A conspiracy to love a man or a guy at a distance - read at home. The order of the ritual. Love words for love on smoke

The relationship between a man and a woman is a very complex and multifaceted topic. Often they can develop according to a very unpredictable scenario, when a girl has to make the first step, attracting a man and motivating him to enter into an affair with her. serious relationship. In this situation, we can advise you on various magical rituals. For example, read a spell for a man’s love, which can work even at a distance.

Rules for pronunciation of conspiracies

Before you start reading a love plot, we advise you to study all the existing rules for its implementation. By adhering to them, you will strengthen and speed up the effect of the ritual.

  1. Follow all actions specified by the terms of the conspiracy. If you break at least one of the rules, the ritual may lose its power.
  2. Remain confident in your abilities and in the final result. Only through true faith and powerful love energy can you activate the hex. Even the most strong conspiracy love cannot help you if you do not believe in it.
  3. Any rituals are performed only if you are completely healthy and have a mild and positive emotional background. Otherwise, the ritual may not work.
  4. Do not resort to any magical actions for the sake of empty curiosity or in cases where you can easily cope with your problems on your own.
  5. Visualize the final result as much as possible, imagine how you enjoy your future relationship, how happy you are with your loved one.

If you do not have enough faith in your own abilities, you do not believe that the conspiracy will work for you personally, it would be better to entrust the ritual to a professional.

Features of love conspiracies

Conspiracies are, first of all, magic words. Often they act as original prayers or poetic works. Read the rituals correctly and then their results will always please you:

  • The Moon is not just a satellite of the Earth, but also influences our emotions, feelings and experiences. Therefore, professional magicians advise performing love spells when the moon is in its waxing phase. Then she will personify the growth of love and your feelings with your chosen one.
  • If you feel that there are some barriers between you and the guy you are trying to attract, there is no need to despair. Just say the text repeatedly, this way you will strengthen its effect.
  • The plot does not indicate what time of day it is best to pronounce it? Then do it at midnight, which is the best time to perform magical actions.
  • Love rituals for women are read on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays - these are the so-called easy days, when magic works especially actively.
  • Do not tell anyone about the magical rituals you performed, even when your desire has already become a reality.

How to bewitch someone you like

“Conspiracy on males” at a distance

Only young representatives of the fair sex who were not bound by marriage can resort to this ritual. Thanks to him, you can attract the increased attention of single men. There is a second (popular) name for this ritual - “Conspiracy on males.”

The ritual is performed in the following stages:

  1. In the morning you will need to get up, wash your face and take off all your jewelry.
  2. Then you undress naked, let down your hair and stand in front of large mirror(it should be such that you can see yourself completely in it).
  3. Peer into the eyes of your own reflection and read this magical text:

This ritual is performed daily for seven days. It's best to start making it on Saturday.

Important point- do not resort to slander in critical days. During this period, you cannot use any other conspiracies.

Ritual to the wind

The ritual can only be used in the summer; choose a warm day when there is a strong wind blowing outside. Go to the wasteland, it is important that there is no one else there except you. Take a handful of semolina with you and throw it at your feet. Then you throw another handful above you when a powerful gust of wind blows.

The last handful of semolina is thrown towards the side of the world where your lover lives. Then you close your eyes, raise your head up and pronounce the sentence:

Then, the eyes remain open, and you must turn around your axis clockwise three times, you can open your eyes and cross yourself. When you return home, you should open all the windows in your home, take off all your clothes, and lie naked in a place that is well blown by the wind. Close your eyes again and say the spell three times:

That's all you need to do. You will be able to see the effect of the conspiracy after a few days. At first, your lover will begin to think about you more often when the weather is windy outside, and after 30 days he will not be able to imagine his life without you.

note, this plot has a love spell effect, so after it you may encounter similar consequences as if you had cast a love spell.

Love spell on the tongue

If you are currently in a quarrel with your loved one, but still continue to communicate and see each other regularly, use the following love spell for reconciliation. You will need to approach your man under any pretext, take him by the left hand your right hand and ask him to help you on a very important issue.

When he agrees, ask him to wait for a certain time; you will need to go to another room or completely leave your home on the street. It is important that he constantly thinks about you now.

Stand on the street, bite your tongue and say a spell:

After this, you need to quickly return to your loved one, take his hand again and start talking about something. In this case, the meaning of your words can be anything, most importantly, do not forget to mentally repeat:

At the same time, you need to look him in the eyes. Repeat three times and move away from your chosen one. Now you don’t have to worry - he won’t get away from you, the spell has the same powerful effect as a love spell.

In addition to the rituals described, we also invite you to watch a video that contains love spells for various purposes:

Unrequited love is a painful and painful feeling. The inconsolable lover cannot get rid of obsessive thoughts about her beloved, but plunges deeper and deeper into them. Equally unbearable is the feeling of jealousy and anxiety when the subject of adoration is in another city or even country. It is not surprising that in this state a person tries to attract the attention of everyone he loves. possible ways, including magical practices.

