Human chakras and their opening, harmonization, cleansing. Women's chakras and working with them

    Understand that if you open your chakras, there is no need to try to make overactive chakras less active. They are simply compensating for inaction closed chakras. Once all the chakras open, the energy will level out and become balanced.

    Open root chakra(red). This chakra is based on physical awareness and a sense of comfort in different situations. If it is open, then you should feel balance and prudence, stability and security. You will not doubt people without reason. You feel your presence in what is happening right now and are very connected to the physical body. If this chakra is underactive, you tend to feel fearful and nervous, and can easily feel unwanted. If she is extremely active, you may be materialistic and greedy. You feel like you should always be safe and are unwilling to change.

    • Use the body and become aware of it. Do yoga, take a walk around the block, or clean the house. Such activities familiarize you with your body and help strengthen your chakra.
    • Ground yourself. This means that you must connect with the earth and feel it underneath you. To do this, stand straight and relaxed with your feet shoulder-width apart and your knees slightly bent. Push your pelvis forward slightly and keep your body balanced so that your weight is evenly distributed across the soles of your feet. Then move your weight forward a little. Stay in this position for a few minutes.
    • After grounding, sit cross-legged as shown in the picture below.
    • In a calm motion, gently press your thumb and index finger together.
    • Focus on the root chakra at the point between the genitals and anus and what it means.
    • Quietly but clearly repeat the sound “LAM”.
    • During this time, be relaxed and think about the chakra, its meaning and how it affects or should affect your life.
    • Continue doing this until you are completely relaxed. You may experience a feeling of “cleansing.”
    • Visualize an unopened red flower. Imagine a very powerful energy emanating from within: it slowly opens up to reveal four red petals full of energy.
    • Contract the muscles of the perineum, holding your breath and releasing it.
  1. Open the sacral chakra (orange). This chakra relates to feelings and sexuality. If it is open, you can freely release feelings and express yourself without becoming overly emotional. You are open to intimacy and can be passionate as well as outgoing. You also do not have any problems related to sexuality. If the chakra is not active enough, then the person is usually insensitive, unperturbed and not very open with people. If she is too active, then you tend to be sensitive and emotional all the time. You can also be very sexy.

    Open your navel chakra. This chakra is responsible for confidence, especially in a group of people. When it is open, you should feel in control and feel good about yourself. self-respect. If this chakra is not active enough, you tend to be passive and indecisive. You are often exposed to anxiety, and this takes a toll on you. If she is overly active, you tend to be domineering and aggressive.

    Open your heart chakra (green). This is the chakra of love, care and tenderness. When it is revealed, you tend to be compassionate and friendly, always working in friendly relationships. If this chakra is not active enough, you tend to be cold and unfriendly. If it is overactive, you tend to be so “loving” towards others that you smother them with your love, and this can make you seem selfish.

    • Sit cross-legged.
    • Connect the tips of your index fingers and thumbs on both hands.
    • Put left hand on the left knee, and the right opposite the lower chest.
    • Concentrate on the heart chakra in the spine at the level of the heart and what it means.
    • Quietly but clearly, repeat the sound “YAM”.
    • During this time, keep your body relaxed, think about the chakra, its meaning and how it affects or should affect your life.
    • Continue until you are completely relaxed and the feeling of “cleaning” returns and/or intensifies within your body.
  2. Open your throat chakra (light blue). This chakra is based on self-expression and communication. When the chakra is open, you express yourself easily, and art seems to be about that in a great way. If she is not active enough, you tend not to talk much, so you may be considered shy. If you lie frequently, this chakra may be blocked. If the throat chakra is extremely active, you tend to talk so much that it irritates many people. You may also be a pretty bad listener.

    Open your third eye chakra (blue). Just like its name, this chakra is responsible for discernment. When it is open, you tend to be clairvoyant and prone to daydreaming. If this chakra is underactive, you tend to want other people to think for you. Too often you rely on other people's opinions and get confused all the time. If she is overly active, then you live in a fantasy world almost all the time. In extreme cases, you may suffer from visions and hallucinations.

