Scenario for sending children to school. New generation school (scenario for graduating preparatory group children to school)

School graduation.

The presenters enter the hall to the accompaniment of solemn music.

1 Presenter. Dear guests! Today is a particularly solemn day for us - we are seeing off our children, our graduates, to school.

2 Presenter . Heroes of the occasion

A little worried today

And the warm ones hear the words

Everywhere - in the garden and on the street.

2 Presenter . From adults and kids,

From grandmothers, fathers and mothers -

Applause to our graduates!

Together. Meet this year's edition!

There's a song playing "How beautiful this world is" , children enter the hall and perform composition with balls. Stand at the central wall.

Children. Kindergarten dressed up -

You won't know directly.

Your best outfit

Mom puts it on.

And pressed trousers

Hands washed clean

And the excitement is just us

They're escorting you to first grade!

To be honest -

How can we not worry!

How many years have we lived here?

And they played and were friends!

We built factories together

Castles, towers and bridges

From constructor and clay

Unprecedented beauty!

Ate delicious dinners

We slept in the bedroom at a quiet time.

And in the frosty winter

We fed the birds more than once.

Answered in class

They listened to the story in silence,

They were noisy, funny,

Naughty kids!

We're leaving today

Like birds from a nest.

It's a shame we have to say goodbye

Happy kindergarten forever!

And today is the farewell day

We will not lose heart

Our kindergarten will be here for a long time

With a kind word recall!

Children perform song "Ding-ding, kindergarten." They take their seats.

Leading. Guys, how nice it is for all adults to look at you, so big, beautiful and healthy! But a long time ago, when you entered our kindergarten, you were very small, many did not know how to wash your face, hold a spoon correctly, and did not pronounce many words. Want to see how little you were when you entered kindergarten?

Children enter the hall to the music.

Kids. IN kindergarten bustle and noise
Everyone prepares their best costume.
We all gathered for graduation,
But they didn’t let everyone in, but we broke through.
We put on our dresses and washed our cheeks,
They became beautiful and hurried to you.We are tired of waiting for our performance,We want to start congratulations quickly.

We wish you to learn
Draw, read, write,

There are only B's in class

And get straight A's.

Promise us today

Don't forget kindergarten!

Well, goodbye to you

We want to dance.

Leading. We accept congratulations,

We invite you to dance.

Kids and graduating boys perform Dance "Sponges in a Bow"

The kids leave the hall to applause.

Leading. You will remember a lot from life in kindergarten, but most of all you guys probably liked the holidays where you found yourself in a fairy tale.

There are many fairy tales in the world -

Sad and funny

And live in the world

We can't live without them.

In a fairy tale, anything can happen.

A fairy tale is knocking on our door.

Music sounds, Dunno comes through the door.

Dunno . Hello, hello, here I am!

Glad to see you, friends!(Shakes hands with the children.)

Leading. Hello, Dunno! Tell me, where are your friends: Vintik, Syrup and Rasteryaika?

Dunno ( waves it off). Ah, they went to register at school. And I know everything even without school!

Leading. But we will check this now.

Dunno. Please!

A graduating child brings two signs with the letters “A” and “B”.

Child. What letter is this?(The sign shows “B”).

Dunno. Ah-ah-ah.

Child. Which one is this?(On the sign - “A”.)

Dunno. And this is b-uh.

Child. No. It's the other way around.

Dunno. Ah, I remembered. This is "B" and this is "A". Right?

Child. Wrong. This is "A" and this is "B".

Dunno. Just think, I forgot. And now I remember!

Child. OK. Tell me, Dunno, is a sheep a domestic animal or a wild one?

Dunno. Of course it's wild!

Lives in the forest

Attacks all animals

Anyone he sees, he immediately eats.

It howls terribly in the forest - Oooh!

The presenter asks the children whether Dunno answered correctly.

Child. Do you remember poetry well?

Dunno (joyfully). Certainly! It’s not in vain that I praise myself,

I tell everyone and everywhere,

That any proposal

I'll repeat it right away.

Child. Repeat:

Vanya rode on a horse,

Led the dog on a belt,

And the old lady at this time,

I washed the cactus on the window.

Dunno. Please! Vanya rode on a horse,

Led the dog on a belt,

Well, and the cactus at this time,

Washing the old lady at the window.

Child. Who washed the old lady?

Dunno (confused). Cactus... oh, I'll fix everything now!

The cactus rode on a horse,

Led the old lady on a belt,

And the dog at this time.

I washed Vanya on the window.

Child. I repeated it like this...

Dunno (boastfully). I know what I'm saying

I said that I would repeat it

So it came out without errors,

Why should I boast?

Oh!(covers his mouth with his hand).

Leading. Yes, Dunno, it’s time for you to go to school. They will teach you everything there, just listen.

Song about school (optionally).

Dunno ( surprised). What is this and do you know the letters?

Leading. Of course, our children are preparing for school, they know letters and can form words from them.

Held game “Which word is extra”:

Children are encouraged to go "fishing". Multi-colored cardboard fish are placed in a large hoop, with text written on the other side. Each fish has a ring so that it can be hooked. Two children catch fish with fishing rods. The teacher takes the “catch” out of the bucket, reads the text, and the children name the extra word.
a) A doll, a ball, a blotter, a pyramid, a tumbler... What is unnecessary here? Answer...
(blotter). That's right, kids!
b) Oak, birch, baobab, maple, pine, aspen, crab... (crab). Of course, well done!..
c) Beets, turnips, cucumbers, suitcase and eggplant, onions, carrots and sofa... (suitcase and
sofa). Yes, there are two mistakes here! And we'll catch some fish...
d) Pencil, pencil case, briefcase, book, rattle... (rattle).
Yes, of course, we won’t take toys to school!

Dunno. Guys, I also want to go to school. Will you take me with you?

Leading. Let's take it.

Dunno. Well, then I ran to get ready. See you guys!(Runs away).

Leading. Now let's invite another guest.

Please, fairy tale, come!

Fairy-tale heroes Bring it with you!

Music is playing. The Tsar and Nesmeyana enter the hall and sit on the throne .

Tsar. Holy Fathers! There were a lot of people! Darkness! Probably matchmakers!(To Nesmeyane). And you sit here like a log and roar all day long! On a scarf! Wipe yourself!(Nesmeyana wipes away tears). Who are you? For a merchant's business or maybe to choose a bride?

Leading. No, we're going to school.

Tsar (disappointed). Ah-ah-ah. And I was thinking about wooing... Well, okay... Look at this - my daughter, Princess Nesmeyana! He sits all day, shedding tears. The girls are over the moon, and she is in tears. Girls on this... well, they have such a shake, what’s it called, I forgot...

Nesmeyana (through sobs). Disco!

Tsar. Whoa! They were all at this, God forgive me, disco, and this one was roaring! Every single day he cries and howls! Yes, what a voice! With a squeal!

Nesmeyana starts screaming.

Tsar. Started it again! It's already itching in my ear! Listen, dears, maybe you can help my grief? Cheer up the girl, will you?! I thought you said you were going to school? This means you should already be able to do a lot. I didn’t do anything: I brought her foreign clowns, magicians, and musicians. At least she smiled. Life is not sweet, believe me?(Cries, wiping tears with his beard.)

Leading. Guys, what are we going to do? Let's dance a funny dance for Nesmeyana.

Girls perform dance "We are little stars" .

Tsar. (claps his hands ). Wonderful dance, funny.(Looking at the sad Nesmeyana) Yes... First try. Well, killer whales, try your luck a second time.

Leading . Or maybe I should sing a funny song for her?

Tsar. Haven't tried this yet. Let's!

Children perform song "Lesson". Nesmeyana sits sad at first. At the end of the song he laughs loudly, clapping his hands.

Tsar . Little laugh! You are my darling!(Hugs her). Such miracles: they made my Little Laugher laugh! That's it kids! Honor and praise to you! Or maybe you’ll also play with us to celebrate?

The Tsar and Nesmeyana conduct game "Collect balls with grades ": Tsar: Friends, you are all going to school, and what will be your favorite grades?

The game involves 10 people. Equipment: plastic balls with numbers from 1 to 5 glued on them. They are all located in the center in 3 hoops. You need to collect balls with good grades into baskets while playing music.

After the game, the Tsar and Nesmeyana say goodbye and leave.

Leading. Our holiday continues.

Music is playing. Baba Yaga “flies in” on a broom, in a white apron, with large white bows on her head.

Baba Yaga. Oh, I was in a hurry! I almost broke my transport. I found out that you are going to school, and now I also want to go to first grade with you!

Leading. Wait, grandma, how old are you?

Yaga . One hundred.

Leading. How many?!

Yaga. Well, two hundred, so what?

Leading. Too much!

Yaga. And by the way, it’s never too late to learn!

Leading. Well, okay, what can you do? Can you read and write?

