Download chemistry lesson plans

The manual contains lesson scripts that include all topics basic course chemistry for grade 8, also provides thematic planning for those used by teachers curriculum. The teacher will find here detailed, methodologically sound lesson plans (both traditional and non-traditional), many quizzes, tests, independent work and methods of conducting laboratory experiments. Lesson options offered in a playful way will help students gain a deeper understanding of the material.
The publication will be useful for both beginning teachers and experienced teachers.

Chemical formulas. Relative atomic and molecular masses.
Objectives: to generate knowledge about relative atomic mass, atomic mass unit, chemical formula, index and coefficient, relative molecular mass; teach how to write chemical formulas and calculate relative molecular weight, characterize a substance by chemical formula (name of the substance, qualitative and quantitative composition, simple or complex, relative molecular weight).

Basic concepts: relative atomic unit, atomic mass unit, chemical formula, index and coefficient, relative molecular mass.

Equipment: PSHE D.I. Mendeleev; reference tables; ball-and-stick models of molecules carbon dioxide, oxygen, methane.

Explanatory note
Thematic planning
Lesson 1. Chemistry subject. Substances. Introductory training on occupational health and safety in chemistry lessons and in the laboratory
Lesson 2. Transformations of substances. The role of chemistry in human life
Lesson 3. Periodic table chemical elements DI. Mendeleev. Chemical element signs
Lesson 4. Chemical formulas. Relative atomic and molecular masses
Lesson 5. Calculation using a chemical formula
Lesson 6. Test work No. 1. Chemical formula. Chemical formula calculations
Topic I. Atoms of chemical elements
Lesson 7. Basic information about the structure of atoms
Lesson 8. Changes in the composition of the nuclei of atoms of chemical elements. Isotopes
Lesson 9. Structure of electronic shells of atoms
Lesson 10. Periodic table of chemical elements D.I. Mendeleev and the structure of the atom
Lesson 11. Change in the number of electrons at the external energy level of atoms of chemical elements. Ionic bond
Lesson 12. Interaction of atoms of non-metal elements with each other. Covalent nonpolar bond
Lesson 13. Interaction of atoms of non-metal elements with each other. Covalent polar bond
Lesson 14. Metal chemical bond
Lesson 15. Generalization and systematization of knowledge, skills and abilities on the topic “Atoms of chemical elements”
Lesson 16. Test No. 1. Atoms of chemical elements
Topic II. Simple substances
Lesson 17. Simple substances - metals
Lesson 18. Simple substances - non-metals
Lesson 19. Amount of substance. Molar mass
Lesson 20. Molar volume of gases
Lesson 2 1. Test work No. 2. Simple substances
Topic III. Compounds of chemical elements
Lesson 22. Oxidation number
Lesson 23. The most important classes binary compounds - oxides and volatile hydrogen compounds
Lesson 2 4. Foundations
Lesson 2 5. Acids
Lesson 2 6. Salts
Lesson 2 7. Crystal lattices
Lesson 2 8. Physical phenomena in chemistry. Pure substances and mixtures. Methods for separating mixtures
Lesson 29. Practical work No. 1. Soil and water analysis
Lesson 30. Mass and volume fractions of components of a mixture (solution)
Lesson 31. Practical work No. 2. Preparation of a sugar solution and calculation of its mass fraction in the solution
Lesson 3 2. Generalization and systematization of knowledge, skills and abilities on the topic “Compounds of chemical elements”
Lesson 33. Test No. 2. Compounds of chemical elements
Topic IV. Changes occurring in substances
Lessons 34, 35. Practical work No. 3. Techniques for handling laboratory equipment. Heating a substance in an open flame
Lesson 36. Chemical phenomena or chemical reactions
Lesson 37. Practical work No. 4. Watching a burning candle
Lesson 38. Practical work No. 5. Signs chemical reactions and the conditions for their occurrence
Lesson 39. Chemical equations. Law of conservation of mass of substances
Lesson 40. Calculations by chemical equations
Lesson 41
Lesson 42. Decomposition reactions
Lesson 43. Compound reactions
Lesson 44. Substitution reactions
Lesson 45. Exchange reactions
Lesson 46. Types of chemical reactions using the properties of water as an example
Lesson 46. Water is the most amazing liquid in the world.
Lesson 47. Generalization and systematization of knowledge, skills and abilities on the topic “Changes that occur with substances”
Lesson option 47. Generalization and systematization of knowledge, skills and abilities on the topic “Changes that occur with substances”
Lesson 48. Test No. 3. Changes occurring in substances
Topic V. Dissolution. Solutions. Ion exchange and redox reactions
Lesson 49. Dissolution. Solubility of substances in water
Lesson 50. Electrolytic dissociation
Lesson 51 electrolytic dissociation
Lesson 5 2. Ionic equations
Lesson 5 3. Ionic equations (continued)
Lesson 54. Practical work No. 6. Ionic reactions. Conditions for chemical reactions between electrolyte solutions to complete
Lesson 55. Acids, their classification and properties
Lesson 56. Bases, their classification and properties
Lesson 57. Oxides, their classification and properties
Lesson 58. Salts, their classification and properties
Lesson 59
Lesson 60. Practical work No. 7. Properties of acids, bases, oxides and salts
Lesson 61. Oxidation-reduction reactions (ORR)
Lesson 62. Generalization and systematization of knowledge on the topic “Oxidation-reduction reactions”
Lesson 63. Properties of substances of the studied classes in the light of the ORR theory
Lesson 64. Practical work No. 8. Solution experimental tasks
Lessons 65, 66. Generalization and systematization of knowledge, skills and abilities on the topic “Dissolution. Solutions. Ion exchange reactions and ORR.” Solving calculation problems using formulas and reaction equations
Lesson 67. Test No. 4. Dissolution. Solutions. Ion exchange reactions and ORR
Thematic planning educational material according to the textbook by G.E. Rudzitisa, F.G. Feldman
Thematic planning of educational material based on the textbook by I.I. Novoshinsky, N.S. Novoshinskaya
Thematic planning of educational material based on the textbook by N.E. Kuznetsova
Thematic planning of educational material based on the textbook by E.E. Minchenkova

