Silhouette pills, how long does it take for side effects to start? Siluet - official instructions for use. In what form is it produced?

As you know, they must be selected carefully. They should not cause serious harm to the body and perform their function efficiently. More and more women prefer to use the oral contraceptive "Silhouette". What are its features?

Tablet "Silhouette": reviews

What do patients say about their experience with the oral contraceptive in question? Women talk about the occurrence discomfort, for example, breast swelling, as well as disruptions in the cycle (for example, unusually long periods, which sometimes have to be stopped with medication). Some ladies, in order to weaken and even neutralize any manifestation of unwanted symptoms, additionally take a women's vitamin complex. Judging by the reviews, this helps make the use of this contraceptive as comfortable as possible. Consumers of the drug "Silhouette" (tablets) are pleased with the price of this product. In pharmacies it starts from six hundred and seventy rubles.

Composition and release form

What is the Silhouette tablet? Reviews recommend that you carefully read this information in advance.

The drug is a tablet in a white film shell. The main ingredients are dienogest and ethinyl estradiol. Hypromellose, lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate, corn starch, talc, and potassium polyacrylate are used as auxiliary components.

Indications for use

In what cases are “Silhouette” hormonal pills used? Among the indications for use are the following: oral contraception, acne (or acne), some are prescribed for endometriosis.

Mode of application

How to take Silhouette birth control pills correctly? This must be done one at a time every day, with the drug. big amount clean water. Taking Silhouette tablets lasts twenty-one days, followed by a seven-day break. After this, you can start using the next pack.

If this type of contraceptive has not been used before, then the first pill should be taken on the first day menstrual cycle. If a woman has replaced this drug with another, then she can take Silhouette on the first day after the break or the next day after the last dose of the previous contraceptive drug.

You can switch from injectable contraceptives, progesterone-only pills, or implants any day.

After an abortion, you can use it immediately. After childbirth - three to four weeks.

Taking missed pills

What to do if a woman does not take Silhouette (tablets) at the appointed time? The cost of such forgetfulness can be high.

There is no need to worry if the delay is no more than twelve hours. You can immediately take the pill and continue therapy according to the established schedule.

If the delay is more significant, the following should be taken into account: the use of the drug should not be interrupted for more than one week; a lasting effect develops only after seven days of use.

Further actions depend on the period in the tablet use schedule. If we're talking about About the first week, you need to immediately take the pill you missed (even if you now have to take two at once). Next - according to the usual schedule. It is recommended to use condoms for a week.

If we are talking about the second week of taking the drug, then it is important to immediately take the pill that you missed. The use of barrier methods of contraception is not necessary.

If we are talking about the third week, then the risk of a decrease in the effectiveness of the drug is not so great, provided that the woman has not missed a single dose before. However, the usual seven-day break should not be taken. The next pack starts immediately after the previous one.


In some cases, you should not take Silhouette birth control pills. Which contraindications include the following: deep vein thrombosis, venous thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, arterial thrombosis, deep vein thrombophlebitis, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, transient ischemic attacks, hemorrhagic cerebrovascular changes, significant dysfunction of the valvular apparatus of the heart muscle, ischemic cerebrovascular disorders, fibrillation atria, pancreatitis, subacute bacterial endocarditis, porphyria, major trauma, jaundice, sickle cell anemia, Rotor syndrome, diabetes, Gilbert's syndrome, severe dyslipoproteinemia, Dubin-Johnson syndrome, smoking, liver tumors, other severe liver diseases, pregnancy, epilepsy, lactation, genital diseases caused by hormone therapy, lactase deficiency, vaginal bleeding outside the cycle, lactase intolerance, migraine , individual intolerance to the ingredients of the drug in question.

In all of the above cases, the Silhouette tablet cannot be used. Reviews emphasize the importance of timely familiarization with this information. This will help avoid serious consequences.

Side effects

Does it have any side effects Silhouette tablet? Reviews show that, like any oral contraceptive, this medication has a certain complex effect on the female body. Among the known adverse reactions are the following: stroke, venous thrombosis, myocardial infarction, pulmonary embolism, anemia, various cerebrovascular accidents, arterial hypertension, tachycardia, arterial hypotension, hot flashes, varicose veins veins, pain along the veins, migraine, dizziness, superficial vein thrombophlebitis, hematoma, headache, deep vein thrombophlebitis, increased excitability, pulmonary embolism, hypoacusia, visual impairment, tinnitus, conjunctivitis, temporary hearing loss, dry eye mucosa , hearing impairment, contact lens intolerance, bronchitis, cholelithiasis, bronchial asthma, cholecystitis, sinusitis, enteritis, urinary tract infection, gastritis, acne, dyspepsia, acneiform dermatitis, diarrhea, exanthema, abdominal pain, skin allergic reactions, vomiting, chloasama , nausea, alopecia, significant weight gain, erythema multiforme, increased appetite, itching, vaginitis, erythema nodosum, vaginal candidiasis, vascular purpura, fungal infections, hypertrichosis, herpetic lesions of the oral cavity.

Also, after taking Silhouette tablets, the following problems may occur: spider veins, flu-like symptoms, angioedema, feelings of fatigue and malaise, virilism, edema, hyperpigmentation, allergic reactions, enlarged mammary glands, hyperhidrosis, pain in the mammary glands, seborrhea, acyclic bloody discharge, eczema, acyclic bleeding, dandruff, menstrual-like painful bleeding, decreased mood, ovarian cysts, insomnia, dyspareunia, sleep disturbances, increased vaginal discharge, depression, endometriosis, anorexia, vaginitis, changes in libido, vulvovaginitis, aggressiveness, salpingitis, apathy, endometritis, back pain, salpingitis, cramps in the calf muscles, vulvovaginal itching, arthralgia, endometrial cancer, myalgia, cervicitis, scanty menstrual-like bleeding, breast lipoma, mastitis, the appearance of mammary secretions, leiomyoma, fibrocystic dysplasia mammary glands, liver tumors, chloasma, breast cancer.

What does this information do for patients? The idea that such therapy does not pass without a trace. Therefore, they urge you to think carefully before you start taking Silhouette tablets, instructions for use, reviews from gynecologists. Can they be used during pregnancy?

Use during pregnancy

Should it be used by women in the Silhouette position? The composition of the tablets is such that their use during pregnancy is strictly prohibited.

