Description and methods of growing Chinese pak choi cabbage. Chinese cabbage pak choi: tips for planting and care

Chinese pak choi cabbage, the cultivation of which does not present any particular difficulty for any summer resident, still differs in some nuances from the cultivation of its other relatives. This early ripening petiole cabbage is capable of producing crops in our latitudes several times a season, ripening within a month from the moment of planting. And the fact that pak choy can be used as food at any stage of plant development, without waiting for the petioles to be completely filled, makes it even more attractive.

When to sow pak choy cabbage?

Pak choy cabbage can be sown by conveyor method from April to August, grown through seedlings or direct sowing in the ground. But most gardeners prefer to sow pak choi in re-seeding in July and August.

In mid-summer, the beds for onions, garlic and other crops are cleared, and gardeners still have time to grow a crop of 2-3 conveyor plantings of pak choi. By the way, July plantings bring the greatest harvest, moreover, the setting of flower shoots during this period is reduced to a minimum, and pests are noticeably reduced.

Landing place

Pak choi likes cool climates, sun or partial shade, high humidity air, fertile land, but at the same time it is quite normal for medium and low-fertilized lands.


When choosing a bed for planting pak choi, it is important to take into account the rules of crop rotation and correctly determine which good predecessors will be: onions, annual legumes, early grains, and pumpkins. All types of cabbage are considered the worst predecessors for pak choy, since in this case the risk of plant damage by pests and diseases common to a given family increases many times over.

Preparing the bed

It is recommended to prepare the land for planting in advance. For spring planting It's best to do this in the fall. Dig up the soil and simultaneously cover or apply fertilizers. When replanting, it is not necessary to dig up; just loosen it well and get rid of the weeds. It is useful to add organic matter at the rate of 1 bucket per square meter. Acidic soils can be corrected by adding wood ash (200 g/m2). Level the bed carefully.

Sowing pak choy seeds

Using a marker, prepare holes for planting pak choi. The feeding area of ​​one unit is 30X30 cm. For small specimens, 20X20 cm will be enough. Accordingly, the pak choi planting pattern will be 20-30X25-35 cm, depending on the variety. Place pak choy seeds in prepared holes to a depth of 2-3 cm.

If you prefer to grow pa-choi through seedlings, which is very favorable for obtaining spring super early harvest pak-choi in a greenhouse, then plant it in the same way - both sprouts and maturing plants with such planting will have enough light and nutritional area.

Caring for Pak Choi Cabbage

Caring for pak choi cabbage, as well as growing it in general, does not require special effort and skills:
- periodically loosen the soil, but do it carefully so as not to damage the roots, which in Chinese cabbage are located close to the surface,
- remove weeds in a timely manner.
— Watering should be timely, sufficient, but without excess: do not flood the soil, but also not allow it to dry out. The average watering rate in August-September is 15-20 liters per square meter. A little more water will be needed during the period of tying the rosettes.
— Feeding pak choy is aimed at activating growth and increasing the expected yield. During the growing season, it is recommended to feed the plant once or twice with a liquid herbal solution or mullein infusion. It is important to provide fertilizing after prolonged rains.

An ash solution will also be beneficial for plants:
(Recipe 1. Stir 30g of wood or straw ash in a liter of water and heat to a boil.
Recipe 2. In 1 l hot water dilute half a glass of ash, leave for 3-5 days, stirring daily. On the last day, let the solution settle, drain and strain). You should not add soap to the solution, because soon the leaves will be eaten. Let me also remind you that the underside of the leaf absorbs fertilizer better.


Harvesting pak choy is possible at every stage of plant development: from the appearance of sprouts to the formation of flower shoots. Grown cabbage is cut at a height of 2-3 cm above ground level, adult cabbage is cut a little higher.

Storing pak choy harvest

It is advisable to use juicy greens immediately - pak choi cabbage, unfortunately, is not adapted to long-term storage. You can somewhat extend the shelf life if you store the leaves and petioles separately in the refrigerator, after wrapping them in paper and placing them in plastic bags.

Pak choy, the cultivation and care of which we have mastered today, has a lot of useful and medicinal properties, promoting normal operation cells of our body, especially if you cook and serve this cabbage correctly.

Growing pak choy cabbage is not very common, unlike another Asian crop -. However, this plant has many advantages, so gardeners should pay attention to it. In addition, it can be used to prepare a variety of dishes.

