We choose the healthiest and safest bottled water. What is the best quality water? High-quality bottled drinking water

More and more often we buy water for home. But do we know how to choose it correctly? We all know how to choose foods in the store, such as vegetables and meat. It turns out that water also has its own quality. Water can even go bad like any product: if you store it in the light, for example. The smaller the volume of the water bottle, the longer the water is stored: 6 months for a 19.8 liter bottle, 1 year for a 6 liter and 1.5 liter bottle.

Some waters have added preservatives (silver, iodine, carbon dioxide), just like food. Therefore they are stored longer.

Bottled water comes in several types: natural mineral, artificial mineral, fresh drinking natural and artificially created.

Any water can be natural or artificially created water: this should become clear when indicating the source of water. The label with natural water indicates the number of the well from which the water is extracted, but on the label of “artificial” water, such information, as a rule, is not available.

There has been a long debate about artificial and natural water. They say that in artificial water you can better control the composition, while natural water is strong due to its natural properties. But it seems to us that the truth is somewhere in the middle. Of course, natural water is of better quality. However, you can also add some missing mineral, fluorine or iodine, since macro and microelements are better absorbed from water than from food.

Natural mineral water extracted from artesian wells and mineral springs. Mineral water is drunk in certain doses for treatment. link

Artificial mineral water obtained by adding mineral salts, micro- and macroelements. The composition and concentration per 1 liter of these substances must be indicated on the label.

Water quality depends on:

1. From a water source: surface or underground.

2. From the chemical composition

3. From the container in which the water is located and from the cleanliness of the cooler

I. Water source: underground or surface.

An underground source includes natural wells, that is, artesian and spring wells (or spring water, since spring water makes its way up in the form of a spring).

To the surface - river, lake and glacial waters. Such water is considered more aggressive for the human body, since it is softer (less potassium and magnesium salts).

Artesian wells from which water can be extracted for drinking purposes must be officially registered in State Water Register textual.ru/gvr. However, unfortunately, not all drinking sources are registered there. Any organization has a registration card for the borehole from which water is extracted. The card is issued by the Russian Federal Geological Fund (Rosgeolfond).

According to Rospotrebnadzor, there are no deep springs in Moscow and you cannot drink from them.

Data on water sources also includes information about aquifer. Water in different aquifers may be softer or harder, as well as with a reduced or optimal content of fluorine and some other chemical elements. This is especially important to know for people with certain diseases, for example, diseases of the liver, kidneys, gall bladder, and blood vessels.

An important factor for the aquifer, and accordingly, the water source, is environmental well-being of the region. Thus, the Podolsko-Myachkovsky aquifer in such areas of the Moscow region as Volokolamsk, Shakhovskoy, Istrinsky, Ruzsky, Mozhaisky, Odintsovo, Naro-Fominsky, Podolsky, Domodedovo, Voskresensky, Kolomensky, Chekhovsky is characterized by a constant high content of fluorine and iron. Fluoride can even cause genetic changes.

II. By chemical composition waters are divided into categories.

For mineral waters - purpose of water for mineral /b>dining room, medical, medical-dining room according to GOST R 54316-2011.

The quality of water is better, the closer it is in composition to that of a nursery..

Water highest category- can also be natural or artificially created by man. But this is already physiologically complete water, which is beneficial for the body. Composition of the main components: total mineralization 200-500 mg/l, potassium 2-20 mg/l, calcium 25-80 mg/l, magnesium 5-50 mg/l, bicarbonates 30-400 mg/l, iron 0.3 mg/l l, hardness 1.5-7 mg-eq/l, alkalinity 0.5-6.5 mg-eq/l, fluorides 0.6-1.2 mg/l, iodine 0.04-0.06 mg/l l, silver 0.0025 mg/l, carbon dioxide 0.2%, chlorides 150 mg/l, sulfates 150 mg/l.

Baby water as a variety of higher water, it is the most beneficial. It is not only useful for children, but also for everyone who leads a healthy lifestyle, and especially for people at risk - pregnant women, the elderly, people with any diseases. Composition of the main components: total mineralization 200-500 mg/l, potassium 2-10 mg/l, calcium 25-60 mg/l, magnesium 5-35 mg/l, bicarbonates 30-300 mg/l, iron 0.3 mg/l l, hardness 1.5-6 mg-eq/l, alkalinity 0.5-5 mg-eq/l, fluorides 0.6-0.7 mg/l, iodine 0.04-0.06 mg/l, silver Not allowed! , carbon dioxide Not allowed! , chlorides 150 mg/l, sulfates 150 mg/l. In addition, there should not be any harmful substances in it.

b) The number of individual components is very important!

