Adventure board game for the whole family Treasure Island. The complete rules of the jackal game

Opens incredible world dangers and adventures. What else does a real pirate want? An exciting plot, acquaintance with the island, the search for the treasure. Forward! What are you waiting for?

Benefits of the edition

This is a fast-paced, addictive board game of our time. It is impossible to get bored with her, since the mind is constantly in search of the right move.

"Jackal" is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. The randomly distributed chips make the game unpredictable, as a result, each game is new story capture and search for treasures.

You can fight enemies at the same time with 4 players aged 8 years and older.


Pass all the tests, find gold and transfer it to your ship. The battle time ranges from one hour to two.

So, brigs of filibusters and conquistadors are waiting for you, an island with unexpectedly opening obstacles and tips, aborigines - Friday, a missionary and Ben Gunn, ready to take your side, bottles with messages and coins, of course, gold coins!


  • Assemble the frame into an 11x11 square.
  • Mix the pieces of the field thoroughly and place them face down inside the square - the territory of the island is set.
  • Anchor ships with 3 pirates of the same color on each of the 4 shores. The teams are ready, let's start!

When 2 players play, they have 2 boats moored on opposite sides under their care. For the game, three of us take three ships, four of us - each plays for himself, or 2 on 2.

What can happen in water and on land

  • Land a pirate ashore- he steps onto the cage in front of the ship.

  • Send him to explore the island... The hero can move 1 cell vertically, horizontally or diagonally. If the chip is face down, then the player needs to turn it over and complete the task provided in the drawing. You can also step into already open areas.

  • Return a crew member to the ship... You can climb aboard from the cage in front of the ship, or diagonally, with the help of arrows, a knight's move, etc. Without fear for his life, a pirate can board his own or a friendly ship. On the enemy's brig, death will inevitably await him.

  • Let the robber swim along the shore... So he can go around the entire island, moving 1 cell for each step. However, upon meeting with an enemy ship, the character will die. It is forbidden for him to swim out on land and jump from the beach into the sea.

  • Drive your ship along the shore if there is at least one crew member left on it. Its path is 1 cell, the ship cannot turn a corner.

You cannot skip moves. But you can choose one of your pirates, an inhabitant of the island (if he is on your side), or make a maneuver on the ship.

How to mine gold

According to legend, 17 ancient treasures are hidden on the island. When you find a cell with a treasure chest, put the amount indicated on it. Gold will be considered yours only when it is in the holds of your ship.

When dragging the profit, you need to remember important rules:

How to start a fight

And there are some subtleties here. To start active actions, you need to enter the cell where there is a rival pirate. Then all the beaten enemies are transferred to their fragile little boat, but their profit remains in place and can go to others.

You can only swing your fists if your hands are empty. However, if the enemy managed to dig in the fortress, you will no longer be able to touch him.

If an enemy meets on a spinning cage, you can hit him only one step behind.

Do you remember? Then show your dexterity and ingenuity in a fist fight!

Death to the pirate!

Your character is out of the game if he:

Collided (ended up on 1 cell) with an enemy ship;

Was beaten by the enemy at sea;

Arr! More sea, more treasure and more glory!

Hello cabin boy! We've just had an excellent box of the Jackal delivered from the farthest colonies, where even the bravest captains of the East Indies cannot go. trading company... This is a rare gift set of the game, in which you can find both the main edition and the expansion. And yet there is a special playing field.

The main thing about the game

This "Jackal" is the same wonderful strategy originally from the Moscow State University of the 70s, which became a bestseller in our country and the best strategy of 2012. You command brave pirates who disembark on the island in search of treasures. The task is to find gold and drag it to your ship. The island consists of cells, on each of which something is happening: you can find a fort, a cannon, meet a crocodile, find a bottle with a message, or dig up one of the treasures of Captain Jackal.

This is how the map of the island looks like:

Cells gradually open:

Treasure Island Edition Composition

"Jackal. Treasure Island ”is a basic version plus an add-on in one box. Empty cells with a meadow have been removed from the basic version - they are replaced by cells with new adventures. The rules are general too, plus they have detailed answers to frequently asked questions and a vocabulary of salty sea curses. The box also contains a special frame for the island that can be folded according to the principle of a puzzle - it helps your map to look neat on a large table.