What if pregnancy occurred directly during the period of use of the drug in question? Its use should be stopped immediately. This is due to the lack of data that would describe the essence of the effect of this hormonal therapy on fetal development.

Likewise, women who are breastfeeding should not use the oral contraceptive in question

special instructions

Before you start using the contraceptive in question, it is important to make certain preparations. For example, you need to collect anamnesis (personal and family), and be sure to rule out pregnancy. It is important that blood pressure readings are normal and the results of the general examination are satisfactory. The potential patient should have a good understanding of the risks associated with using the drug, how exactly it should be used and why it is so important. The frequency of regular gynecological examinations. In any case, they should be carried out at least once every six months. A woman should be clearly aware that the oral contraceptives in question will not be able to protect her from any sexually transmitted infections, including HIV infection (AIDS).

It is important to know that very often the use of this type of contraception leads to changes in the picture of the results of a number of laboratory tests. Among them: biochemical indicators of kidney, thyroid, adrenal and liver function. Also, hormonal therapy can affect the level of transport proteins in plasma and the parameters of carbohydrate metabolism. Significant changes are naturally a cause for concern.

Does the use of the drug "Silhouette" (tablets) cause side effects in the form of impaired reaction and inability to control vehicles? No. However, severe dizziness and significant temporary visual impairment may occur. It is important to take this into account when planning your activities so as not to endanger your life.


What will happen to a patient who exceeds the prescribed dosage according to which Silhouette tablets should be taken? Instructions for use, reviews from doctors report that even in the described case, the drug in question is not acutely toxic. However, certain symptoms may still occur. These include: vomiting, nausea, bleeding or spotting directly from the vagina. There is no therapy specifically designed to combat overdose of this medication. If the need arises, the problem is dealt with symptomatically.

Features and shelf life

The instructions recommend storing "Silhouette" (tablets) in a dark place that children cannot reach. The temperature there should not exceed twenty-five degrees. No later than two years from the date of manufacture of the drug "Silhouette" (tablets), the instructions allow its use.

Bottom line

The contraceptive in question is an excellent contraceptive, which, however, has a certain Negative influence on the body. Therefore, when using it, it is important to regularly see a gynecologist in order to avoid the development of dangerous diseases.

Article outline

Endometriosis is a serious and common gynecological disease. Pathology provokes the proliferation of endometrial cells, which lines inner layer uterus Cells penetrate into the muscle tissue of the organ, beyond its boundaries. An accurate diagnosis is made by a doctor after a comprehensive examination, including various methods. The disease can be treated conservatively with medications and surgically if there are indications for this. Even after surgery, a woman’s body needs medicinal support, which prevents possible relapses. To treat the pathology, combined oral contraceptives are used - these are first-line medications used in therapy. The drug Silhouette for endometriosis has been named one of the most effective and safe today. It ensures the destruction of foci of endometriosis, accelerates regenerative processes and restoration of the body.

General concept of endometriosis

Endometriosis is a hormone-dependent pathology in which the glandular tissue of the uterus (endometrium) grows beyond its boundaries. As a rule, foci of endometriosis occur in the fallopian tubes, ovaries, intestines, and affect the rectum and peritoneal organs. Endometriosis is usually divided into:

  • internal - in this case the organ itself is affected. Endometriotic lesions form in muscle tissue;
  • external - pathology affects organs outside the uterus.

Adenomyosis is a form of pathology in which the growth of the endometrium does not extend beyond the organ. The disease causes an increase in the size of the uterus. Heavy bleeding is possible, pain increases during menstruation and in the intervals between them. Ignoring the problem leads to aggravation of the situation - the menstrual cycle is disrupted, a woman may face problems conceiving or bearing a child. Infertility is possible.

Many associate it with emotional stress, physical activity, ignoring them. The diagnosis can be made by a doctor after a comprehensive examination. Timely treatment will stop the process, restore health, allowing you to maintain reproductive function.

These pathologies have the same nature - they are provoked by the growth of the endometrium outside its normal location. Timely diagnosis, complex therapy, and a woman’s compliance with specialist recommendations give a good prognosis for the recovery of the body. It should be remembered that endometriosis cannot be cured completely, but through proper therapy, a long period of remission can be achieved. The disease goes into a latent form, does not bother, and does not prevent a woman from becoming pregnant, carrying and giving birth to a healthy child.

General information about the drug

Today, the drug Silhouette is recognized as one of the most effective and safe in the treatment of endometriosis. It is a monophasic low-dose contraceptive. It is produced by a Romanian pharmaceutical company. Silhouette is a structural analogue of the drug Janine, which has the same set of medicinal properties. The advantage of the drug is its availability for most women - it has a low cost.

The drug is monophasic - it combines two active ingredients, which have a constant concentration, no matter what day of the menstrual cycle.

Silhouette is a low-dose drug - the amount of dienogest exceeds the amount of the same substance in other related pharmacological subgroups.

pharmachologic effect

The drug Silhouette is part of the group of combined contraceptive drugs. It works comprehensively and makes the process of conception impossible. For endometriosis, Silhouette performs a therapeutic function.

The tablets promote degeneration, regression, and further atrophy of endometrial growths, regardless of where they are located. The drug helps reduce estrogen synthesis, it successfully suppresses ovulation and, as a result, proliferative cyclic changes that occur in the endometrium, which is located in the uterus and beyond, are blocked.

Another important pharmacological effect is the elimination of local inflammatory processes. In patients, the activity of certain enzymes also decreases, which reduces the intensity of pain localized in the pelvic area. For some, such pain becomes chronic; it periodically intensifies or weakens.

Thanks to the action of the drug, the implantation of endometrial cells outside the uterus is reduced; lesions formed in other organs stop growing without degenerating into endometrial tissue. Thanks to Silhouette, the development of iron deficiency anemia is prevented.

Japanese scientists have found that dienogest, which is part of the drug, prevents the degeneration of endometrial lesions into malignant neoplasms. It is able to protect a woman from possible cancer diseases, reducing the risk of their development.


Silhouette hormonal tablets contain two main active ingredients:

  • dienogest – 2 mg;
  • ethinyl estradione – 0.3 mg.

The combination of components provides a contraceptive, antiandrogenic effect. The medicine also contains a number of excipients that are important for providing a therapeutic, contraceptive effect.

