Spathiphyllum flower care. Spathiphyllum care at home. Diseases affecting the plant

Choosing a houseplant for your home garden determined by the personal preferences of the gardener. At the same time, some people prefer to grow flowering indoor plants, while others are more attracted to unusual shapes, as well as the colors of the leaves. Spathiphyllum combines both. In order for this plant to please its owner, you need to know how to care for spathiphyllum at home.

general description

Spathiphyllum was named by this name by the Greeks. Translated, this name means “plant leaf” and “cloak”. Taken together, this name very accurately describes the plant, because the inflorescence-cob at its base has a petal in the shape of a blanket, which is shaped like a leaf, but white.

The female spathiphyllum flower is very unpretentious. Caring for this plant does not require much time or the creation of any specific conditions. Another noteworthy feature of growing is that this flower is good at purifying the atmosphere in the room. True, these plants do not tolerate smoke and gases at all, so it is prohibited to grow it in the kitchen.

Concerning folk superstitions and will accept, then there is no certainty. Some seriously believe that spathiphyllum drives men out of the house and can even destroy relationships. Others believe that the flower helps in finding a soul mate and also helps the right choice, if a person has several candidates for the role of the chosen one.

At room conditions About 40 species of spathiphyllum can be grown. Most of these varieties came from South America. Spathiphyllum chopin has become widespread; caring for it at home is no different from other species. There is also red spathiphyllum.

Their natural habitat is the tropics, including forests, and this plant can also be found on the banks of streams and small rivers. Some species of spathiphyllum were introduced from the Solomon Islands, Malaysia and Polynesia. In Europe, the plant gained popularity in the 19th century, and it was brought specifically for indoor breeding. Since then, many gardeners began to grow spathiphyllum at home.

Home care

The secret of caring for this plant lies in observing certain features, which are determined by the fact that the flower, in principle, does not have a stem, and its root system is quite short. It takes some time for the water to reach the leaves, but this does not apply to spathiphyllum. This plant receives moisture very quickly. It is for this reason that watering should be done only after the soil has completely dried. If you water the plants more often, the moisture will begin to stagnate in the pot, and the leaves will begin to rot at the very base.

Spathiphyllum blooms in the spring, and the flowering period is quite long. But with proper maintenance, the flower often blooms again, and flowering can be repeated several times a year. Please note that dead inflorescences must be cut off. This is done as close to the ground as possible. Dried flowers are not only unattractive, but also prevent the formation of others, and the leaves next to them begin to grow more slowly and may even rot.

If you have already decided to have a spathiphyllum flower at home, you need to learn how to care for it at home. First of all, care should begin with proper placement in the room. To do this, we must remember that the plant comes from tropical forests, where it grows in the shade of trees. For this reason, plants should be located on a side that is not too sunny.

And if you have a choice regarding lighting, then you can even achieve different colors and shapes of leaves: in diffused light, the leaves will be lighter, wider and brighter, and in more dark room they become oblong and dense green.

But if the flower does not have enough light, then you should not expect it to bloom. That is why, after purchasing, it is necessary to observe how the spathiphyllum will feel in a new place. On the northern windowsill the flower will feel comfortable, and on the southern side it will bloom longer and more luxuriantly. It is important to remember that you should avoid direct sunlight on the leaves, as this can cause burns.


Picking up temperature regime for spathiphyllum, we must remember where it comes from indoor plant. In this case, care is to prevent the flower from freezing when winter comes. If this plant is kept in an unheated room in winter, it is recommended to remove it from there. The lethal temperature for spathiphyllum is +10 degrees. At this air temperature, the flowers begin to rot, after which the plant is almost impossible to return to life.

The minimum temperature at which plants will not get sick is 16 degrees above zero. If the heating of the premises is turned off in winter, the room will have to be warmed up with a fan heater. It is also worth excluding the possibility of drafts, since they are destructive for the flower.

Features of watering and spraying

For any indoor plant, moisture is the main component normal functioning . Caring for spathiphyllum also involves observing correct mode glaze. It is necessary to water the flower all year round, but at some periods of its life watering should be more abundant and frequent, and at some time it should be reduced. The plant should be watered abundantly during its flowering period. And this does not depend on what time of year the spathiphyllum blooms.

It is recommended to water from a tray, since the top layer of soil must be completely dry by the time moisture is added. But too infrequent wetting is harmful to the flower. In this case, the root system may have time to dry out, so reviving the plant will be quite problematic.

To grow a healthy and vibrant flower with glossy shiny leaves, care should also include regular watering of the leaves. For this purpose, it is necessary to use settled water, not cold or hot; spraying should be carried out early in the morning or at sunset. If the weather is hot outside, then the spathiphyllum will need to be sprayed twice a day. But if the air temperature is normal, then 1 spray every 3 days is enough. During spraying, water should not get on the ears of the plant.

Fertilizer and feeding

All indoor plants have a particularly active period of growth. This period is called the growing season and usually lasts from March to the end of September. At this time everything indoor flowers it is necessary to additionally feed, spathiphyllum is no exception. Care during this period comes down to feeding. For this purpose, mineral fertilizers are used, but only in small concentrations. You can purchase ready-made fertilizers for aroids or a complex universal fertilizer. It is also permitted to use traditional methods. To prepare nutritional supplement you will need:

  • 1 part mullein.
  • 20 parts plain water.

The ingredients are mixed well, after which the green pet is fed with the resulting mixture. But even after this manipulation, do not forget to water the plant with warm water.

It is worth noting that this indoor plant with its root system very quickly fills the entire space in the pot. And the entire spathiphyllum begins to suffer from this. Transplantation is a mandatory annual procedure. An alarm signal will be the roots that are already climbing out through drainage holes pot. It is worth remembering that too large a container slows down plant growth, impairs its health and stops flowering. For this reason, it would be better to spend a little time in the spring on replanting than to initially plant spathiphyllum in an overly large pot for several years.

During the replanting process, you must be very careful, since damage to the root system is difficult for the flower to tolerate, and after that it will take a long time to recover. You can prepare the soil mixture for the plant yourself by taking:

  • Humus.
  • Charcoal.
  • Finely broken brick.

