The luckiest ones in... Horoscope from Anna Romanova: earthly signs of the Zodiac

For Aries who are involved in business, January and February should be the most active. It is in winter that you should take important decisions, contributing to the growth and development of your business. Attracting business partners and investments from individuals or organizations will also help strengthen your business position and build prospects for the future. Spring will be good financially. Among other favorable indicators, it supports you until June White moon, which will not let you be left without money. In any case, whether you are running your own business or are employed, you will certainly need professionalism and good business qualities. If you have the opportunity to take courses or improve your skills in any other way, do it.

It will be a difficult year for Taurus. Business will most likely slow down: developing it will be extremely difficult, and sometimes impossible. It is better not to borrow money from representatives of this sign, and you should not lend your own - there is a chance that it will not be returned. There is no need to embark on risky ventures. First of all, this concerns finances.

Despite the difficulties, Taurus is a sign that knows how to earn money, as it always strives for financial stability. Maximum activity should be shown in spring and early summer, from April to June. But in August and September, be extremely careful and attentive to avoid losses.


This year, Gemini has great prospects in business and professional activity. The process of development and growth will be especially active starting from the end of April. The obstacles that life presented to you in the previous year will disappear, and you will be able to turn around. Some representatives of this sign will open branches or begin to successfully develop another line of business.

Financially, the first half of the year will be good, especially spring. It is during this period that you can earn good money and enjoy the work you do. You should not rely on anyone but yourself. Then you won’t have to blame anyone for your mistakes, but you won’t have to give laurels to anyone for your successes.

For those who are building and developing their business, the time has come for renovations and the transition to cutting-edge methods and technologies. Use communication tools: if your business is not yet present on the Internet, you risk losing to competitors.

Some representatives of the Cancer sign will decide to change jobs, and some will even radically change their field of activity and profession. The income will not be very large, but stable. Serious indications of this are given by the Ascending Node in the second sign from Cancer, which is responsible for finances. The most favorable periods in terms of income will be spring and the end of the year (December). If you have a desire to open your own business or start a new activity, the most the right time– this is autumn and winter, that is, the end of the year.

For Leo people involved in the field of communications, communication and information, the year is more than favorable. New horizons open up for them: very prestigious and useful acquaintances will expand your capabilities. Your social circle will largely determine your social status, and for Leos this will be especially important in 2017.

For Leos who have a creative profession, a difficult period is coming. It will be difficult to create, everything will get in the way. To maintain the state of inspiration necessary for creativity, you need to periodically retire.

If not everything works out, don’t despair. This is the time to improve your skills. This is advised by Saturn, passing through the third sign from Leo - the sign of learning, information and new connections.

For representatives of the Virgo sign, 2107 is a good year in material terms: they will earn good money and will be able to afford large purchases. The only thing you shouldn't buy during 2017 is real estate. Transactions are likely to be unprofitable, and the quality of the purchased objects will not correspond to the price. However, repairs or reconstruction may turn out to be a necessary measure as a consequence of an unforeseen situation.

Particular attention should be paid to August and September. During this period, do not start new businesses or enter into contracts. They may try to deceive you. Many Virgos will have to work hard in the spring and early summer to recoup the expenses that they will have at the beginning of the year.

Almost the entire year, until October, for Libra there will be actual problem self-realization. The period of Jupiter's transit through the sun sign is always very important. It is at this time that you can expand your horizons and increase your opportunities.

For many representatives of the Libra sign, this year is associated with a change in worldview, both in the spiritual, political or personal sense. Successful businessmen and even politicians will decide to get rid of their responsibilities in order to pursue a private life. However, at the same time, new, previously unknown characters will appear on the stage, also born under the sign of Libra.

The second half of the year will be much more successful financially than the first. Therefore, try to save before summer and not waste money. It is in 2017 that Libra can start a new long-term project for 10-12 years in advance. Financially, the best period is autumn.


For Scorpios, this year is a time of preparation for a future leap forward. Now you need to define a strategy, namely, decide what you will do in next years, what to strive for and what you want to achieve in the end. If Scorpio understands that he is not satisfied with the current state of affairs, he will always find the opportunity, strength, means and courage to change it. So, if you've decided to start your own business, expand it, or change your profession, do it now. Don't hesitate, as soon as you make a decision, start moving in the right direction.