There are a great variety of love spells and love spells in both black and white magic. But is it possible to bewitch a lover from a distance? What powerful spells and conspiracies can be used to love a man who is far away? How to bewitch a woman from a distance? What are the consequences of reading such conspiracies and spells? You will find answers to each of these questions in our article.

The most powerful spells and conspiracies for love at a distance

Love magic includes black and white love spells. A black love spell has an almost instantaneous effect, but is very dangerous and entails irreversible consequences for both the sorcerer and the caste. A person bewitched in this way begins to get sick, becomes irritable and experiences an unhealthy feeling of attachment towards the person to whom he has been bewitched. In turn, evil always returns through a boomerang effect, and the caster will have to pay for what he has done on a karmic level.

In turn, white spells for love at a distance do not harm anyone. On the contrary, such a ritual is capable of awakening a bright and tender feeling in the person being conjured, without encroaching on his freedom of will. The period of influence of a light spell on love at a distance is longer, but ultimately more effective and loyal.

Spells and conspiracies for love at a distance are:

  • Pagan. These texts are stylized translations of ancient love spells. They are the heritage of pagan ancestors and require unity with the Forces of Nature;
  • Prayerful. The texts of the conspiracies are based on the style of prayers of any of the Abrahamic religions (Christianity, Islam and Judaism). Casting such a long-distance love spell requires involvement in a specific religion. For example, if you are not baptized in Christ, you are not allowed to read Christian prayer spells;
  • Combined. These conspiracies consist of elements of prayer and pagan spells and were created by modern adherents of white magic.

Attention! Reading any plot for love at a distance requires preparation.

How to talk to a man?

A man's spell for long-distance love may be needed, for example, if a lover regularly goes on business trips. However, often girls in love are interested in how to perform a ceremony for the love of a boy living in another city. Love spells- universal. With their help, you can strengthen the feelings of your spouse or cohabitant, or bewitch a free man.

Before casting a spell to love a man at a distance, you need to prepare:

  • Take a soothing, warm bath. The power of feminine energy is significantly increased by incense and essential oils. It is recommended to use rose or violet oil;
  • Tune in positive mood. Listen to your favorite music, thank every cell of your body. A love spell can only be cast in good mood and good health;
  • Prepare the room in which you intend to perform the ceremony. The lighting in the room should be dim or absent altogether, the room should be well ventilated. Before the sacrament begins, clean up. White magic does not accept dirt;
  • Relax. Meditate, get comfortable;
  • Visualize. Clearly imagine your lover and how happy you are with him. The clearer and more believable the picture, the better.

After these preparatory procedures, you can begin to read any of the love spells described below.

Love spell on an apple

A love spell on an apple is a prayer ritual. Such sacraments require special preparation, in particular:

  • A week-long fast with complete abstinence from animal products (meat, milk, eggs, etc.);
  • Daily visit to the temple;
  • Repentance for 7 days.

To cast a love spell at a distance on an apple you will need:

  • Icon of the Virgin Mary;
  • Fresh green apple(picked in person).

To perform the ritual, hide the apple behind the icon and go outside. Read 3 times:

"Apple pouring,
Green, alive!
The fruit dries up -
The servant of God [Name] sighs for me.
Far, far away
Behind the high mountain
Our Lady will rise
Yes, her word will ring out.
Theotokos Virgin Mary,
Remind the Servant of God [Name]
About the Servant of God [Proper name],
So that there, in the distance,
He remembered me
Day and night he sighed for me,
And I didn’t know any other love!
Amen! Amen! Amen!"

After casting a spell to love a man at a distance, hide the apple and the icon from prying eyes. As soon as the fruit dries, bury it under the tree closest to your home with feminine energy (birch, alder, aspen, pine or sea buckthorn). This plot is read during the waxing moon phase.

Conspiracy on a photograph

A spell on a photograph of a lover is the most powerful of the white love spells available at home. In this case, it does not matter at all how far away the man is - the spell will work. To prepare, stick to a diet without sweets, spicy foods or starchy foods for a week. Stay positive and avoid any strong emotions.

When the moon is waxing, light a thick red wax candle. Take a photograph of your lover with your right hand and gaze into his eyes for a while. It is important to consider that The photo itself must meet the following criteria:

  • A clear image of a man's face;
  • Absence of other people in the picture;
  • Portrait quality.

Looking at the face of your beloved man in the photograph, imagine that he is next to you. Once this happens, cast the spell:

“In the name of Fire and the Red Candle!
I command you, [Name] -
Burn like a candle
Burn like fire
Tay like wax!
But not from the black disease, burn, burn and thaw -
And my love is like a flame - pure and hot!
Said - sealed,
Sealed with red wax!
Amen! Amen! Amen!"

After casting the spell, sprinkle the photo with melted red wax. This symbolizes the sealing of spoken words. Wrap the photo and candle stub in a white headscarf and hide it from prying eyes.