Drinking fresh water of the highest category or for children already contains all the necessary components in the required quantity. But sometimes, if some element is not enough, then the following can be added to the water: selenium, iodine, fluorine.

People with allergies should pay attention to whether they are allergic to specific components. And in what quantity they are added to the water.

Both a deficiency and an excess of some element in water can adversely affect the body. With an excess of calcium in the body, there is a disturbance in the state of water-salt metabolism, early calcification of bones in children, slower skeletal growth, a lack of magnesium in the body can lead in extreme cases to sudden death of infants, as well as tachycardia and fibrillation of the heart muscle. In excess, there is a possibility of developing syndromes of respiratory paralysis and heart block, irritation of the gastrointestinal tract. With increased alkalinity, a violation of the acid-base balance in the body and a decrease in the acidity of gastric juice are noted. Therefore, it is very important that children drink the most harmonious water for their body. You can read more about this in SanPin.

In mineral water, if the fluoride content is more than 1 mg/dm3, the manufacturer is obliged to indicate in the labeling - “Contains fluorides”; with fluoride content more than 2.0 mg/dm- must indicate on the label: "High fluoride content: not suitable for regular use by children under seven years of age".

For mineral waters, indicate the purpose (dining room, medical-dining room, medicinal) and the group of water. Mineral waters are divided into types, depending on the predominant element: ferruginous, siliceous, iodine, etc.

c) It is desirable that any water contains as little as possible harmful substances (xenobiotics) such as mercury, cadmium, nitrates, selenium and others. Acceptable levels can be viewed for mineral waters in GOST R 54316-2011 Table 4 and for fresh waters in SanPiN in Table 2. These documents are freely available on the Internet.

d) Not allowed in children's water at all. preservatives (silver, carbon dioxide). The only natural preservative is iodine (iodide ion). In water of the highest category, silver should not exceed 0.0025 mg/l. Iodide ions - no more than 0.04-0.06 mg/l. Carbon dioxide (=carbon dioxide=carbonation) not more than 0.2%. Children under 7 years old should not drink water containing carbon dioxide at all..

Mineral waters often contain carbon dioxide, so people with certain diseases should not drink mineral waters. Accordingly, it is not advisable for children either.

If carbon dioxide is added to fresh water, the water becomes carbonated and only 1 category. Carbonated drinks may taste better, but drinking too much can give you a headache. The properties of such water deteriorate significantly.

Mineral water is sometimes treated with carbon dioxide to remove microbes and the water lasts longer.

e) Optimal rigidity for drinking water no more than 6 mEq/l. Hardness is the presence of calcium and magnesium salts in water, which usually affect household appliances.

III. Perfect container for any water - glass. Water can be stored in glass for much longer than 24 months, while in plastic bottles it is 3-18 months (bottles 0.33-5 liters - about a year, from 9 to 19.8 liters only 3-6 months).

After glass, the most reliable and tested material is polycarbonate(in the triangle on the bottom there is the number “7”). It is prohibited by law to write “baby water” on the label on 19-liter bottles of drinking water. If a family buys such a bottle for everyone, then the child can drink this water from birth. It's all about the shelf life of an open bottle.

It is equally important to clean the cooler!! once every 6 months. Better once every 3 months. Take off Labels from bottles. Handle the bottle with clean hands. Otherwise, the water starts to bloom, a lot of bacteria multiply, and the labels clog the tap. Such dirty water from a cooler causes great harm to your health!

Conclusion: To buy quality water:

I. It's better to choose underground spring water (artesian water, spring water), it is desirable that it be registered in the State Water Register textual.ru/gvr.

View: a) the depth of the well (preferably at least 100 meters).

b) aquifer c) ecological well-being of the region

For minerals: dining room, medical dining room, medical room. GOST R 54316-2011.

The highest quality baby water! Not 1st category and not a canteen.

It is important: a) to know the amount of individual components (such as magnesium, calcium, potassium, etc. It is imperative to know the total mineralization)

b) the number of harmful substances within the MPC (maximum permissible concentrations)

c) the presence of preservatives in water (carbon dioxide, silver, iodine). Carbonated water is less healthy due to carbon dioxide.