The main active components of the drug are synthetic analogues of estrogen and progesterone, which are produced in the woman’s body. Dienogest and ethinyl estradione are contained in the amount necessary to have a positive effect on the condition and structure of endometrial tissue, as well as the condition of the mammary glands.

Indications and contraindications for use

There are a number of mandatory indications for prescribing the drug Silhouette for endometriosis:

  • treatment of the initial stage of pathology in patients;
  • preparing the patient for surgery for severe forms of the disease;
  • postoperative treatment to exclude possible relapses.

As soon as endometriosis is diagnosed, the patient must understand that taking therapy seriously is the main rule for restoring the body. The dosage and duration of treatment directly depend on whether the woman plans to become pregnant in the near future. After the course of prescribed therapy, a repeated comprehensive examination is prescribed. The further treatment plan depends on the results obtained.

The silhouette does not suit every woman. There are a number of contraindications that completely exclude the use of the drug:

  • jaundice;
  • liver damage;
  • thromboembolic diseases;
  • malignant neoplasms of the mammary glands, reproductive system organs;
  • epilepsy;
  • migraine;
  • smoking if the woman is over 35 years old;
  • hypertension;
  • coagulation disorder;
  • dyslipoproteinemia.

The presence of one of these factors completely excludes the use of Silhouette as a drug to eliminate endometriosis. The doctor selects other means that have a therapeutic effect.

How to take Silhouette

Exact instructions for using Silhouette for endometriosis are developed by a doctor. This directly depends on whether the woman is planning a pregnancy in the near future, the general condition of the body, and the stage of development of the disease.

For early stage adenomyosis, as a rule, a six-month course of therapy is prescribed according to a “cyclic scheme”. A woman takes Silhouette for 21 days. And he takes a 7-day break - the 21+7 scheme. Menstruation occurs during the withdrawal period on day 3-4. The course of treatment is 3-6 months - everything is individual. After this, a re-examination is scheduled and the treatment plan is adjusted if necessary.

For women who do not want to get pregnant, but want to avoid relapses of the disease, another “long-term” regimen is prescribed. You need to take the pills for 42 days, then take a break for 7 days. A 63-day regimen with a 7th break is possible. The third scheme is 84+7. In this case, such schemes are maintained for several years, during which the woman takes the drug daily. If you do not take one or several tablets in a row at times when you need to take them according to the schedule, you can:

  • disrupt the treatment regimen;
  • provoke bleeding, the intensity of which cannot be predicted.

First tablet in treatment cycle endometriosis is taken on the first day of the cycle. In some cases, treatment begins 2-5 days after the start of menstruation.

A woman should know that the first week of admission requires additional, barrier contraception. The doctor warns about this.

Interaction with other drugs

Which involves taking Silhouette, may temporarily exclude the use of other drugs or weaken their effect. You definitely need to know about this. Hormonal contraceptives may reduce effectiveness:

  • antibiotics;
  • antifungal drugs;
  • antiviral drugs.

In turn, these same medications reduce the contraceptive effect that Silhouette has. Before starting a course of treatment, your doctor must tell you what medications you are taking. This also applies to the treatment of other diseases. The specialist should know that the patient is taking COCs.

It is completely contraindicated to combine Silhouette with:

  • preparations created on the basis of St. John's wort;
  • antidepressants;
  • anti-anxiety drugs;
  • antibiotics.

Analogues of Silhouette in the treatment of endometriosis

The silhouette is recognized today by specialists as effective, affordable and safe. Most often it is prescribed to patients who are faced with the disease.

Its analogues can be no less effective:

  • Zhanin, Yarina - the mechanism of their action alleviates the woman’s condition, has a contraceptive effect, does not allow the production of an egg, as a result of which the endometrium does not grow. The drugs normalize the menstrual cycle;
  • Utrozhestan, Duphaston - drug components suppress the production of estrogen (its amount is significantly reduced) due to this, the endometrium does not grow;
  • Danazol - the drug provokes the cessation of the production of sex hormones in the female body, the foci of pathology begin to gradually decrease, then disappear.

The duration of therapy is prescribed by the doctor. As a rule, it takes at least 6 months to stabilize the condition and start recovery processes.

Prescribing, canceling, or skipping medications on your own can be harmful to your health!


The price of Silhouette may vary depending on the region and pharmacy chain. The drug is considered affordable in its category.

On average, the cost of 1 tablet of medicine containing 21 tablets is 610 rubles. A Silhouette package containing 3 records costs an average of 1,420 rubles. The drug is sold freely without a doctor's prescription.

You should not take it on your own, only after consulting a specialist.

Endometriosis is a common gynecological disease that progresses due to the growth of the inner uterine layer (endometrium) in the tissues of the uterus and beyond. If treated incorrectly, over time, pathological lesions affect all pelvic organs, which naturally negatively affects the health and quality of life of a woman. But the main complication of the pathology is infertility, and yet almost every woman dreams of giving birth and raising a child.

If you have been diagnosed with endometriosis, you must begin treatment immediately. In advanced stages, the disease is incurable; in some cases, a woman is prescribed surgery to remove the uterus and other affected reproductive organs. But it is worth remembering that only a doctor can choose the most suitable medicine for treatment.

The main reason for the development of pathology is considered to be hormonal imbalance, that is, the ovaries cease to produce sufficient amounts of sex hormones. But it is possible to determine which hormones are lacking and which, on the contrary, are produced in excess, only after a thorough laboratory and instrumental diagnosis. Therefore, self-medication is unacceptable; you can greatly harm your health.

Only after diagnosis, the gynecologist selects individual treatment for each patient. The main drugs for the treatment of endometriosis are combined oral contraceptives (COCs). One of the new drugs is “Silhouette”; its effectiveness in the treatment of endometriosis is confirmed by both doctors and patients.

The combined drug "Silhouette" is a new generation of contraceptive pills produced by the Hungarian pharmaceutical company Gedeon Richter. The drug is different affordable price Compared to their analogues, for example the well-known ones, they cost 3 times more. But in terms of properties and effect, “Silhouette” is in no way inferior to expensive analogues, which is why it is in demand. Reviews of Silhouette for endometriosis from both doctors and patients are positive.

The medicine has an antiandrogenic effect, its action is aimed at inhibiting ovulation and changing the structure of the endometrium. The active ingredients are quickly absorbed into the blood, reaching maximum concentration after 2 hours. Within 24 hours, it is completely absorbed and excreted in the urine. The drug "Silhouette" is available in the form of tablets, which can be purchased at any pharmacy.