Spell for strong wine

Pour strong red wine into a glass (preferably crystal). Add 7 drops of holy water to it. Raise the glass above your head and recite the spell:

“I appeal to the Heavenly Powers,
To the Incorporeal Spirits,
Angelic Forces,
To the souls of Ether!
Fill this wine with unearthly grace,
So that every sip fills me with strength,
And endowed my words with power!
Amen! Amen! Amen!"

Take 3 sips, then, without putting the glass on the table, say the following:

"The vine was long
In epic times.
Red grapes grew
Under the clear sun.
Brave people came
Made wine from grapes.
Wine intoxicates, blurs the vision,
The mind of my beloved [Name] is stupefying.
He sees the clear sun,
And under it - me, [Name], beautiful.
As soon as I finish the wine -
You will be mine until the end!
Amen! Amen! Amen!"

After this, you should drink the contents of the glass in a few sips. If you feel a little tipsy, it means the spell has worked.

Conspiracy from Thursday to Friday

In order to carry out this ritual for the love of a guy at a distance on the night from Thursday to Friday, you will need any of his personal belongings. At midnight, light a thick church candle on which the name of your beloved is previously inscribed. Place the candle next to your loved one's personal item in front of a large mirror.

Important point! A dirty mirror is a conductor for dark energy. Therefore, before starting the sacrament, the mirror should be washed.

“I declare Fire my friend!
I declare Destiny my sister!
I declare Love my life!
Don't harm me, my Fire Friend!
Introduce my life to my Sister,
Yes, so that neither water, nor hurricane, nor thunder, nor lightning
They were no longer separated!

Take the candle in your hands, look closely at it and say in a whisper:

“If there is a wall, destroy it!
If there is slander, burn it!
If you have dope, dispel it!”

Burn the paper with the spell in the candle flame, then extinguish it and quickly leave the room. Do not return to this room until the Sabbath. On Saturday, wrap the candle stub in a clean handkerchief and bury it to the right of the porch. On Sunday, be sure to visit church and light candles for the health of loved ones and enemies.

Ritual “Convergence of Paths”

To perform this simple ritual you will need:

  • Candle;
  • Salt and sugar;
  • A small bag made of natural material;
  • Pencil.

On the night of the full moon, light a candle with a pencil and write the name of your beloved man on the bag. IN right hand take some salt, on the left - sugar. With both hands, pour out trails of sugar and salt at the same time, while reciting the spell:

"The caravans dismount,
Salt and sugar are mixed.
How 2 roads mixed,
So [Name] will come to me!
Will come at dawn
With the morning dew,
He will bow to the threshold,
Knock lightly.
It is ordered and said
Sewn up with threads,
It’s covered in wax!”

Mix salt and sugar into one pile and pour it into a bag. Seal it with wax from a burning candle. Before going to bed, the charmed bag should be placed under the pillow on which you will sleep.

Spells to love a woman at a distance

Of course, not only the fair sex suffers because of unrequited love or the long departure of a loved one. White magic also provides rituals for the love of a girl.

The preparatory process for casting a love spell on a woman at a distance is exactly the same as when casting a spell to love a man. A man must be in a cheerful mood and take the choice of a place for the ritual very seriously. In particular, white love spell should not be performed near cemeteries or hospitals.

When casting a spell to love a woman at a distance, a man must remember that he should not neglect his beloved’s free will. Only a feeling based on good will will bring happiness to both the sorcerer and his beloved. Therefore, you should approach the process of casting love spells with extreme caution.

Spell to awaken love at a distance

Ritual to awaken tender feelings in unmarried girl held during the waxing moon. To perform the sacrament you need:

  • A portrait photograph of a girl taken recently;
  • 7 candles;
  • White rose (bud);
  • Red thread.

The ritual is carried out as follows:

  • An hour before sunset, candles are lit;
  • The man takes a photograph of the girl in his left hand, looks at her, visualizing a happy future together with his beloved girl;
  • As soon as the sun sets and the moon appears, the man puts a photograph of the woman in front of him, takes a flower in his left hand, a red thread in his right and says a spell:

"The thread is red,
The moon is clear
Love is strong!
Bring, red thread, the swan maiden to me,
I will blush the girl [Lover's name],
Yes, let her be on the way
He won't look back at others!
Thank you"

After pronouncing the above text, you should tie the flower with a red thread, saying:

“I knit, I bandage,
To be in my opinion I order:
Let love awaken in [Woman’s name] heart,
It will rush through my veins,
It will touch her mind!
It is said
Connected with a red thread!

The enchanted flower should be hidden in a dry place. As soon as it is completely dry, the woman will begin to show interest in the man who read the plot.

A strong conspiracy for the speedy return of your wife from a business trip

It happens that your beloved wife goes on a business trip for a long time. What should a man do in this case? Experienced esotericists suggest reading out the following prayer spell for a woman’s love before leaving the missus:

“How the Mother of God worries about the Lord God,
So let my wife, the Servant of God [Name], worry about me.
How the Lord gives love to everything on earth,
So may the Servant of God [Name] love me, her husband!
To think
To hurry up
Yes, so as not to look around!
For the Lord is Mighty,
The Lord is Holy
The Lord is Almighty,
And now, and ever, and unto ages of ages,
Amen, Amen, Amen!”

