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or rather A. languages ​​- that branch of the Semitic group of languages ​​spoken in the country of “Aram”, i.e. in Syria, Mesopotamia and in the surrounding areas. We find the first mentions of the Arameans in cuneiform monuments of the 14th century. before Christ era, as a group of tribes "Arimi" and "Akhlame", which roamed in the area west of the river. Ephrata and appeared from time to time in different points of Mesopotamia, where they tried to settle and subjugate the local population. The main waves of Arameans headed to the northwest, parallel to the shore of the Euphrates, to Syria, where in the 10th century they. before Christ era, a number of independent principalities were founded. Here the Arameans switched to agriculture, conquering the local population and assimilating them linguistically. In parallel with this, there is a gradual penetration of A. tongue. to Mesopotamia, the population of the swarm in the 9th-8th centuries. before Christ era (that is, during the era of the Assyrian conquests) already speaks to a large extent the A language. The founding of the New Babylonian state (Chaldean), which united a significant part of Western Asia, contributed to an even greater spread of the A. language, which became the language. trade relations and dominates major trade routes from Mesopotamia to Egypt and southern Arabia. In the Persian era, A. language. is the official language. for the western half of the state. It was spoken in the west by the population of Syria, with the exception of the Phoenician coast and part of Palestine, in the east by Mesopotamia, the Tigris region to the mountains of Kurdistan and Armenia and Suristan. Along the trade routes of A. language. penetrates deep into Arabia, and together with military colonies reaches Aswan in upper Egypt. In ancient times, while in A. language. only the nomads spoke, but there is no noticeable division into dialects. When did A. language. became a language agricultural population leading a closed economy, it split into two groups of dialects: 1) the western group - in Palestine and Syria and 2) the eastern - in Mesopotamia and in the adjacent mountains to Armenia in the north and to Persian Gulf on South. From the last group highest value received the dialect of northern Mesopotamia, known as the Syriac language. (cm.). Starting from the 7th century, i.e. from the time of the conquest of the Middle East by the Arabs, A. language. is quickly being replaced by Arabic. At present, only remnants of the A. language have been preserved in the west in some points of Anti-Lebanon and in the east in the form of the New Syriac or “Isor” languages. Graphics A. language. denotes only one consonant; vowels are indicated very sparingly. In later times, a system of superscript and subscript symbols, the so-called, developed to indicate vowels. punctuation. The oldest Aramaic inscriptions are written in the Old Phoenician alphabet. The Palmyran and Nabatian inscriptions are written in a unique alphabet that developed from the Phoenician. In parallel with this, when writing on papyri, a more cursive “ancient Aramaic” alphabet developed, which gave rise, on the one hand, to the Hebrew “square” font, on the other hand, to the Syrian “estrangelo”, the Crimea of ​​which the oldest Syrian manuscripts were written. ARAMIC LETTER Bibliography: Renan E., Histoire generale et systeme compare des langues semitiques, ed. 3rd, P., 1863; Noldecke Th., Mandaische Grammatik, Halle, 1875; Lidzbarsky M., Handbuch der Nord-Semit. Epigraphik, Weimar, 1898; Noldecke Th., Die semitischen Sprachen, Lpz., 1819; Cooke G., Text-book of North-Semitic Inscriptions, Oxf., 1903; Dalman G., Grammatik des judiseh-palastin. Aramaisch. (Palastin. Talmud, Onkelos, Pseudo-Jonatan, Jerusalem. Talmud), Lpz., 1905; Margolis M., Lehrbuch d. aram. Sprache d. babylonischen Talmud, Munchen, 1910; Marti K., Kurzgefasste Grammatik der biblisch-aramaischen Sprache, Berlin, 1911; Strack H. L., Grammatik des Biblisch-Aramaisch, Munchen, 1921. B. Grande

- (from the proper name Aram, the biblical name for Syria). The language of the inhabitants of ancient Syria, spoken in the vicinity of Mosul. Dictionary foreign words, included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. ARAMEIC LANGUAGE from own name Aram,... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

