Schefflera flower care. Schefflera (umbrella tree): home care, growing, propagation, planting, transplanting, pruning, types, photo of the plant. Tree-like or arboreal

They are so similar, but so different... You can read for a long time, but it is better to see the differences in the photographs.

Varietal characteristics

The genus Schefflera includes more than 200 plant species, all of which belong to the Araliaceae family and grow in hot tropical forests. Schefflera looks like small trees or shrubs, with very elegant foliage. Each of its sheets is shaped like a palm with outstretched fingers; there can be from 4 to 12 such “fingers” in one sheet. Sometimes the plant is called an umbrella tree, for its resemblance to an open umbrella. It is kept in the room because of its elegant foliage; flowering in captivity is a rare miracle.


  1. The most famous representative is Schefflera digitata, its homeland is New Zealand, it is an endemic plant.

    Endemics are those plants that grow only in a specific place on the globe.

    In tropical forests it reaches a height of 8 meters. Its leaf is divided into seven parts resembling fingers. The leaf plates are soft and thin, the edges are pointed. The flower resembles a branched panicle; large flowers can reach 40 cm in diameter. When the flower fades, a purple fruit appears in its place, which is eaten with great pleasure by birds and insects. The life of this variety has long been under threat; local residents take great pleasure in selling this plant to tourists, thereby disrupting its population.

  2. Schefflera actinophylla, it is also often called the “green star”. This evergreen tree, reaching a height of 10 - 15 meters, from one or more trunks. This species is characterized by elegant serrated leaves from 30 to 60 cm in length. One leaf consists of 7 – 16 toothed leaves. She is blooming small flowers, united in inflorescences, after they wither, a purple fruit appears, suitable for eating by birds and insects. Schefflera stellate (star-leaved) can be grown from seeds in a greenhouse.
  3. Schefflera octophylla, is a species native to the subtropical forests of India, Japan and China. In nature, it is a shrub or tree that can reach a height of 2 meters. Its young leaves are covered with light needles, which disappear with age. Each leaf is divided into eight small oval plates.
  4. Schefflera arboricola- the most numerous species and the most popular in indoor floriculture. You can find the name Scheffler Arboricola in Latin name plants. In its natural habitat it grows as a small shrub, but can grow as a small vine. This species only grows up to 3 meters in height.
    At home, you can most often find the Tree Schefflera, the care of which is quite simple, so it is considered an unpretentious decorative foliage plant. Popular flower For landscape design and apartment interior. Tree Schefflera can most easily be propagated by cuttings or air layering. It is better to obtain cuttings in the warm season from the spring until autumn, during the period of active growth and development of the plant. The young shoot is cut off and placed in water; you should choose a bright place where your pet will produce roots. After two weeks, when the roots appear, the shoot can be planted in a prepared pot for further development. Caring for a tree representative at home can be considered basic. However, you need to follow simple rules, to raise a beautiful “creature”. The tree is a light-loving palm tree, but open sunlight can cause burns to the leaves. You need to choose a bright place near the window; you should immediately abandon the window sill on the south side. In summer, the bright sun “rages” on the southern window. Constant soil moisture is beneficial for the plant; you need to stick to the “golden mean”; stagnation of water at the roots will lead to their rotting and death of the trunk and root system. Optimal temperature regime consider from +15 to +20 degrees all year round. Feeding should be carried out as planned from spring to autumn, during the period of active growth. Any fertilizer is suitable for “ornamental deciduous plants.” As for replanting, young plants can be subjected to this procedure annually, increasing new pot by 1-2 cm, but for an adult, strong tree, it is enough once every 2-3 years, changing the flowerpot for Schefflera and renewing its filler. You can buy soil at any flower shop, suitable for palm trees or home flowers.
  5. Now there are many varieties classified as Schefflera variegated, bred specifically for landscape design and apartment decoration. one of the most favorite forms of this species among gourmet gardeners. This palm is native to South Asia. It goes well with other home colors, creating wonderful interior ensembles. Its main advantage is its glossy, fleshy leaves, reminiscent of fingers spread out in different directions. Whatever the care, at home Schefflera Gold Capella blooms extremely rarely or does not bloom at all. Golden Capella grows and develops well in places with diffused light. In the dark corners of the apartment, the elegant variegated foliage takes on a monotonous green color. When kept in dark rooms, you need to arrange artificial lighting.
  6. not picky about home care. She prefers diffuse lighting. When grown indoors (at home), it reaches a height of 50 cm to 2.5 m, while much depends on the conditions of detention. Moderate humidity of the substrate is suitable, without stagnation of water and drying out of the earthen coma. The color of the foliage is variegated: from white-green to yellow-green.
  7. No less elegant variety Scheffler – Amate. It attracts the attention of gardeners with its shiny waxy leaves and resistance to pests. indoor plants(thrips, scale insects, spider mites). The Amate variety is not demanding of light, can be in significant shade and is suitable for apartments and offices with windows facing north.
  8. One of the most graceful representatives homey look is Louisiana, its decorative openwork leaves do not leave indifferent even the most favorite gourmet gardeners. The leaves are leathery, shiny, and can be variegated with patches of yellow or white. The presence of spots is determined by the sunnier side of keeping the flower at home. In care not demanding, just stick to it general advice on the content of this type of indoor plants.
  9. (there are many variations of names, such as Janine, Zhannie or Janine) has all the known advantages of the whole species and ease of care at home. It is popular for its elegant variegated foliage. The light green of the leaf is diluted in a chaotic manner with dark inclusions and stains. Gianni tolerates partial shade or shade well, without losing its variegated leaf color.
  10. Variety Scheffler Charlotte It was introduced not so long ago, but has already gained popularity among landscape designers. External part leaves are light in color, with a dark green edge visible at the edges, but with reverse side leaf color is more saturated and dark. In general, it resembles an open rosette. Used as an ornamental foliage plant for landscaping residential and office premises. When it comes to care, it prefers the same things that are typical for all types of these palm trees.
  11. Green Star (Green Gold) is one of the recently bred varieties, its distinctive feature is fleshy dark green leaves, attracting close attention. Prefers high humidity air and practically does not bush. If your interior lacks rich green color, you can try growing Scheffleru Green Star from seeds, buying them at a flower shop. Planting in the ground is best done in the spring (late February - early March, April) during the period of active growth and development of all domestic flowers. The seeds are placed in a moist substrate; the top of the pot can be covered with film, but when the plant hatches, the film should be removed. The container with sprouts must be placed in a bright place, but not in the sun, otherwise the delicate foliage may become sunburn and die.
  12. Schefflera Nova (or Nora) attracts gardeners with its elegant foliage and ease of care at home. It has very long narrow dark green leaves, not evenly toothed at the edges. The color of the leaves is light olive with splashes yellow color. All year round it will delight you with its lush crown.
  13. , another beautiful species of Schefflera tree. It differs from other varieties in the fine variegation of its leaves and elegant crown.
  14. Among the many varieties bred, it should be noted separately Scheffleru Bianca. It has shorter leaves compared to other varieties: about 8 cm in length. Each leaf has a white edge and beige tones at its base. Due to the contrasts of colors, light and dark, the serrations along the edges of the leaves stand out less clearly.
    It is worth noting that care for Schefflera Bianca is the same as for the parent of the species. At home, you should organize abundant watering, drying the top layer of soil, apply complex fertilizers every 2 weeks from May to August and set the temperature in the summer to within 22 °C, and in the winter to about 18 °C.
  15. It is famous among flower growers for its decorative sizes; it is perfect for small apartments and premises. If you have little space for a large palm tree, then you can safely opt for this variety of shrubs.
  16. In a flower shop you can often find plants labeled Schefflera Mix; a novice florist always asks the question “how to care for this variety at home.” In a pot marked Mix, you can safely find any representative of this genus. As for care, you need to adhere to the basic rules for growing this species in residential (or non-residential) premises.


