Standard consumption of cement and sand per cube of mortar. Proportions of cement mortar: ratio and consumption Volume of cement per 1 m3 of mortar

The standards for performing a particular construction operation imply the use of a certain brand of mortar. Attempts to make an “equivalent replacement” are usually fraught with either additional financial costs, or, what is much worse, insufficient strength of the object being built. As you know, the main component of such mixtures is cement. There is no way to make mistakes with it: a shortage of even one kilogram can lead to a significant deterioration in the parameters of the solution. The brand and quantity of this material are determined depending on the type of mixture being prepared.

Cement consumption for different solutions

Traditionally, the grade of cement should be at least twice that of the mixture. For example, to prepare a solution of M200, cements M400 and M500 are used, for M100 - M300, M400, M500, etc. The amount of material also directly depends on the brands - it and the mixture. We present to your attention a small indicative table. You can find out the cost here.

Brand of solution Cement M200, kg M300, kg M400, kg M500, kg
M50 270 175 130 -
M75 395 260 195 155
M100 - 335 250 200
M150 - 465 345 275
M200 - - 445 355
M300 - - 600 510

Consumption of materials for screed and masonry

Regardless of the purpose of the mixture, a cube of sand is usually required to obtain a cubic meter. When creating a concrete screed, the amount of cement is usually determined based on a ratio of 1:3. That is, for education the right mixture on average, approximately 330 liters are needed, which equals about 465 kg. For screed, building mixtures M150 and M200 are most often used, for which cement M400 and M500 is used - 490 and 410 kg per cubic meter, respectively.

When constructing walls using a sand-cement mixture, the traditional ratio is 1:4. This means that in most cases 350 kg or seven standard fifty kg bags will suffice. When laying sand-lime brick even less is required - approximately 0.22 m³. For load-bearing walls, higher grades of cement are used. If there is lime in the solution, then the proportion is 1:3, if the base is clay, then 1:9. Water is usually added “by eye” in accordance with how thick the consistency the master wants to get.

Much also depends on the characteristics of the material at the time of calculation: its viscosity, density, drying rate, etc. More details about the requirements for cement for various building mixtures can be found in the relevant SNiP. The figures indicated in the review are indicative.

How to dilute cement with sand: exact proportions?

In order for a building or structure to serve the required period and longer, it is very important to strictly adhere to construction technologies, including strictly maintaining the ratio of cement and sand in masonry, plaster and other cement-sand mortars.

  • Sand preparation

each brand of mortar has its own proportions of cement and sand

In accordance with regulatory documents V construction technologies The following brands of cement-sand mortars are used:

  • Solutions for plastering: M10, 25 and 50;
  • Mortars for laying “stone” materials (brick, wood concrete, cinder block, foam block, shell rock): M50, 75,100,150 and M200;
  • Solutions for screeds, blind areas and other highly loaded areas: M150, 200.

Table of proportions for cement and sand mortar

Brand of binder (cement) Brands of solutions. Binder proportions: sand
200 150 100 75 50 25 10
M500 1:3 1:4 1:5 1:6
M400 1:2,2 1:3 1:4 1:5 1:8
M300 1:2,5 1:3 1:4 1:6 1:9
M200 1:2,5 1:4 1:7
M150 1:4 1:9

At home, mixing the components is done in a metal or plastic container: a household trough made of galvanized steel, old bath, basin or special construction trough.

Sand preparation

  • Before adding to cement, sand is sifted through a sieve or through armored mesh an old bed installed at an angle to the horizontal;
  • If sand contaminated with soil or clay is purchased, it is washed with water by soaking;
  • Dry in the sun or in a warm room.

It is best to first mix dry sand with cement in the required proportion, then sift it through a sieve. Next, clean water is gradually added to the sifted mixture and mixed until the solution reaches the consistency of “homemade” sour cream.

Control of readiness - a portion of the solution remains on the surface of the mat or spatula and does not spread. Ready material should be consumed within 1.5 to a maximum of 2 hours.

Due to the fact that very often non-professional developers are interested in how many kilograms of cement need to be added to 1 m3 of sand, we provide a table of the consumption of cement of different brands per “cubic meter” of sand.

Binder grade Brand of solution. Amount of cement (kg) per “cubic meter” of sand
200 150 100 75 50 25 10
M500 358 278 202 163
M400 450 350 248 202 145
M300 470 342 268 180 105
M200 402 280 150
M150 205 95

The above tabular data was calculated and tabulated in accordance with the current code building codes and rules SN 290-74.

What is the rate of cement consumption per 1 m3 of mortar/concrete?

The consumption and grade of cement used to prepare 1 m3 of cement mortars or concrete of different grades are the starting point for purchasing other components: sand, crushed stone, lime and modifying additives.

For the convenience of thrifty developers who are accustomed to spending their funds in an optimally rational way, we provide a table of cement consumption rates per 1 m3 of popular brand mortar, compiled on the basis of the “main” construction document “SP82-101-98”.