The composition of the water in the bottle is also reflected on label. A conscientious manufacturer will definitely indicate both the category and well number, which will confirm to the buyer that the water is natural. However, it is not scary if iodine is artificially added within normal limits.

III. Correct design labels GOST R 52109-2003, 51074-2003, 54316-2011: name of water, category or purpose, source of water intake!!!, type, composition, production date, storage conditions, expiration date, specifications where the water was spilled!!!

Additional information such as source of water intake and place water spill can add information about water quality. Our Guests regard this only as desirable information. For example, foreign companies, if they take water from the tap, then indicate on the label that the raw water is tap water.

The location of the spill may not be at the point of production, which means that the water may lose its quality, since the water must be delivered to the bottling point.

The label must also indicate THAT, that is, technical conditions. TU 9185 - mineral water, TU 0131 - drinking water for every day. A ISO number 9001, 9002(system of international standards) confirms the quality system of production, but not the product itself.

IV. When choosing a supplier, pay attention to:

-presence of certificate to the water,

Registration of a company in Rospotrebnadzor register fp.crc.ru,

Full chemical composition of water (presence of at least 93 indicators in analyzes).

Openness of the basic information you need. The presence of dialogue, and not beliefs that we are better.

- Water price varies greatly from one supplier to another. Water may cost more if it is brought from afar. Or from brand fame. It must be remembered that cheap water cannot be of high quality. However, now this trend is more often observed - new, but small companies on the market that have high-quality water, in the fight for the client, often offer a high-quality product at a slightly reduced price. Fortunately, the choice on the Moscow market is quite large and there is plenty to choose from. And we hope that we helped you make a choice!

V. Water quality also depends on bottle quality, in which water is stored. The best material is polycarbonate (at the bottom of the bottle is the number 7 in a triangle). In bottles of other materials, water absorbs plastic elements.

Cooler cleanliness also very important! Don't ignore simple hygiene rules.

And do timely sanitization at least once every 6 months so as not to worsen your health!

Source of drinking water supply- a water body (or part thereof) that contains water that meets established hygienic standards for drinking water supply sources and is used or can be used to collect water into drinking water supply systems.

Water is considered bottled, if it matches

state standards, hygienic requirements for drinking water, placed in a hygienic container and sold for human consumption. At the same time, it should not contain sweeteners, chlorine, or flavorings. It is allowed to add flavors, extracts and essences of natural origin to bottled water, which improve its quality, not exceeding one percent by weight.

Drinking water bottle reusable - a container made of polycarbonate, related to consumer reusable packaging, having a hygienic certificate, subject to sanitary treatment under production conditions.

As part of a fan study by Roskachestvo, 58 samples of drinking water without gas, the most popular on the Russian market, were studied. Laboratory tests were carried out on 98 quality and safety indicators. The cost of products at the time of purchase ranged from 20 to 260 rubles. The overwhelming number of products were manufactured in Russia, while at the same time, products from Armenia, Georgia, Italy, Norway, Finland, and France were represented in the fan study. According to the results of laboratory tests, the products of only nine brands confirmed their high quality, as they met not only the requirements of current quality and safety standards, but also the requirements of the leading standard of Roskachestvo. We are talking about water under the trademarks “Volzhanka”, “Lipetsk pump-room”, “Novoterskaya”, “O! Our Family", "Simple Good", ARCTIC, AQUANICA (5 liters), Bon Aqua and EVIAN. All of these products, with the exception of water under the EVIAN brand, were produced in Russia, and therefore producers of high-quality water were offered to undergo a voluntary certification procedure, after which a decision would be made to award the products the Russian Quality Mark. Products under the EVIAN trademark will not be able to qualify for the Russian Quality Mark due to their foreign origin. The study showed that, in general, most of the tested products can be considered high quality and safe, but laboratory tests also revealed 12 products with violations.


The standard of the Russian Quality System has established stricter (advanced) requirements for the content of harmful and potentially dangerous chemicals, pesticides and some insecticides for drinking water without gas, applying for the Russian Quality Mark.

Stricter requirements were also introduced for the smell of water, the phenolic index of its composition and the pH value. In general, packaged drinking water that claims the right to be labeled with the Russian Quality Mark must meet the physiological requirements for water of the highest category (with the exception of certain indicators). The required level of localization of products to be awarded the Russian Quality Mark is at least 98% of the cost of the product.

What kind of water is there?