Almost all types of Scheffler require the same conditions, with the exception of the differences described in this article. General recommendations for care, methods of reproduction and other interesting facts can be read in the corresponding

There are a lot of indoor plants in the world that are unpretentious and undemanding to care for. There are several hundred of them, and maybe even thousands. Most people grow and graft wild plants at home for beauty and decorative design. Some people do this “for the soul”.

One of the most famous indoor plants is the Schefflera flower, which came to us from tropical regions of the world. It began to be grown as a house plant relatively recently, but the flower is already extremely popular among gardeners. It grows widely in wildlife Australia, China and Japan. Schefflera received this name in honor of the famous German botanist Scheffler, who was a close friend and colleague of K. Linnaeus.

Schefflera flower is poisonous plant, which must be handled as carefully as possible, otherwise you can get skin diseases from the smallest rashes to the most serious skin cell diseases. Schefflera is a small tree or shrub that can reach a height of 2.5 meters. Schefflera blooms at home extremely rarely, because this action is of no use to her, since the plant has bright, juicy green leaves that grow like human fingers. In addition, on one “wrist” you can count from 4 to 12 leaves. Schefflera is an unpretentious and undemanding plant, which, despite its toxicity, is widely grown at home for decorative purposes.

Schefflera flower is a numerous plant that has up to 200 subspecies, but not all of them are suitable for indoor growing. Many wild species of this flower reach up to 40 meters in height in nature, but their size is significantly reduced when home growing. Among the main indoor species The following plants can be distinguished:

  • Schefflera arborescens is one of the most striking and famous representatives of this flower, which is distinguished by an erect trunk, complex and large leaves (about 20 cm). This variety is unpretentious in care and is easy to trim and form the crown of the plant. In addition, the plant has main feature- spots of yellow, white or cream color that decorate the leaves and give them even greater beauty and elegance.
  • Schefflera palmata is a variety of Schefflera, which is distinguished by its short stature, large juicy green leaves and big amount“fingers”, the number of which reaches ten. This variety is more widely used for growing at home, as it is more pleasing to the human eye.
  • Schefflera octophylla is a variety of Schefflera that differs from other representatives in the shape and number of leaves on one “wrist”. The shape of the leaves is longitudinal with a pointed end, and the number of leaves on one “wrist” ranges from 8 to 12. Young leaves differ from mature ones in their olive color, which over time turns into lush green.
  • Schefflera starifolia is the most famous variety of flower, which differs from others in its brown strong trunk, the shape of the leaves, which can be different: longitudinal, oval, round, and also the color of the leaves, which can be olive, yellow, lush green or spotted.