Cement consumption rate per cubic meter of solution

Brand of solution Cement consumption per “cubic meter” of solution, kg
M200 M500 415
M400 480
M150 M500 345
M400 400
M300 490
M100 M500 275
M400 325
M300 395
M75 M500 220
M400 265
M300 335
M200 445
M50 M400 200
M300 250
M200 345
M25 M300 155
M200 215

Scope of application of different brands of solution

The rate of cement consumption per 1 m3 of solution will be incomplete if you do not inform readers for what purposes a solution of a particular brand can be used:

  • Brand M25. Mixed (complex) masonry mortar building structures;
  • Brand M50. A popular mixed complex mortar for laying bricks (other types of “stone materials”) and arranging reinforced (“mesh”) floor screed;
  • Brand M75. It is used for: stone and brick masonry, production of vibro-brick structures, installation of floor screeds of small thickness, installation of lintels (no more than 2 meters long), arrangement of underground communications, construction of structural elements of heavily loaded premises of production workshops;
  • Brand M100. Application – construction, masonry and plastering work of all types, as well as filling horizontal and vertical joints of panel structures;
  • Brand M150. Used for masonry and plastering works, finishing hydraulic structures, styling ceramic tiles, arrangement of finishing screed, as well as for filling seams panel walls. In addition, M150 mortar can be used to fill the foundations of buildings located on “weak” and wet soils;
  • Brand M200. It is used for installation of vibrating brick panels, filling joints, plastering work, waterproofing and laying finishing materials.

Cement consumption rate per 1 m3 of concrete of different grades

In private low-rise construction, the term “concrete” usually means heavy concrete grades prepared from M400 or M400 cement, sand, crushed stone, water and additives (if necessary). Therefore, when giving a table of cement consumption per cube of concrete, we mean the most common type of concrete - “heavy” concrete.

Table of cement consumption rates per cube of concrete

Concrete grade Recommended brand of binder Cement consumption per “cubic meter” of concrete solution, kg
M100 M500 155
M400 185
M150 M500 190
M400 225
M200 M500 225
M400 265
M250 M500 280
M400 320
M300 M500 290
M400 338
M350 M500 345
M400 395
M400 M500 380
M400 445
M450 M500 415
M400 470
M550 M500 450
M400 500
M600 M500 500
M400 530

Scope of application of concrete of different grades

  • M100. Preparatory work for pouring foundations, slabs and road surfaces;
  • M150. Preparatory work for pouring foundations, slabs and road surfaces, as well as pouring screeds and arrangement garden paths and blind area;
  • M200-M250-M300. Construction of foundations of low-rise buildings, pouring of unloaded floors, erection of walls, construction of fences, arrangement of platforms, blind areas and floor screeds;
  • M350. Construction of foundations multi-storey buildings, production of floor slabs, filling of airfield runways and construction of hydraulic structures;
  • M400. Production of reinforced concrete products, construction of critical structures (bank vaults), etc.;
  • M450-M550-M600. Production of concrete products for special purposes and construction of hydraulic structures.

Cement consumption per 1 cubic meter of mortar for concrete, screed, brickwork

Cement is a building material that has a wide range of applications. It can be used when pouring foundations, producing building materials and dry mixtures. But when choosing this product, it is very important to know its consumption. It will not be possible to determine it so easily, because this parameter is influenced by various factors, which will be discussed further.

Required amount

Concrete is the most popular material from the entire range that is used in construction. It is based on crushed stone, and an aqueous solution of cement and sand acts as a binder. To calculate the required amount of concrete per m3, you should know for what purpose it will be used. On average, consumption per 1 m3 of concrete will be 240-320 kg. But here everything depends on the brand of concrete.

If you would like to receive the material High Quality, which can serve you for a long time, you must strictly adhere to the established proportions during the preparation of the composition. The amount of cement used affects the workability of concrete. For this reason, during the preparation of concrete, it is necessary to ensure the accuracy of laying the ingredients as follows:

  • cement - up to 1 kg;
  • sand - up to 3 kg;
  • crushed stone - up to 5 kg.

If all the specified proportions are met, then you will receive a high-quality product that will have high strength, rigidity and ductility.

The video shows cement consumption per 1 cubic meter of solution:

If a large error is allowed, for example, in the direction of decreasing volume, the binder component will not be able to hold the filler, resulting in concrete under the influence of external negative factors will become unusable in a very short period of time.

The consumption for pouring 1m3 of material also depends on what brand concrete mixture you will receive. And this depends on the purposes for which the concrete will be used. In the field of domestic low-rise construction, the following grades of concrete are most often used:

The grade used to obtain the material should always be 2 times the grade of the resulting concrete.

Required amount binder material per 1 m3 of concrete - this is reference data, which can be found in the following table.

Table 1 - Consumption for obtaining various grades of concrete

To make the preparation process more convenient, you need to buy cement in bags of 50 kg. With this measurement solution, it will be possible to easily obtain a concrete mixture. For example, to obtain 1 m3 of the most popular M200 concrete, you need to take 4 bags and 41 kg of M300 or M400 cement.

Quantity per brick laying

The quality of the masonry is determined not only by the characteristics of the brick, but also by the mixture used. This composition can be prepared using various recipes; we will consider only the most popular ones:

  1. Based on sand and cement. This product is characterized by high strength indicators, however, when preparing it, it is very important to accurately observe the proportions. Even if you deviate a little from the proportions, cracks will form on the brickwork.
  2. Lime based solution. The resulting solution is characterized by high plasticity, however, it is unacceptable to use it for external masonry, since it is simply washed away by rain.
  3. A mixed type of mortar that involves the use of both cement and lime. Thanks to this combination, it is possible to obtain a durable and plastic composition.
  4. Cement-based mortar with the addition of plasticizers. Thanks to the introduction of additional components, it becomes possible to improve the quality of the solution, give it strength, ductility, and most importantly, it is very easy to apply.

If you are going to finish the facade, you can use various colored pigments in the solution. Then the seams and the masonry itself will have a spectacular appearance.

When making mortar for bricklaying, the same requirements are always met: stir thoroughly so that the mixture does not contain lumps. As a result, you should get a solution of a homogeneous structure. To achieve this effect, you must first mix the dry ingredients and then add the liquid. It is not worth preparing the mixture in large quantities, since under the influence of air it begins to set quickly.