As for investments, if you invest money anywhere, it’s in own business. Don't forget, all moves must be well calculated.

In 2017, Sagittarius will have more problems than any other sign. However, a year gives them the opportunity to build their future for the decade ahead by having to stop and look around. It’s as if you will see your life from a bird’s eye view and will be able to objectively evaluate your mistakes and achievements, your strengths and weaknesses.

Very interesting year for Sagittarius who have a creative profession. New horizons will open up, you will be able to use the most unexpected techniques and sources of inspiration. It cannot be said that Sagittarius will have a lot of money this year, and it is modest income that can become a source of worry and dissatisfaction with oneself.

The first half of the year will be quite stressful, but effective for Capricorns. Representatives of this sign will set goals in the new year in order to successfully achieve them. Life will provide the greatest opportunities to those born between January 5 and January 10, since according to the degrees where their Sun is located, transit Pluto. The year is especially favorable for Capricorns involved in business.

In the first half of the year you should start planning - only then in the second half can you launch new project or structure your work time with obvious financial results.

The planet Saturn, which is very important for Capricorns, will be in conjunction with the Black Moon in August. Such a connection is always difficult. It is better not to do anything in secret, not to hide even something insignificant, because all this will ultimately be directed against you.

For those representatives of the sign who decide to do business and want to open their own enterprise, the last three months will be very favorable. A business started in the fall will begin to generate good income within a year.

Starting in May, old thoughts and ideas that have not been implemented will begin to surface. The topic of the past will generally be important to you throughout the second half of the year. It is possible that people with whom you once broke up or lost contact will appear - those with whom life has separated you. You will find lost items.

The placement of Saturn is an indication of the ability to consistently and patiently implement your plans. Financially, the year is more or less smooth and, in general, favorable.

Pisces is entering a period of dreaming. People born between February 27 and March 6 will be especially susceptible to this feeling. It is important that this daydreaming does not become an obstacle to your sanity and adequate perception of reality.

For those involved in business, a difficult period will continue. Saturn, which is in Sagittarius for the second year, interferes with the growth and development of your business. note that modern technologies, virtual space and social media can become yours good helpers in doing business and making money.

It should be noted that the first three months of the year, as well as December, will be the most favorable financially. It is at this time that you will have not only maximum income, but also minimum expenses. But in summer and spring, expenses will increase significantly.

Fire Rooster does not send luck simply for “pretty eyes”. He loves creative and productive individuals, so those who are used to working will definitely feel what it means to receive well-deserved luck. , as well as which zodiac signs in 2017 will be successful both in love and in career and money, the eminent astrologer Pavel Globa, and now the website, knows.


2017 will be successful for Taurus in a variety of ways. But it will be best to succeed in starting your own business. And you shouldn’t be afraid that the business won’t work. The stars will contribute to your most risky desires. The peak of luck will be in March, so January and February are a good time to rest and gain strength before fruitful work.


If in 2017 Gemini’s priorities, no matter how difficult it may be, are set, then luck will patronize this sign to the fullest. In the year of the Fire Rooster, representatives of this sign should not disperse energy in all directions. Geminis who work in a creative environment will rise to the top of success. 2017 will be suitable for a change of activity for those representatives of this sign who have long wanted to change their place of work.


The next year will be so successful for Leo that even if they resist, luck will still knock on the door. Business, career, love, creativity - in all these areas there will be such development that Leos never even dreamed of. But it is worth remembering that self-confidence, which is characteristic of Leos, can ruin everything at the root, so emotions should be kept in harmony. 2017 is the ideal period to improve relationships at work. In addition, everything that Leos wanted to learn before will be learned with ease in 2017.


They will literally feel the luck that awaits Virgos in 2017 from the very first days of the New Year. A surge of strength, vigor and inspiration will become driving force for representatives of this sign. Old principles and beliefs will remain a thing of the past. The stars will motivate Virgos to say goodbye to the past, let go of all the bad things without regrets and look to the future. Next year - best time to immerse yourself in the study of psychology and philosophy.