The composition of the drug is characterized by low doses of its constituent hormones:

  • Dienogest – 2 mg.
  • Ethinyl estradiol – 0.03 mg.

The main active ingredient is dienogest, which, when entering the body, reduces the production of estrogen in the ovaries, this provides a high progestogenic effect. At the same time, dienogest does not have mineralocorticoid and glucocorticoid effects on the body, in other words, it does not suppress the woman’s immune system. This synthetic hormone does not disrupt metabolic processes in the body, so Silhouette can be taken for a long time.

The second component, ethinyl estradiol, replenishes estradiol deficiency in the body and normalizes metabolic processes, has an anti-atherogenic effect, reduces cholesterol, and increases calcium absorption.

The use of the drug "Silhouette" contributes to a significant improvement in the condition women's health. The tablets normalize the ovulation process, block the growth of pathological endometrial cells, prevent inflammatory processes and reduce pain by blocking prostaglandins.

Instructions for use for endometriosis

For the treatment of the disease, the drug is prescribed in the following cases:

  • Early stage of endometriosis;
  • Preparation for surgical removal of endometroid lesions;
  • Prophylactic therapy after surgery to prevent the appearance of new endometrial growths.

The dosage for the treatment of endometriosis is selected by the attending physician, taking into account the woman’s desire to become pregnant in the near future. This factor affects the duration of treatment.

Treatment regimens:

  1. When treating endometriosis followed by pregnancy, Silhouette should be taken according to the standard regimen: one tablet per day, at approximately the same time, with water. The course is 21 days, after which they take a 7-day break and start taking tablets from the next package. Duration of therapy is three months, treatment can be extended if necessary. When treating endometriosis, it is better to start taking birth control pills on the first day of your cycle.
  2. If pregnancy is not planned, it is recommended to take pills according to the following regimens:
  • Continuously for 42 days (6 weeks), then 7 days break;
  • Continuously 63 days (9 weeks), then 7 days break;
  • Continuously for 84 days (12 weeks), then a 7-day break.

According to these regimens, treatment can last for several years, the doctor decides how to take the drug after a monthly additional examination. Strictly follow the dosage prescribed by your doctor.

If you miss your next pill dose, you need to take the medicine as quickly as possible. If you frequently skip pills, the effectiveness of treatment decreases and uterine bleeding may suddenly occur. Therefore, you need to take hormonal medications responsibly.

Contraindications to the drug

Like all hormonal drugs, Silhouette tablets can have a negative effect on the body. The medicine should not be taken if you have a history of the following pathologies:

  • diabetes mellitus (or hereditary predisposition to the disease);
  • arterial hypertension;
  • pathologies of the gallbladder, kidneys or liver;
  • various heart diseases (stroke, ischemia, heart attack);
  • thrombophlebitis and venous diseases;
  • constant headaches;
  • epilepsy and schizophrenia;
  • bacterial endocarditis;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • pulmonary embolism;
  • congenital hyperbilirubenia;
  • bleeding of unknown nature;
  • allergy to lactose;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Smoking patients over 35 years of age should take the drug with caution; serious complications are possible - blood clots, stroke, heart attack. You need to completely give up cigarettes, at least for the duration of treatment.

In special cases, the doctor may prescribe the drug "Silhouette", but only if the risks correlate with the expected result of treatment. In other words, if hormonal therapy is unavoidable, the patient can take the pills under the constant supervision of the attending physician.

Side effects

Side effects mainly appear on initial stage treatment course. When using tablets, you may feel tension and pain in the mammary glands, and sometimes bleeding occurs. But with further use, these symptoms should disappear. The following side effects are also possible:

  • weight gain;
  • enlargement of the mammary glands;
  • dryness in the nasopharynx;
  • general weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • lower abdominal pain;
  • deterioration of vision and hearing;
  • lower back pain;
  • headache and migraine;
  • insomnia;
  • decreased sex drive;
  • leg cramps;
  • dermatitis;
  • depression, anxiety;
  • nausea and vomiting, flatulence and bloating;
  • digestive disorders, diarrhea.

In case of pronounced side effects, you should stop taking the pills and consult a doctor. He will determine the exact cause of the deterioration in health and determine whether it is worth continuing such treatment. Sometimes it is not the drug itself that has a negative effect, but its combined use with other drugs.

"Silhouette" and other medications

Hormonal medications should be combined with other medications with caution; if you are taking any medications for a long time for health reasons, be sure to warn your doctor about this. It is not recommended to take Silhouette together with certain antifungal, antiviral and antibiotic medications. Concomitant use may result in the above side effects, or to a completely unpredictable result. It is advisable not to drink alcohol during the course of treatment.

"Silhouette" and pregnancy

Birth control pills"Silhouette" first of all protects against unwanted pregnancy, so it is almost impossible to conceive a child while taking the medicine.

No special studies have been conducted to study the effect of the drug on pregnant women. But doctors confirm that if you accidentally take the medicine early stages(when the woman does not yet know about the pregnancy), the drug does not have a negative effect on the intrauterine development of the fetus. But the drug is eliminated from the body along with breast milk, therefore, you should not take the medicine during lactation.

"Silhouette" is a relatively inexpensive and effective medicine for endometriosis. According to gynecologists, the drug is one of the effective and safe means for preventing pregnancy and for the treatment of gynecological diseases. Many women who completed the course of treatment were able to quickly become pregnant and safely give birth to a child.

Patients with endometriosis show steady positive dynamics after treatment. In addition, according to reviews from women, taking the drug reduces pain during menstruation, improves mood and overall well-being. Reviews of Silhouette tablets for endometriosis are mostly positive.

But it is worth remembering that hormonal medications cannot be used without a doctor’s permission. Before taking Silhouette, consult your gynecologist, even if you want to take pills for contraception.

Oral contraceptives are used by many women to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy. There are several drugs with proven effectiveness. In addition to their main purpose, these products can improve skin condition, normalize weight and eliminate problems caused by hormonal imbalance. One of these medications is “Silhouette”.


This combination drug has a pronounced antiandrogenic effect. It contains two main and several auxiliary substances: ethinyl estradiol - a hormonal agent of the estrogen series (performs the functions of estrogen); dienogest is a hormonal drug (performs the functions of a progestan); Lactose monohydrate, corn starch, magnesium stearate.