No special ritual is required. This conspiracy will ensure not only the speedy return of a woman from a business trip, but also her loyalty to her beloved man while staying at a distance.


If you adhere to the principles of white magic, negative consequences There is no need to be afraid of reading a conspiracy - there won’t be any. If you did everything correctly during the sacrament, the object of your adoration will begin to show interest in you in the near future. Whether this passion will result in a great feeling is up to you and your partner to decide.

However, a long distance love spell may not work. The reasons can be completely different:

  • Poorly chosen place for the ritual;

You can make a guy fall in love with you using simple magic. There are many proven spells that will provide quick effect. He won't be able to take his eyes off you. Each conspiracy will require a ritual that must be performed entirely as indicated in the manual. Only the combination of all the elements of the ritual will give the right and quick effect - the love of the one you dream of. Do not think that only a young girl can pronounce such a conspiracy. There is no age limit for magic. At any age, you need to strive for love, look for it and be happy. You can do this, because the forces are on your side. A man, boyfriend, friend or even your own husband will be crazy about you.

Bewitch according to all the rules

What does it take to be happy? Love, of course. Sometimes it’s not easy to find her. And it can be even worse - you found your love, but only without reciprocity. Anyone you want can fall in love with you simply, quickly and forever. To do this, you need to carry out the ritual according to all the rules. There is no need to use strong love spells that will destroy a man. In order for your relationship to be safe for both, and for the family to be happy, you need to protect against side effects.

Advanced practitioners work this way. There is a line of people waiting to get help. You can do everything at home. To make any man fall in love with you, you need to perform a ritual and learn the spell by heart. This is called “bewitching according to all the rules.” Practitioners advise updating the result, but not more often than once every 10 years. The desired love will come to your home.

Protection against side effects

It is very important to protect your loved one from side effect any love spell. It's about about pumping it out vital energy. In the old days, witches used this method - they tied a man to themselves, and they themselves took his powers for their rituals and practices. He thought he was in love, but quickly faded away. Such a love fever led to the death of a man, and the witch looked for a new victim for herself. They were all young, healthy and strong. Today, few people practice love spells from this point of view. But unknowingly you can harm your loved one. The guy will love you, but his health will deteriorate, the will to live may disappear, and a craving for alcohol and drugs will appear. To prevent all this from happening and him falling in love with you, be sure to put protection immediately before the ritual. To do this you will need:

  • the most recent photo of a person, where he is alone;
  • black thread;
  • Holy water.

Tie the photo crosswise with a thread and say:

“Hetro, the unstoppable hurricane sent to refute the present in the name of the future! I call upon yours Great power the law of eternal Unity. Turn into a fiery wind for those who harm (name) - sweep away and destroy - all evil, black - will, desire and actions that are directed at (name) - Return to the source! Burn - leaving no life! By the power of Abraz - so be it!!!"

Repeat three times, and on the third, pour holy water onto the cross of the threads. This way the energy will not leave your loved one. After this, you can safely make any man fall in love with you.

The most powerful love spells

Any guy or man can be yours. In order for it to work, you must consider:

  • Fall in love with yourself completely stranger will not work.
  • You need to do exactly as the ritual suggests.
  • Learn the spell by heart. Simply reading a plot from a piece of paper is not an option for magical work. Make an effort to learn.
  • Do not perform the ritual if you feel unwell or are sick.

In the rest, a whole world of possibilities opens up before you. Falling in love and making a man fall in love with you is within everyone's power.

There must be a channel between you and the object of the love spell

Candle spell

For this ritual you will need one black candle, the other white. You can buy them in an esoteric store; they always sell thin candles there. different color. On the white one you need to scratch your name with a knife, and on the black one - the name of your lover. Hold the candles in your hand until they become soft. Then they need to be twisted in a spiral so that two wicks can be lit at the same time.

  • Light matches, holding them in your left hand.
  • As soon as they light up, say the spell:

“I call on love in the heart of (boyfriend’s name), I kindle fire and strong passions in his soul! Go love into the heart of (guy's name) and settle there forever! His feelings for me (his name) will flare up with a hot flame, he will reach out and strive for me, wanting to unite his life with me! With all your gut, heart and soul! As I wish, so be it. Amen! Amen! Amen!".

  • Repeat three times.
  • The candles should burn out and collect all the wax.
  • Keep the wax in a red bag where no one can find it.

This way you will always be together. The guy will love you quickly, This effective remedy will attract love into your life.