Yaga. Of course not! But I can shoot sparrows with this slingshot(takes it out of his pocket and shows) . Also put buttons on the chair, shout, whistle...(tries to whistle, but nothing works). Ugh, the whistle is broken! Oh, I also ride on a broom: drin-drin-drin! I can do so many things! Is this not enough?

Leading. Even a lot, but you won’t need it at school! But can you solve problems?

Yaga. Easily!

Leading. Come on, Vanya, give Baba Yaga a more difficult problem!

Child. Grandma, you have two apples in your pocket...

Yaga (feels in his pockets). Are you lying, I don’t have any apples!

Child. Yes, that’s right, the problem says that you have two apples in your pocket. Someone took one apple from you, how many are left?

Yaga. Two!

Child. And why?

Yaga . But I won’t give anyone an apple. Even if he fights and screams!

Child. Think, grandma, what if someone did take one apple from you? How much is left?

Yaga. No one.

Child . Why?

Yaga. And I managed to eat them!

Leading. No, grandma, you don’t know how to solve problems!

Yaga. Just think, what is the use of them, you smart guys know how to count?

Held game "Come on, count."

Baba Yaga: Look, how smart they are! But I can dance, that's how I set the heat!

Baba Yaga begins to dance and grabs her back.

Leading: What, grandma, is it jammed?

Baba Yaga: Oh, sciatica has tormented me. You would try to dance yourself, and you would get stuck.

Leading: Let's try it. And it won't jam!

Girls perform dance "Alyonushki"

Yaga. Well done, that's great! Guys, do you even know what you should carry in your briefcase to school?

Children . We know.

Yaga. And now we will check what is needed for the school.

Little ABC book -

New calendar-

Street light-

Kitchen buffet-

A box of chocolates -

Pen and feather

Lotto and dominoes

Vivid pictures-

And torn shoes?

Well done! Now who is braver?

Will he put everything he needs in his briefcases?

Held game "Collect a briefcase".

Yaga. Okay guys, it's time for me to fly away. Good luck to you! Goodbye!

Leading. How wonderful that we met the heroes of our favorite fairy tales. And now, the moment of farewell comes. A word to our future first-graders.

Music is playing. Children stand in the center of the hall.

Children. Well, that's all, the time has come

The one we've been waiting for.

We gathered in last time

In our cozy room.

We are our own good kindergarten

We will not stop loving

And yet we say goodbye

After all, we have become big!

Thanks to the teachers

For affection and warmth -

We had fun with them

Cozy and bright.(Give flowers to teachers).

Did you teach the guys how to write letters?
How can you find out the time using a clock?
Add three and eight and subtract four.
And you talked about the stars and the world.
We say thank you……………. we want.
After all, every child was loved by you.(They give flowers to the defectologist)

The group is clean and beautiful,

And toys in their places.


Thank you very much to you!(They give flowers to the nanny).

Taught to dance and sing -
Thanks to the musician!
He managed to open in us
Lots of talent!
(They give flowers to the music director).

Who does the vaccinations?

Give us a vitamin

Who will drive away whooping cough, measles and mumps from us.

Medical staff

He kept us healthy.(They give flowers to nurses).

And the caretaker is always busy:

You need this, you need that.

Will provide everything you need

Let's say “thank you” to her together.(They give flowers to the caretaker).

We were walking on the street

Worked up an appetite.

The chefs cook delicious food

You will be healthy and well fed.(They give flowers to the cooks).

White napkin, clean sheet,

The apron and scarf shine white.

To keep it clean, simply top class

………………. took care of us!(They give flowers to the laundress).

Who cleaned our paths?

Where did our feet go?

Both in winter and hot summer?

This is the janitor, this is the janitor!(They give flowers to the janitor).

Beautiful, well-kept kindergarten,

The verandas are clean,

Like a mother - caring, kind,

Gave all my heart to children

Our manager…………………...(They give flowers to the manager).

For what we dreamed about here

For so many years in a row we

For what was, will be, is,

Together: Thank you, kindergarten!

Children sing song “Goodbye, kindergarten!”

Congratulations to the headmaster and parents.

We have already held graduation. It went very well.
I took materials for the script from the Internet and from the Bell magazine!
Lost name
Scenario for the "School Graduation" holiday for children preparatory group.
Date: April 16, 2010
Presenter *************** L.M.
Leopold the cat
Mathematics Professor - Zero
Dr. Aibolit

Children run out to the music “Hello, Childhood”, dance, and at the end of the dance they line up in a semicircle.
Our children need it soon
Parting with kindergarten
Because every year
Someone is going to school.
There will be new worries
Starting in September.
In the meantime, let's start our holiday,
Congratulations to everyone, friends.
The sun is a cheerful ray
He happily knocks on the windows,
And we are proud today
An important word: “Graduate”!
Many wonderful days
We spent here.
Were close to us
Games, laughter and work.
We are leaving kindergarten
Like a flock of sparrows,
And even the janitor became sad,
Sweeping the paths.
“Preschooler! Preschooler!” -
I can hear it almost from the cradle,
Only from tomorrow
Don't call me that:
I'll get up early tomorrow -
And in the morning I’ll become a schoolboy!
Back to school soon! Back to school soon!
The classroom will open its doors for us.
And with your cheerful call
He will invite us to study.

Hello school! First grade!
Look at us quickly!
Tanya, Sasha and Natasha -
These are the first-graders!
SONG “Tinker-Ding Kindergarten”.
Our kindergarten is decorated in the morning
Today is graduation day
And we are proud of our garden
After all, it is like a home for us.
We went to kindergarten with joy,
It was cozy and light,
The teachers, like mothers, loved us
And they gave affection and warmth.
Every day we learned something
We liked to draw and count.
It was difficult to write the first words
In printed letters in a notebook.
Farewell, our dear kindergarten,
We must part soon.
We are all seven and soon we will
We will study at school.
Thank you, dear kindergarten,
For affection and care,
Because mom walked in the morning
Calm down to work.
Let's grow up over the summer,
To make it visible to everyone,
That it's time to go
We are in first grade.
THE SONG “Our Favorite Kindergarten” IS PERFORMED
Children sit on chairs.
Presenter (addressing parents)
Look at your children
They are not a year old, and not two anymore,
You gave them into our hands,
Barely babbling words.
But the years passed, and everything happened -
Both joy and sorrow.
Good luck, tears, joy, laughter,
Disappointments, quarrels...
But we weren't going to sleep
We tried to educate them,
They were given love and affection,
They thanked us.
Are you, parents, ready to take your children to first grade?

The windows are lit until late in the evening,
Parents prepare their children for school.
What worries them at a late hour?
PARENTS PERFORM “Parental Suffering.”
Mommy, don't be afraid.
Dad, calm down!
I'll go to school boldly
We were taught in kindergarten
Don't be timid and don't be shy,
And try to help friends,
And in all my affairs
Be no worse than the rest!
Moms, we love you very much,
And we won’t upset you,
We have good grades
We promise to receive!
Dear parents, please tell me what grades should I get at school?
And what about what you received at school? Let's check.
Leading. You hear? Someone is crying.
The Girl enters.
Girl, where are you from? And why are you crying?
I was rude, disobedient, angry and pugnacious. And my name ran away from me. All the letters from my name are hidden somewhere, and they don’t enroll me in school without a name. Now I understand everything. How can I find my letters?
Yes, you're in big trouble. You can't live without a name. Children, why can’t you live without a name? (Children answer.) Girl, run along that path. Maybe she will lead you to your letters.
Thank you guys, I'm off and running.
Dolls, bears and toys look sadly at the guys, they want to dance with you for the last time.
At the end of the dance, children enter the dance junior group, graduates give them toys.
The kids go out the door and get ready to dance.
The curtain closes.
At school you have to try,
And work hard
Who looks sad there?
The music starts again!
The music “Bow Sponges” sounds, the curtain opens, the kids dance and change lines.
Now you have grown up and soon
The school doors will open for you.
Well, goodbye little ones
Now they will say to you: “Goodbye!”
We, the little guys,
Everyone has come to congratulate you.
You go to first grade
Don't forget kindergarten.
Your teachers
We spent a lot of effort.
Every day and every hour
Everyone took care of you.
Taught you to try
Take on any task
Don't hurt kids
And respect all elders.
But it's time to say goodbye
The school is waiting for you all to study.
We want to wish you
Only get straight A's.
A Girl appears towards them.
Toddler teacher.
Didn't you expect to meet us?
You've arrived in the land of babies.
When you were little,
And you lived in such a country.
After all, I want to go to school too. My only grief is that my name has escaped me. Help me, friends!
Toddler teacher.
Don't cry and don't be sad,
Toddler teacher (puts out the letter M).
Take your letter
Don't forget the kids.
Thank you, I'm so glad!
You are all good guys!
The kids are leaving.
The girl waves at them and then runs on.

