Signs of feelings in an Aquarius man. Aquarius' feelings are the secrets of his soul. How can you tell that an unpredictable Aquarius man is in love?

Aquarius is a zodiac sign belonging to the air element. Therefore, all the character traits of a person born under this sign are changeable, like a spring breeze.
Among men born under this sign, there are isolated, self-centered loners, daring, open-hearted, sociable eccentrics, and modest, shy, taciturn quiet ones.

And when love comes, they all transform so radically that even their relatives do not recognize them. From the moment of falling in love, all the typical behavioral traits of this person begin to appear. air sign, and, before this, very different, Aquarius men become as one and alike.

A hero in love or what women dream about

How does an Aquarius man in love behave? Oh, you could write novels about this. Refined manners, a courteous attitude, sacrifice, the ability to beautifully give compliments, a willingness to do anything for the sake of his beloved - this is how he is characterized.

There is a lot that is unpredictable in a loving representative of this sign; he is individual, endowed with unbridled imagination.

He looks after a girl or woman very beautifully and elegantly. Such a fan can at times be compared to a tank going to ram, which demolishes all obstacles on the way to the cherished goal.

The main signs of an Aquarius man in love:

Guardian angel

He will idolize the object of his adoration and give all sorts of pleasant surprises. If you haven’t worked anywhere before, you will find a way to get the necessary amount of money just to make the world beautiful for you, only for you. In order to shower you with gifts, organize various shows.

And what beautiful words this zodiac representative will tell you what flowers to give! For a lover, the world is limited only to the object of his adoration. Together you will plan your future family, build castles in the air, and fantasize about future children.

A sign of love is the fact that Aquarius will do everything for the girl, sparing neither personal time nor mental and physical strength to please his soulmate. Many people only dream of such relationships.

All your thoughts and desires will be predicted, a representative of this zodiac sign will accompany you anywhere and everywhere. Although an Aquarius man in love is original, his behavior is difficult to understand.

Needing constant renewal of feelings, he does not mind loving you, but flirting with many. After all, for him, flirting is an innocent prank, and it rarely comes to intimacy, because for this representative of the Zodiac it does not come to the fore.

Jealous Othello

The jealousy of an Aquarius in love is terrible. Like any man, he is an owner, and therefore the object of his love is under constant control.

But don’t think that you will be jealous of your mutual friends! Quite the opposite! After all, friendship is in the foreground for them; he really loves various parties, parties and other pastimes in the company of friends.

And he will be jealous of your freedom. You should always be close to him and you should not have any other interests.

If you are also freedom-loving, have diverse interests that prevent you from completely dissolving in your loved one, a storm of anger, resentment and tears is guaranteed. After which the behavior changes dramatically - Aquarius may fall into a kind of trance, withdraw from life, and not appear in public for a long time.

However, he will still love you, although he will suffer internally.

Everything material is alien to him

The main sign of an Aquarius in love is the ability to waste money for his beloved.

For him, money is only a means to conquer the object of his adoration, a momentary need.

If your girlfriend runs out of money in her account mobile phone– they will be replenished instantly.

The representative of the air element does not know how to manage his budget, in ordinary life he never has money. They, like sand, instantly slip through your fingers and never linger.

And these men are afraid of their families like fire. After all, there you need to adhere to certain obligations, have great responsibility, and, unfortunately, they do not have these traits. No one has the right to encroach on their freedom!

In their behavior, such men prefer “open relationships”, when no obligations are stressful. Family and stability are not for them.

Understand cannot be accepted

If a representative of an air sign sees in you, in addition to the object of love, his friend, he will talk about many adventures in which he is the main character. He needs to be given time to speak out - and this fascinating process can last several hours.

Discussions are also his strong point. Argument is important to him, just as it is important to defend his personal point vision. After all, this is a certain element of the game that can be very difficult to understand. You will never get bored with Aquarius, their behavior is different all the time. And it is impossible to predict for sure what will happen to him tomorrow. If today he is soft and friendly with you, then tomorrow he may become eccentric and uncontrollable.

To meet the ideal of an air sign representative and to prolong the period of your love longer, you must have the following qualities:

  • be affectionate, helpful, but not excessively;
  • love, but do not claim his freedom;
  • be yourself, never lie - falsehood in a relationship is unacceptable;
  • always remain a mystery woman, a woman-wind, so that your lover constantly seeks you;
  • give him compliments, praising his virtues, and remain silent about his shortcomings.

