Presentation of wood markings. Presentation for the lesson planar marking Marking marking lines

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METAL MARKING Presentation on the subject “Plumbing”

Metal marking is the operation of applying lines (scores) to the workpiece, which, according to the drawing, determine the contours of the part and the places to be processed. Marking can be planar and spatial. Planar marking is used when the contours of the part lie in the same plane; When marking in space, lines are drawn in several planes or on several surfaces.

Tools, devices and materials used when marking scribers are the most simple tool for drawing the contour of a part on the surface of the workpiece and are a rod with a pointed end of the working part. Scribblers are made from tool carbon steels of grades U10A and U12A in two versions: single-sided and double-sided. Scribblers are made with a length of 10… 120 mm. The working part of the scriber is hardened over a length of 20...30 mm to a hardness of HRC 58...60 and sharpened at an angle of 15...20°. Marks are applied to the surface of the part using a scriber, using a scale ruler, template or sample.

Reismas is used to apply marks on vertical plane blanks. It consists of a scriber 2 mounted on a vertical stand mounted on a massive base. If it is necessary to apply marks with higher precision, use a tool with a scale - a height gauge. To set the gauge to a given size, you can use blocks of gauge blocks, and if you don’t really need high accuracy markings, then use a vertical scale ruler 1. Marking compasses are used to draw circular arcs and divide segments and angles into equal parts. Marking compasses are made in two versions: simple, allowing you to fix the position of the legs after setting them to size, and spring, used for more precise installation size. To mark the contours of critical parts, use a marking caliper. In order for the marking marks to be clearly visible on the marked surface, point depressions are applied to them - cores, which are applied with a special tool - a center punch.

The center punches are made from U7A tool steel. The hardness along the length of the working part (15... 30 mm) should be HRC 52... 57. In some cases, specially designed punches are used. So, for example, to apply core recesses when dividing a circle into equal parts, it is advisable to use a core punch proposed by Yu. V. Kozlovsky, which can significantly increase productivity and accuracy when applying them. Marking using this punch is carried out in the following sequence: the points of needles 9 and 10 are placed at the risk of a circle previously drawn on the workpiece; strike the impact head 3, punching the first point; the punch body is rotated around one of the needles until the second needle coincides with the marked circle, and impact head 3 is struck again. The operation is repeated until the entire circle is divided into equal parts. At the same time, the marking accuracy increases, since thanks to the use of needles, the punch can be adjusted to a given size using a block of gauge blocks.

When performing spatial marking, it is necessary to use a number of devices that would allow the part to be marked to be placed in a certain position and to be turned (turned over) during the marking process. For these purposes, when marking spatially, marking plates, prisms, squares, marking boxes, marking wedges, and jacks are used. Marking plates are cast from gray cast iron and their working surfaces must be precisely machined. On the upper plane of large marking slabs, longitudinal and transverse grooves of small depth are planed, dividing the surface of the slab into square sections. Marking plates are installed on special stands and cabinets with drawers for storing marking tools and accessories. Marking boards small size placed on tables.

DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION OF THE CITY OF MOSCOW WESTERN DISTRICT DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION STATE BUDGETARY EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION OF THE CITY OF MOSCOW SECONDARY EDUCATIONAL SCHOOL No. 323 Marking a piece of wood. 5-6 grades Technology teacher Seliverstov Yu.I. Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation Moscow 2013 Lesson topic. Marking wood Purpose of the lesson: educational: to teach students how to mark wood parts; obtaining new knowledge on the topic “Wood Processing Technology”, developing students’ initial labor knowledge and skills, developing technical thinking and creative abilities, using ICT for a better perception of the material. developing: improving independent work skills, improving the ability to independently formulate conclusions, develop speech; development of building skills simple drawing; development of the ability to correctly select a workpiece and mark it according to a template. educational: developing a sense of mutual understanding and mutual assistance in the process joint decision tasks; development of motivation to study the stages of manufacturing objects of labor, using a variety of activity techniques through obtaining interesting information. Objectives of the lesson: continue the formation of basic technological concepts; development of the ability to build a simple drawing; Teach students how to mark wood parts. Interdisciplinary connections: mathematics, drawing. Updating basic knowledge 1. List which lines are used to construct drawings. 2. What types of graphic images of parts and products do you know? Give examples. 3. What wood species are considered soft? Hard? 4. Name physical properties wood 5. Name mechanical properties wood 6. State the purpose of the technological map. 7. What is called a workpiece? 8. What is called a technological operation? 9. What is called a technological transition? MARKING OF WOOD Marking is called - technological operation applying marking marks (lines) or dots to the board or workpiece being processed using a tool, defining the contours of subsequent processing. Marking can be primary with an allowance for processing and secondary – precise marking with the aim of obtaining the specified dimensions in the drawing. Marking the material is an indispensable condition for obtaining high-quality and accurate parts. This part of the part manufacturing process must be treated very carefully, since insufficiently accurate markings can lead to damage to the material. When marking, it is necessary to select such a workpiece and mark it in such a way that further processing produces as little waste as possible. Allowance is an excess (above the drawing size of the part) layer of the workpiece that must be removed during subsequent processing with a cutting tool. Marking and measuring tools To mark and check the accuracy of processing workpieces and parts, use the following measuring and marking tools: ruler (a), compass (b), tape measure (c), carpenter's square (d), surface planer (e), malka (e) . To draw lines when marking, it is best to use a simple graphite pencil. To mark parts made of hard wood, TM, T, 2T and ZT pencils are used; for soft wood, for example, linden or spruce - M pencils. Ruler - used for measuring, marking dimensions and drawing straight lines. The ruler scale has millimeter divisions. When working with a wooden ruler, it is important to remember that you need to measure dimensions from the zero mark. Iron rulers usually start from scratch. When marking, you can also use a folding meter or steel tape measure. Drawing a straight line is best done as follows. First, the base edge and face are determined, then the distance from the edge of the workpiece is measured with a precisely calibrated ruler or meter and points are marked. Two points are enough to draw a line, but more can be done, since this way it will be easier to detect an error. After this, a ruler is applied to the base side without distortion (so that the edge of the ruler is close to the points) and a line is drawn through the points. The divisions must be looked at strictly perpendicular to the plane of the ruler. A – base edge; B – base layer; 1 – workpiece; 2 – ruler; 3 – risk; 4 – pencil; 5 - part width line. Marking with a square A square is designed for marking corners and checking the squareness of workpiece elements and joinery and consists of a base - a block, into which a ruler - pen - is mounted at a right angle. Divisions may be marked on the ruler. There are wooden squares with dimensions of 250x160x22 mm and 500x300x24 mm, and metal bench squares with a wide base with dimensions of 60x40, 100x60, 160x100, 250x160, 400x250, 630x400, 1000x630 mm. The first number is the length of the ruler, the second is the base. When marking perpendicular and parallel lines, the square block is pressed tightly against the base edge or face, tilt the pencil in the direction of movement and move it slightly to the side of the pen (Fig. 2). Several bars folded together are marked under the square as shown in figure (Fig. 3). Fig.1 A – base edge; 1 – workpiece; 2- square block; 3 – square feather; 4 - pencil Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Marking with a measuring rod, thicknesser The measuring rod is used to measure angles according to the sample and transfer them to workpiece parts. Set the grinder to the desired angle using a protractor or protractor. It consists of a base - a block and a ruler, hingedly connected to each other. Marking is done in the same way as with a carpenter's square (Fig. 1). Using a surface thicknesser, marks are applied parallel to one of the sides of the block and parts. It is a wooden block in which two slats pass through two holes. At the end of the rail on one side there are sharp pins for applying marks. By releasing the end of the rail behind the block, the required distance from the edge to the applied mark is set, i.e. marking lines. Rice. 2. Marking with a thicknesser: A – base edge; 1- blank; 2 – block; 3 – wedge; 4 – slats with sharp pins. Rice. 1 Marking with a compass, template Using a compass, circles and arcs are drawn on the workpiece to be marked, for which the center is first marked. At this center, marked by a point or the intersection of two lines, a sharp leg of a compass is placed, and the other is used to trace a circle. The radius of the circle is preliminarily plotted along a ruler (Fig. 1). Rice. 1 To mark several identical parts or parts of complex curved shape, templates are used. The template represents finished part or its shape, made of wood, metal, plastic or thick cardboard. Marking using a template allows you to quickly and accurately draw the required form details. To do this, the part is placed on the surface of the workpiece, a template is pressed or attached to it, and the contour is traced with a pencil. With correct, economical marking, a larger number of parts can be obtained from the same workpiece than with incorrect marking (Fig. 2). Attention! A Russian proverb says: “Measure seven times, cut once.” The quality of the future product largely depends on correctly executed markings. Remember this and be careful! Rice. 2 Reasons for defects when marking: - inaccuracy of the measuring tool; - non-compliance with marking techniques; - inattentiveness of the worker. Test your knowledge 1. What is called part marking? 2. What tools are used for marking? 3. Why should the pencil be tilted slightly away from the ruler when drawing marking lines? 4. How do you draw marking lines when cutting out rectangular parts? 5. How to mark a circle and a square? 6. Why do markings of the workpiece start from the base edge and face? 7. What is allowance? 8. What is the purpose of a measuring ruler and a carpenter's square? 9. How are markings made using a template? Let's remember the basic concepts: Marking, allowance, measuring ruler, line, tape measure, carpenter's square, mark, thicknesser, compass, template, base edge, base face, economical marking. Information sources and electronic educational resources Textbooks: I.A. Karabanov. Wood processing technology. A textbook for students in grades 5-9 of general education institutions. M.: Education, 2002. Technology. Technical labor. 5th grade. Edited by Yu.L. Khotuntseva, E.S. Glozman. M.: Mnemosyne Publishing House, 2011. Simonenko V.D., Samorodsky P.S., Tishchenko A.T. Technology, 5th grade. M., Education, 2011. A.T. Tishchenko, V.D. Simonenko. Technology. Industrial technologies 5th grade. M.: Ventana-Graf, 2012. Handbook of labor training. A manual for students in grades 5-7. Edited by I.A. Karabanova. M.; Enlightenment, 1991. Wikipedia Yandex http: // Knowledge Hypermarket