Who is this game for

  • For family play.
  • As a gift to a smart friend.
  • Lover of treasures and pirate romance.
  • To the office.
  • Someone who loves good strategies.
  • Home to play with friends.
  • And just to everyone who loves wonderful publications.

In the set

  • 117 square cells of the playing field with a pattern on one side (adventure for a pirate) and the same shirt. These cells make up an 11x11 island with no corners.
  • Ships - 4 more cells of ships sailing to the island. You have to carry treasures on them.
  • 8-piece frame for the playing field.
  • Pirates - 3 filibusters each in yellow, red, black and white flowers.
  • Locals - 3 characters living on the island.
  • 37 coins - they were buried by the old Jackal.
  • 10 bottles with messages
  • The treasure from the Spanish galleon is a special feature.
  • The rules are a security with everything, everything, everything a real pirate should know.


A plot on television about the game Jackal.


“I gave the game as a gift to my husband. I really liked that the purchased version had 3 additional characters and even more interesting island cards. a company of 4 people played a game for 2 hours and got a lot of positive emotions. the appearance of borders in the form coastline very comfortably. an interesting strategy and a win-win pastime with friends! "

First came out in 2009 year.


2012 People's choice — « Best strategy of the year"




Psychologist's conclusion

Extract from the results of using the "Broken Phone" and "Jackal" board games in the development of the communicative qualities of children of middle and senior school age

Intermediate research period: September - December 2014 ( I and II quarters of the 2014-2015 academic year).

Age group and number of students who took part in the work: 7 classes (13 years old) - 20 people; Grades 9 (15 years old) - 20 people; parents of students - 21 people. In total: students in grades 7-9 (13, 15 years old) - 40 people, parents - 21 people.

The work was attended by adolescents who are on the preventive account, students with behavioral disorders, manifested in the form of negativism, very high anxiety. The guys were invited (in subgroups of 8 people) once a week for 8 weeks to play lessons. Classes with ninth graders were conducted using both games "Broken Phone" and "Jackal". In classes with seventh graders, only the game "Broken Phone" was used. At the beginning and end of classes with adolescents, diagnostics of the development of empathy, self-motivation, interaction skills, the level of self-esteem, and the level of anxiety were carried out.

Based on the results of the work carried out with students, one can state an increase in self-esteem in 90% of the participants in the classes. 85% of students have increased the level of empathy, such an important component for productive work how self-motivation increased in 75% of students who attended classes. Have absolute majority(100%) decreased level of anxiety and improved communication skills.

The game "Broken Phone" was used in the classroom with parents. In total, 5 lessons were conducted with the use of the game. Parents noted that after periodic playing lessons, they had positive changes in their relationships with children (some of them also with their spouses or colleagues), they began to listen more to the interlocutor. There was an understanding of the need to increase the free time devoted to children, including playing with them. Some of the parents noted an increase in self-esteem, self-confidence, a desire to communicate with others in a relaxed atmosphere while playing a board game.

Many children and parents have discovered the new kind leisure - board games.

After new year holidays children shared that they received board games as a gift ("Tick-tock - boom", "Activity", "Alias", "Guess who?", etc.)

Output:Playing board games "Jackal", "Damaged Phone" teenagers became more sociable, more tolerant of each other, learned to negotiate and avoid acute situations, to resolve conflict moments constructively. They have increased: the ability to feel the emotions of another, to put oneself in the place of another person, the ability to empathize, sympathy. Schoolchildren have learned to do without external stimuli and control for a long time, including in difficult and responsible situations. Began to better navigate in a situation of lack of time. I gained confidence in myself, in my own strength. Games stimulated, in addition to personal changes, also changes in thought processes. The concentration of attention increased, the speed of thinking increased, the skills of logical and strategic thinking were developed.

The use of the game "Broken Phone" in lessons with parents stimulated parents to improve parent-child relations, to form a feeling of closeness between parents and children, the ability to empathize, understand the feelings of another, and trust each other.

