Do-it-yourself plastic recycling at home. Molding plastic parts at home. It's as easy as shelling pears How parts are made from

You've probably come across this many times on the Internet. various crafts from the so-called BISCUIT. These are toys, various decorations, flowers... A lot of products can be made from this material.
What is it? The word BISCUIT can be translated as BISCUIT. But this is not a completely correct translation. This is not a mixture for a culinary biscuit, although some of the ingredients are indeed culinary, but the end result is a plastic mass, like dough. IN in this case all these products are made from plastic mass- differently, we call it PLASTIC. It is also called “cold porcelain”. It’s just that when exposed to air, a product made from such a plastic mass very quickly hardens, hardens and becomes very durable, like porcelain. This mass is very plastic, you can easily sculpt various products from it.

Plastic should not be confused with plasticine! These are completely different things. Plastic hardens in air, plasticine does not.

You can buy ready-made plastic in office supply stores. By the way, it's not that cheap. Yes, and there are colors that are far from being what we would like. Therefore, recipes have appeared for preparing such a plastic mass at home from ingredients that are quite easy to buy. But you need to very carefully observe the proportions and take those components that are indicated in the list - do everything strictly according to the recipe.

I will give an example of one recipe that I found on the Internet and which has photographs of the stages of work, which simplifies the work. The accompanying text was on foreign language, so I had to translate it and add my own comments.

  • 1 cup (250 g) white PVA glue,
  • 1 cup (250 gr.) corn starch,
  • 1 tablespoon Vaseline,
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice,
  • 1 tablespoon hand cream (non-greasy and silicone-free).
This amount will yield approximately 350 grams. white plastic mass.
  • Mixing bowl - glass fireproof,
  • Plastic spatula,
  • Substrate for rolling out the mass,
  • Spoon for stirring the mass,
  • A piece of plastic film.

Stages of work:

1. Pour into a fireproof bowl


Pour in

PVA glue

and add


Mix everything very thoroughly with a spoon.

2. Then add

lemon juice

(or husky, as in the photo) and stir everything until a plastic, homogeneous mass is obtained.

3. Place the bowl in the microwave for 1 minute - maximum power. After the first 30 seconds, stir the mixture well. Leave for the second 30 seconds and remove from the microwave.

4. Spread the hand cream over the surface on which you will then spread the mixture from the bowl.

5. Take a bowl with the mixture.

Remove false hardened crust from the surface

(it formed there) and throw it away. We only need plastic mass.

6. Pour the remaining mass onto the cream-smeared table.

7. Now knead the mass as you usually knead dough. Using a spatula, scrape everything off the surface. Knead vigorously for 5 minutes until it becomes flexible and elastic.

8. When finished, shape the dough into a thick sausage. Place the sausage on the fabric - it should absorb excess moisture.

9. When the dough has cooled completely, wrap it in plastic wrap. The plastic mass is ready for use.

IMPORTANT! You need to store the finished mixture in the refrigerator, in a plastic container with a tight lid!
You can make colored plastic.

For coloring you can use:

aniline fabric dyes, oil paints, food dyes

Do not put a lot of paint at once, it is better to add it in portions, gradually, stirring. Each portion of colored plastic should be kept separately wrapped in plastic bag- all of them must be placed in a plastic container with a tight lid - kept in the refrigerator.

TIPS for working with plastic:
  1. If you use a small piece of plastic in your work, cut it off from the main briquette. Place the briquette back in the refrigerator. Either use the cut piece immediately for work, or put it in glass jar and close the lid until you use it. The mixture will dry quickly in air.
  2. It is better to work with plastic on a special plastic substrate to which it will not stick.
  3. Tools and the substrate must be constantly cleaned so that crumbs or pieces of mass do not fall on the product.
  4. If you need to glue some parts of the product, you can do this using PVA glue.

When working with plastic, you may need the tools shown in the photo: various plastic stacks, molds, a rolling pin for rolling out the mass, a ruler, caps from ordinary pens, an ice cream stick, a lollipop stick, etc. It all depends on the product you are making and your imagination.

And what kind of cars you can make for a baby! For inspiration on the topic of vehicles, take a look at the catalog website

Source: home

Potato starch it is a traditional food product in our country and in other European countries.
Potato starch is distinguished by the fact that it forms viscous, transparent pastes that are unstable during storage, mixing and thermal exposure.
It is used both in everyday life for making jelly and in Food Industry during the production of boiled sausages, frankfurters and sausages, for thickening soups and gravies, stabilizing creams.
For technical purposes, potato starch is used after preliminary modification in the paper and textile industries, as well as for the production of glue.

