A brush for cleaning the chimney with a convenient immersion device. What type of chimney brush is used, and how to make one yourself? Make a brush with your own hands from a rope

We can say that a chimney brush is the main tool used for the hygiene of this structure. In some ways, the device is similar to a toothbrush for cleaning bottles, the principle and overall appearance are very similar, naturally only the dimensions are much larger. The ruff consists of a main spire (also known as the central perpendicular), on which several circles of large “bristles” are made. Often thin steel wire is used, in some cases only soft types of wire can be used.

Despite a general understanding of the cleaning procedure and an overview of the entire device, many are unaware of significant factors when purchasing finished products. It should be taken into account that the tool is not suitable for every type of channel. For example, for brick structures, a brush with hard “bristles” is suitable, where the “bitten” soot is “settled” quite tightly on the walls. If you are buying for a steel pipe, purchase soft products, with soft wire or plastic, nylon. Otherwise, the rigid wire may damage the structure. As you can see, there are enough nuances in choosing ruffs and it is important to pay attention to them.

Cleaning brush brick chimney

Where is it sold and how much does it cost?

You can buy such a device at any hardware store. If you don't have it, you can purchase a brush for your chimney on the Internet; as a rule, the cost does not differ significantly. The average price is within 2,000 rubles.

How to make a homemade brush?

If the price seems too high for you, you can make such products yourself. The main thing is to determine exactly what shape you need and for which pipe. There are three main types of brushes:

  • The brush is a classic metal brush, shaped like a cylinder. Additional devices included in the kit can be a simple long rope, usually 5 meters, or a weight weighing up to 2 kg. with extension cord.
  • A regular brush equipped with steel or nylon bristles. Has a special handle.
  • Scraper. It saves the day when there are soot build-ups on the channels that the two previous options cannot cope with. Can be of any suitable shape.

From a plastic bottle

Homemade brush You can make it from a regular water bottle. Manufacturing stages:

  • In the center of the bottom, make a small hole.
  • A hole of the same diameter is made in the lid.
  • Next, cut the bottle into small strips and attach a pin with a hook to one side.
  • On the other side, a pin is also inserted, which are connected together.
  • Using nuts, compress the bottle and attach a weight to one side.

The process of making a plastic brush

This design is suitable for cleaning metal and ceramic channels.

From the broom

A chimney brush can be made from an ordinary plastic broom, which is now available in almost every household. Manufacturing stage:

  • Cut off the stalk.
  • Straighten the “stubble”, you can use a hair dryer. After straightening, we clamp it with a pin and washer.
  • From the side of the handle we wind a pin with a hook.
  • The structure is tightened on both sides, then a cable with a sinker is attached.

Excellent for cleaning wide channels.

From a metal brush for an angle grinder

A metal brush or brush can even be made from such a device. At the moment the price is not that high, so we recommend buying a finished product. If you decide to make a chimney brush with your own hands, remember that you will need two sheets, a threaded rod and nuts. Also, do not forget to use stiff wire or, in some cases, nylon wire as “bristles.”

A complex version made of metal cable

A cable can also be used to clean chimneys. The manufacturing process is much more complex and requires certain efforts and skills. You will need a cable, preferably 1 cm in diameter. An edge of about 10 cm dissolves into individual fibers. They bend into different sides, and in order to hold the mold to clean the pipe, two plates are taken and compressed. A counterweight should be attached to the bottom edge to break up lumps and soot build-ups.

A chimney brush is a tool with a long handle, a working element with metal or polymer bristles and an addition in the form of a weight. Manufacturing requires a minimum of time and physical investment, resulting in a universal design for high-quality maintenance of the chimney system.

