Options for stair railings. Characteristics and differences of stair railings. Natural wood railings

  1. Definition
  2. Types of fencing
  3. Calculation of fences
  4. Height
  5. Width
  6. Distances

Stair railings ensure safety of movement along the stairs when ascending and descending. Railings and balusters complete the design of the march and emphasize the style. Railings and fences can be ordered ready-made or made yourself.


The railing is vertical structures installed along the edge flight of stairs. They ensure the safety of people when ascending and descending. The railing consists of several elements:

  • Handrail is the upper part on which a person’s hand rests when moving.
  • Balusters are vertical posts that support the handrail. The outermost stand is a cabinet. Handrails are attached to it at the bottom and top of the flight.
  • Horizontal slats (string) - fencing under the handrails - are located parallel to the movement of the march. Replace balusters.
  • Fastening system – elements for fixing the fence.

Basic functions of railings and balusters

Fences must be installed on flights of stairs longer than 4 steps. There may be no railings on the stairs on the wall side, but there must be railings on the free side.. The elements are securely fastened so that the structure can perform its main functions:

  • Support. Stair lifts have different angles of rise. People with different physical training overcome these obstacles. Stair railings should help people of different ages, weights and physical abilities to distribute the load on their legs when ascending and descending.
  • Safety. Properly designed ladders not only provide stability for the climber, but also prevent falls in the event of loss of balance.
  • Decor. Stair railings decorate the flight and emphasize the style. When choosing the design of wooden and metal handrails, it is important to combine them with the surrounding space.

Types of fencing

Stair railing can be made from different materials and have different shape, therefore, these structures are classified according to several criteria.

Fences can be:

  • metal;
  • wooden;
  • polymer;
  • glass;
  • concrete;
  • combined.

Metal railings and fence posts are made of aluminum or forged steel. The former are distinguished by impeccable shine and smoothness, the latter have decorative properties, since they are made according to individual sketches.

Wooden railings are most often found in private homes: they are warm to the touch, smooth, fit into any interior, and are affordable.

Polymer fences are made of hard plastics that are installed on special fasteners. Compared to other materials, polymer is the cheapest.

Glass fencing is installed in public buildings: in shopping and office centers. They are made from tempered glass.

Concrete barriers are suitable for entrance buildings and on main staircases. Elements are cast from concrete in a factory, sometimes right on the construction site.

Combined fencing combines several materials. The most common option is to install wooden railings on forged or aluminum balusters.

Handrails also differ in the installation method:

  • A separate profile (tube, shaped profile, rectangular) is a product that is attached to the fence structure with special parts.
  • Balusters and railings are a classic option for arranging stair railings. They are attached to each other and fixed on the flight of stairs.
  • Modular ones consist of ready-made blocks (baluster or fence + handrail + fasteners). They are assembled in accordance with the march plan on the spot.

By location, metal, plastic and wooden railings can be:

  • external, they are installed on the street. The main requirement for materials for manufacturing is resistance to weather conditions;
  • Internal fences in premises can be made of any materials.

Calculation of fences

To make reliable railings, they must be calculated correctly


The height of the wooden handrail is the main value that must be determined to ensure safety. According to regulatory construction documents, the height of the railings should be:

  • 0.9 meters for public buildings and residential buildings;
  • in areas where a fall from a height of more than 5 meters is possible, it is necessary to fasten fences with a height of 110 cm;
  • stair railings in a house or building with special requirements can be located at a height of 0.7 meters;
  • in children's institutions, handrails are installed at a height of 0.5 meters.

For institutions where there is a flow of children (schools, kindergartens), double fences of 0.9 and 0.5 meters are usually installed parallel to each other at a distance of up to 10 cm. This ensures comfortable movement for children and adults.

The height of the railings in a private house may not correspond to the norm; individual determination of this parameter is allowed. To calculate your ideal height, extend your arm forward as you descend a flight of stairs. Then measure the distance from your palm to the step. This is the ideal height for you.


The width of the railing should be such that you can grab the handrail. According to the standard, they are produced in widths from 30 to 70 mm; larger sizes are also used for main staircases.

How to determine the width of the handrails that is comfortable for you: in case of a possible fall, the handrail should be comfortable to grab onto without the risk of injury.


The reliability and strength of the structure largely depend on the distance between the balusters.

  • The number of balusters and their parameters are determined by the size and weight of the handrail. When using flexible or heavy railings, balusters should be installed on the stairs so that the profile does not sag or excessive loading of the supports occurs. If spans of more than 15 cm are formed, it is necessary to install a protective string parallel to the railings.
  • Balusters in classic version on wooden stairs installed at each stage, sometimes several at once.