Corn starch
- the cheapest and most accessible product is widely used in all countries of the world, especially in the USA.
The pastes of this starch are characterized by relatively low viscosity, low transparency, and stable properties during storage, mixing and thermal exposure.
After cooking, they retain the smell and specific taste of the grain.
When cooled, the concentrated pastes form a strong gel.
Corn starch is used in the production of molasses and glucose, as well as in the baking, confectionery, paper and textile industries.

Sunday, March 28, 2010 08:59 ()

Another recipe for cold porcelain and step by step instructions for making it at home.

What you will need:

3/4 cup PVA glue

1/2 cup water

1 tsp cream (for example, such as Pond's)

1 tsp glycerin (or petroleum jelly)

1 cup cornstarch, plus a little extra for hands

Let's see step by step how to prepare cold porcelain at home using this recipe without using a microwave.

Prepare all the ingredients in advance before you start.

If possible, use old dishes. Even though cold porcelain is non-toxic, it is very sticky and will simply ruin good dishes.

1. Combine all liquid ingredients in a saucepan. Place it on medium heat. Start stirring and continue until the mixture is smooth.

2. Add starch and continue stirring. Get ready - the mixture will begin to change its consistency very quickly. Keep stirring.

3. At first it will look like liquid cottage cheese...

4. ...and after a few minutes it will begin to resemble mashed potatoes. When the mass begins to gather in a lump and lag behind the walls of the pan, it is ready.

5. Wrap it in clean wet kitchen towel. Then start kneading it with your hands. Since it is still very hot, to avoid getting burned, soak a towel in cold water, cover the pan with it and dump the mixture onto a towel. Now take a second and fill the pan hot water with dishwashing liquid and soak all the tools you used in it.

6. Knead the mixture through a towel until it is cool enough to handle with bare hands.

7. Smear a little cornstarch on your palms and continue kneading without a towel. Place a bowl of starch nearby and dip your hands in it periodically. This way the mass will not stick to your hands. You can also sprinkle work surface starch so that the porcelain does not stick to it.

8. This recipe will yield a lump approximately the size of a grapefruit. After about another five minutes, the mass will become what it should be - soft, plastic and not sticky. The mass of cold porcelain is painted with acrylic or oil paint. This is done precisely at this stage.

While you wash the dishes, place the mixture in a tightly sealed container or plastic bag. The dishes need to be washed, otherwise they will dry out and then it will be much more difficult to wash them.
By the way, when you start sculpting, use something like a portable board, etc. For example, a baking sheet covered with aluminum foil works well. When you're done, while the item is drying, you can always put it somewhere so that it won't bother you and you won't bother him.

Plastic is universal material It has found wide application in the manufacture of various components and parts in both industrial and household appliances. Products made from it are used in interior design of residential premises and offices.

A type of material called liquid plastic allows you to create crafts of a wide variety of shapes and sizes. This makes it possible to bring original design solutions. How to make liquid plastic at home?

Materials for manufacturing

To make liquid plastic with your own hands, you need to prepare the following:

  • container made of glass or metal;
  • acetone;
  • Styrofoam.

In this case, the amount of acetone used depends on the desired volume of the finished product.

If you want to make liquid plastic with your own hands, the recipe for its preparation will be based on dissolving polystyrene foam in acetone. For this purpose, they use It is a packaging container for various household and electronic equipment.

How to make liquid plastic with your own hands

Step by step recipe The preparation of the named material looks like this:

  1. Open the container with acetone and pour the liquid into the glass container so that its level from the bottom is approximately 1 cm.
  2. Polystyrene foam must be broken into many small pieces, each of which will be easily placed under the thickness of the solvent.
  3. You can make liquid plastic with your own hands by dropping each piece into a container and waiting for it to completely dissolve.
  4. Polystyrene foam should be added to the container until it stops melting. Then you need to wait 5-10 minutes for the unused acetone to evaporate.
  5. After this, a viscous mass is formed at the bottom of the container, which can be used to produce a variety of products.

Knowing how to make liquid plastic, remember that complete hardening of the mass lasts 20-30 hours. Consequently, the part being manufactured cannot be removed from the mold within this period of time.

