The procedure for expelling students for academic failure. Procedure for expulsion from the university

1. You can try to return to the same course and semester from which you were expelled, if local regulations The university allows this. However, at the moment the practice is that universities reinstate students if they turn in their exams, but only on a paid basis. Personal advice from me: let the student sign up with the dean and convince him that no more tails will be allowed on his part, this once helped my friend, he passed the tails and was reinstated to the same course from which he was expelled.
2. You can drop out of your own free will, but it’s unlikely that another university will hire you on a budget right away. In our university, in such cases, students from certain categories were immediately taken on the budget, for example, the disabled group. And the rest were transferred to the budget after the end of 1 school year, according to the results. Simply put, if your child is reinstated at another university and studies for a year with excellent marks, then he will be transferred to the budget. And they can take him to the same course from which he was expelled at another university. It all depends on curriculum educational institution.
3. I recommend taking academic leave only if the child has decided to prepare well for passing the exam at the same university and recover there. But again, he will not retain a budget place, since the reason for expulsion is not valid. Yes and academic leave usually given for good reasons. For example, illness, child care, etc. That is, it needs to be documented.
4.According to
Article 62. Reinstatement in the organization carrying out educational activities
1. A person expelled from an organization carrying out educational activities, on the initiative of the student, before completing the development of the main professional educational program, has the right to reinstatement for study in this organization within five years after expulsion from it if there are free places in it and maintaining the same conditions of study, but not earlier than the end of the academic year (semester) in which the specified person was expelled

That is, you need to wait until the end of the semester.
5. You can transfer immediately if another university agrees to take you.
6. About payment refund applicable
Article 32. The consumer’s right to refuse to fulfill a contract for the performance of work (rendering services)
[Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”] [Chapter III] [Article 32]
The consumer has the right to refuse to fulfill the contract for the performance of work (rendering services) at any time, subject to payment to the contractor for the actual expenses incurred by him related to the fulfillment of obligations under this contract.

They will return, but not everything. If you deposit, for example, 50 thousand a year in advance, they will return 40-43.
7. The procedure for transferring from one university to another is carried out in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated February 24, 1998 No. 501 “On approval of the Procedure for transferring students from one higher educational institution Russian Federation to another."
It is not prohibited to transfer students studying in the target field from one university to another.
You need to look at the terms of the contract for targeted training. It will be necessary to notify the “Customer” (the body that sent the child for education) about the transfer that has taken place. And first of all, find out the availability of budget places, if at the time of transfer the student is studying on a budget basis.
8. Of course, expulsion due to transfer to another university is possible, but in your case it will be more likely expulsion for poor academic performance and reinstatement at another university.
9. If you want to keep the deferment, urgently either reinstate yourself at the same university, but at a lower course, or at another university, but with the completion of your studies. There may be more tails because the curricula are different. Our university accepted students with 10 grades after the winter session, but with the condition of passing by the end of the academic year, that is, by the summer.
10. The following link is written about maintaining the deferment:
From myself: Try to get reinstated at your university. Even if it’s paid training, there’s still a chance you won’t lose your deferment and still get a good education, since it will still be easier for the child to continue his studies at his university. You can transfer to the free one based on the results of the academic year. That's how I learned myself. True, I was not expelled, 1st year budget - not very best results, 2nd course is paid - due to the results of 1st course)))) Well, for 3rd year I returned to the budget)

Academic failure is the failure to complete the curriculum for passing exams and certifications.
In the article about increased scholarships, we already wrote about the deadlines for passing the exam; now we will consider in what cases a student is expelled for debts.

A student is expelled for academic failure in the following cases:

  1. If a student fails exams in three subjects during the session.
  2. Did not pass the subject to the certification commission (second retake).
  3. Did not pass the subjects that make up the difference in the curriculum (when moving from one specialty to another).
  4. I did not have time to hand over the debts on the subjects within the time allotted for retaking.
  5. Failed to pass the intra-semester certification (not valid at all universities).
  6. Failed to cope with the training plan drawn up individually (mainly for masters).
  7. Didn’t complete the internship and didn’t submit the required reports.
However, the dean's office does not always strictly follow these rules, giving some students a chance to extend the session.

Underachievement among state employees and contract employees

Although according to the law everyone is equal, in practice the dean’s office gives a contract student much more time to retake and pay off debts. And a public sector employee can always be offered to switch to a contract or become a sponsor of the department. In some universities, a contract student is expelled for poor academic performance only if he does not appear at the institute for 2-3 years, but regularly pays money for education.

