Toilet in a country house: a review of traditional and innovative technical solutions and recommendations for arrangement. Outdoor toilets: the best options for a summer cottage You need a toilet at your summer cottage

In any area with a private residential building, it is necessary to install an outdoor bathroom. The minimum distance from the house to the toilet must comply with the norms and requirements of SNiP. It is necessary to follow the rules even if the owner of the house or cottage rarely visits his site. To lay a full-fledged sewer system, you need to spend a lot of money, but the construction of a free-standing toilet structure will not require significant expenses.

Location on

Construction plan requirements

The correct placement of an outdoor toilet must comply with established standards SNiP 30-02-97 as amended in 2018, SP 53.13330.2011 and SanPiN. It is necessary to develop a layout for the future structure on the site not only taking into account the location of the house, but also the following objects:

  • outbuildings;
  • wells;
  • pipelines;
  • fences;
  • buildings and structures on the neighboring property.

When choosing the location of a latrine on the street, you should pay attention to the features of the landscape and topography of the site, as well as the level of groundwater in the soil.

The storage tank must be located at a distance of at least 3 m from the groundwater level.

The correct location of the structure should provide free access for sewage trucks to the drainage device. This will allow you to drive specialized equipment to the system to pump out all the sewage using a drainage pump. should be 50 m, and - 5 m.

Lavatory at the neighbor's dacha

Choosing a location

Ease of use can only be ensured if correct placement structures. The distance from the toilet to the neighbors’ residential building must strictly comply with the standards. It is necessary to draw up a construction plan taking into account the sanitary and hygienic requirements for such structures. Regulates them normative document SanPiN 42-128-4690-88.

A city dweller accustomed to comfort in his dacha has to take care of his own comforts. He has at his disposal several options for arranging country toilets, from which he has to choose the one that is suitable both in terms of means and practicality. Let's consider all the options in terms of their advantages and disadvantages.

Types of country toilets: advantages and disadvantages of each

Country toilets can be classified in several ways: by location, method of manufacture and method of accumulation and processing of waste.

By location:

  • separate building in the yard
    • wooden;
    • brick;
    • from corrugated board;
    • made of slate;
    • from sandwich panels;
  • room inside the house.

By production:

  • ready for use purchased;
  • homemade;
  • custom.

According to the method of waste accumulation and processing:

  • With cesspool;
  • with a septic tank;
  • with remote tank:
    • powder-closet;
    • dry closet:
      • chemical:
        • ammonium;
        • formaldehyde;
      • peat;
      • biological;
      • electric.

The location of the toilet in the country depends on how much time you spend there. It is ideal, of course, to make two options: in the yard and in the house - the first is used during work on the ground, so as not to enter the house again. For those who visit their dacha on short visits and never live for a long time, the optimal option would be either a portable option or a lightweight outbuilding, because its construction is cheaper. And if the dacha is a second home, then the toilet in the yard becomes an inconvenience.

As for the materials for the construction of an outbuilding, some of them will be discussed further.

Regarding the manufacturing method: it is, of course, easier and cheaper for a craftsman to do everything himself. And if convenience is more valuable than money, you can buy a ready-made model that is most comfortable to use and maintain, for example, an electric dry closet.

Let's move on to the main thing: the differences in what happens to waste.


The simplest structure, “classic”. It can be considered primitive single-chamber septic tank on a drainage pad. Its walls should preferably be reinforced - with brick or concrete, and the bottom - either the same concrete or gravel drainage. If the cesspool is a container without drainage, it needs to be cleaned more often. To do this, vacuum cleaners are invited to pump out the contents for money.

The advantage of a cesspool is the simplicity of the device. But at the same time, it is good to know the geology of the site, in particular the location groundwater. If they are higher than 2 meters, the cesspool is canceled. There are also a number of standards that must be observed - these are the distances to buildings and to the reservoir. Failure to comply may result in contamination of soil water with pathogenic bacteria, transfer to cultivated crops, drinking wells, ingestion and illness of people.

A cesspool is inconvenient because it requires maintenance - periodic pumping, inoculation of beneficial bacteria to eliminate odor. You can’t call it environmentally friendly either.