To lay load-bearing walls, it is necessary to use cement, the grade of which is higher than for the construction of self-supporting structures. Proportions are determined taking into account what brand of cement is used. Let's look at all this with an example:

  1. For binder material M500, it is worth using the proportion in which cement relates to sand as 1:4.
  2. For M300, a proportion of 1:2.5 is applicable.
  3. For M400 – 1:3.

Of course, you don’t have to waste your time preparing the solution, but go to a store where all these products are presented in finished form. In this case, information about consumption will be present on the packaging.

When preparing the mixture yourself, you need to use cement whose hardness grade is 2 times higher than the hardness grade of the resulting product. If you need to get a mixture of grade M100, then the cement must be grade M200 or higher.

As for cement consumption per 1 m3 of masonry, this parameter depends on the following factors:

If the construction process is carried out using solid brick with different wall thicknesses, the solution consumption will be:

  • when laying half a brick, the width of which is 12 cm, you will need 0.19 m3 of mortar;
  • when installed in one brick, the consumption will be 0.22 m3 of mixture;
  • with a wall width of 38 cm, the solution consumption will be approximately 0.234 m3.

When the construction process is carried out using thickened or one-and-a-half stones, the solution consumption will be:

  • the width of the wall is 12 cm, the amount of mortar will be 0.160 m3;
  • when installing in one stone, 0.200 m3 of mixture will be required;
  • when laying one and a half stones, the consumption will increase to 0.216 m3.

How to calculate consumption

In order to obtain the exact cement consumption, it is necessary to carry out a number of calculations:

  1. If it is necessary to determine the amount of binding material per m3 of screed, then everything depends on the brand of cement and the required consistency for making screed in an apartment, you can use a mixture of the M150 or M200 brand. The proportions of cement and sand for floor screed are described here. The consumption of cement-sand mixtures per 1 m2 of screed is described here.
  2. With the scientist SP 82-101-98, cement consumption per m3 of mixture when using sand with a natural humidity of 3-7% is determined from the tables below.

Table 2 – Preparation of concrete from M500

Table 3 - Preparation of concrete from M400

Thanks to the tables presented, you can determine the cement consumption to obtain a certain grade of concrete. All data under consideration are dependent on each other. If you use the information provided, it will be easy to calculate consumption, and all construction work will be completed quickly and efficiently.

Cement is a very important component in the preparation of construction and finishing mortars. But for each type of work you need to use a certain grade of material and in strict proportions. This is the only way you can get not only a high-quality mixture, but also correctly calculate the amount of cement used. By following the link you can read what brands of cement are available. You might also be interested in learning about chemical composition cement. A list of cement-sand mixture manufacturers can be found here. Also read how to preserve cement in winter.

In the construction industry, various types of mortars are used, which are used for masonry, screed, and so on. Their strength is determined by the brand, that is, the quality that is responsible for permissible load for compression. It is measured in kilograms per 1 cm2. Mortar cement is the main component of the mixture. In order for the solution to be the same in composition, all its parts (components) are measured in doses. To do this, you can use various types of containers or scales. At self-production building components, questions often arise such as how to calculate the consumption of cement, how much of it will be used per 1 m2 when making a screed, which mortar to prepare for laying walls, and which one for laying a furnace?

You can't list them all. If you know the basic rules for preparing the mixture, this is quite easy to do. There are several types of devices, which means the amount of cement in them differs from each other.

For example, lean mortars contain large amounts of aggregate. This material is very inconvenient to work with and is not durable. A normal system is made of a sufficient amount of binder and filler. This component is the most popular of all types. The greasy solution has an excess of astringent component, which is why it cracks after drying.

Concrete solutions. Components used

Cement consumption per cube of concrete should not exceed 350 kg, as this can lead to cracking.

Concrete mixtures or concrete consist of three main components. It is a mixture of cement, aggregate various sizes and water.

Components such as sand or gravel used to prepare the solution must be clean. When using contaminated components, the strength of the material will be low.

To get sand (gravel) clean, you need to wash it. The cement must be used of the exact grade that can be used to obtain a concrete component of the required strength. The cooking water must also be clean.

Concrete elements differ in their consistency (thickness). This:

  • hard consistency, comparable to wet earth. When laying it, a fairly strong compaction is required;
  • plastic consistency, thick but mobile. The required compaction is less than in the first option;
  • cast consistency, very mobile solution that fills the mold by gravity.

When added to concrete look steel (iron) reinforcement produces reinforced concrete. This is an element with higher strength. When choosing a filler, pay attention to such a thing as its different grain size (size). With this selection, unnecessary voids will not form between the grains.

It is traditionally believed that the volume of voids in a filler such as sand should not be higher than 37%, but in gravel 45% is allowed, in crushed stone - no more than 50%. Determining the volume of voids in aggregate is very simple. It is enough to place the selected filler in a ten-liter bucket, without compacting, flush with the edges.

Then the measured amount of water is poured into the bucket in a thin stream to the edge. The volume of water poured in will indicate the volume of voids. For example, if 4.5 liters of water fit into a bucket with filler, then the void volume will be equal to 45%.

As for cement, it is used of a grade that is two or three times higher than the required grade of concrete mortar. For the preparation of Portland cement the excess is 2 times, for other similar products - 3 times. For example, to prepare a concrete element with a grade of 160 kgf/cm2, you need to use a grade of no less than 400 kgf/cm2.

The exact amount of the substance plays an important role in the preparation of the construction accessory. If the material is present in excess, then there will be an overconsumption of the latter.

The lack of cement significantly reduces density and qualities such as frost resistance, water permeability, and can also lead to rust on the reinforcement.