Features of proper flower transplantation, proper care and growing plants at home

Features of proper flower transplantation

Schefflera transplantation is necessary no more than once every two years. This is the only way the plant will grow and develop correctly, while retaining all the substances and components it needs. The plant loves slightly acidic soil, so it is necessary to create a soil composition that will consist of one drainage part and two parts sand and clay. Special requirements the plant does not require replanting, however, it must be remembered that the Schefflera flower reaches quite impressive sizes, so every two years it needs to choose a larger pot.

Proper care and cultivation of plants at home

Proper care and cultivation of the plant at home must be carried out in accordance with all basic rules, otherwise the plant may die or get sick. The Schefflera flower is an unpretentious and undemanding plant, so anyone, even an inexperienced gardener, can easily grow it at home. Among the basic rules for caring and growing plants are the following:

  • Lighting (The plant needs sunlight, but it is advisable that it avoids sun rays on its leaves, as burns may remain and the plant will have to be treated later. The best places According to the lighting factor in the house, there are western and eastern windows, sometimes northern ones. In winter, the plant requires special lighting, since everything depends on the temperature of the place in which the flower grows. In summer, the plant can be taken outside so that it avoids direct sunlight on its leaves while being on the window.)
  • Air temperature (The plant is very demanding on this point. In summer, spring and autumn it is necessary to constantly maintain the air temperature to +20 degrees Celsius, and in winter it should be up to +17 degrees Celsius. If these temperature conditions are not maintained, the plant will get sick and drop leaves.In addition, an important condition must be observed: you cannot place the plant near heaters and various heating systems, which overheat the plant’s body, thereby harming it.)
  • Watering and feeding (Schefflera really needs moisture, she does not like dry soil, so the plant needs to be watered once every two days. The plant also requires constant spraying to maintain humid air around the plant. However, you should not overdo it with watering and spraying, as they can greatly harm the plant and destroy it. Feeding should be done once a week in autumn and spring, and once a month in winter. This is the only way to maintain the necessary composition for the development and growth of the plant. In addition, it is necessary to alternate organic and mineral fertilizing so that the plant fully receives all the necessary substances.)
  • Soil requirements (The plant requires a light, slightly acidic nutrient, which you can make yourself from the necessary components or buy ready-made at a flower shop.)
  • Pruning the plant (Pruning shufflers must be done gradually so as not to harm the plant. The leaves of the flower must be trimmed very carefully, treating the cut with charcoal. Pruning is done to give the plant a certain shape, so when the plant grows new branches, you can form it into a spherical or other shape crowns.)

Shefflera propagation and growing a flower from seeds

Schefflera can be propagated in three ways: propagation by cuttings, seeds and air layering. Each method has its own characteristics and differences that must be observed. Let's look at each method and highlight the main rules of reproduction.

  • Propagation by cuttings occurs in several stages: preparation of cuttings, soil preparation, planting and caring for cuttings. The cuttings must be prepared carefully, choosing only the healthiest and strongest ones, otherwise the plant will not take root. The cuttings should be of medium size and should have 3 green young leaves on them. Soil preparation is also carried out under careful control. It must be saturated with all the necessary mineral and organic substances, must be well moistened and dug up. Planting and caring for cuttings is carried out in accordance with other plants: step by step, gradually and according to all the basic rules.
  • The seeds of this plant are sold in any flower shop, so growing this plant from seeds is very affordable. After purchase, the seeds must be soaked for some time in water with the necessary nutrients dissolved in it. After the seeds are saturated with all the necessary substances, they are planted in cups for seedlings, and after the first two green leaves appear on the seedlings, it can be concluded that the plant is ready to be planted in the soil. And they are transplanted. There is nothing complicated in this technology, it just takes time and patience.
  • Air layering is the most difficult propagation process for schefflera, so it is used by the most patient and experienced gardeners. Layerings are obtained from the trunk of another plant using moss and plastic bags. These cuttings are then removed and planted separately from the mother plant. If you continue the procedure with moss and polyethylene, the plant will begin to curl and produce more air layering.

Necessary fertilizers, plant diseases and pests

  1. Pests: spider mites, scale insects, mealybugs, aphids;
  2. Diseases: falling leaves, the appearance of unwanted spots, elongation of shoots and loss of characteristic color of the leaves;
  3. Fertilizers: nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, boron, organic, mineral.
1. Growing temperature: throughout the year, fairly cool conditions at a temperature of 16 - 18 degrees Celsius are suitable for shefflera.
2. Lighting: Brightly lit location with shade from direct sun.
3. Watering and air humidity: in spring and summer, dry the soil 2 - 3 centimeters deep before each subsequent watering; in winter, simply protect the earthen ball from drying out completely if the plant is in a cool place. Air humidity is quite high.
4. Trimming: regular pruning and pinching the tips of young shoots to form a compact and dense plant.
5. Priming: a well-drained and nutritious substrate that easily allows moisture and air to pass to the roots of the flower.
6. Top dressing: from spring to autumn, feed monthly mineral fertilizers for decorative foliage plants.
7. Reproduction: rooting of stem and leaf cuttings, rarely by seeds.