We listened to the kids' congratulations. But there are still people outside the door who want to congratulate you. These are kids senior group. Meet them.

Children of the senior group come to the music

Today is the last ball for you, graduates.
Now lessons and school bells await you!

It will be a little sad without the older preschool children,
Toys and swings in the garden are sad without you.

You are already quite big, you are beautiful and smart,
In order to reach you, we must stand on our toes! (rise on their toes)

We may be small today, but we will grow up soon,
And we will also follow you into first grade.

We wish you to study, get straight A’s,
Never forget your beloved kindergarten.

children of the older group perform “DITS”.
A girl runs out
Child st. group (addresses the Girl).
Well, where are you in a hurry?
Children, I'm in trouble!

Here she is. At the bottom of the pond
The letter A is hiding. (gives away the letter)
Well, thank you. I’m so glad, But I need to run further!
The children and the girl leave.
The girl runs out from the other side.
The scenery changes: they bring out a “river” - a canvas behind which is hidden a person who will string various objects on a hook.
Oh, there's a river on the way. Who will help you transition? Meanwhile, no one is visible. It's such a shame! It's such a shame!
The girl is crying.
The music of the song Leopold the Cat is playing. The cat comes out with a bucket and a fishing rod.
Leopold the cat.
Do you, friends, recognize me? Have you met Leopold? I went to the river to get away from the mice. This is a good place.
I’ll sit here on the bank, maybe I’ll catch some fish?
(notices the Girl) Girl, why are you crying? Tell Leopold.
The letters ran away from me, the name was taken away from me! And now I don’t know, They called me what they called me.

Leopold the cat.
Don't be sad, dry your tears. Tears of sorrow will not help. Look how many friends I have! We won't leave you in trouble. Guys let's be friends!
Leopold the cat.
Like by the river, by the river
We started a round dance.
Everybody come out dancing
Take the girl with you.
A dance is being performed - the song “Lavata”.

Leopold the cat.
I'll sit by the river
And I’ll catch some fish.

Little river, please, give me back my letter.
Leopold catches and pulls out the shoe.

Leopold the cat.
Here it is, your letter, get it!
Is this a letter? Eh, you unfortunate fisherman. What kind of catch is this?
Leopold the cat (scratching his head).
And now this boy will help me!
Leopold calls the child and fishes with him.
They pull out tin can and another shoe.
Leopold the cat. That's how great we are. Two letters were caught at once. Take any!
Again, not letters. Dear Leopold, try again!
Leopold the cat.
OK. Now I’ll take this girl as my assistant.
Leopold and the girl catch and pull out the letter R.
Leopold the cat.
This is how the river became friendly, gave us the letter R (er)!
She, she, this is my letter! Thank you, little river, thank you, Leopold, thank you, guys. And I’ll keep running!
The girl waves to everyone and runs away.
Leopold the cat.
I tried my best
But I was left without a fish!
Leopold turns around, and there is a fish hanging on his hook. Leaves.
The girl runs further. Stops at a tree with numbers. Zero comes out. He is dressed like a king: on his head is a crown, shoes with buckles, a huge zero on his chest, and a pointer in his hands.
What a wonderful country?
Excuse me, who are you?

I am the king of mathematics!
I am very important, round zero!
And mathematics, friends,
Can't do it without me!
Come here, one,
You are small without me, sister.
And I will stand next to you,
You are ten times more with me.
What number did you get? What is greater: one or ten? How much is ten more than one? (Children answer)
Girl. Help me, king of mathematics, find my letter.
I will help you if you solve my problems.

Oh, I'm afraid I can't handle it!

Do you have any friends? Ask your friends to help you.
Guys, help me decide.
1. Once a hedgehog was walking through the forest,
I found mushrooms for lunch:
Two - under the birch tree,
Two - under the aspen.
How many will there be?
In a wicker basket? (4)
2. Under the bushes by the river
May beetles lived:
Daughter, son, father and mother.
Who can count them? (4)
3. Six funny bear cubs
They rush into the forest for raspberries.
But one kid is tired,
I fell behind my comrades.
Now find the answer: How many bears are there ahead? (5)
After the first task, Zero asks the children to stand at their chairs and jump 4 times, after the second - to clap 4 times, after the third - to sit down 5 times.
And also for you guys,
There are riddles on the tree.
The answer to the problem needs to be taken from the tree and brought, shown to us all.
Riddles from the tree
Four birds are sitting on a tree: two sparrows, the rest tits. How many tits? (2)
Grandma Dasha has a granddaughter Masha, a cat Fluff, and a dog Druzhok. How many grandchildren does grandma have? (1)
There is a tub by the wall,
And in that tub there is a frog. If there were seven tubs, how many frogs would there be in them? (7)
Problems are also set using numbers, which are removed from the tree and laid out on the floor. Children solve problems.
Now it's time to play
Let's make numbers.
Each child is given a bib with a number on it. In the middle of the circle is Zero. Every time one of the children remains, Zero joins him and asks what number he got. If the children find it difficult to answer, he names it himself.
Children, what letter should I give?
To a girl? (Children answer)
Here's my letter N (en) - Zero. And the letter "I"
Girl. Thank you, thank you! Now I need to find the last letter. Goodbye, country of mathematics!
Zero leaves. The girl runs further and meets Aibolit on the road.
Oh, who is this? This is Doctor Aibolit!
Dr. Aibolit.
I know about your trouble:
You are looking for your letter.
I'm only sad for you
I can't help!
Y. TUVIMA (translation by S. Mikhalkov) "AZBUKA".
The entire poem is drawn in pictures.
Aibolit shows each letter as the poem progresses.
What's happened? What's happened?
Dr. Aibolit.
The ABC fell off the stove!
Painfully sprained my leg
Uppercase letter M.
G hit a little
It completely fell apart.
Lost the letter U
Your own crossbar.
Finding myself on the floor
Broke U's tail.
The poor thing is so swollen
There's no way to read it.
The letter P has been turned upside down and turned into a soft sign.
The letter C completely closed and turned into the letter O.
Letter A, when she woke up, didn’t recognize anyone!
Girl (Takes the letter A).
The letter A is not damaged, and there is no need to treat it
Give me, doctor, A,
I really need the letter.
Doctor Aibolit (listens to the letter A).
Well, I’m completely healthy,
She is ready to stand up for the name.
I'm arranging it, look...
(hangs up letters)
Read your name!
Very nice picture!
What's my name?
Children (read).
My name is Marina.
You all helped me, friends.
I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
I'll run to get ready for school.
The girl runs away
Guys, each of you probably has many desires. And I really want them to come true as soon as possible, let’s dream about who will become who when they grow up.
Our holiday is coming to an end. All we have to do is say our farewell words.
Children line up in a semicircle and read the final poems.
The holiday is over, we say goodbye to the garden,
Wish us good luck on our journey,
We are in let's go to school, no need to be upset,
As a group we will now make a promise:
I promise to teachers -
I will be attentive at school
I'll try not to yawn
Don't count the crows in the window.
And I want to say in front of everyone -
I will answer loudly
So that fours and fives
Receive in lessons.
I promise our nanny
There is soup and porridge at school.
Two girls
We are the laughing turntables,
Two girlfriends, two talkers.
We really want to say
That we won't talk,
After all, for behavior too
You can get a deuce!
We say thank you:
To your teachers!
We also confess to you -
You look like our mothers!
perform the song “--Educator--”

And now, friends, we need
Say goodbye to kindergarten.

To all kindergarten workers
We need to say thank you
For their hard work,
For your love and care for us.
For what we dreamed about here
For so many years in a row we
For what was, will be, is.
All. Thank you, kindergarten!

Presenter The word for congratulations is given by the Manager.

Scenario for graduation 2016 in kindergarten: “We are almost schoolchildren”

The “Graduation to School” holiday is necessary so that children leaving for school can say goodbye to the kindergarten and its employees. Children tell what they have become during their stay in kindergarten. They remember how they came as kids, didn’t know how to do anything, but now they’ve learned everything. Children recite poems, sing songs, and show comic skits about school. We thank all the kindergarten staff for their love, attention, and knowledge gained. They promise parents and kindergarten workers to study well.
This holiday scenario is intended for music workers and kindergarten teachers of the preparatory group. Children's age is 6-7 years. This material can be used for holidays, in classes to familiarize children with school, at parent-teacher meetings.

Target: Create a joyful festive mood in children, an atmosphere of mutual respect and love of graduates and employees.
Tasks: Continue to introduce children to school and its importance in children's lives. To evoke an emotional response, a feeling of empathy, a desire to actively participate in the holiday, and the ability to implement the performing skills acquired during their stay in kindergarten. Develop creative independence, expressiveness of speech and pantomime actions; improve artistic and figurative performing skills; cultivate self-control, attention, and the desire to please friends and loved ones with poems, songs, and dances.