  • For children's institutions, it is necessary to install supports on each step every 15-20 cm to prevent children from falling.

Manufacturing of wooden fences

For a dacha or private home, you can design and manufacture fencing yourself. This will allow you to get custom railings that match the home owner’s design. The cost of a homemade product is significantly lower than that of a purchased product.

Step-by-step plan for making a structure with your own hands.

Step 1. Drawing up a diagram

If the house already has finished staircase without fencing, design must be made based on its plan. If construction is just beginning and interesting idea the railing is already there, then the flight of stairs can be adjusted to these wishes.

A plan is created that takes into account:

  • height of the staircase railing;
  • type and pitch of balusters;
  • railing width

Step 2. Select wood for making components

For the production of balusters and handrail profiles, different tree species are used:

  • The most durable wood is beech, ash and oak. It has a pleasant structure and an expressive cut.
  • Wood is common and inexpensive coniferous species– spruce, pine, larch.

It is undesirable to use soft deciduous wood to create fences - the products shrink greatly and become deformed when drying, becoming covered with cracks.

The normal moisture content of wood that can be used for making railings and balusters is 12–18%.

Step 3. How to make balusters

The method is determined by their shape.

They can be:

  • flat;
  • voluminous.

For the manufacture of flat balusters You will need treated boards. Hand saws and with a carving tool a pattern is made on them. There are many examples, some ideas can be gleaned from the photographs presented.

To make a three-dimensional baluster you will need a lathe. On rotating equipment, the desired pattern is cut out using various chisels and knives. A milling machine will help you achieve a deeper, asymmetrical design that cannot be done on a lathe.

Step 4. Making handrails

To make a handrail, you will need a rectangular or round piece of different lengths:

  • corresponding to the span, if its length is small.
  • the span length can be divided into 2-3 parts for ease of manufacture and installation of the fence.

For a spiral staircase, the workpiece must be rounded by turning or the length divided into many elements in order to then connect them with glue. Only the end of the handrail can be rounded.

Processing of workpieces:

  • We grind square beams, round and smooth the corners. The width of the railing should be convenient for gripping with a brush, the average is 6 cm. A rectangular blank can be given a relief: cut grooves along the beam to make it easier to grip, decorate them small details, but everything should be smooth, without sharp corners and burrs.
  • To obtain a round handrail, we grind the blank square section with cut edges on a lathe. You can add a slight relief, but it should be smooth.

There is another way to make handrails - gluing boards, if not suitable material. To do this, take boards of the same length, glue them together and, after the glue has completely dried, process the resulting semi-finished product using the methods listed above.

Step 5. Attaching the balusters to the steps

Installation of balusters on a wooden staircase can be done in two ways:

  1. Self-tapping screws and bolts.
  2. Glue method.

We will not consider the second option due to its dubious effectiveness; masters use it in special cases. You will definitely need glue if the railing was made from separate fragments that need to be joined.

Before proceeding with installation, markings are made on the steps where the balusters will go. The master tells more about this process in the video:

To attach the balusters to the handrails, you will need screws or self-tapping screws 80 mm long, 10 mm in diameter and washers.

For fastening you need:

  1. Drill a hole for the screw in the step according to the markings.
  2. Prepare the same hole in the baluster.
  3. Place a washer on the screw and drive it from the bottom of the step.
  4. Attach and secure the stand.

The upper and lower end posts are attached in the same way with a screw, but welded to the embedded part on the landing.

When the installation of the balusters is completed, the guide is attached to them with clamps at the level of the handrail. Appropriate marks are made on the posts with a pencil along which the cut will be made.

To avoid damaging the secured wood, wooden pads should be installed under the clamps.

Cuts according to the marks can be made on a miter saw; other tools will not give an even cut at the desired angle.

This process can be clearly seen in the video:

After installing the balusters, we prepare the handrail. Using the previously installed guide, we measure the angle of contact between the handrail and the outer post, and cut it off on the prepared product. Then we make a groove under mounting strip. We take its width as the diameter of the ends of the balusters, and its height as 5–10 mm. We attach the plank to the balusters fixed with clamps and a beam using self-tapping screws, recessing the head into the material of the plank.

Using a jigsaw, we cut out a recess in the handrail for the bar. It will have a depth of 5–10 mm and a width equal to the width of the slats attached to the balusters. How to do this, look at the video:

All that remains is to fix the handrail on the rail. To do this, we launch the fastening elements from the bottom of the rail, attracting the prepared product with a little force. The stair railing is ready! We invite you to watch a short video summary.