    Open your crown chakra (purple). This is the seventh and most spiritual chakra. She is responsible for the wisdom of the creature and its unity with the universe. When this chakra is open, prejudices disappear from your life and you become more aware of the world and its connection to you. If it is not active enough, you are not very spiritual and can be quite adamant in your thoughts. If she is overly active, you tend to philosophize over everything all the time. Spirituality comes first for you and, if the chakra is really extremely active, you may even ignore the needs of your body (food, water, shelter).

They are the energy centers of our body, which control the functioning of various organs and fill a person with a certain energy. When the energy center is closed or insufficiently functioning, a person is faced with certain pathologies and disorders, both physical and psychological. Fortunately, it is quite possible to open the chakras, maximizing their energy potential.

We are offering to you detailed instructions, which will tell you how to do it yourself.

1 chakra (Muladhara)

Opening this energy center is not as difficult as it might seem; it is much easier to do than all other chakras.

It is in this chakra that the Kundalini energy is located, which means it must be unhurried to open.

Take it through the following steps:

  1. Sit in a comfortable position, press your heel in the area where the chakra is located (located in the middle of the anus and genitals)
  2. Calm down, concentrate your attention on the energy center, maintain pressure on it until you feel a feeling of pleasant warmth (pulsation is possible).
  3. Notice, begin to inhale and exhale through the chakra area. Breathe this way for three to five minutes.
  4. Muladhara corresponds to red, so visualize how red energy rises from 1 chakra and is distributed throughout the spine.
  5. When the meditation is completed, sit a little longer in complete silence to ensure the result of the opening.

It is advisable that you do not open the root chakra first.

2nd chakra (Svadhisthana)

Please note that while doing this practice you cannot be negative emotions, because they contribute to the closure of Manipura and bring all efforts to naught.

4th chakra (Anahata)

6th chakra (Ajna)

The meditation practice that opens is not particularly difficult. To improve concentration on the energy center, we advise you to draw a dot in the “third eye” area, as women do in India.

The meditation itself is performed as follows:

  1. A man relaxes while sitting in a comfortable position ( perfect option- in lotus position).
  2. Then take deep breaths and exhales, while you need to watch how the chest moves.
  3. In the area between the eyebrows, imagine the formation of a vortex of color energy, watch how it gradually increases, physically feel the energy overflow.
  4. The meditation ends in the same way as in previous cases. For it to be effective, you need to perform it for at least twenty minutes.

7th chakra (Sahasrara)

Only when all the chakras of a person have been opened can one begin to work on the seventh energy center. It is Sahasrara that is the unifying link between the previous chakras; it contributes to the holistic development of a person as an individual.

When performing meditation, imagine a beautiful tray with a huge number of petals, which starts from the crown area, and then separates from it, giving you extraordinary lightness and freedom.

Knowing how to open the chakras yourself, you can get rid of the blocks that interfere with you in the area of ​​​​energy centers, fill yourself positive energy, and also maximize your energy potential. This in turn ensures happiness, a happy and harmonious life.

Chakra, the opening of which requires a certain mental work, subsequently turns out to be a “helper”, giving energy and forming strength - both physical and spiritual. The potential for the realization of opportunities, talents and gifts directly depends on how developed and functional these centers of power and energy are.

The chakra, the opening of which requires certain mental work, subsequently turns out to be a “helper”, giving energy and forming physical and spiritual strength. The potential for the realization of opportunities, talents and gifts directly depends on how developed and functional the centers of strength and energy are. Working on yourself allows you to get a certain “key” to understanding your body, the flow of one or another chakra, discovering new opportunities and confidence in fulfilling your goals and realizing your desires. Therefore, it is important for a person to know how to open the chakras, what activity to show with each of them, and what sensations can and should be when opening the chakras. For example, in order to develop self-acceptance, harmony and balance, serious work on the Anahata chakra will be required.

Chakra harmonization

Start a long and difficult work You need to work on yourself by determining which chakras are more blocked, what emotions and strengths are needed in order to improve this or that aspect of life, relationships and feelings, and take a step towards the higher mind and the Universe.