Clogging of the smoke exhaust duct is caused by a number of reasons:

  1. Soot accumulates due to settling on inner surface mines of solid particles of combustion products.
  2. Condensation forms, the cause of which is the lack of proper thermal insulation of the chimney, which increases the effect of soot and soot sticking.
  3. Poor quality fuel is used. For example, prolonged burning of raw wood leads to intense clogging of the chimney system.
  4. Resinous fuel resources are used - firewood, lumber and briquettes from spruce, fir, and pine.
  5. Waste with a high hydrocarbon content in the form of household waste made from polymers - plastic bottles, polyethylene, rubber products - is burned in the furnace firebox.
  6. The heat generator is operated in an incorrect mode, fuel is added in violation of the rules, and the ash pan is rarely cleaned.

Another one possible reason chimney blockage is hidden in the design heating device, the essence of which is errors in the construction or installation of the heat generator, or incorrect structure of the chimney.

A clogged smoke line is fraught with negative consequences:

  • the passage for discharging the gas-containing flow becomes clogged, traction deteriorates;
  • The energy efficiency of the heat generator decreases, which is associated with insufficient traction force;
  • the presence of significant accumulations of soot contributes to the formation reverse thrust, and carbon monoxide may leak into the room.

The most dangerous situation is when soot in the chimney duct ignites with the formation of a large number of sparks, this can cause a fire in the roof or neighboring buildings. To eliminate the problem, it is necessary to promptly remove carbon deposits and soot in the gas outlet channel using chemical compositions or homemade devices for mechanical cleaning chimney.

Features of mechanical cleaning of a chimney from soot using a brush

Before starting work, the preparatory stage is performed:

  • close the vent, firebox door, and cleanout hatches;
  • all of the above points are equipped with an elementary filter in the form of a dense damp cloth;
  • open all the valves and views of the furnace completely.

The vertical part of the chimney is processed using a brush with a core to weight the tool. The structure is equipped with a long cable or a rope, rope or strong cord is used. It is recommended to choose a rope 2-3 m longer than the height of the pipe in order to secure the outer end to the base of the shaft, otherwise there is a risk of dropping the device into the channel due to the gravity of the core.

To clean the vertical section of the chimney, the device is lowered down the channel, pushing and rotating with a rope in different directions. After the structure with the load and the brush is at the bottom of the shaft, they lift it back up, making the same movements using a rope. If the tool does not pass due to dense layers of soot in a certain area, the cable is lifted and sharply lowered into the pipe to break through the blockage.

Cleaning the horizontal channels of the flue is carried out using a brush with a rigid handle. Most often, the device is equipped with a solid or stacked rod, the length of which is selected in accordance with the parameters of the plane being processed. Since the rotary chimney units have special doors, moving along them, it is easy to clean all horizontal sections. If there are no turning openings, use a brush with a cable. Performing circular and rotational movements, the structure is pushed deep into the channel and back.

How to make a ruff yourself

Although a chimney brush is not a product in short supply in Moscow and other regions of the country, most owners of private houses prefer to make this device with their own hands.

A homemade brush for cleaning chimney pipes is made taking into account the specifics of the application. To service metal and asbestos-cement smoke ducts, you should make a brush with a polymer brush. To clean a brick chimney shaft clogged with years of soot, you need to make a solid device from metal raw materials.

Steel wire manufacturing options

To make a brush for cleaning a chimney with your own hands, you need following materials and tools:

  • a coil of spring steel wire with a cross section of 1-2 mm or a piece steel cable diameter up to 10 mm;
  • threaded pin – 60-80 mm length, 1 pc.;
  • washers for bolt – d50 mm, 2 pcs.;
  • nuts – 2 pcs. regular, 2 pcs. cap with ring;
  • hammer;
  • pliers;
  • chisel;
  • wrench 14.

Sequence of work:

  1. The wire is cut taking into account the cross-section of the chimney. In the case of a cable, blanks are made 10% shorter than the diameter of the pipe.
  2. At the center point of each element, the fibers are pulled apart to make a hole and placed on a pin. The wire is simply wrapped around the rod.
  3. The stud is equipped with steel nuts and washers, clamping the structural elements.

For greater strength, flexible elements can be secured by welding.