Wood can rightly be called one of the main building materials, known to man since ancient times. Naturally, today, thanks to the development construction technologies Many synthetic substitutes have appeared, but natural wood has not yet lost its popularity.

Wood is often used as the basis for many structures, but we should not forget about the aesthetic component of a unique material with a unique natural texture. At the same time, the production of wooden stair railings is not only the best design solution, but also right choice in terms of reliability and safety of the movement of people between floors.

Railings are an important component of stairs

If we consider private construction, then wood can be used not only for making railings, but also load-bearing structure flights of stairs. In this case, it does not matter which staircase configuration is preferred - a fence is always needed. Today we can consider the following staircase structures:

  • flights of stairs;
  • straight stairs as in the photo;
  • curved systems;
  • rotating structures;
  • screw devices for moving between floors;
  • curved stairs;
  • combined designs.

Wooden handrails are not just a functional part of the device for moving between floors, they have an attractive external component and therefore will easily fit into any interior design. But main function stair railing still remains safety when climbing stairs.

Why tree?

Wooden railings for stairs, photos of which can be seen in the article, will become optimal choice for private houses. First of all, this is due to the fact that range of materials for stair railings is not as extensive as it might seem at first glance.

  • Reinforced concrete railings are very difficult to manufacture, and they can only be installed on a massive staircase made of the same material.
  • Metal constructions can only be installed by welding.
  • Stainless or aluminum analogs, although they can be fastened with screws and self-tapping screws, are not affordable for everyone.
  • The only correct solution for a stair railing is inexpensive and easy-to-work wood.

Naturally, the service life of wood is somewhat less than that of reinforced concrete, since wood is susceptible to rotting, but today there are many antiseptics and varnishes that allow you to effectively combat the problem. If properly treated, wooden railings will last for decades.

Basic requirements for wooden railings

Handrails are made of wood general form the flight of stairs is complete and allows a person to move comfortably between floors. But taking into account the characteristics of the material, it needs a good polish to prevent injury to a person’s palms. In this case, the smooth finished surface can be opened with varnish, which will further emphasize natural texture material, as can be seen in the presented photo.

In addition to the external component of the staircase structure, its functionality and convenience are important. Handrails should be placed on comfortable height so that people of average height can hold on to them. Standard wooden stair railings have a height of 90-100 cm. Some stairs may be equipped with additional handrails for children. Moreover, all railings have a standard simple design:

  • handrail - a product that a person holds on to when walking up the steps;
  • balusters - racks on which the handrail is fixed as in the photo.

Decorative stands should be positioned in such a way that a child cannot crawl through the space formed between them. In most cases, install one support post one step, but at a distance not exceeding 150 mm.

It is very important that the wooden railings in any area can withstand sufficiently high horizontal loads from 100 kg and more. In this case, as the simplest railings, as in the photo, bars are used, which are attached to the base of the stairs or walls using metal brackets. The number of balusters of a standard flight of stairs corresponds to the number of its steps.

The appearance of the staircase should not stand out too much from the general stylization in which the building is decorated. First of all, this is due to the fact that any staircase attracts the attention of all visitors to the house. Moreover, all staircase systems classified into the following types:

  • external staircase structure shown in the photo;
  • internal, service, landscape or architectural staircase;
  • entrance, interfloor or passage staircase system as in the photo;
  • stationary, portable or transformable structure;
  • single-flight or multi-flight flight of stairs;
  • straight or rotary system as in the photo.

Guests don't always notice the paintings on the walls, but when they climb up the original spiral staircase with wooden railings exposed and varnished, they will immediately appreciate such a decorative and at the same time functional object.

Installation work When installing railings, we begin with attaching the end bollards. They are mounted at the extreme points of a flight of stairs, as well as at turns, depending on design features interfloor system.

To preserve and at the same time emphasize the natural texture of the wood, it is opened with a stain that matches the interior tone and parquet varnish, which will protect the surface from external factors. That's all the work on self-installation wooden railings are considered complete.

How to paint wood correctly?

There is a misconception that any wooden surfaces processed and painted the same way. But this is not so - depending on the type of wood used to make the railing, the latter’s reaction to different paints and varnishes may be ambiguous. For example, it is better to open light pine species with light-colored varnishes. In turn, if you open the pine with stain, it will be unevenly absorbed into the material, completely destroying the natural structure of the wood.