The Fire Rooster will reveal access to hidden potential and intuition in Scorpios. Next year will be favorable for representatives of this sign, who intend to begin construction of a “family nest.” By the way, any change in place of residence will be successful in 2017 for Scorpios. And grandiose plans for life will begin to come true.


From the first days of 2017, Sagittarius will feel as confident as possible. Representatives of this sign will begin to enjoy every little thing. The worries of the past year will leave Sagittarius, and they will happily devote themselves to a new exciting business. And even if the representatives of this sign have not decided on one, the Fire Rooster will help to determine themselves, reports JoeInfo journalist Karina Kotovskaya.


Changes in the life of Capricorns in 2017 will only occur in good side. In addition, representatives of this sign will begin the path to self-knowledge and will feel the enormous potential of opportunities. But, as is customary, big victories require big worries. However, there is no need to worry, because even barriers in 2017 will work for Capricorns.

If you didn’t find yourself on this list of lucky zodiac signs of 2017, then astrologer Pavel Globa urges you not to be upset. And all because luck is not constant. It can accumulate and then become active at the most necessary moment. Only the best and kindest is possible!

For some, the Year of the Rooster prepares a lot of problems, and for others, on the contrary, it will help them make good money, said Yulia Samodelova, an astrologer at the AstruS Center for Forecasting and Psychology.

For Aries who are involved in business, January and February should be the most active. It is in winter that you should make important decisions that will contribute to the growth and development of your business. Attracting business partners and investments from individuals or organizations will also help strengthen your business position and build prospects for the future. Spring will be good financially. In addition to other favorable indicators, you will be supported by the White Moon until June, which will not let you run out of money. In any case, whether you are running your own business or are employed, you will certainly need professionalism and good business qualities. If you have the opportunity to take courses or improve your skills in any other way, do it.

Vorsicht!!! Habt ihr gewusst, dass diese 5 Sternzeichen am meisten eifersüchtig sind?

It will be a difficult year for Taurus. Business will most likely slow down: developing it will be extremely difficult, and sometimes impossible. It is better not to borrow money from representatives of this sign, and you should not lend your own - there is a chance that it will not be returned. There is no need to embark on risky ventures. First of all, this concerns finances.

Despite the difficulties, Taurus is a sign that knows how to earn money, as it always strives for financial stability. Maximum activity should be shown in spring and early summer, from April to June. But in August and September, be extremely careful and attentive to avoid losses.

Hast du sexträume? Was können sie denn bedeuten?


This year, Gemini has great prospects in business and professional activities. The process of development and growth will be especially active starting from the end of April. The obstacles that life presented to you in the previous year will disappear, and you will be able to turn around. Some representatives of this sign will open branches or begin to successfully develop another line of business.

Financially, the first half of the year will be good, especially spring. It is during this period that you can earn good money and enjoy the work you do. You should not rely on anyone but yourself. Then you won’t have to blame anyone for your mistakes, but you won’t have to give laurels to anyone for your successes.

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For those who are building and developing their business, the time has come for renovations and the transition to cutting-edge methods and technologies. Use communication tools: if your business is not yet present on the Internet, you risk losing to competitors.

Some representatives of the Cancer sign will decide to change jobs, and some will even radically change their field of activity and profession. The income will not be very large, but stable. Serious indications of this are given by the Ascending Node in the second sign from Cancer, which is responsible for finances. The most favorable periods in terms of income will be spring and the end of the year (December). If you have a desire to open your own business or start new activity, the most suitable time is autumn and winter, that is, the end of the year.

Sind Sie ein Tagträumer?

For Leo people involved in the field of communications, communication and information, the year is more than favorable. New horizons open up for them: very prestigious and useful acquaintances will expand your capabilities. Your social circle will largely determine your social status, and for Leos this will be especially important in 2017.

For Leos who have a creative profession, a difficult period is coming. It will be difficult to create, everything will get in the way. To maintain the state of inspiration necessary for creativity, you need to periodically retire.

So stehen die Sterne für ihre Hochzeit

If not everything works out, don’t despair. This is the time to improve your skills. This is advised by Saturn, passing through the third sign from Leo - the sign of learning, information and new connections.