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Download the book Lesson developments in chemistry, grade 8, Troegubova N.P., 2014 -, fast and free download.

Chemistry. 8th grade. Lesson plans for the textbook by Gabrielyan O.S.

M.: 20 1 4. - 4 00 s.

The manual contains lesson scenarios that include all the topics of the basic chemistry course for grade 8, and also provides thematic planning for the curriculum used by teachers. The teacher will find here detailed, methodologically sound lesson plans (both traditional and non-traditional), many quizzes, tests, independent work and methods for conducting laboratory experiments. Lesson options offered in a playful way will help students gain a deeper understanding of the material. The publication will be useful for both beginning teachers and experienced teachers.

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Explanatory note 3
Thematic planning 5
Lesson 1. Chemistry subject. Substances. Introductory training on occupational health and safety in chemistry lessons and in the laboratory 8
Lesson 2. Transformations of substances. The role of chemistry in human life.... 14
Lesson 3. Periodic table of chemical elements D.I. Mendeleev. Chemical element signs 21
Lesson 4. Chemical formulas. Relative atomic and molecular masses 31
Lesson 5. Calculation using chemical formula 36
Lesson 6. Test work No. 1. Chemical formula. Calculations using chemical formula 41
Topic I. Atoms of chemical elements
Lesson 7. Basic information about the structure of atoms 45
Lesson 8. Changes in the composition of the nuclei of atoms of chemical elements. Isotopes 49
Lesson 9. Structure of electronic shells of atoms 52
Lesson 10. Periodic table of chemical elements D.I. Mendeleev and the structure of the atom 58
Lesson 11. Change in the number of electrons at the external energy level of atoms of chemical elements. Ionic bond 62
Lesson 12. Interaction of atoms of non-metal elements with each other. Covalent nonpolar bond 67
Lesson 13. Interaction of atoms of non-metal elements with each other. Covalent polar bond 74
Lesson 14. Metal chemical bond 81
Lesson 15. Generalization and systematization of knowledge, skills and abilities on the topic “Atoms of chemical elements” 86
Lesson 16. Test No. 1. Atoms of chemical elements 100
Topic II. Simple substances
Lesson 17. Simple substances - metals 104
Lesson 18. Simple substances - non-metals 108
Lesson 19. Amount of substance. Molar mass 112
Lesson 20. Molar volume of gases 117
Lesson 21. Test No. 2. Simple substances 124
Topic III. Compounds of chemical elements
Lesson 22. Oxidation number 127
Lesson 23. The most important classes of binary compounds - oxides and volatile hydrogen compounds 132
Lesson 2 4. Bases 136
Lesson 25. Acids 140
Lesson 2 6. Salts 147
Lesson 27. Crystal lattices 151
Lesson 2 8. Physical phenomena in chemistry. Pure substances and mixtures. Methods for separating mixtures 157
Lesson 29. Practical work No. 1. Soil and water analysis 161
Lesson 30. Mass and volume fractions of the components of the mixture (solution) 163
Lesson 31. Practical work No. 2. Preparation of a sugar solution and calculation of its mass fraction in the solution 168
Lesson 32. Generalization and systematization of knowledge, skills and abilities on the topic “Compounds of chemical elements” 172
Lesson 33. Test No. 2. Compounds of chemical elements 178
Topic IV. Changes occurring in substances
Lessons 34, 35. Practical work No. 3. Techniques for handling laboratory equipment. Heating a substance in an open flame 182
Lesson 36. Chemical phenomena, or chemical reactions 183
