Learn Turkish for beginners. Good opportunities to learn Turkish. Tips to help you quickly master the basics of the Turkish language

Hello everyone, glad to see you on my channel.

Today I’ll tell you about how I learned Turkish and give you a few practical advice about how to learn it faster and not forget it.

I started learning Turkish when I met my husband. I took courses and chose them based on the teaching program in Moscow. I really liked the courses http://www.de-fa.ru, they seduced me because they were taught using the textbooks Tömer ‘Tomer’ (there were textbooks Hitit I, II; an audio course was also given). Teaching was divided into 3 levels. Entry level for beginners (Hitit I, II). I passed Hitit I, but, unfortunately, I didn’t pass Hitit II, because summer came, our group was disbanded and another one was recruited. In addition, I have already left for Turkey to get married. But I study Turkish all the time and I can say that a foreign language is a thing that goes away if you don’t study it, so you always need to practice.

What else can I recommend from Turkish language textbooks? The manual by P. I. Kuznetsov “Textbook of the Turkish Language”, this publication consists of two parts, it even comes with an audio course. There's a lot in it useful exercises, texts. The only thing I can note is that the textbook was probably compiled in Soviet times, and it contains a lot of vocabulary such as “comrade” and everything that follows from it. Therefore, from the point of view of the interestingness of the texts and their lexical composition, the manual is a little outdated.

Also, when I went to the course, I immediately bought myself the “Big Turkish-Russian and Russian-Turkish Dictionary.” I’ll explain why I bought a two-in-one dictionary: I was already planning to move and, accordingly, I absolutely didn’t want to bring two such dictionaries. But teachers and those who study languages ​​recommend buying two separate dictionaries, since in a publication like mine, of course, there is a truncated version.

Now in life situations helps a lot Google Translate. Naturally, he will not translate the entire sentence, but he will be able to translate some words, for example, while going to the store.

Another tip on how to make it easier to memorize grammar and systematize knowledge is to start a notebook. I started one and write down all the grammar rules that I study in it. Why is this convenient? For example, you forgot a topic. You don’t need to look for where the textbook is and run to re-read the entire chapter in it; you have records of examples, rules; you repeated them, remembered them - and everything is fine.

It is also very important to learn words. I took a notebook and divided the pages in half with a vertical line. In the left column I wrote down words and even phrases in Turkish, in the right column - their translation into Russian. You can read all this on the subway while you go to work. Of course, looking for something in such entries is not very convenient, because this is not a dictionary compiled in alphabetical order, but it is quite suitable for reading on transport.

Regarding how best to learn words in general. I discovered this thing for myself: I remember them best when I first write them down, then pronounce them and then write down the translation. For example, I write the word bilmek, pronounce it and write the translation - to know. At the same time, my visual, auditory and mechanical memory works - I remember how to spell a word, and sometimes this really helped me out. Friends, this is really very good technique, and I can recommend it to you.

Turkish language You can quickly learn from scratch thanks to Turkish language lessons for beginners. To realize your potential in different areas(travel, business, education, etc.) in the wonderful country of Turkey, you just need to learn the Turkish language, which has attracted people from all over the world since ancient times. Nowadays, millions already communicate fluently in Turkish, which is in the forefront in terms of the number of speakers among other Turkic languages.

Learning Turkish from scratch

Today it is easy to learn Turkish from scratch in any convenient place with the help of latest technologies presented on the Internet and on mobile devices. Distance learning has advantages, providing a chance to gain knowledge anywhere in the world, with different social status and employment at work.

Turkish language for beginners - these are educational special materials that help you get comfortable with Turkish pronunciation and facilitate communication in everyday situations (hotel, airport, store, restaurant, etc.). On various sites you can find online materials for learning Turkish from scratch.

How to learn Turkish from scratch

To comprehend this difficult language, you need to learn the basics of grammar, grammatical structures and understand exactly how to practice typing “your” lexicon. Exclusive materials will not only help you learn a language and not lose interest in this process, but will also encourage you to comprehend other languages ​​in the future. And speaking practice will become a real exam and the final practical result of learning.

There are many Turkish language tutorials for beginners. For example, the tutorial by Sidorin N.P. for beginners from scratch without a tutor, it will allow you to check your acquired knowledge using various tasks, testing yourself with the answers. By using educational materials(films, audio books, dictionaries, television, voice engines (speech synthesizers, speech synthesizer programs), computer programs) you can not only expand your vocabulary, but also learn a lot about Turkish culture, morals and customs.