Presentation on the topic: Spatial markingPerformed by:
MEG group student – ​​146
Dadatsky Evgeniy Dmitrievich

Marking is a metalworking operation in which
the workpiece is marked with lines (marks) defining
contours of the future part.
Marking is divided into planar and spatial.
Planar markings are markings that
performed on workpiece surfaces lying in
one plane.
Spatial marking is marking
workpiece surfaces located in different
planes at different angles to each other.


A. round
b. with bent end
V. using a scriber with
bent end
g. with insertion needles
d. pocket

Marking tools include: scribers, center punches, marking compasses, and surface planers.

Scribbler –
This is a tool that is used on the surface of the workpiece
draw lines (marks) using a ruler or
Scribblers are made from instrumental
steel U10 or U12.
The working part of the scriber is sharpened to sharpening machine
at an angle of 15 - 20.


Special punches

Kerner –
This locksmith tool, used for application
recesses (cores) along marked lines.
The punches are made of tool steel
U7A, U8A, 7HF and 8HF.
The working and impact parts of the punch are subjected to
heat treatment to increase strength.
The point of the punch is sharpened at an angle of 60.

Marking compasses

Spatial marking tool

Marking calipers

Marking compass –
is a tool used to apply
circles and arcs, as well as for transferring dimensions
from rulers to detail.
Reismas –
this is the main tool used for
spatial markings.