A backlash closet is a restroom in the house, but also with a cesspool, the hatch of which is located in the yard. Waste enters it through a sewer pipe. A backlash closet differs from an outbuilding only in its location.

Septic tank

There are different types of septic tanks: storage and with cleaning. Storage tanks can be compared to a cesspool, only sealed. Vacuum trucks are also needed to clean them. Septic tanks with cleaning settle and purify waste to a more or less acceptable state - from 60 to 98% purity. Deep cleaning occurs due to bacteria and chemistry.

The septic tank can be common for all waste - household water and sewage, or it can be separate - for a toilet, for a bathhouse, for a house.

The advantage of a septic tank is its tightness. And when it is cumulative, and when it is cleaned, you don’t have to worry about soil contamination. The second undoubted advantage is the absence of odor. Cesspools are sometimes moved, but with a septic tank there is no such need.

Disadvantages of septic tanks: for storage tanks - the need for emptying, like a cesspool; for systems with soil post-treatment - silting of filtration fields; for electric ones - dependence on the power supply. In general, septic tanks with post-treatment are expensive, which is also difficult to call an advantage.

Powder closet

It's even cheaper than a cesspool. It is enough to put on the site a simple house with a toilet seat, under which there will be a removable tank. When it's full, they simply take it out.

IMPORTANT! If you do nothing with the waste or simply cover it with sand, then you cannot pour it into any compost pit!

Therefore, closet powder is usually made with peat, but you will read about this variety below.

The advantage of a simple powder closet is its extreme simplicity and low cost. Unfortunately, this is where the advantages end.

Disadvantages: the smell will be present both in the restroom itself and when removing the tank (often it’s just a bucket). Need to find safe place for draining waste. Frequent (compared to the same septic tank) emptying of the tank.

Chemical liquid dry closet

You can recycle waste different ways, in particular, with the help of chemistry. Within a day they turn into a homogeneous mass, which does not smell specifically. On sale you can find ammonium and formaldehyde products that are used to refill liquid toilets.


A relatively harmless recycling option, which results in a mass that can be poured into a compost pit. By the way, ammonium products can be poured not only into portable toilets, but also into a regular cesspool, which will reduce the volume of waste and eliminate the unpleasant odor.

The advantages of ammonium products include their harmlessness and cost-effectiveness - a liter of concentrate is enough to operate a 20-liter portable toilet for three months.

IMPORTANT! Ammonium products decompose in air within 4–7 days, so they must be added at such intervals.


Its high efficiency is combined with great harm to the environment. A liter of product is enough for 3-4 months of operation of the already mentioned 20-liter portable toilet.

IMPORTANT! Under no circumstances should waste processed with formaldehyde be disposed of in the ground or in a body of water. It is acceptable to drain into a public sewer, but this makes cleaning too much of a hassle.


And here is an example of environmentally friendly and cheap country toilet. It is enough to stock up on dry peat to solve the problem of both bad odor and waste processing. The principle is also extremely simple: it is enough to put peat in the container of the powder-closet, and each time after using the toilet, sprinkle with a new portion of peat, in order to as a result achieve the absence of odor and processed waste suitable for a compost pit. Or you can purchase a ready-made portable model. Since a peat toilet seems to us to be the best solution, we will devote an entire chapter to it below. For now, let's name its pros and cons.

The advantages are obvious: peat compost is a fertilizer that can be used in the garden, the environment does not suffer, there are no odors, the portable model is convenient for carrying and emptying, and it is inexpensive. And since there is no need for water for flushing, frost is not a problem.

Disadvantages: you cannot use regular paper, it does not decompose, you need special paper. If a lot of people use the restroom, you may have to empty the container frequently.


This is a type of portable liquid toilet, where microorganisms are used to decompose waste, which are purchased in the form of liquid or tablets designed for a certain cleaning capacity. In principle, the same bacteria can clean a cesspool.

Unlike a chemical toilet, those who use a biological toilet can safely pour processed waste onto the ground. They are harmless.

