Why is female alcoholism not curable? Why is female alcoholism incurable? Why are women more susceptible to alcohol?

– pathological dependence on alcohol in women. Due to the physical, mental and endocrine characteristics of the body, the development and course of alcoholism in women differs in a certain way from a similar addiction in men. Female alcoholism develops in short time, accompanied by rapid mental degradation and rapid destruction internal organs. It often occurs latently until stage II or III. The diagnosis of “female alcoholism” is made on the basis of anamnesis, interviews and tests for alcohol content in bodily fluids. Treatment - different kinds coding in combination with psychotherapy.

General information

Women's alcoholism is viewed more negatively in society than men's. Drinking men they stimulate them to treatment, try to educate them, take them to doctors. Women who drink are turned away. When the first signs of female alcoholism appear or even when information about regular drinking appears, in the absence of obvious physical and psychological changes, a woman has less chance of getting help and support from relatives and friends. In advanced cases, after the severance of ties with the previous environment and a drop in social level, the support of others in case of female alcoholism becomes extremely unlikely.

Causes of female alcoholism

Alcoholism in women occurs under the influence various factors and their combinations. Sometimes the cause is unfavorable heredity and family traditions who allow excessive intake of alcoholic beverages, drinking alcohol not only on holidays, but also on weekends, after work, etc. Often, female alcoholism develops due to psychological exhaustion. Modern representatives of the fair sex have to bear a heavy burden, combine promotion career ladder, performance household duties and child care. This leads to emotional breakdowns, which patients try to relieve with alcohol.

Female alcoholism can also arise due to other problems. In particular, women housewives sometimes begin to drink alcohol in order to dispel boredom caused by the monotony of everyday chores and to eliminate the feeling of lack of demand due to the lack of professional fulfillment. Quite often, the impetus for the development of female alcoholism is family problems: husband’s infidelity, dissatisfaction family relations, violence, loss loved one, divorce, etc.

Sometimes alcohol consumption is provoked by loneliness, lack of close relationships and lack of time to start a family. Female alcoholism also often develops in the wives and cohabitants of alcoholics. At first, a woman begins to drink alcohol “for company” so as not to ruin the relationship and to be able to control her husband’s behavior. Subsequently, due to the rapid development of female alcoholism, she herself becomes the initiator of drinking. Often, physical and moral degradation in such women occurs faster than in their husbands, who started drinking alcohol earlier. As a result, the husbands of the patients initiate divorces and find other partners, and the women left alone quickly sink to the very bottom.

On average, alcohol dependence in men occurs after 7-10 years of regular drinking; it takes only 5 years for women to develop alcoholism. The faster development of alcoholism is due to the psychological and physical characteristics of the body of the fair sex. Liver enzymes in women break down ethanol worse than in men. At the same time, blood flow in the depot organs (liver and spleen) is slower in women compared to men. These factors provoke accelerated liver damage in female alcoholism.

The protective function of the blood-brain barrier in women is lower than in men, so alcohol and its breakdown products large quantities penetrate the brain, quickly damage brain cells and destroy neural connections. This causes rapid mental degradation, deterioration of thinking, decreased intelligence, loss of moral and ethical guidelines. Female alcoholism has an extremely negative effect on appearance. As a result of all of the above, an image of a typical alcoholic is formed - repulsive, devoid of individuality, interested only in finding and drinking alcohol.

Symptoms and stages of female alcoholism

The development of alcoholism in a woman is evidenced by her positive attitude towards drinking, bursts of cheerfulness and enthusiasm when offered to arrange a feast, and independent initiation of alcohol consumption. A woman begins to drink alcohol at every opportunity, citing the need to relax after work, to celebrate some minor event, etc. Patients with female alcoholism drink on an equal basis with men. The dose required to achieve a state of intoxication gradually increases.

Some women drink alcohol secretly, trying not to be seen by their family and friends. In such cases, female alcoholism can be suspected on the basis of indirect signs: missing money, hidden full or empty bottles, some disheveled and “tired” appearance, the smell of alcohol, which patients try to cover up using chewing gum, candy, coffee beans, etc. d. Over time, a deepening of the voice occurs. With female alcoholism, the character changes, the woman becomes less balanced and less likely to show empathy. Scandals and inexplicable emotional breakdowns are becoming more frequent.

Female alcoholism, like male alcoholism, has three stages. At the first stage, the sense of proportion disappears, the individual “norm” necessary to achieve intoxication increases. Drinking alcohol becomes regular; a patient suffering from female alcoholism actively looks for reasons to drink. Nausea and vomiting disappear even after large doses of alcohol. Memory lapses appear. The next day after drinking alcohol, you experience a hangover. During extended periods of sobriety, increasing irritation occurs.

The second stage of female alcoholism is characterized by the development of withdrawal syndrome. Alcohol tolerance continues to increase and reaches a plateau. Control over behavior after drinking alcohol is further reduced, aggression and immoral acts are possible. Short-term and then long-term binges occur. With a sharp interruption of binge drinking, the development of metal-alcohol psychoses is possible. The appearance gradually deteriorates. The face of a patient with female alcoholism becomes moon-shaped, bags appear under the eyes, and the skin acquires a yellowish or grayish tint.