Study date: October 2014 - March 2015

Research methods:

  • Test for the diagnosis of independent thinking
  • Amthauer's intelligence structure test
  • Toulouse-Pieron test for diagnosing attention and information processing speed
  • Guildford's Assignments for Assessing Imagination
  • Guildford's Problems for Assessing Divergent Thinking
  • Test for the study of intellectual lability

The study involved: pupils of grades 7-11 (124 people), aged 13 to 19 years
Purpose of the study: Study of the influence of board games on the mental-cognitive processes of adolescents


As part of the work of the experimental research platform, the work of the circle was organized after school hours for students of the middle and senior level of school education. At the circle, the students were offered to play various board games, and after 6 months of the circle's work, the influence of board games on various mental and cognitive abilities was studied.

Before the start of the game process, in the first lessons, diagnostics were carried out to study visual intelligence, independent thinking, divergent thinking, creative imagination, intellectual lability, information processing speed and attentiveness.

  • Jackal
  • Nefarius
  • Resistance
  • Abracadabra
  • Comparity Cinema
  • You bet.

Analyzing the dynamics of various indicators of intellectual abilities, we note the following features.

Visual structural intelligence

Before the experiment, the majority of students, 31.2%, had an average level of severity. This level is characterized by the fact that the student can understand the meaning of a schematic drawing that explains the condition of the problem or the presentation of textual material, but finds it difficult to translate verbal information into visual-graphic information. After the experiment, this indicator has changed. Most of the students, 28.3%, have a good level of expression. This level is characterized by the fact that the child can easily, independently, use graphic material, resort to using pictures for a more complete assimilation and understanding of information. The change in this indicator was facilitated by the game Comparity Cinema.

Structural dynamic visual thinking

Before the experiment, most of the students showed either a good or a weak level of severity (48.8% and 43.8%, respectively). A weak level is characterized by the fact that the child does not know how to “read” tables, does not understand the meaning of the information presented in the table. If the table is contained in the text, then the child is limited to reading the phrases that explain it. Thinking in general can remain static, descriptive. After the experiment, the distribution for this indicator changed significantly: less than 30% of students have a weak level of severity, and most of the students have a good level - 55.6%. The change in this indicator was facilitated by the game Comparity Cinema.

Combinatorial visual thinking

Before the experiment, 15.1% of pupils had a weak level of severity, and after the experiment, this indicator decreased almost 2 times, and amounted to 8.1% of pupils. It is also worth noting that the indicator of a good level of expression according to this criterion increased from 47.5% to 52.4% of students.

Abstract thinking

As a result of primary diagnostics, most of the students - 54.1% - have a weak level of expressiveness of abstract thinking; after the study, the result has significantly improved. A weak level of severity is noted in 35% of students, and in the majority of students - 58.9%, an average level of severity is noted. A weak level of expression indicates that the child operates only with specific (qualitative representations) images, objects or their properties and is not yet able to isolate and operate with their relationships. Enhancement general level severity among pupils from low to medium severity was facilitated by games Comparity Cinema and Bet.

Figurative synthesis

As a result of primary diagnostics, most of the students - 52.4% - have a weak level of expressiveness of figurative synthesis, and after the study, the result has significantly improved. A weak level of severity is noted in 40.4% of students, and in most of the students - 55.6%, an average level of severity is noted. Figurative synthesis is the ability to form integral representations on the basis of consistently incoming, unsystematized, scattered or fragmentary information. Integrity arises on the basis of figurative synthesis, not logical structuring. It is the general idea that is formed that figuratively unites all the necessary information and therefore needs further logical analysis of its understanding. Figurative synthesis is one of the main operations of systems thinking, which is necessary in empirical research (to comprehend various and disparate information), when working in new directions and at the intersection of sciences. It is also one of the main components of practical intelligence that allows you to quickly understand the situation as a whole and choose the optimal direction for further action. An increase in the general level of expression among students from mild to moderate levels of expression was facilitated by games. Bet and Resistance... Also, in addition to the above games, the development of this ability can be facilitated by the game Evolution .