First of all, this is due to the presence of a large amount of resin in pine, which accumulates unevenly in the material. Therefore, in areas with a high concentration of resin, the stain is absorbed deeper, giving the material a dark, rich shade as in the photo, which will be striking against the general background.

The wood should be coated with varnishes and impregnations that highlight the interesting design and do not hide it. Heavy, noble wood is usually painted in dark shades as in the photo. In turn, it is better to leave light wood in in kind, simply opening with clear varnish.

As seen, wooden fencing for stairs have high aesthetic value. But besides this, the final design is not only attractive in appearance, but also comfortable for movement between floors. Plus, properly treated wood will last for decades.

The second floor of the house requires a staircase. It’s not enough to decide where it will be located, what type of steps there will be, you also need to choose what type and type of railings for the stairs will be. This enclosing structure sets the appearance and style, which is very important for creating a harmonious interior.

Design, distances, dimensions

Railings are needed for more safe use, since they are an enclosing structure that prevents injuries. There are models of stairs that do not require any railings. They may look interesting, but using such stairs is scary. Typically, stair railings consist of several elements:

Such a simple design, and it has a great many options. And it is the railings for stairs that give them a special charm and uniqueness and set the style.


The main structural elements of stair railings - racks - are made of wood different breeds and metal. Handrails can be made of metal, wood and plastic. In the case of filling, materials such as glass, plastic, ropes, textiles and many others are added. But even more often, railings for stairs are made combined - combining two or three materials in one product.

Wooden stair railings

Wood has been used for making stair railings for a very long time. The good thing about it is that you can make elements in any style. It is possible with a variety of carvings and patterns - to suit interiors in classic style. Can be simple geometric shapes- for interiors of a more strict style. There is also the possibility of decorating/painting/varnishing it in different ways.

Wooden railings for stairs can be not only of traditional design....

What’s also good is that you can make wooden railings for stairs yourself. If you have little experience in carpentry, you can find simple decor. Wood itself - due to its color and texture - is quite aesthetic, so even simple products look great.

IN in this case“simple” does not mean “bad”. The main thing is that the design of the railing fits into the concept of decorating the premises. In laconic styles - minimalism, modernism, loft - a simple design fits better. Curly balusters and decorations of support pillars are traditional forms of decorating stair railings

If we talk about what type of wood is best to make railings for stairs from, then harder varieties with a pronounced structure are preferable: beech, oak, cherry. Conifers - cedar, larch. Stair railings are made from both pine and spruce, but pine products are too soft, you have to be careful, and spruce is difficult to process. The rest of the breeds listed above are, in principle, also not a dream to process, but they are very beautiful, so they usually turn a blind eye to the difficulties.

Metal railings for stairs

Metal railings are perhaps even more diverse. There are three ways to make metal railings for stairs: welding, forging, assembly from pipes and fittings.

Metal railings from pipes and fittings and forged... difference in style and... price

Moreover, “forging” is not necessarily a hot process. There are ones that make it possible to make a wide variety of twisted and bent elements. Plus, there are possible “hot” processes. This in itself gives considerable scope for imagination. You can also use different metals and rolled products:

  • Round or square rod.
  • Round or profile (square or rectangular) pipe.

In this case, the metal can be: ordinary black or structural steel with subsequent painting with a variety of paints, stainless, nickel-plated, chrome-plated pipes of various sections. There are even options with bronze or copper elements.

Floral motifs - not only flowers and leaves Geometry, which is emphasized by color... Metal railings for stairs can be different styles Complex, simple, geometric...

Since metal is more ductile, they don’t make anything from it. Floral patterns, geometric, fantasy, those that are even difficult to define.


In the usual sense, glass is a fragile thing, but for staircase railings, special glass is used - tempered or laminated. Laminated glass - duplex or triplex. This is a sheet of glass glued with a transparent polymer film. The technology is such that the transparency of the glass does not suffer at all, and the strength increases significantly. Similar material is used for cars. Even if it breaks under a strong impact, it will not fly apart, and the fragments will hang on the film.

There are two types of glass stair railings: base frame (glass only) and when glass is only infill

Tempered glass is made using a different technology. It is heated to high temperature, then, blowing air from both sides, quickly bring it to normal temperature. After this treatment, it becomes many times stronger, withstands shock loads well, and when broken, crumbles into fragments with smooth, non-sharp edges.

