Techniques for proper slaughter, plucking and cutting of goose carcasses. How to properly and quickly cut a goose into portioned pieces

Before cutting the carcass into pieces, check it for any remaining feather stumps. They must be completely removed with tweezers. Burn the fine fluff with a gas burner. After this, thoroughly wash and air dry the carcass for at least an hour. Then even goose cooked in pieces will remain juicy.

Knowing how to quickly butcher a goose will save time and effort.

Stages of cutting raw goose:

  • cut off the tail, remove the entrails and thoroughly rinse the carcass inside and out;
  • cut off the head, paws and wing tips;
  • cut off the thick layers of fat under the skin, for this you will need a thin sharp knife;
  • now turn the bird on its back and use a sharp large knife to cut the breastbone, separate the meat from the ribs;
  • cut off the wings and legs; it is most convenient to do this with special kitchen scissors;
  • Divide the remaining carcass into another 2-4 parts.

After cutting, the carcass must be dried. The bird cut in this way is compactly placed in a thick-bottomed pan. You can stew it with vegetables or marinate it in sour berries and fry it in the oven.

How to butcher a whole cooked goose

If you do not have a large bird, then the best option– bake it whole. The goose is washed and marinated in mustard, vinegar or sour berries according to the season. Be sure to dry it so that the crust turns out golden brown and crispy. To remove excess fat, you can stuff the belly with buckwheat, prunes, and apples.

This dish is served whole and carved in front of guests. To avoid being burned by steam from the belly, pierce it with a thin knife about 10 minutes before cutting. You will need a sharp wide knife and a special fork with a long handle.

Cutting the roast goose:

  1. If the bird is stuffed, you must first remove the filling. Cut the twine or remove the skewers. Place the filling in a separate container and serve it as an addition to the side dish.
  2. Separate the legs and wings; for a finished bird, this can be done by hand, carefully trimming the skin and meat with a knife.
  3. Now cut off the pieces of breast along with the skin.

One goose weighing 2-2.5 kg produces approximately 10-12 servings of gourmet meat.


  • Whole goose

How to properly butcher a goose at home

Anyone may encounter a situation where they need to cut up an ungutted bird themselves. Following our instructions, cutting up a domestic goose into portioned pieces will be quite easy.

We begin cutting from the moment our goose is killed and feathered. There are two ways to clean your pen:

1. Dry plucking

The goose must be plucked immediately after slaughter so that the carcass has not yet had time to harden. Tie the bird's legs and wings with a rope - this will make it more convenient to pluck a wild or domestic goose correctly.

Start plucking from the breast to the end of the abdomen. Then you need to remove all the feathers from the subclavian cavity and pluck the back. Pull out the feathers first, and then proceed to the fluff, immediately preparing suitable containers for the removed fluff and feathers. After complete removal of feathers and down, the goose should immediately be scorched using gas burner or a blowtorch.

2. Plucking with water

If you are going to pluck an already cooled goose carcass, then just hold it for a couple of minutes in hot water, having previously wrapped it in gauze. Pluck in the same way as with the first method described above.

How to butcher a goose step by step instructions with photos:

Step 1

Our goose has been plucked, washed and dried. Place it on an oilcloth or large cutting board.

Step 2

Cut off the paw joints and the outer part of the wings. Let's remove all remaining feather stumps by carefully examining the goose carcass.

Step 3

Let's make a neat transverse incision in the lower part of the belly of the carcass, trying in no way to touch internal organs goose.

Step 4

Let's remove the giblets by hand so as not to damage their integrity. Particular attention should be paid to the gallbladder located near the liver (do not crush it, otherwise everything that gets in contact with bile will turn rancid).

Step 5

We carefully cleanse the liver from the gall bladder, the stomach from the contents and hard inner lining, and the heart from membranes. We tear out the trachea by feeling it in the upper part of the cavity and pulling it down to the incision on the abdomen. Let's remove excess fat (we will need it for pates, so you can immediately melt it, or send it to freezer, in order to drown goose fat when a decent amount has accumulated).

Step 7

Place our towel-dried goose carcass and all the edible giblets in a large saucepan, cover with a clean towel or loose lid. We'll send the bird to cold basement or into the zero chamber of the refrigerator. This is necessary for proper ripening of poultry meat. Sometimes gutted poultry is hung on special hooks in basements or cold chambers. In some cases, during the ripening process, goose carcasses are kept in special muslin bags. Choose a method of storing poultry carcasses that is convenient for you personally! Have fun preparing many delicious dishes with goose meat!