Learn Turkish for beginners using audio

It is very productive to learn Turkish using audio recordings (audio tutorials, audio literature, audio classes, audio courses), when there is an excellent understanding and assimilation of letter combinations and correct pronunciation. All you need is a player and headphones. Despite the simplicity of the lessons provided, Turkish is a very difficult language to master. Let's not put it on the back burner. Let's learn Turkish from scratch and set out to realize our plans and possibilities! Good luck!

Türkiye has become practically home country but you can't master the local language for one reason or another? Don't have enough time, skills or experienced instructors? The situation can be solved: you can start learning Turkish for free now under the guidance of specialists from the Dialogue language center!

Our experts have developed a special program that allows you to achieve amazing results in learning the Turkish language from scratch in a fairly short time.

We adapt to each of our listeners and provide the most comfortable conditions that allow them to learn Turkish in any convenient way.

Today we offer:

  • individual sessions,
  • training in mini groups,
  • Turkish language lessons from scratch online.

Work out in a comfortable room training center or sitting at home personal computer, it's up to you to decide!

How are classes going?

Classes at our center are fun and easy, and we learn Turkish with you! Experienced mentors fluent in Turkish and Russian will help you overcome the barrier that separates these two cultures. By attending classes, you will learn about all the features of the Turkish language and master basic grammar in just 32 lessons! At the same time, our course will allow you to study not only written Turkish, but also spoken language. Such a two-pronged approach is guaranteed to ensure success during your next trip to Turkey. After all, you will be able to communicate with local residents almost on equal terms!

Don't be afraid of apparent difficulties. Of course, learning Turkish is a process that requires some effort. But this is your goal! Therefore, strive for it, and you will succeed!

Obtaining a certificate

An additional incentive for successfully completing the Turkish language course from scratch will be the issuance of an official certificate of completion. Of course, after you pass the final test. After all, we must be sure that you have correctly mastered the material we have provided.

Learning Turkish can be your hobby or a necessity in life. The reason for such a desire is not particularly important. The only important thing is your desire to learn Turkish.

Training at the Dialogue center is the key to solid knowledge!

We guarantee the success of your training. The developed course is available to all students, including beginners, i.e. from scratch. If for any reason you cannot understand this or that material, we will arrange Additional session especially for you. After all, studying requires mandatory consolidation. And who, if not experienced mentors, understands this! Our teachers will be happy to teach those who are not indifferent to Turkey and want to learn the Turkish language.

You will not be alone on this path. We train beginners in learning this amazing language, again and again plunging into beautiful world cultural traditions of a great country.

Development foreign language- a rather complex and time-consuming task. Studying one of the most common languages ​​in the Arab world, Turkish, was no exception. Today it is spoken not only in Turkey: you can hear this rich language in Northern Cyprus, Macedonia and Bulgaria, Greece and Iran. Those who have ever visited Turkey are fascinated by the rich culture, ancient traditions, hospitality of the residents and the melodious sound of local speech. I would like to learn as much as possible about this wonderful country, and getting to know the language is The best way get to know Turkey.

Learn Turkish in a short time

Many people think that Turkish is an unusually difficult language to master, because most words are extremely difficult to hear. How to quickly learn Turkish? It is important to choose the right type of training and persistently pursue the goal.

  • Master the basics of the language - learn the alphabet and basic rules. The letters of the Turkish language are written in the Latin alphabet and will not cause difficulties for those who are familiar with English. However, there are several specific letters that you should pay special attention to memorizing.
  • Good language courses will help you. You can choose either a general training program or individual uniform. The efficiency of the latter is an order of magnitude higher. C language courses Dialogue is profitable and convenient, and a conversation club will help you consolidate your knowledge.
  • Speak Turkish out loud from day one. You should not be afraid that phrases are constructed incorrectly and words are distorted. With a little practice, your level of language proficiency will improve every day.

Sign up for a free Turkish language lesson

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Tips to help you quickly master the basics of the Turkish language

So, how to learn Turkish on your own?