The main signs of falling in love

Very often, Aquarius men idealize the object of their adoration, attributing non-existent virtues to their girlfriend. A sign of his love can be reading poetry in your honor, the beautiful and heartfelt words of which make any woman melt before her eyes.

Although in the first stages of falling in love, Aquarians do not always open up like that. An Aquarius man is modest at first, how do you understand that he is in love? “You just need to look into his eyes.”

The lover will not be able to openly look at you; he will always look away in embarrassment, diligently looking for something to latch on to.

And representatives of this sign in love are speechless and increasingly, when talking with their beloved, they resort to gestures in order to fully express their thoughts. And they can’t remove the enthusiastic smile from their face, which immediately exposes them.

Stop drinking, smoking - Aquarius will do anything to win his beloved. And even their characteristic irritability and sudden changes in mood disappear somewhere. And the biggest sacrifice your lover is ready to make for the sake of love is betrayal of his principles, compromise.


Of course, with an Aquarius man in love, life is like a fairy tale. But do not forget that representatives of this sign are not created for a family. Yes, and falling in love will pass someday.

Therefore, only if, in exchange for a fleeting fairy tale, you are ready to make constant sacrifices for the sake of love, wait for your husband for several hours in a row after the next party, count pennies until your salary, or endure regular outbursts of anger, then only then is it worth dating him serious relationship.

Although, occasionally there are exceptions!

Aquarius men are romantic and curious. They do not like to live by the rules established by others; they prefer to find their own path in life and in love. It is difficult to build a relationship with Aquarius - men of this sign do not like constancy and show self-will for any reason. They do not belong to anyone alone, they want to constantly move around in society different people and do everything to ensure that their circle of contacts expands and grows.

So can Aquarius have serious feelings for his companion and how can you understand that Aquarius has fallen in love for a long time and seriously?

How to understand that Aquarius has fallen in love: arouse interest in yourself in Aquarius

For Aquarius, love is an experiment, an exciting experience, a new game, which at first attracts them, but as their feelings intensify, it begins to strain them, since love cannot be measured and justified logically. As soon as Aquarius feels the first symptoms of falling in love, he will immediately try to stop communicating with the object of his suddenly flared passion, and here it is extremely important to strengthen Aquarius’ interest in himself. How to do this?

The usual female tricks in the fight for the heart of Aquarius will not be enough. Neither stylish outfits, nor fashionable makeup, nor provocative behavior will help. In this situation, Aquarius will decide on a short romance, but not on a serious relationship with subsequent marriage. There is only one way to win Aquarius: to constantly excite his curiosity, shock and even shock him. Nothing vulgar: just the images of the beloved Aquarius should always contain some kind of mystery, intrigue, and unusualness.

And only when Aquarius’s interest is undeniable can the arsenal of female coquetry be used. But under no circumstances should you show Aquarius that you cannot live without him and depend on his feelings - limit yourself to hints and sly smiles. In this case, Aquarius himself will want to understand what is hiding behind your smile and will begin to achieve you by all means and tricks.

The best option for winning the heart of an Aquarius man: become his friend. Do not condemn any of his actions and support any of his extravagances. Even if you are tormented by wild jealousy, restrain yourself. Be as independent as possible: defend your point of view, do not hesitate to express your opinions on this or that matter, and show independence more often. Avoid jumping quickly into intimacy. For Aquarius, personality is more important than crazy sex.

How to understand that Aquarius has fallen in love: signs of serious feelings in Aquarius

Girls who ask themselves the question “how to understand that an Aquarius has fallen in love” can only be advised to do one thing: carefully observe the behavior of an Aquarius man. If Aquarius has serious feelings for a woman, he will react sensitively to her every request and even remark.

In case an Aquarius falls in love, a lady is not required to be independent: the man of this sign himself takes all the necessary steps to develop the relationship - he writes, he calls, he invites him for a walk or to a restaurant. An Aquarius who has deep feelings for a woman is jealous to the extreme. Anyone whom Aquarius suspects is his rival will face a real duel for the lady’s heart.

Aquarians are sensitive to the object of their passion and will never offend the woman they love, either by word or deed. On the contrary, they will do their best to protect their beloved from all troubles and misfortunes. Captivated by love, Aquarians are not generous with beautiful words. There is no need to be offended by this on their behalf. Aquarians consider words to be tinsel and prefer to show their love with deeds: giving flowers, making their beloved’s dreams come true, always being there.