Therapy with this drug leads to certain changes in the female body:

  • Peristalsis slows down fallopian tubes(by reducing the intensity of muscle fiber contractions, which prevents the movement of the egg).
  • The mucus in the cervical canal thickens (which creates obstacles for the movement of sperm in the genitals).
  • By reducing androgens, ovulation is suppressed, and folliculogenesis is also disrupted.
  • The structure of the endometrium in the uterus changes in such a way that the embryo cannot gain a foothold in it.

Taking dienogest in combination with ethinyl estradiol helps reduce ovulation and androgen levels in a woman’s body.

Indications for use

  • As an oral contraceptive to protect against unplanned pregnancy.
  • When treating girls and women acne caused by increased level androgens.
  • For the treatment of endometriosis (thickening of the layer lining the uterus).

Each of the hormones contained in the tablets is used in the treatment of infertility, while their combined effect has a contraceptive effect.

"Silhouette" for the treatment of endometriosis

This combination medicine is used to treat endometrial enlargement in young girls and women. In cases where surgical intervention is contraindicated, therapy with Silhouette is performed for endometriosis:

  1. Estrogen synthesis decreases.
  2. The growth of the endometrium outside the uterus is blocked.
  3. Ovulation is suppressed.
  4. Regular appointment promotes atrophy of endometriosis foci (by reducing their blood circulation).

In addition to complete recovery from the disease, many women note that the product restores the menstrual cycle, removes pain during sexual intercourse and reduces pain during menstruation.


Since this is a fairly strong hormonal drug, there are a number of body conditions for which its use is not recommended:

  • Cardiovascular diseases(angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, pulmonary embolism, thrombosis, severe arterial hypertension; hereditary tendency to form blood clots).
  • Pancreatitis.
  • Liver dysfunction (failure, hepatitis).
  • Malignant tumors (especially the uterus, appendages and mammary glands).
  • Diabetes.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Sickle anemia.
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding. If pregnancy is detected while taking the drug, it is discontinued. The studies conducted did not reveal the effect on the fetus of contraceptives that were taken through negligence. The combination of active ingredients of the drug can pass into mother's milk and have a negative effect on the baby, therefore, taking the drug during lactation is prohibited.
  • Severe migraines, especially with neurological symptoms.
  • Lactose intolerance.
  • Vaginal bleeding (with unknown cause).

In addition, the contraceptive is prohibited for those who smoke even after the age of 35. If the disease was detected during the course of treatment with the drug, it should be discontinued and immediately consult a doctor.

Side effects

When using Silhouette birth control pills, women may experience certain body reactions:

  • Changes in emotional background.
  • Headaches or migraines.
  • Increased heart rate.
  • Abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea.
  • Skin rashes.
  • Increase (or decrease) in appetite.
  • Painful sensations in the mammary glands.
  • Lack of libido.
  • Insomnia.

Many women who have taken Silhouette note that the most common symptoms include nagging pain in the lower abdomen (as during menstruation), nausea and headaches. As a rule, these symptoms disappear within a month after starting the drug.

In addition, some of the side effects may occur due to smoking, so women are advised to quit this habit before starting to take the contraceptive. Silhouette may cause dry eyes and decreased visual acuity in women who wear contact lenses.


Instructions for use indicate the following dosage regimens:

  1. If the drug is used for the first time, it is necessary to start on the first day of menstrual bleeding.
  2. If Silhouette replaces another contraceptive, it should be taken 24 hours after the end of the course of the previous drug.
  3. The contraceptive should be used once a day, preferably at the same time, after meals, with a sufficient amount of water.
  4. You need to drink the product in accordance with the order indicated on the blister pack.
  5. If a contraceptive is taken after an abortion in the first trimester of pregnancy, it is prescribed on the day of surgery.
  6. In case of abortion or childbirth in the second and third trimesters, the drug is taken 21-28 days after the intervention or natural birth.
  7. Breaks during the course of administration are unacceptable; if a woman forgot to take a pill, it is necessary to resume taking it as soon as it became clear.
  8. If side effects from the gastrointestinal tract occur (vomiting 3-4 hours after administration), you must take the drug again.

Before prescribing a course of oral contraceptives, a complete examination of the body should be carried out to identify possible diseases for which the use of the drug is prohibited. It is also necessary to exclude pregnancy.

The drug should be taken only as described in the instructions, since deviation from the specified order can cause hormonal changes in the body.

Interaction with other drugs

Taking Silhouette simultaneously with other medications may cause vaginal bleeding or decreased contraceptive effect. This can happen when interacting with certain substances:

  • Carbamazepine.
  • Phenobarbital.
  • Ribafutin.
  • Ritonavir.
  • St. John's wort extract.
  • Tetracycline.
  • Ampicillin.

In addition, a decrease in the protective effect and vaginal bleeding may occur when taking a contraceptive simultaneously with drugs that increase the clearance of sex hormones.

Oral contraceptives are used by women to protect against unwanted pregnancy. These drugs help normalize skin condition and weight, problems with which were caused by hormonal imbalance. Silhouette is also used to treat endometriosis.

It should be remembered that by prescribing yourself to take birth control pills on your own, you can harm your body. Therefore, before starting the Silhouette course, it is imperative to consult a gynecologist and undergo a full medical examination.

Siluette tablets - instructions for use of hormonal tablets reviews of Siluette, a contraceptive for endometriosis

Siluet is a contraceptive and antiandrogenic drug. It contains two substances: ethinyl estradiol and dienogest. The first component acts as estrogen, and the second – progesterone. The contraceptive effect of Siluet is based, like other drugs, on inhibition of ovulation, thickening of cervical mucus, and changes in the condition of the endometrium. However, as a rule, Siluet provides not only the prevention of unwanted pregnancy, but also the treatment of conditions associated with an increased concentration of “male” hormones - androgens. Symptoms of this condition include acne and oily seborrhea. This drug is a generic (copy) of the original drug Janine.

Siluet is used for:

  • Preventing unwanted pregnancy;
  • Elimination of acne (acne) in women, along with contraception;

Release form Siluet – tablets. The blister contains twenty-one tablets with the same concentration of active ingredients. That is, it is a monophasic hormonal agent. The instructions for the drug Siluet contain recommendations for switching to it after stopping various contraceptives (pills, implants, injections, etc.), as well as after abortions. It also details what to do if you miss a pill.