The substance should be applied rubber spatula small size. Movements should be smooth. Liquid plastic must be stretched over the surface to be treated. If you use it to fill cracks, it is better to use brushes with hard bristles. They need to “push” the mixture into the gaps. After the plastic has hardened, it is recommended to apply another layer of the substance.

The described product has long been sold in finished form. It only needs to be heated in a water bath or in special equipment. A hair dryer is also often used for this.

As a rule, liquid plastic is produced in dense packaging. Its terms and storage conditions are strict. The temperature in the room where it is located should not fall below 15 degrees. Otherwise, the product will lose its performance characteristics:

  • viscosity;
  • elasticity;
  • hardness after hardening;
  • practicality;
  • durability.

The cost of liquid plastic is quite high. That's why it's better to do it yourself.

Precautionary measures

Acetone is a very dangerous liquid that has an extremely negative effect on the human body. Therefore, it is allowed to make liquid plastic with your own hands only if the following precautions are strictly observed:

  1. Before working with acetone, you must carefully study the instructions for its use. It is indicated on the container label.
  2. Special sealed safety glasses should be used. They will protect your eyes in case of liquid drops and vapors. Working without them can cause serious eye injury.
  3. Acetone is toxic, so it should only be used in a well-ventilated area. In this case, it is necessary to use respiratory protection.
  4. This is a highly flammable product. Therefore, liquid plastic is made with your own hands away from sources of open fire. Smoking is strictly prohibited when performing work.
  5. Residues of acetone must not be poured into the sewer system.
  6. At the end of the process, as well as after pouring the finished plastic into molds, you must thoroughly wash your hands.

Applications of liquid plastic in finishing

The product has been used for finishing for a long time. After its application, an elastic film appears on the treated surface. It is highly waterproof and UV resistant. The material protected by such a film is not afraid of exposure to aggressive detergents. The smooth surface has a pleasant shine and retains its characteristics for many years.

Liquid plastic in window work

Most newly installed plastic windows there are gaps in the connection area. To exclude such a phenomenon, all details window design, which are connected to each other, are treated with the described substance. After drying, it creates an elastic, sealed film on the surface. Applying liquid plastic to windows with your own hands is possible after making the material according to the above method.

Anti-corrosion agent

Liquid plastic is also characterized by a high degree of adhesion with the processed material. metal surface. This property of the substance began to be used in anti-corrosion treatment of steel. Liquid plastic is applied to the surface without prior priming. It dries out in a few hours. After this, a film is formed on the surface that will protect the material from rust.

A business idea for organizing small-scale production of products from various injection molding materials at home. Thanks to innovative technologies, today in the production of plastic products it is possible to do without expensive automatic thermoplastic machines. Moreover, you can set up small-scale mini-production right on your desktop. This business idea can be considered in two directions:

  1. As the main business of manufacturing finished products and molds by casting from: liquid:
    • plastic;
    • silicone;
    • polyurethane;
    • transparent resins and other materials.
  2. Mold making as an effective addition to other types of business in the area:
    • construction;
    • Food Industry;
    • soap making

In the first and second cases, casting at home does not require large investments financial resources. You can start an injection molding business simply now.

Manufacturing using liquid plastics

The manufacturing process is carried out using liquid plastics and silicone molds. Now it is possible to produce plastic products in small batches at home:

  • souvenirs;
  • toys;
  • costume jewelry;
  • spare parts for auto tuning;
  • spare parts for different mechanical devices;
  • shoes;
  • dishes

There are components for the manufacture of parts from thin-walled plastic, which can significantly expand the range of products and produce parts of any complexity. For example, mixing two components of the Axson FASTCAST F32 brand from a French manufacturer makes it possible to obtain a super-liquid plastic that flows into the smallest folds of the relief of the model’s shape. In addition, it is harmless to children and has no odor.


To organize production, you will first need a sample model. Using it, you first need to make a mold from special silicone or polyurethane components. With experience and the quality of materials, you can learn to remove molds from models at such a high level that fingerprints will even be visible on the products (if necessary). That is, the copy will be at the level of identity, which cannot be distinguished with the naked eye. Plastic products can be given complex compounds with any relief. If there is no ready-made model for a sample, but you need to make unique products, you can order it from the owners of a 3D printer. By the way, casting significantly exceeds the productivity of 3D printing from plastic.

When your product is ready, you can design it using related products that come with liquid plastics:

Naturally, in some cases you cannot do without creativity, and you will have to manually paint the products, which may affect productivity. But creating every business is undoubtedly a creative process. After all, financial management is an art.

