase because... the liver releases stored glucose into the blood. Meanwhile, the gland that produces adrenaline triggers and activates stress hormones, and the feeling of anxiety increases sharply. Moreover, all these processes take place in a fraction of a second. As you can see, everything is explainable at the physiological level. The body immediately forces us to react to a problem, for example, to quickly catch up and grab the child. When the danger has passed, relaxation sets in, the body calms down and everything is forgotten without harm to health.

However, everything is much worse if a person lives in constant stress. The body is constantly excited, the level of adrenaline in the blood is already so high that it simply cannot return to normal. Long-term stress leads to increased blood pressure, adrenal fatigue, and nutritional deficiencies. It also causes fatigue, irritation, anger and leads to excess weight. It is necessary to support the functioning of the whole body the right products nutrition.

Here are foods that will help you cope with stress:

1. Almonds. It is rich in magnesium, a deficiency of which leads to anxiety, nervous tension and insomnia. For better digestion, you can soak almonds in water overnight.

2. Celery is a well-known antidepressant that lowers blood pressure. It is recommended to eat 2-4 petioles per day. It contains substances that can reduce the concentration of stress hormones. Celery has a calming effect. It also improves sleep, so it is recommended to eat 1 stalk at night.

3. Berries. Lack of vitamin C causes stress and loss of strength, weakens the immune system. Blackberries contain a lot of magnesium and vitamin C. The record holder for the content of this vitamin is kiwi. Strawberries and raspberries are also rich in magnesium and vitamin C.

4. Algae. Helps remove toxins from the liver, thereby reducing stress. They are very rich in almost all known microelements, including substances beneficial for nervous system. Algae replenish the body with useful substances that stress takes away.

5. Sunflower seeds are rich in potassium, vitamins B and B6, zinc, which is necessary for the adrenal glands, which produce the stress hormone - adrenaline. It is the content of these substances in the body that drops sharply during periods of stress.

6. Cabbage – excellent remedy from stress. It contains antioxidants - vitamins A, E, C, beta-carotene, selenium. Under the influence of stress, free radicals appear in the body, which can cause cancer. Antioxidants prevent them harmful effects on the body, protecting us.

7. Sesame seeds are very rich in zinc, which we need during times of stress. Zinc plays an important role in the production of seratonin and fatty acid metabolism.

8. Avocado is a storehouse of minerals. Iron and zinc, which are in abundance in it, stimulate the regeneration of red blood cells, preventing anemia. Anemia makes the body unstable to stress.

9. Cucumbers – “cool” the blood and liver. When the liver is enriched with nutrients and not “overheated,” it perfectly regulates hormone levels, neutralizes stress, removes toxins, and ensures good health.

10. Garlic. It contains allicin, an enemy of toxins. If there are fewer toxins in the body, then the threat of stress is also small. Allicin is an antibiotic that has antiviral and antifungal properties, lowers cholesterol, blood pressure, and improves mood.

11. Asparagus. It also has a beneficial effect on the liver, making it easier to deal with stress. Rich in microelements that are involved in the formation of skin, ligaments, bones, kidneys, and liver.

As you can see, the list of anti-stress products is not so small. Include products from it in your diet more often, and everything will be fine.

Not only your health, but also your mood directly depends on what you eat. Below is a list of anti-stress products that contain substances that help the body produce the “happiness hormone”!

1. Fish

Fatty fish (herring, sardines, mackerel, salmon, cod, salmon) are very rich in omega-3 fatty acids, thanks to which fish has become a remedy for bad mood. In addition, fatty fish contains large amounts of vitamin B6, which improves mood and strengthens the immune system. It is advisable to eat fish at least three to four times a week, at least 100-150 g. And if daily, then 50-70 g. Try not to fry it in large amounts of flour and butter, but to simmer, salt, and bake.

2. Vegetables and fruits in bright colors

Vegetables with bright colors (beets, eggplants, carrots, Bell pepper, persimmons, tangerines, oranges and other colorful vegetables) will also help lift your mood. Bright colors themselves are capable of driving away melancholy and energizing based on a psychological effect.