In love, Aquarians are shy and avoid frank glances and gentle handshakes. If you notice that your chosen one Aquarius takes his eyes away from you when talking, do not doubt that your Aquarius is head over heels in love with you and will soon make the confession that your heart desires.

Representatives of the zodiac sign Aquarius perceive love as interesting experience or a fun experiment. An Aquarius in love will never look like a happy person, since he is upset and often leads to depression by the fact that his feelings prevent him from thinking logically. That is why it is not surprising that they run away from love and relationships. It will be very difficult to win such a man. It is impossible to conquer him with beauty or relaxedness, ideal behavior or spectacular appearance. The only thing that can be achieved is a light affair that does not turn into anything serious. The man will not interfere with this development of events, although in the future he will quickly lose interest in him.

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The Aquarius man is a kind of guardian of all the existing positive qualities of a man. His distinctive feature can be considered sacrifice, since he has absolutely no sense of pride, he is ready to give everything to others and leave nothing for himself. Kindness is also his positive quality. He is ready to help everyone in any difficult situation life situation. Such men prefer an active lifestyle and love to communicate with people.

Among negative traits you can highlight self-doubt when you get into difficult situation Aquarius cannot make a decision quickly and very often simply gets lost. He has the spirit of a real rebel in his soul. It is difficult to say whether this quality is negative or positive. Aquarius does not display this character trait very often, but under the influence of any idea it can harm both others and himself.

Aquarius is easy to distinguish by his appearance. His appearance is a complete reflection of the range of his interests and hobbies. He prefers sportswear and comfortable jeans over business suits. Even an adult man always remains a mischievous child at heart. Such men are very fond of everything new, especially when it comes to men's perfumes and cosmetics. We can say about such people that they are open and positive.

How to attract the attention of an Aquarius

A woman should not deceive herself with false hopes when communicating with an amiable Aquarius. People born under this zodiac sign try to communicate politely and delicately with everyone, regardless of their gender and social status. Aquarius gets attached very rarely.

From the very beginning of communicating with a girl, an Aquarius guy is looking for a friend in her. Only after long-term communication can such an alliance develop into something more. There are a few simple recommendations to please such a man and attract his attention.

  • On a first date, you can dress something extravagantly, this will interest a man. Then, when he shows interest, you can offer him a small experiment, such as going to an unusual place or doing something incredible. Aquarians are eternal experimenters; they will never refuse new sensations.
  • Before the meeting, you need to find out about his interests, but not so that there is something to talk about, but in order to show Aquarius something new and interesting.
  • Men adore smart and versatile girls, so you can safely show off your knowledge on the first date. The main thing is not to overdo it, because women, whose intelligence is much higher than that of a man, can scare not only Aquarius.
  • Constantly admire and praise his ideas. Young people are susceptible to flattery.
  • To win an Aquarius, you need to be mysterious and unpredictable. A man cannot resist such a woman.
  • Aquarius likes active ladies, so it is the woman who should start the conversation.

Correspondence relationships

It is very easy to attract a guy by correspondence. It is enough to follow a few rules:

  1. 1. Be open and social. Aquarius is a godsend for a spy. He will not leave his partner alone until he tells about all the news he has learned. Therefore, when corresponding with Aquarius, you need to constantly find new topics for communication.
  2. 2. Never lie to him. They feel the falsity in the conversation immediately. They never return to the person who once deceived them.
  3. 3. Use humor. Representatives of this zodiac sign simply adore everything that makes them laugh. Make more jokes with him and at him. Aquarians have a positive attitude towards such humor.
  4. 4. Don't be intrusive. This is what men value. Aquarians are true connoisseurs of freedom, so at the slightest attempt to limit it in some way or encroach on his personal space, he will close himself off, and then it will become very difficult to establish contact with him again.

How to make a man fall in love with you

Making an Aquarius fall in love with you is not an easy task.

  • Take the initiative. Communicate as much as possible with your lover on diverse topics, show yourself with best side. Do not turn the conversation into a continuous monologue; you need to ask a man questions, be interested in his opinion and view on various topics. One must sincerely admire his intelligence and knowledge.
  • Don't put him in a box. Aquarians are true connoisseurs of freedom. If a woman begins to limit his actions, he will quickly say goodbye to her.
  • Respect his values ​​and ideals.
  • There is no need to start a conversation with Aquarius on boring topics related to everyday problems, they cannot stand it.
  • Those born under this sign love surprises, especially if they are unusual and original.
  • A woman's appearance should not be boring. Try to choose everything bright and positive.
  • They cannot stand monotony both in their lives and in love relationships. To prevent your man from getting bored, flirt with him more often.