You can also already purchase a ready-made substrate, which is designed specifically for aroid plants. At the same time, it is recommended to refresh it with the same coal. For preventative purposes, any soil is spilled with a hot and strong solution of potassium permanganate. The new pot for the plant should be no more than 5 cm in diameter wider than the previous one.

Reproduction methods

The cutting method for plant propagation will not work in the case of spathiphyllum. To propagate a flower, you will have to learn to divide the rhizome. This is best done in the spring, when the plant is transplanted into new pot. This is done as follows:

It is necessary to prepare a new mixture for plants. It can be done using:

  • Two parts of leafy soil.
  • Two parts of coniferous land.
  • Two parts of peat.
  • Two parts of sand.
  • One part charcoal.

Possible diseases and pests

Another advantage of spathiphyllum is its low susceptibility to infections.. Diseases that are common among other indoor flowers affect this plant extremely rarely.

But there is no escape from pests! The danger to spathiphyllum is: aphids, spider mite, scale insect, mealybug. In such a situation, it is important to be able to determine in time which pest has attacked the flower, and then take measures to save your green pet.

If a weightless cobweb has formed on the plant and the leaves begin to dry out, this indicates the presence of a spider mite. In this case, all the cobwebs are carefully collected, and the leaves are washed with a soap solution, infusion of onion peels, ground sulfur or purchased insecticides. After treatment, the plant should be rinsed with clean and warm water.

If the leaves begin to curl and dry out, then the spathiphyllum has been attacked by aphids. This pest breeds very quickly, so you will have to act quickly. Nicotine sulfate is effective in the fight against aphids. However, the soil in the pot will have to be covered with plastic wrap. You may not be able to completely remove aphids the first time.

The presence of scale insects is indicated by dark spots throughout the body of the plant. To get rid of this pest, you can use a tobacco-soap solution. Only stains are wiped with this solution, and healthy areas can be left untouched. After treatment, the flower should be washed with warm plain water.

The mealybug can be identified visually; it does not leave any signs behind. Most often it appears due to excess humidity. If these pests are few, then you just need to wipe the leaves with a rag, which must be moistened with alcohol. If the infection is quite serious, you will have to use chemicals.

If you properly care for this indoor flower, you can count on success when growing it..

Attention, TODAY only!

Spathiphyllum is loved by many housewives, because it is credited with the ability to bring family well-being and love into the home. “Women's happiness” is its second name. When gardeners purchase spathiphyllum, home care will not be difficult for them. Having such “feminine joy” in your apartment is a good omen.

Caring for a green pet at home

Spathiphyllum cannot be classified as a plant that requires increased care and attention. Knowing that it comes from the tropical forests of South America and grows there along bodies of water, it must be taken into account that most of all it needs a humid environment and diffused sunlight. In what place is it more comfortable for “female happiness” to be?

Favorable location and lighting

Direct sunlight is not for spathiphyllum. The best option for healthy flower development, place it near a window facing north or east. If the apartment does not allow this, it is worth shading the window with a curtain or film. Nothing bad will happen if the plant is placed in the back of the room. It will even be able to bloom, only the inflorescences and leaves will become smaller and paler.

Suitable temperature and humidity

The most comfortable temperature for a flower 20–25°C. Spathiphyllum will tolerate higher temperatures, up to 30-35°C, but it will require frequent watering and spraying. IN winter time the plant is ready for temperatures from 15°C and slightly higher, because in the places where it grows naturally it can be just as cool in winter.

Sufficient humidity near the flower can be maintained by placing a shallow but wide container of water next to it. This will have a beneficial effect on both the condition of the leaves and the flowering of spathiphyllum. This is true both in summer and high temperatures, and in winter with the heating on.

Proper watering

A sure sign that “female happiness” needs urgent watering is when its leaves droop and lighten. But even from this state the flower emerges victorious, you just have to water it generously and sprinkle it with water. After 2-3 hours it is transformed, as if this temporary drought had never happened.

The best water for watering indoor flowers is considered to be filtered tap water at room temperature, or at least standing for 24 hours. Watering regime for “female happiness”: in summer - every other day or two, in winter - once a week.

Water in summer home flower it is necessary to do it generously and often so that the water remains in the pan for a while. Frequent spraying also has a beneficial effect. clean water during the day. They wash away the dust settling on the leaves and at the same time humidify the air around them. Wiping the leaves with a damp cloth will not harm the spathiphyllum.

Necessary fertilizers and soil

The soil for “female happiness” requires fertile and loose soil, saturated with organic matter and minerals, to ensure full and long flowering. At favorable conditions spathiphyllum can bloom from mid-spring to mid-autumn. You need land containing peat, humus and leaf soil in equal parts, with the addition small quantity sand.

In winter, they try to give the plant a chance to “rest” and do not feed it. With the arrival of spring they begin to fertilize " woman's happiness» every 2–3 weeks, alternating organic and mineral preparations. Fertilizer is added to settled or filtered water according to the instructions for it and the spathiphyllum is watered at the root.

The flower also responds gratefully to leaf feeding with any flowering fertilizer. Such compositions are ready for use and are sold in any flower or specialty store at a low price.

From mid-autumn to winter, “female happiness” is fed less frequently - once a month.

Transplanting “female happiness” into a new pot

It is correct to transplant a flower in early spring. The young flower is transplanted into a new, larger pot every year. On the eve of the operation, it is well watered. The new pot should be slightly larger than the previous one. One condition should be taken into account: spathiphyllum will begin to bloom after it has well developed its root system and completely filled the pot. The bottom of the new pot is ¼ covered with drainage material (expanded clay, pebbles, pieces of wood) and then filled with substrate.

They try to remove the plant with a lump of earth from the old pot. The small lateral processes of the flower are removed to give it the opportunity not to waste its energy on them and to grow well in a new place.

Having moved the plant to a new place, the root is lightly sprinkled with soil, compacted and watered abundantly. For better survival in a new place, you can spray the foliage with Epin solution. The next watering is carried out on days 4–5.

More mature plant replant less frequently: once every 4–5 years or when the pot is too densely filled with its roots.

Flower propagation

Reproduction of “female happiness” is carried out in several ways: by seeds, cuttings and by dividing it into several parts. It is better to carry out such procedures in the spring, before flowering.