The woman begins to neglect the rules of hygiene. She tries to hide changes in appearance by using a large amount of makeup, and because of this she acquires a characteristic vulgar appearance. Female alcoholism leads to slower thinking and assimilation of new information. Without alcohol, there is constant aggression and irritability. Life priorities change, all interests center around drinking alcohol. There is a decline in moral standards. The condition of the internal organs is gradually deteriorating.

At the third stage of female alcoholism, the amount of alcohol required to achieve a state of intoxication decreases. Pronounced intoxication occurs after just one glass; after a further increase in the dose of alcohol, the state practically does not change. There is no control over the amount of drinking. Gross changes in appearance are observed. At this stage of female alcoholism, severe pathological changes in the liver and gastrointestinal tract occur. There is pronounced intellectual and moral degradation. Emotions become flattened and impoverished.

Diagnosis of female alcoholism

The diagnosis of alcohol dependence in women is based on clinical symptoms. Any laboratory research methods are of an auxiliary nature and cannot be evidence of alcoholism. Four signs are considered as the main diagnostic criteria for female alcoholism. The first is a change in the value system, an inappropriately high place for alcohol in the list of personal priorities. The second is loss of control over the dose of alcohol (the patient almost always drinks more than she planned). The third is continued drinking despite obstacles (personal, social and professional interests of the woman). The fourth is the development of withdrawal syndrome.

The first three signs confirm female alcoholism with the presence of mental dependence, the fourth indicates the development of physical dependence. The conversation with the patient is supplemented by testing using various questionnaires. The simplest survey for preliminary diagnosis of female alcoholism includes only four questions:

  • Has the woman thought that it’s time for her to stop drinking?
  • Does other people bother her with complaints about her drinking?
  • Does she feel guilty about drinking alcohol?
  • did she ever want to get a hangover?

The conversation and survey are complemented by an external examination to identify specific markers of female alcoholism. Chronic alcohol abuse may be indicated by facial redness, dilation of subcutaneous capillaries on the facial skin, enlarged parotid glands, coated tongue, enlarged liver, tremors of the limbs, polyneuropathy, muscle atrophy, symmetrical redness of the palms, increased sweating, telangiectasias, a transient increase in blood pressure and characteristic of women alcoholism, change in figure (disappearance of the waist, thinning arms and legs with a belly).

Treatment of female alcoholism

Treatment tactics are determined individually, depending on the duration of regular alcohol consumption, the stage of female alcoholism, health status, level of motivation, strong-willed qualities, personality traits and some other factors. Required condition Successful therapy for female alcoholism is complete abstinence from alcohol. Reducing the dose and trying to “drink in moderation” will obviously be ineffective, since the alcoholic is not able to control the amount of drinking and breaks down even after taking a small dose.

, hypnosuggestive therapy, double coding and other techniques. Before coding, detoxification measures must be carried out.

Subsequently, the patient is referred to psychotherapy to identify the causes of the development of female alcoholism and develop new ways of thinking and behavior. Psychologists and psychotherapists help the patient go through a difficult period of giving up alcohol, often accompanied by emotional breakdowns caused by changes in the usual way of life, the need to find new priorities, changes in relationships with loved ones, etc. In the process of treating female alcoholism, both individual and group psychotherapy are used .

We've all seen it. Women alcoholics are a rarer phenomenon. In any case, they do not come across our field of vision so often. Because they hide their addiction until the last moment in order to protect themselves from censure and not become an outcast in society. What are the causes and consequences of female alcoholism? Why is he scary? Are there ways to treat it?

Causes of female alcoholism

Increasingly in recent years, representatives of the fairer sex have been diagnosed with diseases such as liver cirrhosis, hepatitis and hypertension . For the most part, this is due to excessive consumption of well-known drinks, which over time develops into chronic alcoholism. According to statistics, the development of female alcoholism is occurring at a rapid pace, and the country will face a demographic catastrophe if this situation does not change. What pushes a woman to the bottle?

  • Beer, gin and tonics, alcoholic cocktails and other strong drinks have become very popular in our time.. They are considered absolutely harmless, very pleasant, an excellent remedy for relaxation and ease of communication. Of course, few people think about the dangers of such drinks. Because everything is ahead, and life is wonderful. However, the systematic use of these drinks in company or while watching TV after work (alone) creates that attachment, which over time flows into alcoholism.
  • Loneliness, feeling of absolute uselessness, mental trauma, depression, hopelessness . Reasons that become a springboard to where there may be no way back. Status in society does not matter. About half of women suffering from alcoholism are lonely or have serious psychological problems.
  • The husband is an alcoholic. Unfortunately, this situation often becomes the cause of female alcoholism. Either the man is undergoing treatment, or a divorce occurs, or the wife follows her husband into the alcoholic abyss.
  • Climax. Not all women can withstand the physical and psychological discomfort that accompanies menopause. Some people relieve stress with alcohol. Which gradually turns into a habit that is no longer possible to control.

According to doctors, even Drinking one hundred grams of strong drink twice a month is alcohol addiction. But the “drinking culture” in Russia has always been unique. If in Europe one glass can be stretched into several toasts, then in our country they drink “To the bottom!” and “Between the first and second there is one more.” Again, in the West it is customary to dilute strong drinks, and if during our feast someone suggests diluting vodka... there’s no need to even talk about it. What’s even worse is that many people simply don’t know about other ways to relax.

