A16. Vowels in personal endings of verbs and suffixes of participles. Video lesson “Vowels in suffixes of active present participles”

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Average comprehensive school No. 8"

Elabuga municipal district

Public lesson

On the topic of:

Present passive participles.
Vowels in suffixes of present passive participles.

7th grade

Lesson prepared by:


Russian language and literature

Dashina Yu. V.

Elabuga, 2012

The purpose of the lesson:


  1. Review information about the participle as a part of speech.
  2. Review the concept of “participial phrase” and the rules for separating participial phrases with commas.
  3. Introducing students to the formation and writing of passive participles.
  4. Fix the conditions for choosing a vowel in the suffixes of active and passive participles of the present tense.
  5. Learn to form passive present participles from verbs of I and II conjugations.
  6. Learn to write the vowel correctly in the suffixes of present passive participles.
  7. Learn to graphically highlight the spelling and the conditions for its selection.


  1. continue to develop the ability to identify common and essential features and draw generalizing conclusions;
  2. continue to develop the ability to analyze and evaluate one’s own activities;
  3. continue to develop the skills of coherent monologue speech.


  1. continue to develop a positive attitude towards learning the Russian language;
  2. continue to cultivate a tolerant and respectful attitude towards the opinions of other people;
  3. realize the need for acquired knowledge and use it in oral and written speech.

Lesson type – combined (generalization and systematization, creative application of knowledge, control of knowledge).

Lesson equipment:

  1. computer,
  2. projector,
  3. screen,
  4. Handout.

Lesson plan:

  1. Organizing time. Greetings. Checking readiness for the lesson. Checking homework.
  2. Updating basic knowledge. Frontal survey. Systematization of information about the participle, types of participle and participle phrase.
  3. Correction game.
  4. Learning new material.
  1. Formation of present passive participles, diagram;
  1. Consolidation of the studied material.
  1. formation of participles from verbs.
  2. exception words.
  1. Physical education minute.
  2. Independent work according to the picture.
  3. Homework
  4. Summing up the lesson, grading. Analysis, evaluation

and correction of students' knowledge.

During the classes

  1. Organizing time. introduction teachers (Slide 1, 2):

Hello guys! I'm very glad to see you all. I hope you have good mood and you are ready for serious work.

  1. -Let's check your homework(Slide 3). What did we study in the last lesson? At home you formed active present and past participles from verbs. Two students go to the board and form participles.

Melt Melting - melted; sow the sower-sower; lay laying-laying; build builder-builder; breathe breathing-breathing fight struggling-struggling; count counting-counting; decide decider-decider; hear hearer-hearer; read reading-reading; see seeing - having seen; play playing-playing

  1. Updating knowledge. Frontal survey(Slide 4).

1) What is a participle? Participle - independent part speech, denoting a sign of an object manifested in time by action, answering the questions: Which? Which? Which? Which?

2) What parts of speech does the participle combine? Verb and adjective.

3) What verbal features does the participle have? The participle, as a verb, is perfect and imperfect form, present and past tense, reflexive and non-reflexive.(Slide 5)

4) What signs of an adjective do the participle have? Like an adjective, a participle, it changes by case, by number, by gender.

5) What participles are called active?(Slide 6) Active participles denote the attribute of an object that itself produces actions (growing).

6) What participles are called passive? Passive participles denote the sign of an object that is experiencing action from another object (tired).

7) What suffixes do active participles?

Suffix carousel(Slide 7)

Distribute the participle suffixes among the houses.

Yusch-, -ushch-, -ashch-, -box- - DPNV

Vsh-, -sh- - DPPV

Let's check what participles the guys formed at the board.(Slide 3)

Thank you. Sit down.

8) What is called a participle phrase?(Slide 8) A participial phrase is a participle with a dependent word.

9) What punctuation marks are used for participial phrases?(Slide 8) If the word being defined comes before a participial phrase, then the participial phrase is separated by commas. If the participial phrase is before the word being defined, then we do not put commas(Slide 8).

Guys, at home you should have corrected mistakes in constructing sentences with participial phrases.Game - proofreader(Slide 9, 10)

  1. The story of the gardener watering is known to everyone. The story, edited by a proofreader, is known to everyone.
  2. Children bought at a pet store will become more literate. Children taught in this lesson will become more literate.
  3. The flowers taught in this lesson are beautiful. Flowers watered by a gardener are beautiful.
  4. The parrot, edited by the proofreader, turned out to be talking. A parrot bought at a pet store turned out to be talking.
  1. Learning new material.

