Wash dishes with mustard reviews. Mustard dishwashing powder

Greetings dear lovers healthy image life!

Yesterday I set up a “scientific experiment” in my kitchen - I used mustard powder to wash dishes. I recently read in an article that this is an environmentally friendly method that was used by our ancestors even before the invention of any current harmful detergents.

Getting carried away, paying attention proper nutrition and the body, I have long thought about the fact that harmful substances get inside not only with food or poisoned air. We constantly come into contact with detergents, shampoos, soaps, and the like.

I approach nutrition. My husband, I hope, will soon stop poisoning himself and those around him. I try to be in traffic jams as little as possible. If I have to cook something, I make sure to ventilate the kitchen. In general, it's time to find a healthy alternative to industrial poisons intended for cleaning, washing, washing, refreshing and so on.

Today I’ll tell you about a successful, in my opinion, alternative to all sorts of “Galas”, “Fairies” and similar crap. Environmentally friendly, cheap and effective. Tested on own kitchen!

Mustard powder and sponge prepared for washing dishes

Thank you good man, who posted in social network post about using dry mustard for washing dishes! After reading the article, I rummaged through the contents of the kitchen cabinets and found a long-forgotten bag. I bought it a long time ago, but I remember that it cost mere pennies.

I poured some powder into a bowl, took a regular sponge and began to wash the dishes.

The article wrote that the only thing in which mustard powder is inferior to dishwashing detergents is that it works only in warm water. IN cold water it will not dissolve fat. That's why I used warm water.

I want to clarify that the water was warm, not hot. In order to save energy, our boiler is set to the bare minimum. Nevertheless, mustard powder proved to be the most the best side!

A plate lightly rubbed with mustard powder

I alternately lightly rubbed it on plates, forks, spoons, knives, pans, cutting board, a frying pan, a greasy tray from a baked shank (there were guests the day before), and then rinsed it with water. Everything was washed off without difficulty.

The feeling of hands touching dishes rubbed with mustard powder was pleasant. It is so very finely dispersed and delicate. But at the same time it does a good job of scrubbing away stuck or burnt pieces of food.

Plate washed with mustard powder

Experiment result:

  • perfectly washed dishes,
  • low powder consumption,
  • soft hands (and she worked without gloves),
  • no contact with household chemicals.
  • Yes, and one more thing - a minimum of water is spent on the entire procedure. This is important for me, since we live in a private house and instead of the city sewerage we have - cesspool. It fills up quickly, and calling a sewer truck is expensive. IN in this case When washing dishes, there is no foam that would take a long time to wash off. And there is no fear of harmful substances that would require you to rinse several times. Rinsing is faster than washing modern means for dish washing.

As a result, the bottle with “Gala” migrated under the sink (into the storeroom), and the bowl with mustard powder “registered” in its place.

Try it at home. I think you'll like it.

Next I want to experiment with replacing toothpaste with herbal powder and (or) gray clay. Or is there some other clay used? In short, it will be necessary to study. Somehow our ancestors brushed their teeth... :)

Anyone who has their own experience in such matters or some theoretical information - write in the comments, please!

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Cleaning a burnt pan from carbon deposits without using any means is quite problematic - burnt pieces of food firmly stick to the walls and bottom of the pan, and even after soaking they come off with difficulty. However, it is quite possible to cope with the problem using folk remedies available in every home: soda, mustard, salt, vinegar and even Activated carbon. How to do it?

When choosing suitable method You should pay attention to the material from which the dishes are made. For example, those methods that will help cleanse aluminum pan, may damage the coating of ceramic cookware.

The method is suitable for cleaning enamel, aluminum dishes and pans made of of stainless steel. The enameled one must first be allowed to cool so that the enamel does not crack due to a sharp temperature change.

The burnt container is filled cold water and leave for a while. Then pour out the liquid and pour in a large amount of salt so that it covers all the soot. Leave to soak for some time. As a rule, three hours is enough - after that the bottom and walls can be easily cleaned with a regular kitchen sponge.

The pharmaceutical product will help wash aluminum, enamel and stainless steel dishes. This method will perfectly cope with the consequences of burning milk.

Take several charcoal tablets, crush them to a powder, and pour the resulting product into the bottom of the saucepan. After half an hour, fill it with cold water and leave again for 30 minutes. After this time, the dishes can be washed as usual.

Mustard in powder form can be used for cleaning enamel pans. It will gently cleanse the enamel of carbon deposits and whiten it. You can also use mustard to clean dishes made from other materials or to wash dishes.

A handful of powder is diluted with a small amount water so that a thick paste comes out. The resulting paste is applied to the stains or bottom and left for a couple of hours. During this time, the burnt material will soften and subsequently come off easily when cleaned with a sponge.

Another way is to dissolve mustard in water directly in the affected container and boil for an hour or two. Two tablespoons of powder will be enough for a medium saucepan. After boiling, you just need to rinse the dishes - all greasy or burnt marks will disappear.