Beneficial features

Pak choi cabbage is valued for the beneficial substances it contains. Among the vitamins the following stand out:

  • vitamin C, necessary for strengthening the immune system and improving the condition of blood vessels;
  • vitamin K, which has a positive effect on blood composition;
  • vitamin A, used in cell renewal processes and supports vision;
  • B vitamins, which have a calming effect on nervous system and improve appearance.

This cabbage also contains microelements that are necessary for the normal functioning of the body. It contains a lot of fiber, which cleanses the body of toxins and has a positive effect on digestion.

Features of cultivation

The advantages of pak choi cabbage include not only its valuable qualities, but also its ease of cultivation.

  • The crop grows quickly, and within a month after planting it can be eaten. There are varieties that ripen even faster.
  • Growing is possible even on poorly fertilized soil.
  • The plant gives good harvest. It can be collected at any stage, since it is a stall-type crop.

Another peculiarity of pak choi cabbage is that it does not form heads of cabbage, but compact rosettes on thick petioles, closely pressed together. There are two varieties: plants of one type are completely colored green color, others have white petioles and green leaves.

Cultivation of the crop should begin in the fall with soil preparation. It is recommended to dig it up and fertilize it. Organic fertilizers work well. With the onset of spring, the soil needs to be loosened. If in the fall it was not possible to fertilize the soil, then in the spring with the help of humus it will be possible to correct the situation.

Growing pak choy cabbage occurs in two ways: using seedlings or direct disembarkation seeds into the ground. The second method is preferable, since the crop does not tolerate movement very well.

To obtain seedlings, seeds must be sown in the second half of March. Good for this peat pots. To enjoy fresh herbs for a long time, it is worth sowing in several stages with an interval of 10 days. After the fifth leaf has formed on the seedling, it is time to transplant it to a permanent place.

A characteristic feature of the crop: as the day lengthens, it begins bolting and flowering very quickly, and the leaves become unsuitable for food. Therefore, seedlings need to be planted in April. At the same time, you can sow the seeds in open ground, but they will have to be covered with film. The largest harvest can be harvested if you sow at the end of July.

Sowing and care

For seeds, grooves about 3 cm deep are dug. The distance between them should be 30 cm. The seedlings need to be thinned out after their first leaves appear. Optimal distance between bushes - 15 cm. Then large rosettes can form. Since the leaves of the plant quickly become hard, it is also recommended to sow them in open ground at intervals of several days.

To get a good harvest, you need to choose the right variety. It must be suitable for growing in appropriate weather conditions.

Further care is quite simple. The plant does not require special attention, it is hardy, cold-resistant and will give a good harvest with a minimum of effort. You just need to regularly pull out the weeds, water the bushes and loosen the soil. Feeding is not necessary, but will help achieve best result. Worth using mineral fertilizers in the following quantities: ammonium nitrate - 15 g per square meter, potassium fertilizers and double superphosphate - 20 g each. The use of complex fertilizers from various manufacturers, as well as wood ash, is allowed.

Dangerous pests

Pak choy cabbage can be damaged by some pests. First of all, from the cruciferous flea beetle. This small insect can very quickly destroy an entire bush. It appears in early spring when the sun starts to warm up. To protect plants, you need to take care of prevention. Fleas do not like wet soil, so plantings should be well watered. It is also necessary to loosen the soil.

Another way to control pests is to pollinate pak choi cabbage bushes. wood ash or tobacco infusion. The procedure must be carried out in the morning. You can also use an infusion of garlic and fresh tomato leaves or a solution of vinegar water. If other means do not help, then use is allowed chemicals. For example, it could be Kinmiks. The instructions indicate exactly how to use it.

Some pests will have to be removed by hand collection. During the period when leaves are forming, you should inspect the bushes from time to time. If clutches of common cabbage white eggs are found, they must be destroyed immediately. Rain snails are also dangerous, especially if the crop is grown under open air. It is recommended to collect them manually. Special baits in which alcohol infusion is mixed with bran can also help. In some cases, the use of chemicals such as Rodax is justified.

You should not rush to use chemicals, since the harmful substances they contain can accumulate not only in the soil, but also in the leaves themselves. It's better to take it on time preventive measures. Then there will be no problems with getting the harvest.

How to use

Growing pak choy cabbage is not difficult; it requires minimal care. At the same time, it is very healthy and has an unusual taste. It's no surprise that her popularity is growing. The plant is eaten both raw and stewed and boiled, as a side dish for meat dishes. The raw leaves are slightly bitter, reminiscent of arugula. They can be added to a variety of salads. If cabbage is heat-treated, it will acquire a sweetish taste.