The main advantage of using microorganisms is safety for environment. They clean drains, eliminate odors, and turn waste into compost - fertilizer for plants.

Among the disadvantages, we can name only one: the relatively high price of products containing live bacteria.


Another type of dry closet is electric. These models first separate the liquid and solid components of the waste, and then turn the latter into powder, and the former are merged into drainage system. The powder is then used to fertilize the beds.

It is clear that such a dry closet can only function with a constant power supply, and in addition, it definitely needs ventilation and drainage.

Its advantages are a significant reduction in waste volumes, which requires infrequent emptying. There is no need for any additional funds- fillers, flushing fluids, for cleaning.

Disadvantages include high cost, dependence on electricity, installation work for drainage and ventilation. And you can’t use it while standing.

Let's start with the fact that the filler can be not only peat, but also its mixture with sawdust. However, it is peat that turns waste into fertilizer (composts). In addition, it has the ability to neutralize pathogenic microorganisms, which results in harmless compost. At the same time, it adsorbs (absorbs) liquids and odors.

Principle of operation peat toilet: it is based on the biological decomposition of waste by living microorganisms inhabiting peat. Solid waste is composted, liquid waste is absorbed into the filler and partially evaporates into the ventilation, gaseous waste is completely removed through the ventilation.

If you decide to purchase a peat toilet in a store, it will have two tanks - an upper and a lower one. The upper one is a peat storage, from where it is distributed into waste in the lower tank using a handle on the body. The owner decides how much peat is enough. People often complain about the handles - they scatter unevenly and often break. Many people end up simply placing a bucket of peat and a scoop next to them.

What to look for when purchasing

  • The dimensions, especially the seat height - it is usually lower than a standard toilet, so check how comfortable it is for you.
  • Regarding the volume of the lower tank, you should not think that the larger it is, the better, because waste cannot be stored for a long time. Focus on the number of users: a large tank for a large family.
  • Fill indicator - this will save you from opening the lower tank again.
  • Maximum load on the seat - remember the approximate weight of future users and take the appropriate model.

Which manufacturers are popular on the Russian market?

  • Compact EKO (Russia)
  • Ekomatic L&T (Finland)
  • Piteco (Russia)
  • Mulltoa (Sweden)
  • Biolan (Russia)

Price range

Prices various models vary from 3.5 to 83 thousand rubles. The price only partly depends on the volume of the tanks, more on the brand.

  • When more than five people use such a toilet, it is recommended to install forced ventilation.
  • You should not leave the dry closet lid open after use.
  • A large number of users can lead to excess fluid, so it is worth pre-equipping the drainage of fluid from the dry closet into the drainage system of the dacha.
  • It is better to make the ventilation pipe longer - up to 4 meters.
  • If you don’t want to carry a heavy, filled tank, it’s better not to wait until it’s full. Or take a model not only with handles, but also with wheels.
  • For increase Efficiency is better use granulated peat mixtures. They are more expensive, but absorption increases 4 times.
  • Do not send the contents of the bottom tank directly to the beds. It must ripen in compost pit or container for six months to a year.

Examples in photographs

Diagram of a country toilet with a cesspool, dimensions given Scheme of a backdoor closet with heated ventilation and a cesspool Ready wooden houses for an outdoor toilet in a country house Scheme of a simple powder closet with a bucket under the toilet seat Diagram of a country toilet with dimensions Birdhouse - a typical outbuilding on a summer cottage Peat dry closet, general form Peat dry closet, emptying the container Internal structure of a peat toilet Plastic cabin for country peat dry closet

Useful video

Which clearly demonstrates different kinds dry closets and talks about their structure.

Toilet made of brick or sandwich panels?

Above we have already mentioned many materials from which you can build an outhouse. Let's compare two options: brick and sandwich panels.