For representatives of the Virgo sign, 2107 is a good year in material terms: they will earn good money and will be able to afford large purchases. The only thing you shouldn't buy during 2017 is real estate. Transactions are likely to be unprofitable, and the quality of the purchased objects will not correspond to the price. However, repairs or reconstruction may turn out to be a necessary measure as a consequence of an unforeseen situation.

Apparently the world is going to end on September 23

Should be paid Special attention for August and September. During this period, do not start new businesses or enter into contracts. They may try to deceive you. Many Virgos will have to work hard in the spring and early summer to recoup the expenses that they will have at the beginning of the year.

Almost the entire year, until October, the problem of self-realization will be relevant for Libra. The period of Jupiter's transit through the sun sign is always very important. It is at this time that you can expand your horizons and increase your opportunities.

People born in this month are more likely to be successful, study finds

For many representatives of the Libra sign, this year is associated with a change in worldview, both in the spiritual, political or personal sense. Successful businessmen and even politicians will decide to get rid of their responsibilities in order to pursue a private life. However, at the same time, new, previously unknown characters will appear on the stage, also born under the sign of Libra.

The second half of the year will be much more successful financially than the first. Therefore, try to save before summer and not waste money. It is in 2017 that Libra can start a new long-term project for 10-12 years in advance. Financially, the best period is autumn.


For Scorpios, this year is a time of preparation for a future leap forward. Now you need to define a strategy, namely, decide what you will do in the next years, what you will strive for and what you want to achieve in the end. If Scorpio understands that he is not satisfied with the current state of affairs, he will always find the opportunity, strength, means and courage to change it. So, if you've decided to start your own business, expand it, or change your profession, do it now. Don't hesitate, as soon as you make a decision, start moving in the right direction.

As for investments, if you invest money anywhere, it’s in your own business. Don't forget, all moves must be well calculated.

In 2017, Sagittarius will have more problems than any other sign. However, a year gives them the opportunity to build their future for the decade ahead by having to stop and look around. It’s as if you will see your life from a bird’s eye view and will be able to objectively evaluate your mistakes and achievements, your strengths and weaknesses.

A very interesting year for Sagittarius who have a creative profession. New horizons will open up, you will be able to use the most unexpected techniques and sources of inspiration. It cannot be said that Sagittarius will have a lot of money this year, and it is modest income that can become a source of worry and dissatisfaction with oneself.

The first half of the year will be quite stressful, but effective for Capricorns. Representatives of this sign will set goals in the new year in order to successfully achieve them. Life will provide the greatest opportunities to those born between January 5 and January 10, since transit Pluto passes through the degrees where their Sun is located. The year is especially favorable for Capricorns involved in business.

In the first half of the year, you should start planning - only then in the second half will you be able to launch a new project or structure your working time with an obvious financial result.

The planet Saturn, which is very important for Capricorns, will be in conjunction with the Black Moon in August. Such a connection is always difficult. It is better not to do anything in secret, not to hide even something insignificant, because all this will ultimately be directed against you.

For those representatives of the sign who decide to do business and want to open their own enterprise, the last three months will be very favorable. A business started in the fall will begin to generate good income within a year.

Starting in May, old thoughts and ideas that have not been implemented will begin to surface. The topic of the past will generally be important to you throughout the second half of the year. It is possible that people with whom you once broke up or lost contact will appear - those with whom life has separated you. You will find lost items.

The placement of Saturn is an indication of the ability to consistently and patiently implement your plans. Financially, the year is more or less smooth and, in general, favorable.

Pisces is entering a period of dreaming. People born between February 27 and March 6 will be especially susceptible to this feeling. It is important that this daydreaming does not become an obstacle to your sanity and adequate perception of reality.

For those involved in business, a difficult period will continue. Saturn, which is in Sagittarius for the second year, interferes with the growth and development of your business. Please note that modern technologies, virtual space and social networks can become your good assistants in doing business and making money.

It should be noted that the first three months of the year, as well as December, will be the most favorable financially. It is at this time that you will not only have maximum income, but also minimal expenses. But in summer and spring, expenses will increase significantly.

In the year of the Pig, red and fiery, we can expect some revival in work and personal life. This is the kind of bird it is - it doesn’t like calm and dullness. If only the year he was caring for would pass brightly and cheerfully. What is the prediction for 2019 for all zodiac signs? What will change in life for us? Or is it better without changes, and so that everything goes quietly and smoothly, without any splashes? But the representatives of the signs are so different! Some people tolerate a calm, measured life better, and these are Taurus, Virgo. And someone, on the contrary, does not tolerate any routine (Leo, Aries,).