Botanical name: Schefflera.

Schefflera domestica - family. Araliaceae.

Homeland of the plant. Australia and Oceania.

What it looks like. The genus consists of approximately 900 evergreen shrubs, vines or low trees. Most indoor plants are shrubs with erect stems. With age stems become lignified and covered with light brown bark.

Complex leaves Schefflers have very long petioles and are arranged alternately on the stems. The leaves consist of oblong-oval segments arranged in a circle, the number of segments varies from 5 to 14. In green-leaved species, the leaves are solid green; variegated varieties are distinguished by the presence of white or yellow spots on the leaves.

In nature, shefflera is thrown away flower stalks, bearing many small, often reddish flowers. After flowering, the plant forms rounded berries.

Height. In its natural environment, the Schefflera flower takes on impressive sizes and can reach 14 m. in height. In indoor conditions, plants are pruned or low varieties are grown.

The size of plants at home is also affected by the volume of the pot - in cramped containers, plant development slows down.

2. Schefflera care at home

2.1.Reproduction, growing from a leaf

Schefflera breeds stem cuttings under cover of transparent plastic or glass using growth hormones.

Rooting is quite easy, sometimes even in a simple glass of water in spring and summer. It is worth adding a small amount of crushed charcoal to the water for rooting.

It is advisable to treat the bases of the cuttings with growth hormones and cover the young plants with a transparent plastic cap or a simple plastic bag to maintain uniform humidity.


Young plants are planted annually into fresh soil and a larger pot, adults - transplant every 2 - 3 years.

For tuber bushes, the replanting of which is difficult, change upper layer mixtures onto fresh soil annually.

The plant should be given a fairly spacious pot to increase the feeding area.

2.3.When it blooms

At home, flowering occurs very rarely. In nature, plants bloom during the summer months.

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2.4.How to care for shefflera, pruning

The plant is very popular in culture due to its spectacular appearance and ease of cultivation.

Wipe occasionally leaves plants with a damp sponge to remove dust.

Trim the Schefflera in the fall to maintain a compact shape. The plant responds to pruning by the appearance of a large number of side shoots, which allows it to form a thick and lush crown.

Pinch apical buds of young plants to form a dense crown.

Provide long stems support for growth.

Periodically turn the pot with the shefflera on different sides facing the light source so that the plant develops symmetrically.

2.5.Diseases and pests

  • Yellowing and abscission leaves may be caused by stagnation of moisture at the roots.
  • With periodic flooding, the plant becomes sluggish and this behavior encourages novice gardeners to water, which further aggravates the situation.Unfortunately, this situation often leads to the death of the sheffler.
  • When there is a lack of light, plants become elongated.
  • As the plant ages, it may lose lower leaves and expose the stems - such plants should be subjected to radical anti-aging pruning.
  • Lack of moisture causes the plant drop leaves.
  • The leaves are getting smaller and fade due to lack of nutrients.
  • If there are cold drafts in the room or if you are located near heating devices plants may lose leaves.

From harmful insects The flower can be attacked by mealybugs, aphids and red spider mites, and scale insects.

Insects - pests

Insect name Signs of infection Control measures
Mealybug The surface of the leaves and shoots is covered with a fluffy, cotton-like white coating. Plants lag behind in development Folk remedies: spraying with soap and alcohol solution. Infusions of tobacco, garlic, cyclamen tubers, alcohol treatments, and pharmacy tincture of calendula have worked well. Chemicals: green soap solution, Actellik, Fitoverm.
Spider mite Inconspicuous cobwebs on the leaves, yellowing and falling leaves with extensive damage. The surface of the leaf plates becomes dead and covered with small cracks. Plant development slows down. Traditional methods. Plants can be washed in the shower and left in the bathroom in a humid atmosphere for half an hour. Irradiation ultraviolet lamp every week for 2 minutes. Chemicals based on pyrethrum, sulfur powders, Fitoverm, Actellik.
Aphid Sticky droplets appear on the leaf blades, the leaf blades curl and become deformed, tender buds and young leaves wither. Colonies of insects can be seen on the tips of shoots, buds or the underside of leaf blades. The flowers of plants affected by aphids may become deformed. Traditional methods: infusion of nettle, decoction of rhubarb leaves, wormwood, soap solution, infusion of tobacco and dandelion, onion, marigold, yarrow, tansy, dusting with virgin ash. Chemicals: Sulfur powders, treatment of green mass with green potassium soap without getting into the ground, Decis, Actellik, Fitoverm.
Scale insect and false scale insect Sticky droplets on the leaves, small yellow spots on the surface of the leaf blades. When scale insects become widespread, they cause leaves to dry out and fall off. Flowers slow down their development Folk methods of struggle. Spraying with soap and alcohol solution. Scale insect larvae do not like garlic infusion; they also use pyrethrum-based products. Chemicals. Fitoverm, Aktellik, Fufanon.


Loose nutrient soil with good drainage.