The progress of the holiday

Ved.1: Good evening, dear parents!
Ved.2: Hello, dear guests and colleagues! Today our kindergarten opened its doors for a graduation party dedicated to future first-graders!
Ved.1: For parents, they will always be babies, but for us they are the smartest, funniest, most inquisitive children whom we have been proud of all these years.
Ved.2: Hurry up and meet the heroes of the holiday -
Quiet, why check, merry pranksters.
From all the guests, from dads and moms -
Applause to our graduates!
Dance at the discretion of the music worker
- Let me introduce myself. We are the nicest children in the world.
- And why?
- Yes, because we are from kindergarten... (name of the kindergarten)
- And we are firmly convinced that our kindergarten is the best.
- Funny.
- Cool. - And why.
Ved.1: But because our beloved children have been living, singing, and dancing in our kindergarten for five years now. Namely: 11 cute and interesting boys. And 12 no less interesting, but even more beautiful girls.
- We are the most perky, the most agile.
- The most charming, the most attentive.
- The most inquisitive.
- The most fun.
- The most athletic.
- The most hardworking.
- Most beautiful.
- Why be surprised, because we are almost schoolchildren.
Song: "First Grader"
- Do you remember how we once came to kindergarten.
- Why didn’t you come, they brought us in wheelchairs!
“We often sat on the arms and didn’t want to stomp our feet.”
- I remember crying every day,
I kept waiting for my mother, looking out the window.
- And I did this - I fell asleep over soup at lunch.
- Sometimes I ate poorly, they spoon-fed me.
- We loved to throw sand, our Vanya loved to laugh.
- They were such naughty people, they fought with their hands and feet.
- Yes, we were all good, but what can we take from us, after all, we are kids.
The kids come in to the music.
Where did you come from? Maybe you fell from the sky?
Child of the younger group:
We are clear stars
Not heavenly, but domestic.
I don't understand anything
After all, there are no home stars.
Children of the younger group:
Our dads, our moms
They call us stars
Because from children
The house becomes brighter.
-We were told that someone
They escort you to first class.
We will go there willingly
Better see us off
-We know how to put on shoes,
We know how to dress.
Sing poems and tell stories
And tie your shoelaces,
We're ready for first class
Please see us off.
- No, you are still small - Even if you are small today, but soon we will grow up,
And we will also follow you into first grade. - The kids congratulate you from the bottom of their hearts today!
Enroll in first grade, and don’t forget about us
- We envy you a little, you are almost schoolchildren.
And we sincerely wish you a good journey! All children: thank you very much,
Kids dance
Ved: We went to kindergarten together for so many years, and now we won’t see each other for the whole summer, and some break up forever.
- It’s a pity Angelina to leave forever
- Zhenya, remember me at least sometimes.
- Lera, let me see you again.
- You can see me in cooking soon.
- Anya, will we continue to be friends with you?
- Of course, I can’t live without friendship.
- Sonya, will you write essays for me?
- Well, of course Maxim, don’t forget to give your number. - How beautiful you look, Albina.
- Well, paint a picture of me.
- Oh Mashenka, I will miss you.
- Yes, Egor, it’s a pity to leave, what else can I say.
Ved.2: But some people think differently.
Song: Then you will regret it.
1. When I become an adult guy, I will be a fireman.
And you will freeze when you see me fighting fire
Or maybe I'll become Russian president
And I will smile sweetly at you in the middle of the screen!
Chorus: Then you will regret it Angelina
That she didn’t trust me with her toys
That the only candy you shared was not with me
And in general she was a great imaginer.
2. I will undoubtedly become a handsome military man
And all the girls will gasp, not the guy, but the hero.
Or maybe broad-shouldered, I'll become a football player
And in the Olympic match I will score the return goal.
3. Or maybe I will become a brave captain,
I will discover a new island, traveling around the world
Better yet, become a rich oil tycoon
And live on the farthest and best of planets.
Ved.1: Guys, are you glad that you are going to school?
All: Certainly!
Boy: Hurray, hurray, the time has finally come!
Girl: I don't understand why you're happy? Why are you leaving the garden?
Boy: Well, yes! I won't sleep during the day!
Girl: Will you write and read everything?
Boy: But I won’t eat porridge.
Girl: If you want to stand up, they will tell you to sit down.
Boy: We'll come home early!
Girl: And we won’t find mom at home! In the refrigerator, lunch on my own, homework on my own.
Boy: And the neighbor? I’ll invite Vovka to visit. He and I will eat everything we find, then we will go for a walk, take him and Marusya the cat and play with her a little. Then we will fight in a sea battle.
Girl: Wait, please, wait! You need to read, rewrite, retell, and then solve the task, because you can get a bad mark and really upset your mother!
Together: Yes, that's how it is!
As you can see, your youth is gone!
- Well then, we’ll be in unison
Let's tell our common mother
All: Let us stay
We will be better off with you. (falls on his knee in front of the manager and gives her flowers.)
Ved.1: And really, what should you do to go to school or stay?
Music sounds and Vovka rides into the hall on a bicycle.
Ved.2: Oh, guys, who came to us?
- I am Vovka Morkovkin! I'm going to the distant kingdom.
Varya: Why do you need to go to the kingdom? And also far away?
Better get to know our guys.
They are going to school and can take you with them.
- Yes, your guys don’t know how to do anything.
Ved.1: No, they can.
-Can they draw a horse?
Ved.1: Certainly
Game "Draw a Horse."
- Yes, you got a horse, like my friend. - I spent half a day drawing a handsome horse,
And everyone praised me for the drawing.
First my mother said a word to me:
- The little lamb turned out wonderful!
But I went to my dad with the same drawing,
And dad told me:
- Excellent goat!
- Then the little sister praised:
- You did a very good job... kitten.
And my elder brother praised me,
He yawned and said:
- Not a bad crocodile!
Ved.2: It's okay to learn everything at school. - At school? They don't even know what awaits them there! Do one thing, then do another!
If you do it wrong, the teacher will give you a bad mark and your parents will punish you!
No, I don't want to go to school!
Ved.1: Vovka, don’t cheat with the answer, it’s better to listen to what the children tell you about school.
The poem "What is school?"
- What is school?
How can I answer you?
This is where all the children rush in the morning!
What a strange question! If you are already grown up?
If seven, then just right,
Get ready for first grade!
- What is school?
How to answer you!
This is where you learn about everything in the world!
About the multiplication table,
About verbs and addition,
About planets and seas,
That the earth is round.
- What is school?
How to answer you!
Changes and calls
Buns in the buffet!
And marks in the diary and assignments on the board!
All: You will know and understand everything
If you go to school!
Ved.1: Well, Vovka, have our children convinced you that you need to go to school?
- I don’t want to go to school, I’d rather ride a bike or lie in bed! I have a soft pillow.
- Look Vovka, what can happen. if you're lazy.
A boy comes out with a briefcase and lies down on the mattress, yawns
Ved.2: Bed. Who is this lying here?
And he speaks sleepily.
Boy: Eh, cruel fate has all tortured me.
The grandmother comes out with a wand, holds her back (wearing a scarf or apron), walks around in a circle and sits next to her grandson, facing the audience. It starts to wake you up.
Wake up darling!
Get up quickly, dear!
To always be healthy
Do five push-ups from the floor
Bend and stretch
Dry yourself with a towel
The boy, imitating his grandmother: - Wake up, dear, get up quickly, dear.
Sits down: - Oh, cruel fate
Everyone tortured me.
Mom runs in with a bag over her shoulder.
- We must hurry to school, study all the subjects,
To be able to write and read.
The boy sits down and indignantly: - Oh, leave me alone
I have a friend who has a soft pillow.
Grandmother: - What awaits us ahead?
Mom, slapping herself on the head: “He’ll remain ignorant and struggle in life.”
The boy gets up with a pillow on his head: - Eh, cruel fate, Okay, okay, I’ll get up.
The pillow seemed to be stuck. The grandmother tries to take it off, tugs, pulls it towards herself, and then the mother does the same to herself.
Mother:-Who will help us now?
Grandmother:- Call the doctor quickly.
Mom is calling on the phone. The grandson is crying.
Grandmother:- My dear grandson, calm down, we are with you.
It's good that only the pillow has grown to the top of your head,
If the bed were fixed, you wouldn't even be able to get up.
Mother:- Dear doctor, come, save your son from trouble.
A pa-pa-dushka grew (crying) to his round crown.
The doctor enters to the music.
- So let’s listen to the child, here is the liver, spleen.
Now turn to the left, touch your nose with your tongue.
Now I’ll tell you the diagnosis, I think it won’t surprise you.
Sloth, friend of Lodar, unwilling illness.
The boy is surprised: - Sloth, Lodar doesn’t want an illness?
The doctor tries to remove the pillow:
- The pillow is firmly attached, you can’t pull it away from the top of your head.
The advice I will give you is to cut it head on.
The grandmother pushes the doctor: “No, I won’t, don’t touch your grandson.”
Doctor:- It’s because he’s too lazy to study science.
Leading: - The grandmother came to her defense, hopped and fainted. (sits on a chair, throwing her head back, mom runs up to her and waves a handkerchief.)
Doctor: - There is one more answer. To tell you or not. The grandmother straightens up: “My strength is gone, speak quickly.”
Doctor: - If you stop being lazy,
If you go to study
A miracle will happen again
And the pillow will disappear.
So you have to try to part with the pillow.
I’ll put on the shirt myself and get down to business quickly
I’ll do some exercises and put my notebook in my backpack.
I'll clean everything in the room and run to class.
Runs away with a pillow.
Ved.1: In order to part with your pillow, you need to try to study well at school and no longer be lazy
The boy comes out with the number 5. No pillow, beauty, hello school, hello me.
The music is playing and a correspondent enters, hung with cameras and video cameras with a microphone in his hands.
Correspondent: Hello everyone!
I'm a local television correspondent!
Are you really late?
Ved.1: Don't worry, dear correspondent, our program is still in full swing!
The correspondent clicks cameras in different directions.
Correspondent: Then everything is fine! I would like to interview graduates and their parents. What do mothers dream about? What would you wish for your children?
What dreams do our boys have?
- Yes, they all want to become businessmen.
Dance of "Businessmen"
What do our girls dream about?
The girl and her dad come out: When I was lying in the crib, you met mommy with flowers and said:
“Believe it or not, I’m under the clouds now. I love my little one so much. I waited for her and believed in a miracle. I will be a good dad to you"
- And you became a dad, the best dad. I love you very, very much. These minutes are so precious that I don’t want to part with you ever in the world.
Now I want to dance with you.
Dance of fathers and daughters.
Correspondent: Thanks for the interview, guys! Now just a moment! A photo for memory! Smile! I'm filming!
- Mom goes to work. And dad has a lot to do.
So we need someone to look after us!
Who will feed us porridge from a spoon, who will read us a fairy tale,
Who will put on our boots, who knows poems and songs?
Who will make peace, who will tell you who is the girlfriend and buddy,
Who will show us tricks? Well, of course, teacher!
There is no more important position - deputy to our mothers!
Dear educators, we say:"Thank you!" - From clear dawn until dark she is in our kindergarten.
Who will bring us lunch and clean up the dishes?
Our group is no more beautiful. Clean and bright all around!
Maybe our nanny has not two, but ten hands?
- Thank you for your care and attention, for helping in education,
Being a nanny is very difficult, we understand.
We are grateful to you and we congratulate you!
Dance "Final"
- Well, who is the most important here?
Who is sitting in the office? Who is in charge of everyone?
Staying awake at night, keeping an eye on the budget,
Talking to mothers - Good Manager!
- What should the guys do? How to study and when?
How to go out and have fun? We don't know, that's the problem!
But the methodologist writes a whole sheet of lessons for the children!
- You need to think modernly in order to raise your children.
Undoubtedly, a methodologist needs to know all the sciences.
Be an expert in psychology, children's physiology,
Rhetoric and logic, of course, pedagogy.
And to be a methodologist, you need to love children.
- Everything is fine with health, because in the morning
It’s not boring for kids to exercise in a bright room.
Our children love physical education very much.
Strength, spirit, muscles are strengthened in games
- For health and figure, and for the strength of legs and arms
Our dear physical education teacher taught us physical education!
- Oh, what torment it was - the children were unable to make sounds!
We'll tell you a secret: a speech therapist helped us all!
This doctor teaches children to speak without mistakes,
We should all thank him for this!
- We have a Sweet Tooth Appetite in our bellies.
He alternately gurgles and howls. Who will calm the poor thing down?
The cooks cook porridge for the children from the very morning!
Thanks to all our chefs
For delicious soups and cereals!
- Thanks to our nurse for thinking about the baby,
He treats us and gives us medicine and takes our temperature.
- On an ironed sheet in a quiet hour we caress our backs.
A serene dream comes on a snow-white pillow.
We have a sailor in the garden. And her name is Aunt Laundress!
- Our musical worker,
Special bow to you!
For patience and notes,
Dancing, songs, gentle tone.
They give flowers to employees.
Song: “Farewell to kindergarten.”
- Goodbye, our kindergarten,
Educators, friends!
Everyone is happy for us today,
But mothers' eyes sparkle.
- Mommy, don't be afraid.
Dad, calm down!
I'll go to school boldly
We were taught in kindergarten
Don't be timid and don't be shy,
And try to help friends,
And in all my affairs
Be no worse than the rest!
- Moms, we love you very much
And we won’t upset you
We have good grades
We promise to receive!
Dance with canvases
Parents' response.