BrickSandwich panel (SIP)
Labor intensity of constructionThe process is labor-intensive and requires professional skills and construction knowledge.The installation speed is high, but you need to know the rules.
Construction strengthIt will last for decades.10–15 years is the operational life of SIP.
Thermal protectionBrick - cold material. To make a warm restroom, you will have to insulate it with polystyrene foam, mineral wool or other heat insulator.A 0.174 m thick SIP wall retains heat in the same way as 2.5 m of brick.
Fire hazardBrick does not burn, but after a fire the building made from it is still demolished, because the walls are still destroyed.Like wood (but can be treated with fire retardants, because there will be electrical wiring in the toilet, and it can cause fires).
RodentsNot scary.Need protection - metal mesh, For example.

A toilet is the first structure that a land owner builds.

If at first you can somehow get by without a house by building summer kitchen, then the septic tank cannot be classified as a secondary structure.

For many summer residents, it is with its installation that the acquisition of construction experience begins.

How to build a country toilet? If you want to create a building that has original design, it is necessary to determine the dimensions of the building. You can take a standard drawing and develop a project that suits you based on your individual needs.

Approximate plan of construction and design work looks like that:

  • Start with creating a frame, put the dimensions of the building on the drawing. Calculate the amount of materials required for its construction. Indicate the section on the plan wooden beams and board sizes.
  • Be sure to show in the drawing how it will be cut facing material . The diagram must have a calculation for one side wall of the building, as well as for its front and rear walls. Don't forget to add building materials for the other side wall. Optimal toilet width 1.2 m, height - 2 m.
  • If you want to expand the building, make adjustments into the drawing. The front wall, like the back wall, is made rectangular shape. The side ones are trapezoidal, this allows you to achieve the desired roof slope. It is necessary to cut a window in one of the walls of the building, through which light will penetrate into the toilet in the country house. In addition, a window is necessary for ventilation of the room.
  • Floor covering made from thick boards 50 mm, then the village toilet is lined OSB sheet. The boards are installed on a timber base; nails are used to connect the parts of the structure. In order to increase the strength of the building, all elements are connected into a groove. Its depth must be at least 50 mm.
  • Make a door. Practice shows that optimal sizes 1.95x70.5 cm. You can make toilets for your dacha from edged boards; construction is often carried out from OSB boards. When erecting the roof, lay the rafters, there should be a pitch of 40 cm between them. To make them, buy boards 100x50 mm. Nail them to the frame; the connection is made using nails. You can cover the toilet roof with slate or profiled sheets.

Maintain proportions. Remember that the increase standard size will entail additional costs for the purchase of building materials.

A standard drawing can be used as a basis wooden toilet. If desired, country toilets can be made to individual sizes.

Drawings and design of a birdhouse type toilet

No matter which toilet you choose, it will require a stall. « Birdhouse » - one of the most popular options.

  1. To make the frame and floor, buy boards. It is best to choose larch lumber, then the structure will be especially durable. You can use pine boards on doors, sheathing and walls. All parts of the structure should be coated with an antiseptic.
  2. Make a foundation 1x1 m, place a magpie board on the floor. The front wall has a height of 2 m, and the back wall is 2.3 m. Be sure to use a level during construction.
  3. When the frame is ready, board the toilet. Install doors, after which you can proceed to work on the roofing installation. The process is completed by performing external work.

If you are going to make a “birdhouse”, equipping it with a cesspool, make a foundation. Concrete blocks can be used for this purpose. 20x20x40 cm. Cover the roof with a profile sheet, and make the ridge from a bent strip of galvanized steel.

Drawings and design of a hut-type toilet

« Hut » - another popular option.

  1. First collect front wall, and then move to the back. The easiest way to build a building is to make it from edged pine boards thick 30 mm, use self-tapping screws or nails for fastening.
  2. Install cross and longitudinal beams , and then spacer. Make a crossbar for the pedestal, be sure to attach it to back wall, don't forget about the spacer beam.
  3. After you finish working on the frame, boards sew up the base of the floor. Make a platform, and then move on to covering the slopes. After this you can collect and hang a door for a country toilet.

Drawings and design of a “teremok” toilet

For regions where winters are snowy, construction is ideal « teremok » . This toilet is perfectly protected from the wind. The shape is unusual; such a structure can be made from scrap materials.

Pay attention to the shape of the door . Its upper end is rounded, so construction will take more time.