Preparation of concrete solution. Maintaining proportions

With the consumption of TsMID-4 per 1 cubic. m of concrete mixture 18-22 kg per 1 cubic meter. Cement savings are at least 20%

In the process of preparing the concrete solution, its volume decreases. For example, when using 1 m3 of dry mixture, only 0.59 to 0.71 m3 of the main mixture will come out. That is why it takes much more to prepare 1 m3 large quantity dry material.

To achieve high quality concrete mortar, you need to know such indicators as the amount of consumable materials used per 1 m3, as well as the performance characteristics of the components.

As mentioned above, first you need to decide what brand of concrete you need and what it will be used for (its quality). The solutions will differ depending on what use awaits them (masonry, screed, or other types of construction work).

In order to determine the composition of concrete, you need to find out the amount of cement in 1 m3 of solution.

For making concrete products simple in nature you need to use material with grade 100. To do this, you need an element with grade 300 or 400, and its consumption will be 225 kg.

In the case of reinforced concrete products, there is another option. The solution needs grade 150, which means we use cement with grade 300 or 400, the consumption is 265 kg. As the grade of the mixture increases, the grade of the substance used increases, as well as its consumption.

The table shows the main brands and quantities of raw materials, namely: crushed stone, sand, water. There are proportions for both the M-400 and M-500 cement grades.

One more important point is the composition of the materials used per 1 m3 of concrete - the amount of water or the water-cement ratio. For example, a concrete mortar of grade 100 includes cement with grade 200 in a ratio of 0.68; where grade 250 is 0.75, and if grade 300 is used - 0.8.

The volume of sand or other filler per 1 m3 of concrete solution is determined by subtracting the sum of the volumes of water and cement from one cubic meter of concrete.

To calculate the amount of all components per 1 m3 of concrete mortar grade 200 (where crushed stone is 40 mm), the ratio of water and cement is 0.57, the density of the sand aggregate is 2.63 g/cm3, the density of the cement component is 3.1 g /cm3, and the used crushed stone weighing 2.6 kg/l is used in the following way.

The consumption of the cement component will be equal to the volume of water, that is, water consumption/cement. This is 325 kg. Then you need to calculate the required volume of sand and crushed stone, it will correspond to the value - 710 liters, that is, 1000.(185+(325:3.1). Then you need to calculate the sand volume - 290 liters - (710.41): 100 and the volume of crushed stone - 420 liters (need to be calculated in a similar way).

The total consumption amount of sand will be 763 kg, crushed stone - 1092 kg. This means that the composition of 1 m3 will correspond to 325 kg of cement, water - 185 liters, sand - 763 kg, crushed stone - 1092 kg, the mass of the entire volume will be equal to 2362 kg per 1 m3.

We make a solution for screeding

For 1 m2 of screed (thickness 1 cm), one bag of M400 cement will be needed. Bag weight - 50 kg.

In the manufacture of screed material (it differs from the wall masonry system) and without strict adherence consumable quantity cement component, you can get defects such as concrete spalling and delamination. Therefore, it is imperative to comply with the relevant standards.

The task of the screed (as opposed to masonry mortar) is to level the layer preceding floor covering, as well as improving sound insulation and thermal insulation qualities.

The amount of materials used to complete the screed is calculated in kilograms per 1 m3 of solution, or per 1 m3 of sand. Most often, grade 150 or 200 cement is used to make screeds.

Construction rules provide for the consumption of 490 kg of cement component per 1 m3, if it is concrete grade 400. This means that for 1 m2 of screed (1 cm thick), one bag of M400 cement will be needed. Bag weight - 50 kg.

Do not forget to take into account that screed made of cement is highly susceptible to subsidence and cracking. After drying, detachment from the floor surface may occur. It is best if you choose a thickness of 5 cm for the screed. On the advice of experts, you can add expanded clay.

Preparation of mortars: complex simplicity

Probably about 80% of construction work is carried out using solutions of various compositions. Let's not talk now about putty and adhesive mixtures, consider traditional mortars based on cement or other binders.

It would seem that there could be something complicated in the solution: mix cement, sand, water - and you can build everything, from a path in the garden to the Pyramid of Cheops. Undoubtedly, the main essence of preparing a solution in this argument is captured correctly, but there are small subtleties, the knowledge of which completely depends on the quality and strength of the solutions, and, as a consequence, the entire building.

Many inexperienced developers are perplexed by the concept of brand of mortar. There is nothing complicated about this. The grade of mortar indicates the compressive strength of a small cube measuring 70.7 x 70.7 x 70.7 mm of hardened mortar and is measured in kg/cm2. There are only 9 grades of mortar, the lowest is 4, the highest grade is 300. The strength of the mortar depends on the binder used and the proportion of the main filler (sand in mortars) and the binder used. It is customary to write this ratio as follows: cement mortar has a ratio of 1:6, which means the composition of the mortar is 1 part cement and 6 parts sand.

Without going into a general excursion into the types of solutions, I want to go straight to practical advice.

Mortars for masonry walls.

When laying brick walls with cement mortar, it is very important that the mortar not only has the necessary strength, but is also sufficiently plastic. Masonry with a hard mortar, which, when leveled on the surface of a brick, immediately releases water and turns into a sedentary mass, is similar to torture. When working with such a mortar, the brick does not slide on its surface, the filling of vertical joints is of very poor quality, and talk about high performance with this quality of solution there is no need at all. Modern technologies They suggest the use of various plasticizers, but it is quite possible to do without them, using old, time-tested methods of preparing solutions. Undoubtedly, the more binder there is in the mortar, the fattier it will be, but with this approach you can end up with a catastrophic waste of cement, and this is money, and a lot of it. Therefore, it is very important to choose for masonry mortar suitable sand. It is very rare that imported sand does not contain pebbles. To be on the safe side, it is best to immediately sift the sand through metal mesh with cells of 5 x 5 mm, this will remove not only stones and plant roots, but also other impurities from the sand.