Why is female alcoholism worse than male alcoholism?

Why is female alcoholism so scary? Consequences

The “green serpent” and its consequences change a woman beyond recognition. Both psychologically and externally. What exactly happens to a woman who is an alcoholic? What are the risks of alcoholism?

  • Appearance changes. An unhealthy shine to the eyes, redness of the face and bluish spots appear. Hair is dull, tangled, greasy. Such a woman speaks in a raised voice, gesticulates nervously, and perceives being ignored as a personal insult.
  • Subcutaneous fat tissue disappears. Arms, legs and shoulders lose their smooth lines and acquire overly pronounced muscle relief.
  • The body of a woman with alcoholism begins to age early. Teeth crumble and darken, hair turns gray and falls out, skin wrinkles and becomes decrepit.
  • All systems and internal organs are affected – cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, endocrine, etc.
  • The thyroid gland begins to malfunction , which leads to arrhythmia, excessive fatness or thinness.
  • Adrenal gland tissue is destroyed , the production of hormones decreases under the influence of toxic substances of alcohol.
  • Toxic alcoholic nephropathy - one of possible consequences alcoholism. The main symptoms are high blood pressure, swelling in the face, protein and blood in the urine. With this disease, kidney tissue begins to die. As a result - acute renal failure and death.
  • Diseases of the reproductive and genitourinary system. Cystitis, pyelonephritis and other female ailments haunt women alcoholics constantly. And given that alcohol leads to loose behavior, promiscuity and a complete lack of hygiene become the norm for such a woman. Which, in turn, leads to sexually transmitted diseases, frigidity, and AIDS.
  • Mutations occur in the eggs of an alcoholic woman. The consequence is miscarriages, the birth of defective children and stillbirths.
  • Ovarian function weakens , which changes the overall hormonal background. The production of female hormones decreases, and the production of male hormones increases. As a result - the growth of a mustache and beard, hair growth on the chest, back, legs, thinness, etc. Then - uterine bleeding, early menopause.
  • - it often ends criminal and medical abortions, causing miscarriage, death from complications, ectopic pregnancy or (this is in best case scenario) abandonment of a born child .
  • Personality change , damage to the nervous system. Hysteria, isolation, mood instability, depression, hopelessness. Often the result is suicide.
  • Dulling of the instinct of self-preservation , decrease in habitual reactions.
  • Loss of trust from loved ones , divorce, job loss, rejection by society, etc.

Is it possible to cure female alcoholism?

They say that female alcoholism cannot be treated. But this is not true. It can be cured , although with a reservation for certain female characteristics. Moreover, more than eighty percent of success depends on a woman’s willpower and her desire to “get over it.” Alcoholism is mostly a psychological addiction. And at the initial stage you can still cope with psychotherapeutic methods. With a formed, stable need for alcohol without integrated approach, as well as specialists, it will not be possible to get by.

Treatment methods for female alcoholism

The fight against alcoholism is, first of all, a set of measures united by the patient’s great desire to quit drinking. But the most difficult thing is woman's adaptation to life, which no longer contains alcohol. What methods are used today to combat the “green serpent”?

  • Psychotherapy.
  • Pharmacotherapy.
  • The use of drugs that cause aversion to alcohol.
  • The use of drugs that block the breakdown of alcohol and, thereby, causing his rejection.
  • Coding techniques.
  • Taking medications to normalize work internal systems and organs.
  • Phytotherapy.
  • Acupuncture.
  • Laser exposure as part of complex therapy.
  • Hypnosis.

Traditional methods of treating alcoholism

Usually, self-treatment Alcoholism at home does not bring success. Considering the seriousness of the disease and its consequences, of course, all methods can be tried in order to achieve results. But according to statistics, the most effective are considered Dovzhenko method, hypnosis and coding. The main thing is to remember that without the woman’s awareness and sincere desire, treatment will not be successful.


This terrible disease not only destroys the life of the person himself, but also negatively affects his environment. Let's figure out whether female alcoholism is really incurable: why they think so and whether this statement is true.

Why are women more susceptible to alcohol?

They say that dividing alcoholism into male and female is sexist. In fact, alcohol has a more destructive effect on the fairer sex. Here are the reasons.

  • Smaller volume muscle mass and less water content in the body lead to faster and more severe intoxication.
  • Due to hormonal characteristics, increased absorption of ethanol occurs.
  • To relax, you need to drink less, which increases the risk of addiction - it can appear even after consuming small doses. Against the backdrop of how much men need to relax, the following illusion may arise: “Compared to them, I drink very little.”
  • Psychological factors in the emergence of alcoholism

    Experts believe that women have their own psychological reasons that influence the onset of addiction. Thus, they may not cope with society’s expectations of them: if a woman does not fit into the framework of behavior that society imposes.
    Another option is that they may consider themselves too significant for others, taking on too much responsibility for what is happening. For example, such behavior is typical for female managers and overly anxious mothers.
    It is believed that the fairer sex is more susceptible to stress throughout the day. If a man can simply ignore an unpleasant situation, then a woman will spend hours scrolling through it in her head, increasing emotional stress.
    As psychologists note, one of the common causes of alcoholism in women is self-rejection. It is quite difficult to say: “I am who I am, and I love myself exactly as I am.” When demands, expectations, reproaches, and reproaches are pouring in from all sides, it is difficult to maintain warm feelings to myself. Because of this, breakdowns occur: you need to run away to where there are no problems. And this is where alcohol comes to the rescue.
    It is believed that in our society there is greater hostility towards a woman who drinks than towards a man. Like, it’s hard for men, they work hard, are stressed all the time, earn money - in general, almost the whole world rests on them. How can you not get addicted to a glass?
    Does a woman really have a reason to drink? I did something around the house, rearranged papers at work, fed the children, ran to the store - sheer nonsense. This philistine opinion prevails in our society and contributes to the formation of even greater shame in a drinking woman. She already feels bad, but because of the pressure from society, she cannot openly express her problem.