Like other hormonal drugs, Siluet should be taken on the first day of the menstrual cycle. Choose one time when it is convenient for you to take your pills and try not to deviate from this schedule. After you finish taking the Siluet pack, you need to take a seven-day break. At this time, bleeding usually occurs. The next pack of Siluet should begin to be used a week after finishing the previous one.

Siluet is contraindicated for:

  • Various blood clotting disorders - a tendency to thrombosis, increased coagulability and, even in the presence of factors predisposing to such pathologies;
  • Pancreatitis and increased cholesterol concentration;
  • Some liver diseases;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Migraines with neurological symptoms;
  • Carbohydrate metabolism disorders;
  • Vaginal bleeding of unknown origin;
  • Pregnancy and lactation;

There are also a number of conditions that require special care when using Siluet. If the patient had no contraindications when prescribing this contraceptive, but they arose while taking the drug, the doctor should be informed immediately. Perhaps the specialist will consider it necessary to cancel Siluet.

Side effects of Siluet

The drug instructions contain a detailed table of the undesirable effects of Stluet. We will list here only those of them that occur frequently, that is, in at least one case out of a hundred. This:

  • Headaches, cramps in the calf muscles;
  • Weight gain;
  • Breast engorgement;
  • Nausea;
  • Decreased libido and bad mood;

The risk of thrombosis, hypertension, and tumor processes in the liver also increases. There are other possible pathologies, the development of which is associated with the use of oral contraception.

Reviews about Siluet

The body's reaction to the use of different oral contraceptives is individual. Evidence of this is the reviews about Siluet, which can be found on various forums. There are opinions from those who feel great using this drug:

She underwent a full examination - hormones, examination, ultrasound. Then the doctor prescribed Siluet for me. I don’t have any side effects - no nausea, no chest pain, and so on. I advise everyone to first get examined, and then choose contraceptives.

Once a month I had severe dizziness. But I can't find any more complaints. I will continue to drink Simluet.

Often patients worry that they do not experience menstrual bleeding during the week-long break. Others, on the contrary, are faced with the fact that “menstruation” does not end, even when the woman starts drinking the next package of the drug. But these phenomena are possible. They are not undesirable and should not become a reason to cancel Siluet. Such drugs cause some changes in the hormonal regulation of the body - hence the interruptions in the cycle.

There are also a lot of negative reviews about taking Siluet:

I felt nauseous and dizzy all month. I barely made it to the end of the pack. I will take Janine again, although it is more expensive.

I take Siluet as prescribed by the doctor, “so that the ovaries can rest.” I don’t know how my ovaries are doing yet, but my general health has become not very good: either a headache, or insomnia, or nausea, or depression...

Indeed, hormone-based contraceptives can cause a range of side effects. Sometimes it is necessary to try several medications to find the right drug. Such experiments must be carried out together with a competent doctor. This tactic will allow you to quickly choose an effective remedy.

Birth control pills Silhouette: description and treatment plan for the contraceptive

Silhouette is a new generation medicine that belongs to the group of monophasic contraceptives. Available in the form of biconvex white tablets with G23 engraving. One blister contains 21 tablets.

The drug contains two active ingredients: dienogest and ethinyl estradiol.

Dienogest is a substance otherwise called a hybrid gestagen. It does not have an androgenic or mineralocorticoid effect on the body, but gives a pronounced progestogenic effect. This substance is also safe during metabolic transformation in tissues, so dienogest can be used for long-term therapy.

Ethinyl estradiol is a substance from the estrogen series that is widely used in modern gynecology. The substance contains an ethyl radical, it provides excellent digestibility, and also makes the transformation into less active forms of female hormones slower and stops the processes of decomposition of the substance. Thanks to this, ethinyl estradiol acts much longer and is much more effective.

Silhouette birth control pills contain 30 mcg ethinyl estradiol and 2 mcg dienogest, and also contain auxiliary components: lactose monohydrate, talc, starch, hypromellose, potassium polyarylate, magnesium stearate.

Action of Silhouette tablets and dosage

These tablets perform the following number of functions in the female body:

  1. inhibition of ovulation;
  2. increased viscosity of cervical mucus;
  3. changes in peristalsis of the fallopian tubes;
  4. transformation of endometrial structures.

The active ingredients of the tablets in combination with each other effectively reduce the level of androgens in plasma. For some women, Silhouette helps overcome acne and seborrhea.

The tablets should be taken strictly following the instructions included with them. It describes the dosage regimen - one tablet once a day for twenty-one days.

The contraceptive should be taken regularly, at the same time.

After the twenty-first day, a week break is taken before starting a new course. During this seven-day period, the so-called “withdrawal bleeding” should occur. This bleeding should begin two or three days after finishing taking the pills, and its duration is 4–5 days. By the time it ends, it becomes necessary to start taking tablets from the next blister.

However, there is one important nuance that characterizes the first use of the Silhouette. The instructions for use say that you need to start using the contraceptive on the first day of menstruation. This condition is mandatory only for those women who have not previously taken any hormonal contraceptives or have not used them for more than a month.

Features of taking contraceptive pills Silhouette

If it was decided to use Silhouette tablets after combined contraceptives, then, according to the instructions, the first use should be made at the usual time of the next day, that is, after the last tablet was taken.

If a woman switches from a medicine that consists only of progesterone, then the switch can be made on any day when it is convenient. After removal of the implants, you can take the pill on the same day. If at first a woman used contraceptives in injection form, then in order to switch to the tablet form, she must take the first tablet on the day of the scheduled injection.

In cases where a woman suffered a miscarriage in the first trimester, neither the instructions nor the doctors prohibit taking Silhouette as a hormonal drug immediately. If a miscarriage or abortion occurs at a later date, then before you start taking the pills, you need to wait a short time - 21–28 days. During this period, condoms should be used during sexual intercourse.

If a woman forgot to take the medicine on time, and less than twelve hours have passed since that moment, then the strength of the drug does not decrease. You should take the tablet immediately and take the next one at the usual time. But when the delay in admission exceeds twelve hours, then you need to adhere to some rules.

Firstly, in no case should you interrupt taking the drug for more than one week. For the drug to have its effect on the female body, it must be used for at least seven days continuously. Therefore, gynecologists recommend that if you miss a dose in the first week of using Silhouette tablets, immediately drink the missed dose, and take the next tablet at the appointed time, as usual. And during the week, insure yourself with condoms.