Elena Khotsyan
Scenario for graduation in kindergarten “School Graduation - 2015”

Kindergarten graduation script

« School graduation – 2015»

Fanfare sounds, the presenters and two children from the middle group enter.

Presenter 1. Dear guests! An unusual and exciting celebration awaits us all today! Our children say goodbye to children's garden and getting ready for the new life stage– admission to school. I really want this day to be remembered for a long time by both children and adults. Every year our Kindergarten sends more than ordinary preschool children to school, but the most real talented and wonderful stars.

Presenter 2. Each child in the group is a little star. Everyone is talented and unique. We fell in love with them over the years we lived together. And today, with pride and hope and sadness, we release them to school. Our children's the garden left a long, kind, bright mark in the life of each of you.

Boy: On this day the solemn sun shines,

Kindergarten escorts children to school today!

Girl: IN we'll go to school too

When we grow up a little here.

Although I'm already ready!

Girl: How modest! (shakes head)

Boy: Oh sorry! (to the girl)

Invite graduates!

The girl rings the holiday bell.

There's a song playing "I'll wave my hand to the clouds", children in pairs (a boy and a girl, with balls in their hands, enter the hall. They perform dance movements

Children become a semicircle

Ved. 1:Contain your excitement today impossible:

Your last holiday in kindergarten,

Our hearts are both warm and anxious,

After all, the children grew up in school goes.

Ved. 2:And how difficult it is for us to part with you,

And you from under the wing into the light release.

We became family, we became friends,

And it seems like you couldn’t be found better.

Children read poetry.

Hello moms, dads and guests!

Hello, our dear kindergarten.

We are impatient, especially excited,

We were waiting for our big holiday.

The holiday is very important for us today

Day graduation is coming.

It's a shame we're leaving kindergarten:

in autumn school is waiting for us!

Today they hardly recognized us

All the guests who gathered in the hall.

Last time we came here

Remember us forever!

Farewell holiday

Cheerful and sad

It's hard to contain my excitement.

Moms and dads and teachers,

Us in they came to see off school.

The world is unknown school, wonderful

We would like to see sooner.

It's just so sad say goodbye to kindergarten

We will miss you with all our hearts.

That's preschool childhood passes

How can we keep him?

With tender sadness, our beloved kindergarten

We will remember everything.

Song "We became preschoolers»

Children sit on chairs.

Scene"Cheers cheers! The time has finally come!”

Presenter 1 Dear Graduates! To your place high school graduation Your younger comrades, with whom you have lived friendly all these years, came to the ball.

Performing a dance "Helpers" (middle group)

Presenter 2 Daughter, daughter, daughter... A God-given miracle...

Try to help if she finds it difficult.

Give her yourself, your severity and affection,

Speak about good things, open the world in bright colors.

What awaits her in life? Who will answer today?

Let it grow with joy and let it reach for the light.

A new sprout of life in a father’s palms will turn into a flower!

Dance of fathers and daughters

Presenter 1. Heroes of good fairy tales are coming to us

People are already rushing to visit the hall

To the land of wonderful knowledge

Show off your guys!

Presenter 2. With a fairy tale we are in were friends in the garden,

We ask the fairy tale to come

Good fairy tale heroes

Bring it with you!

Arthur is preparing to perform

Music sounds (Music for the princess,

The Princess runs into the hall. The teacher hurriedly follows her.

Princess. But I’m telling you, I don’t want to study!

Teacher. Your Majesty, this is simply necessary, you will not be able to read and sign a single royal document!

Princess. Why do I need this? After all, I have you, Vseznay Akademievich.

Teacher. Yes, but I'm already old, you might say. It's time for me to retire, Your Majesty.

Princess. No pensions! You are still healthy and strong. You have your whole life ahead of you. Come on, arms to the sides, up, forward, reach right hand to the tip of the nose (teacher does). So good! Now march! Let's run! Great! Serve for another 50 years!

Teacher:(wearily) But Your Majesty...

Princess. None "But". Serve me until... until I become as smart as you.

Teacher. Yes, but how can you become like that if you don’t want to learn at all?

Princess. Come up with something, you graduated from three academies.

Teacher. I can’t come up with one, I won’t be able to do anything. I'll go and convene the scientific council. Maybe we can decide together. Eh, I wish I could retire soon!