By division

To divide a flower and plant it in several pots, first water it well and remove it from the pot. If it has grown well, you can separate not 2, but several larger roots with leaves, removing small shoots. “Delenki” are transferred to a new pot with loose soil.

Before planting in a new pot, carefully examine the roots for diseased and weak parts. If any are found, they are carefully removed or cut off, treating the cut areas with wood ash or other antiseptic. In order not to weaken the plant with frequent transplants, it is recommended to keep a propagation diary, recording the dates of various procedures.


The plant propagates by cuttings or shoots both in spring and autumn. For cuttings it is not necessary to remove it completely from the pot. It is enough to use a knife or a small spatula to take a young shoot with several leaves from the main root and transplant it into a new pot of suitable size.

It’s good if you can separate the shoot with 3-4 cm roots. If this doesn’t work, then small flower place in a glass of water and wait until the roots grow. You can drop Kornevin into the water to speed up the process.

Growing from seeds

It is possible to grow spathiphyllum from seeds, but the percentage of sprouts is very low, about 30%, and it takes more time. Seeds for this are selected in the store, taking into account the packaging date. Before sowing, the seeds are soaked for 3-4 hours in a solution with any growth stimulant (Epin, Kornevin and others).

A soil mixture of peat and sand in equal parts is spilled with a fungicide solution and dried. Select a shallow container and fill it with the prepared mixture. Landing is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. The seeds are laid out on the surface, sprinkled with 4–5 cm of soil, and slightly moistened.
  2. Cover with a lid or transparent film and place in a place with a temperature of 21–24°C.
  3. Ventilate the container daily.

When leaves appear, leave the container open, continuing to regularly moisten the plants. After the true leaf appears, the bushes can be planted in mini-pots and continued growing.

Plant maintenance problems

During the development and growth of a flower, as a result of improper handling or for other reasons, the plant may become sick and not bloom. It is recommended to pay attention to this and take timely measures to prevent the flower from dying.

Diseases and their treatment

Spathiphyllum is affected by various diseases. This happens mainly due to poor soil and its waterlogging. Symptoms can manifest themselves in different ways: When the base of the stem is affected by rot, some leaves turn yellow and die. In this case, it is necessary to cut off the dying parts and treat the flower several times with a fungicidal solution.

If root rot occurs, the leaves become dull and the roots become soft and split. It is urgently required to transplant the flower into new disinfected soil, after cutting off the diseased roots, and spilling the soil with Fitosporin. In the case of late blight, the root collar first becomes covered with dark spots, and then the spots spread to the stem and leaf.

If this initial stage disease, then the flower is treated with Ridomil and watered less often. When the disease is advanced, the plant is destroyed. With a disease such as septoria, gray spots with a yellow border first grow on the leaves, which lead to drying of the leaves. To control the disease, the affected leaves are trimmed and then the entire foliage is sprayed with copper-containing fungicides.

Fusarium wilt is difficult to recognize immediately, because in this case the bush of “female happiness” quickly turns yellow and withers. To improve the health of a flower, its roots are washed, placed in a fungicidal solution for an hour, diseased fragments are removed and only then transplanted into a new pot.

Insect pests and their control

The main enemies of insect spathiphyllum are spider mites, aphids and scale insects. To emerge victorious in the fight against them, you need to inspect the flower more carefully and more often. Insects spotted in time can be quickly destroyed before they create their own colonies and cause significant damage to the flower.

If the plant is noticeably affected by pests, take the following measures: If a spider mite is detected, which has enveloped the lower part of the leaves with cobwebs, place the flower pot in the bathroom, cover the ground with cellophane and wash it under the shower head. Then cover with a clean bag for a day. If the bush is seriously affected, it is sprayed with an insecticide.

Aphids are easier to see on spathiphyllum because they secrete a sticky substance that coats the leaves. Aphids suck all the juices out of the plant, as a result of which it may die. To prevent this, the flower is washed in the shower using laundry soap, or sprayed with an infusion of tobacco dust.

The insidious scale insect hides more often on inside leaves, covering them with dark spots, causing the leaves to turn yellow and the spathiphyllum to wither. To eliminate pests, remove them by wiping the leaves with a damp soft cloth. In addition, you can spray the flower with an alcohol solution or insecticide.

Why doesn't it bloom

When spathiphyllum does not bloom, the reason may be:

  • pot too big. Flowering can be expected when the root system grows and fills the volume of the pot;
  • frequent transplants that put the plant in a stressful state;
  • excess fertilizer. Before feeding a flower, you should carefully familiarize yourself with the fertilizer application rates so that it blooms.

The whole secret of the success of the flowering of “female happiness” lies in attentive attitude towards it and love.

During flowering, spathiphyllum, like many indoor flowers, does not like to be moved and may stop blooming.

Common mistakes gardeners make

When caring for spathiphyllum at home is impaired, its appearance indicates this. This often happens due to mistakes made by flower growers.

  1. With regular waterlogging, the ends of the leaves and flowers turn black.
  2. Leaves become deformed in insufficient light.
  3. "Women's Happiness" grows slowly with excess light and moisture.
  4. When air humidity is low, the tips of the leaves dry out.
  5. Leaves wither and droop at low temperatures or when the earthen clod dries out.
  6. Leaves turn yellow due to problems with the root system and insufficient watering.
  7. “Women's Happiness” does not bloom if the pot is large or improperly watered.
  8. Leaves may turn black due to overcooling of the roots or when the root is burned by fertilizer.

The main types and varieties of “female happiness”

Both compact species and large varieties that are easy to care for are suitable for growing the “female happiness” flower at home. The following varieties have become widespread:

  • "Sensation" - can grow up to 1.5 meters tall. It has large, long-lasting inflorescences;
  • “Alana” - grows up to 50 cm. It stands out among other species by a longitudinal vein on the back side of the perianth. The leaves of the flower are pointed, bright green;
  • “Domino” - has small inflorescences, the leaves are randomly colored with white longitudinal stripes;
  • "Chopin" is a bush up to 40 cm high, very compact. Characterized by the presence of a pleasant aroma;
  • "Wallis" is the basis of all modern hybrids. The height of the bush is no more than 50 cm, the inflorescence is 10 cm long;
  • "Picasso" - has long leaves about 30 cm and looks unusual due to the white areas on the overall green background of the leaf;
  • “Profusely blooming” - blooms for a long time, in small inflorescences (8 cm). The leaves are oval.