If the omission occurred in the second week of using the drug, then the tablet should also be taken immediately, but there is no need for additional means of protection. A failure that occurred during the third week must be corrected in the same way as in the case of the first week. And after that, the next package of the drug is started immediately, without a seven-day break. However, in this case you can’t expect “withdrawal bleeding”, but slight spotting is quite possible.

Overdose of the drug Silhouette

The toxicity of the dosage of hormones in Silhouette is quite low. However, an overdose is quite possible. In this case, the woman will feel nauseated and may vomit. Vaginal discharge and even bleeding are also possible. But despite all this, there is absolutely no need for therapy.

Side effects from the drug Silhouette

Since Silhouette is, first of all, a hormonal drug, you need to know that you cannot self-prescribe this medicine as a contraceptive. Doctors especially highlight the development of thrombosis in the arteries and veins among the side effects. This effect can be aggravated if a woman smokes, as well as in cases where she suffers from hypertension, pathology in the hemostasis system, varicose veins, obesity or thrombosis.

Among the side effects you can also often observe:

  • migraines and headaches;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • cramps of the calf muscles;
  • emotional imbalance;
  • increase in the size of the mammary glands;
  • pain in the mammary glands;
  • back pain;
  • increase in body weight.

Less common are the following effects:

  • arterial hypotension/hypertension;
  • varicose veins;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • abdominal pain;
  • severe excitability;
  • acne, dermatitis, itching;
  • increased appetite;
  • vaginitis;
  • rapid fatigue, malaise;
  • swelling;
  • painful bleeding;
  • endometritis, salpingitis;
  • allergic reactions;
  • anemia, cardiovascular failure;
  • insomnia;
  • depression and apathy.

Contraindications to the use of Silhouette

For some diseases, taking the drug is strictly prohibited. Among them:

  • disease of veins and arteries;
  • pancreatitis;
  • porphyria;
  • jaundice;
  • hyperbilirubinemia;
  • severe liver diseases;
  • epilepsy.

Also, the drug should not be taken by women who:

  • pregnant;
  • breastfeeding;
  • suffer from lactose intolerance;
  • are allergic to any of the components of the medicine.

Treatment of endometriosis with Silhouette

Endometriosis is a fairly common disease among the female population, which, depending on the degree, can be treated with both conservative and surgical methods. Treatment of endometriosis with “Silhouette” is quite often prescribed by gynecologists. These tablets have received many positive reviews from gynecologists, who highlight its safety and effectiveness, and are used as an analogue of the drug “Zhanine”.

Silhouette can be prescribed for endometriosis in the following cases:

  1. Empirical therapy for newly diagnosed endometriosis.
  2. Preoperative preparation for severe forms of the disease.
  3. Postoperative therapy as a way to prevent relapses.

Depending on whether the woman plans to become pregnant in the near future, the gynecologist must select an individual dosage and explain to the patient her personal pill regimen. If a woman has been diagnosed with endometriosis, then she should seriously think about the issue of pregnancy, because the processes that occur during this action have a positive impact on the patient’s health. Changes in hormonal levels contribute to the atrophy of the endometriosis lesion and help the inflammatory processes to subside. The stable low concentration of estrogen that occurs when using Silhouette stimulates the degradation of ectopic formations.

Description of the action of Silhouette in the treatment of endometriosis

The pills gradually cause endometriosis lesions, no matter where they are located, to atrophy. Then Silhouette reduces estrogen synthesis and suppresses ovulation. After this, the proliferation of tissue cells outside the uterus is blocked. Also during the treatment process, you can notice a good anti-inflammatory effect from taking the tablets.

The drug is prescribed on a cyclic basis if the patient wants to become pregnant or endometriosis was detected at an early stage of its development. The cyclic regimen is also called 21+7, which means that a woman should take the medicine for twenty-one days and then take a week off. Most often, the gynecologist prescribes a course for a period of three to six months. The period varies depending on the general condition of the patient. After completing the course, the patient is prescribed tests, including a blood test, analysis of thrombin activity and level, ultrasound of the abdominal and pelvic organs. Taking into account the results, the gynecologist develops further treatment. If a woman is not planning a pregnancy, then after laparoscopic intervention, the pills are prescribed according to a prolonged regimen - 42+7, 63+7 - for a period of several years.

Important information

The attending gynecologist is obliged to warn his patient that the pills should be taken without interruption, otherwise a violation of the contraceptive effect and specific therapeutic effect may occur, and there is also a risk of unscheduled bleeding and other negative consequences.

Also, the doctor should advise you to start taking it on the first day of the cycle, because if the patient starts taking pills two to five days after the start of menstruation, then within a week after the start of taking it she will need to additionally protect herself with barrier contraception.

Silhouette of a pill - Polismed

Silhouette pills are a contraceptive drug that affects the production of female hormones. Directly corrects ovulation and is one of the reliable means of preventing unwanted pregnancy.

Composition and release form

The presented drug is produced in the form of tablets, biconvex and engraved G53. Silhouette tablets contain two main active ingredients - dienogest and ethinyl estradiol. Auxiliary components include:

  • magnesium stearate;
  • corn starch;
  • potassium polyacrylate;
  • glucose monohydrate.

The tablets are coated, which dissolves in gastrointestinal tract. Shell composition:

Indications for use of Silhouette (tablets)

Silhouette tablets are indicated for use if you wish to carry out contraceptive measures during regular sexual relations. In addition, the presented drug is often prescribed to women diagnosed with acne if other treatment methods do not bring the desired result.

Please note: when treating acne, the need for contraception must be taken into account.

Silhouette - instructions for use

The presented contraceptive drug should be taken daily, preferably at the same time. The order of taking the tablets is indicated on the blister pack. After drinking the first package (blister), stop taking the pills for 7 days - the woman begins to experience “withdrawal bleeding”; only after a week’s break can she start drinking the next blister.

Important: if you are taking Silhouette for the first time, then you should take the first tablet on the day your menstruation begins.


Silhouette instructions for use strictly prohibit women who currently have or have had a history of the following diseases:

  • atrial fibrillation;
  • angina pectoris;
  • bacterial endocarditis;
  • thrombosis of superficial and deep veins;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • hemorrhagic disorders;
  • pulmonary embolism;
  • congenital hyperbilirubenia;
  • porphyria;
  • diabetes;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • protein C deficiency;
  • lupus anticoagulant;
  • benign liver tumors;
  • liver cancer;
  • lactose intolerance;
  • vaginal bleeding of unknown etiology;
  • migraine;
  • epilepsy.