Lesson 37. Practical work No. 4. Observing a burning candle 193
Lesson 38. Practical work No. 5. Signs of chemical reactions and conditions for their occurrence 194
Lesson 39. Chemical equations. Law of conservation of mass of substances 196
Lesson 40. Calculations using chemical equations 204
Lesson 41. Solving calculation problems using equations of chemical reactions using the concepts of “impurities”, “mass fraction of a dissolved substance” 209
Lesson 42. Decomposition reactions 212
Lesson 4 3. Compound reactions 217
Lesson 44. Substitution reactions 222
Lesson 45. Exchange reactions 230
Lesson 46. Types of chemical reactions using the properties of water as an example 236
Lesson option 46. Water is the most amazing liquid in the world 243
Lesson 47. Generalization and systematization of knowledge, skills and abilities on the topic “Changes that occur with substances” 252
Lesson option 47. Generalization and systematization of knowledge, skills and abilities on the topic “Changes that occur with substances” 260
Lesson 48. Test No. 3. Changes that occur with substances 268
Topic V. Dissolution. Solutions. Ion exchange and redox reactions
Lesson 49. Dissolution. Solubility of substances in water 270
Lesson 50. Electrolytic dissociation 277
Lesson 51. Basic principles of the theory of electrolytic dissociation 284
Lesson 52. Ionic equations 290
Lesson 53. Ionic equations (continued) 293
Lesson 54. Practical work No. 6. Ionic reactions. Conditions for the occurrence of chemical reactions between electrolyte solutions to the end 297
Lesson 55. Acids, their classification and properties 300
Lesson 56. Bases, their classification and properties 306
Lesson 57. Oxides, their classification and properties 312
Lesson 58. Salts, their classification and properties 319
Lesson 59. Genetic relationships between classes of substances 327
Lesson 60. Practical work No. 7. Properties of acids, bases, oxides and salts 332
Lesson 61. Oxidation-reduction reactions (ORR) 340
Lesson 62. Generalization and systematization of knowledge on the topic “Oxidation-reduction reactions” 346
Lesson 63. Properties of substances of the studied classes in the light of the theory of OVR 349
Lesson 64. Practical work No. 8. Solving experimental problems 352
Lessons 65, 66. Generalization and systematization of knowledge, skills and abilities on the topic “Dissolution. Solutions. Ion exchange reactions and ORR.” Solving calculation problems using formulas and reaction equations 361
Lesson 67. Test No. 4. Dissolution. Solutions. Ion exchange reactions and ORR 373
Thematic planning of educational material based on the textbook by G.E. Rudzitisa, F.G. Feldmana 382
Thematic planning of educational material based on the textbook by I.I. Novoshinsky, N.S. Novoshinskaya 385
Thematic planning of educational material based on the textbook by N.E. Kuznetsova 388
Thematic planning of educational material based on the textbook by E.E. Minchenkova 391
References 395

Chemistry. 8th grade. Lesson plans for the textbook by Gabrielyan O.S.

M.: 20 1 4. - 4 00 s.

The manual contains lesson scenarios that include all the topics of the basic chemistry course for grade 8, and also provides thematic planning for the curriculum used by teachers. The teacher will find here detailed, methodologically sound lesson plans (both traditional and non-traditional), many quizzes, tests, independent work and methods for conducting laboratory experiments. Lesson options offered in a playful way will help students gain a deeper understanding of the material. The publication will be useful for both beginning teachers and experienced teachers.