There are also varieties of this plant such as “Verdi”, “Chopin”, “Sweet Silvio”, “Mauna Loa” and others. Sometimes anthurium (“male happiness”) with its red flowers is mistakenly classified as spathiphyllum, but these are different plants.

Spathiphyllum is a plant with beautiful leaves And original flowers. Unpretentious flower popular among experienced and novice gardeners. If you are looking for a plant that will bloom virtually all year round, then this is spathiphyllum. Caring for it at home is simple and does not require special skills. It is enough to familiarize yourself with basic rules growing.

Spathiphyllum, or Spathiphyllum (lat. Spathiphyllum) belongs to the Araceae family. The natural growing environment is tropical climate. Distributed in East Asia and America. About 40 species are known. As a houseplant, spathiphyllum is distinguished by its variety of varieties and colors. An evergreen herbaceous perennial, average height up to 30 cm. There are tall and dwarf varieties.

The plant has no stem; a bunch of leaves grows directly from the ground. The leaves are dark green, elongated-lanceolate. Spathifullum flowers look original - the cobs on long peduncles of cream or soft pink color. The flower is surrounded by a white blanket, which gradually turns green. The shape of the blanket is compared to a flag fluttering in the wind. For this, people often call him a flagologist.

Inexperienced amateur flower growers are sometimes faced with a lack of flowering. They achieve it with enhanced care and compliance with all growing rules. Blooms from spring to mid-summer. Sometimes it blooms again in the fall.

Interesting! All types of spathiphyllum are popularly known as “female happiness.” It is believed that it drives loneliness out of the home. It helps single girls to find a betrothed, married girls to improve relationships with their soulmate, and childless girls to have children.

Varieties of spathiphyllum

At home they try to grow the most unpretentious varieties spathiphyllum. Many plant species existing in nature have been adapted for growing in apartments and improved by breeders. Here are some popular varieties.

  • Spathiphyllum Wallis. Served as the basis for the creation of most modern varieties. The bush reaches 45 cm, the inflorescence up to 10 cm. It is considered the most unpretentious of all existing species.

  • Spathiphyllum Domino. It is highly decorative not only of flowers, but also of leaves. They are neat, oblong in shape, with a sharp tip. The variety got its name because of its unusual coloring - randomly scattered light strokes and stripes on a dark green background. The advantage of the variety is long flowering.

  • Spathiphyllum Chopin. small bush no more than 40 cm in height. The leaves are neat, oblong, the veins are clearly visible. The variety was bred by breeders. It has an unobtrusive but pleasant aroma.

  • Spathiphyllum Sensation. Tall hybrid. At good care reaches one and a half meters in height. The inflorescences are large and expressive.

  • Spathiphyllum Strauss. An interesting low-growing variety no more than 30 cm in height. The leaves are elongated, leathery, dark green.

  • Spathiphyllum profusely blooming. A popular variety with a long flowering period. The inflorescences are medium in size, the leaves are oval, darkening as they mature. The peduncle is long.

Spathiphyllum care

Organizing care for spathiphyllum at home is easy. The plant is not demanding of care and easily tolerates temporary inconveniences. But for active growth and friendly flowering, it is recommended to adhere to the basic rules.

Advice! The pot for spathiphyllum is not very spacious. When there is excess space, the plant directs its efforts to growing foliage. Flowering becomes scarce or stops altogether.

Reproduction methods

Propagated by dividing the bush, seeds and apical cuttings. Sowing by seeds is resorted to in rare cases - to grow a new variety. There is no need to use cuttings. The plant produces many babies.

When children appear, the bush is divided into several parts. Make sure that each one has roots and a growing point. If there are no roots, the young plant is planted in damp sand for rooting. Small pots are used - about 9 cm.

Important! Sometimes the plant does not bloom for a long time. Why doesn't spathiphyllum bloom? Perhaps the plant is too young - flowers appear after reaching maturity. The first flowering begins when the root system completely fills the pot. In adult plants, the lack of flowering is associated with low temperature, insufficient humidity, and poor soil.

Diseases, pests and growing difficulties

The flower rarely gets sick, but can be affected by pests. It is recommended to systematically inspect the flower to detect insects.

  • The leaves are turning yellow. The main reason is the lack of moisture in the soil and air. It is recommended to rinse the flower under a warm shower from time to time.
  • The tips of the leaves dry out. Low air humidity. Use additional artificial air humidification by all possible ways. Spraying does not always solve the problem.
  • The leaves turn black. Possible causes are a lack of phosphorus, nitrogen or a violation of the irrigation regime. Apply fertilizers and monitor soil moisture.

Common pests include aphids, scale insects, mealybugs, and spider mites. All of them lead to the death of the plant. If insects are detected, the plant is bathed in a warm shower and treated with insecticides.

This is an ideal plant for beginning gardeners. It successfully combines decorativeness, beautiful flowering and ease of care.

Useful tips

FlowerWoman's happiness(Spathiphyllum) is not an ordinary plant. It has truly magical properties.

It is believed that if it is in a period of abundant flowering, then its owner will soon be happy in personal and family relationships.

Single girls can meet their betrothed, and women who cannot give birth can finally feel the joy of motherhood.

This is probably how the flower got its name. He can fulfill the wishes of those who, sparing no effort and time, lovingly care for him.

And in fact, how much does a woman need to become happy? All that is needed is harmony and silence in the house, and for loved ones to show at least a little care and attention.

Also, the flower requires the bare minimum of care. from its owners, because this plant is completely unpretentious, it only needs warmth and gentle light.

Home flower Women's happiness

It is believed that if you place a flower next to Women’s Happiness Male happiness, then harmony of male and female energy will reign in the house, which means love and happiness in the family.

How to care for this miracle flower so that it gives others not only its beautiful blooms, but also brings positive emotions into the house?

Tips for purchasing a flower

You can’t give your flower to anyone. It is considered very good sign, if some man gives you a flower. It doesn’t matter who he is to you, husband, brother or father.