Holy water spell

You need holy water from the church. You need to go get her yourself. Cross yourself before starting the ritual with holy water. For everything to work out, do it on the waxing Moon - along with it, the guy’s love grows. Kneel down, looking out the window, say:

“I, servant of God, (name), will go out into the canopy, then into an open field and pray to the Most Holy Theotokos and look in all four directions, and pray to the Lord himself: Lord, Lord! Lord and Mother Holy Mother of God! And I ask: pull the violent winds, and blow away my melancholy-sorrow from my white body, from my zealous heart and clear eyes. Apply my melancholy to dear (name of the chosen one) in his clear eyes, black eyebrows and white face, on his zealous heart. So that during the day's sadness and the night's melancholy, and so that he could neither eat nor sleep, and would always think about the servant of God, (his name), and so that he would still walk and fang like a white swan, and would think about me, about the servant of God, (your name). Be, my words, strong as iron and dear as gold. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

This spell is pronounced only once. At the end, whisper the name of your loved one and imagine him. Say kind, affectionate words mentally. Very soon you will realize that the guy is showing interest. This means it worked.

A needle is a very small, but very working tool in rituals

Hex on the needle

Buy a new needle. You will need to pay in small change from your wallet, and if you receive change, take it to the intersection.

This needle must be new; it cannot sew anything. In order to make a conspiracy, you need to have access to the man's personal belongings. A great option if it's your husband. He may move away from you, but this conspiracy will bring him back and give you all his love.

Prick your left index finger until it bleeds. Say to the needle:

“I will get up at dawn and go out into a clear field and look into the clear sky - and a sharp arrow is flying across the sky. So fly, a sharp arrow, into the zealous heart, into the hot blood, into the clear eyes of the servant of God (name of the beloved). So that she would dry out and yearn for me, the servant of God (her name), always and everywhere. My will is firm, my word will come true.”

Now, hide this needle in his personal belongings. If this is your boyfriend and you come to his house - too a good option. The needle should lie there unnoticed and so that it is not thrown away during the first 13 days. If it lies in this place, then everything worked out. Now the man is yours. This good way make a person fall in love with you.

Love ritual from photo

It is believed that the most strong rituals are carried out based on photos. This is a clear image that has absorbed a small part of a person’s soul. You will need a single photo. It must be new, no more than one year old. Such a photograph best preserves the memory of the energy of the person captured in it. The guy should be without dark glasses, his eyes are visible.

  • Take a photo in your left hand and a church candle in your right.
  • Drip wax onto the guy's face, repeating to yourself:

“I conjure that (name of the object) becomes one with (your name) just as Fire, Air and Water are one with the Earth, so that thoughts of (name of the object) are only about (your name), as the rays of the sun rule the Light of the world and its virtues. And let the high spirit (your name) circle above the spirit (name of the object), like water above the earth. Make sure that (object’s name) cannot eat, drink, or enjoy life without (your name).”

No more than 9 drops per photo. This is a strong love spell that will last for 7 years. If you want to update, then exactly 7 years later, perform this ritual again. Very soon there will be signs of attention from the guy, interest on his part.

This is a stronger option, it will require you to spend energy

Bewitch by photo

There is another option for a love spell based on a photo. You can't do it if you're not alone at home. Taken at night for a single photo.

  • Poke the photo with a needle in the area of ​​the heart. The needle must be new, not used for its intended purpose.
  • Say three times:

“I call love in the heart of (name), I will kindle the fire of passion in the soul! Go love into (name)'s heart and stay there forever! Let your beloved eyes flare up with a hot fire towards me (name), so that he reaches out to me and strives to unite with me, with all his heart, with all his soul. I want it that way and he will be with me. Amen! Amen! Amen!".

  • Now, use the same needle to prick the ring finger of your left hand. The needle is still inserted into the photo.
  • When a drop of blood appears at the end of the needle, quickly drag it through the photo so that all the blood is smeared from the tip.

The needle must be taken to the intersection and left there. Very soon your lover will come to you or call you.

To return love

The most terrible love is unrequited love. It gives no rest, eats the heart and soul from the inside. In order not to torment yourself with this pain of love, just achieve reciprocal feelings. This plot will help you in this way: all your feelings will be reflected and transferred to your lover. He will feel the same. This way your love will become mutual. Taken on a photo or personal item.

The candle must burn completely

You need to put a thing or a photo on the table, a black candle is placed on it. You need to carve your lover's name on the candle with a knife. When the candle is lit, start saying:

“I ask the Lord to miraculously allow my feelings and thoughts to come into contact with the heavenly cloud so that my aspirations will be accepted by it, and my heart will show it the way to meet the one for whom I am suffering. With feelings and words, I call on the power of the Lord to shed rain from a cloud on my beloved (name) so that the water, touching him, gives him the desire and the way, the desire to meet me and the way to me. Let the heavenly cloud find its way, guided by the power of the Lord, to where (name) is now, and drops of heavenly moisture will revive his heart, and his soul will accept the call of my soul. I know that the Lord heard me, and I thank Him for his help. Amen"

The text is repeated until the candle burns out. You may see strange, frightening things. The wick spins, the candle either flares up or almost goes out. It may go out and then light up again. There is no need to be afraid, nothing threatens you. This only means that dense energy is concentrated around you. It is this that makes the candle behave so unusually.

When you finish repeating, take everything that took part in the ritual to the crossroads of 4 roads. You need to leave it there and leave. Don't look around, you might be scared by what you see.