And the beginning of the year will be completely calm. Everyone is gradually moving away from the big and small failures of the previous year. She tried so hard to make everything fun with a twist. Well, yes, life is good for some. There was a rise up the career ladder, slow but smooth. Conflicts at work flared up very quickly, but also passed quickly. There has been less misunderstanding in families, and only because some men have reconsidered the meaning of life and said goodbye to bad habits. And the most serious of them is alcohol abuse. They began to spend less time on the sofa, and rushed to look for better-paid jobs. Very Monkey in tandem with leap year affected the material security of the population.

I wonder if the forecast for 2019 for all zodiac signs sets you up for improved life indicators? Definitely!


Aries. Hardworking and purposeful. They see their goal and understand how to get to it painlessly. But this will not work in the Year of the Pig. There will be ups and downs. Don't be afraid to ride off the wave. Make an effort, don’t fold your hands thinking that everything is lost. Look for a way out and find other entrances. The pig is hardworking and beautiful. It is in the year that she supervises that you will have much more ups than minor troubles. Expect a salary increase or business expansion.

Taurus. Your calmness and perseverance will help you move towards your goal. After all, you have never had big financial problems. This year will also be no exception. Some difficulties will arise at the beginning of spring, but you will soon receive a very advantageous offer. Think carefully about what is more important for you in this choice – family or career.

Twins. It will be a difficult year. Somehow it turns out that your efforts are not appreciated by management. You devote a lot of time to work. Stop and think - maybe work is not the main thing and the meaning of life is not in it at all. Don't like calm, do you prefer the stormy sea of ​​life? This year, try not to leave old job. Switching to another will not bring satisfaction.

Cancers. Stop withdrawing into yourself, get over your modesty - in the year of the Pig it is not at all in fashion. It's time to get out of the image of a sentimental dreamer and change something in life. With your calm character, you do not have conflicts at work, but they may arise. The Pig loves hardworking people and helps them in everything.

Lions. Now, if you ask what awaits the zodiac signs in 2019, and which sign will experience the most positive influence Firebird, then the year will definitely be successful for Leo. Hardworking and responsible, but not very critical of themselves. Therefore, in the team that is headed, there are sycophants. Take a closer look at them, maybe it’s time to promote not them to good positions, but those who try to do the job well. Monetary and promising year.

Virgo. You are a great performer, so if you are offered a promotion, think carefully. After all, you don't like bossing people around. Well, this is not your job. Why worry and unnecessary hassle? You are valued for your constancy, caution, and reliability. The year promises to be financial.

Scales. Soul of the team. Problems are solved thoughtfully and a compromise is found. This character trait will be very useful to you in the Year of the Pig. Your diligence and responsiveness have already been noticed. Expect a new social burden.

Scorpios. A very stubborn sign. Uncontrolled manifestations of anger can often be observed. May use sarcasm or irony in conversations. Therefore, in the year of the Pig, management will give the newly created position to another applicant. Control your emotions. Scorpio women are very good or doctors. Get ready for the fact that parents will enroll more children in your first grade than in the parallel one. People really like competent and child-loving specialists.

Great leaders. Workaholics who put work first and family second. In the team entrusted to him there are always some extraordinary ideas. They are not characterized by pedantry. We are respected in the team, but the position remains the same.

Capricorn. Consistent and hardworking. If you don’t follow your character, don’t be a pessimist. If we consider the year with the goal of finding out for which zodiac signs 2019 will be successful, then, of course, Capricorns will be very lucky. But why is it lucky? Very smart, consistent, moderately harsh. Aren't these character traits? good leader? You are an excellent teacher and organizer. The school will not promote you to the position of head teacher. But if you work in housing and communal services or the agricultural sector, expect a promotion.

So what if I had to whole year fight for a place in the sun. You only strengthened yourself, you realized who is a friend and who is an enemy. Calm down and keep working. It's a good year for you. Calm, without any hassle at work. Rest, and then move on to new work achievements.