If you buy a plant in a store, then try to ensure that a woman sells it to you.

Try to leave more change than you need.

If you go to the store to buy a flower, choose exclusively women's days: Saturday, Wednesday or Friday.

Try to make the purchase during the waxing moon.

Replanting a flower after purchase

It is necessary to replant a flower immediately after purchasing it at a flower shop.. Or at least try to do it as early as possible.

When replanting a flower, carefully examine its entirety, paying special attention to the root system. Carefully cut off anything suspicious. And also replace the substrate with normal soil, in which the plant will fully and correctly develop.

Women's happiness is designed in such a way that it can bloom only when its roots fill the entire space in the pot. It follows that when you replant a flower, the new pot should be 2-3 cm larger in diameter than the previous one. This is the most important rule when transplanting Women's Happiness.

If you transplant the flower into a much larger pot, you will have to wait a very long time for the roots to grow throughout the pot.

There is no point in buying a deep pot for replanting a plant., since its root system does not grow down, but to the sides. A layer of drainage material is required, as the roots do not like stagnant water. These are all the requirements for a potty.

How to care for a flower Women's happiness

It is almost impossible to starve a woman's happiness to death. This flower can adapt to absolutely any conditions.

However, there are some nuances that can have a negative effect on the plant. If you do not follow some recommendations, then the appearance of Women's Happiness may deteriorate, but what is most sad is that you will not be able to fully enjoy its flowering.

Women's Happiness has very beautiful lush greenery and glossy foliage. This noble plant will adequately decorate the interior of your home, and will delight your household with its positive aura, which contributes to the creation of strong family ties.

Why do the leaves of the plant turn yellow?

There is a saying: Happiness loves silence. This flower also loves to be in a quiet, secluded corner, where there is not too intense lighting, since the rays from the sun can cause irreparable harm to the plant.

If you notice on the leaves of a flower a faded tint or yellowness, if the leaves have become lifeless and lethargic, then it’s time to think about changing its place of residence. This is the answer to the question why the leaves turn yellow.

Such leaves must be carefully removed from the bush. With proper and proper care for a flower, it will bring a good mood and only positive emotions to the house.

Watering Women's Happiness

In hot weather the flower will be happy with an extra sip of water.

A flower can tell a lot about itself through its behavior:

If he begins to experience a loss of leaf elasticity, yellowness or drying out, then the flower must be urgently watered and sprayed with a spray bottle. It is this kind of therapy that will help revive and bring the plant back to life.

You need to water Women's Happiness directly into the pot, but try not to let the water get into the center of the plant.

This flower by its nature prefers exclusively wet air, which means it will benefit from systematic spraying of foliage.

Feeding Women's Happiness

If the soil is nutritious, then Women's Happiness can grow well without fertilizers. But it should be taken into account that in order for the bush to develop well and grow without problems, it is necessary to apply mineral fertilizers once a month. The most suitable period for this is the period from mid-spring to mid-autumn.

Beginner flower growers very often ask the question of what needs to be done in order to achieve the flowering of Women's Happiness. Undoubtedly, such a method exists. To do this, you need to use liquid fertilizers for Aroids (Uniflor-bud, Kemira-Lux).

The flower needs to be fed twice a month from March to October. But do not forget to carefully study the instructions before applying fertilizer to the soil. The product you purchase should contain the least amount of nitrogen.

Women's happiness will respond gratefully for watering with a weak solution of mullein or an extract from poultry compost. However, this fertilizer should not be overused, otherwise you may not find the long-awaited flowering of your favorite plant, but watch it begin to wither more and more.

If the humidity in the room is will be low, Women's happiness will not bloom. If you notice that the humidity has decreased, you should make the area comfortable for him yourself. You can place an aquarium next to the plant.

The flower is also placed on a tray with moss or expanded clay, which will constantly evaporate moisture.

Indoor flower Women's happiness: Reproduction

In this way, the flower can be propagated at any time of the year., although the most best time Spring is when the plant is just awakening and preparing to grow after a long winter. In summer, plant propagation is also allowed.

To start breeding, it is very necessary sharp knife, lowered into the ground between the bush itself and the cutting, cut the connecting root passing from the mother bush to the baby. When cutting, you will hear a characteristic crunch. Now you need to remove the cutting from the ground.

If there are small shoots of roots on the cut cuttings, then it can be immediately planted in the ground. If they are not there, then you need to put the cutting in a glass of water and cover the top with a bag. This way the roots will appear faster. Just don’t forget to ventilate the plant.

Difficulties in caring for a flower Women's happiness at home

Usually the flower is greatly weakened by replanting. If the plant has drooped its leaves, it is probably due to excess moisture after watering.

When transplanting, the plant may begin to appear yellow spots on the leaves. This is a sign of sunburn on the flower. Women's happiness, of course, loves light very much, but not the direct rays of the sun. A best place for him there will be a window sill that faces east.

If the plant's leaves turn yellow, this may mean that it is not being cared for correctly. Abundant and prolonged flowering can thin the bush, which has already wasted all its strength, as well as nutrients. They usually turn yellow first lower leaves, and then everyone else. Fertilizing can save a flower mineral fertilizers.

Home flower Women's happiness: how to care for it so that the number of buds increases

In order to force a flower to produce not one bud, but several, experienced gardeners put it in a cold place for two weeks.

And at the same time they reduce watering. After this time, they return the plant to its original place with diffused light and fertilize it with mineral fertilizers.

After about a month they can already enjoy abundant flowering plants.

In order to provoke the growth of new inflorescences, you need to cut off all outdated and green inflorescences and mercilessly throw them away.

It also helps very well during the flowering period. spraying the plant. Only in this case it is necessary to carefully ensure that droplets of water do not fall on the flowers themselves.


Caring for Women's Happiness is not so difficult, as it may seem even to an inexperienced gardener. Gardeners usually have no problems with its flowering.

If with the arrival of spring or summer the buds still do not appear, then gardeners simply reconsider its care, and also observe the presence of pests.

If there are no signs of illness, then in order to stimulate flowering in the plant, it is taken out to the balcony, where it is cooler than in its usual conditions.