Aramaic- or rather A. languages ​​are that branch of the Semitic group of languages ​​spoken in the country of “Aram”, i.e. in Syria, Mesopotamia and in the surrounding areas. We find the first mentions of the Arameans in cuneiform monuments of the 14th century. before Christ era, as a group of tribes... Literary encyclopedia

ARAMAIC- together with Canaanite (Jewish, Phoenician, Moabite, etc.) and Ugaritic is included in the northern. zap. Semitic group branches of the Afroasiatic language family. For Christ's sake West until the 2nd half. XIX century was called Chaldean by the name of a certain aram. tribes (Akkadian >… … Orthodox Encyclopedia

Aramaic- Semitic language. tribes that appeared in the countries of Western Asia after the Canaanites, from the 14th century. BC. And I. in the Assyrian state. acquired meaning international language, starting from the 8th century. BC. Later, in other pers. state, A. I. becomes an official language for spare parts... ... Ancient world. encyclopedic Dictionary

ARAMAIC- the language of the Semitic group, which received its name from the Aramaic tribes that inhabited Mesopotamia and Syria ca. 14th century BC. These tribes are linguistically and ethnically diverse. relations were close to the peoples of ancient Israel. The word "Aramaic" probably means nomad... Bibliological dictionary

Aramaic- the language of ancient tribes that came out of Arabia and settled in Western Asia. Native language Jesus Christ. He read the Old Testament in ancient Hebrew... Orthodox encyclopedic dictionary

Aramaic- I. First time A.Ya. used in the Bible in Gen. 31:47, where Laban calls the stone monument Ar., while Jacob gives it Heb. Name. It is difficult to establish with certainty how ancient A.Ya is. Albright believes... Bible Encyclopedia Brockhaus

Aramaic- one of the Semitic languages. The most ancient places settlements of the Arameans (See Arameans) were Syria and Mesopotamia, from where the A.I. spread. all over Bl. East. The most ancient Aramaic monuments (from Shamal, Damascus, Hamat, etc.) belong to 9 ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Aramaic Bible. Dilapidated and New Testaments. Synodal translation. Biblical encyclopedia arch. Nikifor.

Aramaic- Aramaic language see language ... Complete and detailed Bible Dictionary to the Russian Canonical Bible

Aramaic- ♦ (ENG Aramaic) a language related to Hebrew. Some parts of the Old Testament are written in Aramaic (Ezra 4:8; 6:18; 7:12-26; Dan. 2:4; 7:28). This is the language Jesus spoke. In the New Testament, phrases in Aramaic can be found in... ... Westminster Dictionary of Theological Terms


  • Scroll of Eich Buy for 1863 RUR
  • Scroll of Song of Songs, . There is a group of five biblical texts - the Mehilot - that have a special status in the Jewish tradition: they are usually read in the synagogue on holidays. We tried to give an idea of ​​the significance... Buy for 1863 RUR
  • Languages ​​of the world. Semitic languages. Akkadian language. North West Semitic languages. The book was prepared as part of the multi-volume encyclopedic publication “Languages ​​of the World,” which is being created at the Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences. This is the first of two issues dedicated to the description of Semitic…


the language of the Semitic group, which received its name from the Aramaic tribes that inhabited Mesopotamia and Syria ca. 14th century BC. These tribes are linguistically and ethnically diverse. relations were close to the peoples of ancient Israel. The word "Aramaic" probably means nomad. It is noteworthy that the forefather of the Israelites (patriarch Jacob) is called in the Bible “a wandering Aramean” (Deut. 26:5).

In the 12th–11th centuries. BC. Several Aramaic kingdoms arose with centers in Damascus, Hamath, Tzob, Somla and Karkemish. On A. I. The tribe of the Chaldeans (Mesopotamia) also spoke, from which came the kings of the First Neo-Babylonian dynasty (7th–6th centuries BC). Hence the second name of A.ya. - h a l d e y s k i y.