  • Install the Turkish language on your gadgets - new words will be an excellent exercise on the way to your goal.
  • Watching films and TV series in Turkish will help you quickly learn Turkish at home. At first, it is better to choose films with Russian subtitles, and after gaining experience, move on to films with subtitles in Turkish. With a little practice, most of the dialogue will be understood by ear, and there will be no need for subtitles. In addition, Turkish TV series are not only useful, but also very interesting.
  • Listen to songs in Turkish. Another way to help you master the basics of the language at home. Listening to the same song over and over again will improve your pronunciation and memorize phrases. You can find translations of your favorite compositions on the Internet, which will make it easier to learn grammatical structures.
  • Read books in Turkish. You can start with children's books, and, developing your level, move on to more complex reading. If at first you need a translation of literally every word, then after a month or two of daily lessons from scratch, you will turn to the dictionary much less often.
  • More communication. It's great if you have a trip to Turkey planned - you can practice your pronunciation.

You can meet a native speaker at social network or chat in our conversation club. Do not forget that Speaking may differ from the language of films and television programs. In addition, there is a whole mosaic of adverbs and dialects even within Istanbul itself - do not panic if you do not immediately begin to understand what the interlocutor is telling you, over time your hearing will adapt and any dialect will become intelligible.

This is the ninth post dedicated to a selection of good language resources on the Internet (Links to the rest will be opened in the coming days:)

This post is the fruit of the collective wisdom of the participants of the Language Heroes project - the guys and I are exchanging really good, favorite, active and proven resources (and not just some selection of website addresses).
So - hand-picked for you by Language Heroes (Babylon!), thanks to my beloved Babylonians and special thanks Alena And Tanya

  1. All books on grammar by Eyup Genish (in Russian)
  2. Olga Sarygoz “Turkish language grammar in tables for beginners” and “Turkish language grammar in tables final course”

  1. http://www.labirint.ru/books/148223/ Oleg Kabardin: Turkish language. Self-instruction manual for beginners. The most easy-to-follow Turkish tutorial good selections vocabulary by topic, ideal for beginners
  2. An excellent and interesting course “Turkish for the (not) particularly gifted” from a girl who teaches Turkish herself and guides us. The lessons are written in lively language and are often based on song analysis. 3 courses have already been released, we are waiting for 4. Hurry up! The author promised 1001 lessons, and after that she will “erase everything”, since she views this project as an adventure that happens once in a lifetime)) 06/13/2016 was posted new lesson at number 329. Here are the links to all 3 courses, don’t pass by: http://turkish4dummies.com
  3. Istanbul textbook series A1, A2, B1, B2, C1-C1+ - at the moment, the most professionally compiled textbooks, suitable for beginners and intermediate students for independent study. Up to B2 can be found in contact, paper copies can be ordered from amazon.com
  4. Hardcore for those who already speak German - textbooks from the Kolay gelsin series! levels A1-A2 and B1 from the German publishing house Klett - well-written, communicative methodology, smooth presentation of the material. If you're ready to read about Turkish grammar in German, this is for you. You can find it on amazon.de

  1. https://www.seslisozluk.net/ The translation is mainly Turkish-English, the dictionary itself is very good and complete, everything is there, it works offline with a limited set of words.
  2. http://www.ruscasozluk.gen.tr/index.php?lang=ru This dictionary is adequate, which is rare in the Turkish-Russian pair, but it is very small and often does not find words. But if there is a word in it, then everything is fine.
  3. Another Turkish-Russian dictionary https://ru.glosbe.com/tr/ru/
  4. http://slovari.yandex.ru
  5. http://www.tdk.gov.tr/index.php?option=com_content&view=frontpage&Itemid=1 - official state reference-dictionary of the spelling of Turkish words

  1. https://eksisozluk.com - a forum-encyclopedia beloved by the Turks themselves, where you can find information about everything down to the etymology of certain words and expressions.
  2. http://www.zaytung.com is again the favorite “online newspaper” of the Turks, ridiculing events from all over the world. We recommend reading by first installing the Readlang extension in your browser so that unfamiliar words can be immediately highlighted and translated in the text.
  3. The Gate magazine http://www.tavhavalimanlari.com.tr/en-EN/Publications/Pages/Gate.aspx - bilingual Turkish-English magazine, it’s like reading according to Ilya Frank’s method))
  4. https://vk.com/turkcem?w=wall-62013260_19482- all Harry Potter in Turkish
  5. “15 stories for home reading” by O. Mansurova - slightly adapted stories by famous Turkish writers (children’s, intended for primary and secondary schools) + consolidation exercises