Princess. Go - go, think! In the meantime, I'll do something useful (plays with toys).

Presenter 1. Guys, do you understand anything? I'm nothing. Now I find out what this princess is doing at our holiday. Dear princess, please explain what you are doing here?

Princess. What! Who dares to contact me?

Presenter1. Excuse me, but I don’t know how to contact you.

Princess. Well, they say that I’m stupid and don’t want to study. Darling, you don’t know basic things! Royalty is called "Your Majesty"

Leading. I see, now I'll know. So, Your Majesty, what are you doing on our holiday?

Princess. How is your holiday, but I don’t know anything about it? Why didn't you inform me?

Presenter 1. We didn’t think that you would want to celebrate with us a holiday dedicated to our graduate that go to school.

Princess. Again school! I don't want to hear anything about her. Nanny, nanny!

(Nanny runs into the hall with a plate and spoon).

Nanny. What do you want, our bright star, beloved princess? Maybe you can have some porridge? (trying to feed, the princess runs to the side).

Princess. Nanny, I didn’t call you for this.

Nanny. What does our fish want?

Princess. Ask Want: Why is everyone having a holiday, but I’m not?

Nanny. Who has this?

Presenter1. We see off our graduates to school. There they will study and learn a lot of new and interesting things.

Princess. Well, let's study again! It’s as if you can’t know everything without learning. What did you learn in kindergarten?

Leading. Our children can do a lot

And when in will go to school, they will gain even more knowledge.

Princess. Is it really possible to get all this knowledge in school?

Leading. If you try, you can do it.

Princess. Then I also want to study at school. Take me with you.

Leading. Shall we take it?

Princess. Well, I ran to get ready ( screams: "Mothers, nannies I'm in I'm going to school, prepare your suitcases")

Presenter 1. Guys, now let’s check if you are ready to go to 1st grade.

If you agree, then shout YES, YES, YES!

And if you don’t agree, then NO, NO, NO!

Attention, let's begin:

IN Let's go to school in the fall - Yes,Yes Yes.

We'll find friends there - Yes, yes, yes

We'll be in we go to school - Yes,Yes Yes

And with friends we will fight - No, no, no

We'll sleep in class - No, no, no

Diary in We'll take school - Yes,Yes Yes

To get deuces - No, no, no

Let's play with dolls - No, no, no

We will solve problems - Yes, yes, yes

We will become students - Yes, yes, yes

We will do the homework ourselves - Yes, yes, yes. !

I ask you to answer me,

What are we in we'll take school?

We put notebooks in the briefcase, Yes, yes, yes

We also need slingshots No, no, no

Album for drawing Yes, yes, yes

Matches- set the school on fire, No no no

Notebooks to write Yes, yes, yes

Let's take outfits for the dolls, No, no, no

Felt pens and paints are needed Yes, yes, yes

Call your mom's mobile Yes, yes, yes

Plasticine for sculpting Yes, yes, yes

Kitten in we'll take it to school No,no no

We put the gun in the briefcase No, no, no

Pills for treatment No, no, no

The textbook will definitely come in handy. Yes Yes Yes!

Our garden is sad today,

And we're just a little sad

The day of farewell has come,

And a long road awaits us.

Leaving a piece here childhood,

Let's go to the first classroom.

But we will be next door to you,

And we will remember you more than once.

More than once we will remember how we played,

And how many things were there here,

How they painted in the evenings,

And the forest, and the mother, and the stream.

We will remember the group and the toys,

And the bedrooms are tender comfort,

How can you forget your friends?

With whom we lived here for so many years!

Yes, we are just a little sad,

And time cannot be turned back,

And it’s time for us, it’s time to hit the road,

Presenter 2

A game "Do not snooze"

("Who gets the most good grades") – children play with their parents. Upside down score cards are placed in two hoops. Moreover, in hoop for parents the grades are different - from 1 to 5. And in hoop for children - only 4 and 5. Music plays, everyone goes to class (walk around the hoop). Pause - everyone quickly raises their cards.

Presenter 1. Let the music farewell

It will sound for us.

With your favorite toys

Let's dance now.

Dance “The toys cried, they cried”.

Presenter 2. How beautifully we learned

Our children sing, play,

And also our guys

They love to dance!

Dance "Grandmothers" (performed by boys)

1st presenter: While the boys were dancing, the girls were dreaming about the future.

Played out staging"Three Friends".

Three friends on a spring day

We were in a good mood.

They cooed on the bench

And they dreamed about the future.

1st friend.

That's when I grow up

I'll get married right away.

I will choose a husband, like dad,

To meet me at the gangway.

Oh, I forgot to say:

I'll be flying in the sky.

I want to become a flight attendant

I'll go on the plane.

2nd friend.

1st friend.

And then I will become a mother.

And I'll tell you straight,

What about your children, Natasha,

I won't stuff myself with porridge.

I will take them to the cinema,

Buy them popsicles.

2nd friend.

I wish I could become your daughter!

1st friend. You can only dream!

2nd girl.

I want to become an artist

So that perform on stage.

So that flowers are always given,

They only talked about me

So that I can be filmed,

The main roles were given.

I would get a lot of money

Whatever I want, I’d buy it all!

Why are you silent?

Are you saying anything?

3rd girl.

IN I will go to school,

I promise not to be lazy

Because when I grow up -

I want to become a scientist.

And study the computer

Be friends with mathematics

Own geography

To see the whole world.

Geometry and Russian,

Biology, French

IN school needs to study,

To be the smartest!

These are our children

Everyone wants to know the world.

Let's wish them good luck

So that all problems are solved!

And we continue to surprise you, because our talents have no limits, and now you will see for yourself

Dance "Dot, dot, comma..."

Presenter 2.

Children bring us so much happiness.

We glow, we become more cheerful,

No, greater joy, believe me,

What pride in your beloved sons.

Dance of mothers with sons

Presenter 1. Today, guys, we congratulate you!

Are you in go to school to study, be friends.

We wish you all success and health

And yours children's never forget the garden.

Slide show "Pages from life in kindergarten» . (children say words in the background of the film)

Last time in the festive hall

We were in the spotlight.

Well then, goodbye

Our favorite hall,

You often called us here for holidays

Farewell our group

And in the bedroom there are cribs,

Now they are waiting for us

IN school notebooks.

Wardrobes in the locker room

A little sad

As if to go

With us in they want school.

It's all behind: horses, dolls, guns.

We are adults no longer kids.

You can pick up our toys,

We leave them to you from the bottom of our hearts.

With love, educators, relatives

They will wave after their graduates.

Don't be afraid for us, we are already big

And we thank you for your concern.

And the same boys will come to you

And girls with and without pigtails.

And discover the secrets of earthly wonders.

Farewell ours kindergarten! With love to you

We will remember it for a long time.

Everything is ahead of us, but only with kids

We will never be again!

We are in let's go to school,

And for your replacement

The kids will come -

Change of toddlers.

We are in we leave school and talk:

« Kindergarten“Darling, thank you for everything.”

Bow to everyone and thank you very much!

For affection, care, warm welcome.

We will always remember

Preschool childhood,

And tomorrow we'll all be together let's go to school!

Thank you, thank you, you are adults,

Together: We will never forget your concerns!

Bow to all guests

Presenter 2: Our employees kindergarten,

From noisy and loving children

Please accept these awards -

Our smiles, gifts, flowers!

Children give flowers to employees kindergarten.

Presenter 1

Dear guys, today is your big holiday!

you say goodbye to kindergarten!

Did you have a good and interesting time here? (Yes)

And in order for you to feel good, cozy and interesting here, all the employees tried children's garden and your parents helped a lot.

Presenter 2

Dear our parents, team children's Sada thanks you for taking an active part in the life of kindergarten.

You helped us a lot in designing the group’s subject-based development environment.

IN repair work groups.

In carrying out children's parties.

You are wonderful parents because your child occupies a central place in your life!

And in this solemn atmosphere, we want to honor each family with a letter of gratitude. (Reading letters of thanks parents graduates)

Presenter 1:

And now our parents graduates, want to say parting words to their children and words of gratitude to their teachers.

Presenter2: For congratulations and presentation of medals graduate and graduation diploma We invite you to kindergarten: Director of our nursery-kindergarten Nikulina Albina Albinovna.

Presenter1: Dear guys, your last holiday in kindergarten. May you have many, many different holidays in your life, may life give you only goodness and joy. And may your future be the most wonderful!

Ved2: We want to tell you guys,

What a hard moment of parting,

Let's not talk "Goodbye",

We'll tell you all "Goodbye".

Dance "We're leaving to come back again"

Children become a semicircle

Presenter 2: And now each parent take their future schoolboy, ball and make a farewell circle in this hall. And let's go out into the yard kindergarten, to launch wish balls into the sky

Music is playing "A piece childhood»

To the music, children make a farewell circle and go outside to launch balloons. "Wish" into the sky.