But in the case of vegetables and fruits, this is not the only issue. Fruits and vegetables of rich colors contain special substances that improve blood circulation in the brain. As a result, the brain receives more oxygen, and you begin to feel noticeably better, and informs us about this in a good mood.

3. Chicken broth

Chicken broth has the ability to have a calming effect on us; it is an excellent remedy for grief. Once in the body, chicken meat is processed into serotonin - the same “happiness hormone” that affects our mood.

Also, don’t forget that chicken broth is an excellent remedy for colds and flu. To get the maximum benefit from it, you should add onions, celery and parsley to the broth, but it is better to exclude salt.

4. Sea kale

Sea kale is very rich in B vitamins, which promotes the production of adrenaline, the lack of which can cause chronic fatigue, resulting in worsening mood.

It is better to buy seaweed that is not canned. And then season it yourself with spices and other ingredients (carrots, mushrooms, sesame seeds, etc.). For the lazy ones, there are plenty of recipes on how you can prepare seaweed yourself at home.

5. Bananas

Bananas, in addition to serotonin, contain vitamin B6, which, as we already know, is necessary to lift your mood. In addition, bananas are enriched with the alkaloid harman, which can cause a feeling of euphoria, that is, this is another stimulus for the production of serotonin. These fruits are also useful for chronic fatigue and blues. And remember about the positive color yellow!

This mood-enhancing fruit is also very convenient and healthy to use as a snack at work or on the road - because it does not need to be washed or cooked, and it can be stored for quite a long time without refrigeration.

6. Nuts

All nuts, like fatty fish, are a source of omega-3 fatty acids, which can ensure the proper functioning of brain cells and help eliminate symptoms of depression. Nuts are also rich in an important mineral, selenium, also essential for Have a good mood.

You can eat up to 30 g of this anti-stress product per day. But do not forget that nuts are very high in calories, and a handful of nuts can contain your entire daily calorie intake, so you need to eat them quite carefully, with an eye on your diet, so as not to ruin your mood even more.

7. Chocolate

The fact that chocolate helps lift your mood is not an invention of those with a sweet tooth. Cocoa beans, from which chocolate is obtained, contain a substance that promotes the production of happiness hormones in the body - endorphins. They are the ones that are produced in increased quantities in lovers. And people in love, as a rule, are happy, like children. Cocoa beans also contain magnesium, which helps reduce stress.

But it is worth knowing that only dark chocolate has all of the above qualities.

8. Cheese

Cheese contains amino acids that help maintain a good mood: tyramine, trictamine and phenylethylamine. Cheese of any kind can lift your spirits.

Hard cheeses are an excellent caries prevention; Eating hard cheese, even in small quantities, has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body: it relieves stress and calms, has a positive effect on sleep, and normalizes blood pressure. Mozzarella helps fight insomnia. Soft blue cheeses contribute to proper functioning gastrointestinal tract. And gouda, epuas and emmental are beneficial due to their high calcium content.

9. Eggs

The egg contains many nutrients and consists of a complete set of easily digestible proteins. It is a source of useful folic acid, biotin and choline. Eggs contain essential fatty acids and vitamins A, E, D, as well as tryptophan, carotenes and B vitamins, the deficiency of which can lead to depression. So even ordinary scrambled eggs can improve your mood.

10. Oatmeal and buckwheat

Like chicken, oatmeal and buckwheat contain the amino acid tryptophan. These products also contain carbohydrates, which, being slowly absorbed, normalize blood sugar levels, preventing them from going beyond normal limits.

Oatmeal helps normalize the nervous system, calms and balances it, cereals have a beneficial effect on the health of hair and nails, on the skin and metabolic processes in our body, giving a feeling of fullness for the whole day, due to the large amount of complex carbohydrates.

Remember that the key to health is a balanced diet that helps us look beautiful, feel great and be at our best! In addition to antidepressant products, bad mood and stress can be overcome with the help of massage.

Food is an easy way to lift your mood and feel better. But what is more in your favorite dishes - psychological benefits or physical harm? Think about this when you want to submit a recipe to Metro Super Chef

Let's be honest: eating delicious food is a petty everyday crime that we commit again and again. In 2014, a video of a Chinese woman devouring chicken wings from fast food went around the world. 26-year-old Teng Sheng then broke up with her boyfriend and literally ate away the pain of separation bucket by bucket. She almost moved into that restaurant - she “needed to think” how to live further.