Before you make a conspiracy, think carefully

You need to think seriously. This is not just entertainment for those who have nothing better to do. Such magic creates a connection that is stronger than that of other couples. You will be energetically connected. Falling in love with a person and being with him always is what a magical contract will require of you. Leaving him later, after a year or 5 years, 10 years, is a serious mistake. This kind of magic is created so that people can be together all their lives. It is suitable for those who desire it. To avoid disappointment later, take a closer look at your lover.

  • Is he the one?
  • Are you ready to spend your whole life with him?
  • Enter his family, make it yours?
  • Will you give up this decision in a month?

If you answered yes to all questions, then go ahead. You have the perfect opportunity to fall in love with a man who will be yours forever. If you are in doubt, then wait. A person may not show his best side, you will be disappointed and want to leave him. What should he do? He will love you with that same mystical love and will be tightly attached. Without you, his life will be empty. Do not condemn a person to suffering if you are not ready to be with him.

Love is the most beautiful feeling, especially when it is mutual. But what if this feeling is unrequited? Trying to win a man’s favor, his love and affection, girls resort to various methods, one of which is a conspiracy to love a man. Is it possible to make a guy fall in love with you using white magic rituals? What rituals are needed for this? This will be discussed in our article.

General rules of love rituals

What does happiness consist of? mutual love. But if you have met the one and only one, and his feelings are unrequited. How to deal with this? To do this, you need to carry out the ritual according to all the rules, and then your chosen one will fall in love with you and become yours forever. At the same time, there is no need to carry out a strong conspiracy for a man’s love, because its consequences can turn out disastrous for both you and your lover. Some rituals can even destroy a guy or negatively affect his health. To achieve reciprocity and complete idyll in your relationship, you need to install so-called protection against side effects.

This is exactly the technique that experienced magicians use. Carry out effective and effective conspiracies You can test a man’s love for himself at home. To do this, you need to know all the rules of a particular ritual and memorize every word from it, but not read it. Magicians recommend repeating the perfect ritual at least once every ten years. And then eternal happiness and inexhaustible mutual love will come to your home.

How to protect against negative consequences

Before you read a plot for the love of your beloved man, you need to protect your chosen one from loss of energy and strength. Previously, witches did exactly this. First they made the guy fall in love with them, then they siphoned off his energy for their magical actions. The lover faded away over time, lost weight and could even die. For such purposes, representatives of black magic chose only the young, strongest and most beautiful young men. Currently, few people use such love spells in practice. However, due to inexperience love rituals, a girl or woman herself, without meaning to, can harm her lover.

The result of an incorrectly performed ritual can be:

  • deterioration of the guy's health;
  • addiction to alcohol and drugs;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • apathy and unwillingness to live.

To install protection you will need a recent photograph of your lover, which depicts only him, a black thread and water blessed in the church.

You need to tie the photo crosswise with a thread and read the words out loud:

“A strong hurricane sent by evil forces to desecrate existence in the name of the future. I urge you to turn into a fiery wind for those who have bad intentions towards (guy’s name). Destroy and sweep away all evil and negativity, leaving no life behind. Return everything holy and pure to the source. By the mighty Abraz - so be it!

After repeating the words of the prayer three times, sprinkle the photo with holy water, and after that you can safely begin any love ritual.

What you need to know about such sacraments

If you decide to carry out a conspiracy to make your beloved man love you, you should take into account some very important points:

  1. Remember that it is impossible to achieve love or attract the attention of a complete stranger to you using love spells.
  2. There should be minimal verbal contact, for example - words of greeting or farewell.
  3. A spell for a man’s love must be read and done in accordance with all the rules, otherwise the result will be negative.
  4. Do not forget that the words of the conspiracy need to be learned, reading to carry out magical ritual doesn't fit.
  5. During periods of illness (menstruation, during a cold or general malaise), it is better not to perform such rituals, since the result of their action can be unpredictable. And getting rid of the consequences or removing the effect of magic will be much more difficult.

Love magic offers several spells for a man’s love, let’s look at each one in order. They are effective and easy to perform, so any girl can do them at home.

Conspiracy with candles

This effective ritual will help you evoke male love and tie your chosen one tightly to you. What is required for such a ritual? You will need two candles - black and white. You may not find them in a church, but in an esoteric store, white and black candles are always available. The white candle will symbolize you, and the black candle will symbolize the person you are interested in. On the side of each candle, scratch names according to their purpose. Then, squeeze in your palms and hold until they soften. Then weave them together and light both wicks at the same time. When lighting the candle, you should hold it in your left hand.

When the candles are lit, say the following spell:

“I kindle an ardent passion in the heart of my beloved (boyfriend’s name), strong love to me (your name). The love that came into the heart of (boyfriend’s name) into my heart will be eternal, faithful until the end of time. I wish this to happen with all my soul and body. Let it be as I want. Amen!"

You need to repeat these words three times. The remains of candles and wax need to be collected in a red cloth, wrapped, and hidden well so that no one can find it. This is a strong spell for a man’s love, which will quickly attract the attention of the person you are interested in, and will also help you return your loved one and make a new person fall in love with you. If you are interested in how to attract the love of a man into your life and so that he never leaves you for another, you can use this particular ritual of white magic.