We make a product from liquid plastic

The technology for creating an ideal small relief when making it in a silicone mold with your own hands. First you need to prepare all the components and materials. We will need:

  1. Silicone Platinum.
  2. Liquid plastic Axson FASTCAST F18 (white color, has the consistency of water, odorless!).
  3. Scarlet dye for silicone.
  4. Polyurethane varnish.
  5. Scales.
  6. Syringe.
  7. File-buff.

We securely fix the sample model to the bottom of the formwork to form the mold, using neutral wax plasticine (to avoid leakage of silicone). We paint the silicone from which the finished mold will be made scarlet, so that the quality of mixing the components of the liquid, white to the color of the plastic can be clearly seen on the mold. Helpful advice: in order for the shape to be perfect, you should first coat the sample model with silicone using a wide brush. Thus, carefully fill all the depressions of the relief with compound. Only after this, fill the form completely. We fill the entire formwork with silicone. Leave it for 7-8 hours to fix the mold structure. The hardest part is over.

Congratulations!!! Now you have a ready-made mold for repeated production of copies of the sample model. Before starting casting, make sure the mold is completely dry to avoid bubbles. Then we very carefully mix the plastic components 1:1 by weight (for this it is better to use a pharmacy or laboratory electronic scale). Setting time is 7 minutes, but it will take another 20 minutes to fully set. This plastic is neutral to silicone and does not stick to it. But after repeated use of the compounds over time, you may need a release lubricant with the protective properties of EaseRelease. After the required time has elapsed, we take out the finished product, which is copied exactly according to the sample.

Polyurethane forms for construction

Together with plastic products casting molds can be produced. The use of injection molds in construction is now very popular. It is possible to produce compounds for the production of building materials. They are durable and do not require treatment with special release lubricants during manufacturing. After all, concrete is absolutely neutral to polyurethane. For example, liquid polyurethane compounds make it possible to produce molds for filling:

  • concrete decorative items(tiles, fences, etc.);
  • plaster elements of interior decoration (balusters, stucco, etc.);
  • liquid plastic when creating a wide variety of products (souvenirs, toys, figurines, etc.).

Silicone molds for confectionery and soap making

The application of mold casting technology in the food industry is quite obvious. New innovative solutions in the field of chemistry today they offer liquid: plastics, silicones, silicone masses that comply with all health standards and have the appropriate certificates. Such safe components can be used to make molds for the food industry. For example, for production:

  • chocolate;
  • caramel;
  • isomalt;
  • ice;
  • mastics.

Compounds are also in great demand among soap makers. They always need new ones original forms, to create sellable souvenirs made from soap. It is not at all difficult to find a customer who wants to make their products with a unique shape.

Opportunities for a small business idea

This business idea makes it easy to create popular products with your own hands. Finished works can be sold through an online store. It is also possible to provide services or sell finished compounds to other manufacturers in other industries. The most important thing is that with all these wide possibilities of home business, the cost of components is more than affordable. The range of components is wide and allows you to choose necessary materials to create shapes or fill them. All that is required is a sample model from which the mold will be removed. This business idea is very attractive for a home business. It does not require a lot of costs, allows you to produce useful goods and captivates you with the creative production process.

In this tutorial, I will tell you how to melt plastic at home. Remelting plastic bottles made of polyethylene high density(HDPE) and making them into blocks that can be used in a variety of ways.

We use and throw away a lot of plastic bottles every day... Let's change that!

Dave Hakkens is an amazing guy who has made a lot of videos about plastic recycling. It shows how to collect, melt and process plastic objects to create new things. However, if you just want to try recycling a few bottles, follow this quick guide.

Step 1: Materials and Tools


  • High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Bottles
  • Wooden planks (for making molds)


  • clamps
  • baking paper
  • gloves with thermal protection
  • scissors/knife

Step 2: Shape

There's no need to do much complex shape for melting plastic.

Since we are going to melt plastic and get a regular block, we need simple box. The more accurately and neatly the box is assembled, the more accurate and neat the block will be.

As you can see from the pictures above, I used wooden boards, which were lying in my workshop, I also covered each inner surface boxes of baking paper. This will be important later when we remove the block from the mold. Wood is porous, and melted plastic is very sticky, so don't touch it.

Step 3: How to Cut Bottles

First of all, HDPE, what is it? How can you distinguish it from all other types of plastic?

