Lice are afraid of frost. What are head lice, as well as underwear and pubic lice, afraid of? Signs of difference between dead and live nits

It is becoming more and more difficult to treat lice, and there is no desire to waste your body again. If you know at what temperature lice and nits die, you can fight without using harmful substances. Changes in terms and conditions environment Helps quickly get rid of unwanted insects and their eggs.

What temperature is comfortable for lice?


The spread of lice occurs more actively when the body temperature of a patient with lice increases. Pests strive to find a more comfortable habitat. This is one of the reasons why it is so fast in children's groups. The child moves a lot, runs and is in close contact with other children.

The larva inside the nit is protected by a strong shell, so it is more resistant to temperature changes. An insect egg can survive even when the air heats up to 50 degrees.

Nits are more susceptible to low temperatures. At sub-zero temperatures, the development of the larvae inside the egg will slow down.

At what temperatures do lice and nits die?

If the thermometer reaches 40 degrees, the louse stops laying nits.

Exposure to cold

Some people believe that if lice and nits die at temperatures below zero, then it is enough to walk without a hat in winter fresh air or plunge into an ice hole. But this method won't work. A person with lice will get sick faster than a louse will die.

This happens because the temperature of the human body cannot be negative, and the scalp almost always maintains a comfortable environment for lice to live. Therefore, a person will freeze, but it will continue.


Lowering the temperature has the following effects on insects:

  1. If the temperature drops below 20, pests become inactive. Their life processes slow down.
  2. When the thermometer shows -5°C, pests stop breeding and feeding. Nits slow down development.
  3. At -15°C, nymphs and adults die. The larvae inside the egg continue to live.
  4. Nits die when the thermometer drops to -20.

Scientists have repeatedly conducted studies trying to find out whether lice die in the cold or not. Entomologist James Buswin discovered in 1944 that bloodsuckers at -20 became dead within 45 minutes. A temperature of -17°C led to the death of insects within two hours.

Exposure to heat

But ARVI or classes in gym cannot be considered as a method on the head. At 40 degrees above Celsius, the insect will only stop laying eggs.

An increase in ambient temperature affects the life of the pest as follows:

  1. At a temperature of 40-45 degrees, the female will stop breeding.
  2. From forty to sixty, adults die, and nits continue to develop.
  3. A nit can die only when the thermometer shows a temperature above 60.

On a note!

In 2006, Israeli entomologists conducted several experiments and found that at a temperature of +3°C, the louse dies on the ninth day.

How to get rid of lice

It is difficult to kill by changing the ambient temperature. Her hair protects her from the cold, but the person himself cannot withstand severe overheating.

Temperature effects are most often applied to. These insects feed human blood, but live in clothes that can be easily treated with steam or cold.

Exposure to heat

To kill, it is enough to boil infected things. Some nits may survive. Therefore, after a week you will need to process the fabric a second time. During this time, clothing cannot be worn and should be stored in a tightly sealed bag.

Kill body louse using high temperatures can be done in the following ways:

  1. Iron seams, folds, pockets and cuffs of clothing with a hot iron.
  2. Steam sofa upholstery and carpets.
  3. Wash items using washing powder. Body lice will die during washing.

A special hair dryer was invented in the USA to kill head lice. It produces a high temperature at which adults die. In Russia, such a device is not sold, but you can use improvised means.

  1. Heat the iron or curling iron to maximum and process each strand. Keep the device on your curls for 2-3 minutes.
  2. Turn hair dryer on maximum heating. Using a diffuser attachment, treat your hair with hot air for at least thirty minutes.

Iron and hair dryer are not effective. But hot air will weaken insects and their larvae. You should take and carefully comb the hair from weakened and dead individuals. The procedure will need to be carried out at least four times a day.

Exposure to cold

Lice die not only from heat. But cold can kill a headache or pubic louse will not work. But low temperatures will help in destroying the dress form.

Modern man can follow the example of his grandparents. If it’s winter outside, you can take clothes infested with lice to the balcony and leave them there for a day. During this time, the insects will die.

On a note!