Fish. The Year of the Monkey is going by boringly. But who is to blame? The next one will be the same, gray - dull, if you don’t make every effort. Try to be noticed and highlighted in the team. Then you will reap the results of your efforts in the Year of the Pig. Just by starting to work well this year, you will receive a consolation prize next year. Which? This way there will be no surprise.

Personal life of zodiac signs

Now that we've sorted out our career a little, we're moving on to our personal life. The question immediately arises: for which zodiac signs will 2018 be the most successful year in love and friendship?

The fire bird will try to establish family life couples, find soulmates for singles. A very loving symbol of the year! But don't expect happiness to knock on your door. No. It happens, but this year it takes a little effort to find a true friend or the love of your life. A very lucky year for building relationships for Cancers. Stop backing away from obstacles! Take a look around. Don't look too far for someone. Your love is very close, just extend your hand. Hardworking Capricorns, this year is also very lucky for you. Acquaintance will develop into strong personal relationships.

About health

Both career and personal relationships are very dependent on health. If a person has something aching, then he doesn’t want anything. Therefore, let’s consider the 2019 prediction for all zodiac signs regarding health.

It's a good year for all signs. But the time has come to strengthen our health and improve our well-being. And it's very easy to do. The bird itself tells you how to live a long time without any diseases.

First of all, this healthy sleep. No matter how much you would like to sit longer in front of the TV, try to go to bed no later than twenty three hours. This is especially true for women. Wrinkles just appear later if you go to bed early. Stay in bed longer if the long-awaited day off has arrived, but on weekdays, still wake up early, take a contrast shower and have breakfast not with a sausage sandwich, but with oatmeal with honey and nuts. Include this porridge in your menu. As well as vegetables, red caviar, fruits. Healthy food and good sleep will give good mood for a certain period. And the year consists of precisely such segments.

Thus, what 2019 will be like for the zodiac signs in the field of health depends on them. Some exacerbations chronic diseases can be observed in Gemini, Taurus and Leo. Therefore, Geminis need to undergo regular examinations of the gastrointestinal tract, Taurus – conditions of cardio-vascular system. Leos, take care of your back. Don't overload it. The work can always be done later.


The next question that interests many: what will 2019 be like for all zodiac signs financially?

The pig loves beautiful surroundings. Elegant clothes, expensive cosmetics, a fashionable telephone, a comfortable and prestigious car cost a lot of money. If you decide to buy something, try to balance your income with your expenses. It's better not to take out a loan this year. Do not lend money even to loved ones. There is a high probability that they simply will not give it to you. With the arrival of autumn, the financial issues of most signs are settled. That is, the beginning of the year will seem a little difficult as a continuation of the previous year. Therefore, you need to make an effort to strengthen your financial condition. Leos, Scorpios, and Aries will have a good financial situation throughout the year. Gemini and Cancer expect improvements in material terms in the second half of spring.

In general, the prediction for all zodiac signs in 2019 is rather positive, but subject to an active life position in all areas of activity. . He loves hard workers and active people. Therefore, this year such people will be the luckiest.

Dear dreamers, dreaming of not having to work and winning money in the lottery. Don't expect this wish to come true this year.

The coming 2018 under the sign of the Yellow Earth Dog promises to be quite positive overall - the symbol of the year greatly favors honest, brave and kind people who are ready to be friends and accept friendly support. Luck horoscope for each zodiac sign.


The first few months you will be very supported by people from your inner circle. You shouldn’t allow even a shadow of doubt about their devotion: strong relationships will definitely bring success to any common business endeavors.

As autumn approaches, luck will shine brightly in the sector of your horoscope that is responsible for love affairs, creativity and romantic feelings. Don’t be afraid to love and be loved - your ebullient energy and inspiration may transform the world. Well, some part of it, for sure.


The first half of the year is the time when the most good ideas and opportunities for their implementation will come from communication with friends and relatives. If a certain idea comes to you, a task or even a problem arises, be sure to voice them, formulating them as accurately as possible - you should not carry doubts in yourself, and help will appear from where you could not even imagine.

The second half of the year will pass under the sign of the house. Luck can literally knock on your door - feel free to open it. A change of home or renovation that you have long dreamed of, a wedding, or at least a decision to start living with the person you love is very likely.