Spatial thinking

As a result of incoming diagnostics, most of the students - 52.3% - have an average level of expressiveness of spatial thinking, 27.7% have a good level and 4.9% high level severity. After the experiment, the distribution was as follows: average level - 46.8%, good level - 40.3%, high level - 9.7%. Spatial thinking - the ability to isolate the spatial structure of objects and operate not with images of objects and their "external" properties, but with internal structural elements. Jackal... Also, the development of this indicator can be facilitated by such games as Unicub, Bricks, Cubes for all, proposed by B.N. Nikitin, as well as more complex construction games and computer games like Tetris.

Independent thinking

Indicators according to this criterion during the experiment did not change significantly, the distribution of the severity level before the experiment: 47.6% of the larger pupils had a weak level, 29.9% had an average, 23.5% had a good level of severity. Distribution according to the level of severity according to the results of the final diagnosis: in most of the students - 48.4% - weak, in 31.2% - average, in 20.4% - a good level of severity.

A weak level of independent thinking is characterized by the fact that the child can act only when, immediately before work, he receives detailed instructions exactly how to act. If the student was told what to do, but not explained how to do it, then he will not be able to do the work. The student may have no difficulty. If the task literally repeats the algorithm of some activity that he performed recently. If some changes are made to the way of working, then the child may no longer cope. If a child encounters any difficulties, then usually he does not try to figure it out on his own, but seeks help from peers or a teacher.

Divergent thinking

According to the results of the experiment, there is no strong dynamics of change in the percentage distribution of responses by severity levels. According to the results of incoming diagnostics, the distribution of answers by severity levels is as follows: weak level - 50%, average level - 37.9%, good level - 7.3%, high level - 4.8% of students. According to the results of the final diagnostics, the distribution according to the severity levels is as follows: a weak level - 57.2%, an average level - 24.2%, a good level - 9.7%, a high level - 8.9% of students. Divergent (creative) thinking is characterized by the breadth of mental search, the ability to use distant analogies and associations, to find non-standard, original solutions, overcoming the usual patterns and established opinion. Often, this property is defined as flexibility of thinking, the ability to apply a variety of approaches and strategies when solving problems, the willingness and ability to consider available information from different points vision.

A weak level of severity indicates that thinking is convergent, linear (opposite to divergent). The child cannot get out of the habitual patterns of thinking, look at the situation in a new way. "He is convinced" that each task has only one correct solution... Always aimed at finding this correct result, does not know how to try and vary different options decisions, algorithms of activity. Play can help develop divergent thinking Abracadabra, Nefarius, Imaginarium.

Information processing speed

It is worth noting significant positive changes in this quality, which were identified during the experiment. According to the results of incoming diagnostics, 41.1% of pupils had a weak level of severity. After the experiment, a weak level of severity remained in 35.5% of students, and a good level of severity was noted in most of the students - 42.7%. The development of the skill of the speed of information processing was facilitated by games Bet and Resistance.


As a result of incoming diagnostics, most of the students - 37.1% - have an average level of attentiveness, 25% have a good level, 4.1% have a high level, and a third of the students have an extremely low level of attentiveness (25.7 % - weak level and 8.1% - pathology level). After the experiment, the level of attentiveness increased significantly, a weak level was noted only in 9.7% of students (the level of pathology was not detected), an average level was 33.1%, a good level was 33.8%, a high level was observed in 23.4% of students. The development of mindfulness was facilitated by games Bet, Resistance, Jackal.


For 6 months of operation of the experimental research site Game house, over 120 teenage students aged 13-19 took part in it. It is worth noting the general positive influence the experimental site both on the social and psychological well-being of students: communication with peers in an informal setting, the employment of students outside school hours, finding new acquaintances in the circle of peers, relieving psychological stress, emotional relief, a surge of negative stress in a socially acceptable form, and the positive impact of tabletop games on various mental and cognitive processes, as evidenced by the results described above.

House rules

Sent by Sun:

The game takes place on a field of arbitrary shape. Lay out the island in the form of real peninsulas and islands, or just fantasize. It turns out especially great if you divide the map into two separate islands with a gap of one cell. The passage from island to island is carried out with the help of a ship.