Things cannot be immediately carried into the house. You should shake them off and select frozen animals.

In the warm season, a freezer will help out. Things must be put in a bag and placed in the freezer overnight. Lice eggs can survive the cold. Therefore, after seven days, the cold treatment will need to be repeated.

To achieve maximum effect, it is better to additionally treat clothes with steam and wash them in washing machine.

Note, If a person infected with lice gets sick with ARVI with a rise in temperature, then the insects move from the skin to the very tip of the hair. At the same time, the spread of the disease increases.

The lice larva is protected by a durable shell, which makes it more resistant to temperature changes. The nit can survive even if its environment warms up to 50 degrees. However, it is susceptible to low thermometer readings. At sub-zero temperatures the larvae stop developing.

At what temperature do lice and nits die?

Lice are susceptible to sudden temperature changes. When the environment is above 20 degrees, their life processes slow down. Lice become lethargic, weakly attach to hair, and their reproduction slows down. The female becomes less fertile. If the thermometer reaches plus 40, she completely stops laying nits.

Effect of cold

Some people, knowing at what temperature bloodsuckers die, think that to get rid of them it will be enough to winter time walk without a hat. However this method does not work. Since lice live on the skin of a person who cannot have a temperature with a minus sign.

Interesting fact. Nits can live without a human body for a week. If during this time period comfortable conditions are created for the larva, then it will calmly transform into an adult and will be ready to reproduce. You will find how lice reproduce and the rate of development on our website.

  • at minus 5 lice do not reproduce or feed. Nits development slows down;
  • at minus 15 death of adults occurs. However, the life activity of the larvae continues;
  • at minus 20 nits die.

Lice have a more acute reaction to high thermometer readings. They are undergoing destruction internal organs, leading to death.

Temperature control methods

Knowing at what temperature lice and their larvae die, it is possible to effectively fight them using specialized methods.


After that, you should dry it with a hairdryer for a long time, bringing the device closer to the skin. Temperature conditions The hair dryer should be at maximum settings.

To carry out this treatment, a diffuser is placed on the hairdryer. This nozzle is included in the standard set. The usual procedure time is 10 minutes. Then a break is needed.

Because home hair dryers are not suitable for long-term operation. Then thermal effect for lice is carried out twice more.

Attention! Treatment with a hairdryer does not destroy lice, but they become lethargic, cannot hold on to the hair, and literally fall out of it. As a result, lice are easily combed out of hair. Moreover, they will be weakened within an hour.

Immediately after the procedure, you need to comb your hair with a special comb. To achieve the desired result, Treatment with a hairdryer should be carried out for at least a week. This is due to the fact that nits hatch within 7 to 10 days.


Knowing the sensitivity of insects to temperature changes, many people naturally ask whether it is possible to kill nits with a hair straightening iron. This method has found a worthy place in the fight against head lice.

To obtain maximum effect necessary:

  1. Rinse your hair with shampoo.
  2. Divide your hair into small strands.
  3. In order not to harm your curls, you can use heat-protective drugs.
  4. Treatment should begin from the back of the head.
  5. Slowly run the iron along the entire length of the hair, to the very ends.
  6. Next, comb out with a blood-sucking comb.

Treatment against lice and nits with a hair straightener should not be carried out for more than 2 seconds. Because too much contact can seriously damage the structure of the curls.


Since insect eggs can survive without humans for a long time, they can withstand extreme heat for a short period.

You can kill lice and nits only in a well-heated bathhouse, where the air temperature reaches plus 80 degrees. Nits retain their vital activity up to plus 60. When taking this procedure, you should remember that It is necessary not only to steam, but also to water your hair as much as possible hot water.


Using an iron or steam cleaner is an excellent alternative to boiling water. This method is used both on linen and on soft toys, furniture, and blankets.

Processing should be done with maximum permissible temperatures. When ironing, it is important not only to pay attention to the front side of the product. Linen should be turned inside out, paying close attention to seams.


Only body lice can be destroyed by cold exposure, without causing harm to human health. To cause their death, the product should be hung in the cold for 2 days.