Construction may seem enough to novice builders challenging task. Pay attention to the geometry of the corners, then the building will be symmetrical.

Powder closet

A powder closet is another construction option. Usually, you make a country toilet with your own hands in those places where groundwater comes close to the surface. The design differs in that it does not have underground storage for waste.

The powder closet is great for the garden. And here is the house in which it is planned year-round accommodation, it is best to provide a septic tank.

  1. The foundation is concreted, the toilet stall can be of any shape.
  2. A pedestal is made inside the building with a hole into which a waste container is inserted.

Backlash closet

Backlash closets are made both inside houses and outside.

  1. The toilet is cleaned using cesspool machines, this is done once a season.
  2. The cesspool is made airtight, this required condition which should be observed when constructing a building.

The toilet cubicle can be of any shape.


A toilet-shower for a summer house is a building that combines two rooms under one roof.

  1. A partition is erected between the toilet and shower; each section has its own door. Height and width of the building - 2 m, length - 3 m.
  2. The upper and lower trim can be made from timber 100×100 mm, and for vertical supports - timber 50×100 mm. Buy timber in sufficient quantities, you should make 24 supports.
  3. Also, do 12 blanks 200 cm long. They will be used for roofing, use timber with a section 50x100 mm.

Let's start construction

Materials and tools

Before starting work, buy lumber in advance.

  • To build the frame, purchase timber. Pay attention to its cross-section, the best option is 100 x 100 mm, to increase the strength of the building, you can buy lumber with a section 150 x 150 mm.
  • To cover the toilet you will need edged board not less than 20 mm thick.
  • Laths are required for roof sheathing 50×20 mm, and a tongue and groove board will go on the floor 40×150 mm.

You can easily replace the cladding board by purchasing OSB boards, or sheets of waterproof plywood. If you have chosen OSB, then the slats can be cut from these boards.

You will need the following tools:

  1. hammer, screws and nails;
  2. shovel and bucket;
  3. pliers;
  4. hammer drill or impact drill;
  5. brush for applying stain and paint;
  6. containers for solutions and paint.

How to choose a place

Determine the location where you plan to build the toilet. Its distance from the house and other buildings depends on whether it will have a cesspool, or whether the building will be built without one.

Remember that construction should not interfere with neighbors; do not forget to make a 1 meter retreat from the fence. The door should open towards your yard. When digging a cesspool, leave access roads for the sewer truck.

Pit toilet

Most restrictions apply to the construction of cesspools. They must be properly insulated to prevent environmental pollution.

  • The cesspool should be located in 25 m from water source. This could be a well, borehole or pond. The rule also applies to water sources located in neighboring areas.
  • From the cesspool to the basement or cellar there should be at least 12 m, to the bathhouse or home - 8 m. To buildings where animals are kept, not less than 4 m. Pay attention not only to the location of buildings on your site, but also on your neighbor’s. This will help avoid conflict situations.

Before starting construction, you must select internal organization toilet. The building can be with or without a cesspool.

If groundwater comes close to the surface, being above 3.5 m from the surface, you can only build without a pit. Otherwise, waste products will be found in the water.

If groundwater comes close to the surface, being above 3.5 m from the surface, you can only build without a pit.

Similar restrictions are imposed on buildings built on shale rocks and in areas with natural cracks. Consider the water level in the spring when the snow melts. The lowest point of the cesspool should be 1 m higher maximum level water in spring.

If the groundwater lies deep, then on the site you can do garden toilet any type. The optimal volume of the pit is 1.5 cubic meters; it can be located under the building or to the side of it.

The cesspool can be:

  1. round shape;
  2. square shape.

In the first case, concrete rings are used to arrange it. In addition, the walls can be made of brick and rubble stone to make a toilet for a dacha. But remember that this option will require labor, time and certain financial investments.

  • Please pay attention Special attention tightness of the bottom and walls. At the bottom they make a castle from a layer of clay. It is compacted, the thickness of the layer should be minimum 30 cm. If you don’t want to work with clay, the bottom can be filled with concrete.
  • Be sure to do bitumen waterproofing.
  • Inside the toilet it is necessary make a hatch, or leave several boards on the floor loose. You can choose a design in which the hatch is located outside the toilet.
  • It is recommended to equip the toilet ventilation system. When the pit is filled to 2/3 of its volume, the contents should be pumped out.