This is precisely what the entire philosophy of comfort food is built on: in America, this category includes dishes that are eaten for “psychotherapeutic purposes” and not to fill up. Food is pleasure, food is reward, food is anti-stress. And even memory food: these dishes can remind you of home, grandmothers and childhood. In Russia, these are probably pancakes, dumplings, fried potatoes and “cutlet with mashed potatoes.”

"Anti-stress food" cannot be justified, we must think about what we put inside and what we really need."
Alexis Conason, author of the Anti-Diet blog

It really is very tasty: spicy, sweet and salty come together - along with fat, calories and new kilograms. It is very difficult to resist such food at the physiological level: it stimulates the pleasure centers in the brain. Chocolate works the same way. Eat it and the hormone of joy, serotonin, is produced. This is the simplest and accessible remedy fight against bad mood and blues (not to be confused with emotional gluttony - an eating disorder). But what if there is another, less harmful and equally tasty food?

Food is bad - food is good
A 2015 study by American scientists from the State University of New York at Buffalo and Sewanee Southern University shows that “sweets” work equally well with emotionally stable people and with those who are psychologically imbalanced. A year earlier, the University of Minnesota found that eating this kind of food actually improves your mood, but soon you return to exactly the same state.
Other scientific research is encouraging: the same pleasure can be experienced from foods that are lower in calories and fat.

Healthy food for me is, first of all, that same “mixing” of tastes, says Alexis Conason, author of the Antidiet blog. - “Anti-stress food” cannot be justified; we must think about what we put inside, and about what we really need. My theory proves: we endow anti-stress food with meanings that it actually does not carry, and do not take care of the body at all. Let's say your anti-stress is chocolate. You feel sad, you eat chocolate and you lose control of yourself. But as soon as you realize this, the spell subsides and your favorite food ceases to be so tempting.

The vicious circle can be broken if you stop putting food on a pedestal and start looking at it objectively. Stereotypes like “vegetables are good, but chocolate is bad” are best avoided, experts say. The more you know about what you eat, the more effectively you can control your diet and your eating habits.

Between Nutella and broccoli
However, everything is not so sad - it is not at all necessary that delicious food leaves yours forever healthy life. But there’s no need to go to extremes either: between chocolate spread and broccoli, there are a lot of delicious options.
The most telling example is vegetarians. They know how to make plant foods so varied and tasty that any meat pizza will seem simple.
The idea is simple: healthy food can also be turned into anti-stress and comfort food. This is how you can improve your relationship with food. The main thing is not to be afraid to experiment with it. New flavors are what everyone is looking forward to from the Metro Super Chef 2018 competition.

How to replace unhealthy but favorite dishes:

. Pancakes or pancakes made with oatmeal with natural yogurt and berries.
. Low calorie chocolate pudding.

. Pizza with ricotta and spinach.
. Three cheese spaghetti with cauliflower.

5 most popular anti-stress dishes

1. Fried chicken

Fast food is a real drug. There are also restaurant dealers on literally every corner.

2. Ice cream

A classic treat from your fridge. One spoon - and it immediately seems that everything is not so bad.

You can find a lot of advice on nutrition during times of stress on the Internet. With the help of a certain diet, it is proposed to replenish vitamins and microelements, which, under strong emotional stress, are consumed with a vengeance. But, unfortunately, the “special” menu in this situation is not always effective. Why?

Special Tactics

First of all, because food alone cannot compensate for major micronutrient deficiencies. And if you can, you will have to eat a huge amount of “anti-stress” foods. And this is already overeating. For example, when severe stress B vitamins are consumed in huge quantities (their main source is cereals). Can you imagine how much whole grain bread or cereal you need to eat to make up for their deficiency? This, of course, is fraught with excess weight.