In general, both types of glass are safe. In addition, they look good, since such structures do not look massive and heavy. Glass can be transparent, tinted, colored. If desired, you can make a drawing similar to a stained glass window. Since the filling is continuous, this type of fencing can be considered absolutely safe. Remaining technological gaps a few centimeters are harmless even for small pets.

And the stairs don’t seem so heavy and cumbersome... There may also be a pattern on the glass... Almost a classic...

There are glass railings that have wood or metal support pillars, there are also handrails. These models can rather be called combined. For the most part, glass is placed between the pillars, and a handrail is made from the same material on top. Such railings are practically weightless and do not block the view. They can be used both indoors and outdoors. They are especially good for balconies, loggias or terraces, as they do not interfere with the view.

There are also “pure glass” railings for stairs, which contain nothing but glass. Interesting option For non-standard interiors. For these structures, duplex or triplex with a thickness of 10 mm or more is used, which increases their cost compared to “frame” options, where cheaper tempered glass can be installed.

Plastic in handrails for stairs

In stair railings, plastic can be used in the form of handrails. Round, oval, rectangular handrails made of plastic - budget and practical option. Budget - because such railings are inexpensive, practical - because the smooth plastic is easy to wipe, and it does not wear out and does not require replacement paint coating. The only thing that can damage it is a significant impact load. But it is critical for all types of pearls.

Metal stairs with plastic railings are one of the most practical and durable options

Balusters can also be made of plastic. In this case, a metal core is inserted into plastic (usually PVC). It will bear the load, and the plastic is just a decorative element. Stairs with plastic elements are cheaper, but no less durable. After all, PVC, which is usually used to make stair railings, does not rot or lose its properties over the years. The material is unnatural, but practical.

Combined railings for stairs: beautiful options

A lot of unusual and decorative stair railings are obtained by combining two or even three materials. The combination of wood and metal, wood and glass, metal and glass, all three of these materials give an unimaginable number of options and variations.

Welding frames and inserting transparent glass into them is simple and effective. It looks no worse with patterned glass... Wood, forging and glass - everything is harmonious and emphasizes the advantages of the “neighbors”

Area of ​​use

Depending on the location of the stairs, there are internal and external ones. Both are equipped with railings. Typically, railings for interior staircases have a more refined filling than for exterior ones, but this is not always the case. There are very beautiful forged or wooden railings for the stairs to the second floor.

Selecting a design type

If the house has a balcony or terrace, it is logical that their fencing will exactly repeat the design of the railing for the external staircase. The exception is usually the stairs to the attic. They try to make them less noticeable; in this case, they most often use a simple ladder that can be removed or laid along the base.

If there is a need to make a stationary lift, you can beat it, make it screw or with rotating platforms, and decorate it with beautiful railings. The second option is to make a simple vertical staircase by welding small handrails on the sides. How well this option will fit into the design of the house is an architectural question, but it is definitely cheaper.

Plastic and glass for street railings

If we talk about materials for railings of external stairs, then you can use any: wood, metal, glass, and plastic. When choosing a plastic handrail or filling, it is necessary to clarify whether it can withstand the use of sub-zero temperatures and exposure to ultraviolet radiation. If yes, you can bet without hesitation.

With glass it’s even easier - it doesn’t react to temperature or ultraviolet radiation. The only thing that can stop him is his fragility. But, if you use tempered or laminated glass, this fragility is apparent. But glass railings on the porch, balcony, and terrace do not interfere with the view at all.

Features of metal on the street

With metal, not everything is clear, but everything is clear. If you choose handrails for stairs made of stainless, galvanized or nickel-plated pipes, you must first inquire whether they are intended for use on outdoors. Yes, there is such a “stainless steel” that is only for internal use.

If the stair railing is made of ferrous metal, it will have to be painted. Moreover, you need to use paint for exterior work. Each element must be thoroughly cleaned to bare metal, removed from rust or scale, primed and only then painted. This will guarantee that the street railings for the stairs will look normal for several years. The bad news is that sooner or later the paint will wear out and you will have to strip it, prime it again and paint it. But this is inevitable and not news to anyone.

Processing of wooden railings for external use

With wood everything is both simpler and more complicated. As you know, it feels good on the street, but just like ferrous metal, it requires careful processing. Before installation/mounting elements wooden railings for stairs impregnated protective compounds for external use. Please note that some of them paint the wood in an uncharacteristic color (red, greenish, grayish). If you plan to paint the railings with covering paint, this is not so important. But if you are only going to change the tone, make it darker or lighter, such “highlighting” is very disturbing, especially for light tones.