Love spell on holy water

This is a fast-acting love spell, to perform which you will need to go to church in the morning or afternoon and bless the water. Of course, you can take the sacred water you already have at home, but it is better if it is fresh. You need to go to church alone - this is required condition if you really want a guy to love you.

Before starting a magical action at home, cross yourself three times. In order for a man’s love for you to increase, you need to perform the ritual on a young, growing month before going to bed. You need to get on your knees, look into open window and say:

“I will go out of the house, the servant of God (my name), into an open field, and ask the Holy Mother of God and the Lord God to disperse my melancholy and sadness. Cast All Saints my sorrow on my beloved (boyfriend's name). So that he could neither eat, nor sleep, nor stay awake without me, just as I could without him. Direct all his thoughts and thoughts in my direction. Let my words come true and become stronger than iron. Amen".

After reading these words, you need to cross yourself three times again.

This powerful conspiracy helps to very quickly attract a person’s attention to yourself and achieve his love. You will be able to recognize and feel the effect of the ritual in 1-2 weeks.

We speak love with a needle

This plot for the love of a beloved man must be read in complete solitude, in principle, like the previous rituals. To carry it out, you need to purchase a new needle, the size does not matter. You need to buy a sewing item with coins. Throw away the change you receive for the purchased item at a crossroads.

Rituals of this nature can only be performed with the man who is married to you. Because you must have access to his personal belongings. Very often, such love spells are used by wives for their husbands, who leave the family for some time, then after committing secret act are returning again. And this is a sure sign that the drying has had an effect on love.

How to perform such a ritual

Prick yourself with a needle so that blood starts to flow and lean over it and say the following hex:

“I will get up early at dawn and go out into the open field. With the wind, the arrow rushes into the clear heart, deep eyes and wide soul of the servant of God (husband’s name). So that he could neither live, nor eat, nor drink without me, the servant of God (his name). May he never leave again and may he never stop loving me. My will is strong and thirsty, and my words are strong as stone. Amen".

The charmed needle must be placed in the personal belongings of your lover, and in such a way that he does not get hurt and does not throw it away within ten days. For insurance, you can put it in old things that he no longer wears, but they still have his energy.

If after the required time the needle remains unaffected, then everything worked out. Now your husband will always be by your side.

Many people use this spell for the love of a man and an unmarried person. This could be your common-law husband or the guy you live with. Attraction will work in any case.

Love ritual from photography

This is effective white conspiracy for the love of a man from a photograph who is considered the strongest and most effective. It's best to do it before bed. Using a photo, you can not only achieve love from the person you are interested in, but also radically change his life and destiny in your favor. It is believed that photographs absorb a piece of a person’s soul and life. Before performing such a sacrament at home, you will need to get a one-year-old photo of your chosen one, in which he is alone. Fresh photo best preserves human energy.

In the photo the guy must not be wearing glasses to see his eyes. As a last resort, you can use a pre-printed photo on your phone.

Light a candle and direct the dripping wax directly onto the guy's face. As the wax drips down, say the following phrases:

“Just as the three earthly elements - Fire, Water and Air are united, so may (name of the object and your name) and I be loved and happy with each other forever. Heavenly powers, make it so that (boyfriend’s name) can neither live, nor eat, nor drink without me. May my will be fulfilled and may it be stronger than iron.”

This is a very powerful love spell based on photography, the effect of which will remain for eight years.

Use this plot to love a man at a distance if you know him and have his photographs. For a girl, it helps to evoke sympathy, attention, and helps make a guy fall in love with her, as well as bring him back after a breakup.

How to evoke reciprocal love

It can't be worse when love is unrequited. But this problem can be solved if strong and effective rituals. If you want a guy to confess his love to you, use the quick love spell below.

“Lord my God, I pray you to give feelings to the person (name of the object) for me. Let him accept my heart, and I his. Let rainwater and my tears will water it and show the right path to me. Let his soul feel the call of my soul. Thank you for your help, Lord. Amen".

You need to read the text until the candle burns out completely. Take the burnt item, wax and other belongings to an intersection and throw it away. If you use hair, you need to burn it at the end of the ritual. When leaving home, do not look back and do not talk to anyone.

Love spells of Natalia Stepanova

U Siberian healer Natalia Stepanova there are a number of conspiracies:

  • to attract worthy suitors, so that they fall in love and are faithful and submissive to the girl;
  • conspiracy for a worthy man and a happy marriage;
  • a conspiracy for a guy’s love so that he is faithful and does not leave for another.

Let's consider one ritual that interests many girls - a plot to cast a love spell on grooms. It is carried out at the Annunciation - great holiday, when many women and girls perform various sacraments.

On this day you need to kiss the icon of the Mother of God, cross yourself and read simple words prayers:

“People love the Annunciation, value motherhood and love. So let guys follow me (your name) in the same way, love and admire me. The groom will come to me and marry me.”