Kira Stoletova

Goose is not only fluff and feathers, but also delicious meat that can become a highlight festive table. Housewives are willing to pay considerable money for this meat, so those who keep geese in their own yard can be called lucky! Those who don’t know how to butcher a goose urgently need to learn this, fortunately, the work is not difficult. For a better understanding, it is worth watching the video.

Preparatory work

Meat can easily lose its outstanding qualities. And the best anti-recipe that can lead to a similar effect: do not prepare the goose for slaughter in any way, feed and water it as usual, and then chop it into pieces cruelly and without compassion. Of course, after this it is advisable to immediately throw away the resulting product. To prevent this from happening, slaughter must initially be carried out correctly.

  1. When geese are slaughtered, the question is unanswerable; it is decided individually. The bird grows quickly, and already at the age of 3-5 months it can be slaughtered. Over time, the amount of sebaceous deposits in the bird’s body increases, which means the quality of the meat and its price decrease. However, nothing will prevent farmers from sending geese for slaughter at an older age, for example, at 4-5 years.
  2. The next important point before you start slaughtering geese at home is fattening. You need good food and lots and lots of greens in the summer or root vegetables in the winter. The meat will be more nutritious if the birds were fed balanced feed during their lifetime. Before the tasty goose is slaughtered, it is fed 3 times a day.
  3. It's nice to cut up a well-fed goose, but it's completely unpleasant if its carcass is full of feces. First you will have to empty his intestines: feeding is stopped at least 12 hours before it is time to kill the bird. On the other hand, keeping a bird on a hunger strike for longer than 12 hours is unprofitable, as the taste will deteriorate. You can’t feed the bird, but you can give it plenty of water: this will prolong further storage carcasses.
  4. It is recommended to slaughter geese in the morning. It is better that birds invited to the table as the main course spend some time in dark room. If the slaughter of domestic geese is postponed until the middle of the day, the pen should be darkened. For these reasons, while awaiting slaughter, doomed individuals are transferred to a separate room.

How to kill a goose without problems

Farmers and hunters choose one of two methods for slaughtering a domestic goose.

  1. For the external slaughter method, you need a high-quality, sharp knife. The bird is placed in a cone, the goose's head is lowered down and the carotid artery is cut. The bird is left until the blood has completely drained: such a carcass will be stored longer.
  2. For internal method slaughtering will have to purchase scissors. You need to tie the feathered paws, lower its head down, open its beak and cut the veins with scissors, and then pierce the cerebellum. Slaughtering a duck this way is faster than the first way.

Whatever method you choose, it would be a good idea to carefully study anatomical atlases, or at least look detailed video. For an inexperienced person, the first slaughter in his life will be a test of strength.

The main thing is that before cutting, the bird must be deprived of the ability to break free and flap its wings; it is advisable to completely stun it by hitting it in the head with a stick or something equally durable.

There are sometimes hot rumors on the Internet that the goose killed its owner in an attempt to save its life. The veracity of these rumors is up to the author, but it is impossible to argue with the fact that it is difficult to kill a creature that desperately resists, has powerful wings and a pointed beak.

How to butcher a goose || Marinade for smoking || Geese from catching to dressing

How to pluck and skin a Goose! (in detail). Compound. Easy!!! HD

Goose dressing

I chop a goose. It’s very simple and easy.

How to pluck a bird

A bird without feathers does not look respectable, which is why live geese do not like to be plucked. The dead carcass, fortunately, cannot object, and this is the only joy. An inexperienced person should do this work outside, because the first time (and many subsequent times) feathers will have to be collected throughout the house. You can pluck after the carcass is completely drained of blood. They do this in several ways:

  1. Dry. The method is applied almost immediately after slaughter, when the bird is still warm. She is placed on her knees and plucked. How long the processing will take depends on skill. There are several secrets that you can use to make your work easier. First, large feathers should be plucked and only after that small ones should be plucked out in the direction of growth. In order for the carcass to end up looking appetizing and not like a chewed toy, you shouldn’t pick up and pluck a lot of feathers at once.
  2. Scalding is convenient to use at home. The bird is scalded with boiling water or dipped in a basin with the same hot water, but not for long: it takes a minute, no more. Boiling water softens the feathers and makes them easier to pluck, and they won’t fly around the apartment so much. There are also many disadvantages to this method: you need to work quickly before the effect disappears. The shelf life of poultry is significantly reduced, and feathers and down after such rude treatment become unsuitable for further use.
  3. Iron. If you have an iron in the house, you should try another interesting method: tie a rope around the bird’s throat, place a pump in the neck and inflate the carcass with air. Place gauze moistened and folded several times on top and steam with an iron. So, periodically steaming the bird, it remains to be quickly plucked. The shelf life, as well as the quality of feathers, will not be affected after this method.