Detailed instructions for building a tire cesspool:

Options without pit

It is much easier to build a wooden toilet for a summer house without a cesspool. Human waste will be collected in a sealed container.

There are several types of such toilets, but the differences relate only to the method of waste processing.

  • In biotoilets this is done by microorganisms, in chemical installations - by special substances.
  • In the powder closet, the waste is sprinkled with powder, which can be peat, sawdust or ash.

We are building a house

When the work on arranging the cesspool is completed, you can proceed to the construction of the foundation.

It must be sustainable, and its reliability matters. These are the main points to pay attention to.

If the region often experiences windy weather, it is better to use metal pipes as the base. They must be buried in the ground, and the beams must be installed inside. This way the structure will be further strengthened.

If the region often experiences windy weather, it is better to use metal pipes as the base.

The frame is made from wooden beams. For the base, buy lumber of a larger cross-section, and for the load-bearing elements you can choose thinner bars. To construct the door opening, take a 100×100 mm beam.

  1. Saddle the base first, connecting the beams with nails. To make it easier to work, the bars can be pre-fastened with thin strips. Reinforce the base with stiffeners. For this purpose, use lumber with a smaller cross-section. It is very good if the frame and stiffeners are one whole.
  2. For roofing at the top of the frame make the sheathing. The crush can be covered with slate; you will need one sheet. In order to fix it, fill the strips on the facade and back of the booth. Attach the beams to the bottom of the frame; they will become the basis for the floor. After this, you can proceed to the construction of walls. Cover them with boards, this is the best option. In addition, chipboard or plywood sheets can be used.
  3. Make a door. After attaching the awnings, install it in the opening.
  4. Cover the roof with slate or other material.
  5. If you want, you can paint the toilet.

How to make ventilation

Exist the following options actions:

  1. Leave the building as is. In this case, the air in the cabin will move on its own.
  2. Forced ventilation. It is based on the installation of a fan.

You can choose any option for organizing the hood, but each of them requires the presence of ventilation holes. It's about about supply and exhaust ducts. A mandatory requirement will be the installation of a hood above the cesspool.

Forced ventilation is more efficient, it quickly removes from the toilet unpleasant odors. But organizing such a system will require certain financial costs from the owner of a summer cottage.

For organization forced ventilation you need to buy the following:

  • fan;
  • switches;
  • the wire.

Forced ventilation quickly removes methane, but such an installation is quite difficult to assemble. If you want the air in the toilet to always be fresh, this option will be the most suitable. But without electricity, such an installation will not work.

The natural method of ventilation is good because it does not require additional equipment.

In order to do supply ventilation, install a hood in the pit. It is required to ensure that gas does not enter the cabin, but is discharged outside.

Make an exhaust pipe. To do this, buy a product whose diameter is minimum 10 cm. The length of the pipe depends on how deep the hole is made in the toilet. To work, you will need an impact drill; in some cases, you cannot do without a hammer drill. The choice of tools depends on what material the booth is made of.

When laying a pipe in the ground, do not forget about its protection; for this purpose, buy a casing. You will also need fastenings. Those designed for drainage work well. To make the system more efficient, purchase a deflector.

The ventilation installation process consists of the following steps:

  1. Using the tool make a hole in a cesspool.
  2. Install fastenings according to the height of the building. Insert the pipe and secure her.
  3. Install the deflector.

Make holes in the walls of the toilet, placing them on opposite sides. There should be a place for the hood closer to the ceiling, and a supply opening near the floor. Take a mesh and close the ventilation passages; this will prevent debris from entering the toilet and also protect the building from insects.

Install the fan by attaching it to the exhaust vent. For a standard toilet, the area of ​​which does not exceed 2 m², a device whose power does not exceed 30 Watt. Supply electricity by laying a cable. Connect the fan, connect it to the mains.