- Today, guys, we will get acquainted with the formation of passive present participles(Slide 11).

- Present passive participles are formed from the present tense stem of transitive imperfective verbs using suffixes- eat -, -om - - from verbs of 1st conjugation; - to them - - from verbs. 2 references

1) remember the verb conjugation(Slide 12).

On - it – 2 conjugations + 7 verbs on - to:look, see, hate, endure, offend, twist, depend.

4 verbs for - at:drive, hold, breathe, hear.

All the rest: na - et, - at, - ot, - ut, etc. + shave, lay – 1 conjugation

2) What verbs are called transitive?(Slide 13) Transitive verbs are used with a noun or pronoun in wine. pad. without pretext.

3) What question is answered by the verb nesov. V.? What to do.

5. Consolidation.

1) Think like this(Slide 14)

  1. amulets..my – participle of amulets..my derived from the verb protect I conjugation, which means that in the suffix of this participle you need to write the letter e: protected.

kind..my – participle kind..my derived from the verb type II conjugation, This means that in the suffix of this participle you need to write the letter and: view and wash.

2) Let's practice (Slide 15)

  1. Form a stradd. present participle vr. from verbs:Translate-translatable cover-covered decide-decided distinguish-distinguishable erect-erected respect-respected construct-constructed study-studied protect-protected recommend-recommended see-visible illuminate-illuminated wound-vulnerable violate-disturbed interrupt-interrupted read-read shout
  1. From the verb to scream present passive participle not formed

Remember a few more verbs from which SPNV is not formed:Eat, be, sing, chew, scream, reap, beat, hold, mow, revenge, write, cut, sew.(Slide 16)

Otherwise the participle movement is formed them y from the verb to move (1 sp.)

6. Physical education minute(Slide 17)

Guys, are you tired? Let `s have some rest. Stand up please.

Your task is to choose from the named fairy tales: a) a fairy tale whose title contains participle; (clap your hands) b) a fairy tale whose title contains adjective (raise your hands up).

  1. Snow Queen (hands up)(Slide 18-23)
  2. Sleeping princess (clap)
  3. Vasilisa the Beautiful (hands in.)
  4. The Enchanted Princess (cotton)
  5. Magic pipe (hands in.)
  6. Talking bundle (cotton)

7. Independent work.Working from a painting. (Slide 24)

1) -Well, guys, did you have a rest? Where do you like to relax on weekends with your family? Outdoors. In Elabuga there are many picturesque places that I. I. Shishkin depicted on his canvases. Let's mentally transport ourselves to such a corner of nature and try to describe it. Let's look at the painting by I. I. Shishkin “Rye”.(Slide 25)

Tell me, children, what do you see in this picture? We see a road stretching into the distance, a golden field of ripening rye and tall straight pine trees stretching towards the blue sky.

2) – You have cards with the task, sign them.Copy the sentences, inserting the missing letters, and explain their spelling. Place commas, indicate the boundaries of the participial phrase:

1. In the g..l..field of rye the horns are melting(?) barely perceptible..at the..glance. 2. T..yellow elk of ripe rye bending..washed by the wind lie..press(?) to the ground. 3. Sh..l..stirs the rye sea swaying..mine with the wind. 4. Can you see(?) the almost invisible forest? 5. M..thick pines, warm..with..my feet, are reaching (?) to the sky.

Please hand in your cards for verification.

3) Select E or I (Slide 27)

Children, in front of you are signal cards with vowels. You must show the correct letter:

  1. Illuminated..my view..my hear..my respected..my notice..my patience..my translation..my inclination..my

4) Make up a new word(Slide 28)

Orally form a new word, taking the indicated significant parts from the given words.

  1. Beautiful to write should I eat fighting fighting prickly

The result is a word OVERCOMING.

5) Make up a sentence with participial phrases from the words(Slide 29).

A person who overcomes his own, successfully, can achieve a lot, laziness.

Let's see what you got:A person who successfully overcomes his laziness can achieve a lot.

8. Conclusion (Slide 30)

When writing suffixes for active and passive present participles, you must rely on the conjugation of the verb.