This way you can pluck both domestic and wild goose. Which method is more “correct” is up to the owner of the carcass to decide.

When the bird is “naked”, it can be cut into portions and this work should not be put off for later. As they say, work is not a wolf, it won’t run away into the forest: you can rest, but the work won’t go anywhere.

Learning to use a knife

Cutting goose meat is a goal that precedes the stage of enjoying a delicious dish. When domestic geese are slaughtered, they try to do everything quickly so that they do not suffer. On the contrary, the task of butchering a domestic goose does not require speed; it is an almost meditative task. It takes place in several stages.

  1. cut off the head;
  2. cut off wings and paws;
  3. separate the trachea and esophagus, cut the abdomen without damaging the intestines, dispose of the contents of the abdomen, except for the liver;
  4. Rinse cold water and put it aside for a while; After a few hours, you can put the portioned pieces into storage.

Goose is a very tasty bird, but in order to get a tasty dish based on it, you need to go through a number of stages in cutting the bird. The whole process will require a fair amount of time and effort, but it's worth it.

Geese meat is highly valued on the market and its cost is higher than pork. In order to raise poultry for meat, it is important to properly and regularly feed the animal with balanced feed. Provide the bird with clean and fresh water, and ensure that it lives in a clean, dry and warm poultry house. In addition to raising poultry, it is important to properly pluck and slaughter a goose.

Goose meat is highly prized in the market

Geese are slaughtered when, after the natural loss of feathers, no new stumps are formed. Run your hand over the body of the bird against the growth of the feathers; if you do not feel the formation of new stumps, then the bird is ready for slaughter. The age when a goose is ready for slaughter is not a specific date. Their slaughter begins at the age of three months, when they gain a weight of about four kilograms. You should start slaughtering geese at this age, but you can slaughter them at five months when you feed them a mixed diet. Do not overextend the growth of the goose. As they age, their level of sebaceous deposits increases. As a result, the quality and price of meat decreases. Making the resulting product not in demand.

Controlling all these subtleties can help increase your profits or improve the taste of the meat if you raise them for yourself.

Organization of slaughter

The process of slaughtering at home is not so simple. It is necessary to ensure that the bird's crop and intestines are empty of food. To do this, the bird is not fed ten hours before the start of the process. If you ignore this action, you risk spoiling the taste of the meat. The lack of feeding is compensated by plenty of water, which needs to be slightly salted. This will increase the shelf life of the poultry carcass.

10 hours before slaughter you need to stop feeding the goose

Before you begin the process itself, fold the wings to one side. Tie your paws.

The goose slaughter method is divided into two types:

External, carried out using a knife. This is done as follows:

  1. The goose is lowered head down into a special container.
  2. Before cutting begins, the bird is hit on the head to stun it.
  3. Use a sharp object to make a puncture under the ear.
  4. Cut the bird's carotid artery.
  5. Leave the carcass so that all the blood drains from the body.

Internal, scissors are used in the process.

  1. Hang the bird upside down.
  2. Unclench the goose's beak.
  3. Cut the artery through the oral cavity.
  4. Through the puncture in the palate, point the scissors towards the skull.

A puncture of a certain area of ​​the brain weakens the protective function. This makes it easier to remove the feathers.

Common, using an axe.

  1. Cut off the head of the goose.
  2. Hang it upside down.
  3. Place a container under the carcass.
  4. Let all the blood drain. Make sure all the blood drains out.

When you leave a goose hanging upside down and allowing the blood to drain, loosen the tied parts of the body so as not to spoil the appearance of the carcass. If you shorten the bleeding time, you will ruin the meat. This can shorten the shelf life of the meat, or even make it unfit for consumption. Blood can flow out from five minutes to twenty. There is no need to rush in this matter.

Having tried several methods of slaughtering a goose, you can choose the most suitable one.

Each of the proposed methods is suitable for slaughtering poultry. All you have to do is choose the one that is most convenient for you. Knowing the anatomy of a goose will allow you to make the process more efficient.

The last method is faster. But you should choose the method that is more convenient for you.