A mixture of garden soil with leaf humus, peat, with the addition of a small amount of coarse river sand and crushed charcoal is suitable.


The frequency of watering will depend on the ambient temperature.

When kept in a room with a temperature above 20° C, maintain the soil evenly moist, but not swampy. At a temperature of about 16 ° C - dry the top layer of soil with a thickness of about 3 cm. between waterings.

A few minutes after watering, excess moisture from the pan should be drained.

2.8.Fertilizers for shefflera

In spring and summer feed liquid fertilizers monthly. In autumn and winter, plants are given rest and feeding is stopped.


A brightly lit area with plenty of reflected sunlight, but without access to direct rays.

Plants also develop well in partial shade, but they can react to a lack of light by yellowing and dropping leaves.


She prefers Schefflera at home cool conditions and does not like extreme heat.

Throughout the year, it is advisable to keep plants at a temperature 16 - 18°C. At higher room temperatures, the frequency of watering and air humidity should be increased.

During the winter months Not expose plants to temperature below 10°C.

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Increase humidity with tray with wet pebbles or room humidifier, and also surrounding the pot with a layer wet sphagnum moss.

Spray The plant can be washed in the morning with water at room temperature.

Schefflera can be kept indoors without additional humidification, but will look healthier with increased air humidity.


Suitable for landscaping spacious and bright rooms.


All above-ground parts of the plant poisonous– be careful when handling schefflera and keep children and pets away from the plant.

This species will grow indoors with proper care within many years.


Grows well in hydroponics.


3.1.Schefflera "Gerda" - Schefflera arboricola "Gerda"

A beautiful variety of tree-like schefflera with variegated, glossy leaves, colored in the center of the leaf blade in greenish, yellow or White color, and along the edges of the leaves - in green tint. The plant can reach a height of 2.5 - 3 m, so it needs periodic corrective pruning.

3.2.Schefflera arboricola "Janine"

A low tree-like variegated Schefflera, forming a very lush bush. The leaves are divided into 5 - 7 glossy, oblong-oval, entire-edged segments - fingers, colored in shades of green, white or yellowish. Basic distinctive feature This variety is that many segments have a solid white, greenish or yellow color.

3.3.Schefflera "Nora"

An aerial variety of tree-like shefflera, characterized by its compact size. The leaves are uniform - green, glossy, divided into 5 - 7 very thin, oval fingers. Sometimes on sale you can find plants of this variety with beautifully braided trunks.

3.4. Schefflera "Melanie" - Schefflera "Melanie"

A variegated variant of the tree-like Schefflera, about 50 cm high, with very attractive compound, palmate leaves. The main shade of the leaves is light green or yellowish; standard green may be present only on some fingers or along the edges of the leaf blades in the form of a thin strip.

3.5.Schefflera elegantissima "Bianca"

Schefflera graceful is also called dizygotheca. A valuable ornamental foliage plant with tall, erect, often branched shoots at the base and complex leaves divided into “fingers.” This variety has very long fingers, and the edges of the leaf blades have large teeth. The leaves are dark green with a thin white border along the edges. The central vein is also highlighted in a light shade. Overall, the plant has a delicate, airy appearance.

3.6. Schefflera "Louisiana" - Schefflera "Louisiana"

Variety of tree-like schefflera. The plants are tall - they can reach a height of 70 to 150 cm. The stems are erect, branching abundantly, become woody with age and are covered with light brown bark. The leaves are compound, palmate, green, glossy. The fingers are oblong-lanceolate, thin, giving the entire appearance of the plant an openwork appearance.

3.7.Schefflera actinophylla

In the natural environment, this species often grows as an epiphyte on other trees, although it reaches impressive sizes - up to 12 m in height. It has erect, branched shoots that become woody with age and become covered with smooth greenish-brown bark. The leaves are compound - consist of 7 - 16 fingers, with drooping long, dark green, glossy fingers, reaching a diameter of 60 cm. Often the edges of the leaf blades are slightly corrugated. In nature, this species has the most gorgeous flowering - large inflorescences with many small pinkish flowers are formed at the tops of the shoots.

3.8. Schefflera "Amate" - Schefflera "Amate"

Schefflera variety, tall plant, easily reaching 2 m in height even in room conditions. The leaves are compound, consisting of dark green, glossy, relatively wide fingers. It differs in that even mature plants do not expose the lower part of the trunk, in addition, leaf fall does not occur even in low light conditions.

3.9.Schefflera “Gold Capella” - Schefflera “Gold Capella”

A variegated version of the tree-like schefflera. Evergreens perennials up to 3 m high with dark green palmate leaves. The stems are thick, erect, and become covered with smooth greenish bark with age. Plants with intertwined trunks are often found on sale. Bright varietal feature is the presence of yellow spots various shapes and size on plant leaves.

Of all the wide variety of exotic trees existing on the planet, one should especially highlight a small potted tree, which is named “schefflera” - in honor of the famous German botanist. There are more than 500 species of this plant, among which a little more than a dozen species can be called indoor, so having a cheflera in the house is quite a rare occurrence.

Brief description of the plant

The most famous potted varieties include the following:

  • pollen shefflera;
  • eight-leaf sheflera;
  • woody;
  • radiate.