Spathiphyllum is a plant with beautiful leaves and original flowers. This unpretentious flower is popular among experienced and novice gardeners. If you are looking for a plant that will bloom almost all year round, then this is spathiphyllum. Caring for it at home is simple and does not require special skills. It is enough to familiarize yourself with the basic rules of growing.

Description and general information

Spathiphyllum, or Spathiphyllum (lat. Spathiphyllum) belongs to the Araceae family. The natural habitat is a tropical climate. Distributed in East Asia and America. About 40 species are known. As a houseplant, spathiphyllum is distinguished by its variety of varieties and colors. An evergreen herbaceous perennial, average height up to 30 cm. There are tall and dwarf varieties.

The plant has no stem; a bunch of leaves grows directly from the ground. The leaves are dark green, elongated-lanceolate. Spathifullum flowers look original - the cobs on long peduncles of cream or soft pink color. The flower is surrounded by a white blanket, which gradually turns green. The shape of the blanket is compared to a flag fluttering in the wind. For this, people often call him a flagologist.

Inexperienced amateur flower growers are sometimes faced with a lack of flowering. They achieve it with enhanced care and compliance with all growing rules. Blooms from spring to mid-summer. Sometimes it blooms again in the fall.

Interesting! All types of spathiphyllum are popularly known as “female happiness.” It is believed that it drives loneliness out of the home. It helps single girls to find a betrothed, married girls to establish relationships with their soulmate, and childless girls to have children.

Varieties of spathiphyllum

At home they try to grow the most unpretentious varieties of spathiphyllum. Many plant species existing in nature have been adapted for growing in apartments and improved by breeders. Here are some popular varieties.

  • Spathiphyllum Wallis. Served as the basis for the creation of most modern varieties. The bush reaches 45 cm, the inflorescence up to 10 cm. It is considered the most unpretentious of all existing species.
  • Spathiphyllum Domino. It is highly decorative not only of flowers, but also of leaves. They are neat, oblong in shape, with a sharp tip. The variety got its name because of its unusual coloring - randomly scattered light strokes and stripes on a dark green background. The advantage of the variety is long flowering.
  • Spathiphyllum Chopin. A small bush no more than 40 cm tall. The leaves are neat, oblong, the veins are clearly visible. The variety was bred by breeders. It has an unobtrusive but pleasant aroma.
  • Spathiphyllum Sensation. Tall hybrid. With good care it reaches one and a half meters in height. The inflorescences are large and expressive.
  • Spathiphyllum Strauss. An interesting low-growing variety no more than 30 cm in height. The leaves are elongated, leathery, dark green.
  • Spathiphyllum profusely blooming. A popular variety with a long flowering period. The inflorescences are medium in size, the leaves are oval, darkening as they mature. The peduncle is long.

Spathiphyllum care

Organizing care for spathiphyllum at home is easy. The plant is not demanding of care and easily tolerates temporary inconveniences. But for active growth and friendly flowering, it is recommended to adhere to the basic rules.

Advice! The pot for spathiphyllum is not very spacious. When there is excess space, the plant directs its efforts to growing foliage. Flowering becomes scarce or stops altogether.

Reproduction methods

Propagated by dividing the bush, seeds and apical cuttings. Sowing by seeds is resorted to in rare cases - to grow a new variety. There is no need to use cuttings. The plant produces many babies.

When children appear, the bush is divided into several parts. Make sure that each one has roots and a growing point. If there are no roots, the young plant is planted in damp sand for rooting. Small pots are used - about 9 cm.

Important! Sometimes the plant does not bloom for a long time. Why doesn't spathiphyllum bloom? Perhaps the plant is too young - flowers appear after reaching maturity. The first flowering begins when the root system completely fills the pot. In adult plants, the lack of flowering is associated with low temperature, insufficient humidity, and poor soil.

Diseases, pests and growing difficulties

The flower rarely gets sick, but can be affected by pests. It is recommended to systematically inspect the flower to detect insects.

  • The leaves are turning yellow. The main reason is the lack of moisture in the soil and air. It is recommended to rinse the flower under a warm shower from time to time.
  • The tips of the leaves dry out. Low air humidity. Use additional artificial air humidification in all possible ways. Spraying does not always solve the problem.
  • The leaves turn black. Possible reasons are a lack of phosphorus, nitrogen or a violation of the irrigation regime. Apply fertilizers and monitor soil moisture.

Common pests include aphids, scale insects, mealybugs, and spider mites. All of them lead to the death of the plant. If insects are detected, the plant is bathed in a warm shower and treated with insecticides.

This is an ideal plant for beginning gardeners. It successfully combines decorativeness, beautiful flowering and ease of care.

It is not easy to create a green world in an apartment so that plants delight with a healthy appearance and the beauty of flowers. Those who do not have south-facing windows are unlucky; the upper balcony is shaded. The spathiphyllum shown in the photo will be a godsend for such flower lovers, and caring for it at home is easy. The flower, which does not require special conditions, will become a resident of a window facing north, or will nest beautifully in the shade of other plants.

Features of a female flower

The name of the flower, spathiphyllum, comes from two Greek words, and is translated as flower and blanket, and is a description of a flower consisting of many inflorescences collected in a “corn” and a framing white sail.

The plant belongs to the aroid family. This flower has large, hard leaves emerging from the ground. The plant was introduced from the tropics of Colombia, but is found in many tropical regions. In culture, breeders have created many hybrids differing in size, color of leaves and flowers. The bedspread can be white, cream, green tint. The cob comes in all shades up to red.

Most often there are two types of spathiphyllums from which selection is carried out:

  • spathiphyllum profusely flowering;
  • Spathiphyllum Wallis.

A compact Wallis flower can be a house plant or window sill resident. It has smaller leaves and its height does not exceed 40 cm, which is very convenient in an indoor flower garden. Spacious rooms will be decorated with a profusely flowering bush. Their care is the same, but the flower stalks are different, 12 cm for Wallis and twice as long for his big brother.

Spathiphyllum purifies the air in the home by absorbing phenolic emissions from furniture. It collects benzene compounds and saturates the air with ozone. Increased ozone content creates a mountain atmosphere. The presence of 4-5 plants increases the content of oxygen ions tens of times.

How to care for spathiphyllum at home?