A lot has been written about the properties and development of chakras, and you can even find information about what chakras are on our website, but here let’s look at how one or another chakra is blocked.

  1. Problems with the first chakra are caused by fear. The simplest way to fight is shock: facing what worries you and overcoming it in personal confrontation is an excellent exercise for opening the chakra;
  2. Problems with the second chakra occur when a person does not have forgiveness and acceptance of the situation, and also has a guilt complex. The most important thing is to learn to forgive yourself, make concessions to yourself, and not be harsh and cruel to yourself;
  3. Problems with the third chakra can cause deep contradictions with the world, when life itself appears not as a gift and value, but as suffering. This energy center is responsible for unlocking life potential, opportunities for growth and overcoming oneself.
  4. Fourth heart Anahata chakra: the place of love, acceptance of others as they naturally are, the center of goodness and compassion. It is Anahata that makes a person’s heart hard, if it is not open, or kind and sympathetic, if it has been worked well and deeply.
  5. Any lie and denial of oneself becomes the reason for blocking the fifth chakra. Truth is a value, the feeling of which should be pure, transparent and understandable. Thoughts, hands and conscience must be clean and tidy.
  6. The sixth chakra can be closed by rejection, lack of tolerance and a deep conviction in the correctness of personal ideas about the world and people. A reasonable and adequate understanding of oneself depends on the health of the sixth chakra.
  7. Material wealth and a value system are a serious problem that disrupts the orderly flow of work of the seventh chakra, in which lies the ability to let go of everything that does not belong to you, to treat yourself and people as guests in this world.

Due to the large amount of work on yourself, as can be judged from the above, it is necessary to begin active measures on time - opening and balancing the chakras will allow you to qualitatively change your life.

How to open the chakras yourself, exercises for opening the chakras

For deep work with energy centers you need the help of experienced specialists who know how to develop the chakras correctly. The practices that such specialists use to activate the chakra have been tested for centuries and have a powerful effect, but require the close attention of a mentor along the entire path of enlightenment and purification, which is quite difficult in a metropolis or a remote province. Therefore, to begin with, we need simple and understandable ways of opening energy centers and channels. Even the seemingly understandable Anahata chakra requires deep work, needs special attention and attitude.

How many female chakras are there on the human body?

The lion's share of teachings about man recognize the existence of seven main human energy centers. Three of them are considered to be female chakras. For representatives of the fair sex, they are located in, feminine energy accumulates in them. Such energy points are responsible for qualities that are considered truly feminine.

So, the female chakras are the sexual center Svadhisthana, the heart energy node Anahata and the third eye chakra Ajna. Svadhisthana is located three fingers below the navel. She teaches a woman to enjoy life, enjoy her sexuality and femininity. Svadhisthana is the focus of female sexual energy.

The female Anahata chakra is called the love center, its location is in the center of the heart line. She guides feelings of love, tenderness, compassion, and care. The highest feelings of feminine nature, which were worshiped in ancient times and are still valued. The defining power of the Ajna chakra is female intuition. She teaches the fairer sex to trust their intuition, premonition, and truly feminine wisdom. Developed Ajna connects the human mind to the Divine flow of wisdom.

How are male and female chakras different?

The above three energy centers are female chakras. The divine center Sahasrara is a genderless chakra. The remaining three energy nodes (Muladhara, Manipura, Vishuddha) are considered male. The first Muladhara chakra is responsible for the offspring, its protection and survival. A woman has long had other responsibilities - to accept male care and protection. Money Manipura is responsible for self-realization and social status. Despite the fact that the fair sex has long adopted these qualities, the third chakra of the female energy system is passive. Vishuddha is the center of eloquence and self-expression. It is fitting for a man to communicate and realize himself in society; for a woman, such a place of realization is the family and home. The differences between male and female chakras lie in their meaning and the qualities for which the energy centers are responsible.

Listen to the video about female and male chakras

How can you open women's chakras?