Never use washed river sand for masonry mortars. Only with a cement ratio of 1:3 can the mortar become a little more plastic, but this is already an M 200 mortar, and the brand of masonry mortar is M 50 - 75, the ratio of the components in which is 1:6 or 1:5. Gully sand with a grain size of no more than 2.5 mm, which contains a small admixture of clay, is best suited for such solutions. It is this small impurity that will add the necessary plasticity to the solution. If you were brought river sand and it is also coarse-grained, there are two ways to prepare a solution of the required consistency:

  • Add some clay to it. If you are preparing the solution using a concrete mixer, then the clay should be thrown into the mixer last. When cooking cement mortar in a ratio of 1:6, it is enough to add 0.5 parts of clay so as not to reduce the grade of the solution and make it much more plastic.
  • Prepare cement-lime mortar. In this case, it is the lime that will serve as a natural plasticizer, which will make the wall mortar quite convenient to work with. When preparing such a solution, you can use lime paste or slaked lime, which must be filled with water in a large container. After stirring lime in water to the consistency of very liquid sour cream, use it for cooking instead of clean water. According to the standard, 150 kg of slaked lime is required for 1 m3 of cement-lime mortar M 50.

The most common grades of cement mortar have the following ratios of cement and sand:

  • M 25 – 1:11 or 136 kg of M300 cement per 1 m3 of solution;
  • M 50 – 1:6.3 or 232 kg of M300 cement per 1 m3 of solution;
  • M 75 – 1:4.5 or 319 kg of M300 cement per 1 m3 of solution;
  • M100 – 1:5 or 304 kg of M400 cement per 1 m3 of solution;
  • M 200 – 1:3 or 499 kg of M400 cement per 1 m3 of solution;

Most often, stores have M 500 cement on sale. It’s okay, in order to convert the need for cement for mortar from M 400 to M 500, you just need to multiply the calculated consumption by a factor of 0.85. And the transition coefficient from cement M300 to M 500 is 1.83. For example: the consumption of M 300 cement for M75 mortar is 319 kg. When used to prepare cement mortar M 500 319 kg / 1.83 = 175 kg of cement.

In order to determine the need for sand when laying brick walls, you need to know that on average 0.24 m3 of mortar is needed per m3 of ordinary masonry, regardless of its brand. Having determined the volume of the required solution, multiply this value by 1.2 and get the volume of sand. On average, the weight of 1 m3 of sand is 1.5 tons. From this calculation, you can determine the carrying capacity of the machine required to deliver sand to your construction site.

Today, not a single renovation, and certainly not a single construction project, can be completed without a high-quality mixture. The dominant position here, as before, is held by cement mortars and cement-based mixtures. Working with this material requires caution, certain knowledge and the ability to make correct and accurate calculations. But let's talk about everything in order.

Main characteristics of cement mixtures

Today, even in such a matter as preparing a cement mixture, everything is done in order to make a person’s work easier. Ready cement mixtures There are a huge variety of products on the market.

They are divided mainly according to the types of proposed work:

  • Universal mixtures. Designed for filling and masonry work. Made from cement and quarry sand of fraction 1.5 – 2.3 mm.
  • Sand concrete mixtures. Designed for pouring work. They are made on the basis of sand of 3 mm fraction.
  • Plaster mixtures. Created specifically for plastering work. They are produced on the basis of PC-400D0 cement.
  • Mixtures for installation and masonry work. Designed for working with brick and other materials. They are also produced on the basis of PC-400D0 cement.

Of course, you can prepare all these mixtures yourself. As a rule, it costs less, but you will have to calculate the proportions yourself. Having purchased the ready-made mixture in hardware store, you just need to read the instructions and follow them.

The characteristics of dry mixtures are determined by their additives. Additives are included in all ready-made cement mixtures. If the solution is prepared independently, then additives can be purchased separately.

There are many additives on sale:

  • Plasticizers
  • Retarders
  • Air-entraining
  • Anti-frost
  • Reinforcing
  • Waterproofing
  • Hardening accelerators
  • Pigments

Each of these additives is responsible for its own function and determines the future of the cement mortar.

For example, a waterproofing additive is simply necessary during the construction of dams, and in harsh northern conditions it is necessary to produce concrete works using antifreeze additives.

Basic calculations

The beginning of any construction is a period of accurate calculations. You need to calculate everything: the amount of materials, the size of the building, the number of required investments. Superficial analysis is not welcome here.

Concrete calculations are made in cubic meters. Let's take as a basis the calculation of concrete for a concrete floor screed in a barn. First you will need to remove the old floors, deepen the soil by 25-30 centimeters and fill in about 7 centimeters of sand. Next, a welded grating is laid on the floor to strengthen the future foundation.

Now we determine the size of the shed and the thickness of the future floor. Let’s say the size of the barn is two by three meters. Accordingly, its area will be equal to six meters. We define the thickness of the floor to be 10 centimeters, which is 0.1 meters.

We look for volume using the formula:

6*0.1=0.6 m3.

So we calculated that we would need 0.6 cubic meters of concrete. All that remains is to calculate how much mixture you will need to purchase to make the solution.

Number of bags in one cube

When it comes to making a cement mixture yourself, it sometimes scares a person. Here you need to have knowledge in the field of concrete production proportions. But there is nothing particularly complicated about it.