You can replace mustard with whey - this completely natural product can also rid aluminum, stainless steel or enamel-coated dishes from carbon deposits. The acids it contains will help the stuck food move away from the internal surfaces.

Serum is poured into the bottom of the burnt container so that it covers the soot spots, and left to soak for a day. After this time, wash the pan with regular dish gel and a sponge.

The method using soda powder can be used if you need to clean not only the inner walls or bottom, but also the outer surfaces. The method is suitable for dishes made of aluminum, enamel, and stainless steel.

You will need another pan, with a diameter larger than the one affected. It is filled with water and soda is dissolved in it - for 5 liters of water you need to put a whole pack of powder. They put it on fire.

All soiled dishes should be removed plastic parts so that they do not melt, then place it in a large container. After the water boils, you need to keep the entire structure on the fire for another couple of hours. After this, turn off the gas and leave the dirty pan to soak in the soda solution. When the liquid has cooled, the dishes should be removed and washed.

Pour vinegar into the bottom of an aluminum pan, cover the pan with a lid, and leave for a couple of hours. After this period, the softened carbon deposits come off quite easily with normal washing.

The method is also suitable for enamel containers.

This method can be safely used for stainless steel, enameled or aluminum pans. It will help clean light stains.

The burnt container is filled hot water, dissolve a little dish gel there or liquid soap. Place on fire and boil for a quarter of an hour. Allow the liquid to cool, then clean it using a sponge.

You can use soda without dyes (Sprite, 7up). Any of these liquids is poured into the burnt pan and left for an hour. At heavily polluted To remove carbon deposits, it is better to boil the soda for about half an hour.


Ground coffee can be used to remove burnt milk stains. To do this, apply the grounds to the contaminated areas, leave for a quarter of an hour, then clean off with a sponge.


If you place a burnt container in the freezer for an hour, the dirt can be removed without using any cleaning products.

The main thing is not to place the pan under hot water, but to use cold water. Too sudden a change in temperature can damage the dishes.

These affordable and inexpensive products will help restore burnt dishes to their original appearance.

What do you use to wash dishes? I am mustard. And now I will tell you about the benefits of why washing dishes with mustard is much better than traditional dishwashing detergents.

5 advantages of mustard over regular dish soap:

  • 1. Security

Traditional dishwashing detergents are unnatural for human nature.
This is clear to everyone, I hope. Read the ingredients of any detergent, then read the features of each components, and you will be horrified how dangerous they are to human health.
That's why so many people have allergic diseases today.
Therefore, we are recommended to rinse dishes from various “Fairies” or “Aos” very thoroughly - at least 50 liters of cold water are needed to wash off the remaining detergent from one plate and make it safe.

Mustard is a natural substance, harmless, in other words, it is natural remedy for dish washing. This means that the risk of allergic reactions in humans is negligible. If you have eaten mustard at least once in your life (with dumplings, jellied meat or other dishes), then you will not develop any allergies.

And as for children...
If you have a child, you probably want him to be healthy and not have allergies. And you start looking in stores for a suitable detergent for washing children's dishes.
But remember - not a single chemistry is good for a child. Only natural, natural substances will not cause painful conditions in him.
And mustard powder is a real alternative to any chemicals if you want to find a detergent specifically for washing children’s dishes.

  • 2. Saving water

Traditional detergents must be washed off with a huge amount of water - at least 50 liters of cold water per plate. Only after such washing, according to experts, can complete removal of traces of chemical detergent from the dishes be achieved. Now count the number of dishes you wash in the kitchen every day and find out how much you have to pay for water to be healthy.

The mustard is washed off quickly. And even if there are microscopic traces of it on the dishes, there will be no harm to the body (you are eating it, so don’t be afraid of its remains on the dishes).

  • 3. Efficiency

Some marketers claim that only store-bought detergents can provide the best cleanliness for your dishes, and that various homemade dishwashing products are ineffective.
But I’ll tell you, this is all a simple deception, designed for the consumer’s blind faith in advertising.
Mustard was used for many decades in Soviet catering specifically for washing dishes, this is real folk remedy for dish washing. My grandmother worked as a dishwasher in a cafeteria in the 70s. And they had mustard powder in special jars, from where they poured it for washing dirty dishes.
So the effectiveness of mustard powder in washing even greasy dishes is exactly the same as that of synthetic detergents.

  • 4. Cold water

Cleans well in cold water too!

  • 5. Convenience

Again, marketers are tapping into the human psyche with the convenience of using dishwashing detergents. He pressed the jar, poured out a drop and washed the dishes.

But with mustard it’s also simple: pour in the mustard, add a little water and wash the dishes.

This is how I store mustard powder. I poured mustard powder into a baby powder jar, only making a little larger holes in the lid than if using powder - this is so that the mustard powder can fall out better.

I buy mustard powder, in these packages.

This package costs only 27 rubles, and is enough for a month of use.

Now about the technique of washing dishes with mustard.
Take, for example, a frying pan after frying vegetables, lightly wash it warm water, pour mustard powder into it so that its layer covers the bottom with a layer of 1 mm.