    Female alcoholism is incurable - is this true?

    Doctors note that this disease develops in stages. It all starts with rare abuses that appear more and more often. It is difficult for a woman to keep herself within limits, the desire to “pounce” intensifies, and more alcohol is needed to become intoxicated.
    At the second stage, tolerance to alcohol increases. If earlier the thought of having a hangover caused disgust, now it causes a desire to relieve withdrawal symptoms. A woman’s appearance deteriorates: her face becomes puffy, her eyes turn into “slits,” and an unpleasant odor constantly emanates from her mouth.
    At the third stage, absolute dependence develops - both at the physiological and psychological levels. A woman goes on binges: they can be short-term or long-term.
    There is an opinion that such alcoholism is incurable. This is a myth that may have been introduced in order to protect the fairer sex. Like, it’s better not to touch the glass at all than to expose yourself to terrible risks.
    Women's alcoholism, like men's, is subject to treatment. Its main condition is the voluntary desire of the patient, the support of loved ones and well-chosen therapy. Doctors note that getting rid of addictions must begin as soon as possible: in women, personality destruction occurs very quickly.
    In rare hours of sobriety, she may feel guilty about her behavior while intoxicated. What will an alcoholic do to drown out these feelings? That's right - she'll drink. The circle closes. Doctors, family and friends will help you get out of it; they must understand the degree of their responsibility: their warmth and closeness have a positive effect on healing.
    Methods of getting rid of alcoholism can be different: a course at a drug dispensary, coding, psychocorrection, etc. Most often, the remedies are used in combination, since you need to work at the level of the psyche and physiology. This process is emotionally costly, difficult and requires great faith in yourself and in those people who volunteered to help.
    Doctors note: no one can give a 100 percent guarantee that the patient will not relapse again. Therefore, some doctors use the following formulation: the disease can be sent into long-term remission for a period of 20-30-40 years. In this context, it is incorrect to talk about a complete cure for alcoholism, because this disease can reappear if a person cannot resist the desire to drink.
    If there is always a risk of relapse, is it worth starting treatment at all? Doctors answer: undoubtedly. It is better to spend time, effort and money on getting rid of an addiction than to give up on yourself and live (or rather, survive) at best until 45-50 years old.

    Alcoholism, according to doctors, is a disease, a person’s persistent dependence on alcoholic drinks. Such a hobby has an extremely negative impact on the work of all internal systems and organs, eventually completely destroying the body. According to medical statistics, in order to acquire such an addiction, a man only needs 7-10 years of regular alcohol consumption. But women become drunkards much faster – in just 4-5 years.

    Representatives of the fair sex are considered to be the future of any nation. After all, it is they who are destined to continue the family line. What kind of children will women who are addicted to alcohol have? According to statistics, in 50-60% of cases, alcohol-dependent women give birth to babies with various congenital deformities and mental disorders. It is believed that female alcoholism cannot be cured, but why is female alcoholism incurable and is it so?

    Alcoholism develops much faster in women than in men

    Regular studies and static results show a rather sad picture of the development of female alcohol addiction. According to statistics, in our country 25% of the female population drinks alcohol. Of them:

    1. 44% are binge alcoholics.
    2. 5% drink alcohol irregularly (on holidays).
    3. 23% are overly addicted to alcohol and drink it almost every day.
    4. 28% alternate constant alcohol consumption with periods of abstinence.

    Unfortunately, these data have a steady upward trend. If in order to become an alcoholic, 2-3 years of daily consumption of alcoholic beverages is enough for a man, then for a woman with a daily passion for alcohol, sometimes 3-4 months are enough to turn into an alcohol addict.

    Most often, girls become acquainted with alcohol in their own family, when, as a child, she constantly saw her parents drinking.

    Why does alcoholism develop faster in women?

    It’s sad, but women are not stopped even by the rapid deterioration of their appearance, because a drinking 35-year-old lady looks 15-20 years older. There is a rapid transformation of a young and blooming girl into a ruin. And the life expectancy of alcoholics is too short. Women who drink more often die from:

    • suicide;
    • liver cirrhosis;
    • acute heart failure;
    • intoxication with surrogate alcohol.

    Narcologists consider female alcoholism to be a disease of a psychonarcological nature, which is accompanied by local damage to the central nervous system. For healthy functioning, a person does not need alcohol, because the body itself produces a certain amount ethyl alcohol necessary for full-fledged work.

    Signs of female alcoholism

    The main and very first sign of developed alcohol addiction is denial. Women who have developed a dangerous habit tend to deny its existence, saying that they drink like everyone else, only on weekends or holidays to relieve fatigue and relieve stress.