Sheflera is a tree or shrub up to 2.5 meters high. The plant has beautiful large leaves, very similar to a palm with outstretched fingers. Thin and long shoots need support. Flower growers often plant several plants in one pot and form one intertwined one from numerous stems.

Some people notice that their hands break out in an unpleasant rash when a cheflera appears in the house. The sign is not at all associated with superstitions. The plant is truly poisonous and can cause irritation of mucous membranes and skin. Therefore, it should be handled with care.

Easy plant care

If a chef appeared in the house, why talk about difficulties? Caring for this plant is very simple. The most important point in care is right choice places and ensuring sufficient air humidity during hot periods.

The ideal temperature for keeping sheflera in the house is from 16 to 22 degrees Celsius. It should also be taken into account that the variegated species of shefflera need not only humidity in the summer, but also good temperatures in winter time- not lower than 18 degrees Celsius. If we are talking about shefflera with green leaves, then it will overwinter well even at 14-16 degrees.

From April to September, during the period of active growth, the plant requires additional feeding. Fertilizing is done using complex fertilizers, sometimes replacing complex fertilizer with organic fertilizer. It must be applied three times a month at regular intervals.

Southern plant loves moisture

Schefflera is very sensitive to large amounts of moisture, so it must be watered abundantly and the soil should not be allowed to dry out. Watering should be reduced only in winter, and if the winter temperature for sheflera is minimal, then it is stopped altogether or air humidification is simply canceled.

In summer, in addition to watering the plant, caring for it also includes wiping the leaves from dust with a moistened sponge. Also in summer you should periodically ventilate the plant in the fresh air. But the cheflera should be placed so that the sun's rays do not fall on it. Let it be diffused light or partial shade. The well-groomed cheflera in the house is very beautiful. A photo of such a flower will decorate any gardening magazine.

One flower is good, but two is better. Breeding rules

Schefflera is transplanted once every two years. When transplanting, good drainage from expanded clay or ceramic fragments is required. It is best to take special soil for the plant, and replanting should be done either in the fall or in the summer.

The plant propagates mainly by seeds and cuttings, but propagation by seeds is the exception rather than the rule. They should be planted in a pot either in February or March, and until the first shoots appear, it is necessary to maintain the optimal temperature in the room (22 degrees). After the first sprouts appear, you can lower the temperature slightly - to 18 degrees.

But as mentioned above, shefflera is most often propagated by cuttings. What do I need to do? It is necessary to take cut cuttings, thoroughly treat them with a hormonal mixture and plant them in a mixture of peat and sand (in a one-to-one ratio). After this, the cuttings should be covered glass jar and leave them like that at a temperature of 20 to 22 degrees. Until the cuttings are completely rooted and strengthened, they should not be given access to air.

Green decoration of the winter garden - sheflera in the house. The signs associated with this plant have always surprised experienced gardeners. For example, there is an opinion that the appearance of roots on the trunk of a plant portends a big profit for the owner. However, skeptics argue that this is just another method of reproduction - using air layering. This method is only suitable for those who already have extensive experience as a gardener: an incision is made on the trunk of the plant, the incision is wrapped in moss and covered with film. The film, like the soil, must be periodically wetted. A little later, roots will begin to appear on the trunk. Then you need to cut off the top along with the roots and plant it in the ground.

So that the beauty does not get sick

The exotic cheflera in the house is pleasing to the eye. The signs associated with it are interpreted differently. Some amateur flower growers say that as long as the leaves are juicy and green, everything will be fine for the owners, but if they suddenly darken, expect financial disasters. However, the leaves of the flower turn brown due to insufficient moisture. In order to cure a plant, it is necessary to eliminate the cause, that is, provide more moisture and protect it from drafts.

Improper care of the plant can lead to other complications and diseases. Schefflera roots may rot. Very often this happens due to excessive watering. In order to save the roots and the plant itself from rotting, it is necessary to transplant it into a new pot, while removing all the affected areas.

Cold temperatures can cause leaves to drop. If this happens, you urgently need to drag the flower pot to a warm place.

Schefflera can be attacked by various pests, such as scale insects, thrips or If the plant is damaged by pests, it should be urgently isolated from all other plants, raised and treated with insecticides.

Is it possible to keep Schefflera at home?

The plant itself is juicy and beautiful, easy to care for. For the thinness, grace of the stems and the beauty of the palm-leaves, it is called a ballerina among flowers. It looks very picturesque on the windowsill of the chefler in the house. The signs associated with this plant are quite contradictory. Negativity is primarily associated with falling or darkening of leaves. If the chef takes off his “clothes,” it means the owners are in for an illness or a financial crisis. And if the plant begins to fold its “palms,” expect a quarrel with a friend or displeasure from your boss.

And if the cheflera suddenly stops growing, then business failures or theft are possible. Where do these superstitions come from? They came to us from ancient times, when people listened carefully to Mother Nature, when they tried to live in unity with the world and not violate the laws of the integrity of the universe. According to the beliefs of the ancients, each flower has its own magic; its energy can have an effective influence on a person’s life and warn him about future events. Therefore, if you are careful, you can avoid many misfortunes.