The first half of the year will bring rich financial fruits - you can safely enter into competitive battles, declaring your views and defending any projects, even the craziest ones, and success will certainly follow.

The second half of the year will be spent traveling - perhaps not very long distances, but they will be very positive. Joyful and important events expected in a family or friendly environment. Try to be generous emotionally and financially - the more you share in the new year, the more benefits you will receive in return.


At the beginning of the year, many work projects will go very well, but you need to adequately and soberly assess your strengths so as not to grab onto everything at once. It would be nice to draw up right away detailed plan actions or hire a sane secretary who will clearly manage your time and efforts.

With the right priorities, by the fall, your finances will be just fine - and other material resources will most likely increase greatly. Be calm and friendly and try to provide support and protection to those who turn to you for help.

a lion

Fate does not always act with obvious signs - nevertheless, for the first six months you will receive the help you need exactly at the moment when you need it most, and the support will be sincere.

Your own intuition usually does not deceive you, but in the second half of the year it may have some glitches, so try to take a closer look at your surroundings. Perhaps somewhere very close to you there is a calm and wise person whom you somewhat underestimate. Towards the end of the year, a reassessment of some aesthetic and moral values ​​is possible.


At the beginning of the year, you will have a great opportunity to focus on your personal goals and plans. Make wishes and build new projects - your wildest hopes will come true if you are honest in your judgments and fair to others - have more patience for other people's shortcomings.

Casual acquaintances in the second half of the year can develop into very reliable, strong and profitable connections. The same tolerance and friendliness will also bring good luck in love - an ideal union with an older partner who will gently and carefully teach you wisdom and patience.


The first half of the year will be devoted to work, career and public speaking- they will bring you a lot of bright emotions. The events that take place will be very positive, but still try not to take on too much. Soberly compare your goals, benefits and abilities that each specific situation will bring you.

You will receive support from very influential and good people, but do not forget that it is best to thank such help. In turn, support your colleagues when they need it. At the end of the year, you will feel how strong friendship can be - in addition, it may also bring quite tangible material results.


You will be very good at traveling around the world and discovering new horizons for yourself - ultimately, you will very accurately see your own future and understand what exactly you expect and want from it. When traveling or when immersing yourself in your own inner world, you will receive the invaluable help of an experienced guide or a wise teacher - so that any, even secular, event will bear spiritual fruits.

In the second half of the year, your career will be very successful - do not miss the excellent opportunity to develop your competencies well and competently: you can count on a promotion or do something on your own that meets your internal needs and beliefs.


Your passions will bring you good luck this year. You should not assume that this is just a hobby that brings only pleasure and helps you pass the time pleasantly. If you take your interests and favorite activities more seriously, then as a result you can fully count on financial success and new fruitful cooperation.

Closer to the middle of the year it is likely to receive large sum, which you have long deserved. This will be very useful - you will be able to go on a trip that you have long and passionately dreamed of. From the end of August, any trips will develop in the best possible way.


Romantic connections, warm friendship or true sincere spiritual intimacy - you will evoke the warm sympathy of your loved ones, their genuine admiration and participation. Your personal popularity will grow at a rapid rate, and this will be reflected in all your projects, which will receive help and full support.

Show generosity yourself, and you will very soon understand that love, fortunately, is far from the only form of loved ones human relations, which can make you a truly happy person.


Improvement of the usual Everyday life, the improvement of everyday life in details and trifles, the emergence of new very good habits and skills - the first half of the year will be devoted to such things. Try to take yourself seriously, in an adult and kind way - and soon you will find yourself a little different person: softer, more confident, more generous and much more attractive to other people.

These changes will not be in vain - a fateful meeting or a new round of existing relationships at a new level awaits you at the height of summer, and autumn will be an excellent time to start living together or even officially get married.


Self-realization, creativity and imagination - in these areas you will be very lucky until mid-July. Love relationship will also add up as well as possible in your case. Love for you is creativity, in which partners are able to reveal their best qualities and talents, and mutually. This energy will allow you to see many things, people and phenomena in a slightly different light.

Don't forget to have a sense of humor, especially in situations that seem overly serious and difficult or cause anger and irritation. Success will await those who think globally and do not get hung up on small everyday problems and troubles.