We use an example with a cement screed:

  • First, we determine what brand of cement we will work with. The M400 brand is good for flooring.
  • After this, we multiply our 0.6 cubic meters by a factor of 1.02. It takes into account the loss of some part of the mortar during construction, since something may spill or settle on the walls of the bucket. We get 0.612 cubic meters.
  • Now let's determine the proportions of the mixture. Please note that it is different for each brand of concrete. For M400, 1 kg of cement requires 3 kg of sand.
  • Finally, we calculate the amount of material in accordance with the density of the solution. To screed the floor, the solution should not be liquid, it should be quite thick. There are certain rules according to which 490 kg of cement is needed for one cubic meter of M400 concrete.

We count:

0.612*490=299.88 (round to 300)

As a result, we find that for our floor we will need 300 kg of M400 cement and 900 kg of sand.

Now you can get to work! The sand is pre-screened if necessary.

Calculation of the volume of the structure

Pouring a floor is a fairly simple process, especially when it comes to volume calculations. But what to do if you need to calculate a complex structure. For example, the foundation of a house, also a corner one. Or when calculating the filling of cylindrical piles.

Such structures are calculated according to standard mathematical formulas:

  • If we are talking about a foundation, you first need to divide it into blocks, which are parallelepipeds. Calculate their volumes using the formula given above. For convenience, we repeat it:

    V=S*h, Where V- volume, S– base area, h- height.

  • Formula for calculating the volume of a cylinder:

    V=P*r2*h, where P- Pi, r– radius of the base circle, h– height of the cylinder.

For those who are especially lazy and do not like manual calculations, the Internet offers a large number of complex online calculators that can calculate not only the volume of structures, but also the amount of screed materials, as well as reinforcement. No restrictions!

Amount of mixture from bag

Let's use the same example of a floor in a barn, taking into account the coefficient of 1.02:

  • First, we determine that the floor will need to be filled with sand concrete mixture brand M-300 (this is a brand of mixture, not cement).
  • Then we calculate how many bags will be needed. When working with ready-made mixtures, the consumption is indicated directly on the packaging. For example, consumption per 0.01 m 3 of one known trademark 16-17 kg of mixture is required. One package is 40 kilograms.

We count:

0.612*17/0.01=1040.4 kg

Thus, you need to purchase twenty-six bags of the mixture. But most likely you will have to purchase another bag if 400 grams of the mixture is not enough.

Please note that each manufacturer has its own consumption proportions ready mixture, so you need to determine this only by packaging.

There are no standards as such, since today mixtures are manufactured not only according to GOST in our country, but are also actively purchased from near and far abroad countries, and there are simply no regulations as such for mixtures.

Proportions of solutions

Depending on the type of concrete work, the proportions of sand, cement, crushed stone and other filler materials are calculated.

Let's talk about everyone:

  • Foundation mortar. It is calculated according to the proportion 1:3:5. That is, 1 part cement, 3 parts sand and 5 parts crushed stone. Cement grade M-300 and higher is used.
  • Plaster mortar. Calculated in proportions 1:5. For one part of cement, take five parts of sand.
  • For cement mortars use proportions in accordance with the table. The calculation is shown for cement grades M400 and M500, where C is cement, P is sand, Shch is crushed stone.

Please note that the brands of cement mortars determine not only the proportions, but also the types of work that can be done with these mixtures. More about this below.

Brand of solution Proportions for M400 C:P:SH Proportions for M500 C:P:SH
M100 1: 4,6: 7,0 1: 5,8: 8,1
M150 1: 3,5: 5,7 1: 4,5: 6,6
M200 1: 2,8: 4,8 1: 3,5: 5,6
M250 1: 2,1: 3,9 1: 2,6: 4,5
M300 1: 1,9: 3,7 1: 2,4: 4,3
M400 1: 1,9: 3,7 1: 1,6: 3,2
M450 1: 1,1: 2,5 1: 1,4: 2,9

If you use specialized additives for concrete, the proportions will change, but this is individual. As a rule, supplement packages indicate their area of ​​application and dilution method.

Concrete preparation technology

Such an important solution as concrete is made by mixing cement, sand, water and filler, which is crushed stone, gravel, etc. All components must be good quality, because the safety of future structures depends on it.

The water must be clean and the cement dry and crumbly:

  1. To prepare the solution, first mix it in a concrete mixer cement, water and part of the sand until a homogeneous mixture is formed, and only then add crushed stone, the remains of sand and water.
  2. The amount of water is not measured before production. The whole point comes down to ensuring uniform mixing of the solution, which will greatly affect the performance of further construction work.
  3. The solutions are mixed in small portions. Some of them set quickly enough. As a result, the solution should resemble thick sour cream. When working with apartment buildings multi-storey buildings solutions are made strictly in accordance with standards, but it is better not to save money when building dachas and cottages.

    Work must be carried out wearing rubber gloves; if the solution gets into your eyes, rinse thoroughly with water.

  4. It is better to pour the prepared solution in one step. This applies to both floor screeds and foundations. The solution should adhere evenly to each other at the molecular level. Pouring is done on a sunny day. If after pouring the mixture it starts to rain, the entire screed must be covered with polyethylene. Moisture damages concrete.
  5. For the strength of the structure, it must be ensured that it dries evenly. As this happens, moisture evaporates. If it is dry and hot outside, you need to water the concrete daily. This will avoid drying out too quickly and, as a result, cracking.

Types of cement mixtures

Much has been said above about the types of cement mortar mixtures.

Let's look at their main characteristics according to the brands presented:

  • M100– Suitable for plastering and installation and masonry work;
  • M150 and M200– for the production of screeds and vibrating brick panels, as well as for plastering and masonry. Can be used for floor screeding, but only when using coarse sand;
  • M250– for installation of unloaded monolithic floors and for pouring durable screeds, such as floors;
  • M300– mixture for screeds, concreting stairs, blind areas, fastening reinforced concrete products;
  • M400 and M450– brands with high strength.