Cold treatment for lice and nits can also be carried out in another way. To do this, things that were in use by the infected person should be placed in plastic bag. Place in freezer for a few hours.

Under such conditions, the death of insects occurs within 3–4 hours. Then it remains to remove them from the seams and folds. After which it is recommended to wash the clothes and iron them with a hot iron.

Advantages and disadvantages

The temperature effect on lice has undeniable advantages compared to treatment with chemicals. First of all this:

  • absolute environmental friendliness;
  • complete relief from pediculosis. Since nits and lice cannot tolerate high and low temperatures;
  • availability of the method;
  • Possibility of use without prior preparation.

Like any method, temperature exposure has a number of disadvantages, which include:

  • injury hazard. Careless use of high temperatures increases the risk of scalp burns;
  • deterioration of hair structure. Exposure to high temperatures damages curls;

It is believed that lice live and reproduce comfortably at 36.6 °C. Minor fluctuations are not scary for them. Because in nature, a person is almost constantly in comfortable conditions for himself. There is no risk of freezing or overheating for him.

Based on this, hair protects the louse from the influence of climate and makes it possible to maintain its vital processes.

Nits have greater resistance than adults, since they are protected by their shell - a kind of cocoon. Therefore, lice are much more afraid of any impact. The hotter the conditions are compared to the human body, the worse all life forms will feel.

At 45 °C or more, it is already difficult for them to reproduce; they simply stop doing so. Above 60 °C – all forms die. Humidity is of particular importance. The higher it is, the more destructive the conditions will be.

Effect of low temperatures

Effect of temperature on reproduction

Even a relatively small fluctuation in the thermometer negatively affects the reproduction process. At normal conditions their reproductive cycle is 16–18 days. The optimal indicator in this case would be 30–32 °C.

If you lower the value by 3-4 degrees, the cycle will stretch for about a week, and at 25 ° C it will last about 35 days. If you lower it another 3-4 degrees, the nits’ biological protection will work. They will slow down their “birth” and wait for a favorable environment. This mechanism does not work if they are exposed to heat.

When it gets a few degrees warmer, the reproduction process slows down. So, we have the following sequence:

  • 40–45 °C – reproductive activity of females ceases;
  • 45–50 °C – adults die within a few hours;
  • 50–55 °C – adults die immediately, but nits will still remain viable, thanks to the cocoon;
  • above 60 °C – absolutely any forms are eliminated.

Methods of influence

Treating head lice in this way is a method that does not harm health, but is effective and accessible to everyone.

Frost can be used to remove lice and nits from infested clothing.

The following control methods are mainly used:

  1. Items that need processing must be placed in a plastic bag and placed in the freezer. It must be recalled that its power must be appropriate, since nits die instantly at -20 °C. The chamber is suitable for quick freezing of food.
  2. If it's winter outside and the temperature is right, then just hang your clothes and laundry in the yard for a few days. It should be noted that some representatives can still survive in the cold. Therefore, repeat the procedure after some time.

These methods are universal and do not require financial costs. At the same time, they are absolutely safe for humans and most effective.

But these freezing methods do not remove head lice. It is impossible to create such conditions on the surface of the human body. The hair protects against critical frosts, so lice burrow deeper into the heat and thus save their lives.

Swimming in ice water will also not help: the human body is adapted to such loads and can easily prevent such freezing, even relatively skin. But to starve it out, that is, to keep it at least not -20 °C, but for a long time, will not work. With such cooling, processes in the human body are also disrupted, which subsequently causes irreparable damage to health.

Therefore, against manifestations directly in humans, it is worth using heat. To do this, you can use an ordinary hair dryer. It is necessary to set the hottest mode based on technical characteristics your hairdryer. Carefully treat each strand with a stream of hot air. It is recommended to use a diffuser attachment for warming up. Most often it is sold complete with a hairdryer. But if you don’t have one at home, you can buy it separately in hardware stores.

With this exposure, lice lose their ability to cling normally and are easy to remove. After warming up the strands, you should comb out the inactive individuals with a comb.