9. Lesson summary. Homework. Assessments (Slide 31, 32).


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Subject: Vowels in suffixes

active and passive present participles

Class: 7

Lesson type: a lesson in learning new knowledge through research work.

Methods: search; reproductive (drawing and recording a reasoning algorithm).

Shapes: collective, individual; work in pairs.

Equipment: interactive whiteboard, computer, collections of tasks for preparing for the Unified State Exam, didactic material.

The purpose of the lesson: Develop the ability to correctly write suffixes of active and passive participles of the present tense.


  • Introduce the spelling of suffixes of active and passive participles of the present tense.
  • Develop the ability to create and apply a reasoning algorithm on a given topic.
  • Develop logical thinking and linguistic flair.
  • Develop the ability to carefully hear and listen to other opinions.
  1. Motivation

Dear guests, guys, I invite you to a research lesson and hope that you will be interested in walking this path together. (Record date) Update

Any research involves a step-by-step approach to the truth, and we begin this movement forward with you. Today in the lesson we will study a phenomenon that can be called “close relatives”, and we will explore “family ties”. Our research is called “Kinship Ties.”

What part of speech are we studying? (participle)

Can you guess which relatives we'll be talking about? (verb, adjective and participle)

Listen to a linguistic fairy tale. In the land of morphology lived a friendly family: dad is a verb, mom is an adjective and son is a participle. Time passed, the son grew up and set out on an independent life. The parents said goodbye and gave the most necessary things for the journey. The adjective put gender, number, case into the ending, the verb gave aspect and present and past tense. But the verb thought and decided: I am a father, the connection between us needs to be strong and everyone can see that we are relatives, and shared with the sacrament... What?

Do you have any guesses? Did you guess it? Interesting?

We'll find out together.

3. Study of language material

- Each of you has a note with material that will help in our study of family ties. Part of the material is closed (The sheet is folded in half, the support diagram is closed), don't look yet. Read the assignment. What part of speech are these words? (Participle)

BOARD. First problematic task. The board is covered with a curtain below the date. After completing it, I open the board. On the board is a task being performed with letters inserted. Self-test.

There is a problem? Who has everything right? In what part of the word?(How are participles formed? - From a verb in a suffixal way)

(Designated suffixes) Problem with vowels or consonants? (Vowels underlined) So what are we going to study? (Start of topic entry: Vowels in suffixes..., the curtain moves)

What do these words have in common and how do they differ? (Present participles, passive and active). Let's finish formulating the topic of the lesson. Formulate a topic (open topic). Recorded.

Set a goal for yourself. What should you learn in class? To understand what?

(Choose a vowel in suffixes. Find out what it depends on.)

Since we have decided on the topic, and we have seen that we have active and passive participles in front of us, we will group them. (We arrange it in columns on the board and write it down in a notebook.).

Active passive

rumbling visible

hearing slave

building stored

drawing solved

The result of the first problematic task– classification of participles

Let's continue the research. Second problematic task. Our focus is on active participles. (We close the passives)

How are they different? ( Suffixes ) (We find out and again paint it in 2 columns)

Remember our fairy tale. Maybe tell me right away what the verb could have left as a memory of itself? (How did the family connections appear?) (If students immediately see the correspondence of vowels in the suffixes of participles and in the endings of the verb, then I confirm their discovery, if not, I lead to this with the question: what is the difference in the suffixes?

building rumbling

hearing drawing

(Hurray! Discovery!)

For active present participles, the suffixes can be written –уш-(-уж) or –аш- (-яж-). Where does the same vowel combination occur? (Verbs have 3rd person plural. number) (Verb conjugation. Verbs of the 1st sp. in the 3rd person plural have the ending -ut - -yut, in the second -at - yat)

And now the main question. What determines the spelling of vowels in these suffixes? (FROM CONJUGATION OF A VERB) Let's find the verbs from which participles were formed and determine the conjugation.

Making a reference diagram (by hand on the board)

The result of the second problematic task– preparation of 1 part of the supporting outline.

Let's draw a conclusion. Active participles of the present tense, formed from the verb of the 1st conjugation, have the suffix -usch-, -yush-. Active present participles, formed from a verb of the 2nd conjugation, have the suffix –ash-, -box-.

The reference diagram is on your tables. Unfold the bottom of the leaf.

Read the diagram.


4. Fastening second problematic task: ex. 90 (on a regular board)PHYSICAL MINUTE

Statement of the third problem problem.