Have you bought a plant at a flower shop, brought it home and expect it to show off? No, the soil is filled with enough nutrition to last for the time of sale. And until the spathiphyllum has adapted to the new conditions, it is better to replant it immediately so as not to create double stress.

Let's begin to reveal the secrets of success in caring for spathiphyllum at home by preparing the soil and replanting or rooting a new plant:

  1. The nutrient mixture is made up of equal parts of leaf humus, peat, manure humus and sand. You need to add crumbs to the substrate ceramic pots or tiles and crushed birch charcoal.
  2. The container should be 2-3 cm larger in diameter than the previous one. It should be noted that the plant needs to be replanted annually, and each time the capacity increases. The drainage hole is covered with a convex shard, and expanded clay balls or pebbles are poured on top.
  3. Spathiphyllum is propagated by disassembling the nest of leafy thickets into separate fragments when replanting after soaking the clod of earth. When planting, do not deepen the neck, otherwise there will be no flowering. Do not take a spacious pot, the roots should be a bit cramped. Compact the soil and water well.
  4. It’s okay if the leaves of the new plant dry out a little around the edges; the plant needs to adapt.

Choosing a place for a new resident is easy. Usually in summer spathiphyllum develops well and blooms in warm room on the north window. However, in winter, when other plants are dormant, this flower needs a lot of light and can be placed in a south-facing window. You can place the flower on other windows, but remember that direct sunlight will not only cause burns to the leaves, but will also create conditions for disease of the root system.

An indispensable condition for a flower to be decorative is its need for bathing. It is not for nothing that the second name of spathiphyllum is a female flower. He loves a shower, if not, watering the leaves with a spray bottle will do. Likes to bask in the shade, in the warmth, but not in the sultry air.

A female flower is considered sacred in magic and is credited with helping to get pregnant, bear a child and give birth to a healthy baby.

The plant loves watering, but overwatering can cause the roots to rot. Therefore, experienced flower growers wait until the flower itself asks for a drink, drooping and dropping its leaves. Such a temporary drought will not harm the plant. However, in winter period Watering is reduced, and the plant is not given a shower, only spraying, and even then infrequently.

How to care for a female spathiphyllum flower so that it pleases with its flowering? It is necessary to feed the flower regularly during the growth of green mass and flowering. For this they use liquid fertilizers, diluted in the recommended dose, watered only on a damp clod of soil. In winter, the plant is not fertilized.

Plants absolutely cannot tolerate a stream of fresh air with the ominous name of draft. Therefore, they place them away from the windows, balcony door. For long-term flowering, it is necessary to cut out the old arrows at the very base to make it possible to release the next peduncle. The duration of flowering depends on simple but mandatory care.

The secret to success in caring for spathiphyllum at home is to provide the plant necessary conditions and prevent diseases and pests.

Among the dangerous pests is the spider mite, which is difficult to detect on the leaves, due to the presence of cobwebs on the back side and a pale plate with light dots from punctures. Another common pest is the shield aphid, identified by the presence of dark spots on the leaves. Can be used for fighting folk remedies, and special drugs.

Drying leaves will be a sign of overwatering, lack or excess of fertilizing, or other improper maintenance conditions. The reasons must be found by elimination. As a last resort, disassemble the flower and replant the healthiest shoot according to all the rules, but only first hold it in soft water so that roots appear.

You can’t take indoor flowers outside in summer. Fresh air. The plant will not be happy about climate change and may get sick.

How to care for spathiphyllum - video

It is not always possible to admire some special flowers at home. Either the windows face the north side, or the loggia above obscures the light. In such cases, you should stay in an apartment unpretentious plants. To similar indoor crops refers to spathiphyllum, “female happiness” - as it is often called. Thanks to the interesting appearance and elegance, spathiphyllum is increasingly being chosen to decorate home interiors.

About the plant

Translated from Greek language The name of the flower comes from 2 words and means a flower with a veil. Indeed, the plant has an unusual shape, presented in the form of an inflorescence - a spadix framed by a blanket of white, green or cream tone.

The cob itself has a variety of colors, up to a red tint. It is a stemless plant with a short rhizome and hard leaves emerging from the ground. Typical for tropical areas. It belongs to the order of aroid plants and was once brought from tropical Colombia.

According to legend, a house with spathiphyllum is not in danger of female loneliness and, in general, the signs associated with this flower are mostly positive. The flower is believed to have magical properties:

  • unmarried girls meet their betrothed;
  • peace and harmony reign between the spouses;
  • in families where there were no children, a priceless gift appears - a child.

Externally, spathiphyllum is an ordinary flower. It becomes extraordinary thanks to caring, loving hands that can work wonders, encouraging the plant to bloom. Flowers are formed as the fulfillment of a secret desire.

Where to place “women's happiness”?

The plant does not like bright sunlight, which burns its leaves. For a flower would be better suited partial shade on the north side of the apartment or artificial diffused light. Insufficient light can lead to elongated and darkening of the flower. Excess - causes foliage to fade.

How to care for a plant at home?

During the period of development and flowering, the plant needs good watering However, the horse system cannot tolerate excess moisture. It is necessary to observe moderation in watering. It is advisable to carry it out when the top layer of soil dries out. In winter, watering is reduced, preventing the soil from completely drying out. Flower loves high humidity air. In summer, spathiphyllum should be sprayed frequently, and in winter it is better to place the pot with the plant on a tray with expanded clay or wet pebbles. October - January the flower is at rest.

Plants are fertilized weekly during the autumn-spring period, and every 3 weeks in winter. Use universal fertilizer or flowering plants. Feed the plant after watering according to the instructions on the fertilizer package. If the plant is poorly fed or not fed at all, the spathiphyllum will not bloom or will slow down the flowering process.

What kind of soil does spathiphyllum need?

In nature, the flower grows in soil consisting of rotten branches, compost, fallen leaves, and charcoal. At home, a similar substrate can be made from peat, garden soil, perlite, soil for orchids, which includes charcoal, gravel, bark, in the proportion: 3: 2: 2: 3.

You can use soil of a different composition. The main thing is that it should be fertile and loose. If the soil is heavy, water may stagnate in the roots, which will lead to rotting of the root system. Against rot, drainage is also provided in the pot with the plant.