The lack of vitamins and microelements during periods of intense stress can only be replenished with the help of pharmaceutical preparations in which the dosage of micronutrients is increased. What medications are needed first? B vitamins, vitamin D and C and magnesium. You can take single drugs or complexes.
When the “peak” of stress has passed, you can already increase your resistance to stress by including foods containing anti-stress substances in your diet. First of all, these are B vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids (fish) - they will help prevent depression. Magnesium is needed to relieve muscle tension. And antioxidants (vegetables, fruits, greens) - to combat the damage that cortisol (stress hormone) causes to brain cells.

Appetite is under control

It is important to control the feeling of hunger during times of stress. Based on their reaction to stress, people are divided into two categories. The first has a hypophagic reaction. Because of their worries, such people cannot eat at all (but eat later when they calm down a little). But people belonging to the second category (hyperphagic reaction) sweep away everything they find! This is due to the fact that under stress, a lot of cortisol is released, which increases insulin synthesis. If stress is prolonged, cells lose sensitivity to insulin and insulin resistance develops. All this leads to severe hunger and overeating. Try to eat only when you are hungry. Don't forget about daily pleasures for yourself that don't involve food. It can be creativity, handicrafts - anything! The main thing is to devote at least 15–20 minutes a day to them.

What's on the menu?

  • Breakfast: whole grain toast with salmon, green salad and an egg. Half a cup of berries or any fruit.
  • Lunch: salad of cabbage, apples, carrots and walnuts with vegetable oil dressing.
  • Dinner: mushroom soup, vegetable stew with chicken.
  • Afternoon snack: low-fat cottage cheese with sesame seeds and a small amount honey
  • Dinner: vegetable salad with tuna, apple.

Anyone who monitors their health knows well that food has a very serious impact on the condition of the body.

In extreme situations, such as stress, nutrition can aggravate any chronic ailment or the body's reaction to an irritant, and can act as an antidepressant and adaptogen.

Why are some foods soothing?

A person may or may not like food, but each product has a certain composition and properties that have a serious impact on the functioning of various organs. This is especially noticeable during times of stress, which many experience.

On extreme situation the body reacts with increased excitability of the nervous system, increased breathing, heart rate, increased blood pressure, etc. In extreme cases, all this can provoke a panic attack.

If a person’s diet is structured in such a way that food brings into his body substances that aggravate stress and aggravate its consequences, then due to the increased load, individual organs and systems fail, hidden or long-standing diseases unexpectedly worsen, and sometimes problems arise that are incompatible with life.

What substances does the nervous system need?

In the case of a well-designed menu, on the contrary, the work of the nervous, circulatory, hormonal, and other systems is facilitated. To combat depression and prevent an acute reaction to stress, it is helpful to regularly include foods containing the following in your diet.

  1. B vitamins. They are not only beneficial for metabolic processes, but also directly affect the nervous system: calm it and strengthen it.
  2. Calcium, potassium, magnesium, iodine, phosphorus, zinc. Minerals are essential for the nervous system. They improve the transmission of nerve impulses at the cellular level.
  3. Educational stimulants. Hormones such as serotonin, dopamine, and endorphin have a beneficial effect on the lobes of the brain responsible for good mood and optimism in general. They are synthesized and maintained at the proper level thanks to tyramine, tryptophan, phenylalanine, organic acids, aromatic and other beneficial substances.
  4. Polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9 nourish the tissues of the brain and the main thinking organ, which means they help it endure any increased load.

Thanks to the saturation of the body with all of the listed substances, it is easier for it to perceive any change in living conditions, be it physical or emotional stress.

Top 15 useful products

Creating an anti-stress menu is not difficult. It should include natural products that have different compositions, but are equally effective in relieving stress.

1. Lean meat

Turkey, chicken, lean beef and lean pork contain not only construction material for the body - proteins of animal origin.

They are rich in substances promoting the production of neurotransmitters serotonin, dopamine, epinephrine and norepinephrine, without which it is impossible normal functioning central nervous system. These are such unique amino acids as:

  • tryptophan;
  • phenylalanine.

People who do not give up lean meat products are much less likely to suffer from loss of strength, anxiety, unreasonable fear and decreased energy levels.

As a rule, their motivation is at a decent level, and this is rare.

Tryptophan is associated to a greater extent with the synthesis of the hormone of happiness serotonin and the hormone of good sleep melatonin. Phenylalanine promotes the formation of dopamine, melatonin, epinephrine, and norepinephrine.