The product is cooked like this: first, the petioles are thrown into the water, and after 5 minutes the leaves are added. The plant can be stewed and fried, even pickled and salted. It is widely used in Chinese cuisine. You can try making an unusual soup. First, marinate 300 g of chicken breast, cut into pieces, in the mixture soy sauce with garlic and ginger. Let stand, then lightly fry in a frying pan. Next, you need to brew 50 g of rice noodles according to the instructions on the package, divide them into two plates, and also distribute the chicken. Bring 500 ml of chicken broth to a boil, add 200 g of pak choi cabbage and cook for a couple of minutes. At this time, chop the greens and chili peppers. Pour the finished broth into plates and add herbs.

You can prepare a simpler dish. For example, simmer pre-marinated chicken breast or pork with cabbage. There are many recipes, so you can choose the right one.

Growing pak choy cabbage will allow you to diversify your diet with a tasty and healthy addition. The product is low in calories, so it is suitable even for diet menu. The unpretentiousness of the plant will allow even beginners to get a good harvest.

The Chinese are talented and very hardworking farmers. For thousands of years they have been cultivating their favorite varieties of vegetables. One of these varieties is pak choy. This is a variety of early ripening cabbage.

Pak Choi cabbage is distinguished by the absence of a pronounced head and short term maturation.

This crop is very unpretentious, has good germination and high nutritional properties.

Pak choi and white cabbage are close relatives. But they have a lot of differences.

In Asian countries, several harvests of this early ripening crop are obtained per season. main feature pak choy has a high content of lysine, vitamins A, B1, B2, PP and C. In addition to these substances, cabbage contains a lot of magnesium, potassium and phosphorus. Lysine is a substance that counteracts the development of cancer tumors.

Growing pak choi cabbage

Several zoned varieties are known on the territory of Russia. Early varieties— Alyonushka, Goluba, Vesnyanka, Pak Choi and Corolla. Mid-season - Swallow, Lebedushka, Pava, In Memory of Popova, Four Seasons, Beijing Surprise, Yula and Chill. All these varieties can be grown in heated greenhouses and greenhouses all year round. Optimal temperature regime for growing them - 15-20 degrees.

The agricultural technology of Chinese cabbage differs in many ways from Russian:

  • poorly fertilized soil is quite suitable for growing pak choi;
  • this cabbage does not form any heads of cabbage, it looks more like a salad vegetable;
  • early ripening variety: pak choi is consumed 30 days after planting the seedlings in the ground, or even earlier.

Pak choy may have dark green leaves and white roots, or may be completely light green.

Seeds for seedlings can be sown in the last days of March in several stages at intervals of 8-10 days. After the seedlings form 4-5 leaves, they are planted in the soil. But this crop is quite difficult to tolerate such transplantation and may not take root in the soil. Therefore, many farmers prefer to sow seeds directly into the beds.

Cabbage Chinese pack Choy is often sown in open ground in early July. This is the most favorable time. Furrows are made in the beds. Their depth is 3-4 cm. The furrows are placed in even rows at a distance of 30-35 cm. After planting, the bed is covered plastic film. Shoots usually appear after 7-10 days. To protect against cruciferous flea beetle, the bed should be dusted with wood ash.

The soil for seeds is prepared in the fall. It is dug up and fertilized with organic matter - a bucket per square meter. You can add a spoonful of superphosphate and a spoonful of lime to the bucket. In the spring, the bed needs to be loosened. Before planting pak choi, the heated soil is dug up without turning the layer over to a depth of 15 cm. You can saturate it with humus. It is not recommended to plant cabbage after other cabbage varieties. The best predecessor is cucumber.

Mineral fertilizers are used for feeding. In the spring, ammonium nitrate is applied per square meter - 10-15 grams, potassium fertilizers - 15-20 grams, and the same amount of double superphosphate. All this can be replaced with complex fertilizer. Potassium fertilizers are replaced with a glass of wood ash.

Pak choy has its own growing characteristics: this cabbage variety shoots arrows and blooms when the length of daylight increases. Therefore, the greatest yield comes from cabbage planted in early and mid-July.

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Pests and their control

Feeding with slurry and saltpeter helps increase the resistance of cabbage to flea beetles.