Flower transplant

Plants under 5 years of age are replanted annually, then replanted only when the root system is visible outside the drainage holes. The flower is placed in a pot that is small in volume and depth. This is due to the fact that in a large container the soil will begin to turn sour without waiting for the plant’s root system to grow in it. The container for transplantation needs to be selected slightly larger than the previous one.

If the height of the flower is up to 40 cm and the diameter of the pot is approximately 20 cm, replanting may not be necessary, and sometimes only refresh the top layer of soil in the pot. Before transplanting, spathiphyllum is watered. If you want to get a beautiful plant with large leaves, then the side shoots are removed, since a lot of the energy of the flower itself is spent on them. A drainage layer of about 2 cm is poured into the prepared container, then a few centimeters of fresh soil are added.

Spathiphyllum is planted together with a lump of earth on the roots, filling all the existing voids in the container around it. If landing is made during wet soil, then there is no need to water the plant heavily after this. For better adaptation, the plant is not watered for 3 to 4 days, only sprayed.

Reproduction of spathiphyllum

The flower is propagated by dividing the bush into spring period. To do this, carefully separate the side shoots from the roots so as not to damage them. They are planted in separate containers with soil. Propagation of a flower by seeds is quite difficult.

There is no guarantee that the desired variety will grow as a result. The germination of the resulting seeds is poor, and they quickly disappear. They are sown in a mixture of sand and peat immediately after collection. The crops are covered with film. The soil under crops should not be damp, but slightly moist.

From the above, you can see that spathiphyllum is an unassuming plant. A piece of the human soul and warmth will help him show himself in all his glory and delight others with his uniqueness. “Women’s happiness” must definitely settle in the house!

Spathiphyllum in the photo

Spathiphyllum- a beautiful indoor flower that is grown by many gardeners. He gained his popularity thanks to his unpretentiousness and simple care. The plant is ideal for offices and shaded rooms. In addition, it purifies the indoor air.

Many people believe that this tropical flower is endowed with magical powers. Popularly it has another name – “women’s happiness.” Legend has it that he helps attract lonely girls into the house. good husband, for married people - to find harmony in family relationships, for women who dream of children, it will give them the joy of motherhood. In order for a plant to delight with its flowering and give happiness, it needs to be properly cared for.

Caring for spathiphyllum at home


The lower layer of tropical forests - habitat growth of spathiphyllum. This is a shade-tolerant plant. Special requirements he has no lighting. He prefers bright, diffused light. Northern windows are more suitable for him; they will protect him from the burning rays of the sun. In addition, there he will receive the optimal amount of light. If there is insufficient lighting, the indoor plant will not bloom, the leaves will stretch out and become smaller. Don't forget to keep spathiphyllum away from drafts.


The tropical flower adapts well to room temperature. Both in winter and summer it is kept at a temperature 15-32 ºC. Cold window sill could be dangerous for him. To prevent the plant from freezing in winter, place a circle of polystyrene foam under the pot with the plant. At low indoor temperatures, spathiphyllum will have problems with flowering.


It is very important to maintain constant humidity for the flower. It cannot tolerate dry air. In order for the plant to feel comfortable, it must be constantly sprayed. Spraying is reduced only in winter. In spring and summer, spathiphyllum is sprayed twice a day. If it is in an office, it is better to place it in a tray with wet pebbles or expanded clay to maintain humidity. Particular attention should be paid to the plant during hot summers.


Spathiphyllum is a moisture-loving plant. The soil in the pot should be constantly moist. You can water it only with water at room temperature. The water should be soft, settled or rainwater. Water should not remain in the pan; it must be poured out.

Top dressing

In order for spathiphyllum to bloom regularly, regular fertilizing with mineral fertilizers for flowering plants is carried out. During flowering, fertilizers are applied twice a month. During the dormant period, the plant needs to be fed once a month. Spathiphyllum will also benefit from organic fertilizers.


After purchase, spathiphyllum should be replanted. After 2-3 weeks, the flower is transferred or transplanted into a larger pot. It loves moisture very much, so it must be watered after it appears in the house if the top layer of soil has dried out.

Spathiphyllum gets great pleasure from transplantation. Young specimens are replanted every year. Plants that have reached five years of age need to be replanted when the roots have filled the drainage holes. Each time the flower pot is selected a little bigger size. It is very important to follow the transplantation technique. Loose, fertile soil suits the plant. The optimal composition of the soil substrate for the plant includes leaf and turf soil, peat, and sand. The main requirement for the earthen composition is that it should not be heavy. Otherwise, water will stagnate in the roots. You should not forget about good drainage in the pot so that the roots do not rot. To prevent the soil from drying out, you can add sphagnum moss to it.


There are several ways to propagate spathiphyllum - vegetative and seed. The most common method is dividing the bush when replanting in the spring. New flower can also be obtained by germinating seeds. However, they have low germination rate. This method is time consuming and complicated. If everything is done correctly, the young spathiphyllum will bloom in 7-8 months.

Spathiphyllum maintenance problems

Spathiphyllum does not bloom

There are several reasons for this. Problems with flowering are usually associated with low temperatures and insufficient humidity. Spathiphyllum will not bloom if it is not fed with mineral and organic fertilizers. In addition, old spathiphyllums bloom extremely rarely.

Leaves turn black

Blackness on the leaves indicates the death of the root system. Most often this problem is associated with improper watering. Leaves can turn black both with underwatering and with overwatering. Black leaves can also appear due to a lack of phosphorus and nitrogen. Remember that you cannot spray the plant in a cold room. To save the life of a flower, it should be removed from the pot and new roots should be removed, and then transplanted into a container with a new earthen substrate.

The leaves have turned yellow

Dried and yellowed tips of the leaves indicate underwatering. To eliminate this problem, the plant needs weekly bathing. This procedure will help cope not only with yellowness on the leaves, but also protect the flower from pests. If you haven't watered the plant for a long time, you can save it. But you shouldn’t fill the flower with water right away. After soaking the dry soil, increase the amount of water gradually. Spathiphyllum can also wilt if there is insufficient humidity. In this case, spraying and wiping the leaves will help. The plant can be placed in a tray with wet expanded clay. Yellowness may also appear if the flower is attacked by pests.