After this, you need to light a candle in the church and pray.

Love is such an incredible thing that you simply never cease to be amazed at its manifestations.

It’s understandable when people who communicate regularly are drawn to each other. They absorb each other, feel, exchange thoughts, glances, touches and so on.

But this doesn’t always happen. .

Anyone who has never met in their life has probably heard amazing stories about how people fell in love after seeing each other only once, from just one conversation, and sometimes even a glance.

What to do in this case? It’s truly scary, knowing that you can’t live without a person, but you also have no idea what to do with him.

You can also understand if the contacts have been preserved. Ordinary. Last name, address. But this does not always happen. And sometimes you just can’t figure out how to approach a loved one or where to look for him.

This is a problem just for magic. Let's look at how a conspiracy to love at a distance works. Does it bring the desired results, how to carry it out and what to do?

Let's start with what feelings are and how they connect people. You know?

It turns out that everything is not quite as we think. A person is not only thoughts with a body. He is also (and to a greater extent) energy.

Even the smallest thought, a fleeting feeling, like in a rock, is imprinted not only in the human field, but also in general field planets. Forever.

And at the same time, any person has constant, unconscious access to this information. (Clairvoyance and clairsentience work on this).

Now imagine that you are “dictating” your desire to the Universe. What's happening? Nothing, you say? This is wrong. The answer will come in any case, but we cannot always understand it.

The following happens to the conspiracy. Imagine that you are standing on the shore of a huge, table-smooth ocean. There, in an invisible distance, stands your loved one. You throw a stone into the water. There are circles. Will they reach him?

Probably, if there are no obstacles, the wave will be strong and will not fade away, and many more conditions must be met in the physical world. Is it true? Only in the world of energy everything is not quite like that.

The energy of feelings and intentions spreads instantly. This is not a wave in the water. You just thought about him, he feels it, knows it. He’s just too “thick-skinned” (like most people) for your thought to reach his consciousness.

The plot for love at a distance is aimed precisely at reducing this “thick skin” somewhat. Please note that it only affects victims with whom you have had at least once contact.

Trying to bewitch a complete stranger you saw on TV or in a photo is futile.

This is possible, only such energy expenditures are possible only for an exceptional magician.

And in all other respects, the conspiracy to love at a distance works like others. , suffer, be bored. It doesn’t matter that thoughts about this person had never occurred to him before.

A feeling, desire, aspiration will arise. He may even try to find the bewitcher.

Leave all sorts of action films and other spectacles, as well as scandals, showdowns, parties and the like for later. Live quietly and calmly for a week. The last one is the most important.

Come up with an activity for these days that would give rise to positive, smooth emotions. Many people like to look at the fire, at the fish in the aquarium, or walk through the forest.

By the way, such a ritual is more effective in nature.

During a full moon (another amplification factor), immediately after the night star rises into the sky, take a photo. If you can, do meditation. Its purpose is to establish energetic contact with the victim.

If you don’t know how to do this, then sit, look at the photo and imagine what the person you are interested in might be doing at the moment. It is necessary to achieve a “living vision”.

Some smells are used for this; it greatly affects the subconscious. This refers to the aroma that is associated with this person.

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When the feeling of “presence” is achieved, you have the work of the mind to do.

  1. Imagine that a wide road stretches from your forehead towards the victim.
  2. Shoot a fireball at it.
  3. Visualize until it enters the victim's forehead.

Read the plot right away:

“In the name of light, Horus and Seth, I conjure, I command! Strengthen the road from this threshold to (name)’s heart! Let him wander or run, but hurry and tremble! You (name) will never know peace until you are next to me! I confirm what has been said, in the name of Set and Horus! I confirm with life and light!”

The word “I confirm” must be made with a strong sound. For example, clap your hands.

If you want a more serious boost, you can prepare two metal mugs and hit them against each other. A bell the size of an adult man’s palm also works great.

The last attribute is used by almost all magicians. A loud and sharp sound is needed to reinforce the effect of the conspiracy.

This ritual should only be performed if no other meeting option is possible. Please note that on the second day you will not see the victim. Although, anything can happen. Most often you have to wait.

The ritual is performed only in bright light. sunlight. To carry it out and sugar. Moreover, you will have to take up the art of tailoring.

In general, according to the rules, you need to sew a bag and decorate it with an embroidered figurine of a victim walking towards your house.

If you are not comfortable with a needle, then draw this picture schematically on the canvas. But sew the bag with your own hands, otherwise it won’t work.

  1. Place two vases (jars) on a clean table. One contains sugar, the other contains salt.
  2. Take them in your hands and start making “paths”. Sugar from one end of the table, salt from the other.
  3. Say at the same time:

“Lord, forgive me, cross the paths! Let the servants of God (names) collide, and let them not separate again! Lord, please! Enter my soul! Rule there yourself. Push us to the right paths! Amen!". Read three times, moving the paths towards each other. When they come together, stop and say “Amen!” seven times.

With your left hand, combine the paths, mixing the substances. Then collect everything in a bag. It's not until the meeting works out.