After the protective coating has dried, paint/varnish/wood oil can be applied. There are few issues with paints and varnishes: they must be suitable for outdoor use. Choose the tone and degree of gloss according to your own taste.

It’s worth saying a few words separately about wood oil (it may be written “for terraces” or something similar). It does not create a protective film on the surface, but penetrates between the fibers, creating a protective barrier several millimeters thick. This view is good protective coating because when updating, there is no need to delete the old one. Simply apply a new layer on top of clean, dried wood. That's it, no removal of old varnish or paint. Sanding - only if necessary, if some places have been worn out or damaged during use. The disadvantage of wood oil is that it is expensive. But it's worth it.

Railings are elements of the fencing structure on the stairs. Handrails ensure safe movement when going up or down the stairs. Railings come in a variety of shapes and materials. Some designs are simple in appearance, safe and convenient. Some can become the real thing designer decoration, especially if the stairs are located indoors.

You can make a railing for the stairs from various materials: metal, wood, concrete, plastic. The easiest way to make barrier structures with your own hands is from metal and wood. In the article you can find detailed information about how to choose the right material, process it and make beautiful and reliable railings for the stairs.

    The height of the fencing structure must be at least 90 cm.

    Handrails should be smooth and not too wide.

    On narrow stairs, one side adjacent to the wall, one span of fencing is installed. If the flight of stairs is wide, it is recommended to install two fencing structures.

    If a steep or high staircase is installed in a house where there are small children, it is preferable to install an additional low fence that will be comfortable for the child to hold on to.

    The distance between the balusters should be such that a child cannot crawl through the opening. Optimally -15-20 cm.

    Handrails. This top bar, located above the railing structure. It is the handrails that people hold on to when going down. Handrails should be smooth, monolithic, so that they are comfortable to hold on to.

    Balusters. These are racks that are attached to steps or a bowstring (a load-bearing element at an angle located at the edge of the stairs). Balusters are attached to the structure at a certain length.

    Cabinet. This is a powerful end post located at the end of the stairs. Handrails are attached to the cabinet.

Material selection

Aluminum. It is quite difficult to make a structure from this metal with your own hands. Most often, various fasteners and fencing elements are sold ready-made. Assembling a railing with your own hands from a set of parts is quite simple; the main thing is to choose a design and calculate the number of parts required. The material itself does not have high performance properties; it bends when impacted, gets scratched, becomes dull, and becomes covered with corrosion spots.

Chrome fencing They are also sold ready-made, the main thing is to correctly calculate and purchase all the necessary elements. The disadvantage of chrome parts is the rapid abrasion of the coating, especially if the stairs are located in crowded places.

Forged fences. Hot forging is primarily a factory job; it is very difficult to make fencing elements from hot forging at home. Cold forging- a more doable job; if you have special tools, you can make the railings yourself. Pros - versatility in fencing design, cons - fairly high cost of material, special tools, complexity of the technical process.

Stainless steel. The metal has a shine that does not fade. Stainless steel stair railings are strong and reliable, but to build them yourself requires the skills of a welder and a metal carver.

Video - Installation of stainless steel fencing

Set of tools and materials

    Welding machine, pack of electrodes, access to electricity, protective suit and mask.

    Angle grinder with wheels for cutting and polishing metal.

  1. Place for welding work.

    Metal profile and rolled metal. It is desirable that the profile has a small cross-section, so it is easier to cut.

Work order

First of all, the height of the railing and the distance between the balusters are determined. On the topmost step, as well as on the bottom, pedestals are installed - elements that fix the entire structure of the fence. The cabinets should be thicker in diameter than the balusters.

The height of the fence is calculated. The standard is 95 cm. But the railing frame should be raised above the steps by 10 cm. It is also worth considering 5 cm for the handrail. In total, 15 cm is subtracted from 95 cm and the result is 80 cm. This is the size to which the metal profile is cut for cabinets and balusters.

If the length of the frame is 3 meters, then the transverse upper and lower profile, to which the balusters between the pedestals are attached, should also be cut into 3 meter elements.

Frame welding. A frame is laid out from the cut profile and lightly tacked by welding. There is no need to immediately tightly weld the elements; in case of defects or misalignment, you will have to do extra work. The welded frame is reinforced: balusters are welded after 10 cm. It is worth considering that the outer pedestals must be at least twice as thick as the internal metal vertical lintels.

If the design fully complies with the standard and has no distortions, you can begin the final welding of all elements. It is recommended to weld the seams on both sides to make the fence as strong as possible.