    Society condemns women who drink more

    But unfortunately, the basis of alcohol addiction is the unreflective, unconscious craving for drinking in such women. You can notice that a relative or friend has an addiction to alcohol by the following signs:

    1. Looking for a reason, even a minor one, to justify drinking alcohol. Almost all alcohol-dependent women drink in the same way. At first, she pampers herself with alcohol only on holidays, and then the addict herself becomes the initiator of feasts, collects money herself and runs to buy alcohol. Soon the environment changes, and alcohol is purchased for the home. Moreover, the patient explains this “just in case.”
    2. Behavior change. This becomes especially noticeable on the eve of the next feast. They try to leave work early so that they can quickly appear at home and grab a glass.
    3. Protecting drinkers. Women dependent on alcohol do not accept absolutely any reproaches or complaints regarding their behavior. They see only the positive aspects of drinking alcohol. Moreover, sometimes they can even create scandals due to the inability to take the next dose.

    Features of female alcoholism

    Among the fair sex, alcohol addiction develops much faster than among men.. Doctors have long found an explanation for this feature. The rapid dependence is explained by the following reasons:

    1. Hormonal features. The female hormonal system is extremely sensitive to ethanol, which contributes to the rapid absorption of alcohol into the blood.
    2. Features of physiology. Ladies, unlike men, can control the situation longer. For this reason, they are confident that they are monitoring the dose, and if they wish, they can easily stop drinking.
    3. Physiology. Women have lower height and weight, therefore, their body has fewer fluid reserves. When alcohol is ingested, a large concentration of it is formed, and intoxication occurs much faster than in a man.

    By the way, an uncontrollable craving for alcohol consumption is observed in women on the eve of the onset of menstrual cycle. And the hangover syndrome in women is much milder and more unnoticeable than in men, which even more influences the onset of addiction.

    The central nervous system is primarily affected by alcohol in women.

    Experts identify a number of women who are especially predisposed to the development of alcoholism. According to doctors, the following people are at risk:

    • infantile warehouse;
    • sexually anxious;
    • those suffering from an unstable psyche;
    • With increased tendency to depression;
    • with the presence of neurasthenic disorders;
    • suffering from higher level anxiety, insomnia.

    The risk group also includes some nuances of work. Thus, the largest number of alcohol addicts is found among representatives of the following professions:

    • representatives of construction specialties;
    • sellers of open markets (drink to keep warm in winter);
    • food service workers (working in cafes, bars, restaurants).

    Stages of female alcoholism

    As alcohol addiction develops in women, it goes through a number of specific stages. In accordance with the development of the stages, the drinker gradually increases the amount of alcohol consumed from small doses to complete oblivion, which is accompanied by the disintegration of personality against the background of ongoing corresponding physiological and somatic disorders.

    Experts distinguish three stages of female alcoholism:

    Initial phase

    Occurs against the background of constant consumption of alcohol-containing products. Moreover, the dose taken gradually increases. At this phase, short-term memory lapses may already be present.

    At the first stage of the development of alcoholism, signs of the disease in women are still invisible. After all, ladies carefully hide the fact of drinking alcohol in order to avoid public censure.

    The first stage of female alcoholism

    Middle stage

    At the advanced stage, the woman begins to drink even more. The pathological craving for alcohol increases, and the single dose of alcohol consumed increases significantly. At this stage, a hangover becomes noticeable, which is accompanied by:

    • body tremor;
    • headache;
    • feeling of heat;
    • excruciating thirst;
    • mood swings.

    At this stage of development of the disease, emotional and personal changes in the patient are already evident. The woman demonstrates constant irritability, tearfulness, and withdrawal. She loses her sense of responsibility for herself and her loved ones and children. She loses interest in everything that doesn't involve drinking.

    The effect of alcohol on women's appearance

    The addict also changes in appearance. She becomes unkempt. You can notice that a woman abuses alcohol by such external manifestations as:

    • thickening of lips;
    • uneven gait;
    • painful thinness;
    • dilation of the nostrils;
    • unnatural shine of the eyes;
    • blackening and loss of teeth;
    • the appearance of bags on the lower eyelids;
    • atrophy and weakening of the neck muscles;
    • grayness (earthyness) of the skin;
    • the appearance of bruises and purple spots from bursting capillaries;
    • changes in hair, it becomes greasy, dirty, dandruff appears;
    • rapid development of wrinkles, especially in the goiter and nasolabial triangle.

    Final stage

    This level of alcoholism is characterized by a complete loss of self-control. Alcoholics experience frequent amnesia. Intelligence declines, the addict no longer cares about anything except searching for the next dose of alcohol. Numerous physical health problems develop, and there is a high probability of mental pathologies. Psychomotor disorders are also pronounced, in particular:

    • akinesia (complete immobility);
    • hypokinesia (difficulty in movement);
    • excessive motor excitement;
    • inadequacy in behavior and actions.

    What does addiction lead to?

    The consequences of female alcoholism are terrible and extremely dangerous. In addition to early old age and the development of numerous somatic pathologies, female alcoholics are much more likely to receive various injuries while intoxicated. Very often this leads to death.