There are certain beliefs about which flowers can be given, which ones can be grown in the garden, and which ones can be kept indoors. What does it mean to have a monstera, azalea or shefflera in the house? A sign is probably not always a stupid superstition. It often has some subtext. For example, sheflera is a poisonous plant. You should work with it with gloves, otherwise unpleasant dermatitis cannot be avoided. Perhaps some of the negativity associated with the plant is just an attempt to protect people from unnecessary troubles.

What kind of plant is this?

Some people definitely want a cheflera to grow up in the house. The energy of this plant is very positive. He is even jokingly called the “good vampire.” Because the green beauty is able to calm and stabilize emotional background in the house. It is best to place the shefflera in the bedroom so that it takes away all the negativity and contributes to a pleasant, sound sleep. Vampirism is complemented by the plant’s excellent ability to humidify the air, thereby creating a pleasant microclimate.

Schefflera is credited with the ability to increase family wealth and attract customers if the plant is in office space. It promotes children's performance in school and has a positive effect on the child's activity, attentiveness and concentration.

If we talk about serious mysticism, then, according to some information, this plant is a "forecaster". This means that it is capable of predicting certain events. For example, if a plant grows especially quickly, expect an addition to the family.

Instead of an epilogue

The cheflera looks very nice in the house. Signs should not become the decisive moment for a gardener when deciding whether to grow this delicate plant at home or not. The main deciding factor should be the desire to provide the flower with proper care, so that the plant warmly reaches out to everyone with its wonderful palm-shaped leaves.

Schefflera is a tropical plant in the form of a small bush or small tree. Given the origin of the flower, it requires creation special conditions and ensuring proper conditions for comfortable growth. All features associated with these processes will be discussed in detail in this article.

Features and rules for caring for cheflera

First we need to consider general rules related to caring for this tropical plant:

Soil requirements

Initially, you need to familiarize yourself with the requirements for the soil in which the sheflera will grow, since this is one of the main factors influencing the growth and development of the plant. All features are discussed below:

  1. You can use the purchased option soil mixture , which is designed specifically for flowering tropical plants, but they most often require additional addition of sand.
  2. You can prepare the soil mixture yourself at home; for this you will need to mix turf, leaf soil, humus of plant origin, and river sand. The volume of each component in the given sequence is reduced by one part.
  3. Sand must first undergo heat treatment in an oven or microwave. This is due to the fact that it is an ideal environment for the reproduction and development of various microorganisms, and sheflera is very susceptible to their influence. Therefore, it is necessary to eliminate the risk of mortal danger to the flower and destroy all organisms under the influence of high temperatures. After this treatment, it is recommended to leave the sand in a cool and dark place for a month; this period will be enough for reappearance it contains beneficial bacteria, without which it is impossible to restore the natural microflora.
  4. There must be a drainage layer under the soil in the pot., most suitable material for its organization is expanded clay.
  5. The surface of the soil in the pot must be additionally compacted, which eliminates unwanted air gaps in the soil mixture.
  6. Acidity level should be low, and the fertility rate is high.

Optimal temperature, air humidity and lighting


Another important condition for care is maintaining optimal temperature conditions. Many gardeners believe that shefflera has a positive attitude towards high temperatures, since its homeland is the Asian and Australian tropics, but this is a common misconception.

The main features of suitable temperature conditions are discussed below:

  1. In summer, it is important to prevent the plant from overheating: conditions are considered comfortable if the thermometer shows a temperature of +16 °C, only minor deviations from this indicator are allowed.
  2. During summer nights there may be an increase temperatures up to +22 °C.
  3. In winter, regardless of the specific time of day The temperature should be maintained within +14-16 °C.

It must be remembered that too hot conditions lead to the cessation of natural growth and subsequent fall of foliage, and prolonged hypothermia can completely destroy the cheflera.

Humidity level

Given the origin of sheflera, to ensure comfortable conditions it will be necessary to maintain high air humidity in the room. In this regard, the following basic rules must be observed:

  1. The plant should not be located in close proximity to air conditioners, batteries and other similar communications, since they contribute to increased dryness of the surrounding air.
  2. It is necessary to systematically spray the leaves from a spray bottle, the procedure is carried out at least twice daily. For these purposes, it is necessary to use pre-settled water brought to room temperature.
  3. Additionally, all leaves can be wiped with wet cloths made of non-synthetic material. This will not only increase the humidity level, but will also facilitate the timely removal of dust and other dirt.

It must be remembered that excessive leaf shedding may be the main evidence of insufficient air humidity.

Lighting level

It is also necessary to take into account the degree of illumination; there are a number of special rules here:

  1. Sheflera should not be exposed to direct sunlight, as it can cause fatal burns. The main symptoms are the appearance of yellow pigmentation or brown dry spots on the surface of the foliage.
  2. At the same time, the cheflera does not tolerate prolonged exposure to dark places., therefore, it should be provided with good lighting, but diffused rather than directional.
  3. Placing a pot with a plant on the windowsill is allowed only if there are no other more suitable places at home. In this case, it is not allowed to place the chefler near window openings, facing south.
  4. An exception to the rule is made only for the variegated variety of sheflera, which, due to the characteristics of this variety, requires an increased amount of sunlight. It can be placed on south-facing windows, creating only slight shading.