NEW GENERATION SCHOOL (School graduation scenario)

Characters: 2 presenters, 2 mothers,Serpent Gorynych, Koschey the Immortal, Kikimora Bolotnaya, Baba Yaga.

Decor: hall, arch decorated with balls,

Equipment: house B. Ya.,

for games - words with missing letters, anthem. exercise sticks, flowers.sticks, abacus.

Entrance music

Presenter 1. Dear guests! Today is a particularly solemn day for us - we are seeing off our children, our graduates, to school. Time is inexorable, it flies quickly forward, and before you have time to look back, the children will have already graduated from school, then college, becoming doctors, teachers, builders, but we hope that they will sometimes remember our kindergarten, and their teachers, and this graduation party - the very first in their life.

Presenter 2. We are very sad to say goodbye to them, to these naughty boys and girls, sometimes pugnacious and playful, and sometimes so kind and affectionate. It still seems to us that they are still small, not independent, but they are already quite adults, our former kids, future first-graders.

Fanfare sounds .

Ved.1. Orchestras play! Sound the fanfare!

Children are rushing to the joyful holiday.

It's time to say goodbye to childhood!

Ved.2 . For some reason the hall became silent,

There is delight and a little sadness in the eyes.

Let the audience remember them now:

Flirty and mischievous

A little daring and stubborn

Unique, mischievous

And equally relatives.

To the music of “Menuet,” children walk through the arena in pairs. ku.

Presenter 1 . Let's welcome them:

The most perky

The most agile

The most charming

The most attentive

Most athletic

Most active

The most artistic

The most hardworking

Presenters together: And of course everyone is very loved

Children stand in a checkerboard pattern.

    Mothers look with excitement at yesterday's preschoolers

And dad’s look is warmer And his brother winks.

    Even grandma secretly brought a handkerchief to her eyes

From now on her dear grandson will be a schoolboy.

    We ourselves forgot all the poems from excitement

They were just preschool children. And now the students!

    Birds are chirping outside the window. Lilacs are pouring out stars.

We will say goodbye to kindergarten on this warm May day.

    Goodbye to our kindergarten, teachers, friends

Everyone is happy for us today, but mothers’ eyes are sparkling.

    Don't worry our mothers, we won't let you down

In the warm autumn, we will go to school cheerfully.

    Let's go to an unfamiliar class along the school corridors

Farewell to our kindergarten, we will remember you with a smile more than once.

    We'll sing goodbye. We give this song to everyone

And let her spring day flies around the world.

Song “Kindergarten - a magical country” (lyrics and music by O. Shaporenko)

    Oly bә yrә m bү abyss geneә -zurlar inde kү bez.

Bakcha Belә n khushlashabyz, bү gene coң gee kө not without..

Tik elysy kilә minem, inde ni hәl itәse?

Bakchadan, duslar yanynnan ber dә kilmi kitәse.

    Tarbiche apa ely..Bu donya kyzyk kyna:

Kitase kilmi monnan da, mәktәp tә kyzyktyra.

    Kүңelle dә, kүңelsez dә, halemne belmilәr shul.

Kitmas let's go, zur balalar bakchaga yormilәr shul.

    Gel karap torrmyn inde shushi bakcha yagyna

Nigә ukytmyylar ikәn shushi bakchada gyn?!

Tatar song: “Sau bul bakchabyz.”

13. Ah, chippedjust once in a spacious hall

We celebrated the holidays with you.

But we've been waiting for this one for so many years.

And now the solemn moment has come.

14. Bouquets, music, poetry and a room bright with smiles

Today we graduate, today is our farewell ball!

Presenter 2. Today we are seeing off our children to first grade.

To say goodbye, we invite you to dance a farewell waltz.

Dance "Waltz"

(After the dance, the children sit on chairs.)

15th child: You can go around Menzelinsk - at least a hundred times and again

Better than a garden you won’t find it - there’s nothing like it anywhere!

We love “Cheburashka” very much,

We always rush there in the morning.

And about how we lived here,

We want to tell you all!

On the screen there is a demonstration of footage from the life of graduates, the presenter comments on them.

Presenter 1: Exactly 4 years ago, charming kids came to our kindergarten who spoke poorly, did not know how to dress, draw, dance or sing.

They were met by teachers: Lyudmila Sergeevna, Olga Alexandrovna, assistant teacher Natalya Alexandrovna.

Let's invite them (Give them the floor to congratulate)

Presenter 2: Time passed and you became independent, smart children. And we can be proud of you. Let's look at one day in the life of our group. (Comment on frames)

Presenter 1: Those days are behind us, you guys have all grown up.

Parents look at you and try to understand:

Are your problems over or just starting?

Presenter 2: What worries them at this hour,

Let's find out about this now!

Two mothers come out with laptops and talk: “Or maybe here?”, “No, look, it’s better here!”, “What does this school offer?”

1 mom: My daughter will go to school soon,

School life it's coming for us.

It will bring us new worries and troubles,

It will force us to rebuild our entire lives!

2nd mother: I'm very excited, darling.

I don’t know which school we should go to!

There are many possibilities, but here is the question:

Where to study so that your son grows up smart?

1 mom: Yes, there are a great many schools in Menzelinsk:

Special, music, sports, English.

Far and near.

How can you not get confused here? Where can children study?

2 mom : Oh, look, an announcement! (looks at laptop)

Project “School of a new generation”! (is reading)

Computer study, drawing, embroidery,

Sing, sculpt, make...

We can teach children a lot!

1 mom: We need to find out about this, don’t waste a minute!

2nd mother: Let's hurry there quickly and find out everything about her!

They go out the door. At this time Baba Yaga enters with a hut. (“School of the new generation”)

Baba Yaga. We need to lure them to our schoolI have a luxurious school, trained. (Gives commands, the hut carries out).

Hiding behind the hut. Moms come in.

Moms: Looks like it's here.

Baba Yaga comes out of the hut.

Moms. Hello, who are you?

Baba Yaga: Hello! How is it, who? I am the director of the “New Generation School”! And part-time teacher of Russian language and literature - Baba Yaga!

Please love and respect!

You probably came to get acquainted with our school? (answers)

Here you go. (mothers occupy the dream in the hall)

There is comfort and beauty here. The school is modern, fashionable, new,

Ready to accept all children!

With our school your children

All dreams in the world will come true!

(to children): What do you dream about, children, answer us as soon as possible!

(children step out onto the carpet in a semicircle)

1 girl: I'm not Volochkova yet, but I'm dancing the best,

In the future - a ballet star, waiting for me big success!

1 boy: I'll become a fashionable DJ

I’ll play music to get everyone excited.

With Kolya Baskov we will record a super hit dance,

The whole world will hear about me, the whole country will start talking!

Girl 2: I’m worried about my figure, and I want to become healthy!

I exercise and go to bed early!

I love physical education, I go to gymnastics,

I decided to become an athlete, like Alina Kabaeva.

2nd boy: I will be a businessman, let them teach me!

I'll buy a fur coat for mom, and a cooler Jeep for dad!

3rd girl: It's good to be a businessman, but better to be a model!

I want to be at shows, let them teach me!

To get the crown and conquer the whole world with beauty!

3 boy: Well, model, what's that word? What did you find in him?

I'll be the president, I'll receive presents,

I will govern the country and increase everyone’s salaries!

4 boy : It’s good to be president, but I’ll become a banker.
I will make money, like all fakirs can.
My bank will prosper
Give interest to everyone.

4 girl: And I want to become a famous doctor,

To cure all diseases in the world.

I dream of giving everything to science.

AND Nobel Prize get!

5 boy: I dream of becoming a great geneticist,

To solve the problem of old age,

And in our new century

Give immortality to a person!

5 girl: I will paint pictures. Exhibit at vernissages.

Or maybe even in the Tretyakov Gallery.

6 boy: In football I will become like Pele,

And everyone will hear about me

After all, I am confident and dexterous.

7 boy : I dream of being a military man,

To home country serve

And protect its borders.

7 girl: I want to travel

I will study all the countries of the world.

I'll find out about all the capitals.

8 boy: I dream of becoming an architect

Build a city without corners

And in life I make my dream come true

I draw a city from circles

8 girl: But I want to become an artist so I can perform on stage

So that they always give flowers, they only talk about me

So that they would cast me in films and give me the main roles,

In the meantime, I’m not an artist, only a soloist in kindergarten

9 boy: Can become my deputy, anyone can be that,

I will drive with a flashing light and divide the budget among everyone.

10 boy: Eh, I should make a modern day blockbuster for posterity!

If only there was film, and a more colorful film!

We firmly declare to everyone that the time will come -

We will win the Oscar, let Nika wait.

8 girl: And I want to become a teacher, Let everyone be surprised.

After all, everything begins in kindergarten and school.

As a child, both an artist and a banker come to kindergarten,

And then they find themselves to conquer the whole world!