In the consumer's mind, packaged water is divided into two categories: sparkling water and still water. Roskachestvo chose still water as the subject of its first water study. It contains water of three different classes: drinking water of the first category, drinking water of the highest category And mineral drinking waterA. Consumers are advised to pay special attention to the category of water indicated on the marking (label). The fact is that water, depending on the category, varies greatly in its properties and origin. So:

Drinking water of the first category– this is source water without treatment or that has undergone water treatment, which can be obtained from various sources (for example, from a common water supply). After filtration, elements useful for humans are added to the water. The main mandatory requirement for a product in this category is its complete safety for human health.

Drinking water of the highest category– water, which, as a rule, is obtained from reliably protected water sources (for example, from artesian wells, springs). Products of the highest category, in contrast to “first-class” ones, in addition to safety, must provide mandatory benefits for the consumer. The requirements for such water are much stricter than for goods of the first category. Moreover, for water of the highest category, additional requirements have been established for its physiological usefulness, for the content of biologically necessary macro- and microelements, for which not only maximum maximum permissible concentrations have been established, but also minimum and optimal norms of physiological usefulness for humans.

Mineral table drinking water– this is water obtained from a well, which has a registered and confirmed initial physico-chemical and microbial composition of substances. That is, useful (and sometimes not the most useful) elements are already included in it by nature. The requirements for mineral water, compared to drinking water, are significantly softer, since the mineral composition of such water is difficult to predict (it depends on the well), and therefore is difficult to standardize.

By the way, another category of mineral water is medicinal water(for example, these are goods under the trademarks “Essentuki”, “Narzan”, etc.). These products are not represented in this Roskachestvo fan study, since they are a specific product. This water is not suitable for regular consumption and should ideally be prescribed by doctors if patients have certain health problems.

Finally, as follows from the above, drinking water can also be classified by origin: it can be created, as they say, by nature itself (for example, extracted from a well) or artificially created by man (for example, taken from a water supply, purified and subjected to “refinement”) . However, as the study showed, the origin of drinking water will not be the determining criterion for its quality and composition.

Ideal environment. All about microbiological safety

It is known that in the case of water, safety is a doubly important issue. Firstly, a person drinks water regularly. Secondly, many consumers have long formed their preferences and consume products from certain manufacturers, perhaps without realizing the health consequences.

One of the key indicators of water safety is the so-called TMC (total microbial count). It is almost identical to the QMAFAnM indicator, with which some manufacturers of goods on the market have serious problems. Excesses in this indicator may indirectly indicate the presence of pathogenic bacteria or viruses in the water, as well as a violation of the operating conditions of water treatment and bottling systems.

As laboratory tests have shown, in water that has undergone thorough industrial purification, that is, drinking water of the first and highest categories, no problems were identified in terms of general microbiological contamination.

However, three samples of mineral table drinking water turned out to be very “alive”: a relatively large number of bacteria were found in their composition. As mentioned above, these could be pathogenic bacteria or viruses. They can have a negative effect on the human body, in particular on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The severity of the diseases caused depends on the type of bacteria and the toxicity of the poisons they secrete. Mandatory safety requirements in this regard were violated by manufacturers of goods under the Arkhyz, Elbrus, and Biovita trademarks. However, it is worth mentioning that the presence of an increased number of microbes in water is not always the fault of the manufacturer. It is possible that the rules for transporting the goods or the conditions for storing them were violated.

The identified inconsistencies were recorded only in mineral water, since it is not subject to additional processing, but is extracted from natural sources.

Hard liquid. About the hardness of drinking water

Water hardness is one of the defining characteristics of this product category. Hard water, even when used externally, dries the skin, and when consumed internally, it is at least bitter. This characteristic is closely related to the presence of calcium and magnesium salts in the liquid in water, that is, the more of them, the higher its hardness. Quite often, ordinary tap water has a high hardness coefficient. By the way, the hardness of water is easy to determine at home: the white sediment that remains on the dishes after boiling will tell you about it.

However, the conclusions from this laboratory test are encouraging: no overtly hard, and therefore bitter, water was found in the study. On the contrary, 17 water samples of the first category and four mineral water samples were noted as quite soft.

The same could be said about water of the highest category Nordica, but for it “softness” turned out to be more critical. The fact is that Russian requirements for water of the highest category also establish a lower threshold for the hardness parameter. Nordica water turned out to be too soft for its category, which means it cannot fully be called “drinking water of the highest category,” which automatically indicates a violation of consumer rights to reliable labeling.