We have figured out the spelling of suffixes of active present participles. And again we are on the verge of opening. What problem needs to be considered in connection with the spelling of present passive participles? (Is there a correspondence between suffixes and verb conjugation)What do you think? Let's look for the answer in the textbook on p. 49, p. 18). Review the table. Draw a conclusion: does the spelling of a vowel in the suffixes of passive present participles depend on the conjugation of the verb?

Drawing up an algorithm or support (independently, similar to a ready-made sheet with 1 algorithm)

The result of the third problematic task- conclusion of the second part of the supporting summary. (Passive present participles, formed from the first conjugation verb, have the suffix –em-, -om-. Passive present participles formed from a verb of the 2nd conjugation have the suffix –im-).

Summarize. How to choose a vowel in the suffixes of active and passive present participles? (Read the entire reference diagram)

5. Reflection.

- I suggest returning to the study notes (1 task in the lesson) and choosing or confirming the correct spelling of the suffix, justifying your choice. Use the reference diagram.(Check, clarify difficulties, return to theory).

6. Consolidation . Unified State Exam tests (Task A16)

I propose to consider 1 typical task from Unified State Exam options In Russian.

Students perform Unified State Exam assignments In Russian. (Self-test)

Answer the following questions:

1. The spelling of which parts of speech is checked in these tasks?

2. The spelling of which morphemes is checked in the task?

3.Why is the spelling of the personal endings of verbs and the spelling of the suffix of active and passive participles checked in one task?

(because the vowels in present participle suffixes depend on the conjugation of the verb from which the participle is formed)

7. Reflection. Let's remember our fairy tale. What did the verb leave for the participle as a reminder of itself? Remember the task you set for yourself in class? Which one? Have you learned? Do you need the acquired knowledge?

8. Lesson summary. Assessment.

We have gone through the entire research path to make sure that participles are truly a wonderful, amazing part of speech, by studying which you can make many discoveries. Thank you for the lesson! You can keep the reference notes for yourself. At the end there is a question, the answer to which you will find by studying P. 16.18.

At home: P.16,18, ex. 106

Study "Kinship Ties"

Insert the missing letter:








The view...my.

Present participles

active passive

from verbs I spr. – U Shch- - - Yu Shch- from verbs II sp. – A Sh- - - I Sh-

At home: Can any verbs form present participles?

Working with an interactive whiteboard


Tenth of October



Vowels in suffixes

active and passive participles of the present tense (open gradually as the topic of the lesson is revealed)



Store and wash

Rumbling sound

Ved about my




Kind and washed

(open after working on the sheets)

Arrange in 2 columns, close the passive participles

Active participles in 2 columns

We draw up (by hand) a reference diagram

Present participles


Ch. I ref. – ush - - -yush-

Ch. II reference – ash---box-

Russian language lesson in 7th grade.

Active participles. Vowels in suffixes of active present participles.


    Update knowledge about verbs and verb forms

    Learn to form the active participle of the present tense

    Create conditions for applying knowledge about the formation of participles using the suffixes -уш(-уж), -аш(-яж) in practice (when performing exercises)

Lesson type : lesson explaining new material

During the classes:

1.Org. moment. Slide 1

Guys, today in the lesson we will be not just students, but student researchers. And we will explore the part of speech that we began to study in previous lessons. This is...(participle). Let's open our notebooks and write down the date we are doing our study. (Write down the number in your notebook, great job).

2.Repetition :

And let's start our work with preparatory stage, with repetition.

Write down the words, explain graphically the spelling of unstressed personal endings of verbs, determine the conjugation and type.

Sample: Slide 2

build (II reference, non-sov.view,) house.

They fight for peace (1 spr., non-sov. view), heal people (2 spr., non-sov. look,.), sow rye (1 spr., non-sov. look,.), see through (2 spr., non-sov. view,.). view,.), disturb friends (2 references, incorrect view,.), hate lies (2 references, inconsistent view,\).

3. Gaining new knowledge. Formulation of the problem.

You remembered the verbs, and on each desk you have a sheet of verbs. Orally form active participles using suffixes -USH-/-YUSH-, ASCH-/-YASH- .Write it down. Work with verbs:





Slide 3

Let's check the verb "fight". What is the suffix in the participle? (We check the rest in the same way)

One task? How did you do it? (done differently)

Why did this happen? (-We don’t know the suffixes of participles. We just know the suffixes, we don’t know the vowels in the suffixes of real participles

What vowels are written in the suffixes of participles.)