    The main causes of female alcoholism

    Doctors note the following pathologies as the most common diseases among women who drink:

    • cirrhosis;
    • varicose veins;
    • liver cancer;
    • thrombophlebitis;
    • pulmonary tuberculosis;
    • alcoholic dementia;
    • renal failure;
    • atrophy of the brain;
    • heart failure;
    • pneumonia and prolonged bronchitis;
    • Mallory Weiss syndrome (a pathology in which numerous ruptures of the mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach occur);
    • alcoholic polyneuropathy (a disease based on a simultaneous global disruption of the functioning of peripheral nerves).

    Is it possible to cure a woman of alcoholism?

    Why is female alcoholism not treated, as many ordinary people believe. Is it really impossible to cure hard-drinking, addicted alcoholics? Doctors may dispute this claim. Women can be cured.

    The main thing that is necessary for guaranteed result– this is the desire of the addict herself to get rid of her illness and admit the existence of a problem.

    The support of loved ones also becomes extremely important. Without it, even the strongest motivation will not be enough. How is the treatment carried out? The first thing that narcologists do is take drinkers out of their drunken state. Medical experts will tell you what to do for this.

    Further therapy consists of a course of drug therapy. The addict will have to take medications that develop an aversion to the sight and smell of alcohol. You can also use force medicinal herbs. For example:

    • thyme;
    • blooming Sally;
    • St. John's wort;
    • milk thistle;
    • hellebore water;
    • lovage root.

    Psychotherapy becomes the most important stage in the fight against alcoholism. The main task of psychotherapists is to change the internal perception of a sick woman. Specialists help her look at life from a different angle, change her own attitude towards the existing problem, understand and realize it.

    What does alcoholism lead to in women?

    The specialist must involve the patient’s loved ones in therapy - during this period of treatment, their support is extremely important. To put a lasting psychological barrier against alcohol, it also helps to conduct coding sessions, flashing or installing an implant. At the same time, treatment is carried out on internal organs damaged by drinking.


    Alcoholism is a terrible problem that can come to any family. This is a serious disease that is in remission (attenuation of the symptoms of the underlying disease, but the disease itself does not go away). Therefore, many believe that alcoholism, especially among women, is an incurable disease.

    Recently, women have increasingly begun to drink alcohol in unacceptable quantities. This phenomenon is gaining frightening proportions. In Russia, girls start drinking alcohol at the age of 13. And 70% of women try alcohol before the age of 18.

    As a woman gets older, the dose of consumption increases, which leads to the development of alcohol dependence in a woman. It is very important to stop in time, understand the reasons for the craving for alcohol, and find ways to get rid of the addiction.

    Female alcoholism in most cases is associated with a psychological and emotional state. The woman is very vulnerable, emotional, impressionable. Therefore, she more often falls into a state.

    • All information on the site is for informational purposes only and is NOT a guide to action!
    • Can give you an ACCURATE DIAGNOSIS only DOCTOR!
    • We kindly ask you NOT to self-medicate, but make an appointment with a specialist!
    • Health to you and your loved ones!

    Common causes of alcohol addiction are:

    • Depression, . They appear due to loneliness, betrayal of a loved one, death of relatives or intra-family problems. Insufficient attention offends a woman, putting her in a state of stress.
    • Long-term removal of decay products from the body.
    • Rapid intoxication and active absorption of ethanol in the intestines.
    • Lack of interests, unemployment.
    • Lack of family, children. This is due to the desire of most women to make a career for themselves, to succeed in professionally. Such workload does not make it possible to build full-fledged relationships and become a mother.
    • Hereditary factors.
    • Character traits.
    • Vulnerability during menopause, when a woman becomes psychologically and physically unstable.

    Any of these reasons can contribute to the development of female alcoholism. It usually starts with one glass of wine and very quickly develops into binge drinking.


    Alcoholism develops in the same way in women and men. But there are some distinctive features, which necessitated the need to consider these diseases separately from each other. Female alcoholism has its own laws that affect the occurrence of problems, complications, development and course of the disease.

    The following features can be highlighted:

    • Due to the predominance of emotions over reason, women react sharper and more painfully than men to the occurrence of stressful situations. Their nervous system is designed in such a way that the brain is based more on intuitive factors than on logical ones.
    • The liver in the female body is destroyed faster due to its high sensitivity to the action of ethanol, which has a toxic effect. The situation is worsened by a decrease in the ability of enzyme systems to protect the liver, as well as dehydration. Subsequently, the disease progresses to cirrhosis.
    • Even on initial stages disease, impulses to the brain begin to be transmitted with disruption. This is due to fragility nerve cells and connections between them.
    • Rapid absorption of harmful substances in the intestines.
    • The membrane located in the brain and protects it from toxins has a weak structure. Because of this, alcohol without special effort reaches neurons.
    • Slow elimination of ethanol breakdown products due to the ineffective functioning of the excretory systems of the skin and kidneys.
    • Blood flows slowly in the liver and spleen. This further damages the organs.
    • Hormones and ethanol breakdown products are incompatible.

    All this contributes to the rapid emergence of alcohol dependence. The woman begins to deny the existence of problems and becomes non-self-critical.

    The disease quickly progresses to a severe level, causing a persistent need to drink alcohol and disrupting the functioning of most body systems.


    For any woman, the most serious and responsible period of life is pregnancy. During this time, the expectant mother is strictly prohibited from drinking alcohol. This is due to the fact that the fetus receives all the necessary substances through the mother’s blood, thanks to which it grows and develops.