Advice: If there is no chance of passing the session on time, drop out of your own free will. Then you will have the opportunity to recover in a year and continue your studies. The main thing is not to relax during this year. If you are expelled by order, there will be much less opportunity for reinstatement.
Note: Unfortunately, this does not apply to first-year students who did not pass the first session.

Read tips on how to pass the session.

Student years are perhaps the most fun and carefree. They are remembered for life, because it is during this period that a person takes his first independent steps in life. adult life, learns something new, makes new acquaintances. But this is also the most difficult time, because all decisions need to be made independently, problems that arise must be eliminated, and most importantly, you need to be very disciplined.

It is full of temptations that are very difficult not to succumb to, so often for a student everything ends before it even begins, since for misconduct he faces expulsion from the university. As you know, excuses like “I didn’t know”, “I won’t do it again”, etc. will not work. For this reason, every student is simply obliged to understand not only their rights, but also their responsibilities.

Firstly, expulsion from the university is possible at your own request. For example, a student is tired of studying, he realized that he had chosen the completely wrong profession or wants to transfer to another educational institution. If training takes place on a contractual basis, then you can be expelled for any violation of the contract.

Failure to pay tuition can also be a valid reason for a university to remove a student from its ranks. In most cases, universities make concessions to their students by postponing payment deadlines. But only if a sufficiently compelling explanation is provided for the reason why payment cannot be made on time. If all deadlines are ignored, then the educational institution has every right to expel the student.

It also doesn’t hurt to read the university’s charter, since violating its rules may result in expulsion from the university. Many respected institutions, in order to preserve their reputation, expel careless students who behave inappropriately not only within the walls of the educational institution, but also in their free time. Any misconduct is subject to disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion.

Any student can take academic leave. The reason may be pregnancy, illness of parents, the need to earn money to pay for education, etc. So, you need to return from academic leave within the agreed period, since any delays can lead to expulsion. If a student is on a business trip abroad and cannot begin his studies on time, then it is necessary to submit certain documents confirming this fact.

Expulsion from the university is also possible in case of academic debt, if during the session the student did not pass more than three disciplines. One of the most common reasons is the huge number of absences from classes. While enjoying the freedom, a student may not go to class because he overslept, had an unexpected headache, or simply isn’t in the mood. Expulsion from the university is also possible for damage to university property, appearance in educational institution able to participate in gambling, inappropriate behavior in the hostel, etc.

The procedure for expulsion from a university involves issuing an appropriate order based on the student’s personal statement, if he leaves of his own free will, or on the basis of the dean, which indicates the reason. The student draws up and submits it to the dean's office along with his student ID. This ends his studies at this university.


Before the start of the academic year, write a statement to the dean’s office of the university where you studied, stating that you want to continue. If you are expelled of your own free will for a valid reason, your status as a student will be restored from the course and form of study in which you were studying before expulsion. At the same time, you should not have any debts, and the reasons for failure to appear for exams and tests should be documented, for example, sick leave.

If you are expelled for academic failure, serious violation of internal regulations, or at your own request without specifying the reasons, the decision on your reinstatement will be made by the leadership of the university on the basis of the charter of the institute. Ask for a copy of this document and read it carefully. Each educational institution has its own conditions for reinstatement; some reduce the deadline for submitting an application. Write a statement to the dean's office about your desire to continue your studies. Meet in person with the dean of your department to discuss your situation. If there are vacancies and a positive impression from management, restoration is quite possible.

After reviewing the application, you will be asked to pay off your debts and begin studying from the semester from which you were expelled. With this application and bypass sheet, submit all existing debts privately. If this fails, the previous semester will have to be completed again. You may be offered contract training. In some, the recovery procedure itself is paid. Restoration is possible only if there are free places. If the number of people wishing to continue their studies more quantity free places, enrollment can take place on a competitive basis, for which a special commission is created.

If the institute where you were previously enrolled rejected you, ask them for an academic certificate of unfinished higher education vocational education or a state diploma of incomplete higher professional education, as well as a copy of the grade book. Please contact other educational institutions of a similar profile with these documents. Based on the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 21, 2009 No. 442, you can continue studying in them, starting from the course from which you were expelled, or a little earlier if the training programs are different.


You can only recover for the second and subsequent years of study. Those expelled from the first and second semester must enter the institute on a general basis.

Questions about expulsion, reinstatement and student rights are regulated Federal Law“On higher and postgraduate professional education” and the charter of a particular educational institution.

The session is a real stress for students. Constant hassle, and perhaps illness, departures, stubbornness of teachers, and simply a lack of motivation can lead to such an unpleasant thing as expulsion. But even from such a difficult situation there is a way out - recovery.