2. Oily fish

For the formation of the happiness hormone serotonin, B vitamins are needed, which are present in fatty sea fish and seafood.

But the most important advantage of this food is that it many unsaturated and omega-6 that help normal functioning nerve cells and make the blood vessels of the brain elastic and strong.

Seafood is also rich in iodine, phosphorus, vitamins A and E, which are extremely useful for strengthening the brain and nervous system as a whole.

The most useful are squid, shrimp, mussels, as well as fish:

  1. mackerel;
  2. herring;
  3. trout;
  4. salmon;
  5. tuna;
  6. halibut;
  7. sardine;
  8. acne.

And the latest research suggests that salmon, for example, even helps reduce the level of stress hormones - cortisol and adrenaline. And regular consumption of salmon reduces the risk of panic attacks in people suffering from panic disorders.

3. Sea kale

This plant is difficult to replace with any other plant product. It is extremely necessary for those who lead a busy lifestyle, are busy and are regularly exposed to stress.

Sea kale, or kelp, thanks to high iodine content, helps work thyroid gland, is the organ that is primarily responsible for the body’s response to stress. Pantothenic acid and vitamin B are also found in this product.

4. Milk and dairy products

Milk, curdled milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, cheese should be in a person’s diet if he is susceptible to stress.

The reason for their mandatory introduction into the daily menu is: presence of calcium, magnesium and tryptophan.

But there is one condition: it is healthier and more correct to consume low-fat dairy products, but not low-fat ones either.

Because fatty foods are digested worse, and excess fats make it difficult to normal work brain and nervous system as a whole. Low-fat ones bring little benefit, because without fats, the fat-soluble vitamins and minerals needed by the body are less easily absorbed.

5. Porridge and whole grain bread

Cereals have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, as contain complex carbohydrates.

People who regularly eat porridge, whole grain bread and durum wheat pasta are less likely to suffer from nervous disorders, since this food does not overload digestive system, soothes due to its nutritional value and the presence of vitamin B.

In addition, many porridges, such as oatmeal, stimulate the synthesis of serotonin. Nutritionists also recommend consuming brown rice and buckwheat more often against anxiety and stress.

6. Green vegetables

Everything and the nervous system. But those that contain green pigment have high content of vitamin B, which means they fight stress well and improve your mood. This is first of all:

  1. spinach and all leaf lettuces;
  2. white cabbage and broccoli;
  3. green beans and celery stalks.

Celery also contains aromatic substances that have a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

7. Tomatoes

The tomato is considered a good mood vegetable. It contains so many vitamins, minerals, and sugars that it can successfully replace several other vegetables at once. Of course, among them there are those that strengthen the nervous system.

But the main thing is that the tomato considered a natural antidepressant, as it contains substances that directly affect the emotional state.

  • Tyramine. This organic compound in the body it is converted into the hormone of happiness - serotonin.
  • Phenylalanine. Thanks to it, the good mood hormone endorphin is not destroyed in the body for a long time.

8. Fruits and berries

You should not neglect such a storehouse of vitamins, organic acids, sugars and mineral salts as fruits and berries.

  1. Citrus, for example, orange and grapefruit, are rich in vitamins C, A, K, E, group B. They contain many minerals and acids, including folic acid, which affects the amount of serotonin produced in the body. Grapefruit also reduces the level of the stress hormone cortisol. All citrus fruits contain, which are also used in aromatherapy.
  2. Banana good because it helps the body become saturated with serotonin.
  3. Blueberries, blueberries, raspberries also beneficial for the nervous system. In addition, antioxidants in their composition serve as prevention of aging.

9. Spices and herbs

They are all extremely useful. Concentrated in them vitamin and mineral composition, which improves the functioning of all body systems at once.

A essential oils in parsley, dill, cilantro they lift your spirits, even simply by affecting the olfactory receptors.

You need to be careful with hot herbs and spices. For example, cayenne pepper is very sensitive to stress. But it stimulates the digestive tract very strongly, which is not very beneficial for a person under tension. Therefore, this spice must be used extremely carefully, taking into account the individual characteristics of a person.