Please note: diabetes mellitus in some cases may be a conditional contraindication. The doctor must rule out vascular disorders due to this disease, and only in such a situation can Silhouette tablets be taken.

Special instructions for use of Silhouette and warnings

In the first three months of taking this contraceptive, there may be short-term vaginal bleeding (acyclic) - this is considered normal and refers to the period of adaptation of the body. But if this phenomenon occurs regularly, then you should consult a doctor - you will need to change the drug.

If there is no “withdrawal bleeding,” this does not mean that pregnancy has occurred, but only if the pill-taking schedule has not been violated. If a woman has missed taking her next Silhouette tablet, then she should contact a gynecologist to confirm or rule out pregnancy.

Regular use of hormonal contraceptives increases the risk of developing thromboembolic diseases. A woman should pay attention to the following symptoms:

  • shortness of breath and coughing attacks;
  • sharp pain in the legs and chest (short-term, but regularly recurring);
  • visual impairment;
  • dizziness and fainting;
  • numbness of any part of the body.

If at least one of them appears, it should be a reason to visit a doctor. Some studies confirm an increased risk of developing malignant diseases with prolonged use of hormonal contraceptives - more than 5 years.

Pharmacological action of the drug

Silhouette tablets are a combination drug that has an antiandrogenic effect. The contraceptive effect is due to the following factors:

  • the viscosity of cervical mucus increases;
  • the structure of the endometrium changes;
  • ovulation is inhibited;
  • the peristalsis of the fallopian tubes changes.

Side effects

Regular use of Silhouette can lead to the following side effects:

  • dizziness and migraine;
  • short-term vaginal bleeding;
  • dry mouth;
  • general weakness.

Such effects disappear after a few days of taking the drug and relate to the period of adaptation of the body. Rarely, but more severe side effects are recorded:

  • pain along the veins;
  • anemia;
  • bradycardia;
  • cerebrovascular accidents;
  • visual impairment;
  • dry mucous membranes;
  • development of bronchial asthma;
  • sinusitis;
  • diarrhea;
  • exacerbation of the chronic stage of gastritis;
  • insomnia;
  • fatigue syndrome.

If any health problems arise, even minor changes in well-being should alert a woman - a full examination and consultation with a gynecologist will be required.

Interaction of Silhouette with other drugs

Taking hormonal contraceptives is believed to interfere with the effectiveness of antibiotics, antivirals and antifungals. In turn, the latter reduce the contraceptive effect. Therefore, when prescribing any course of therapy, it is necessary to warn the attending physician about taking Silhouette tablets.

Interaction with alcohol

Taking the presented drug simultaneously with the use alcoholic drinks does not entail a decrease in its effectiveness.


There have been no cases of overdose with Silhouette tablets.

Silhouette of pills during pregnancy and lactation

During pregnancy, it is prohibited to take any hormonal drug - it can cause spontaneous abortion and negatively affects the intrauterine development of the fetus. Silhouette is prohibited for use while breastfeeding.

Conditions and periods of storage of Silhouette

The drug should be stored in a dry place, protected from light and out of reach of children. Shelf life – 3 years.

0.03 mg.

Lactose, corn starch, hypromellose, talc, magnesium stearate, potassium polacriline, as excipients.

Release form

Coated tablets No. 21.

pharmachologic effect

Inhibition of ovulation, changes in the structure of the endometrium and increased viscosity of cervical secretions under the influence of active substances provide reliable contraception. Dienogest - derivative norethisterone at a dose of 1 mg inhibits ovulation. Does not have significant mineralocorticoid and glucocorticoid effects.


Ethinyl estradiol is quickly absorbed in the intestine, and the maximum concentration is determined after 1.5–4 hours. Bioavailability is 44%. Almost completely associated with albumins . Equilibrium concentration is achieved in the 2nd half of the cycle. A significant part is metabolized in the liver.

The elimination of metabolites occurs in 2 stages: their concentration decreases after 1 hour and finally after 10–20 hours. Metabolites are excreted by the liver and kidneys.

Dienoges t is also quickly absorbed in the intestines and after 2.5 hours the maximum concentration is determined in the blood. Bioavailability reaches 96%. Equilibrium concentration is achieved in 4 days.

Contacts albumins blood. Metabolized by hydroxylation, the metabolites are inactive and are very quickly eliminated from the plasma. The half-life is 9 hours. Most of it is excreted by the kidneys.

Indications for use

Siluet is used for treatment and for contraception.


The drug Siluet is contraindicated in:

  • increased sensitivity;
  • and deep veins;
  • liver diseases and jaundice;
  • severe arterial hypertension ;
  • severe dyslipoproteinemia ;
  • with vascular complications;
  • uterine bleeding of unknown origin;
  • breastfeeding.

Side effects

Frequently encountered adverse reactions that the drug Siluet can cause:

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • pain in the mammary glands, their enlargement;
  • backache;
  • cramps of the calf muscles;
  • increased appetite;
  • menstrual-like bleeding;
  • weight gain;
  • decreased mood;
  • venous thromboembolism .

Rarely encountered reactions:

  • abdominal pain;
  • anemia ;
  • increased excitability;
  • blurred vision, dry eye mucosa;
  • tinnitus, hearing impairment;
  • and fungal infections;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • weakness;
  • flu-like symptoms;
  • arthralgia , muscle pain.

Siluet, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

The tablets are taken orally, one daily, in the prescribed order for 21 days. Tablets from the new package are taken after a week's break. At this time, withdrawal bleeding appears.

If the drug is being taken for the first time, you should start taking it on the 1st day of menstruation.

When switching from other combined drugs, start taking it after the usual break.

After the first trimester they begin to take it immediately. After birth - on the 21st day.

If a pill is missed and the missed time is less than 12 hours, there is no need to worry about a decrease in contraceptive protection. However, you need to take the pill quickly. Reception cannot be interrupted for more than 7 days.

The instructions contain complete information on how to take the drug in other situations, how to delay withdrawal bleeding and in what cases it is necessary additional measures contraception.


If the instructions are strictly followed, Siluet does not cause an overdose.


Breakthrough bleeding may occur when taken concomitantly with hydantoin ,