The most famous pests of pak choi are cruciferous flea beetles. They are capable of destroying the entire crop before emergence. You can fight them by abundant watering and loosening the soil. If these measures do not help, every morning you need to pollinate the beds with wood ash or tobacco infusion.

The use of the drug "Kinmiks" is allowed. 2.5 ml of the drug is dissolved in a bucket of water, and the plantings are sprayed with this composition. After the cabbage leaves begin to form, you need to inspect them for cabbage white eggs. They must be removed from the leaves.

Slugs are a serious pest of all types of cabbage. They are otherwise called rain snails. They are also removed from plants. But there is another way to deal with them. You need to buy a special bait. It is made from bran and alcohol. The most common drug is Rodax. Instructions for its use are indicated on the packaging.

Chinese cabbage pak choy (“pak choy” - cabbage-turnip) - the oldest vegetable crop in China, belonging to the Cabbage genus. In its homeland, pak choy is also known as Bai Tsai (white cabbage). It differs from other representatives of its genus in its excellent dietary qualities, and in appearance it is more similar to large-leaf lettuce or chard (leaf).

Botanical description
Instead of a head, pak choi cabbage forms an erect rosette of leaves, the diameter of which is up to 35 cm, and the height, depending on the varietal characteristics, ranges from 10 to 50 cm. Compactly collected leaves are held on thick petioles that fit tightly to each other. The leaves are tender, with a corrugated surface from green-grayish to bluish-green.

Chinese cabbage pak choi has several forms: leaf, petiole, head, half-head and even root. The leaf form is of greatest value. Root system consists of numerous, highly branched, thin root processes located close to the surface level (at a depth of no more than 15 cm). In the first year, the plant extends its peduncle. Upon completion of flowering, fruits are formed - pods with dark brown small seeds.

The value of culture

Chinese pak choi cabbage surpasses even white cabbage in nutritional value. It contains a high content of vitamin C, carotene, chlorophyll, phosphorus salts, potassium, and magnesium. And the most important thing is that it contains the most valuable for human body amino acid - lysine, which is rare for vegetable crops. This component helps dissolve foreign proteins, reducing the risk of cancer, and strengthens the immune system.

Fresh pak choy leaves have a spicy bitterness, reminiscent of arugula in taste. Because of this, many Europeans call it mustard cabbage. After heat treatment, the leaves acquire a pleasant, sweetish taste. Both leaves and petioles are suitable for consumption, but they are usually prepared separately. The leaves are mainly consumed fresh, as an ingredient in salads. Relatively rough, dense petioles must be stewed or boiled.

Types and varieties

There are three varieties of pak choi cabbage:
- "Joi Choi" - with dark green leaves and bright white petioles;
- “Shanghai Green” - with light green leaves and petioles;
- “Red Choi” - the color of the leaf blades smoothly transitions from red-violet edges to a green base, which ends in green petioles.

In the Far East, many are cultivated different varieties pak choi cabbage. But in Russia this crop has been grown relatively recently and at the moment only five varieties of Chinese pak choi cabbage are included in the state register:

- "Alyonushka" - forms a medium-sized leaf rosette. The petioles are fleshy, wide, thickened, green;

- "Vesnyanka" - ultra-early leaf variety. The appearance of the first shoots occurs already on the 3rd day, and the first cut of the ground part can be made after 25 days. Forms a densely leafy, semi-raised rosette of leaves up to 30 cm high. This variety is suitable for growing in protected and open ground conditions.

- "Martin" - petiole variety with early dates growing season. The petioles are white, fleshy, juicy. The average weight of the plant is about 1 kg, most of which is the petioles.

- "Swan" - mid-season, leafy variety, technical ripeness of the ground part occurs 40 days after emergence. Forms an erect leaf rosette with a diameter of up to 45 cm and a height of up to half a meter. The average weight of the plant is also about 1 kg. At the base of the plant, white petioles are clearly visible, 30-35 cm long. They account for 80% of the plant’s mass. The main advantages of this variety of Chinese cabbage are sufficient resistance to stemming, unfavorable climatic conditions, and the possibility of dense planting.

- "Peahen" - a mid-early hybrid obtained from Chinese and Chinese cabbage. Suitable for universal use, because It has dense, crisp, wide petioles and large leaves. It is characterized by absolute resistance to stemming, which allows for different sowing dates, decorativeness and long-term preservation of the commercial qualities of the above-ground part after cutting.