Carcass processing

Plucking geese after slaughter at home is not carried out immediately. The carcass is left to cool for three hours. This allows the fat to harden and reduce damage to the skin. Then they pluck.

Consistent cutting of goose meat preserves the quality of the taste and does not spoil it. Geese have fatty meat and improper cutting can spoil the taste of the prepared dish.

Slaughtering and plucking a bird is not enough. This appearance gives the goose an unpresentable appearance. Therefore, after plucking the feathers and slaughtering, you should cut the meat, regardless of whether you cook it whole or not.

Clean the carcass from any remaining feathers and fluff. You can burn your body or pluck them out. In the area of ​​the second vertebra, cut off the head.

The carcass must be thoroughly feathered

Remove the wings up to the elbow, and cut off the legs along the joint. Clean the insides from the trachea and esophagus.

Without touching the intestines, strip the bird. Remove all internal organs, but leave the liver.

Once the process is complete, rinse the bird under plenty of cold water.

To cut a bird correctly, you need to be careful. If you're not sure you can handle it, invite someone who is more knowledgeable about the process.

For those who raise geese, it is important to know how to dress a goose, and before that, slaughter and pluck it correctly. Proper organization of this process is important, as it will allow you to get quick results, and the final product will have an attractive appearance. appearance.

Preparation for slaughter

The slaughter of geese at home must be carried out using certain actions. It is important to comply with them, as they directly affect the taste and shelf life of the product. Before slaughtering, the bird must empty its intestines of waste products. Therefore, it is necessary to remove the feed 12 hours before slaughter. It is impossible to deprive the bird of feeding for more than this period, as it will experience stress. And this will affect the taste of the meat. Water can be given, but if you use water with added salt, the carcass will be stored longer. When a bird is without food, it should be kept separately in a room from the rest. This process is carried out at night, so the slaughter will take place in the morning. If a bird is deprived of food during the day, then the place for keeping such birds for slaughter must be darkened.

Slaughtering technique

In ordinary everyday conditions, many farmers resort to the most well-known and, at first glance, simple way. They cut off the head with an ax, not keeping the bird on a diet, but grabbing the first one they come across. And mostly the blood drains if the goose is hung by its legs or if it is simply left on the ground until it stops fluttering and the blood stops flowing from it in a stream. But in practice, the methods presented below are much more effective in their application, which are not only quick and easy, but also give the meat better taste and external qualities.


A sharp knife is used for this process. The meaning of the technique is that the goose weighs head down. To do this, you can use special cone-shaped devices that are designed to thread the bird's head through them. They can be made of plastic or metal. Their sizes are suitable even for the most seemingly large birds. Before slaughter, the birds are stunned with a sharp blow, after which the head is taken in one hand, and with the other a cut is made in the throat below the earlobe. The tip of the knife is inserted deeply, after which the jugular vein and carotid artery are cut. The blood will flow rapidly, it must be given time to drain. It is important that bleeding occurs completely; this affects the length of storage of the meat.

Internal method

This method is used using scissors. The goose is tied up and turned upside down. The bird's beak is opened and scissors are inserted into the throat cavity, after which the jugular and carotid arteries are cut with a sharp movement. Why make a puncture with the tip of the scissors, which should be directed to the back of the skull, where the cerebellum is located. Internal method is the fastest, and thus more humane. The bird is left hanging upside down so that the blood drips down. But, regardless of the chosen method, it is important to know the location of the anatomical parts of the body of geese. And in order to kill a goose quickly, you need to take advantage of special knowledge of what the structure of this type of bird looks like and study the technique.

Video with a modern method of slaughtering birds

Modern factories with workshops for the slaughter of farm birds work with large volumes of birds every day. Therefore, to quickly complete all stages, special conveyor lines were developed that are capable of carrying out the entire technology of slaughter, plucking and gutting in a short time.

How to pluck a goose

Dry plucking method

To pluck a goose correctly using the dry method without water, the bird is tied up, after which it is positioned opposite itself, and they try to remove the feathers by hand one by one. Large feathers are pulled out first, followed by smaller ones. Plucking begins in the tail and wings, after which the neck, chest and limbs are plucked. In the direction of growth. To preserve the presentation of the carcass and not damage skin covering, necessary to take according a small number feathers when plucked.


This method of plucking geese at home differs from dry plucking in that before it is carried out, the carcass is filled with hot water. The temperature should be in the range from 80 degrees to 90 o C. The feather is easier to remove from exposure to hot temperatures.