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Size: 5.7 MB


Explanatory note 3
Thematic planning 5
Lesson 1. Chemistry subject. Substances. Introductory training on occupational health and safety in chemistry lessons and in the laboratory 8
Lesson 2. Transformations of substances. The role of chemistry in human life.... 14
Lesson 3. Periodic table of chemical elements D.I. Mendeleev. Chemical element signs 21
Lesson 4. Chemical formulas. Relative atomic and molecular masses 31
Lesson 5. Calculation using chemical formula 36
Lesson 6. Test work No. 1. Chemical formula. Calculations using chemical formula 41
Topic I. Atoms of chemical elements
Lesson 7. Basic information about the structure of atoms 45
Lesson 8. Changes in the composition of the nuclei of atoms of chemical elements. Isotopes 49
Lesson 9. Structure of electronic shells of atoms 52
Lesson 10. Periodic table of chemical elements D.I. Mendeleev and the structure of the atom 58
Lesson 11. Change in the number of electrons at the external energy level of atoms of chemical elements. Ionic bond 62
Lesson 12. Interaction of atoms of non-metal elements with each other. Covalent nonpolar bond 67
Lesson 13. Interaction of atoms of non-metal elements with each other. Covalent polar bond 74
Lesson 14. Metal chemical bond 81
Lesson 15. Generalization and systematization of knowledge, skills and abilities on the topic “Atoms of chemical elements” 86
Lesson 16. Test No. 1. Atoms of chemical elements 100
Topic II. Simple substances
Lesson 17. Simple substances - metals 104
Lesson 18. Simple substances - non-metals 108
Lesson 19. Amount of substance. Molar mass 112
Lesson 20. Molar volume of gases 117
Lesson 21. Test No. 2. Simple substances 124
Topic III. Compounds of chemical elements
Lesson 22. Oxidation number 127
Lesson 23. The most important classes of binary compounds - oxides and volatile hydrogen compounds 132
Lesson 2 4. Bases 136
Lesson 25. Acids 140
Lesson 2 6. Salts 147
Lesson 27. Crystal lattices 151
Lesson 2 8. Physical phenomena in chemistry. Pure substances and mixtures. Methods for separating mixtures 157
Lesson 29. Practical work No. 1. Soil and water analysis 161
Lesson 30. Mass and volume fractions of the components of the mixture (solution) 163
Lesson 31. Practical work No. 2. Preparation of a sugar solution and calculation of its mass fraction in the solution 168
Lesson 32. Generalization and systematization of knowledge, skills and abilities on the topic “Compounds of chemical elements” 172
Lesson 33. Test No. 2. Compounds of chemical elements 178
Topic IV. Changes occurring in substances
Lessons 34, 35. Practical work No. 3. Techniques for handling laboratory equipment. Heating a substance in an open flame 182
Lesson 36. Chemical phenomena, or chemical reactions 183
Lesson 37. Practical work No. 4. Observing a burning candle 193
Lesson 38. Practical work No. 5. Signs of chemical reactions and conditions for their occurrence 194
Lesson 39. Chemical equations. Law of conservation of mass of substances 196
Lesson 40. Calculations using chemical equations 204
Lesson 41. Solving calculation problems using equations of chemical reactions using the concepts of “impurities”, “mass fraction of a dissolved substance” 209
Lesson 42. Decomposition reactions 212
Lesson 4 3. Compound reactions 217
Lesson 44. Substitution reactions 222
Lesson 45. Exchange reactions 230
Lesson 46. Types of chemical reactions using the properties of water as an example 236
Lesson option 46. Water is the most amazing liquid in the world 243
Lesson 47. Generalization and systematization of knowledge, skills and abilities on the topic “Changes that occur with substances” 252
Lesson option 47. Generalization and systematization of knowledge, skills and abilities on the topic “Changes that occur with substances” 260
Lesson 48. Test No. 3. Changes that occur with substances 268
Topic V. Dissolution. Solutions. Ion exchange and redox reactions
Lesson 49. Dissolution. Solubility of substances in water 270
Lesson 50. Electrolytic dissociation 277
Lesson 51. Basic principles of the theory of electrolytic dissociation 284
Lesson 52. Ionic equations 290
Lesson 53. Ionic equations (continued) 293
Lesson 54. Practical work No. 6. Ionic reactions. Conditions for the occurrence of chemical reactions between electrolyte solutions to the end 297
Lesson 55. Acids, their classification and properties 300
Lesson 56. Bases, their classification and properties 306
Lesson 57. Oxides, their classification and properties 312
Lesson 58. Salts, their classification and properties 319
Lesson 59. Genetic relationships between classes of substances 327
Lesson 60. Practical work No. 7. Properties of acids, bases, oxides and salts 332
Lesson 61. Oxidation-reduction reactions (ORR) 340
Lesson 62. Generalization and systematization of knowledge on the topic “Oxidation-reduction reactions” 346
Lesson 63. Properties of substances of the studied classes in the light of the theory of OVR 349
Lesson 64. Practical work No. 8. Solving experimental problems 352
Lessons 65, 66. Generalization and systematization of knowledge, skills and abilities on the topic “Dissolution. Solutions. Ion exchange reactions and ORR.” Solving calculation problems using formulas and reaction equations 361
Lesson 67. Test No. 4. Dissolution. Solutions. Ion exchange reactions and ORR 373
Thematic planning of educational material based on the textbook by G.E. Rudzitisa, F.G. Feldmana 382
Thematic planning of educational material based on the textbook by I.I. Novoshinsky, N.S. Novoshinskaya 385
Thematic planning of educational material based on the textbook by N.E. Kuznetsova 388
Thematic planning of educational material based on the textbook by E.E. Minchenkova 391
References 395