The comb should have thin teeth that are at the smallest distance from each other. This way, you increase the chances of eliminating all residents, unlike ordinary combs. It will be very difficult to comb out both adults and larvae with them due to the large distance between the teeth.

The easiest way is to purchase a special comb, which can be bought at any pharmacy.

Remember that homemade Appliances, in this case the hair dryer, is not intended to be used for too long at maximum power. To avoid damage, you must carefully monitor whether the device overheats. It may be worth pausing periodically while using a hair dryer.

Because the modern medicine continues to develop, a special medical hair dryer was invented in America to achieve the desired effect without compromising the health of the hair. There was a lot of discussion about lice, but the idea of ​​​​creating it came to the British professor Dale Clayton, who noticed that in rainy England, lice are more difficult to remove than in the sunny part of America. By studying the influence of the environment in this aspect, he raised the treatment of head lice to a new level.

Unfortunately, this medical hair dryer is distributed only in the USA. Recently, this equipment can be seen in other countries, but only in private clinics.

The withdrawal procedure is simple. The patient sits in a chair, and the doctor uses the brush of this hair dryer to thermally influence active individuals. After this, a long process of combing out already dead units begins.

The advantages of this device are that it does not damage the scalp, there is no Negative influence on the structure of the hair, does not reduce its quality. Does not involve the use of toxic substances or chemicals for treating hair with lice.

The advantages of this method:

  1. It's quite hot compared to a hairdryer.
  2. Convenient to use.
  3. There is one in almost every home.
  1. You should be extremely careful, as such heating will damage your hair, making it dry and weakened.
  2. Reproduction occurs more on the scalp, to which the iron does not have access.
  3. You will need to repeat several times; it is rarely possible to achieve results the first time.

There are a number of less reliable methods, but they are captivating in their simplicity. For example, if you live in a country where it is mostly always hot, go to the beach to sunbathe. This procedure casts doubt on whether lice die on the beach. A few hours in the scorching sun, if it doesn’t kill them, will definitely weaken them. Plus high humidity will play into your hands in the fight against this disease.

A good way is to go to the bathhouse and take a steam bath. For lice, their larvae, eggs, such a situation is destructive. The advantage of this event is its positive impact on the person himself and his general condition.

The main and main disadvantage of this procedure is that the bathhouse and all its premises must be carefully processed after it. Pediculosis is an extremely contagious disease. And not all rooms, dressing rooms, showers are supported the necessary conditions for the death of these creatures. To avoid infecting all subsequent guests, processing must be carried out extremely carefully.

Do not forget that clothes and underwear in which representatives of this species have settled can also be treated at high temperatures.

The first method is the simplest. Need to load things into washing machine and set the mode at which it will be at least 60 ° C. Washing will show a positive result that will not keep you waiting.

As a separate method or additionally after washing, iron the laundry with a hot iron. It should be noted that very often lice and their offspring huddle in folds and seams. Therefore, pay special attention to ironing these places.

Drastic change comfortable temperature is one of the most popular methods of treating head lice. Previously, it was used only for body lice, but recently more and more information has become available about in different ways heat treatment of hair. Is it possible to solve the problem by knowing at what temperature lice and nits die? Let's find out right now!

Who are lice?

Nits are lice eggs enclosed in a sticky transparent shell. Each egg hangs by a separate thread. Due to the sticky secretion secreted by lice, it sticks so tightly to the surface of the hair that it is impossible to remove it even with sharp nails.

What temperatures are harmful to lice?

Using temperatures, you can remove linen lice in a matter of days. Their main place of residence - clothes - can be boiled, ironed and taken out into the cold (below -20C). The main thing is that the mode is as high as possible, and the exposure time is as long as possible.

Method 1 – Freezing outside

Method 2 – Freezing in the freezer

Method 3 – Treatment with boiling water

Method 4 – Iron or steam cleaner

An alternative to boiling water is an iron or steam cleaner. They can be processed upholstered furniture, pillows, blankets, Stuffed Toys, hats, bed linen and other things.