In the dry residue of water: about general mineralization

Theoretically, any water, except distilled, can be called mineral in one sense or another. H2O does not occur in nature in its pure form, and such water is more harmful than beneficial for the human body. The fact is that clean water, not saturated with salts, will “pull” and remove salts from the body. That is, long-term consumption of such water will definitely lead to serious illnesses. Therefore, any water sold in stores contains dozens of different inorganic compounds.

In order to understand how much various mineral and organic substances are contained in water, the indicators of the total mineralization of the dry residue are determined in laboratory conditions, that is, the actual mass of substances after evaporation of water, and the total mineralization of drinking water is also calculated based on the content of anions and cations.

According to the results of laboratory tests, a relatively low level of total mineralization was recorded in 13 samples of drinking water of the first category. However, let us remind you that this water does not pretend to be useful; it is “enough” for it to be safe.

Another thing is that the water under the Norda (Italy) brand declared as “drinking water of the highest category” contained only 77 mg/l of mineral substances, while the median values ​​of other water in the corresponding category were 200–300 mg/l. That is, in fact, this water cannot be considered a product of the highest category, which is a violation of the rights of consumers to reliable labeling.

As for mineral table drinking water, according to the results of the study, in six of its samples the content of total mineralization of mineral salts is suboptimal (from the point of view of the Unified Sanitary-Epidemiological and Hygienic Requirements for Goods), that is, not satisfying the physiological need of a person (respectively, in four of them less, two – more). This is not a violation, however, these goods are deprived of the opportunity to qualify for the Russian Quality Mark.

Can I help you. All about anions and cations

Any drinking water, depending on the brand, water source, method of purification and enrichment with microelements, geography and even the depth of the well, is a unique cocktail of substances called anions and cations (positive and negatively charged ions). For example, cations include potassium, magnesium, iron, and anions include sulfates, fluorine and iodine. The content of these substances is often indicated by the product label, which indicates their percentage. It is difficult for an unprepared person to read it, so we suggest you use this a short note, where all the pros and cons of the anions and cations contained in water are described.

Separately, in this part of the study it is worth dwelling on the problem of calcium and magnesium content in water. Firstly, it is believed that these elements affect the correct functioning of the musculoskeletal system and the cardiovascular system. Secondly, the main discrepancy with the values ​​​​stated on the label was found precisely in the indicators of calcium and magnesium. For example, a relatively low magnesium content was found in six samples of drinking water of the first category and in six samples of mineral table drinking water. The situation was better with calcium content. But all this does not apply to water of the highest category, where a lack of magnesium was noted in three products, and calcium in one. Due to more stringent requirements for drinking water of the highest category, manufacturers of goods under the trademarks “Billa”, “Glavvoda”, “D” (“Dixie”) and “Norda” violated the rights of consumers to reliable labeling of goods.

A similar problem was revealed in drinking water of the highest category under the Courtois brand - much less iodine was found in it than the manufacturer promised.

Also, four samples of drinking water of the highest category contained less fluoride than indicated on the label. And this element has a positive effect on the health of teeth and bone tissue.

Form affects content. About the container into which water is poured

Any water, no matter how safe, high-quality and healthy it is, can always be easily spoiled in production. And this can be done using questionable containers into which liquid is poured. It is believed that the safest container for humans is glass - water simply cannot react with it at a chemical level. This cannot be said about plastic - it, especially when heated, can potentially release substances harmful to health into the water. During laboratory tests, no traces of such “migration” of substances were recorded. In terms of safety, water in plastic containers was, on average, no different from water in glass bottles. However, glass is the choice for those who want maximum guarantees of safe drinking water.

For reference:

Pay attention to the label of your drinking water. Often there is a note on it: “store in places protected from light.” Water really needs to be kept away from light, as light causes water to bloom. Of course, the water in which algae and other life forms develop their vital activity will be considered polluted.

A substance without taste, color, odor: about the aesthetic properties of water

Water is perhaps the most organoleptically neutral product imaginable. It will be difficult for the average consumer to identify and somehow describe the taste, color, and smell of water. At the same time, a person usually prefers a certain brand of water, and a third-party product can irritate both the taste buds and their owner.

In general, the taste of water can be influenced by various mineral salts and their percentages, the smell - by the characteristics of a particular well, the color will vary depending on the presence of various mechanical impurities or minerals in the composition. It is important to note that in laboratory conditions, the assessment of organoleptic properties is carried out at two temperature conditions, as required by the advanced Roskachestvo standard. First, the water is heated to 20 and then to 60 degrees Celsius.