After the frame is ready, pillars with round or square plates 10 cm high need to be welded to the lower profile. Holes are drilled in the plates for fastening to the steps.

Improvement of the appearance of the structure

For this purpose, you need an angle grinder with a grinding wheel. It is necessary to carefully polish all welding residues: drops, build-ups.

Experts recommend giving homemade product handsome and unusual look using purchased forged elements. Specialized stores offer a variety of forged accessories that can be welded to the frame sheathing: climbing vines with leaves, flowers, ornaments.

You also need to consider the type of handrails. Most often they are made of wood. Wooden blanks rounded on three sides and thoroughly polished.

The first layer is a primer that will protect against corrosion. Then you need metal paint. Color depends on individual preference, but black is most often used. Designers recommend adding chic to your homemade fencing. For this purpose, patina is used - a material that gives the metal an old and noble appearance. DIY metal railings are ready.

Choosing wood for construction

Pine. This material is quite affordable and is very often used in construction. Pine is soft, its wood has an uneven structure, due to which, when painting, the covering material is absorbed with different intensity. It is easy to process and can withstand changes in temperature and humidity.

Birch. Dense and durable material, practically free of knots. Well processed and polished. But wood has a number of disadvantages: it is susceptible to rotting and cracks when temperature and humidity change.

Beech. In terms of physical characteristics, this wood is in no way inferior to oak. But it is not recommended to overdry the beech. At low humidity, a layer of wood breaks along the fibers, which leads to damage to the elements.

As in metal, in wooden structures There are handrails, balusters and cabinets. But, in wood products, balusters are not only a supporting element, but also a decoration of the structure. Most often, they are made from laminated veneer lumber and are machined into columns of various shapes.

Milling of balusters involves cutting screw patterns on the surface of the elements.

When turning on elements you can see several combined geometric shapes: balls, squares, rectangles, etc.

Video - DIY stair railings. Installation of figured balusters and installation of handrails

Hand-cutting balusters is a real work of art. Patterns, ornaments and much more are cut out on the surface of the parts. Some wood carvers create these elements in the form of animal figures.

Flat balusters are boards on which patterns are cut. This is the easiest way to decorate a staircase with your own hands.

As described above, the standard and safe height of the structure must be at least 95 cm. The width of the handrail is 5 cm, the distance between the steps and the fence is 10 cm. As a result, the height of the balusters is 80 cm. For these elements, wooden planks are needed, 10 cm wide. 15 cm, thickness 30-35 mm.

To create carved and beautiful fencing, the planks need to be shaped. Specialists who have mastered a lathe can cut carvings on the ends of the board using equipment. If the machine is not available, then a hand-held power tool, for example, a jigsaw, is used.

To do this, you need to draw a template on paper or cardboard that has real dimensions. Then, using a pencil, trace the template on each board and cut out the shape according to the marks. After all the balusters have been purchased the required form, you need to carefully process the ends, clean them with fine-grained sandpaper and polish them to a shine.

Flat balusters, unlike wooden figured posts, are not recommended to be attached to steps. The fence will be unreliable and shaky. The elements must be mounted on a transverse beam, which is located 10 cm above the bowstring. It turns out that the handrail, the lower beam and the upper and lower pedestals form a frame into which flat balusters need to be inserted.

The crossbars need to be fastened every 15 cm, but no more. You can use two types of connections - in grooves and on metal studs. If the balusters will be inserted into the grooves, then grooves must be machined 2 cm deep on the lower part of the handrail and on the upper end of the cross beam. The length of the recess should be equal to the width of the baluster.

Don't forget about the slope of the stairs. It is worth knowing that the lower ends of the balusters should be smooth, but the upper ends should be cut to the angle of inclination of the stairs. It is on the cut ends that the handrail will be attached.

Balusters are attached to metal studs if it is not possible to mount a cross beam. In this case, there will be no gap of 10 cm between cross beam and steps. The height of the balusters in this case should be 90 cm. The baluster is attached to the step with one pin; during the work it is important to attach the element evenly, without distortions. For these purposes, you can use an angle.

After all the protective elements are attached to the steps, you can install the handrail. It uses timber, which is rounded on three sides and carefully polished.

The last stage of creating wooden railings for the stairs is finishing. For this you can use acrylic paints, varnish, stain.

A beautiful DIY staircase is ready.

Stainless steel railings for stairs are an integral part of any building. Our company produces them.

When ordering elements, it is important to understand that stairs and are completely different concepts. Both types must comply with all safety standards and be made of high-quality materials.