As a conclusion

Making cement mortars and calculating structures is not a difficult task at all. As a rule, the most difficult concrete work to do is working hard on the construction own home or garage. Knowing all the tricks, you can easily master this job!

The most important thing is that the work is done efficiently, in compliance with all the rules, then the house will last a long time, and what is made from it using mixtures will serve well.

In order to prepare concrete, you will need three components: cement, sand and crushed stone. Compliance with the proportions of the main components affects the quality of the finished product. Let's take a closer look at the cement consumption per 1 cubic meter of solution.

How much cement is needed per cube of concrete?

Depending on the purpose of concrete, it is made with a certain strength. For example, the M100 grade is used for pouring road bases and creating curbs, M150 for the construction of small buildings, M200 for pouring foundations.

Cement consumption per 1m3 of concrete mortar
Ready-mixed concrete grade
M75 M100 M150 M200

Cement brand

M400 195 kg 250 kg 345 kg 445 kg
M500 155 kg 200 kg 275 kg 355 kg

If there is too little cement in concrete, it is not able to hold the binder and filler, and such material will quickly collapse under the influence of external factors. Conversely, significantly exceeding the volume of hardener will lead to cracking of the final product.

How many bags of cement are needed for 1 cubic meter of concrete?

It is better to purchase building materials in bags packaged in 50 kg bags - this makes it easier to calculate the proportions of the components. For example, for the production of a concrete mixture for a foundation, the recommended ratio of cement, sand, crushed stone and water is 1:3:5:0.5 . This means that for 1 bucket of cement you need to take 3 buckets of sand, 5 buckets of crushed stone (gravel) and half a bucket of water.

To calculate the cement consumption per 1 m2 of screed, use the calculator. First you need to calculate required volume solution: thickness multiplied by surface area. So, to make a screed 30 mm thick for a room of 15 m2 you will need: 15x0.03 = 0.45 m3 of concrete.

If the floor is initially curved, the height should be taken average value. For example, to calculate the consumption of concrete mortar for a screed, which will have a thickness of 1 cm in one corner and 5 cm in the other, you should take a calculated thickness of 3 cm.

Cement consumption per 1 m2 of brickwork is also calculated based on the required quantity ready solution. The approximate consumption of cement masonry mixture for brickwork is calculated for a cubic meter of future masonry. The volume of masonry is easy to calculate, knowing its area and thickness in bricks.

Approximate consumption can be found in the table:

Consumption of masonry mixture per 1 m3 of brickwork
Wall thickness in bricks
0.5 (12 cm) 1 (25 cm) 1.5 (38 cm) 2 (51 cm) 2.5 (64 cm)
Type of brick Regular (25x12x6.5 cm) 0.189 m3 0.221 m3 0.234 m3 0.240 m3 0.245 m3
Modulated (25x12x8.8 cm) 0.160 m3 0.200 m3 0.216 m3 0.222 m3 0.227 m3

Cement is the main building material that is used in almost all sectors of the national economy. Using this substance you can obtain very durable products that can withstand high loads and resist external influences. But all these characteristics also depend on the components used and the cooking technology. Cement mortars are widely used in construction, as they can simplify many operations.


Cement mortars are artificial mixtures, which after hardening form a strong structure. A similar product consists of several main components.

  • Sand. It is used as the main component because it combines a fine structure and relatively high strength. To prepare solutions, river or quarry sand. The first type of material is used when monolithic construction, resulting in very durable products.
  • Water. This component is needed to bind sand and cement. The amount of liquid is selected depending on the brand and purpose of the solution.
  • Cement. This is the main substance that has high adhesion to other materials. Today there are several brands of cement designed for use in various conditions. They differ in terms of strength.
  • Plasticizers. Technically it's different kinds impurities that are intended to change the physical or chemical properties solution. They are not used as often as this can significantly increase the cost of the product.

Similar products are used to solve the following types of problems:

  • plastering – walls are covered with some solutions for protection building material, as well as for the purpose of leveling the base;
  • masonry - cement mixtures perfectly bind bricks or aerated blocks together, so they are used as a kind of glue located inside each seam;
  • creation of reinforced concrete structures.

Types of compositions and requirements

The main characteristic of cement mortar is its strength. It is determined by the ratio of cement and sand. The composition of the product can be changed individually, which allows you to obtain several types of mixtures. Each of them is intended for use in certain conditions. Therefore, it is important to properly prepare products during the construction of various objects.


One of the criteria for dividing cement mixtures into types is the proportions of internal components. It is worth noting that only one brand of cement can be present in one composition. But they can also change, since the strength will depend only on the concentration of the components. Conventionally, they are divided into several brands.

  • M100 (M150)– these mixtures are characterized by insignificant strength. To prepare them, you can use cement grades M200–M500. But at the same time it is necessary to correctly select the proportions of cement-sand components.
  • M200- This is one of the most common types of solutions. It is used very often in everyday life for the construction of paths and or the formation of coatings that are not subject to significant loads. This mixture dries relatively quickly, but it requires compliance with certain microclimatic conditions.

  • M300– this type of mortar can already be classified as concrete types. It is used to prepare concrete, from which durable floor slabs are then made, foundations are poured, and much more.
  • M400– this is durable concrete, which consists of high-quality cement grades (M350, M400, M500). It is used in the construction of foundations for multi-story buildings. This solution forms the basis for the manufacture reinforced concrete slabs ceilings and other similar products.
  • M500- This is the strongest concrete that can withstand very high loads. It retains its original properties over many years and when exposed to various irritants.