Sharpening tools

Planar marking techniques

Marking marking lines

Preparing for marking

Before marking, the surface of the workpiece is painted
chalk, mortar copper sulfate,
quick-drying varnishes or paints.
Coloring is carried out so that the marking
the lines were clearly visible.
Marking lines are applied to the workpiece as follows:
circles and arcs.

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PENCIL MARKING Basic methods and rules

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Marking is the application of contour lines of the future product to the workpiece. When marking with a pencil, marking and measuring instruments, such as pencils, rulers, squares, compasses, and templates.

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For marking, use only a sharply sharpened pencil! Excessive thickness of marking lines and marks negatively affects the accuracy of subsequent operations. Examples of errors when drawing thick marking lines.

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Using a square, you can mark lines on the workpiece at right angles to the base surface. To do this, apply a square block to the base surface and draw a line along its feather with a pencil. Basic Rules.

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Using a ruler, the workpiece can be marked into bars of a certain width. To do this, measure the required size from the base edge of the board using marks at two edges of the workpiece and draw marking lines along the marks with a pencil. To securely hold the ruler when drawing lines, you can use pin buttons. Basic Rules.

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Using a compass, circles and arcs are drawn on the workpiece to be marked, for which the center of the circle is first marked. A sharp leg of a compass is placed at this center, marked by the intersection of two lines, and a circle is drawn with the other. The radius of the circle on the compass is first plotted along the ruler. Continue studying markup methods.

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Templates are used to mark several identical parts or parts of complex curved shapes. The template is a plate made of wood, metal or plastic, cut along the contour of the part in full size (M1: 1). Marking using a template allows you to quickly and accurately draw the desired shape of the part. When marking according to a template, its quality determines the accuracy of the template. It should be remembered that the contour obtained by outlining the template is 0.2 - 0.5 mm larger than the contour of the template. The worse the pencil lead is sharpened, the greater this error. Thank you for your attention!

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The slope of the marking line from a given direction, marked with dimension marks. Continuation.

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Error when filing the tenon cheeks in height. Continue studying markup methods. WRONG! RIGHT!

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The pencil is tilted at an angle of 60–80° so that its tip touches the pen of the square. Basic Rules. Continuation.

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When marking on a square, its block must be firmly applied to the base surface. The square block must be attached to the base surface along its entire length. WRONG! Continue studying markup methods. WRONG!

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Dimensional risks must be placed as far apart as possible. This significantly increases the accuracy of the location of marking lines relative to the base surface. Continuation.

Lesson topic: Marking Marking is a metalworking operation in which lines (marks) are applied to the workpiece, defining the contours of the future part. Marking is divided into planar and spatial. Planar marking is a marking that is performed on workpiece surfaces lying in the same plane. Spatial marking is the marking of workpiece surfaces located in different planes at different angles to each other. Spatial marking is the marking of workpiece surfaces located in different planes at different angles to each other.

Marking tools include: scribers, center punches, marking compasses, and surface planers. Scribler - A scriber is a tool with which lines (marks) are drawn on the surface of the workpiece using a ruler or square. The scribers are made from tool steel U10 or U12. The scribers are made from tool steel U10 or U12. The working part of the scriber is sharpened on a sharpening machine at an angle

A center punch is a metalworking tool used to make recesses (cores) along marked lines. The punches are made from tool steel U7A, U8A, 7ХФ and 8ХФ. The punches are made from tool steel U7A, U8A, 7ХФ and 8ХФ. The working and impact parts of the punch are subjected to heat treatment to increase strength. The point of the punch is sharpened at an angle of 60.

Preparation for marking Before marking, the surface of the workpiece is painted with chalk, copper sulfate solution, quick-drying varnishes or paints. Coloring is done so that the marking lines are clearly visible. Marking lines are applied to the workpiece in the following sequence: 1. horizontal; 2. vertical; 3. inclined; 4. circles and arcs.