These rules work best on a "huge" field. Those. the field that appears when two boxes of the game are combined. Also, pirates from one box can be repainted and played with more than 4 players, the rules practically do not interfere with this.

Treasure Island is a magnificent card game based on the eponymous Soviet cartoon of 1988. The cartoon is well known to both children and adults (including abroad), pleases with wonderful humor and art, excellent acting, and also, quite unusually, is remembered for its original musical performances. The cartoon itself is based on Stevenson's novel about the search for Captain Flint's treasure. This is exactly what you have to do in the game itself!

The game will take you into the world of adventure, pirates and treasures, and will also experience all the qualities that are so necessary for a real adventurer - luck, courage, intuition and ingenuity. At the same time, more advanced players will be able to use special character cards that make the game even more interesting. You will be able to incarnate in one of seventeen cartoon characters, each of which has a unique ability that affects the course of the game.

Game process

As mentioned above, the game is a card game and consists of a deck of ten trophies. different types... The gameplay itself is not complicated at all and consists of only a few phases:

  • Play a card - at the beginning of your turn, you draw the top card from the deck and place it face up already in play area thus enacting it;
  • Playing card properties - most of the cards have various properties that are activated when they enter the playing area;
  • After playing the first card, you have a choice - either you draw another card, or you end your turn with robbery, taking all the cards you have played to your cache and thus earning the coveted treasures!
  • When choosing to play another card, you should remember that if the trophy is on new map coincides with any trophy from the previous cards, that is, forms a pair, then all the cards played will go to the discard, and you, thus, will miss out on treasures!

There are ten treasures different types and have unique properties:

  • Anchor - when the raid fails, all cards laid out before the "anchor" are moved to your cache. A kind of pirate "insurance";
  • Steering wheel - you must select the top card of any trophy pile in your cache and put it in the playing area with the obligatory use of its properties;
  • Pistol - you must put the top card of any trophy pile from one of the other people's caches into the discard pile;
  • Key and Chest - By taking both of these cards into your stash in one turn, you can get as many cards from the discard pile as you collected during this raid! Pirates demand more treasure!
  • Candle - you must shuffle the discard pile and reveal three cards from it, and then put one of them into the playing area;
  • Compass - allows you to check the next card of the deck and choose whether you will play it or end the raid with a robbery ahead of schedule;
  • Knife - works almost like a Pistol, but here you have to put a card from the trophies of another player, which you yourself do not have, into the playing area;
  • Parrot - does not have special properties, but it is valued higher than other trophies!
  • Bottle of Rum - Imposes a restriction, you can only end the raid with a robbery after you play two more cards!

Well, it's worth mentioning again that the game contains character cards that give the player a permanent ability, usually tied to one of the types of trophies. For example, Squire Trelawney, when playing a Pistol, allows you to discard the entire stack of identical trophies, not just the top card. You can choose to play with or without characters.

Who has won?

When the player who took last card from the deck, ends its turn with a failure or robbery, the game ends. Players calculate the total value of the top, that is, the most valuable cards in each pile of trophies in their cache. The winner, respectively, is the player who has the highest amount of all trophies.

Game features

Here is a simple, but very interesting and gambling card game based on your favorite cartoon. Familiar characters and beautiful design, interesting gameplay and pirate theme will not let you get bored. The game offers additional rules for playing with characters as well as rules for playing big company people for whom you need two copies of the game.

Treasures buried by pirates on uninhabited islands and encrypted maps with the location of treasures have been exciting the minds of adventurers and ... writers for several centuries. In 1883, the Scotsman Robert Louis Stevenson wrote the novel Treasure Island, which became a world bestseller. Until now, millions are read to them, and the events described on the pages inspire directors to create films. Of course, board games also did not stand aside ... Today, on the Pink Sofa - an insidious cartoon board game "Treasure Island".

Before lifting the lid, I would like to return to the distant 1988, when cartoon characters first appeared on the convex flickering TV screens, whose fame would be the envy of many modern movie stars. David Cherkassky, famous for the tape "The Adventures of Captain Vrungel", created a masterpiece that was spoken about literally the next day after the show in the most remote corners of the USSR.