When deciding how to make a chimney brush with your own hands, you can choose another product option in the form of a spiral brush. In this case, you will need a lathe or a homemade rigid structure to tension the rod. To make bristles, steel wire d1-2 mm or cable is suitable, and a twisted rod is made of steel wire with a cross-section of 6 mm.

Steps for making a spiral brush:

  1. The required number of pieces of the required length are made from the cable.
  2. Steel wire d6 mm is folded in half, one end of which is welded, and a loop is twisted on the other.
  3. The structure is fixed in the machine. It is necessary to tighten the rod between the chuck and the tailstock well and give correct position his veins.
  4. Next, the blanks are placed in the gap between the cores, evenly distributing them along the entire length of the tensioned rod, and fixed with hot-melt adhesive.

When the spindle rotates, the rod twists into a spiral, firmly clamping the wire bristles between the wires.

How to make a homemade brush from a plastic broom

To do this you will need the following materials and tools:

  • nylon broom, cord;
  • hairpin – up to 10 mm;
  • washers – d5 cm 2 pcs.;
  • nuts – 2 pcs., one of them with a ring.

Remove the broom from the handle, bend the bristles to the sides, fix the position of the product, heating it with a hairdryer. Make a hole in the center of the broom holder with a drill or a hot nail, thread a pin through it, and secure it on both sides with nuts and washers.

Brush made from plastic bottles

You need to prepare:

  • plastic bottles with a volume of 1.5-3 l;
  • cable, metal wire d2 mm;
  • knife, scissors.

Cut off the top of one bottle; this will be the base of the polymer brush. The bottom part of several containers is removed, the body is cut into strips vertically up to the neck. The blanks are placed on the base, and the strips are secured in several bundles using wire. The base is fixed to the cable.

The nuances of using brushes

To clean the horizontal cavities of the chimney, the brush is equipped with a long rod. A device with metal bristles is recommended to be used for removing soot and soot in vertical pipes. If you have to work on processing horizontal or inclined channels, you should use a brush with a polymer brush.

Chimney cleaning

Regular cleaning of the chimney is necessary even for expensive and modern modules. Soot tends to accumulate, this happens even when burning with the best firewood. Combustion products are so small that they can accumulate even on a perfectly smooth surface.
The chimney can be easily cleaned with your own hands using a brush. To clean a chimney, it is not necessary to have special education or have outstanding knowledge in this field. The only thing you have to work on is the process of creating a brush for cleaning.

It is known that without understanding the causes, it is quite difficult to solve a problem. So, in the process of burning wood, two types of waste are released: gas and smoke. There are two types of smoke: white and black. White smoke comes from water vapor in wood, while black smoke comes from coal, soot and creosote. Black smoke causes soot to form inside the chimney. Practice has shown that chimneys built by yourself accumulate soot better than those built by professionals.

What happens if you refuse to clean the chimney? First, soot will begin to accumulate. The accumulation process will continue until the smoke ( gaseous substance) it will not be difficult to squeeze through the pipe into the atmosphere. In this condition, the draft in the chimney and, accordingly, the quality of heating the house are disrupted. If the pipe is severely clogged, there are two types of events: the metal pipe will deteriorate (in best case scenario) or the remaining soot will catch fire (at worst).

Chimney contamination

Over the long period of operation of fireplaces and stoves, humanity has accumulated enough experience to combat soot in pipes. Most devices are no different complex design and they can be done with your own hands.

  • The brush is the most proven, and, oddly enough, one of the most effective ways clean the pipe.
  • Peeling with potato peels (old-fashioned method). This method is quite simple: you need to pour half a bucket into the chimney potato peel and turn on the heating device. When heated, the potatoes will begin to release starch, which decomposes the soot.
  • Aspen firewood is a simple and dangerous method. To clean a metal pipe you will need aspen logs. Place them in the stove and light the logs. After a while you will hear a strange hum, this means that the soot in the chimney has caught fire and after a while the metal pipe will clean itself. When using this cleaning method, you endanger the roof and neighboring buildings - hot particles can accidentally fly onto the insulating layer and lead to a fire.
  • Aluminum cans. Simply burn aluminum cans while firing the stove. Aluminum particles have the same charge as soot. As a result, black smoke will not settle on the protected metal pipe.
  • Dry cleaning is the most unpopular and unpleasant process. After dry cleaning the soot peels off partially. This process is accompanied unpleasant smell and the formation of soot, which settles on interior items.

Making a chimney brush yourself

A budget brush for cleaning a chimney can be easily made with your own hands. To make it, follow the instructions below:

  • Go to the market and buy a synthetic round broom, a metal cable the same length as the chimney, two clamps, a pin (8 mm thread) and a few washers.
  • Unfold the bristles on a synthetic round broom so that they resemble a bouquet. Keep in mind that the villi may not immediately respond to your efforts. To soften the lint, you can place it in boiling water for a few minutes.
  • The straightened brush is put aside with your own hands. We take the ear and screw a hairpin onto it from both ends. Next you will need a brush for cleaning the chimney and a washer that is attached to the bottom of the brush.
  • If the diameter of the brush does not suit you, you can tighten the washer more. The more it curls, the more the villi straighten to the sides. Once you have decided that the brush has required diameter– proceed to the next stage.
  • Press down on the base from above and slowly screw on the second fastener.
  • The brush turns over. At the bottom you will see the mounting ear. You need to tighten it exactly as much as you want to increase or decrease the diameter of the brush.
  • Look for a staple or make your own using steel wire. It is necessary to secure the cable to the brush. Before installing the cable, you need to measure the length of the chimney. After this, a part of the required length is cut off from the metal cable and attached to the workpiece. Remember that the brush also has its own length, so do not forget to take this factor into account when making brushes with your own hands.
  • All that remains is to attach a metal weight to the device (2 kg will be enough).

Brush for cleaning chimneys

Chimney cleaning rules

It's time to try out your homemade contraption. Before cleaning the chimney from the stove, it is necessary to remove any remaining firewood and other flammable materials. We climb onto the roof and remove the damper from the chimney, holding the homemade device tightly in our hand.

Slowly lower the brush into the chimney. As soon as you feel that the brush has completely sunk to the very bottom, lift it towards you as high as possible. The down and up movements must be repeated for several minutes.

After cleaning the metal pipe, you need to remove fallen soot from the fireplace. This is done with a regular broom. The brush is washed warm water and set to dry. After cleaning procedures, the stove must be heated for several hours. Don’t worry about the broken draft; it should stabilize after a few minutes of operation of the heating device.

Video: How to clean a chimney? the most effective way

Solid fuel stoves and fireplaces are as popular sources of heat as they were hundreds of years ago. Some people like live fire and the crackle of burning logs, others are attracted by the use of cheap fuel, and still others are simply forced to heat their house with wood due to the lack of alternatives. Unfortunately, the smoke ducts of even the most technologically advanced stoves and boilers quickly become overgrown with soot, due to which the draft is lost and there is a danger of suffocation from carbon monoxide. For that category of people who do everything with their own hands, we suggest making a brush for cleaning the chimney. With its help, you can easily and quickly remove soot from all internal channels of the furnace.

Why do stove ducts become clogged and how can they be cleaned?

Need for cleaning chimneys and internal flues of solid fuel heating units (boilers, fireplaces, stoves and various stoves) has both objective and subjective reasons. The first are due to the fact that any smoke consists of a gaseous part and tiny particles of carbon that did not have time to oxidize during the combustion process. The bulk of them leaves the chimney, flying into the atmosphere, but the part that has the largest weight and electrical charge settles in the chimney channels. The situation is further aggravated by water vapor and creosote, which moisten the walls of the flue and thereby contribute to the adhesion of soot. These deposits reduce the cross-section of the chimney, which reduces draft, which means the efficiency of the stove decreases and fuel consumption increases. But the main danger lies in the fact that further use of the heating device becomes unsafe.

Accumulation of soot in the chimney not only impairs draft, but can also cause a fire.

Subjective reasons include:

  • burning low-quality coal and raw wood;
  • heating the furnace with waste with a high carbon content (plastic, rubber, etc.);
  • incorrectly selected operating mode of the heating device;
  • mistakes made during the construction of a stove or chimney.

After analyzing the factors that cause a chimney to become overgrown with soot, you will see that the situation can only be partially improved by reducing the amount of particulate matter in the smoke. Nevertheless, the chimney will have to be cleaned sooner or later.

You can do this in two ways:

  • mechanical,
  • chemical

The first involves removing soot and soot using various devices - scrapers, blades, brushes, etc. Using such tools in the chimney and flues, you can very successfully scrape soot from the walls, rake it into piles and dispose of it.

For cleaning the chimney mechanically A variety of brushes with stiff bristles are best

Chemical soot removal involves burning a product with a complex chemical composition in the furnace firebox. The substances released during its combustion interact with the most persistent deposits, which is why they soften, peel off from the walls of the channels and burn. As practice shows, chemical compounds are a fairly effective means of combating soot, but due to the relatively high cost, they are used much less frequently than scrapers, brooms and brooms.

Special chemical compounds allow you to remove soot without unnecessary difficulties, but truly effective means are too expensive

Features of mechanical cleaning of a chimney from soot using a brush

A metal or plastic brush is a recognized leader among the tools of any home-grown chimney sweep. Simultaneously playing the role of a scraper and a brush, the brush not only destroys the hardest layers, but also literally sweeps them away from the walls of the chimney.

A brush for cleaning chimneys is a brush made of metal or nylon bristles wound around a rod of twisted wire. The device most often has round shape, but you can also find rectangular samples intended for Maintenance brick chimneys.

Depending on which channels need to be cleaned, the brush is equipped with a long cable (you can use a strong cord) or a rigid handle. In the first case, a core weighing 2–3 kg is used to weight the device. With its help, you can not only lower a stiff brush into the chimney, but also break through the most severe blockage. To clean horizontal gas ducts, a rod is attached to the brush. It must correspond to the size of the longest channel and can be stacked or solid.

Before you start cleaning the chimney, you need to not only close the vent, firebox and cleaning doors, but also curtain them with a simple filter made of thick, damp fabric. Soot is extremely fine and can easily penetrate into the smallest crevices. It is possible that without protective measures, all things in the house will be under a layer of soot and soot. Furnace valves and views, on the contrary, should be fully open.

For cleaning the vertical part of the chimney, a brush with a weight attached to a cable is best suited. The tool is inserted into the pipe and pushed down while rotating the cable in both directions. After the brush reaches the bottom, it is raised in exactly the same way. It is best to do this with a partner, instructing him to rotate the cable, while you make translational movements with the tool in the vertical direction.

Design of a brush with a weight for cleaning vertical channels

If in any place the cable does not pass due to a continuous blockage, then do not rush to throw the cannonball equipped with a brush from a height. Be sure to find out if this is due to a bend in the gas duct or a slightly closed valve. And only after making sure that the load will not damage the structure, tie a nylon cord to it and sharply lower it into the pipe.

The cleaning procedure is repeated until soot stops falling out of the vertical channel. In order not to miss this moment, it is necessary to periodically open the cleaning door and remove accumulated soot using a dustpan and broom.

Stoves with a flue of complex configuration and horizontal sections of the chimney are cleaned with a brush attached to a rigid handle. It is best to use a collapsible rod - this will allow you to change the length of the tool. Most often, the places where the flue duct turns 90° are equipped with special doors. Moving from one such opening to another, you can quickly clean the entire gas duct. If the stove was built “anyhow” and its design does not provide for such openings, then the cable will become your assistant. Using it like a plumbing tool, the brush is pushed deeper into the channel and back. After several such passes, it is necessary to remove the soot from the firebox and check the draft with a set of newspapers.

In order to clean the oven from the inside, a long handle is attached to the brush.

Instructions for making a brush with your own hands

Although a chimney brush is not some kind of scarce tool, it is much easier to make it yourself than to look for it in a retail chain. Moreover, in this case the device can be made literally “for yourself”, taking into account the size and features of a particular chimney. Another plus homemade device the fact that it will be completely free, because all the components for making a brush are literally under your feet. Here is just an incomplete list of materials that can be used to make it:

  • plumbing cable, synthetic cord or metal chain;
  • steel wire;
  • nylon broom or lawn mower line;
  • plastic bottles;
  • long bolts and nuts;
  • springs.

When choosing a material for a brush, do not forget to take into account the condition of the chimney. To remove persistent long-term soot deposits on the walls of brick channels, a brush with metal bristles is best suited. If you need to clean a metal chimney, then a synthetic broom or plastic bottles are used to make the tool.

Steel wire brushes

Craftsmen have come up with several types of metal brushes, differing both in design and manufacturing method. We offer you instructions for making the most interesting models.

Design No. 1

To make a metal brush you will need a wire with a diameter of 1–2 mm made of spring steel. If you don’t have one, then you can use a piece of steel cable with a diameter of no more than 10 mm.

To make a metal brush you will need thin steel wire

It is also necessary to prepare:

  • stud 60–80 mm long with M8 thread;
  • two washers Ø50 mm for an M8 bolt;
  • nuts - 2 regular M8 and 2 cap nuts with eyes.

No special tool is needed. All you need is a hammer, chisel, pliers and open-end wrenches"at 13" or "at 14".

Instructions for the progress of work:

  1. Measure the cross-section of the chimney and cut required amount“bristles” made of wire. Their length must exactly match the diameter of the chimney. If you will be using a steel cable, chop it into pieces using a hammer and chisel, and then disassemble it into individual components. In this case, the length of the rods should be 5–10% less than the internal diameter of the chimney.

    The size of each piece of steel cable must correspond to the diameter of the chimney

  2. Each flexible element has a center. In the marked place, the fibers are moved apart and a hole is made. After this, string the cable sections onto the hairpin. If wire is used, each bristle is wrapped around a central shaft.

    When assembling the brush, individual bristles are threaded onto a threaded rod.

  3. The flexible elements are evenly distributed around the circumference and clamped onto a stud with steel nuts and washers - the brush is ready.

    Flexible elements are clamped between two nuts and additionally fixed by welding

The excess threaded portion should be cut off, leaving room for the lug nuts. If none are found, then metal rings can be welded to the ends of the central rod. They will be needed to secure the cable on one side and the load on the other.

As the author of this article, I would like to recommend to you the optimal proportions of tools for cleaning the vertical channels of solid fuel stoves. Having made more than one device, I came to the conclusion that the size of the brush should be chosen depending on the stiffness of the bristles. For brushes made of metal wire, it should not exceed 0.8 of the pipe diameter, while plastic fixtures They performed best with a 10% margin in width. The diameter of the load should be no more than a third of the chimney cross-section, and its weight should not exceed 3 kg. As for the size of the holding cable or cord, I made it 2-3 m longer than the chimney. During work, your humble servant more than once dropped the tool to the very bottom, but always retrieved it from the depths by the end of the rope, which remained on top.

Design No. 2

Another way to make a brush that cannot be distinguished from a factory one involves using lathe. If you don’t have one in your garage, then you can do without it. True, in this case you will have to use brute male strength and build a rigid structure to tension the central rod.

To make a spiral brush, we need two types of wire - steel wire Ø 1–2 mm for making bristles and steel wire Ø 6 mm - as a twisted rod. As in the previous case, flexible elements can be made from thin cable.

To make the steel wire more pliable and prevent it from being damaged when twisted, the material should be annealed. The best way to do this is with muffle furnace. If such equipment is not available, you can use blowtorch. The wire must be wound into the most compact coil possible, heated red-hot and cooled slowly.

The work is carried out in stages:

  1. The cable is cut into pieces of the required length and divided, obtaining many twisted bristles.

    The flexible elements of the brush are obtained from sections of steel cable

  2. Thick steel wire must be folded in half and an eyelet should be made on one side and the other connected by welding.

    The central rod of the future brush is a wire folded in half with a loop at one end

  3. Using a durable metal hook, the double structure is firmly secured in the machine. Be sure to check that the rod is well tensioned between the chuck and the tailstock, and that the gap between its cores is located in a vertical plane.

    When attaching the rod to the machine, it is necessary to ensure good tension and correct orientation of the cores

  4. The cut bristles must be laid out in the gap between the wires, distributed evenly along the entire length of the structure and secured to the rod with hot glue.

    After laying the bristles, do not forget to fix it with glue.

  5. Spindle rotation begins at the lowest speed. At the same time, the tension of the central wire and the degree of fastening of the flexible elements are controlled. Upon successful completion of the work, the bristles are evenly distributed around the circumference, and the wires are clamped as firmly as possible between the wires.

    When the spindle rotates at minimum speed, the bristles will not fall out of place

Do not rush to release the chuck's jaws - the tensions that arise in the wire can play a cruel joke on you. Be sure to loosen the tailstock. Only after this can the manufactured device be removed from the machine and used for its intended purpose.

A homemade steel brush is in no way inferior to its factory counterpart.

Video: a simple metal brush for servicing chimneys

How to make a device for cleaning horizontal smoke ducts

In order to clean the horizontal flue of the furnace, a long rod is attached to a steel brush. You can build a similar handle from various materials:

  • steel bar with a diameter of 10 mm;
  • long shaft 30–50 mm thick;
  • polypropylene pipes.

The first and last options are also interesting because they allow you to make a stackable handle of any length. To do this, threads are cut at opposite ends of the steel rods. With its help, you can assemble a rod of any length - just use 5-centimeter threaded couplings. In case of plastic pipes it is convenient to use fittings welded to them with internal and external thread. According to the testimony of the craftsmen who built such a structure, it has the necessary rigidity and is light in weight. All this makes a polypropylene rod convenient tool in the hands of a novice chimney sweep.

A homemade dialing rod can be made from polypropylene pipes

The metal brush copes well with the vertical section of the chimney, but in horizontal and inclined channels it has not proven itself to be effective. the best side. Moving the tool along the center of the flue becomes problematic, since it is pressed against its base under the influence of gravity. The situation is aggravated by rather stiff bristles that cling to any protrusion on the canal wall. For this reason, in horizontal areas, you should replace the metal tool with a more delicate plastic device.

Plastic broom brush

A brush for the internal channels of the oven can be made from a plastic broom or broom. You will need:

  • polypropylene or nylon broom;
  • cable or synthetic cord;
  • hairpin up to 10 mm long;
  • 2 washers with a diameter of at least 5 cm;
  • 2 nuts, one of which has an eye.

The diameter of the pin must correspond to the cross-section of the rod from which the rod will be made. This will make the tool more versatile - it will be possible to attach not only a handle, but also a cable, cord and core.

Pechnik (Moscow)

In order to clean the chimney, there is no need to buy all the necessary tools in specialized stores. In this article, we will talk about how to make a brush for cleaning a chimney with your own hands.

Main materials of manufacture and characteristics

If you have a stove or fireplace in your home that operates through a chimney, then this unit certainly needs quality cleaning periodically. A do-it-yourself chimney brush will allow you to make this process simple, and the result is guaranteed to be positive.

The main design of this device is represented by a large flexible cable on one side of which there is a load, and on the other a special brush.

Important: cleaning can be done from any side. Depending on the shape, type and size of the pipe (from the roof, from the side of the house or through special holes).
For the manufacture of this design, the following materials are most often used:
  • The base is made of wire or metal cable. It is important that this part is as flexible, durable and not brittle as possible;
  • It is possible to use special plastic strands or fishing line with a large diameter;
  • For better grip, secure the frame with springs;
  • Plastic bottles can be used as a base;
  • One of the most durable and inexpensive materials, the price of which is affordable, is rubber.

A brush with a large diameter and medium-hard bristles

Choosing a tool depending on the type of chimney

  1. To clean brick chimneys, use brushes that have a regular rectangular or square shape brushes with the most rigid and dense bristles;
  2. Pipes made of stone can be cleaned well and quickly with products that have a rectangular or round shape;
  3. For metal pipes brushes of any size, shape and cross-section are suitable, since the surface of the product is as smooth as possible and is easy to clean, even if there are heavy pollution and a dense layer of soot.

Tip: If you want to find a soot removal product that is ideal for your overall dimensions and shape, we recommend using a homemade brush to clean the chimney.

Manufacturing instructions

At the first stage of making a product with your own hands, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • Determine the length of the chimney and, based on accurate calculations, make a flexible base of this size;
  • In order to determine the size of the tool, it is necessary to measure the diameter of the pipe. The product must move freely and fit into inner part, don't get stuck;
  • Select a bristle with the optimal degree of bristles stiffness and thickness. If there is a lot of dirt and the layer is large enough, you need to choose the hardest and thickest pile; the same rule applies to stone and brick pipes.

Important: the total length of the cable base must be calculated according to the following scheme: total length of the chimney + 2 meters for reserve.

At the end of the base, it is necessary to tie a large and strong loop that can withstand the total weight of the entire device and cannot come undone under the influence of the load during the cleaning process.

Manufacturing of cargo

A metal brush for cleaning a chimney must have not only a base and bristles, but also a weight that allows you to correctly position the center of gravity and significantly facilitates the work, allowing you to effectively remove dirt, plaque and soot from the walls of the structure.

  1. The main material for making a plumb weight is any metal object rounded shape. You can also use weights;
  2. It is recommended that the plumb line be represented by one element. In the absence of a weight or a large bolt, special metal plates can be used. Such elements must have a thickness of at least 6-10 centimeters;
  3. Another way to make a load is a special pipe with a diameter of 50 to 60 millimeters. It is necessary to drill about 8 holes in such a pipe and secure the cable in this way.

Making a brush from bottles

Instructions for making a brush from plastic bottles:

  • You need to take 4-5 bottles and cut off the bottom of each of them;
  • Cut the sidewalls into small pieces - strips vertically;
  • The cut should end at the edge of the container bend;
  • The cuts should have different thicknesses;
  • The blanks must be connected in such a way that the largest strips are on the outside of the product;
  • Bottles with smaller stripes must be inserted inside and the neck cut off;
  • In order to secure the structure, you need to screw the base with a simple lid;
  • You need to make a small hole in the lid and insert a flexible cable into it;
  • The end of the cable must be finished with a loop for subsequent installation of the weight;
  • A flexible cable is inserted into the loop at the end and turned clockwise;
  • To make pile, you can use both sheet rubber and plastic;
  • The brush is mounted on a metal pin, the length of which is from 20 to 25 centimeters;
  • Fixation is done with a washer. The length of the teeth can vary. The space between them is filled with the same rubberized or plastic material, only shorter length;
  • The washer must be additionally secured with a nut.

Important: if you want to make products for cleaning a brick chimney, it is recommended to use big bottles 4 liters with a square bottom.

Tip: to make the plastic bristles much harder, pre-treat them with a soldering iron or heat them to harden them.

You can view photos of cleaning brushes in this article.

The second option for making a brush for 10 minutes

  1. The base is used as the basis of the brush plastic bottle, the widest part;
  2. We cut the base into horizontal sections, there should be from 5 to 8 pieces in total;
  3. We make large cuts on the sides and make a hole in the center of each part, suitable in diameter to the cable;
  4. We thread the connector into the hole and secure it on one side with a washer;
  5. We use hardware as a hook for the load;
  6. We attach a round or oblong metal weight to the hook.