Answering the question “how to open women’s chakras,” I would like to note that working with these energy centers is important not only for the fair sex. It is just as important for men to reveal the conventionally named female energy nodes as it is for women to reveal the male chakras.

Working with energy centers involves physical exercise, the best thing is a set of yogic exercises. Great importance have meditative practices, as well as chanting mantras. In addition, you should know that each female chakra has its own “preferences”. Svadhisthana, being the center of pleasure, responds to pleasures - delicious food, good music, a relaxing bath, sexual pleasures. Anahata develops breathing techniques. The female Ajna chakra is the intellectual center. By developing her mental abilities, a woman stimulates the sixth energy node.

What does opening the chakras do for a woman?

Women's chakras are the focus of powerful and ancient energy. The opening of energy centers allows the fair sex to let this energy into her life.

A person who wants to use his full potential must pay great attention to the opening and maintenance of all energy centers, or chakras. When some of them do not work, it disrupts the entire human energy system and gives rise to disease. Let's look at ways to open the chakras yourself.

Open the chakras: technique

There is no wisdom in the question of how to properly open the chakras. It is enough just to enter a state of meditation and work through them until they become physically felt.

  1. Take a comfortable position, straighten your back, relax.
  2. Breathe deeply, and the length of inhalation and exhalation should be the same.
  3. Switch to “continuous breathing” - erase the bright boundary between inhalation and exhalation.
  4. Concentrate your attention on the desired chakra and direct your energy there.
  5. If the goal is achieved, you will feel it physically: the chakra area will become cold or warm, there will be tingling or other sensations.
  6. Continue concentrating on the chakra for about 10 minutes.

In the question of how to open a person’s chakras, everything is purely individual. Some succeed quickly, others only in a few weeks. Regular practices will help you cope faster.

How to open the lower muladhara chakra?

Muladhara is located at the base of the spine, near the genital and excretory organs. Vivid signs that it is closed: fear that you will not have enough food, you will be offended or robbed. During this time, imagine a red ball in place of the chakra. It’s great if you’re wearing jewelry made of red stones: ruby ​​or garnet.

How to open the swadhisthana chakra?

The question of opening the second chakra is often put into other words: how to open the sexual chakra? It is located in the pelvic area and is associated with the sensations of the physical body and the human need to enjoy food, drink or sex. Disorders of this chakra lead either to the pursuit of pleasure or to a feeling of one’s own inferiority. You can activate it only after your first chakra is working. It is necessary to imagine it during meditation orange color. Orange stones like amber are suitable for meditation.

How to open the manipura chakra?

The third chakra is located in the solar plexus area and is responsible for your “I” - here you have self-confidence, beliefs, and principles. If you don’t know how to refuse when you want to refuse, be sure to start working on this chakra. You can develop it only after opening the lower two chakras: energy rises from below, and if the previous centers are not activated, you will not be able to open this one. During meditation, feel the lower chakras and reach this one, imagine it in yellow.

How to open the heart (love) chakra Anahata?

The fourth chakra, Anahata, is located in the middle of the sternum. This is one of higher chakras, it and subsequent centers recommend opening it only with the help of a yoga teacher. There can be many lesions of this chakra - for example, experiencing all the suffering of others, being unhealthy, or loving a singer or presenter. The chakra has two colors - pink and green. Before meditation, to open the chakra, you need to start doing small good deeds strangers, concentrating on the joy of it.

How to open the Vishuddha throat chakra?

This is the chakra of creativity, it is located in the throat area and has a blue color. Before starting a meditation course, imagine that your creative project implemented, it is beautiful, but it did not bring you any material benefit. Feel the joy of creation, and not the desire to profit from it.

How to open the Ajna chakra?

The chakra is located in the third eye area. It allows you to achieve clairvoyance, so think about whether it is worth working on it without a teacher? It may be dangerous. In meditation it is imagined as bright blue.

How to open the Sahasrara chakra?

Opening this chakra is not possible for everyone. It is located at the crown of the head and is opened through complex and lengthy meditations and reading the divine books of one’s denomination.