The statements of the enchantingly positive characters were quoted, imitated, admired, and those who missed the show in despair revised the program schedule in anticipation of re-showing. True, the cinematic inserts, due to the timing of the state order, caused a controversial reaction in many.

By the way, you know that in 1992, a version without film inserts called "The Return to Treasure Island" was released in the USA, which then the craftsmen immediately "crossed" with the domestic soundtrack ...

Inside the compact box you will find a stack of cards and a colorful booklet of simple rules. It is noteworthy that there is enough free space for protective protectors that will save your game for a long time.

Finding treasures is troublesome, so every adventurer will receive a double-sided card with clues on the properties of the items they found. A useful reminder, especially during the first games.

Famous cartoon characters will take part in the expedition, each of whom, as you remember from the tape, has his own character, his own catchphrases and his own individual capabilities, indicated in the text block. This set is recommended for experienced treasure hunters, and for beginners it is better to put these cards aside until better times ...

On the way to Captain Flint's treasure, players will come across a variety of outlandish items with a variety of properties (see memo).

The numerical value in the corner is the number of voiced doubloons that the owner of the found card will earn. But not everything is so simple, and in just a couple of minutes you will find out "why" ...

All the heroes of this drama ...

The first step is to decide whether you will use character cards that give players special abilities, or play the game in a "simplified" mode. Do you feel like a seasoned sea wolf ?! In this case, get two random heroes, choose one for yourself, and send the second to the box. And do not forget about the reminders, you never know what will happen ...

Further, we separate from the deck, according to the rules, one item of minimum value, mix both sets separately and put them in the center of the table with pictures down. The larger stack will become common, and the smaller stack will initiate a reset. The cunning adventurer makes the first move.

He alternately removes any number of cards from the general pile and lays them out in a row, pictures up. It is allowed to stop at any time, but before that the player must apply the property of the opened object (if any). For example, a bottle of rum prescribes to remove two more cards and activate their properties.

If the revealed items are not duplicated, and you decided to take your loot, then take the cards and place them openly in front of you, sorting them by "ladder" by type from high to minimum. After that, the right to tempt fate passes to the opponent sitting on the left hand.

« Greed is worse than cholera ...»Is there a repetition? In this case, send all exposed items to the discard - in the current round you have not earned anything at all ...

The chest and the key make up a pair, allowing you to profit pretty much under the envious gaze of opponents. Such a tandem will not fall out often, but emotions will be "over the edge" when it appears.

A candle, for example, makes it possible to take three items from the discard, and then place one of them in the center of the table, continuing the chain. This is what the starting stack is for - everyone is in the same conditions, even a beginner ...

As soon as the total pile is empty, it is time to count the wealth. And then, to the surprise of beginners, it turns out that ... only the top items in each typical "ladder" are taken into account. And this means that you collect at least three candles, only one with the maximum value will be counted. The winner leads the rivals to the nearest tavern and treats them to an octopus dinner there.

"And now, when you are two steps away ..."

Fans of "board games" have long guessed that before us is a version designed in the style of one of the best Russian animated films, which makes "Treasure Island" ideal entertainment for all ages. If they ask me which of the two versions I would choose, then without hesitation I will answer - cartoon, since it is insanely positive and causes only positive emotions when viewing illustrations. The "progenitor" was somewhat gloomy ...

Otherwise, there are no differences from Dead Man's Draw, therefore, Treasure Island is inherent in both positive features(simplicity of rules, fast and emotional games, versatility and accessibility) and negative (unpredictability, sheer chaos and orgy of Her Majesty Fortune).

By the way, I still have it installed on the tablet, but the card version was given to friends. I note that this is not expected with Treasure Island - I will leave it as a guest entertainment, pictures of familiar characters invariably make friends smile and, as a result, a desire to get to know the game better ...

For all ages who are sympathetic to the whims of Fortune.

Jackal: Treasure Island is a new edition of the basic board game"Jackal" in one box with an addition. This set will reveal the game world of the most action-packed pirate game with maximum completeness.