Under these conditions, almost all the water presented in the study proved to be a high-quality product, at least from the point of view of aesthetic properties. The experts were confused by the color (chromaticity) of only one sample – drinking water of the first category “Uleimskaya”. It differed significantly from the values ​​of the mandatory requirements, which, however, does not indicate the danger of such water. From a microbiological point of view, the sample is completely safe. It is possible that the color deviation could be influenced by the characteristics of the container or the conditions of water storage.

The importance of water in the human diet cannot be overestimated. Our body, including the brain, is 70% water. It performs important functions: transports nutrients to cells, cleanses waste and toxins, normalizes the digestive system, accelerates metabolic processes.

In this regard, it is so important what kind of water and in what quantities a person drinks. The quantity is simple: doctors recommend that adults drink 1-1.5 liters of water per day. But choosing water for yourself and your family is more difficult. It turns out that it is different and affects the body differently.

We've put together a guide to the main types of water we drink and shared useful tips to help purify your water at home.

Mineral water

Mineral water is considered the most beneficial for human health. This is the name for water that rises to the surface from the bowels of the planet. This water is enriched with minerals that nourish the body from the inside and strengthen its health.

Mineral water is unpurified water that has not been exposed to humans. Many people call any bottled water mineral, but it is not. Due to sanitary standards, it is difficult to find in stores. One option is to collect mineral water from springs yourself, if you are lucky enough to live near such a place.

You can first test the purity of the water in special laboratories. Typically, spring water is clean because it has risen from the depths of the earth and passed through rocks and minerals, but in polluted regions, such water may contain heavy metals and salts.

Bottled spring water

Another extremely healthy water is bottled spring water. It can already be found in a regular supermarket. Really healthy spring water is sold in glass bottles. This is due to the fact that plastic can release harmful substances into the water.

Much also depends on the manufacturer: unfortunately, not all water suppliers who claim to sell real spring water actually distribute such a product. You can also check the quality of your water in an independent laboratory.

It is important to consider that some types of mineral spring water have a high concentration of minerals and may even be oversaturated with them. This amount of minerals entering the body can lead to an imbalance, so choose your water wisely and don’t “get attached” to any one type, experiment.

Purified water

Purified water is noticeably inferior in quality and composition to mineral and bottled mineral water. It undergoes filtration, during which not only harmful but also useful substances are removed from it. In some regions, tap water, despite filtration, remains healthy - such water can be drunk from the tap. In more polluted regions, tap water cannot be drunk: after purification, it becomes lifeless and may even be foreign to the human body.

There is a mechanism of remineralization: this is the process of treating purified water, as a result of which the water again becomes saturated with minerals. The mechanism is complex: in order to restore the original composition of water, you need to know it, which is not always possible.

Purified water also includes distilled water and water purified through a reverse osmosis system. This water goes through too many artificial processes and is not recommended to drink.

Boiled water

Water can be boiled, but the benefits of such water are hotly debated. Opinions are divided: some consider this water healthy, others do not recommend drinking it. On the one hand, during the boiling process, all harmful microorganisms and microbes that are present in the water are destroyed, its composition becomes cleaner. On the other hand, boiling concentrates salts and minerals, as a result of which they can change their structure and composition and, as a result, are more difficult to absorb by the body.

At the same time, there is evidence in history that boiled water is widely glorified in Ayurveda, as well as in Chinese and Tibetan medicine. Ancient healers believed that such water improves digestion, normalizes the functioning of the liver and gallbladder, copes with thirst and removes waste and toxins from the body. If you still decide to boil water, then do it once, and then pour it into a glass or ceramic jug.

Structured water

Plastic is the modern enemy of humanity. At the same time, a large amount of drinking water is sold in such bottles. Why is plastic harmful? It has been proven and established that many types of plastic emit harmful substances, the effect of which on the human body has not been fully studied.

Buy water in glass bottles or from trusted manufacturers. Nowadays, many companies are switching to recyclable plastic and using BPA (bisphenol-A)-free plastic. Try to choose denser plastic bottles: they are believed to emit fewer harmful substances.