Back in the 9th–8th centuries. BC, when Assyrian. the conquerors began to pursue a policy of relocating conquered peoples to foreign lands, A. I. gradually began to turn into an international one. Documents for A. i. found from Egypt to India. However ok. 700 BC Jews did not yet understand A.Ya. (Isaiah 36:11ff.). He penetrated into the Jewish environment from the *Captivity period. In the first years after his return, it so completely replaced the *Hebrew language that when Ezra read the Law to the people, he needed interpreters (Neh. 8:5-8), although A. I. in general quite close to the euro. language. The Aramaic alphabet became the prototype of the square Hebrew script, as well as Arabic, Sir. and other types of writing.

Through the efforts of Nehemiah (Nehemiah 13:24–25) and his successors, Heb. the language was revived, but from that time on in the Bible. books (Job, Song, etc.) Aramaisms are increasingly encountered, and some parts of them (in Ezra and Dan) are already entirely written in A. i.

Among scientists, starting with Johann Widmanstadt (16th century) and until the middle. 20th century, the prevailing belief was that in the *intertestamental period A. I. reigned unchallenged in Palestine, however, the finds of *Qumran texts proved that Heb. the language remained alive and coexisted equally with A. I. Nevertheless, Palestinian words and phrases preserved in the Gospels indicate that Jesus Christ usually spoke A. i. One of the features of this language is a different vocalization compared to Hebrew (Heb.: Mash?ah, Ab, Sat?n, P?sah; Aram.: Meshikha, Abba, Shatana, Easter). Many biblical scholars believe that Ev. Matthew was originally written in A. i. (see art.: Gospels; Papias of Hierapolis; Synoptic problem).

? *V i g u r u F., The language spoken by Jesus Christ and His apostles, in the book: Lopukhin A.P., Bibl. history in the light latest research and discoveries: NZ, St. Petersburg, 1895; *D y k about n about in I.M., Languages ​​of ancient Western Asia, M., 1967; * N e l d e k e T., Semitic languages, EE, vol. 14; A. Yu., On Aramaisms in the text of the Four Gospels, ZhMP, 1989, No. 3; K o h l e r L.H. und *B a u m g a r t n e r W., Lexicon in Veteris Testamenti Libros, v.1–2, Leiden, 1951–53; *B l a c k M., An Aramaic Approach to the Gospels and Acts, Oxf., 19672; S e g e r t S., Altaramaische Grammatik, Lpz, 19863 (the bibliography is also given there).

From the book INSTRUCTIONS IN SPIRITUAL LIFE author Feofan the Recluse

LANGUAGE It is a great thing to curb it. You complain, feeling that you are weakened in spirit, there is not enough sobriety, self-control and self-compulsion. You are too demanding. You have just escaped from the whirlpool of P. and you want your soul to have such powerful tools for living according to God.

From the book The Essence of the Science of Kabbalah. Volume 1. author Laitman Michael

2.2.3. The language of the Kabbalists is the language of branches. The language of branches means that it is created based on the instructions received by the branches in our world from their roots in high world, which are the standard for their branches. The standard - that is, the desire to imitate those who are on a higher

From the book Furrow author Escriva Josemaría

LANGUAGE 899 The gift of tongues, the ability to convey knowledge about God, is necessary for those who become an apostle. – So every day I ask God, our Lord, to give the gift of languages ​​to each of His children. 900 Learn to say “no” without harshness, which kills love, without hurting without extreme

From the book Secrets of the Russian Word author Irzabekov Vasily

From the book Book of Jewish Aphorisms by Jean Nodar

From the book Aztecs, Mayans, Incas. Great kingdoms ancient America author Hagen Victor von

From the book Myths and Legends of China by Werner Edward

From the book The Language of Philosophy author Bibikhin Vladimir Veniaminovich

From the book Apostolic Christianity (1–100 AD) by Schaff Philip

8. Language and the world. Philosophy, the work of receiving understanding, is equal to language in its openness to the world. Indeed, the basis of natural language, the pure significance of a word, rests on the significance of an event, ultimately on the significance of an event in the world. Language of philosophy

From the book Ladder, or Spiritual Tablets author Climacus John

From the book Personality and Eros author Yannaras Christ

The tongue of one who is internally humble is not stolen by oral conversations. The tongue can squander the fruits of many labors. )