    A woman suffering from alcohol addiction is sometimes not stopped even by pregnancy; she does not stop drinking alcohol.

    The breakdown products of ethanol penetrate the baby's body through the placenta, causing great harm to him. These consequences for the fetus are irreversible. The baby can be poisoned by incoming toxins or even die before being born.

    Absorbed alcohol causes the greatest harm in the first three months of fetal development. During this period, internal organs and systems are formed.

    This explains why women suffering from alcoholism give birth to children with diseases such as mental retardation, congenital heart disease, missing limbs, and deformity. A child may be born with a cleft lip or cleft palate.

    There are times when a baby is born healthy. But these are rare exceptions. Women who drink alcohol experience pregnancy with various complications.

    Sometimes, already in the first weeks the fetus acquires deformities or becomes nonviable. Often newborns develop intracranial birth injuries.

    Often children are born with withdrawal symptoms and brain damage. The baby that has just been born already has an addiction to alcohol, received from the mother. Such a child turns out to be unviable or lags behind his peers in physical and mental development throughout his life. Withdrawal syndrome in adolescence develops into a desire to drink alcohol, drugs, and engage in crime.

    A woman who is addicted to alcohol can cause intrauterine infection of the fetus with incurable diseases such as syphilis, AIDS, HIV infection, hepatitis B or C.


    A woman suffering from alcoholism cannot breastfeed her child in 3-4 out of 10 cases. Alcohol also has a negative effect on reproductive function. This is due to early aging of the body. Often a woman who is just over 30 looks much older. And by the age of forty she becomes completely like an old woman.

    People have known since ancient times that a woman’s addiction to alcohol has a negative impact on the health of future children. Even then it was noted that people who drank had miscarriages or stillborn children.

    Even if these consequences could be avoided, the child had serious disabilities. That is why in Ancient Rome and Greece, young people could not drink alcohol. A drunken husband had no right to have sexual intercourse with his wife.

    If alcohol enters the baby's body through mother's milk, the child suffers various nervous disorders, including becoming mentally retarded. The digestive organs, liver, and cardiovascular system suffer.

    Women who drink alcohol and have infants claim that they drink to produce milk. As a result, infants experience convulsions and develop epileptic seizures.

    Research conducted in the 20th century by the doctor Demme showed that half of the children born into a family of alcoholics died in early age. Of the remaining 10% had epilepsy or hydrocele, 12% had Down syndrome and only 10% were healthy.

    Sometimes just a few grams of alcohol are enough for a child to be born with disabilities. Therefore, it is very important to monitor your diet and what the expectant mother drinks. A couple of drops can become a life sentence for the unborn baby.

    Any woman should not drink alcohol until the time when the child stops feeding on mother's milk. There should be no exceptions here.


    It has been established that mental disability resulting from the development of alcoholism in parents is inherited. The situation is more complicated with a predisposition to addiction to alcohol.

    Also Plutarch, who lived in Ancient Greece, argued that families of alcoholics produce drunkards. Until recently, it was impossible to prove or disprove this statement.

    The development of genetics has allowed scientists to conduct serious research. For the purity of the experiment, statistical data from the past is collected. All of them are analyzed and systematized. The conclusions drawn give rise to assumptions and patterns.

    The ideal condition for conducting the experiment is to study the heredity of twins. They compare their living conditions and who they ended up becoming. In an unfavorable environment, a person is much more likely to become an alcoholic.

    Genetics have proven that alcoholism is not inherited, unlike the tendency to this disease. This is due to receiving characteristic features from parents who have a craving for alcohol.

    The greatest influence on a person is exerted by external factors, the current circumstances of life. The role of heredity is indirect.

    Children of alcoholics often also begin to drink, based on the example of their parents and family environment. If an authoritative family member condemns the drinker, the child may, on the contrary, begin to have a negative attitude towards alcohol.

    Myths and reality

    A quality product is harmless
    • The taste, quality, cost and shade of alcohol are completely unimportant. Some prefer to drink beer in cans in the yard, others prefer expensive wine in a luxurious apartment.
    • Any way of drinking alcohol leads to consequences. Moreover, many do not notice the line between systematic and rare use.
    • There are examples of female alcoholism among celebrities. Marilyn Monroe preferred champagne, Edith Piaf preferred cognac, and Elizabeth Taylor preferred whiskey.
    • The level of harm caused is influenced by the amount of alcohol consumed, the systematic use of it and the need to be intoxicated.
    Gives sexiness
    • Increased sexual desire and liberation that appeared after taking small quantity alcohol, are combined with the disappearance of complexes, shyness, as well as the appearance of promiscuity in contacts with men. Loss of control can lead to unwanted sexual intercourse.
    • The increased sexuality of a drunk woman does not arouse much interest among the opposite sex; often, on the contrary, it repels men.
    Helps overcome stress
    • This statement is partly true. We must not forget about moderation in drinking alcohol. The appearance of problems should not prompt you to drink every time.
    • If alcohol is consumed in small doses, it helps to forget about problems and relax, becoming a kind of simulator. A large amount of alcohol produces the opposite effect; it acts as a depressant, making the world dull and uninteresting.
    • The systematic use of alcohol to relieve stress leads to the development of the disease, becoming first a mental dependence, and only then a physical and biochemical one.
    Good for health
    • Many people drink alcohol saying that this is how they maintain their health.
    • We must not forget that the useful dose should be 2 times less than the safe one. At the same time, you can only drink red wine or high-quality vodka for medicinal purposes.
    • The negative effects of alcohol are more obvious than the benefits of it. Alcohol has a detrimental effect on the entire body, including nervous system, heart, liver, gastrointestinal tract.