The lighting options in the toilet are as follows:

  • air line;
  • underground cable;
  • solar-powered lanterns.

Overhead line is not the best The best decision, if you do not want wires running over the area from the house to the toilet. Laying the cable underground is more beneficial from an aesthetic point of view, but few people would like to spend so much money and time to install lighting in the toilet.

  • you can use LED lights , which are designed to illuminate the garden. There are products on sale different forms and weight. They are inexpensive and every gardener can buy them.
  • Since bright light is not needed, installing one flashlight will be enough for lighting. Buy a product, separate its upper part. Take a knife and cut off the fasteners, then they will not interfere with you.
  • Measure the protruding part of the lantern– one that is equipped with an LED and a battery. If necessary, you can easily replace the battery.
  • Make a hole in the wall of the building appropriate size. Insert the flashlight and secure it it with glue. Silicone sealant is best suited for this purpose.

How to make insulation

Choice suitable option insulation must be determined in advance. Much depends on whether you plan to insulate the internal or external parts of the structure.

Planning work on internal part, remember that space is limited. Choose a material that will not take up much space during installation. It is important that it reliably protects against frost, cold and wind. Another thing that speaks in favor of insulation from the inside is that this type of installation of material will require less money. However, each case is individual.

Choosing external insulation, get ready for more painstaking work. Because of limited space buy thermal insulation materials, the width of which does not exceed 75 mm. The ideal option would be to install sheets mineral wool. To attach it, buy rectangular metal slats.

Due to limited space, buy thermal insulation materials whose width does not exceed 75 mm.

  • For waterproofing you will need a film, and for cladding - plasterboard. It is best to opt for moisture-resistant sheets.
  • Buy screws and profiles. They will be needed in order to make a high-quality fastening.
  • To putty the joints between the sheets, buy putty.

To choose required quantity material, it is necessary to take into account the dimensions of the building. Installation of insulation consists of the following steps:

  1. Take wooden slats. Make the sheathing by painting it on the walls in increments of 50 cm.
  2. Lay down insulation sheets. Secure them with self-tapping screws and attach them to the sheathing. The material should be placed on the walls, do not forget about the ceiling.
  3. Place film on the insulation, it is required to protect mineral wool from moisture. Secure the film with tape.
  4. Cover the insulation moisture-resistant plasterboard . They are attached to self-tapping screws and mounted on a metal profile.
  5. Sheet joints seal with putty.

If you want, you can stick wallpaper or tiles onto the drywall.

You can build a toilet by hiring a construction team, or you can buy a ready-made one.

  • The cost of the “Hut” or “Birdhouse” starts from 6500 rubles.
  • Utility block with toilet – from 12 to 18 thousand rubles.
  • Delivery is possible, its cost depends on the destination and region.

You can build a toilet in your country house with your own hands very quickly. All parts of the structure made of wood should be treated with biocides. These drugs are effective against rot. Soak the wood twice with the water-polymer emulsion. This product is inexpensive, it long years will reliably protect lumber from dampness.

  • Sheathing with tongue and groove material will show all the advantages if you start filling the board with a horizontal belt. Keep in mind that the ridges should be placed up and the grooves should be placed down. This will prevent moisture from accumulating in the tongue. But the door is always sheathed, placing the boards vertically.
  • If you are going to build, and the drawing suggests the construction of curved sections, then cover them with boat boards. Marine cladding will last much longer.
  • In regions where in summer and in winter period there is a large amount of precipitation, such cladding will become ideal option. But remember that in regions where strong winds prevail, it is better to give preference to sheet piling cladding.
  • if you have electric jigsaw, which has a swivel shoe, then you can do it yourself boat plank from ordinary edged lumber.
  • All parts that face the ground or cesspool must be further processed bitumen mastic or hot bitumen.


Building a country toilet with your own hands is a task that even novice builders can do.

  1. Before starting work, determine the construction site and groundwater level; the type of structure depends on it.
  2. Make a drawing.
  3. Buy lumber in advance and prepare your tools.

You can assemble a toilet for your dacha in a few days.

This video describes in detail how to make a toilet for a summer house:
