Mercury retrograde in the year is exact. Mercury retrograde

Retrograde motion of planets is a concept in astronomy. From time to time, relative to the views of an inhabitant of the earth, all the planets stop and begin to rotate reversely. Undoubtedly, we're talking about not about the real rotation of the planet in the opposite direction, but only an optical effect. In fact, the planet only slows down, making it appear as if it is spinning in the opposite direction.

Astrologers have been betraying for a very long time great importance retrograde. They associated this phenomenon with events in human lives. Scientists have studied this theory for many centuries. And today it is considered natural.

Most Influential Planets

The most influential periods are considered to be the retrograde periods of Mercury, Mars, and Venus.

Mercury has at least three retrogrades every year. Each lasts 24 days. These periods are characterized by obstacles in business, delays, awkward situations, shortcomings, indecision, and errors in documents. The most vulnerable during this period are computer and household appliances. During the retrograde period, everything goes wrong more often. Astrologers do not recommend searching new job, starting new businesses, spending large sums, going on long journeys, agreeing to surgical interventions. It’s better to finish old things at this time, solve minor everyday difficulties and relax.

Mercury in retrograde:

  • from 12/19/16 to 01/8/17;
  • from 04/10/17 to 05/3/17;
  • from 08/13/17 to 09/05/17;
  • from 3.12.17 to 23.12.17.

Planet retrograde Venus in 2017 it lasts about 40 days with a regularity of 19 months. During this period it is better not to hold exhibitions, theatrical performances, beauty contests, plastic surgery, cosmetic procedures. Don't change anything in your personal life, don't make new acquaintances and don't get married. Beware of acquisitions of real estate, cars and other large monetary transactions. Do not buy jewelry, aesthetic clothing, or works of art. Venus is retrograde from 03/04/17 to 04/15/17.

Mars will not enter this phase in 2017.

The following signs and degrees will be affected by retrograde motion in 2017:

Less significant planets in retrograde

Jupiter is retrograde from 02/06/17 to 07/09/17. During this period, there is no need to begin activities aimed at achieving material well-being. Complete the things you started, be it education, travel or legal battles.

Saturn - from 04/06/17 to 08/25/17. This period is especially difficult in the field of legal issues, education, philosophy, tourism, and religion.

Uranus is in retrograde from 08/3/17 to 01/2/18. During this period, you will be able to reconsider your usual views, you will be able to make decisions that are unexpected for yourself and others. This is the best period for change and new discoveries.

Neptune - from 07/16/17 to 11/22/17. This planet will allow you to re-evaluate your beliefs, aspirations, beliefs and take a fresh look at your own spirituality.

Pluto will go retrograde from 04/20/17 to 09/28/17. This is an important period for political system. We are facing a restructuring of organizational decisions.

It is important to monitor the retrograde of planets and take into account its specifics. However, remember that sometimes it is better to relax and enjoy fate than to constantly fear unfavorable periods.

IN 2019 Mercury will retrograde three times, and during this time you should not start new projects, buy any storage media, any small item, as well as all means of transportation (bicycles, roller skates, cars). Validity retrograde mercury :
- from March 5 to March 28;
- from July 8 to August 1;
- from October 31 to November 20.

Jupiter will retrograde from April 10 to August 11, and will have an impact on people who have natal chart Jupiter is strong in cosmic status. Retrograde Jupiter will introduce some inhibition in activities related to the areas for which it is responsible. This social relations, issues of culture, science and education, social and political activity, legal issues, etc. At this time, problems related to business are possible, especially if a person decides to innovate, expand the scope of activity, take out a loan, or attract investors. During retrograde Jupiter You should not start activities; it is better to complete previously started projects.

Saturn will start in 2019 retrograde movement on April 30 and ends on September 18. This will affect your social life more than your personal life. This is the time for completing things, summing up results, audits, revising plans, making changes to plans, etc. You can begin restructuring, reorganizing everything that fits the definition of “structure.” During this period, it is not recommended to sign long-term contracts, register businesses, buy real estate, move, or get married.

Uranus will start in 2019 retrograde movement August 12 and will end on January 11, 2020. This is a planet of surprises, sudden decisions, insights, therefore during the period retrograde Uranus you can suddenly begin to review and reevaluate your abandoned and unfinished affairs, remember your old unrealized ideas that once took deep roots in the past and remained in the subconscious.

Neptune will move in retrograde from June 21 to November 27 and will increase subconscious forces, increase phenomenal and psychic abilities– clairvoyance and clairaudience, the ability to guess, predict, foresee, predict. It can free one from a wide variety of cultic dogmas, prejudices and superstitions and will promote more serious introspection and self-criticism.

  Pluto in 2019 there will be retrograde from April 24 to October 3. The planet of deep transformations will affect the sphere of the state system and the internal structure of any organizational relations.

Which Zodiac signs and at what time it will affect retrograde movement planets, see the table below for more details.

date Time Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto Zodiac sign
6.01.2019 23:27:08 Ending Aries
5.03.2019 21:18:30 Start Fish
28.03.2019 16:58:08 Ending Fish
10.04.2019 20:00:04 Start Sagittarius
24.04.2019 21:47:38 StartCapricorn
30.04.2019 3:55:01 Start Capricorn
21.06.2019 17:35:13 Start Fish
8.07.2019 2:14:27 Start a lion
1.08.2019 6:57:03 Ending Cancer
11.08.2019 16:36:51 Ending Sagittarius
12.08.2019 5:26:47 Start

Retrograde movement or backward movement is not the real, but the path of the planet visible from Earth. The retrograde effect occurs due to the difference in the speeds of the Earth and the planet relative to the Sun. If we don’t have to get used to it, it happens retrograde 3-4 times a year for 20 days, then a more rare occurrence, it happens retrograde once every 2 years, for 80 days. Social planets – Jupiter and higher planets – Uranus, Neptune and Pluto become retrograde every year. Let me remind you that the Sun and Moon are never retrograde. Below are all the retrograde periods of the planets in 2017, but in order to interpret them more accurately, you need to understand the specifics of retrograde periods and their phases.

When we interpret the transit of a retrograde planet, we are not only dealing with the retrograde phase itself, but we are considering the entire retro period, which is called the “retrograde loop”. Retrograde loops of planets are longer periods of time than the distance from point R to point D. They cover the entire segment of the Zodiac in degrees along which the planet goes retrograde. The countdown of the retrograde loop begins from the moment when the still direct planet enters the degree of the sign to which it will return at its extreme point of retrograde in order to again turn to direct movement - D.

Entering the retrograde phase, the planet slows down to stationary (stop - SR), and slowly turns around, returns along the recently passed segment of the sign - (R), so that at the end of the retrograde period, it stops again - (SD) and turns to direct (D) movement along a path already traversed twice.

Retrograde periods and decision making

In retrograde motion, the planet repeats its path along the same degrees of the Zodiac through which it has already passed in its direct motion. From an esoteric point of view, this is a return to the past, turning inward, rethinking the experience gained, slowing down in business. Therefore, when the fast planets are retrograde: , and , starting fundamentally new things and projects designed for the future is not recommended; such an undertaking comes with difficulties, complications, and does not give the result that a person expects. At such a time, external conditions, laws, circumstances change, they will not remain the same and familiar, but they have not yet been determined. During the retro periods of personal planets, we do not have all the information necessary for an adequate assessment. It is not safe to draw final conclusions and make decisions at such a time - the situation, circumstances will change, and decision may turn out to be erroneous.

During periods of retrograde, long-pending matters are often launched, which various reasons were put off and not resolved. At this time, there is a return to solving old problems and issues. The event itself may not occur directly on the loop, but it is formed on the loop and takes place after the retrograde phase. Under such conditions, this is the “safest” scenario for resolving issues and developing the situation.Making its way through one sector of the Zodiac three times, the planet poses a problem - during the first passage (1), calls for ways to solve it - during a retrograde passage (2) and gives a way out of the situation and a solution in a new way - during the third, direct passage through that the same area (3).

When the inner planets - Mercury and Venus - become retrograde, they begin to conjunct the Sun. The conjunction of retrogrades or with the Sun is an “inferior conjunction” - NS. This is a symbolic new moon, the beginning of their cycles with the Sun - a time of awareness of ongoing events on the topic of the planet, one’s behavior, one’s mental and communicative approaches (), or one’s emotional reactions, values ​​and attachments (). If during this period there are repetitions of already former troubles, it is necessary to think about their cause, and at the point of “lower connection” the answer will come, it will open new way solutions to problems on the topic of the planet, which we can use in the future. At the stage from the “lower connection” to the return to directivity (SD), all efforts must be directed to resolving old matters, repaying debts, and putting an end to lingering problems. The next stage of the retro-loop - from the beginning of directivity to exiting the loop - at this time there is a set of potential, preparation for new steps, thinking about new ideas on or awareness of emotional preferences, values ​​and ways to achieve internal harmony, ethical principles on. At this stage, you need to complete unresolved problems, relationships that need to be ended, since unresolved problems and deficiencies will move into the next cycle. The conjunction of the Sun with direct Mercury or Venus is the “upper conjunction” - BC - the symbolic full moon of the cycle.

When the outer planets - Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto become retrograde, they begin to go into opposition with the Sun. The planet's opposition to the Sun is the symbolic full moon phase of their cycle and an important transit period to pay attention to. The sun - “consciousness, individuality” and the principle of the planet, at this time are separated by poles in our consciousness. This is the culmination of the cycle of the planet and the Sun, and the culmination of themes and situations of this cycle, a period of awareness of non-constructive approaches, revision and identification of new approaches. This period provides an opportunity to realize which of our habitual reactions and ways of implementing the planet principle must be revised in order to remain adequate and effective.

During retro periods, repetition of the action may be successful. For example, a couple had a fictitious divorce and they entered into their remarriage on retro-Mercury. Since then, they have been living in a strong marriage for 21 years.


When analyzing the transit of a personal retro planet according to the natal chart, the planetary status of the planets should be taken into account. Fast planets are “subordinate” to slow ones. A personal planet can implement the tasks set by the parallel transit of a slow planet, i.e. against the backdrop of social conditions created by the loops of slow planets - Jupiter, Saturn, etc., an opportunity is created for the event to be realized on a personal level.

It is important to observe during what exact transits of slow planets the aspect occurs personal planet in a retro-loop to the natal chart. Look at which house is yours natal chart Mercury or Mars retrograde is transiting. Is there a connection with natal planet, ASC or MS? What aspects will the planets make while in the loop and what events will occur in your life? All this will help you understand the transit cycle of Mercury and Mars in a more personalized way for you personally, and will be good practical experience in studying transits and in mastering forecasting techniques.

● Below are the upcoming retrograde periods of the planets in 2017. Dates and times indicate when a planet enters a retrograde loop, when it becomes retrograde (SR), when it returns to direct (SD), and when it exits a retrograde loop. Degrees and days near (SR) and (SD) are parking days. Also given important aspects planets during the year.

● GMT time. For Kyiv we add +2 in winter and +3 during summer time, for Moscow +3 all year round.

Retrograde periods of planets in 2017

Mercury retrograde periods 2017

Every year there are 3-4 retrograde periods of Mercury, and in 2017 there are a little over 3 of them. The beginning of 2017 will be the end of the retrograde period of Mercury, which began on December 19, 2016. The planet will move backward from Capricorn to Sagittarius and on January 8 at 09:38 will switch to direct motion. There will be three more retrograde transits of Mercury over the next months of the year. Now, in more detail about the dates of the beginning of retrograde and the transition to directness, as well as the dates of entry and exit from retro-loops (in the table the designation is R-loop).

April 20 at 17:38 retro Mercury returns to Aries
May 03, 2017 at 16:29 Mercury will become direct at 24°16" Aries – SD
May 21, 2017 Mercury exits the R-loop

August 13, 2017 at 01:56 at 11°38" Virgo – SR
September 05, 2017 at 11:24 am Mercury direct at 28°25" Leo – SD

Important aspects of Mercury in 2017:

Important aspects of Venus in 2017:

March 25 – retro Venus conjunct the Sun -"bottom connection"

Mars will not be retrograde in 2017

The next period of Mars retrograde will be in 2018 from June 26, 2018 at 09°12" Aquarius to August 27, 2018 at 28°36" Capricorn.

Important aspects of Mars in 2017:

Retrograde movement or backward movement is not the real, but the path of the planet visible from Earth. The retrograde effect occurs due to the difference in the speeds of the Earth and the planet relative to the Sun. If we don’t have to get used to the retrograde (R) of Mercury, it happens retrograde 3-4 times a year for 20 days, then the retrograde of Mars is a more rare occurrence, it happens retrograde once every 2 years, for 80 days. The social planets – Jupiter and Saturn and the superior planets – Uranus, Neptune and Pluto become retrograde every year. Let me remind you that the Sun and Moon are never retrograde. Below are all the retrograde periods of the planets in 2017, but in order to interpret them more accurately, you need to understand the specifics of retrograde periods and their phases.

When we interpret the transit of a retrograde planet, we are not only dealing with the retrograde phase itself, but we are considering the entire retro period, which is called the “retrograde loop”. Retrograde loops of planets are longer periods of time than the distance from point R to point D. They cover the entire segment of the Zodiac in degrees along which the planet goes retrograde. The countdown of the retrograde loop begins from the moment when the still direct planet enters the degree of the sign to which it will return at its extreme point of retrograde in order to again turn to direct movement - D.

Entering the retrograde phase, the planet slows down to stationary (stop - SR), and slowly turns around, returns along the recently passed segment of the sign - (R), so that at the end of the retrograde period, it stops again - (SD) and turns to direct (D) movement along a path already traversed twice.

Retrograde periods and decision making

In retrograde motion, the planet repeats its path along the same degrees of the Zodiac through which it has already passed in its direct motion. From an esoteric point of view, this is a return to the past, turning inward, rethinking the experience gained, slowing down in business. Therefore, when the fast planets are retrograde: Mercury, Mars and Venus, the beginning of fundamentally new things and projects designed for the future is not recommended; such an undertaking comes with difficulties, complications, and does not give the result that a person expects. At such a time, external conditions, laws, circumstances change, they will not remain the same and familiar, but they have not yet been determined. During the retro periods of personal planets, we do not have all the information necessary for an adequate assessment. It is not safe to draw final conclusions and make decisions at such a time - the situation, circumstances will change, and the decision made may be wrong.

During retrograde periods, long-pending matters are often launched, which for various reasons were postponed and not resolved. At this time, there is a return to solving old problems and issues. The event itself may not occur directly on the loop, but it is formed on the loop and takes place after the retrograde phase. Under such conditions, this is the “safest” scenario for resolving issues and developing the situation.Making its way through one sector of the Zodiac three times, the planet poses a problem - during the first passage (1), calls for ways to solve it - during a retrograde passage (2) and gives a way out of the situation and a solution in a new way - during the third, direct passage through that the same area (3).

When the inner planets - Mercury and Venus - become retrograde, they begin to conjunct the Sun. The conjunction of retrograde Mercury or Venus with the Sun is an “inferior conjunction” - NS. This is a symbolic new moon, the beginning of their cycles with the Sun - a time of awareness of current events on the topic of the planet, their behavior, their mental and communicative approaches (Mercury), or their emotional reactions, values ​​and attachments (Venus). If during this period there are repetitions of previous troubles, it is necessary to think about their cause, and at the point of “lower connection” the answer will come, a new way of solving problems on the topic of the planet will open, which we can use in the future. At the stage from the “lower connection” to the return to directivity (SD), all efforts must be directed to resolving old matters, repaying debts, and putting an end to lingering problems. The next stage of the retro loop - from the beginning of directivity to exiting the loop - at this time there is a set of potential, preparation for new steps, thinking about new ideas according to Mercury or awareness of emotional preferences, values ​​and ways to achieve internal harmony, ethical principles according to Venus. At this stage, you need to complete unresolved problems, relationships that need to be ended, since unresolved problems and deficiencies will move into the next cycle. The conjunction of the Sun with direct Mercury or Venus is the “upper conjunction” - BC - the symbolic full moon of the cycle.

When the outer planets - Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto become retrograde, they begin to oppose the Sun. The planet's opposition to the Sun is the symbolic full moon phase of their cycle and an important transit period to pay attention to. The sun - “consciousness, individuality” and the principle of the planet, at this time are separated by poles in our consciousness. This is the culmination of the cycle of the planet and the Sun, and the culmination of themes and situations of this cycle, a period of awareness of non-constructive approaches, revision and identification of new approaches. This period provides an opportunity to realize which of our habitual reactions and ways of implementing the planet principle must be revised in order to remain adequate and effective.

During retro periods, repetition of the action may be successful. For example, a couple had a fictitious divorce and they entered into their remarriage on retro-Mercury. Since then, they have been living in a strong marriage for 21 years.


When analyzing the transit of a personal retro planet according to the natal chart, the planetary status of the planets should be taken into account. Fast planets are “subordinate” to slow ones. A personal planet can implement the tasks set by the parallel transit of a slow planet, i.e. against the backdrop of social conditions created by the loops of slow planets - Jupiter, Saturn, etc., an opportunity is created for the event to be realized on a personal level.

It is important to observe during what exact transits of slow planets the aspect of the personal planet occurs in the retro-loop to the natal chart. Look at which house of your natal chart Mercury retrograde or Mars is transiting. Is there a conjunction with a natal planet, ASC or MC? What aspects will the planets make while in the loop and what events will occur in your life? All this will help you understand the transit cycle of Mercury and Mars in a more personalized way for you personally, and will be good practical experience in studying transits and in mastering forecasting techniques.

● Below are the upcoming retrograde periods of the planets in 2017. Dates and times indicate when a planet enters a retrograde loop, when it becomes retrograde (SR), when it returns to direct (SD), and when it exits a retrograde loop. Degrees and days near (SR) and (SD) are parking days. Important aspects of the planets during the year are also given.

● GMT time. For Kyiv we add +2 in winter and +3 during summer time, for Moscow +3 all year round.

Retrograde periods of planets in 2017

Mercury retrograde periods 2017

Every year there are 3-4 retrograde periods of Mercury, and in 2017 there are a little over 3 of them. The beginning of 2017 will be the end of the retrograde period of Mercury, which began on December 19, 2016. The planet will move backward from Capricorn to Sagittarius and on January 8 at 09:38 will switch to direct motion. There will be three more retrograde transits of Mercury over the next months of the year. Now, in more detail about the dates of the beginning of retrograde and the transition to directness, as well as the dates of entry and exit from retro-loops (in the table the designation is R-loop).

April 20 at 17:38 retro Mercury returns to Aries
May 03, 2017 at 16:29 Mercury will become direct at 24°16" Aries – SD
May 21, 2017 Mercury exits the R-loop

August 13, 2017 at 01:56 Mercury retrograde at 11°38" Virgo – SR
September 05, 2017 at 11:24 am Mercury direct at 28°25" Leo – SD

Important aspects of Mercury in 2017:

Important aspects of Venus in 2017:

March 25 – retro Venus conjunct the Sun -"bottom connection"

Mars will not be retrograde in 2017

The next period of Mars retrograde will be in 2018 from June 26, 2018 at 09°12" Aquarius to August 27, 2018 at 28°36" Capricorn.

Important aspects of Mars in 2017:

In astrology there is such a thing as the retrograde movement of planets. He is given Special attention. Why? For hundreds of years, scientists have observed the influence of celestial bodies on all living things and came to the conclusion that several times a year certain planets begin to move backward. During these periods, a person experiences inconvenience, unexpected troubles appear, mood changes and, as a result, conflicts brew. Annoying and annoying failures are more likely to appear during the period of retrograde motion of the planets. That’s why it’s so important to look at the table of the movements of the heavenly bodies more often. Before planning the coming year according to astrological phenomena, let's look at the concept of a “retrograde planet”.

What does a retrograde planet mean?

This concept is usually attributed to astrology, although it is also directly related to astronomy. In many sources you can find this explanation - retrograde motion means the planet is going back. Most of us take this definition literally. However, in reality this is not exactly what happens. To better understand the movement of the planets, let’s take, for example, three reference points - the Sun, Earth and Venus. If an observer tracks the movement of Venus relative to the Earth, which revolves around the Sun, he will see that the speed of Venus is much less than that of the Earth. It also has to travel a greater distance than the Earth relative to the Sun. That is, when observed from our planet, an effect arises in which it begins to seem that the planet at a certain moment is moving in reverse side. But in fact, it only “lags behind” the course of the Earth. If you draw the trajectory of Venus, you will get a loop - it is usually called “retrograde movement”. When celestial body goes through the loop, people should be more careful. According to astrology, during these periods a person experiences inconvenience and troubles appear. Many people believe that the forecast of retrograde planets is an invention of astrologers. But no. These are the observations of astronomers different eras, on the basis of which forecasts are made.

Having figured out what a retrograde planet means, you can start planning your affairs. However, astrologers do not put the issue of retrograde in the red corner. The movement of the planets, of course, is worth paying attention to, but it should not be interpreted as something of utmost importance. With the help of the forecast “Retrograde planets in 2017”, you can make adjustments to business endeavors and personal plans so that there is no unexpected fiasco in business or failures in relationships. Let's look at the forecast for planetary retrograde this year.

Planetary movements in 2017 – what to pay attention to

Retrograde motion can be observed in the movement of such planets as Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Pluto, Mercury, Uranus and Neptune. However, astrologers recommend adjusting plans according to the movement of only the two most influential planets - Mercury and Venus. Mars also belongs to this class, but in 2017 it does not enter the retrograde phase. Therefore, first we will consider the periods of “retrogression” of Mercury and Venus.

Mercury retrograde 2017

The retrograde of this planet is characterized by minor and annoying shortcomings, errors in financial and reporting documents, failures in any endeavors and fiasco in business. Mercury also became associated with problems regarding computational and household appliances. This is true. If a person deliberately observes the operation of, for example, a computer during these periods, he will, not without surprise, come to the same conclusion.

Mercury retrograde periods in 2017:

  • from December 19, 2016 to January 8, 2017 - first period;
  • from April 10 to May 3, 2017 – second period;
  • from August 13 to September 5, 2017 – third period;
  • from December 3 to December 23, 2017 – the fourth period.

The retrograde motion of Mercury is not favorable for any surgical interventions. Of course, the operation should be postponed if possible. Based on the characteristics of the planet, you should refrain from new business endeavors; you should be extremely careful in preparing documents, especially financial ones. Refrain from purchasing household and other appliances during these periods. It is also not recommended to plan long trips. You should not look for a job or think about a new project, and also do not sign agreements or new contracts. Not worth spending large amounts money or invest in business.

What can you do during Mercury retrograde? This is the time to analyze the work done. If something is not completed, it’s time to “pull up your tails” and finish what is left unfinished. During these periods it is better to relax and unwind.

Venus retrograde 2017

During the retrograde of the planet Venus, you should not plan weddings or the start of a serious relationship.

Venus retrograde period in 2017:

  • from March 4 to April 15, 2017

Venus is characterized by everything related to art and beauty. Therefore, its reverse movement has a bad effect on holding various exhibitions, beauty contests or purchasing expensive jewelry. Also, you should not invest in large purchases, for example, real estate or a car. As for aesthetic beauty, it is better to postpone any cosmetic procedures and plastic surgeries. During this period, young people should not propose marriage to their loved ones; postpone this exciting moment for another period of time. In this case, everything will go well and smoothly.

What can you do during Venus retrograde? If you have a quarrel with someone, then during this period it is good to establish lost connections. Naturally, intentions must be pure and sincere. Ask for forgiveness and have a heart-to-heart talk. Things will also go well with the sale of things and objects that have been lying around for a long time. If you haven’t been able to sell an apartment for a long time, for example, Venus retrograde will help you with this. Knowledgeable people buy antiques at a good price.

It is worth paying close attention to the movement of Venus and Mercury. But there are other planets that can also upset plans, albeit not radically. Let's look at their movement and find out which things it is advisable to postpone.

Retrograde Jupiter 2017

The direct movement of this planet means success in financial terms. Retrograde is characterized exactly the opposite.

Jupiter retrograde period in 2017:

  • from February 6 to June 9, 2017

You should not start a large business during this period of time. Most likely, you won't be able to make big money. However small business will stay afloat. Those people whose activities are related to financing should pay attention to the reverse movement of Jupiter. Be careful, there is a risk of losing a large amount of money.

What can you do during Jupiter retrograde? Self-education and self-development will be very useful and beneficial. Remember kind words and honor your “life” teachers. Spend more time with your family, spend time with your children, play, walk, relax together. It is useful to do morning exercises and Qigong exercises, yoga.

Retrograde Saturn 2017

Planet Saturn is a karmic planet. In a retro position, everything goes by itself. Therefore, astrologers recommend not to waste your strength and energy.

Saturn retrograde period in 2017:

  • from April 6 to August 25, 2017

Anyone involved in advocacy or holding a position in the legal system needs to be on alert. You should also not rely on academic success, engage in philosophical discussions or speak on topics of education, politics and religion. You shouldn’t “stick your head out” or take initiative. Saturn will be in the sign of Sagittarius during this period. Therefore, there is no need to defend or debate anything. Relax and take a break from controversial situations. Let this period of time pass and then you can indulge in any controversy.

What can you do during Saturn retrograde? Take an analysis of your life position, actions and values ​​in life. Donate to charity, feed animals and birds (especially crows). Accumulate wisdom. Let everything take its course and monitor the situation.

Uranus Retrograde 2017

The planet is famous for the destruction of traditions, storms and extraordinary actions.

Uranus retrograde period in 2017:

  • from August 3, 2017 to January 2, 2018

This period will be a real help for those who create something new, create. Innovators will come up with the most unexpected ideas that can be easily implemented. Many managers will also have to be creative and solve problems from a completely different perspective. During this period of time, they will succeed with such ease and agility that even promotion up the career ladder is possible.

What can you do during Uranus retrograde? Creative individuals It is recommended to create and invent during the period of retrograde Uranus.

Neptune retrograde 2017

  • from June 16 to November 22, 2017, Neptune will take over

The retrograde movement of the planet Neptune brings some confusion to beliefs, customs and traditions. This time is intended for those who have not found themselves in the spiritual aspect. A completely unexpected worldview will open up for a person; he will discover a lot of new things in terms of beliefs and religion. If you want what is called “Cognosce te ipsum” (“Know yourself”, Latin), now is the time to do it. The period of Neptune retrograde is a time for spiritual development.

Pluto retrograde 2017

  • April 20 to September 28, 2017

This is the most worrying period. Why? It concerns the political system and changes in it. For people, this means changes on a national scale, which, as history teaches, do not always end well. There's nothing you can do about it, you can only hope it doesn't happen. coup d'etat or something else like that.

Retrograde planets in 2017 do not bring danger or bloodshed, as was the case in 2016, when we saw firsthand the validity of the forecast for the movement of retrograde planets last year. However, you should not ignore the recommendations of astrologers regarding Venus and Mercury. Plan your affairs so that later you don’t have to lose heart over unfulfilled dreams or hopes. Good luck to you and happy 2017!