Particular attention must be paid to watering, since violations of the water regime can lead to irreversible consequences. The basic rules are given below:

  1. Schefflera is a moisture-loving plant species., but the use of too large volumes of water is not allowed, as this leads to rotting of the root system.
  2. Before each watering, the condition of the soil is checked: It should not be allowed to dry out; it should always retain light moisture.
  3. For plants that have reached sufficient large sizes, used Alternative option glaze: they are placed in trays with pebbles into which water is poured. The root shoots themselves will absorb the amount of moisture they require.
  4. In winter, as well as during any movement of the plant to cooler temperature conditions, it is necessary to reduce the volume of water used for irrigation. This is due to a slowdown in metabolism, so the load also needs to be reduced to avoid possible decay.


Every person involved in growing sheflera needs to become familiar with the basic rules for replanting it, since this procedure must necessarily be carried out every two years. This condition is due to the plant's natural growth causing it to become cramped in its current pot.

The main nuances that will need to be considered before transplantation are given below:

  1. A new pot in which the plant will be planted, is selected in such a way that its diameter is 5 cm larger than that of the previous container.
  2. During transplantation, a prerequisite is to replace the soil mixture with new soil.
  3. Holes must be made in the bottom surface of the new pot, which are necessary for natural air exchange and eliminating excess moisture. If their diameter turns out to be too large, then it will be possible to additionally lay a layer of mesh that will not allow the soil to fall out.
  4. The most successful period for transplantation is spring, especially March or early April. This is due to the plant coming out of its dormant state, its life processes are activated and the flower adapts to new conditions much faster, moreover, a change of environment can stimulate its growth and development.
  5. Only young plants need frequent replanting, fairly mature and very large bushes are moved to new pots much less often.

Top dressing

Schefflera needs constant feeding; the basic rules and features of such care are given below:

  1. Application of liquid fertilizers intended for flowering plants, carried out every 10 days. A break is taken only from December to February, while the plant is in a dormant state.
  2. From spring to autumn, monthly spraying with a solution of bioregulators is carried out. Among the most suitable remedies are immunocytophyte, zircon or epin.


Pruning sheflera usually does not cause any difficulties, since this procedure is carried out using standard technology, like other varieties of ornamental shrubs.

It is usually carried out to achieve two main goals:

  1. Correct crown formation, therefore, the specifics of this process depend on how the gardener sees his plant.
  2. Seasonal shortening of branches. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate weakened, yellowed, dried, intertwined, deformed, damaged, diseased or overgrown shoots.


There are various methods for propagating cheflera, all of them are given below:

  1. Sowing seeds, which is usually carried out at the end of February. The substrate used is the usual soil for adult plants or a mixture obtained by mixing clean sand and peat in equal proportions. Planting material pre-soaked in warm water, after which it is placed in the ground at a short distance from each other. The container is stored in a room with a temperature range of +20-23 °C, periodically ventilated and moistened with a spray bottle. With the appearance of several well-formed leaves, the seedlings are transplanted into individual pots. Then transplants will be regular, and will be carried out as the bushes grow. It is also necessary to gradually reduce the temperature until it is brought to the level that is the optimal indicator for adult plants.
  2. For propagation by cuttings, only woody shoots are used, which are pre-treated with root or any other suitable stimulant, after which they are placed in a substrate, which is a mixture of sand and peat in equal proportions. It is imperative to maintain a temperature regime within +20-22 °C, the presence of sources of diffused lighting and tightening the container from above plastic film to maintain the resulting humid and warm microclimate. After rooting the cuttings, the temperature regime gradually decreases to optimal levels, and when root shoots Once they have finally formed and grown significantly, it will be possible to transplant the seedlings into individual containers.
  3. Reproduction by layering is practiced only for fairly large and mature bushes. A suitable period is the beginning of March, at which time a shallow incision is made on the trunk of the sheflera, which is then wrapped in gauze treated with a solution of sphagnum moss, and covered with plastic film on top. In a month, the appearance of the first root shoots can be observed in this place, and after a few months, the cheflera is cut off below the rooted area and planted in a separate pot.

Pests and diseases and methods of combating them

Schefflera is susceptible to frequent attacks by aphids, scale insects and spider mite, measures to combat them are as follows:

  1. Treatment of plants with chemicals, designed to combat a specific type of pest.
  2. Preventative treatment of the plant, which minimizes the risk of pests.
  3. Getting rid of soil in which sick or pest-attacked plants grew, since they can survive in the ground and do not always die even when exposed to high temperatures.
  4. Keeping a sick or affected plant in quarantine to prevent the outbreak of an epidemic or the spread of pests throughout all domestic flowers.

Basic mistakes

Below are the main mistakes that are made when growing and caring for sheflera. Familiarization with them will help prevent their possible recurrence in the future:

  1. Lack of hand washing after caring for or contact with the cheflera. It must be remembered that the plant is poisonous, so handling it requires caution.
  2. Wrong pot size. The plant should not be cramped, but too much free space is also undesirable.