In addition to the above varieties of Chinese cabbage, pak choi is entering the Russian market planting material varieties of foreign selection. The main suppliers include Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, and Korean companies.
When cultivated in the central and northwestern regions of Russia excellent results They showed the following varieties: “Priorbay”, “Syusman”, “Hei-bai-tsai”, “King-Yung”, “Shanhaidabaitsa”, etc. They form large rosettes of delicate leaves and are resistant to bolting.

Resistant hybrids of pak choi cabbage with early ripening from the Japanese company Sokata Seed are becoming increasingly popular: “China”, “Cha-Cha”, “Mari”, “Pagoda”, “Express”, “Early Jane”, “ China Priid", "Coma-chi" and others.

Planting pak choi

From the point of view of agricultural cultivation technology, the main advantage of Chinese cabbage over other types is its high early maturity (vegetative period up to 50 days), cold resistance, and lower susceptibility to diseases and pest attacks.

Landing place. This unpretentious crop gives increased yields in wet, fertile soils with a slightly acidic reaction. When choosing a planting site, you should avoid the following predecessors: radishes, turnips, rutabaga, cucumbers, potatoes, tomatoes, onions, legumes and, of course, Chinese cabbage itself. Failure to observe crop rotation leads to the accumulation of pest and pathogen larvae in the soil.

When grown in areas with slight shade, pak choi cabbage increases the length of the growing season. But at the same time, the leaves on the plants become softer and more tender.

As for everyone cabbage plants, it is better to prepare the soil for its cultivation in the fall. Together with digging, 1 bucket is brought in for every 1m2 of beds organic fertilizers, 1 tbsp. l. potassium fertilizers and superphosphate, liming if necessary.

In the spring, after the snow melts, the bed intended for growing pak choi cabbage must be loosened, which will reduce moisture loss due to evaporation. Immediately before sowing, the soil is loosened again, cultivating a soil layer about 15 cm thick. During this process, it is recommended to add urea (1 tsp/m2).

Planting methods. Pak choy does not tolerate transplantation well, so it is recommended to use direct sowing methods in the ground followed by thinning. And for growing seedlings, it is recommended to apply seeds in peat cups or tablets.

When growing pak choi from seedlings, it is necessary to use loose soil. Seeds can be sown from mid-March in several stages at one and a half week intervals. Seedlings are considered ready for planting when they reach 25 days of development in the phase of 5 true leaves.

When sowing Chinese cabbage pak choi in open ground, its seeds are distributed along shallow holes made at intervals of at least 30 cm. The nesting method of planting is also possible. The emerging seedlings in the phase of 2 true leaves must be thinned out, increasing the distance between neighboring plants to 15 cm.

Landing dates. Chinese pak choi grows well in relatively cool climates. For its seedlings, the optimal temperature conditions are considered to be 14-16C at 80% relative air humidity. The soil should be regularly but moderately moistened. Plants ignore short-term cooling.

Long-term cold weather has a detrimental effect on the shoots of Chinese cabbage pak choi. Setting the temperature at 10C leads to further bolting of plants. Similar results are observed when grown under conditions of long daylight hours (more than 16 hours). Drought and heat (more than 25C) become unfavorable for this crop. This leads to the appearance of burns on the surfaces of leaf blades, and also increases the risk of damage by cruciferous flea beetles.

Taking this into account, early spring plantings of pak choi become effective. To obtain the earliest harvest, direct sowing in open ground under film cover is carried out from the second half of April. When planting seedlings during this period, the grown plants are transplanted after 3-4 weeks, adhering to the 35x35 cm pattern. After another month, technical ripeness occurs.

When sowing pak choi directly in early May, it is advisable to place it on the beds as a compactor. Joint sowing of this crop with potatoes, parsley, white cabbage etc. This helps reduce bolting and extend the period of leaf consumption.

But it is not recommended to sow pak choi cabbage in mid-May. In this case, the development phase of the leaf rosette will occur under conditions of the longest daylight hours.

The highest quality, mass harvest of Chinese pak choi cabbage is ensured by planting it in the first week of July. Accelerated germination can be achieved by creating a greenhouse effect by covering the beds with plastic film. When several true leaves appear, it is removed and the seedlings are thinned out. The July plantings will be ready for final harvesting at the end of October. During significant cold spells in autumn period the beds will have to be protected with film cover.

Growing and care

The cultivation of Chinese pak choi cabbage is practically no different from the agricultural technology for growing cauliflower and broccoli. To obtain a high-quality harvest, the main task is to prevent premature bolting. To avoid this, it is necessary to adhere to the recommended sowing dates.