Song “Dreams” (music and lyrics by L. Olifirova)

Baba Yaga: Yes, yes... I understand everything! Your dreams will definitely come true if you are taught by our teachers - let me tell you a secret - first-class specialists! And here they are!

The “teachers” appear to the accompaniment of rhythmic instrumental music, and Baba Yaga introduces them.

Baba Yaga. Koschey the Immortal - teacher

Mathematics and Computer Science!

He counts everything - and that's why he's rich!

Kikimora Bolotnaya - music teacher!

Eurovision 2014 laureate!

She is a master at singing and dancing songs,

Her science will be very useful in life!

Dragon - Physical education teacher, Honored Master of Sports in heavy weight!

Very accurate, strong, dexterous,

He has training every day!

Baba Yaga: I warn you in advance, dear parents, that getting into our school is not so easy! First, as everywhere else, you need to pass entrance exams. Are your children ready for this? (answers. Baba Yaga addresses evil spirits)

Well then, let's get started then! (set up a table, sit down)

Kikimora: Hello colleagues! How are you?

Koschey: It doesn’t matter, I’ll give everyone a D!

Serpent: Yes, young people are no longer the same... The erudites have slowly disappeared...

Baba Yaga: Let's test the guys in Russian!

Baba Yaga: Let's see how well you can form words!

(lays out the letters) But in these words the letters are missing! You will need to insert them first, and then read the word. You are ready? Then let's begin!

Attraction “Insert the missing letters”

Baba Yaga: Wow! And where did you learn this?

Child: As where? In kindergarten!

I will tell you without hesitation that I love writing and reading

Dance with books (phonogram of the song “What do they teach at school?” music by V. Shainsky)

Kikimora: Just think! My exam is one of the most difficult!

Let's see how you cope with my tasks!

Surely you cannot do this, because first it will show your

skills of our school orchestra!

Comic orchestra of evil spirits (phonogram of the Russian song “In the middle, grandma”)

(Evil spirits play on the washboard, bottles, pot lids)

Kikimora: Well, how? That's the same! And now you must show your ability to perform music.

Presenter: There are real performers among us too!

1st orchestra member: This is not an easy thing - the science of music!

To sing songs and to play, you need to study notes!

Orchestra member 2: We love to listen to music, sit and dream.

We can determine the pace, character, mood.

Orchestra member 3: This is all we need to know in order to perform the pieces.

After all, we love to play children's instruments!

Children's orchestra homemade instruments (music chosen by musical director)

Kikimora: This doesn't mean anything yet! The next task will be more difficult!

Our inimitable quartet has no equal in vocal art!

Don't believe me? Listen for yourself!

Serpent: Sing with us!

Baba Yaga: Sing like us!

Koschey: Sing worse than us!

Song "The whole world is in our hands" (music by G. Gladkov, lyrics by Yu. Entin)

Kikimora: Now show off your vocal skills!

Who are the best singers among you? This is what we find out now!

Song “My Daughter” (song of mother and daughter - L.Z. and Aizili)

Kikimora : And now, by the number of your applause, we will find out who passed the exam better: the children and their mothers or us?!

(Spectators clap, evil spirits “lose”)

Koschey: Just think, they can sing, you don’t need much intelligence here! Try it

Show your wits and answer my questions! Be

inattentive and try to give the wrong answer! And you, colleagues, too

think, you will correct the children! Ready? So, my first question!

1. What is more: 10 or 15? (15)

2. Geometric figure no corners? (circle)

3. Addition sign? (plus)

4. What is less: one and a half or one and a half? (same)

5. How many angles will the resulting figure have if you fold two triangles with their bottom sides facing each other? (four)

6. Which is lighter: 1 kg of fluff or 1 kg of nails? (same)

(The evil spirits give incorrect answers, and Koschey looks for them in the encyclopedia)

Okay, you answered the questions, but can you solve the problems?

(takes out a calculator; the Serpent counts on his fingers; Kikimora - on sticks; and Baba Yaga counts on an abacus. The sports boys go out the door)

Presenter 2: And for us guys, the numbers that are located will help us give the correct answers.

under your chairs.

You decide by example, think correctly

And quickly raise the required number!

Koschey: 6+3=9; 8-3=5; 9-2=7; 4+2=6; 7-3=4

(During the counting, the evil spirits get confused, give incorrect answers, and Koschey does not have time to press the keys of the calculator)

Koschey: Wow! They think faster than all of us combined!

Questions are answered quickly

And such complex examples decide! Colleagues, what are we going to do?

They are smarter than you and me!

Serpent: So what? But we have strength, we don’t need intelligence!

And they won’t pass my exam, that’s for sure!

I did a lot of physical education since childhood,

I showered myself after sleep, became strong and hardened!

And now I will show you how I trained!

(Rides a scooter, performs comical exercises with a barbell to the melody from the film “Prisoner of the Caucasus”)

Like this! We still have to see how you can do it!

To the tune of “Toughen Up!” boys athletes come out

1 boy: What is physical education? Training and game.

What is physical education?

Fiz, and cult, and tu, and ra!

2nd boy: Hands up, hands down - this is "physical"

We twist our necks like a steering wheel, this is a “cool”.

Jumping high with dexterity is “that”.

Running for half an hour in the morning is “ra”!

3 boy: While doing this

You will be dexterous, strong, brave.

Plus - good body -

This is what physical education means!

4 boy: Strength, agility and dexterity - everything comes from training!

Sport gives us health, it strengthens everyone!

Exercise with dumbbells (song “Sport” performed by A. Glyzin)

Serpent: Yes, you surprised me! And, undoubtedly, they convinced:

That you are dexterous and brave, strong, skillful!

Baba Yaga: Well, dear ones, what are we going to do? We urgently need to convene a teachers' council! (whispering and conferring)

Everything, colleagues, is decided: such students who know and can do everything, we

obviously not suitable! We have nothing to teach them! Don't be upset, no

We’ll get these children to live, we’ll find other students for ourselves! I already have

There are candidates: Karabas-Barabas, Barmaley, Duremar, Alice Fox, Cat

Basilio, Shapoklyak... There are so many of them! Let's not get lost! Behind me!(leave)

Presenter 1: Let Baba Yaga and her teachers wait for other students, and you and I will choose the school that can give us new, interesting, important and necessary knowledge, and help us always remain as honest, kind, cheerful, friendly - in a word, as you were in kindergarten! This is how we will remember you.

Presenter 1: Dear Parents. Your children have grown up. They have a lot ahead of them important events: excellent studies, new knowledge, discoveries. Will begin adulthood, along which our children will go as cheerfully and cheerfully as they went to their own kindergarten, as confidently as they solved tasks in classes with teachers. They are ready to go. And we, the kindergarten staff, gave them this high start.

(Presentation - I.I, L.V, N.N, V.Vl, 2 cooks, Lena, Laysan)

The girls performing the dance take flowers.

1 girl: Carefree childhood ended

Our first ball in our life ended.

Our kindergarten has become crowded for us

To go to school and our time has come.

2nd girl: We are grateful to you for

What's in this bright house

Gave joy and warmth

Always: winter and summer!

3rd girl: To all kindergarten employees

Graduates give a dance with flowers!

Dance with flowers (phonogram of the song “Give a Smile to the World”, music by A. Varlamov, lyrics by O. Sazonova) (Afterwards they give flowers to teachers.)

Presenter: All congratulations go to you guys today!

And today I hastens to congratulate you

The owner of our kindergarten! Over to you!

Word from the head of the kindergarten

Presenter 1 : And now to all kindergarten graduates

The first ever award is being presented!

Presenter 2: You may have many awards, but the first one in life is more valuable than a treasure!

AWARD OF DIPLOMAS, certificates, albums (educators)

Presenter 1 : Dear Guys! All life's joys and hardships, ups and downs, disappointments and victories have always been shared with you by your glorious parents. A word to the parents of our graduates.

A word of congratulations to the parents.

Presenter 2. And now we give the floor to our graduates.

(Children come out and stand in a semicircle)

1 child: Now the time has come to say “Goodbye!”

But we won’t be sad anyway.

Today I want to go to the farewell party

Just say kind thanks!

3rd child: Thank you everyone for your kindness and patience,

Here's to the funniest mood in the groups!

For your kindness, diligence,

For your sensitivity and attention!

4th child: Parting is not a problem.

You will remain in my heart forever.

Let the years pass by,

Our gratitude is endless!

Song “Farewell” (lyrics and music by O. Devochkina


Dance " Good mood»

Presenter 1: Dear participants and guests! It's a little sad that our prom is over. But don't be upset, we will always be waiting for you

our kindergarten "Cheburashka"!

Presenter 2: We are not saying goodbye to you, we are telling everyone:

“Goodbye!”, “See you again”!

To the song “It’s a pity to leave” A. Ermolova children leave the hall