DATE OF_____________

Practical work No. 1:Familiarization with laboratory equipment.

Rules for safe work in a chemical laboratory

Purpose and objectives of the lesson:familiarize students with safety rules when working in a chemical laboratory, teach them basic techniques for working with chemical glassware, a laboratory stand, an alcohol lamp or a gas burner.


on the students' tables there is a laboratory stand with accessories, test tubes, flasks, an alcohol lamp, porcelain cups, matches, a cap for extinguishing an alcohol lamp, a glass tube, and tongs. On the demonstration table is a set of laboratory glassware (conical, flat-bottomed and round-bottomed flasks, beakers, beakers, funnels).

During the classes:

T: Conducts an introductory conversation about the need to comply with safety rules when working in a chemistry room.

SH: work independently with the textbook

T: talks with students to analyze and specify safety rules. Sample questions for conversation:

  • Why can’t you take more substances than indicated in the instructions?
  • Is it possible to empty and pour unused substances back into the bottle?
  • Why can’t you take substances from jars with a wet spoon?
  • What should you do in case of a burn, cut, or contact of caustic or hot liquid with your skin?
  • Why is it necessary to use only clean dishes?
  • How to correctly determine the smell of substances?
  • How should bottle stoppers be placed on the table?
  • Is it possible to taste substances?
  • What quantity of substances should be taken if this is not indicated in the instructions?
  • Where should the opening of a test tube with liquid be directed when heated?

Sh: answer questions, discussing them with the teacher.

U: gives instructions for carrying out practical classes. Explains in detail how to keep notes in notebooks for practical work, and how to format your work. Gives a sample design practical work: Number and title of practical work.

Equipment, materials.

U: justifies the need to know the structure of laboratory equipment and how to handle it.

D: demonstrated different kinds laboratory glassware: round-bottomed, flat-bottomed, conical, volumetric, Wurtz flasks; chemical funnels, drip funnels, separating funnels; pipettes are simple, calibrated;

burettes, graduated cylinders, beakers, Kipp apparatus, test tubes.

T: names all the items on display, gives a brief comment (features of use, purpose of the utensils).

Ш: record the names and schematically sketch the types of chemical glassware in a notebook.

T: explains the structure of a laboratory tripod and how to work with it.

Sh: work independently with a tripod and its accessories. Assemble and disassemble the stand, secure the test tube in it. Make appropriate sketches and notes in a notebook.

U: explains the device of a spirit lamp ( gas burner) and rules for working with it.

Sh: a) learn how to work with an alcohol lamp (burner) - light it, extinguish it, heat water in a test tube; b) study the structure of the flame. To do this you need to light alcohol burner, setting the wick at such a height that you get a not very large flame (no more than 7 cm long). Heat a glass tube 10 cm long and 9 mm in diameter in a flame, holding it with tongs. Place the tube at an angle, keeping its lower end inside the flame. Ignite the alcohol vapor escaping through the tube. All observations and actions are described in a notebook.

T: sums up the lesson.

DZ: learn safety rules, names of laboratory equipment.

Take part!

Children may find some lessons boring. And then discipline begins to suffer in class, students quickly get tired and do not want to take part in the discussion.

Case lessons were created to connect school knowledge with urgently needed competencies such as creativity, systems and critical thinking, determination and others.

Thanks to the cases, you can help the student benefit from and enjoy studying and cope with his personal problems!

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