Water quality ratings for drinking water from major manufacturers will help you draw conclusions about the quality of the drinking liquid, which will help maintain and improve your health. In addition, you will learn about the features of the production and composition of bottled waters. Varieties of mineral and purified waters. How to distinguish a fake? Water quality ratings of drinking water from major manufacturers will help you figure out which water is best to drink regularly and which bottled water is better not to buy.

About water and producers

Due to the low quality of drinking tap water, residents of our country who care about their health tend to use bottled or mineral water for regular drinking. At the same time, even those who are lucky in the region with good tap water are increasingly refusing to drink it regularly due to a persistent decline in quality. Therefore, many residents of our country drink purified water from bottles and cook with it.

As for mineral water, its regular use will not only maintain health, but will also significantly improve it, because such waters contain an extensive complex of mineral components necessary for our body. Today, the production of drinking bottled and mineral water is carried out not only by large trading concerns with a worldwide reputation, but also by small private companies.

In this regard, a lot of fakes have appeared. And to put it mildly, such water will not only not be useful, but can also harm our health. We hope our drinking water quality rating will help you choose suitable and healthy water.

About the composition of drinking water from bottles

In the Russian Federation, a simplified scale for classifying bottled waters is used:

  • Purified drinking water
  • Natural mineral water
  • Artificial mineral water

Water extracted from clean underground springs, with a natural complex of dissolved minerals, is called natural mineral. Moreover, in our country such water is also divided into several subspecies:

  • medicinal
  • medical dining room
  • dining room

The first two types are best consumed not regularly, but on the recommendation of a doctor. But table mineral water can be used as drinking water. The level of minerals in it must be at least 1 g/l. The main producers of such water in our country are “Silver Dew” and “Sarova”.

The amount of minerals in medicinal table water should be in the range of 1-10 hl. These waters include Essentuki-4, Borjomi and Narzan. The concentration of dissolved minerals in medicinal water should be 10-15 g/l. These are the waters of “Essentuki-17” and “Lysogorskaya”.

Purified drinking water is ordinary water that has been thoroughly purified from various impurities and harmful components. This artificially purified water is packaged in bottles and can be used for regular drinking. The first type of such waters was released in 94 and was called “Holy Spring”. In the late 90s, such well-known brands as Aqua Minerale and Bon Aqua appeared. Then a large number of local producers appeared.

Water Quality Rating

The number of varieties of water and their producers is growing every year. So, in the early 90s there were about 200 types of drinking and mineral water in bottles, and in the mid-90s there were already 500. Today there are about 700 types of water registered, with a hundred of them produced in the north of the Caucasus.

The most popular water, accounting for about half of all sales, is Georgian water. Among them are such well-known brands as “Borjomi”, “Essentuki” and “Narzan”. At the same time, Borjomi is clearly in the lead.

Based on the results of analyzes of various studies, the following manufacturers are leaders in the market of natural mineral and purified waters:

  • "Holy spring"
  • "Borjomi"
  • "Narzan"
  • "Aqua Minerale"
  • "Bon Aqua"
  • GG&MW Co. N.V. from the manufacturer Borjomi
  • Nestle Waters from the manufacturer of the Holy Spring
  • "Kavminvody"
  • Biba water
  • "Mercury"
  • "Avka"
  • "Raifa Spring"

Drinking water researchers do not rule out a large increase in the range of products on the natural mineral and purified water market. At the same time, there are a large number of companies producing counterfeits on the market. This water is practically no different from ordinary tap water. But how to distinguish such manufacturers?

How to distinguish low-quality water?

Of course, you cannot open and taste water in a store, but some conclusions about the quality of drinking or mineral water can be drawn from its appearance:

  1. Carefully study the label on the bottle. A conscientious manufacturer provides detailed information about the chemical components of the liquid, specifies the category of water, and describes the source where the liquid was taken. The label must also contain registration information.
  2. Pay attention to the design of the bottle and label. Typically, counterfeit manufacturers do not work on the market for a long time, so they do not particularly worry about the appearance and design of the container and sticker. Products from proven, reliable, high-quality manufacturers are usually packaged in a beautiful container with logos, and the lid and label are beautifully designed.
  3. To minimize the risk of buying a counterfeit, purchase goods at large retail outlets. Typically, the owners of such stores purchase goods only from trusted suppliers.

If you doubt the quality of drinking water from a bottle, you can always order a water analysis and check it for all indicators. You can order such an analysis in our laboratory. To do this, you need to contact the manager at the specified phone number. During the call, you can find out the cost of such a check, which depends on the number of indicators analyzed.