10. Natural honey

Provided that the origin of honey is not in doubt, this product is certainly indicated for nervous disorders.

Improving the condition of the blood vessels of the brain and coronary vessels of the heart.

Honey has long been used as an anti-stress and antidepressant. Especially if the nectar for it is taken from plants that have sedative properties.

11. Nuts and seeds

This high-calorie foods, but the content of vitamins and mineral salts in them is so high that it is impossible to ignore them when talking about anti-stress products.

They also help the production of serotonin.

In addition, in flax seeds, sesame seeds, hazelnuts, peanuts, walnut, cashews, pecans, peanuts and many others are high in essential fatty acids. They ensure the overall health of the nervous system, and also nourish brain cells well and stimulate its activity, which cannot but have a beneficial effect on mood.

12. Chocolate

Any, provided that the person likes it. But the healthiest kind is bitter - with a minimum of fat, without sugar, but consisting of 80% grated cocoa beans.

Having eaten a slice of high-quality chocolate, you can instantly replenish endorphins, which means very quickly changing the state of the body from stressful to peaceful and joyful.

13. Green tea

This popular drink is capable of both calming and invigorating: it all depends on the quantity and strength.

But the main thing is that he normalizes the activity of the nervous system and strengthens it, makes you invulnerable to stress if you drink this tea not very strong, but regularly.

The only thing you need to remember: if it is too strong, it can overstimulate the body for a short time, and if there is low blood pressure in large quantities, it can lead to a loss of strength. Therefore, if you have hypotension, it is better to drink black rather than green tea, which also has the ability to soothe.

14. Herbal teas

There are a large number based on plants, which, thanks to their vitamin-mineral composition and aromatic substances, are a real cure for nervous diseases and stress relievers. For example:

  1. mint tea Helps you relax after stress and improves sleep;
  2. lemon balm infusion is considered an excellent adaptogen: it helps to meet any challenge with dignity. nervous tension and maintain composure;
  3. chamomile tea calms both body and soul: relieves muscle spasms, eliminates anxiety, fear, panic attacks and fights insomnia;
  4. ginger tea, especially with lemon, soothes thanks to its aromatic oils, and with the help of omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids, and because it contains several amino acids, including tryptophan.

15. Plain water

  1. by performing simple physical actions, it is easier to distract yourself from stress;
  2. water, entering the blood, normalizes its composition and improves blood circulation in the brain, helping to relieve excess stress;
  3. all mental processes, including the emotional state, are optimized when the brain, dependent on a sufficient amount of fluid in the body, ceases to experience dehydration.

Also check out the infographic:

What should you avoid?

In addition to foods that help against depression, there are those that are best reduced to a minimum or completely excluded from the diet if the body is often exposed to stress. This is due to their stimulating or, conversely, depressing effect.

  1. Fatty and fried foods. Fatty meats, high-fat dairy products, fried foods are poorly absorbed, and excess fats are deposited on the inner walls of blood vessels, including brain vessels. In this case, the blood supply to the brain deteriorates, which depresses the psyche of a person, who in this state is unable to adequately respond to stressful situations.
  2. Synthetic food: fast food, sausages, semi-finished products, snacks. All this food is the most inedible thing imaginable, as it contains a large amount of fat, especially trans fats, salt, chemical additives for preservation, color and flavor enhancement. These worsen the composition of the blood and, as a result, the functioning of all body systems.
  3. Confectionery products with refined sugar and baked goods made from white flour. Many people have a habit. Fast carbohydrates, including sucrose, lead to an artificial energy and emotional rise, and then to a sharp decline. This causes a surge of serotonin and endorphin, followed by an emotional and physiological “kickback”, which increases the stress state.
  4. Alcohol. is basically an illusion based on the fact that brain cells lose their functionality under the influence of ethanol. Neutralization of stress with the help of alcohol and personal degradation to varying degrees.

Useful videos

We suggest watching these videos for a detailed understanding of the topic:


A properly designed diet can change a person’s emotional state for the better.

And if you use antidepressant products regularly and purposefully, you can significantly ease your encounter with stressful situations and even prevent serious consequences in the form of depression.