How to seduce a guy

Aquarius cannot be won over traditional methods because he always tries to avoid emotions and hide his feelings.

A woman who has set herself the goal of seducing a given representative of the zodiac sign must remember that:

  1. 1. She will not be able to attract a man only with her appearance and relaxedness. In addition to beauty, you need to have something else in stock, although they prefer relationships without obligations.
  2. 2. Aquarians are very curious, so in order to seduce him, you need to arouse his interest. He must unravel the motives of the girl’s behavior and try to understand them.
  3. 3. You should never reveal your feelings to Aquarius first, this will cool his interest, and therefore the relationship altogether. He should not understand how his chosen one treats him, this will cause him a feeling of jealousy.
  4. 4. The girl should be incomprehensible and inaccessible.
  5. 5. It is necessary to adhere to the image of a free and independent woman. Carefully and gradually, you can start talking about marriage. You can tell him that after the wedding he will have great privileges.
  6. 6. To tie a man to you, you need to listen to him carefully and try to develop his thoughts. This way he will begin to tell a lot more, and therefore get used to it.

If he's interested

The man of this sign is very mysterious, so at first glance you cannot tell whether he is in love or not. One of the first signs that indicates that he likes a woman is that he did not leave her. Aquarius is a creative person, he quickly gets carried away by a new object and just as quickly moves away from it.

It is very easy to understand that Aquarius has fallen out of love; he simply does not write or call his ex-darling, does not respond to her messages and other ways of communicating with him.

What gives an Aquarius in love is the following:

  1. 1. He tries to look away. An Aquarius man in love can be read like an open book, because all his feelings are written on his face.
  2. 2. Having a slight smile on your face. A man who is in love with a girl will always smile next to her.
  3. 3. He tries to be punctual. This means a lot to Aquarius.

It is easy to understand that a man is in love. It is enough to follow his speech. If “we” appears instead of “I” in a conversation, then in this case we can say with confidence that he experiences sincere feelings.

Aquarius in love

Aquarius cannot be called an owner. Already in the early stages of the relationship, he advocates equal rights in everything and behaves with a woman as with a friend. A relationship with him will never be passionate and bright, but it will allow you to find a true friend who truly values ​​his beloved both as a woman and as a person.

When a man understands that his beloved is not dragging him down the aisle, but is waiting meekly, he relaxes and turns into a truly sensitive and faithful partner. It is worth noting that there are not many women who are able to wait until a man matures. The representative of this sign is constantly in some kind of reflection and mental torment. That is why it will be difficult for a lady to endure his constantly changing mood, when a merciful look is replaced by a fit of anger. Because of such a wayward character, very often Aquarius is left alone.

Happiness in family life promises Aquarius an alliance with Aries, Gemini, Sagittarius and Libra.

And a little about secrets...

I looked at my husband in fascination, and he did not take his admiring eyes off his mistress. He acted like a lovesick idiot...

Aquarius men are romantic and curious. They do not like to live by the rules established by others; they prefer to find their own path in life and in love. It is difficult to build a relationship with Aquarius - men of this sign do not like constancy and show self-will for any reason. They do not belong to anyone, they want to constantly hang around in the company of different people and do everything to ensure that their circle of friends expands and grows.
For Aquarius, love is an experiment, an exciting experience, a new game that initially attracts them, but as their feelings intensify, it begins to strain them, since love cannot be measured and justified logically. As soon as Aquarius feels the first symptoms of falling in love, he will immediately try to stop communicating with the object of his suddenly flared passion, and here it is extremely important to strengthen Aquarius’ interest in himself.
For girls asking themselves the question “ how to understand that Aquarius has fallen in love“We can only advise one thing: carefully observe the behavior of the Aquarius man. If Aquarius has serious feelings for a woman, he will react sensitively to her every request and even remark.