    Why is female alcoholism incurable?

    Many people wonder why female alcoholism is incurable? It is possible to consider the judgment that this disease is irreversible only for the majority of cases.

    If we talk about the social component, then you need to understand that a woman is subjected to more condemnation in society for having this addiction than a man. This negative attitude encourages women to hide their illness.

    If a man has developed an addiction, the woman tries to help him, she empathizes. This often leads to the appearance. The stronger sex is not used to helping ladies solve such problems. More often, men leave the family, leaving the woman alone with alcohol.

    These factors do not make the disease incurable, but they can contribute to a more complex and lengthy cure or irreversible processes.


    The female body reacts to changes with lightning speed. The rapidity of the course of alcoholism leads to severe consequences.

    They are associated with disruption of the functioning of internal organs, which subsequently become unsuitable for life or impair vital functions. These include:

    • Organic brain damage due to alcohol toxicity.
    • Diseases characterized by damage large number nerves, including peripheral ones. They are accompanied by improper functioning of brain cells and changes in their structure.
    • Serious decrease in intelligence, appearance of mental disorders.
    • Delirium tremens.
    • Liver diseases resulting from exposure to toxic agents. Then the disease progresses to liver cirrhosis and high blood pressure syndrome. Subsequently in abdominal cavity A large amount of liquid accumulates.
    • Overdose, poisoning with low-quality or counterfeit alcohol.
    • Kidney failure.
    • Necrosis of part or all of the pancreas, as well as its damage.
    • Positional compression syndrome, which can subsequently lead to gangrene and amputation of the compressed limb.
    • Increased possibility of developing heart attacks and...

    How to deal with it?

    Alcoholism can be cured only after a woman realizes the problem and turns to herself and her loved ones with the phrase “help, I’m a drunkard.” In all other cases, treatment will not bring any benefit.

    At the very beginning, a woman needs to be supported and taken care of. She needs to feel needed. We need to talk about the problem. You cannot overcome such a disease alone. There should be no pressure on the patient, because he is already experiencing extreme stress.

    You need to show your concern for the woman’s condition, and under no circumstances attack her with accusations. Only understanding and time will help here. Relatives – spouse, children, parents – should provide special support.

    After the woman herself wants to deal with the problem, she needs to contact specialists at a drug treatment clinic. There, patients with alcoholism undergo special therapy. Treatment should only be prescribed by a doctor; in no case should you turn to fortune-tellers, healers, or witches. Female alcoholism requires a comprehensive approach to the problem.

    According to experts, it is impossible to solve a problem within the family, to diagnose a person, to hang labels. Only a psychiatrist can give a correct and reasonable conclusion.

    He also finds out the causes of the disease and looks for problems that bother the woman. The necessary therapy is prescribed only after this. Coding and drips do not help the patient get rid of alcoholism completely.

    At any stage, addiction treatment includes the following procedures:

    • Psychotherapeutic and psychological treatment.
    • Removing toxic agents from the body.
    • Consumption that develops a persistent aversion to alcohol.

    Sometimes specialists use the method of filing for alcoholism. Its action is based on the subcutaneous administration of drugs that block the brain receptors responsible for pain in the body. Hypnosis and psychotherapy can be effective in treating female alcoholism. In advanced cases, treatment of internal organs is necessary.

    After completing the course in the clinic, the problem does not disappear immediately. You need to interest a woman in something so that she spends time doing something and enjoying it. Relatives will have to completely deprive the patient of alcohol. It is necessary to take care of the patient and show her your love. And after discharge, women are often seen by a psychotherapist and continue therapy.

    It is also possible to treat female alcoholism at home. This method will be a huge step towards recovery, but still it will not be possible without the help of specialists.

    You can’t try to deceive yourself that today’s drink will be your last. You need to deal with the problem right now, without waiting for memorable dates or Monday.

    The body forgets the state of intoxication only after ten years of abstinence from alcohol. There is no need to be afraid of such a long time, because time flies quickly. You can do it much better without causing harm to your health. And what happiness your loved ones will experience. It is very important here to learn to find joy in other things - playing with children, romantic evening with your loved one, out of town trip.

    If a woman does not admit her problem, you cannot put pressure on her. It is necessary to bring her to the need for treatment gradually. It is important to provide compelling arguments why life will be much better sober.

    People nearby can do a lot for a woman with alcohol addiction. And even if this help will not be noticeable, it will bear fruit. Seeing a kind, happy friend next to you who wants to help overcome an illness is worth a lot. Maybe he will be the one who will encourage a woman to take the first step towards a beautiful and completely new life.

    Female alcoholism is a very serious and difficult to treat disease. For successful treatment, it is necessary to understand the reasons for this behavior and learn to deal with them. Only together with loved ones and a doctor can you achieve success. It is very important not to give up and believe that everything will work out.