  • Scalding does not last long, so you need to quickly pluck the feathers
  • Removing the pen in this way reduces the shelf life
  • Further use of feathers and down is impossible due to the fact that they cannot be dried

How to preserve feathers and down of geese

Some poultry farmers use waste-free production and want to keep the feather and down in in good shape for further use or sale. Has gained enough popularity interesting way poultry pluckings. It consists of inflating the bird with a bicycle or any other pump through a hole in the skin on the throat. After this, the neck is tied with a rope to prevent air from escaping. The feathers on the body will be raised and then a damp cloth is placed on the skin. At this time, the top of the feather is treated with steam from the iron. Gradually, the entire skin surface of the bird is passed through. At the same time, the feather is very easily and quickly removed from the carcass. A seemingly complex manipulation turns out to be simple to perform. Therefore, this method has increasingly begun to be used among poultry farmers.

How to butcher a goose

Cutting a goose carcass is an important and final stage. Therefore, before implementing it, it is necessary to understand how the goose meat will be used. Do you need a whole carcass or portioned pieces? Even a whole goose requires certain manipulations with butchering, for example, cutting off the paws or head. The process itself has several steps.

The process of step-by-step removal of feathers from a goose carcass

1. Carefully inspect the carcass; there should be no remains of feathers, fluff, hairs or other unnecessary parts on it. If detected, they are removed manually.
2. The head is cut off at the level of the 2nd vertebra. If it was removed during slaughter, then move on to the next point.
3. We continue to cut off the wings in the area of ​​the elbow bend. The paws are cut off at the joint. Where the limbs have a bend, they are easiest to cut off.
4. At the fourth stage, the goose’s esophagus is removed along with the trachea. This can be done without cutting the body of the bird. The esophagus is found through the cloaca and cut off. This requires understanding anatomical structure birds to navigate inside it.
5. At this stage, the goose carcass is cut in the abdominal area. The line goes from the cloaca to the carina. It is important to make the cut carefully so as not to touch the internal organs and spoil the meat.
6. Then all the goose organs are removed through a hole in the belly. All parts are recycled except the liver, heart, and stomach.
7. The cackling tube in the lower part of the larynx must be removed.
8. After these manipulations, the goose is washed with cool water. Then the meat is left to ripen for about 12 hours and after that you can start cooking or store it in the freezer.

Important! Carefully remove the liver along with the gall bladder. If removed inaccurately, organs may rupture and bile, coming out, will make the meat unfit for consumption. Therefore, these organs are taken in the hand and carefully pulled out.

More detailed information You can find out about goose meat in this article.

Goose meat can be stored for no more than three months. refrigeration chamber, at a temperature of -5-8 o C. Another method of storing meat can be used, this is to create an ice crust around the goose carcass. To do this, the carcass is taken out into the cold and dipped in cold water. After this, take it out and wait for the water to form a crust. This manipulation is carried out up to five times until a layer of ice sticks to the goose. This method will allow you to conveniently store meat in the refrigerator. Better to use in summer different methods cooking goose meat, such as smoking or salting. This way it will remain edible longer.
More important point is defrosting a goose. This process should take place gradually, usually lasting 2-4 hours at room temperature. Goose meat cannot be thawed or frozen again. This spoils its quality and leads to spoilage.
The last step is to run the goose skin over a fire to remove any remaining feathers. Next, the carcass can be wiped with bran, which will increase the quality of the scorch.
There is no one universal method; everyone chooses the method that seems more convenient to him. Therefore, everyone chooses for themselves how best to pluck a goose. Undoubtedly, each method has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Video of proper cutting of a goose carcass

It is always important to have an understanding of how a particular action can be performed in practice. Many experienced poultry farmers who have been raising poultry for many years have developed and improved their own systems for butchering geese. This video presents a cutting option that is suitable for novice poultry farmers to learn this technique and then easily use it in practice.

Raising poultry is an interesting process from purchasing the first bird to preparing it. For many, poultry farming is becoming not only a source of environmentally friendly meat, but also a good and profitable business. Goose meat is in great demand on the market. Consumers especially appreciate poultry and generally give preference to such products. Therefore, you should learn how to properly slaughter, pluck and professionally dress geese not only for yourself, but also so that the products have a beautiful appearance when sold.
Keep in mind that feeding geese also affects the appearance of the meat. If you are wondering what this bird is fed. Read in this. It tells what geese are given to achieve beautiful color meat and skin.
