DIY street canopy over the front door. Reliable canopy over the porch: choosing the design, structure and design of a beautiful and durable canopy (140 photos). Photo examples of a roof over the porch of a private wooden house

The unique design of the entrance to the house makes a more encouraging impression about the house itself. Without such a canopy, the entrance to the house seems completely empty and incomplete, as if something is missing. In addition to the aesthetic aspect of this structure, the canopy also has considerable practical applications.

It will protect from rain when entering the house or in cases where you have to stand at the front door waiting for something. The same situation applies to clear sunny weather; a canopy will help provide shelter from the scorching sun.

The visor also ensures the safety of people, because there are situations when two-story house or in a multi-story building, an object fell from a window or roof.

Without a canopy, people standing under the door may be seriously injured. It follows from this that the visor is above front door ensures the safety of human life.

In general, such structures are very useful. If you are going to install one, then you need to decide which one you need; on the Internet you can find many photos of canopies over the porch.

Types of visors

Canopies can be made in a wide variety of variations, but with all this it is necessary to take into account the style of the building itself and work out everything to the smallest detail in order to match the exterior. Almost every visor is unique, especially if it is made to order, but their shapes can be divided into several groups.

One of the types of canopy is “dome”, as the name itself implies, such a canopy is made in the shape of a dome. The main difference among all others is the savings on materials and compactness.

This canopy covers the same area as others, but requires less materials and resources. One of the most popular materials is a polycarbonate visor.

An “arched” canopy is a very economical solution, because this design requires a very small amount of materials. Such canopies are distinguished by natural drainage and, in addition, perfectly withstand the weight of melted snow.

Flat visor - the name speaks for itself. The main difference is the ease of execution. To do this, you need to fasten together several wooden boards and decorate with some decorative elements.

Materials for manufacturing

There are no restrictions on materials here, the main thing is to take into account the practical part, so that it is strong and can withstand a certain weight. However, there are many popular materials from which these same canopies are made.

One of the most popular metal structures are forged visors. Of course, such canopies will cost a lot of money, since such a pleasure is often made to order from experienced craftsmen.

Forged canopies give solidity not only to the entrance, but also to the house itself. To prevent it from seeming too dry, you can optionally add some decorative elements in the form of forged lanterns or tied baskets with flowers.

The only problem is installing such a structure yourself; if you fasten the visor incorrectly, it can simply collapse and it is better to entrust this matter to professionals. So, the best advice would be to purchase or order a ready-made canopy with installation over the porch.

Metal canopies

Without a doubt, a metal canopy can be considered a budget option for a protective canopy. After all, this stainless steel structure requires minimum costs to create and install, it also does not weigh as much as a forged one and you can install it yourself.

Another advantage is strength and durability; stainless steel has qualities such as resistance to temperature changes and is less susceptible to corrosion.

Canopies made of metal tiles

A canopy made of metal tiles immediately has a decorative design, but such material is not very popular among designers; according to them, such material is not suitable for use due to its bulkiness. However, many people use metal tiles, since their practical properties take precedence over design.

A frequent case is the replacement of metal tiles with bitumen ones. Bituminous shingles are much lighter and also perfectly block the entry of extraneous sounds from outside.

Photo of the canopy over the porch

A canopy in a private home is the owner’s calling card and its choice should be taken seriously. This part of the structure perfectly protects from precipitation, but this is not its only function. A canopy is a decorative element that should be combined with the overall design of the house. Therefore, you should familiarize yourself in detail with the materials from which it is made and with the installation features.


The canopy is used above the entrance doors as a protective device from rain, snow, icicles or dust. It is produced in different shapes and sizes: straight, beveled, semicircular, small, large. Small canopies can protect the owner from the rain when the doors are locked.

But there are also more functional ones - large visors. Such designs allow you to place a lounge chair near the door, where you can hide from the wind and dust. Large canopies can be rounded and cover not only from above, but also from the sides. The last option is relevant to use on large terraces.

Various roof shapes over the porch

In order to decide which type of canopy to choose for your home, you need to become more familiar with their types. The most common visors:

  • Single-pitch.
  • Gable.
  • Direct.
  • Dome.
  • Semi-arched.
  • Concave.

Single-pitch And gable often used in houses that have the same type of roof. Single-pitch roofs have water drainage on one side. The strength of this design is slightly less than that of gable ones. But the lean-to type is easy to install.

Direct can be used to grow flowers on them. This allows you to green the exterior of the building and give it an unusual look.

To save materials, roofs are made over the porch dome forms. This shape is relevant for windy places, because it is more streamlined than canopies with corners.

Another economical roof option is semi-arched. Such a visor can withstand heavy loads during heavy snowfall.

One of the unusual forms is concave. This type transforms the exterior of the building. Special shape the roof does not allow snow to linger on it.

Visors can be made open or closed. The first option is a canopy over the door, and the second includes blank walls on the sides that protect from the wind.

According to the installation method, there are hinged, supporting and free-standing canopies. Mounted are used in cases where lightweight materials are used as roofing material for the canopy: polycarbonate, glass, corrugated sheets. This type is suitable in cases where there is limited space for installing a more bulky structure, because they are attached only to the wall.

Support visors more stable and able to withstand greater loads. Durable materials such as aluminum are used for supports.

Freestanding visors perform several functions at once: a canopy over the front door, an additional room. This design is an extension of the house and is often located under the balcony. But this type of canopy is made at the construction stage.

When choosing the type of canopy, you must be guided by the overall design of the building: the shape of the roof of the house, extensions, type of fencing. The visor must fit harmoniously into general form building.

Canopies are made from different materials: wood, polycarbonate, corrugated sheets, plastic. To select the required material, you should familiarize yourself with each of them in detail.

Wooden canopy

To produce a wooden canopy, wooden beams with moisture-proof impregnation are used. If you use untreated wood, then over time it will deteriorate and the visor will collapse.

Wooden beams are used to make the frame. Corrugated sheets are used as roofing material. A wooden canopy is ideal for a building that is fully or partially clad in wood. This type of visor is easy to install and is inexpensive compared to other types.


One of the unusual design solutions are forged visors. This is quite a difficult job and requires a lot of labor. This option will be expensive for the owner, but it pays off with a beautiful appearance.

A fully forged visor will be expensive.

But if you use a couple of forged elements on the sides of the structure, you can also get unusual option. Forged elements are in perfect harmony with any roofing materials. It is most harmonious to use forging with polycarbonate or metal.


Often, a material such as polycarbonate is ideal when you need to lighten the visor. This transparent material is distinguished by its ability to evenly distribute sunlight, due to which a normal level of illumination is ensured.

In addition, the material is durable, because bacteria do not form on it. It is not subject to corrosion. A variety of shades of polycarbonate allows you to choose required material, which fits perfectly into the overall appearance of the building.

A polycarbonate visor is the most common due to its flexibility and ability to take any shape.

If you make a semi-arched canopy from polycarbonate, you can reduce the materials needed to make the structure. Therefore, you should understand in more detail the construction of an open, hinged polycarbonate canopy.

Required tools and materials

To build the canopy you will need the following materials:

  • Polycarbonate.
  • Steel pipes for the frame.
  • Primer.
  • Sandpaper.
  • Self-tapping screws.
  • Anchor bolts.
  • Sealing tape.
  • U-shaped profile.

Tools for assembling the structure will require:

  • Pencil.
  • Bulgarian.
  • Roulette.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Building level.
  • Welding machine.

After preparing everything you need, you can begin installing the canopy.

How to make a canopy over a door with your own hands. Step-by-step instruction

Installation of the visor consists of the following steps:

  • Design.
  • Perform markings.
  • Assembling the frame and attaching it to the wall of the building.
  • Installation of polycarbonate sheets.

Design consists in drawing the frame of the porch and indicating the location of the visor on the wall. This will help avoid mistakes during installation. The dimensions of the visor are calculated. The length of the canopy is the distance from the building wall, which should be about 800 mm. If necessary, the indicator can be increased. Width – the distance of the door width with a margin of 500 mm.

The visor should be made optimal sizes(800 mm long, 1500 mm wide if the door width is 1000 mm). When constructing a canopy of a smaller size, it will not be possible to hide under it from rain and wind.

After determining the dimensions of the canopy, you can begin installing the frame. The structure is mounted on the wall ready-made, so it should be assembled separately.

The frame consists of vertical elements, which are screwed to the wall of the house on both sides of the front door. Horizontal ones are welded to the vertical ones. The size of which is equal to the width of the frame. Arc-shaped parts are welded to the horizontal elements, which are located parallel to the wall of the house. Then it is necessary to weld straight elements to the arcs - stiffeners, which will be located perpendicular to the wall.

After welding, it is necessary to check the structure for reliability. If some elements are poorly secured and are loose, then they need to be secured again by welding.

Welding areas should be sanded, which will make them less noticeable.

Then holes are drilled on the frame through which it is attached to the wall of the house at the top and bottom. To increase reliability, fastenings are made in several places. For this purpose, anchor bolts are used, which provide reliable fastening. To fasten polycarbonate sheets to the frame, a U-shaped profile is used, which is installed at its ends.

The finished frame should be coated with a layer of primer, which will protect it from corrosion in the future. After this, the installation of polycarbonate begins.

Polycarbonate sheets should be prepared: cut required size and apply sealing tape to the ends.

First, the first sheet is installed and secured at least 40 mm from the edge. If you deviate from this recommendation, the sheet may collapse. The second and subsequent sheets cannot be fastened end-to-end, otherwise it may expand due to temperature changes.

The final stage is sealing the seam at the junction of the frame and the wall. After this, the protective film is removed from the polycarbonate.

In order to increase the durability of the structure, you should follow the advice of professionals:

  • Perform load calculations that will allow you to take into account not only the canopy’s own weight, but also the layer of snow.
  • Perform anti-corrosion protection.
  • Use high-quality fasteners that will allow you to securely fasten the structure.
  • Correctly calculate the size of the visor, because insufficient dimensions provide poor protection from rain and wind.

One of the options for installing an unusual colored visor with a forged base is presented in this video

You can easily make a canopy for your home with your own hands. Big choice various designs allows you to create an unusual canopy that will become beautiful decoration building. Among the visors various types, sizes and shades, you can create a unique design that will delight its owner for decades.

The presence of a canopy or canopy over the entrance door to a room allows you to solve two problems at once - reduce the flow of water into the cracks of the doorway and protect the owners from bad weather. Even a small canopy over the entrance can dramatically add positive emotions to the owners and protect the entrance to the house from rain and snow. It is clear when the entrance to brick building traditionally built in the form of a heavy canopy over the porch made of metal and plastic; this, first of all, is required by the design of the facade of the house. For a cottage or bathhouse, it is quite possible to build a canopy over the entrance from wood with your own hands. Moreover, making such a structure is no more difficult than a bench or table. The main thing is that it looks nice and provides reliable protection from the rain.

Gable or single slope, what to choose

If desired, you can choose at least a dozen different design options for a wooden mini-canopy or canopy, and each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. For wooden buildings Mostly gable and arched structures are chosen.

The gable canopy above the entrance, photo, looks quite impressive, in addition, such structures better withstand wind and snow loads.

But, before you start making a gable wooden canopy over the entrance with your own hands, you need to take into account several additional factors:

  • Construction of such wooden canopy usually requires carpentry and woodworking skills;
  • Making even the simplest gable canopy will take at least two days of work;
  • For construction gable design will require twice as much lumber, fasteners and roofing.

For your information! The weight of the finished gable canopy is at least 25 kg, so door block and the walls will create additional load.

If a house or bathhouse is built according to panel technology or from OSB boards, the slab at the entrance to the room will need to be additionally reinforced with timber to avoid deformation of the door frame. For lumber and brick buildings wooden canopy above the entrance can be mounted directly on the wall.

The single-pitch design has its advantages:

  • A simple lean-to wooden canopy over the entrance can be built in one working day;
  • The consumption of materials and fasteners is three times lower than that of a gable structure;
  • The simplified design of the canopy allows even a novice carpenter to create protection over the entrance to the house.

Typically, single-slope structures are inferior in design and appearance to double-slope ones, but if you show a little ingenuity and creativity, the canopy can be made no less attractive and easy to use. In addition, the light weight of a wooden canopy makes it possible to secure it above the entrance to the house with literally four to six screws.

We build a single-pitch canopy with our own hands

One of the most popular options for a wooden canopy is shown in the figure.

The slope plane is formed by a system of short rafters and sheathing laid on two transverse beams. The frame is based on two triangular-shaped side posts. To compensate for the vertical load and firmly hold the canopy over the entrance to the house, the cantilever beams holding the slope are reinforced with arched wooden struts.

This wooden canopy goes perfectly with gable slope roofs, as if being a continuation of it. According to the reviews of the craftsmen, the given design of the visor has proven itself well in practice, but manufacturing will require a certain skill and experience in working with wood. Therefore, if you need to build a defense over the entrance in a couple of hours, the best option There will be a simple canopy made of metal and wood below.

Construction of the simplest wooden canopy

Most simple canopies and protective structures made of wood, built with your own hands, suffer from the same drawback - lack of expression in appearance. The problem can be solved if you make a wooden canopy over the entrance with your own hands additional elements imitating wood carving.

To build a canopy you will need:

  • Moisture-resistant plywood 15 mm thick and dimensions 150x100 cm;
  • Wooden lining or board, dimensions 120x10x2 cm, 10 pcs.;
  • Sheet of galvanized iron, thickness 0.8 mm and dimensions 120x100 cm.

The canopy structure consists of three transverse beams laid on vertical plywood posts. To get the maximum decorative effect, first you need to come up with an original sketch of a pattern that imitates wood carving, photo.

After the final design of the pattern, the outline of the pattern is cut out with a jigsaw. Cutting plywood is much worse than ordinary tree, timber or board. To prevent the teeth of the blade from lifting upper layer, you can stick film or tape on the cutting line. The cut out stand is carefully sanded with wood sandpaper.

To avoid errors in the size of the stand or the shape of the decor, it is best to make the second stand by direct copying. To do this, just fix the first copy of the rack on a sheet of plywood and use it as a template. The result is two carved wooden stands.

To enhance the decorative effect, the front cornice strip is also carved with wood carving elements. The surface of the slope and the back side of the canopy are stuffed with pieces of plywood, and an additional central crossbar is installed to increase rigidity. Since most of the power and load-bearing parts are made of plywood, the canopy structure is assembled using wood screws, which provide excellent rigidity and maximum joint strength.

The canopy is attached over the entrance in any available way. The easiest way is to wrap 4-6 screws into boards placed on the back side of the structure.

Before proceeding with the installation of the roof covering, the wood must be treated with acrylic or alkyd waterproof varnish. A wooden canopy over the entrance will be partially protected from rainwater, but from practice it is known that even moisture-resistant plywood and treated wood do not tolerate moisture and sunlight well. Therefore, additional treatment with varnishes and paints will only increase the durability of the structure.

Galvanized sheet steel is used as roofing material. On the sides and along the overhang, you will need to bend gutters 1.5-2 cm deep, this is enough to collect draining condensate and melt water. On the back of the roofing covering, a strip at least 10 cm wide is folded back to protect the abutment area.

When installing a canopy over the entrance, the strip will need to be bent upward and secured with self-tapping screws.

A simple version of a gable canopy

To make a gable canopy made of wood, wooden beams 70x70 mm and 40x70 mm and pine lining are used. The choice of wood and beam size is determined by the desire to avoid unwanted operations of cutting rafters into the base of the roof. Self-tapping screws with a hexagon head are used as fasteners.

The gable visor is frame structure, consisting of four parts:

  • L-shaped wooden posts, with the help of which the entire structure of the canopy is firmly held above the entrance to the house;
  • The frame or base that supports the rafter system;
  • Rafter frame of the canopy;
  • Roof covering consisting of sheathing and bitumen shingles.

To make a canopy from wood, you will need a screwdriver with a set of drills and countersinks, a disk cut-off saw, a set of screws and a marking tool.

Making the frame mount

At the first stage you will need to make two vertical support posts visor Each rack is assembled from wood, board or timber 70x40 mm in three parts. Initially, it is necessary to attach the vertical parts of the L-shaped racks to the wall of the house. After the upper ends are aligned in height, the workpieces are fixed with self-tapping screws, aligned vertically and secured at the bottom.

The second stage is to install horizontal beams and struts. Each beam and strut are initially secured with nails to a vertical plank fixed to the wall of the house. Only after all elements of the racks have been leveled horizontally are the struts sewn to the horizontal and vertical parts of the rack with wood grouse.

Before installing the canopy rafters, the ends of the beams are connected with an additional plank, which ensures the rigidity of the entire wooden structure.

Installation of canopy rafters

The rafter frame consists of three pairs of rafters. Each pair is measured and assembled before installing the canopy over the entrance. Most of the rigidity truss structure made of wood is ensured by continuous sheathing and correctly installed wood grouse screws.

Before fastening, each pair of rafters is plumb and level. This is the most difficult and critical stage of construction. To ensure a stable position of the rafters, it is necessary to resort to small improvements. Under the supporting surface of each rafter leg a triangular wooden stand is laid out, photo.

The stand is additionally glued with any glue for working with wood. Next, the tree is fixed with a clamp, countersinking is performed and a hole is drilled for the wood grouse screw. After screwing in the self-tapping screw, the head is completely recessed into the wood and does not interfere with further filling of the sheathing.

After all pairs of rafters have been fixed to the frame, the last pair of rafters is additionally attached to the wall of the house. This ensures reliable and safe support of the entire wooden structure above the entrance to the room.

Laying the roof on the canopy slopes

For this design, you can use almost any type of roof; it does not matter in principle what type of roofing material will be used to protect the wooden frame. Since the slopes and sheathing are completely clogged with clapboard, the most simple option The roof covering will be bitumen shingles.

Instead of lining, you can use any tongue and groove board to fill the roof. The lighter the weight of the tree and the structure as a whole, the better. After the first layer of sheathing, an OSB board is sewn onto the slopes of the canopy, waterproofing material is laid to protect the wood, and you can fasten bitumen shingles.


According to the experts who work with canopies and roofing structures, wood the best way Suitable for DIY home construction. The cost of a wooden canopy over the entrance to the house will cost about three times less metal structure. If an arched or non-standard shape, load-bearing beams made of wood can be ordered from a carpentry workshop, and most of the work on assembling the canopy can be done independently.

Stylish design main entrance to a private house sometimes creates a much stronger impression than the cottage itself. One of the most important tasks in arranging the overall architectural style of a building is performed by the canopy over the porch. At the same time, an impressive design is far from the only function assigned to the visor. Its main task is to ensure protection of the front entrance from external adverse factors.

Regulatory Requirements

The canopy over the porch is not just part of the roof, it is an architectural component that responsible for a number important conditions comfortable and safe living in the house.

  • Helps ensure maximum comfort at the entrance to living quarters, allowing you to shake off raindrops from clothes and an umbrella or clean your shoes from snow while still on the porch.
  • Provides maximum reliability - a properly constructed canopy can withstand not only the weight of falling precipitation, but also all kinds of vines, for example, wild grapes, which are often used to decorate the main entrance to a house.

  • Forms effective drainage. This is very important for maintaining the integrity of the entire facade of the building, which is why modern canopies over the porch include special engineering Communication– water, flowing down the canopy, is poured into a storage tank and, through an equipped liquid outflow system, is discharged outside the residential building.
  • Performs decorative function. A stylish canopy of an unusual shape can become the main accent, emphasizing the unique architecture of the building, a bright note that gives the entire design completeness and conceptuality.

So that the canopy over the door serves faithfully long years and did not require repairs after a couple of years, it must meet basic technological requirements:

  • the canopy must withstand heavy loads and pressure - when calculating, one should take into account the weight of the snow mass that falls on the canopy from the roof, as well as the dimensions of green spaces, which often wrap around the structure;
  • optimally, if the structure effectively protects not only the porch itself, but also the front door of the building;

  • a prerequisite for the effectiveness of the design is the equipment of a water drainage system, as a rule, it is made in the form of a storage tank, storm drainage system or gutter;
  • the design of the canopy must be in harmony with the overall architectural appearance of the building, taking into account the peculiarities of its style and color scheme.

More precise requirements for canopies are established by current GOSTs and SNiPs, namely:

  • canopies and canopies must be installed above each entrance, main or secondary, as well as on the doors of bathhouses and outbuildings;
  • canopies should be made only from materials that are resistant to combustion;
  • It is recommended to use those approved by sanitary authorities as finishing materials;
  • canopies must withstand a load of at least 200 kg/m2.


Canopies are performed in the most various options, but at the same time, any configuration requires general compliance with a single stylistic solution of the exterior, therefore, when developing a canopy project, any detail, trifle, or nuance should be taken into account. As a rule, one of the following forms is chosen to construct a canopy.

  • Flat canopy– most often used in decoration country house or a facade in a rustic style or, for example, shabby chic, for this you just need to put together several boards with each other and stylishly decorate them with decorative materials.

  • Dome- is different original design, however, this is by no means the only advantage of this configuration. The undoubted advantage of such a coating is its compactness; the surface of such a visor occupies a smaller area than other types of options, however, it covers the same area. This means that much less materials are required for arranging the canopy, which leads to significant savings.
  • Arched and semi-arched forms– such canopies are called “awnings”, they are very economical, because very little materials are spent on their arrangement. Such models are distinguished by natural drainage, and in addition they can withstand the pressure of snow masses.
  • Gable canopy– the most simple design, which at the same time provides complete drainage.

  • Three-slope option– organically combined with multi-pitched roofs, characterized by increased strength and wear resistance.
  • Concave visor– a canopy of an unusual shape, which can become a stylish accent of the architectural concept.


Perhaps there are practically no restrictions on the materials from which the visor can be made. For a stylish canopy, metal, plastic, tiles and many others can be used modern materials. Let's take a closer look at each of them.


This material is widely used in the creation of canopies and canopies, as well as for the construction of fences. winter gardens and gazebos.

The use of polycarbonate for arranging a canopy has a number of advantages:

  • the material is transparent, effectively scatters ultraviolet radiation, maintaining a safe level of normal illumination;
  • polycarbonate is a durable composition that does not break or crack under powerful gusts of wind and pressure from snow masses;
  • the substance is fire-resistant, it does not change its color when exposed to direct sunlight, does not rot, rust or deform;

  • the surface of polycarbonate is considered an environment unfavorable for the growth of mold, dangerous fungi and insects;
  • the material is flexible, so it allows you to mount the visors of the most various forms, including semicircular and corner options;
  • the modern market offers wide choose polycarbonate in a variety of shades and plate thicknesses, thanks to this everyone can choose exactly the option that will best suit the design and overall style of the house.

The disadvantages of the material include poor resistance to ultraviolet radiation. That is why manufacturers coat it with special compounds, without which the canopy may become cloudy after a short time and deteriorate its performance characteristics.


PVC plates are often used to equip an effective canopy over the porch. It should be noted that consumer properties plastic is similar to polycarbonate, however, its cost is several times lower. In addition, the material is lightweight, which greatly facilitates its installation. The disadvantage is a rather poor range of colors and fading in the sun, however, this drawback is successfully mitigated by multi-colored films, which are sold in any hardware store.


A stainless steel visor is considered a relatively budget option. However, its construction requires at least minimal welding skills. If there is no such experience at all, then you can use nuts and bolts and rivets, although in this case it is necessary to periodically check the strength of the connections.

Canopy from of stainless steel characterized by durability and high strength, it is resistant to mechanical damage and temperature changes. Such a canopy can protect the main entrance for many years. Disadvantages include large dimensions and the need for regular anti-corrosion treatment.

Profiled sheet

This material is considered a good alternative to metal, as it combines its strength and durability with the manufacturability of modern processing. Such materials are coated on both sides with a layer of special protective polymers, which significantly increase its resistance to adverse external atmospheric factors and have an anti-corrosion effect.

In addition, corrugated sheets are produced in a fairly wide range of colors and textures. Therefore, home owners can not only choose the desired shade, but also, for example, emphasize the texture of wood or imitate stonework or the structure of a brick covering. In addition, this material is simpler than steel.

The disadvantages include the following:

  • corrugated sheets do not transmit the light of the sun, so such materials should not be used when equipping spherical canopies;
  • The corrugated sheet has relatively low impact resistance - in the event of, for example, hail, the integrity of the visor will not be compromised, but marks from impacts will remain.


Separately, it is worth paying attention to this type of metal visors, such as forged ones. These awnings are always extremely luxurious and elegant. They fit perfectly into the exteriors, decorated in a classic style, demonstrating the taste and status of the owners of the mansion.

Of course, forging is very expensive. However, in order to give the entrance a noble look, it is not at all necessary to build an entirely forged canopy; it is enough to add a few decorative elements that can transform the overall appearance of the building before your eyes.

The lack of material is associated with its installation. It is impossible to make such a canopy yourself, and it is better to entrust its fixation to the hands of professionals - otherwise the entire structure may simply collapse in winter under the weight of snow masses.


A unique material that is not suitable for every home. Wood canopies should be used when arranging houses made of natural wood, made of rough stone or brick. The advantages of wood are its environmental friendliness and safety. However, this material is afraid of water and fire, mold and fungi may appear in it, and insects often make their burrows in such structures.

That is why a wood canopy should be regularly treated with special fungicides and fire retardants, which allow the material to withstand all adverse environmental factors.

Metal tiles

Many designers do not consider the use of metal tiles a suitable option for arranging a porch, since it is a rather bulky covering.

However, the consumer properties of such canopies are extremely high:

  • they are resistant to mechanical damage;
  • resistant to temperature changes and exposure to direct sunlight;
  • have long term services;
  • differ in decorative design.

Very often, metal tiles are replaced with bitumen tiles - they are much lighter, and in addition, they absorb sounds perfectly, which means they create additional sound insulation. This coating is often used in the countryside due to its low cost and ease of installation.


This material is used very rarely; it is not suitable for every home and not every family. Glass looks harmonious in homes furnished in a minimalist style; in all other cases, preference should be given to other materials. Well, besides, in families, for example, with children, it is better to refrain from using glass visors, since during active games with a ball and racket, such a product may be damaged.


The general principles of the design of porch canopies are based on the combination of the canopy with the general stylistic concept of the building facade, as well as with the tasks that you assign to the canopy. If you need the structure only to effectively protect the porch from wind and precipitation, then it is better to choose the simplest and most inexpensive canopy, as they say, “clean and tidy.” Such coatings are most often made of polycarbonate or metal profiles, however, other materials can also be used. The only thing that matters is the compatibility of color and design style with general finishing facade of the building and its color scheme.

Sometimes there is a need to design the visor in some special design– Russian, classical, hi-tech, half-timbered or chalet. For example, for a log house, an opaque wooden canopy would be appropriate, fully consistent with the style of a traditional Russian hut. However, a forged visor would be appropriate here.

When implementing high-tech ideas, you can use polycarbonate or glass, metal will emphasize the gothic style, and metal tiles will emphasize the classics.

Because the visor is quite significant integral part the entire façade of the building, then it should represent a single architectural ensemble with the porch itself, railings and steps. In addition, the canopy can be decorated separately decorative elements, for which lanterns and flowerpots are most often used. Sometimes with the help of a canopy they equip closed space, which can be used as a recreation area.

Drawings and projects

The construction of the canopy requires the mandatory drawing up of a drawing of the future structure; the calculations are based on:

  • the selected material, which should not only fit harmoniously into the overall design of the building, but also have a sufficient degree of strength and stability;
  • type of canopy - flat, single-pitched, gable, arched, etc.;
  • dimensions of the visor - its length, width and depth;
  • location - the design for awnings over the main and emergency exits, as a rule, differs significantly.

Key points to consider when drawing up a drawing:

  • the width of the canopy should be 50 cm larger than the doorway;
  • The optimal angle of inclination for a pitched canopy is 20 degrees.

A drawing is really necessary when equipping a canopy. It will not only help you correctly complete all the necessary installation work, but will also allow you to calculate the required amount of materials.

How to do it yourself?

At first it may seem that building a canopy is very simple - nail the frame and lay down the main material. In practice, this is far from the case: installation can be done independently, but this requires at least minimal skills and experience in working with construction and facing materials. Of course, if you just want it to “not drip on your head,” then nails and a hammer will be enough. But for the visor to provide effective protection and be stylish architectural element You should carefully consider all stages of work, take care of a strong frame and choose the optimal shape.

The process will be much easier if the master has a ready-made sketch in his hands. Even if it was compiled with your own hands, it will in any case reflect all the pros and cons of the project.

Depending on the material used and working area, you can choose one of the following types of fastening:

  • Suspended - fixation is carried out on special suspensions located just above the visor. This option is optimal for lightweight materials, for example, polycarbonate and corrugated sheets.
  • Wall-mounted – mounted to the wall using supports.
  • Supporting - contains “pillars” that rest against the foundation or the porch itself. This design is suitable for large visors.

At the first stage, a frame is constructed, most often it is made of metal pipe, having a triangular cross-section. To begin with, cut pieces of rolled metal the right size, and then weld them to each other in accordance with the diagram: first I mount the U-shaped base of the frame, and then attach the basic elements.

Most often, the frame is made on the ground; in rare cases, additional components are welded onto the base, which is already suspended from the facade.

The total number of lintels during the construction of the frame largely depends on the material used, so if the canopy is made of corrugated sheets, then the slats should be spaced in increments of 30 cm. At the final stage of arranging the frame, the cornice film is attached, as well as elements of the drainage system (gutters and pipes) .

Making straight visors is not particularly difficult. It is much more difficult to create arched structures.

To make wavy canopies, pipes are cut with a very large margin, and then bent with a gas wrench or a special pipe bender. If you don’t have such tools in your home workshop, then we can recommend an ordinary grinder; it makes cuts along the entire surface of the pipe in increments of 30–40 cm, along which the pipe is bent until the required rounding is achieved, and then the cut areas are welded.

If the canopy is planned to be mounted from heavy materials, then the frame of the canopy structure should be additionally equipped with stops that stretch from the outer corner of the canopy to the wall at an angle.

The next step is to drill holes with which the frame will be attached to the wall. Usually the visors are fixed at the top and bottom on both sides - that is, there are 4 attachment points. However, if we are talking about metal canopies, then it is worth increasing the number of fasteners.

  • additional bars are attached obliquely to the horizontal beam on both sides, which will become the frame for laying the outer covering;
  • if the canopy has large dimensions, then the sheathing is first laid on the beams and only then the main roofing material;
  • Let’s immediately make a reservation that on the basis of a wooden frame it is possible to construct canopies with straight, laconic geometry. It is not possible to install wavy and spherical canopy options.

Traditionally, canopies made of metal or corrugated sheets are made by professionals. They can independently install canopies made of corrugated sheets or plastic. The material is attached to the frame using steel screws and thermal washers. To do this, a hole is drilled on the main covering, through which it will be held on the frame. In this case, it is mandatory to make a rubber or silicone layer. Thermal washers should not be screwed in too tightly, as the sheets should be able to move slightly.

Rain, snow, sun, drops from the roof - everything that you don’t really want to experience for yourself while standing on the porch of the house. It is for this purpose that special canopies and canopies are installed. At the same time, they complement the facade and make the exterior of the building even more holistic, harmonious and complete. In this article we will tell you what material to choose and how to make a visor yourself!

Shapes of canopies

The shape and size of the visor play a role decisive role when choosing it. It must be a little wider than the entrance to protect from precipitation. Calculate the depth according to your wishes, the architecture of the house and the size of the porch: on average, from 0.5 to 2 m.

Depending on the type of roof and the presence of slopes, canopies can be straight, inclined or embossed. Inclined ones are single- and double-sloped, and relief ones include pyramidal, arched, arched and other unusual models. Regardless of the configuration, it is necessary to provide a drainage system so that precipitation does not accumulate in one place.

Materials for the visor

A high-quality canopy over the porch is durable and can withstand any adverse weather. Anything can be used: wood, glass, metal, polycarbonate, different types roofing coverings. If you choose heavy materials, be sure to take into account the load on the frame: for example, reinforced beams with a larger cross-section are needed for ceramic tiles.

Polycarbonate visors

Polycarbonate is a durable and undemanding material with transparency up to 86%. It is hardy, not afraid of temperature changes, corrosion, fungus and rot. It is not affected by moisture and ultraviolet radiation, and it is almost impossible to scratch or damage it.

Polycarbonate can be cellular or monolithic - depending on the shape and size of the visor you want. It is flexible and can be given different shapes for figured and relief canopies. However, it does not require reinforced frame and does not create additional load on the façade or foundation.

You can buy a polycarbonate visor ready-made or make it yourself. The main disadvantage of the material is its characteristic appearance. It may not be entirely appropriate on classic log houses, in the style of country, Provence or northern chalets.

Wooden canopy

Wood is the most environmentally friendly and diverse material, ideally complementing the same wooden houses. In the wake of eco-trends, it is used to make everything: canopies, gazebos, verandas. It is easy to work with and process, paint, varnish, carve and decorate.

Different types of wood differ in strength and moisture resistance, but they are all still quite sensitive to external influences. Such a visor will require regular maintenance, and in cold and humid regions they may not be practical to begin with. At proper preparation and impregnation of wood, the visor will live for 7-10 years.

Glass canopies

The use of glass for visors is a controversial decision, around which there are many myths. It is considered to be too fragile and not the most practical material. But for a long time now, manufacturers have been creating impact-resistant tempered glass that is almost impossible to damage. And even if it breaks, it crumbles into small, safe fragments.

The main advantage of glass is its aesthetic appearance, which ideally complements modern architecture. You can experiment with tinting and decoration, without being afraid of rust and rotting. The only negative is that the glass requires maintenance so that smudges and stains do not remain on it after rain.