Tips to help get rid of lice:

Temperature treatment of the head against lice

With the head, everything is different, because the hair is designed to maintain a constant temperature at the surface of the epidermis. So, no matter how much you walk in the cold without cleaning, the lice will remain alive, although they will not feel very comfortable. For nits, such a walk will be completely useless - their cocoon serves as excellent protection from a variety of phenomena.

To treat insects at critical temperatures, you will need special techniques. Let's look at each of them.

Method 1 – Hair dryer

Unfortunately, such hair dryers are not yet produced for mass use, so our second method is suitable for most.

Method 2 – Water

An alternative to a special hair dryer for head lice is water heated to a temperature of +55 degrees. Wash your hair longer, then dry it with a regular hairdryer set to the maximum setting. This treatment will allow you to comb out nits and lice much faster.

To get rid of a large number of lice, you need to wash your hair with hot water, and then comb out the weakened lice with a special comb.

Method 3 – Hair straightener

Another interesting method of getting rid of lice is to straighten your hair with a hot iron. The hair is divided into small strands and processed from roots to ends. You need to move the device very slowly - this will kill both adult lice and larvae with nits.

Method 4 – Bath

Lice eggs or nits are more resistant to environmental influences. Even after the death of lice, they may not die, and after the return of comfortable conditions, they may even give birth to new offspring. However, there are modes that are dangerous for nits. They die in conditions below -20 and above +60 degrees.

The effect of temperature on the process of lice reproduction

Now you know at what temperatures lice and nits die. We wish you good luck in this difficult struggle!

These are recipes passed down from generation to generation, and chemicals that can completely cure head lice. What are lice really afraid of, and are there any effective way get rid of nits and adults from maximum efficiency?

  • – usually chooses a victim with long hair. It feeds on blood, piercing all layers of the epidermis and making its way to the blood vessel.
  • - develops vital activity in places with coarse vegetation - in intimate areas, eyebrows, armpits, beard and mustache. The transmission route is contact, in the truest sense of the word.

During intimacy, the insect clings to the partner's hairs. You can also become infected through bedding or towels.

Blue spots form at the bite sites - a consequence of the breakdown of hemoglobin. Wounds can be complicated by a purulent course.

How can you scare off bloodsuckers, and what doesn’t work on them? By the way, there are many myths that supposedly bloodsuckers can be removed with the help of spells and prayers. More on this below.

Plain water

There is a belief that water has a detrimental effect on lice.

There's no point in rinsing your hair cold water, the bloodsuckers will not die, but you risk getting hypothermia.

Are bloodsuckers afraid of strong odors?

Lice do not like strong odors.

What has an attractive aroma to humans repels bloodsuckers.

Important rule! In order to kill insects, you should wrap your head: with such actions you will block the access of oxygen to pests, their respiratory tract will be burned by a pungently smelling substance.

How to treat hair so that bloodsuckers suffocate:

  • Lice are afraid essential oils : mint smell, lavender oil and tea tree. Burdock oil will help after recovery, restoring the hair structure. Concentrates are widely used for preventive purposes: a few drops of a pharmaceutical product are added to the shampoo.

Your curls will be protected from infection for 7 days. Before applying, make sure there is no allergic reaction to the concentrated substance.

Perform a sensitivity test by placing a few drops on the elbow area. If there is no redness or itching, you can add oil to shampoos;

  • Lice cannot withstand substances such as Birch tar . They are dying from tar soap.

Wash your hair with a strong smell detergent and with fine teeth;

  • Decoction tansy, wormwood, rosemary herb, lemon juice, cranberry, hellebore water - have a suffocating effect on individuals and help peel off nits.

One of the products is applied to the curls and left for 30 minutes. After the procedure, the hair is rinsed and thoroughly combed. Be sure to check the head for nits. If you miss one egg, the lice will return within a week;

  • In order to protect yourself from infection, it is enough to wash your hair once a month. anti-pediculosis shampoo.

It is not necessary to maintain the exposure time indicated on the bottle. You are not treating the disease, but acting for preventive purposes.

What other smells repel lice?