  1. Aquarius lovers are generous with surprises. And anything can be a surprise: a bouquet of flowers, a romantic dinner, a gift of jewelry, an invitation to a concert. The Aquarius man will achieve his chosen one by all means and using all his will and strength for this. Get ready to be seduced and enchanted, seduced and persuaded every day.
  2. Independence in case of Aquarius falling in love is not required from the lady: the man of this sign himself takes all the necessary steps to develop relationships— he writes, he calls, he invites him for a walk or to a restaurant.
  3. Aquarius who has deep feelings for a woman - jealous to the extreme. Anyone whom Aquarius suspects is his rival will face a real duel for the lady’s heart.
  4. Aquarians are sensitive to the object of their passion and will never offend the woman they love, either by word or deed. On the contrary, they will do their best to protect their beloved from all troubles and misfortunes. Captivated by love, Aquarians are not generous with beautiful words. There is no need to be offended by this on their behalf. Aquarians consider words to be tinsel and prefer to show their love with deeds: giving flowers, making their beloved’s dreams come true, always being there.
  5. In love, Aquarians are shy and avoid frank looks., gentle handshakes. If you notice that your chosen one, Aquarius, takes his eyes away from you when talking, don’t hesitate, your Aquarius is head over heels in love with you and will soon make the confession that your heart desires.

Such people value independence and freedom above all else, for this reason they do not allow anyone to control them. They will not tolerate their rights being infringed upon. But at the same time, they never cheat; their conscience is quite developed. It is important for them to pay more attention to their beloved and learn to show own feelings. Since most Aquarians hide their true feelings, they need to be more liberated in love, and not be closed and live in their own little world that they have built with my own hands. Aquarius is wonderful in love.

Love relationship

Such people are never owners. They prefer free relationships, but without betrayal. They will never limit the rights of their chosen one, keeping her only for their own pleasure and comfort, as some wicked men do. Aquarius needs to fall in love with someone in order to feel desired and attractive. Without his soulmate, he will feel lost and may believe that all the work he does is of no use to anyone. With his chosen one, his life takes on new colors; he prefers to literally carry her in his arms if he is truly in love.

He needs a young lady who has charm, openness, grace, and good manners.

If you need more information about Aquarius in love, we advise you to pay attention to this video. You will not regret it!

Love or friendship?

Peculiarities of Aquarius feelings

Everything with him will resemble a sip clean air, because he is spontaneous, like a child, knows how to enjoy every day and does not give up, does not give up, even when some difficulties arise in his life. It's always fun and joyful at heart with him. He won't make you bored because he knows a lot funny stories and stories. And many women appreciate this in him. There are always a lot of fans around him who admire his persistent character and hard work.

If he finds such a young lady, he will be the most happy man on the planet. Now he won’t have to spend his weekends after work alone. He will need a lot of strength and endurance to develop inappropriate connections that may connect him with a girl. He does not waste time and only meets with those who are able to awaken the most sincere emotions in him. He should devote more time to his beloved, since he usually works enough and does not allow himself to relax too much.

What does he value in her?

He values ​​more a developed spiritual personality in his beloved; as his chosen one, he will choose a creative person who can refresh his life, make it more colorful, interesting, memorable, joyful, and carefree. But at the same time, he is able to provide for his beloved so that she feels like a real queen. He should pay more attention to his connections so that they do not go out prematurely. Basically, Aquarians do not cheat and only have one relationship at a time.

His beloved must certainly look attractive; he loves slender girls with long hair who take care of their appearance and love beautiful clothes. But at the same time, she should be independent, and not helpless, unable to even solve problems. However, he will certainly help in the affairs of his beloved, as he considers this his immediate responsibility. For this reason, to attract him, you can use one secret: just ask him to help you at the dacha, at home, so that he feels his importance, and only after that begin offensive actions to win his heart.

In love he has the following qualities:

  • sincerity;
  • friendliness;
  • caring.

He prefers passionate people, as he himself is quite cold in bed. He should be stirred up so that he wants more. He always advocates equal relationships and will never infringe on his beloved. However, at the same time, he does not tolerate being considered a real henpecked person. He loves equality in relationships, but this does not mean that he will force you to lift heavy things, he will help you as needed, protecting you from everything bad that can happen in life. At the same time, he will consider her a real muse if she can make him fall in love with her.

But it’s worth adding that he needs to learn to show his emotions, otherwise the chosen one may decide that he is an insensitive cracker who is incapable of any emotions. You need to learn how to give gifts, make surprises, somehow surprise her, take care of her. Although he prefers to express his emotions and experiences through actions, rather than through banal courtship. He believes that this will be more beneficial, will make her happy and joyful, if it saves her from at least some of the problems. Now you know how Aquarius loves.