HDPE - high density polyethylene. It is a fairly common material used specifically for the production of plastic bottles and corrosion-resistant piping.

As you can see in picture #1, it is easy to distinguish from other types of plastic thanks to the number "2" as the resin identification code.

After removing the labels and washing the bottles, we need to cut them into small pieces. The smaller the better, as it will take less time to melt. Use a knife or strong scissors.

I usually start with the knife, cut off the neck (photo #2), which is the tougher part, then cut off the base and finally the handle.

After this, you can use scissors to cut the larger pieces into smaller pieces (photo #4).

Step 4: Melting

Each type of plastic has a different melting point.

Dave Hakkens has done a great job of studying each type to individualize the correct melting point ().

I learned that HDPE typically melts at about 180°C in my oven.

While the oven is heating, place a piece of baking paper on a baking sheet and place the pieces of plastic on it. Finally place the pan in the oven and check it every 10 minutes.

Step 5: Marble Effect

The first color I'll show you is my favorite: marble effect.

After 10/15 minutes, if you see that the plastic looks sticky, you can remove it from the oven. Wear heat-resistant gloves and twist the plastic (photo No. 2/3).

Work quickly (the plastic will cool), but be aware that it is very hot and sticky.

Once you have something like what you can see in photo #4, you can put it back in the oven.

WARNING: Use gloves! If plastic gets on your skin, wash the affected area immediately cold water to reduce pain.

Step 6: Securing the Shape

After 10 minutes, remove the plastic from the oven and place it in the mold. Clamp it as tightly as you can, and every 5 minutes, tighten the clamps further. HDPE shrinks as it cools, so to get a flat block you must tighten the clamps frequently.

Step 7: Marble Block

This is the result after 2 hours of cooling.

As you can see from the photo, the twist and turn technique we used created a beautiful marble effect. I really like this method because you can see all the colors used.

Step 8: Camouflage Effect

Here's another coloring page. I call it the camouflage effect.

It is easier and safer than the marble effect because there is no need to touch the plastic with your hands. As in Step 5, after 10/15 minutes, if you see that the plastic looks sticky, you can remove it from the oven.

This time we will use the folding technique. Very carefully (and always use gloves), lift the baking paper from one side and fold the plastic towards itself (photo #2).

Repeat on the other side and place back in the oven.

Step 9: Securing the Shape

After 10 minutes of melting, remove the plastic from the oven, place in last time, making something like an egg roll (photo #1) and place it in the mold.

As in step 6, clamp it as tight as you can and come back every 5 minutes to tighten the clamps. Then leave it to cool for a couple of hours.

Step 10: Camo Block

Here is the result. It really looks like camouflage.

Sooner or later, the household may need to make some plastic part from scratch. Doing this is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. The whole casting procedure looks a little more complicated than a school laboratory experiment in chemistry. Of course, you will have to first visit a specialty store.

What you will need: silicone "ELASTOLUX-M", separator based on kerosene (or petroleum jelly), pressure for the mold, "UNIKAST 9", hardener, plastic cup, scales.

First, a reusable silicone mold is made. To do this, take a part that needs to be repeated or a master model printed on a 3D printer. You can use regular toothpicks as sprues. To create the mold, silicone is used - a material of high elasticity and sufficient strength. In order to obtain a product thickness of 10-15 mm, it is best to use two-component silicone “ELASTOFORM” (or similar). Once the mold is ready, the casting process can begin.

So, the silicone mold is placed on the substrate. If you plan to use the mold more than once, then it must be lubricated with a separator. The form is pressed down from above using oppression (weight), the weight of which should be about 1 kg. In order for the filling to be even and neat, it is strongly recommended to create a funnel out of paper. This completes the form.

As the cheapest filling material, you can use UNIKAST 9 polyurethane and hardener, which are used in a ratio of 1 to 0.6. You can add any coloring you like to the base. For 1 kg of polyurethane add 90-100 drops of paint. As you stir the ingredients, the glass will begin to heat up. This means that the polymerization process has started and the mixture is ready for pouring. The composition must be poured into the mold without interruption.

Important: To really mix materials well, you should use a precision scale and a plastic cup.

Initial hardening will take up to 2 minutes. Complete hardening – 10-15 minutes. However, it is better to let the form “simmer” for half an hour. After this, you can begin to remove parts from the mold. We do everything carefully and slowly.