So, what is the topic of today's lesson? (Vowels in suffixes of active present participles (Topic.) Slide 4.

Formulate the objectives of the research lesson: Formulate the objectives orally, then select 2 objectives and write them down in your notebook Slide 5

To know what vowels are written in the suffixes of active present participles

Explore spelling in suffixes of active present participles

Formulate rule for writing vowels in suffixes of active present participles

Finding a solution to the problem Slide 6

The participles on the board will help you discover the rule. Read them carefully.

Read two columns of words and write them down in a notebook:







What did you notice?

We highlight suffixes.

In participles of the 1st column, suffixes-USH-/-YUSH- , 2 columns-АШch-/ -BOX-.

What determines the choice of vowel in a suffix? What are the hypotheses? (offer their options)

Remember what you know about the sacrament.-Communion is special shape verb….(Give a definition.)

Has a new hypothesis emerged? The participle suffix depends on the conjugation of the verb from which it is formed: 1st conjugation –УШ-/-УШ-, 2nd conjugation –АШ-/-ЯШ-(Crucial hypothesis.)

How to test this hypothesis?

Determine the conjugation of the verbs from which the participles of each column are formed.

Do it. We write on the board. What did you get? In the 1st column, participles are formed from verbs of the 1st conjugation, in the 2nd - from verbs of the 2nd conjugation.

Formulate a rule- In real participles of the present tense, formed from verbs of the 1st conjugation, the suffixes are written -УШ- / -УШЧ-, from verbs of the 2nd conjugation -АШ- / -ЯШ-.

Now let's write down our observations in the form of an algorithm: Slide 7

-ushch, -yushch -ashch, -yushch

We determine what conjugation of the verb from which the participle is formed

If the verb is 1st conjugation, then we write If the verb is 2nd conjugation, then we write

Usch, -yush -ash, -yush

Let's check the accuracy of our observations and compare the conclusion with the textbook. (Everything is correct). Pay attention to the imperfect form of the verb, from which active participles are formed.

4. Fastening . It's time to get some rest.Physical education minute . I call active present participles. If the suffixes need to be written уш, юш, you clap your hands. If – yes, yes, you raise your hands up. Reasoning algorithm on the blackboard)

Foaming, feeling.Y.schy, healing.A.schy; melting; raging; hesitating...hesitating; view..Bearing; hearing.

And now back to work. We need to test our research in practice.

2. Work along the chain. Write down, explaining graphically: Crushing ice; rushing berry; flapping its wings; fighting for supremacy; stadium under construction; a mother worried about her son's health; writing a letter; dozing in silence; adhesive wallpaper; visible...in the distance

3. And now everyone will try to confirm our research.

The assignment is printed on a worksheet.

Insert a letter and explain your choice:

Servant -

Sitting -

Knitting –

Beautiful -


Many succeeded. Let's see if we were able to realize the goals we set during our research.

5.Reflection!!! Slide 8

6.Homework. Continue the tale. (for a strong group of students and those interested)

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, a son was born to father Verb and mother Adjective, and they named him Communion.

The son inherited a lot from his parents, but he developed his own character, unlike any other. The child is such an energetic, active child; he doesn’t sit still for a minute. They began to call it the Real Communion. And his character traits - suffixes - do not lag behind the owner: conditions are set at every step.

( for the weak - ex. , paragraph -)

The purpose of the lesson: introducing students to the formation and writing of present passive participles; developing skills in writing suffixes of present passive participles (-om-, -em-, -im-).

Work on speech development: construction of sentences and phrases.

Repetition: writing unstressed personal endings of verbs.

During the classes:

Slide 1 Subject

Slide 2 Target

Slide 3 Checking d/z

I. Mutual checking homework.

Paragraph 17

a) question:

From the stems of which verbs and with the help of which suffixes are the active past participles formed? (From the basics indeterminate form transitive and intransitive verbs of the perfect and imperfect form, using the suffixes –vsh-, -sh-).

Played, despaired, arrived, smiled, withered, sowed, touched, frowned, fanned, started, hoped, wrinkled, saw, burned, offended, closed his eyes, went out, hated, sharpened, replaced, adjusted, haggard, wet, carried, traveled, growing, attracting.