The quality of cement mortar depends on almost all of its components that are present inside. Sometimes the properties of a sand-cement mixture are not enough, so you need to adapt them to certain conditions.

This problem is solved by adding various impurities to the composition. With the help of such additives the so-called liquid glass. These products are used for plastering walls and other surfaces.

Today, several products are used as additives for cement mortars.

  • Lime. Only its quenched species are used as additives. The introduction of this substance allows you to slightly increase vapor permeability and strength. But to prepare such products, precise proportions must be observed. Very often, lime-based plasters are made, which are perfectly applied to walls.
  • PVA. The glue improves the adhesion and plasticity of the solution. It is important to select the correct additive concentration to obtain a good mixture.
  • Detergents. Such products affect the plasticity of the solution. They are added to the composition only after water. Here, too, the exact dose of impurity per unit volume must be observed.
  • Soot or graphite. These substances have virtually no effect on the physical properties of the mixture. They are used only as dyes to change the color of the finished product.

Sand to cement ratio

Prepare cement-sand mortar it is possible even at home, since it consists of available components. They are quite easy to purchase at almost any hardware store. But the solutions differ in the ratio of cement and sand, on which the consumption and physical characteristics of the material depend.


Bonding bricks is one of the main purposes of cement mortars. For such purposes, not particularly durable grades are used (up to M400). To obtain such a mixture, experts recommend using medium-fraction sand with a minimum level of humidity. Prepare masonry mortar you can use various brands cement. But at the same time the ratio of cement and sand will change. Some proportions are presented in Table 1.

Table 1. Component ratios depending on the brand of cement

Cement brand

Piece of sand

Part of cement


M500 (without lime)

M400 (without lime)

Please note that it is advisable to carry out the calculation according to only one unit of measurement. In most cases, all parts are calculated per 1 m³. But at the same time, the masses of different materials in a cube may differ.

Preparation of concrete

Concrete structures are also very often used in modern industry. These materials are manufactured in factories or directly at construction sites. The strength of such products also depends on the cement that is planned to be used. Technically, concrete can be made from M100 grade mortar, but it will not withstand loads and has a minimum service life.

Another feature of concrete is the presence of crushed stone and other auxiliary components. They are implemented with the aim of changing technical characteristics product.

It should be noted that they can be mixed in various combinations, which depends on the environment in which the concrete is used.

Today, many specialists use this ratio of components concrete solutions, How:

  • 4 parts crushed stone;
  • 1 part cement;
  • 2 parts sand;
  • ½ part water.

Please note that the proportions may change if you still plan to use different polymer additives. In such cases, it is advisable to pay attention to the recommendations of the manufacturers of these impurities.

For plaster and screed

Pouring a floor very often involves the use of relatively liquid cement mortars. This consistency allows you to evenly distribute the mixture on the base and obtain a horizontal surface. Plaster almost always consists only of pure sand, cement and water. Its density may vary, since it all depends on where it is planned to be used.

The most common proportion to obtain plaster mixtures is the ratio of cement to sand 1: 5. The consistency is adapted to the needs of the master.

Particular attention should be paid to screeds that are subject to significant and constant loads. For such surfaces, materials with a threshold strength of at least 10 MPa should be used. This is achieved through the use of concrete of a grade not lower than M150. The proportion of preparation of the screed mortar depends on the following factors:

  • the use of mixtures to hide various communication elements;
  • surface leveling thickness. If you just need to strengthen the floor with small differences, then use more liquid formulations. For thicker layers, it is advisable to use durable types of solutions.

Table 2. Proportions of sand and cement in screeds

Please note that the proportions of the components are repeated in most cases. But at the same time, the strength of the resulting solution at the outlet is different. This is important to consider if the products will be used under specific operating conditions.

How to properly dilute?

The process of preparing cement mortars involves mixing all components in a certain sequence. This procedure can be described in several successive steps.

  • First of all, you need to decide on the type of solution you need. In this case, pay attention to the strength of the resulting mixture. If this indicator is important, an additional calculation of all components should be carried out. Particular attention should be paid to norms or standards.

The table of cement consumption per 1 cubic meter of mortar shows the quantitative weight proportions of the composition of the mortar mixture for screed, masonry, and plaster.

In conditions modern construction, use different types of cement-sand mixture, the difference of which lies in the proportions of the components.

  • As a rule, a solution in proportions 1:3 (1 cement and 3 sand) plus plasticizer and fiber fiber.
  • Used for masonry maca mortar 150 1:4 (1 cement and 4 sand), there is no point in taking a higher brand because strength grade of red brick M150.
  • For plaster 1:1:5.5:0.3 (1-cement, 1-slaked lime, 5.5-sand, 0.3-clay)— brand of solution M50.

Typically, cement is used as a binding component in the preparation of mortar. It is absolutely clear that a cubic meter of mixture for laying a brick wall and a cubic meter of mixture for concrete have completely different ratios of components, since these two mortar intended for various types construction work.

Consumption of mortar for masonry

The ratio of cement to other components per cubic meter of mixture.
Beginning amateur builders often think that they can easily determine in what proportions to mix the components of the mixture “by eye.” And the price for these experiments are cracks in the foundation.
To correctly calculate the amount of cement in one cubic meter of mixture, expensive tools are not required. All you need to do is use:

  • table of concrete components - given at the beginning of the article.
  • concrete mixer;
  • scales (preferably electronic, although this is not a strict requirement);
  • a container in which you can measure the volume (most often, a bucket with a capacity of 10 liters is used for this);
  • calculator.

Proportion of ingredients for construction mixture(cement, sand, water, aggregate, and if required, special additives) is determined according to the type of construction work.