Like all types of cabbage, pak choy needs watering, fertilizing, loosening, weeding, etc. For organic fertilizers use mullein infusion at a concentration of 1:10. Plants are watered with it every 2 weeks.
Given the superficial location of the root system of pak choi cabbage, the soil should not be allowed to dry out. The beds require regular but careful watering combined with timely loosening. During the dry period, the watering rate for beds with this crop is 20 l/m2. In addition, spraying the leaves is recommended.

Pest Control
The most significant damage to pak choi cabbage is caused by cruciferous flea beetles, especially on early stages development. In the fight, take it off effective means timely spraying with a solution of tobacco dust and ash (1:1:10) becomes necessary.

Harvest and storage

During final harvesting, the plants must be pulled out along with the roots. The root is then cut off at the base and the outer layer of leaves is removed. Heads of pak choy can be preserved until the end of the year at a temperature within 8C, wrapped in cling film.

Asians are big fans of greenery. The more leaves and flowers on the table, the better. But who said it’s not tasty?! Properly prepared leaves can give anyone a head start meat dish. Today I'll tell you about amazing plant, which is called pak choy. It is also called Chinese mustard cabbage.

Pak choy can be eaten raw, stir-fried with other vegetables, and even pickled. If you have ever eaten the Korean dish kimchi, which no true Korean meal is complete without, then you are already familiar with pak choi. It is this cabbage that is the main ingredient of the pickled Korean delicacy.

How to choose pak choi cabbage at the market?

Pak choi cabbage is usually sold in the market and in stores in small heads of weight and size. Thin stalks of cabbage are attached to each other at the base, while green leaves begin to grow closer to the middle of the stem.

When choosing pak choy, you should follow the same criteria as when choosing any other cabbage or greens. The leaves should be clean, green, evenly colored, without damage. If the leaves have holes, it means that the cabbage has been eaten by insects and there is a risk that the farmer has sprayed the plant with chemicals in an attempt to get rid of them. Do not take too large and massive heads of cabbage. Much tastier is young cabbage, the leaves of which do not exceed 15-20 cm in length.

Do not store pak choi cabbage for a long time. It’s better to immediately after coming from the market or store, separate the stems from the head of cabbage, put everything in a bowl and pour cold water. This way the cabbage will be well cleaned of any remaining soil and dust. If you are not going to cook the cabbage right away, dry the leaves, wrap them in a towel and put them in the refrigerator.

What to cook with pak choi cabbage?

Korean pickled cabbage kimchi

1. Wash a large pak choi cabbage, separate the leaves, add salt, stir and leave for an hour and a half. Then wash the cabbage again.

2. In a blender, grind two heads of garlic, the pulp of half a pineapple, green chilies (to taste), a medium-sized onion and 5 cm of ginger root. Add fish sauce. Try what happened. If you need to add salt, add fish or soy sauce. Koreans add another 5-6 tablespoons of ground red chili to this mixture. But if you don't like it spicy, you don't have to put it in.

3. Mix cabbage with sauce. Place in a bowl, cover tightly and refrigerate for two days. When the smell of pickled vegetables appears, the dish is ready. Store the prepared kimchi in the refrigerator.

Pak choi cabbage in oyster sauce

1. Separate the pak choy leaves and wash them well.

2. Cut the onion into quarters and carrots into rings.

3. Add oil to the pan and turn the heat to high. Fry the onions and carrots for a few minutes, stirring constantly.

4. Add pak choi cabbage to the vegetables, do not leave the stove, because you need to stir all the time.

5. Mix the sauce in a bowl: 5 tablespoons of thick oyster sauce, 3 tablespoons of salted fish sauce, 1 tablespoon of sugar, 30-50 grams of water. The sauce should have a uniform consistency.

6. Add the sauce to the frying pan, stir all the vegetables and wait a couple of minutes until all the water has boiled away and the sauce thickens.

What are the benefits of pak choi cabbage?

This low calorie product, only 13 kilocalories per 100 grams. Pak choy dishes can be an excellent dinner for those who want to lose weight.

Pak choi cabbage is high in fiber, so rest assured that a salad made from this vegetable is very beneficial for good bowel function.

Cabbage is rich in vitamins A, C and folic acid, it contains calcium, iron, sodium and magnesium. Cabbage juice has a bactericidal effect, so pak choy is applied to wounds and burns.