Slide 4 Does the use of these participles correspond to the literary norm?
Correct the sentences.

Slide 5

II. Repetition

A) Questions:

What do you need to know to correctly write unstressed personal endings of verbs? (Their conjugation)
- Let's remember the conjugations of verbs. What verbs do we classify as verbs?

II conjugation?

All on it and exception verbs :

Drive, hold, look and see,
Hear, breathe and hate,
And depend and endure,
And offend, and twist.

I conjugation?

b) Selective dictation.

Students write down verbs, explaining the endings.

You can't put water into a bottomless barrel. You can't spoil porridge with oil. Lost time is never found again. You can’t take a single step without the truth. The bread is cut and the sugar is crushed. What goes around comes around. (Proverbs)

c) Questions:

When writing the suffixes of which participles do you need to know the conjugation of the verbs from which they are formed? (Valid present tense)

Name the suffixes of the active present participles. (-ush-, -yush-, -ash-, -box-).

G ) Working with options

Two students at the board, one from each option. I var. - participles formed from the verb I conjugation; II var. – participles formed from a verb of II conjugation.

Boasting of success, fishermen struggling with the waves, a stadium under construction, a foaming stream, a sultry wind breathing, melting snow, whispering reeds, sowing rain, creeping fog.

Slide 6

a) Compose a new word by taking the indicated significant parts from these words.
beautiful, describe, share, regale, struggling, stabbing. (Overcoming)

Slide 7

b) Make up phrases with this word (overcoming laziness, a person overcoming, successfully overcoming), offer.

c) Parse the sentence syntactically.
A person who successfully overcomes his laziness can achieve a lot. (Narrative, non-vocal, prose, race, two-part, complicated parlance)


Slide 8

Sh. Studying new material.

Paragraph 18

a) Analysis of the material on p. 48 (working with the table).

b) Reading the material on p. 49

Slide 9 When applying this rule, think like this:

Slide 10 Students reasoning out loud and recording.

Sample: send (Ispr.) - sent

  • cover
  • decide
  • erect
  • construct
  • protect
  • see
  • injure

Slide 11

IV. Exercises to consolidate the material.

2. Working with the textbook.

Exercise 102 orally “chain by chain”

3. Independent work

a) Exercise 105 (for average and strong students)
b) Cards for weak students

Slide 12 Conclusion: when writing suffixes of active and passive participles of the present tense, it is necessary to rely on the conjugation of the verb .

Slide 13

V. Game "Proofreader"

Head of the Literacy Department
loader foreman
Nedosmotrova I.I.


When transporting the box of “Sentences with participial phrases”, the movers Rasklyabov and Lentyaykin allowed it to tip over. To hide this oversight, they quickly collected the scattered parts of the sentences. Due to illiteracy, they did this incorrectly.


The resolution on this document was as follows: “Take measures to bring the contents of the box to its original state.”

Slide 14 Corrected

Slide 15 Lesson summary:

Lesson summary:

  1. What participles did we meet in today's lesson?
  2. In suffixes of present passive participles
    -e-, -im- is written:
    letter e, If …
    letter And, If …

Slide 16


  • Exercise 103

Sample: respected by the team, studied by schoolchildren

List of used literature

  1. Bogdanova G.A. Russian language lessons in 7th grade. M. “Enlightenment” 2003. p.58
  2. Polezhaeva E.A. Modern open lessons Russian language 7th grade. Rostov-on-Don. Phoenix 2002. p. 24

Russian language lesson in 7th grade.

Vowels in suffixes of active present participles

The purpose of the lesson: Find out which vowels are written in the suffixes of active present participles. Study the spelling in the suffixes of active present participles. Formulate the rule for writing vowels in suffixes of active present participles.

Planned educational results: Subject : know conditions for choosing the vowels u(yu) and a(ya) in the suffixes of active present participles, be able to correctly choose and write the vowels u(yu) and а(я) in the active participles of the present tense, graphically indicate the conditions of choice correct spellings. Metasubject: ability to consciously use speech means in accordance with the task of communication to express one’s feelings, thoughts, needs, mastery of oral and in writing, the ability to evaluate one’s own capabilities to solve a learning problem. Personal: respectful attitude towards native language, desire for speech, self-improvement.

Methods and forms of training: problem method, activity - practical method; individual, group, frontal.

Equipment: interactive whiteboard (screen), computer, multimedia projector.