The rules and principles of the game have been preserved. The plot of the game is that you and other pirates land on an uninhabited island in search of gold. You need to walk around the map, open terrain tiles and perform the actions indicated on them. The goal is to find gold coins and take them to the ship or take coins from opponents.

On the ground you will meet:

Tiles that impede movement: swamps, deserts and mountains. Several moves are required to overcome them;

Tiles that accelerate the movement. These are tiles with glaciers balloons and even by plane, which allow you to jump over several cells at once;

Direction tiles. Once on one of these tiles, your pirate will be forced to move only in the specified direction;

Tile with a bottle of rum will make the pirate skip the turn;

In the man-eater's lair, the pirate dies. He can be resurrected in a fortress with an Aboriginal woman.

To take gold from an opponent's pirate, you just need to move your pirate to the corresponding cell. The robbed pirate returns to his ship.

The add-on brings new terrain tiles, items and characters to the game. All this will diversify the basic course of the game.

27 new terrain tiles. Now the map has become larger and new properties have appeared. For example, a network of caves that can be used to quickly move around the island. Pirates can also find a wheelbarrow with which they can take two items with them, instead of one as in the base game.

New items have appeared: cannonballs and bottles of rum. With the help of cannonballs, you can shoot from cannons at opponents, and rum helps the pirate to overcome impassable terrain participants in one step and get out of traps on his own.

New characters: Friday, the missionary and Ben Gan. Friday can be used as an extra worker to carry gold. After giving the missionary rum, you can lure him over to your side and turn him into a pirate, and Ben Gan is a neutral pirate who goes over to your side as soon as you find him.

The goal of the game is to find and drag as many gold coins as possible onto the ship. Whoever brought the most coins to his ship won.

In 2012, the Jackal board game was recognized as the best Russian strategy game. This game has enjoyed wide popularity since Soviet times, and today, having received new design and a number of gaming innovations, is experiencing a second youth. Ideal for playing with children or with friends.


  • 117 cells of the playing field;
  • 4 ships;
  • 8 parts of the frame for the playing field;
  • 3 pirates each in yellow, red, black and white;
  • 3 characters living on the island;
  • 37 coins;
  • 10 bottles of rum;
  • the treasure from the Spanish galleon is a separate token;
  • rules of the game.
  • Video for the board game Jackal Treasure Island

  • Reviews for the board game Jackal Treasure Island


    The game is just super !!! Son (8 years old) in particular. If it were not so long in duration, they would play constantly. Alas, the lack of time ...


    Thanks for playing. I read reviews on the Internet about the frequent occurrence of defects in the set of the game, and this made it scary to take the game. But everything turned out to be all right :) Good game... One of the most fast deliveries in my memory. I will continue to order games from your store :)

    Answer: Thank you for your feedback. We are glad that you liked the game. Come to us again.


    Most of all, the game interested in the fact that the playing field is new every time !!! And every time you open new cage one can only guess what lies behind it this time. The first time we played with friends in the usual "Jackal" - 2 adults and children 7 and 11 years old; my son and I did not know the rules, but we understood very quickly and decided to buy for ourselves. Naturally "Treasure Island". The quality pleased me, the only drawback was that one coin was missing. They do not play a significant role and they can be completely replaced with ordinary rubles, they were not upset. Regarding the store: I was lucky to buy at an even lower price, I had to wait, the guys called and informed about the admission, self-pickup was arranged, the 3% discount did not work, because I had to tell the seller about this, later they wrote about it on the site. I'm glad that I did not give in to the seller's dissuade in favor of another game! In general, I really like the game, you can play it in an hour, or you can play it in 3 hours, then how the "squares will fall" :) Thank you for the Game!

    Answer: Victoria, thank you for your positive feedback. We are very sorry we were not able to make an additional discount. We can send you the missing coin, for this I ask you to send a photo of the missing coin and a photo of the tag, a color picture on inside backing, as well as the number of the packing line to the mail [email protected] site. Thank you for understanding.


    Answer: Good day! Thanks for the question. Complaints about marriage were not received for this game. But if you find a marriage, we will definitely replace the defective parts of the game.


    I bought the game on the aircraft engine today. A very nice saleswoman. I fell in love. The price of the game is very good.

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