Canopies made of metal tiles

Metal tiles are a high-strength roofing material with excellent technical characteristics. It is durable and unpretentious, it is almost impossible to damage it. Metal tiles have the best anti-vandal properties among popular roofing coverings.

The service life of such a visor can easily reach 50 years without special care. And during all this time it does not fade, does not rust and does not lose its attractive appearance. Metal tiles can be combined with any other building materials, but requires special preparation of the base during installation.

Canopies made of corrugated sheets

Corrugated sheets or metal profiles are cold-rolled steel sheets coated with a protective polymer layer. Their main advantages are low price combined with increased mechanical strength and durability. In the assortment of manufacturers you can find colors from a wide and diverse palette.

It is easy to work with corrugated sheeting; it does not require complex training and does not weigh down the base, does not require special treatment or maintenance. Just keep in mind that a canopy made of corrugated sheets is best combined with an identical roof. And during heavy rains, hail or gusty winds, steel sheets will be noisier than wood or polycarbonate.

Forged visors

Forged metal visors are a decorative accessory and not real functional protection. They complement classic houses and rustic style. This is a traditional combination with wooden structures that will never go out of style.

Modern forging technologies make it possible to create the most interesting and fancy patterns. Now it is much more affordable, because previously only the rich and aristocrats could afford such luxury. And forged elements retain their attractive appearance for decades, regardless of frost, snow, heat or rain.

Methods for attaching the canopy to the wall

Visors are attached in different ways, depending on weight and configuration. Supporting ones require special supporting supports - this is an option for large canopies and heavy roofing materials, and hanging ones are attached directly to the wall. Functional canopies protect from bad weather, and decorative canopies complete artistic compositions when decorating the exterior and landscape.

We make a visor with our own hands!

You can even install the visor yourself - you don’t need complex professional skills. But do not forget about safety: it is important that the structure is as strong and durable as possible. The visor should easily withstand the loads of wind, rain and snow.

For the simplest single-pitch canopy, you will need moisture-resistant plywood of a suitable size, a board or lining and a sheet of galvanized iron. The elementary design consists of three cross beams on vertical posts that can be made decorative.

First, draw a diagram and stencil of the corner fragments, then transfer the pattern to the plywood. It is best to repeat parts by direct copying to avoid minimal dimensional inaccuracies. Cut out the parts and carefully sand the entire surface and edges with a sheet of sandpaper.

Cut out the front strip and leave it there for beauty carved elements with repeating motifs. To make the structure more rigid, lay perpendicular pieces of plywood and install a central crossbar. If you have a very wide cornice, you can make more supporting elements, but think in advance about how to install them above the entrance.

Treat the wood protective compounds and waterproof varnish, paint if desired. Steel sheet will become a protective roofing covering, but you can replace it with corrugated sheeting. Don’t forget to bend the back part to protect the junction and small gutters by 1-2 cm to collect precipitation and melt water.

DIY gable canopy

The gable canopy is made of wooden beams and covered with clapboard. You will need corner support posts on which the canopy structure, base or frame for the rafters, frame and roofing are supported. For it, use metal tiles, bitumen shingles or other material of your choice.

Attach vertical sections of timber to the wall above the porch - this will be the basis for the L-shaped racks. Then install the horizontal beams and attach the struts with self-tapping screws. Constantly monitor the level, verticals and horizontals so that the structure is level.

For a wide canopy, three pairs of rafters for the frame are enough, but if you are using a heavy covering, do more. Cut a triangular block at each corner for stability, so as not to leave gaps. It can be glued with regular glue and only then secured with a self-tapping screw.

Cover the finished slopes with clapboard or tongue-and-groove boards - but always light ones. Lay down a waterproofing layer or lay an OSB board, and then proceed to laying the main roofing covering.

DIY polycarbonate visor

Choose polycarbonate: monolithic is stronger, but heavier, and cellular is lighter, but not as durable. For canopies, canopies and similar structures, a honeycomb sheet 8-10 mm thick is sufficient. Keep in mind that the sheet will need to be positioned so that the internal condensate can easily flow out along the internal ribs.

Polycarbonate is laid upward with a protective film, which increases its resistance to ultraviolet radiation. The holes for fasteners should be slightly larger than their diameter - these are thermal gaps. Use rubber washers and gaskets under the screws to prevent dirt from getting into the joints.

When joining sheets, use connecting strips that hide expansion joint. Cover the ends with covers to drain condensate or glue them with adhesive tape. If you need to bend polycarbonate into an arch, do it immediately on the frame perpendicular to the internal channels and with a radius of 80 cm.

DIY support visor

The construction of a support canopy at first is no different from other single-, double-slope or arched ones - repeat all the steps until the installation stage. The main difference in the installation process: you will need vertical stands. With a wooden frame, use a beam of larger cross-section, and with a metal frame, weld support pipes to it, and then sand, prime and paint the seams.

Canopy over the porch - photo ideas

A canopy over the porch is a useful acquisition for any home. They differ in shapes, materials and appearance, so among all the variety you can easily find an option for yourself. Watch and get inspired!