Textbook: Russian language 7th grade. M. T. Baranov, T. A. Ladyzhenskaya, L.A. Trostentsova et al. “Enlightenment” 2015.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

Hello guys! I'm very glad to see you all. Today we have guests at our lesson. Let's welcome them! Guys, today in class we will be not just students, but researchers. And we will explore the part of speech that we began to study in previous lessons. This is...(participle). Let's open our notebook and write down the date we are doing our study. Any research is impossible without theoretical knowledge.

2. Updating knowledge

1) What is a participle?

2) What parts of speech does the participle combine?

3) What verbal features does the participle have?

4) What signs of an adjective do the participle have?

5) What participles are called active?

6) What participles are called passive?

7) From what part of speech are participles formed?

3. Syntactic five minutes.

A sentence is written on the board: The ribbon of the river... visible in the distance, miraculously bent... and disappeared behind the horizon.

Write down, insert the missing letters, highlight grammatical basis, arrange and explain punctuation marks, draw a diagram (1 student at the board).

Name the means artistic expression? (« river ribbon», « curved bizarrely”, “ran away beyond the horizon”)

Guys, why are we having difficulty spelling the participle? (We don’t know which vowel to write in the suffix). Determine the type and time of the sacrament?

Let's formulate the topic of the lesson: “Vowels in suffixes of active present participles” (Slide 1).

- Now let's try to formulate the goals of the lesson. ( Slide 2).

Find out which vowels are written in the suffixes of active present participles.

Study the spelling in the suffixes of active present participles

Formulate the rule for writing vowels in suffixes of active present participles.

4. Preparatory stage.

Write down the words (the words are written on the board in a column), insert vowels into the 3rd person plural endings. , determine the type.

They write (1 reference. nonsense. view)

Draw (1 reference. unsightly view)

Glue (2 sp. non-conforming type)

Treat (2 sp. non-symptoms)

Tell me, from what part of speech is the participle formed? How? Let's verbally try to form participles from these verbs using the suffixes ush, yush, ash, yash.

Formed participles with missing letters appear on the screen ( Slide 3).

What participles were formed? Active or Passive? Determine their type.

What suffixes will we write in these participles?

5. Statement of a problematic question

Which letter should be written in the suffixes of active present participles?

What determines the choice of vowel in a suffix? What are your guesses? (The participle suffix depends on the conjugation of the verb from which it is formed: 1st conjugation –УШ-/-УШ-, 2nd conjugation –АШ-/-ЯШ-).

Formulate a rule ( In real participles of the present tense, formed from verbs of the 1st conjugation, the suffixes are written -УШ- / -УШЧ-, from verbs of the 2nd conjugation -АШ- / -ЯШ-).

Now let's write down our observations in the form of an algorithm: (Slide 4)

-ushch, -yushch -ashch, -yushch

We determine what conjugation of the verb from which the participle is formed

If the verb is 1st conjugation, then we write If the verb is 2nd conjugation, then we write

Usch, -yush -ash, -yush

Let's check the accuracy of our observations and compare the conclusion with the textbook, page 48 (Everything is correct).

6. Fixing the material.

1. “Relay race” (Each of the students, having completed his part of the task at the board, passes the “baton race” to one of his classmates, calling his first and last name):

Write down the phrases, highlight the suffix of the participle, explain the choice of vowel in the suffix: Crushing ice; rushing berry; flapping its wings; fighting for supremacy; stadium under construction; writing a letter; dozing in silence; adhesive wallpaper; visible...in the distance.

2. Exercise 108 (independently, check)

8. Creative task.

Let's Let's look at a painting by the wonderful Russian artist Vasily Dmitrievich Polenov " Golden autumn» (Slide 5, musical accompaniment).

Looking at this picture, one involuntarily recalls lines from a poem by Ivan Bunin"Leaf fall":

The forest is like a painted tower,

Lilac, gold, crimson,

A cheerful, motley wall

Standing above a bright clearing...

1. Come up with 3-4 sentences about the painting “Golden Autumn” or write a descriptive text using real participles of the present tense or integers participial phrases. For those who find it difficult, use participles : sparkling, yellowing, fluttering, floating.

2. Check (2-3 works).

10. Homework: p. 48 learn the rule, exercise 107

9. Summing up the lesson. Reflection

Let's see if we were able to realize the goals we set during our research.

What did we repeat today? What new did you learn?