  • Kerosene have been used for many decades.

The product is inexpensive but effective. At least, this is what many who have encountered the disease think. Kerosene acts as a toxic substance that has a suffocating effect on bloodsuckers.

In relation to children and folk remedy do not apply.

Fuel has one disadvantage - bad smell Doesn't take long to fade from hair. No cosmetic preparations will interrupt persistent odor fuel;

  • Vinegar- an acid that helps dissolve the sticky substance with which adults attach eggs to the rod.

Use a weak vinegar solution so as not to burn the scalp.

The substance itself does not kill lice. The product is suitable for preventing infection and improving the structure of the hair shaft.

The mixture is prepared by mixing a teaspoon of alcohol with 3 tablespoons of salt. Add 3% vinegar and apply as a compress. Apply to clean hair and do not rinse for 2 days;

  • Karbofos used in hospitals during treatment of patients.

The product kills both adults and nits. The head is treated and wrapped for 30 minutes, then rinsed with vinegar water and combed out with a fine comb. The downside is an unpleasant smell from the head for 10 days.

Temperature changes

There is an opinion: head human lice, as well as laundry, are most afraid of changes in ambient temperature. Is it so?

High temperature will not always help get rid of bloodsuckers. There are temperatures at which individuals will feel quite comfortable.

The normal temperature range for life activity and laying offspring is + 24 – 30 C. A decrease in indicators inhibits the development of individuals. They eat less often and do not lay eggs.

Zero temperature does not lead to the death of individuals, but to a state close to suspended animation. The insect falls asleep for several days.

You cannot get rid of pubic bloodsuckers by swimming in an ice hole. For insects, the water temperature from – 1 to + 4 is quite acceptable to survive for 10 – 15 minutes. And a person can’t stand it anymore in icy water.

As a result of exposure to low temperatures, nits also survive.

Dry hot air can slow down the development of nits and the vital activity of adults. It is impossible to get rid of pests using a hairdryer. To destroy bloodsuckers and nits, you need to use a hairdryer with a stream of hot air for at least an hour.

A bathhouse, similarly, will only get rid of lice from very stubborn comrades: after all, you can hold out in the steam room for high temperatures Not everyone is capable. Moreover, it is known: a hot bath is very harmful to hair.

Linen insects are destroyed by heat treatment of items at a temperature of +70 C. It is enough to wash the laundry and leave it to dry in the open air.

A haircut

One thing head lice cannot survive without is hair! That is why radical and quick method The fight against head lice in hospitals is shaving the head.

This method is unlikely to work with women. Prevention and prevention of infection - put your hair under a headdress, or braid it.

Hair dye

Women resort to the procedure in the fight against bloodsuckers. The method works, but under certain conditions:

  1. The paint must contain ammonia or hydrogen peroxide;
  2. After applying the paint, wrap the head for 30 - 40 minutes;
  3. The drug has not expired.

The method is effective against adults. The coloring pigment does not affect nits.

Lack of food

Both larvae and adult lice are afraid of hunger strikes. If an insect falls from the host's body, it will not survive more than 3 days. The larva lives without food for no more than a day.

What methods don't work

Bloodsuckers are not afraid:

  • Magic rituals, conspiracies and prayers. If a person firmly believes in the miraculous powers of the word, secure the result with an insecticidal preparation;
  • Styling products. Hairspray will help if it is applied directly to the individual. Fixing curls will not save you from the disease;
  • Talismans. No enchanted object hanging around the neck will protect against lice;
  • Holy water. This method also does not contribute to recovery. Need hot water, or better yet, boiling water to remove body louse. After washing, the linen lice die.

A hair clipper works against bloodsuckers. This is a conspiracy, a talisman and a repeller. The device saves from head insects, but is not always effective against pubic insects.


There are many myths about bloodsuckers among people. Let's consider which of them is true and which is fiction.

In most cases, following traditional methods ineffective and leads to severe infection. A person is forced to buy special drug, helping to get rid of bloodsuckers.

Every missed minute is a new nit in the head. If the result is the same, why waste precious time!