OL No. 1 from 5500 rub.


Stair railings consist of several parts that are closely connected to each other. This includes railings, that is, handrails. Load-bearing elements occupy the main part. Filling is also an integral component. You can order any type of product.

OL No. 2 from 25,000 rub.

Let's look at each part separately.

⦁ are structures that you can hold on to while going up or down the stairs. They create special convenience while moving.

OL No. 3 from 12000 rub.

⦁ Load-bearing components serve as posts or balusters. They are necessary to create the foundation and strengthen all parts, for example, handrails and steps. Glass parts can be used as them, which will be called load-bearing. But it is important to keep in mind that posts and balusters sometimes have other meanings. The first of them is truly an irreplaceable part and serves as a support, but the second can be used as a decorative component.

OL No. 4 from 5500 rub.

⦁ The filling can be completely different, whatever the customer wants. Typically, crossbars, glass and modular options are used. Everyone can choose what they need.

OL No. 5 from 7600 rub.

Technical specifications

Any railings must be safe, reliable and durable. In Moscow we offer products High Quality. Stair railings are manufactured in accordance with all standards state standard. The height of stair railings, thickness and other measurements must be correct.

OL No. 6 from 7800 rub.

Depending on the type of installation, the requirements for them also change.

⦁ Where there are stairs, there are always fences. Of course, this applies to adjacent and residential areas. Corners, protrusions and edges must also be made according to all the rules so that no obstacles are created during movement.

OL No. 7 from 13000 rub.

⦁ Such elements in residential premises are made inexpensively from durable materials in order to withstand the required load.

OL No. 8 from 9900 rub.

⦁ The width is sufficient to avoid negative consequences, for example, during a fire.

OL No. 9 from 30,000 rub.

⦁ Corrosion protection is also a prerequisite.

Depending on the above norms and rules, there are two types of buildings. The first of them are the upper direct types, which are mounted using drilling into the tiles on the steps. The second type is lateral. They are placed on racks and then secured to plates.

OL No. 10 from 12000 rub.

The division of fences into high and low types indicates their further location. Inexpensive installation occurs at altitudes from 1000 meters to 1500 meters.


The company manufactures stair railings. Welded, prefabricated and forged options will suit any customer. The main component is stainless steel, which can withstand any load and environmental influences.

OL No. 11 from 8000 rub.

The choice of metal depends on the design of the staircase. To achieve maximum uniqueness, you can mix several types at once, for example, metal, wood and glass.

Handrails can be different shapes: round, rectangular, square and others. They make railings for stairs, from metal, even from glass.

OL No. 12 from 8500 rub.

To achieve a decorative look, choose high quality stainless steel. You can use wood inserts to achieve maximum uniqueness.

If your budget is limited, you can choose more available options. For example, products made from painted ferrous metal will last for many years. They will also look beautiful with any interior.

OL No. 13 price on request.

The filler is often stainless steel crossbars. It is important to take into account that the glass can slide out of the structure. To prevent this from happening, plate holders are used that connect the elements to each other.

In some buildings, only glass is used. This design looks very dignified, beautiful and incredibly unique. Durable. Aluminum profiles hold back the entire structure. They deserve special praise, but they also cost more than metal or wood railings.

Another material for filling is stainless steel, or rather racks made of it. But this option is not suitable for all buildings. Products are made only to order according to personal measurements and requirements. Various companies are engaged in production.

Price policy

OL No. 14 from 14000 rub.

Making fencing is a very responsible and labor-intensive task that requires the necessary skills and special equipment. That is why it is better to entrust such a task to real masters of their craft. There is no impossible work, we always try to do something unusual, and the prices please our customers.

The company has special workshops that produce metal and wood products. Direct deliveries allow you to avoid additional costs and defects. You can order the services of masters by phone or on the organization’s website. Individual measurements and design are provided to each buyer.

OL No. 15 from 7000 rub.

You can order products of different price categories. There are simpler, cheaper ones that are suitable for different areas. And there are exquisite and expensive products that are made entirely in accordance with the requirements and wishes of the customer, even the smallest details are taken into account. You can use gold, brass, titanium and other expensive types that will give a luxurious and rich appearance.

The cost of all services is agreed in advance between the customer and the company in order to avoid controversial issues in the future.

If the client does not have time to select unique projects and think through the details, craftsmen and specialists from organizations will do this. You can get consultations during which the design and design of stair railings will be selected. Excellent workmanship, reliability and style are guaranteed to everyone. Designers will offer best solutions for your home.