Contact the faculty dean's office for advice. The thing is that even within the same university, the rules for reinstatement may vary. Therefore, feel free to go to the dean’s office and talk with the secretary, or better yet, directly with the dean. Explain the reason, your desire to return and continue your studies. Please note that an unexcused reason for expulsion will most likely put an end to your reinstatement. But almost any situation can be turned in the right direction, so before communicating with the dean, clearly define what you are going to tell him.

Apply for reinstatement. If the dean has given the go-ahead for your application, do not hesitate to write an application addressed to him. Check with your methodologist or for clear wording. In your application, indicate on what basis you want to continue your studies. Free is possible only if you studied in it before expulsion and if you have free seats.

Confirm your valid reason for expulsion. For example, medical certificates. Prove that the illness, due to which you missed classes and ultimately failed, really happened and really took a lot of your time and effort.

Eliminate all debts. Most likely, after submitting the application, you will need to submit everything that you did not have time to expel before the decision on reinstatement. This will require special, some teachers do not like to take into account free time from debtors. Cover yourself with orders, persist and you will succeed.

Helpful advice

If you were expelled based on the results of the summer session, it is possible to be reinstated into the same group by the fall. To do this, immediately contact the dean’s office, write a statement and liquidate all debts as soon as possible - teachers may go on vacation and then there will simply be no one to take the exam.

Studying at a higher educational institution is not an easy matter. After all, many things can prevent you from not passing the exam session: illness, stress, stubborn teachers, and, ultimately, your own laziness. And then, if you don’t have time to pass everything, the situation threatens with expulsion. The only consoling thing in this situation is that after expulsion from the university you can recover.

You will need

  • 1. Application addressed to the dean.
  • 2. Documents used for initial admission.


When it occurs due to your own or good cause, you have the right to recover to free of charge(if you studied there, of course). True, this is only possible if there are free budget places. To do this, it is necessary to confirm a valid reason with various types of medical certificates.


After expulsion for an unexcused reason, reinstatement in most cases is possible only on a paid basis.

Helpful advice

If you were expelled in the summer, you can try to pay off your debts before the start of the new semester in September and reinstate yourself into your same group.

Even a formerly diligent student may have a situation where he finds himself on the verge of expulsion. This most often occurs due to a failed exam or failure to submit on time. course work. But what to do if the deduction has already occurred?

Expulsion from a university is a fairly common practice of punishing students. The most common reason is poor performance. This threatens both public sector employees and paid students; numerous warnings from the dean’s office in such a situation are not obligatory. In addition, reinstatement at a university after being expelled for poor academic performance is not an easy task, because your reputation and status as a “slob,” “truant,” and “low student” have already been tarnished.

Main reasons for expulsion from university

All of them can be divided into respectful and disrespectful. In the first case it is own wish, transfer to another university, medical reasons. Disrespectful includes:

  • academic failure;
  • systematic absenteeism (they either directly lead to expulsion or lead to academic failure);
  • violation of the rules and regulations of the educational institution.

Expulsion from the university for poor academic performance

The abundance of unclosed “tails” or in the language of the dean’s office “failure to complete the curriculum” is the most common reason for expulsion.

Problems of this kind are possible if:

  • three or more disciplines in one session are not “closed” (they cost two marks or there is no access to the exam);
  • one subject was not passed by the certification commission (including two retakes);
  • the academic difference is not “closed” (when changing specialty);
  • debts were not submitted within the deadlines established by the dean’s office;
  • the internship was not completed (the necessary reports on its completion were not provided).

Usually, debts roll in like a snowball, and at the end of the semester the surprised student learns that he will soon have to join the army or look for a job, because he will no longer be able to study here. The easiest way to prevent such a situation in advance is to approach teachers in problematic subjects, if necessary, with us, in order to gain access to the session.

What to do after expulsion from the university?

If you couldn’t avoid trouble, then you need to understand what to do next. The procedure for expulsion from the university is quite simple: the dean’s office notifies you, explains the reasons, issues an academic certificate, which confirms the fact of completion of training and contains information about all subjects passed with grades.

Reinstatement after expulsion for academic failure is one of the rights of an ex-student. In this case, it will no longer be possible to be on a budget again. Restoration occurs to the same course if all “debts” are closed, or to the previous course with the need to re-take the material already learned.

It is also possible to enroll in another university after expulsion with the need to pass an academic difference - to cover those subjects that were taught in a given educational institution in the previous year, but you did not take them at your previous place of study.

We are also ready to help with recovery, namely closing debts and paying academic differences. With us you can, coursework, etc. In most cases, this is what is required to pay off debts and recover.