Then take a damp dish sponge and lightly wipe the pan with it, covering all areas of the pan.

What do you use to wash dishes? I am mustard. And now I will tell you about the benefits of why washing dishes with mustard is much better than traditional dishwashing detergents.
Consider this my kind of review of this folk dishwashing product.

So, let's begin.

1) First.

Traditional dishwashing detergents are unnatural for human nature.
This is clear to everyone, I hope. Read the composition of any detergent, then read the characteristics of each of the components, and you will be horrified how dangerous they are to human health.
That's why so many people have allergic diseases today.
Therefore, we are recommended to rinse dishes from various “Fairies” or “Aos” very thoroughly - at least 50 liters of cold water are needed to wash off the remaining detergent from one plate and make it safe.

Mustard is a natural substance, harmless, in other words, it is a natural dishwashing detergent. This means that the risk of allergic reactions in humans is negligible. If you have eaten mustard at least once in your life (with dumplings, jellied meat or other dishes), then you will not develop any allergies.

And as for children...
If you have a child, you probably want him to be healthy and not have allergies. And you start looking in stores for a suitable detergent for washing children's dishes.
But remember - not a single chemistry is good for a child. Only natural, natural substances will not cause painful conditions in him.
And mustard powder is a real alternative to any chemicals if you want to find a detergent specifically for washing children’s dishes.

2) Second.
Saving water.

Traditional detergents must be washed off with a huge amount of water - at least 50 liters of cold water per plate. Only after such washing, according to experts, can complete removal of traces of chemical detergent from the dishes be achieved. Now count the number of dishes you wash in the kitchen every day and find out how much you have to pay for water to be healthy.

The mustard is washed off quickly. And even if there are microscopic traces of it on the dishes, there will be no harm to the body (you are eating it, so don’t be afraid of its remains on the dishes).

3) Third.

Some marketers claim that only store-bought detergents can provide the best cleanliness for your dishes, and that various homemade dishwashing products are ineffective.
But I’ll tell you, this is all a simple deception, designed for the consumer’s blind faith in advertising.
Mustard was used for many decades in Soviet public catering specifically for washing dishes; it is a real folk remedy for washing dishes. My grandmother worked as a dishwasher in a cafeteria in the 70s. And they had mustard powder in special jars, from where they poured it for washing dirty dishes.
So the effectiveness of mustard powder in washing even greasy dishes is exactly the same as that of synthetic detergents.

4) Fourth.
Cold water.

But here our mustard loses a little. Synthetic detergents are effective even in cold water - they simply chemically break down fat molecules, acting very aggressively on them. chemical composition. Imagine now how they can also aggressively affect the wall of the stomach or intestines if a person eats the remnants of the product from the dishes.

But, you see, if hot water constantly flows in your tap, and the effectiveness of mustard and detergent is the same, then why poison your body with chemicals?

5) Fifth.

Again, marketers are tapping into the human psyche with the convenience of using dishwashing detergents. He pressed the jar, poured out a drop and washed the dishes.

But with mustard it’s also simple: pour in the mustard, add a little water and wash the dishes.

This is how I store mustard powder. I poured mustard powder into a baby powder jar, only making a little larger holes in the lid than if using powder - this is so that the mustard powder can fall out better.

I buy mustard powder, in these packages.

This package costs only 27 rubles, and is enough for a month of use.

Now about the technique of washing dishes with mustard.
Take, for example, a frying pan after frying chicken, lightly wash it with warm water, pour mustard powder into it so that its layer covers the bottom with a 1 mm layer.

Then take a damp dish sponge and lightly wipe the pan with it, covering all areas of the pan.

Well, then you can wash off the powder with warm water, also washing the frying pan with the same sponge.

In the same way, you can wash any dishes with mustard - plates, mugs, spoons and forks, etc.

This is my review. If anyone followed my example, please unsubscribe here and also leave your feedback.

Polina Vasilyeva specifically for the site site

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I tried your method of washing dishes with mustard. And it helps! :-) And it cleans dishes well, and no chemicals are needed. Thanks for the advice.

Oh you!!! Before the war, the whole country washed dishes with mustard.
I didn’t know myself, but when I asked the boss. cooks and elderly housewives, then everyone knows about mustard, but have switched to other detergents.
A side effect of mustard quickly clogs the drain. Good luck))).

I agree that "fairies" are a nightmare :-x

Mustard saved us at the dacha. It also cleans well in cold water and saves water. And we saved water, because... I had to carry it myself from the well. And we actively use it at home. And the drains are clogged much more by hair after washing your hair. This is in the old ones cast iron pipes the mustard was probably stuck, but in modern plastic ones everything is clean (I took it apart and looked)

I also use mustard. But only for washing plates and spoons. But I'm afraid of the frying pan - then everything is on it non-stick coating will get scratched. I'm looking at a photo of a cast iron frying pan here. It can be cleaned with powder, but Teflon cannot.

Zhenya, you’d better take care of your health instead of a frying pan, it’s much cheaper: lol:

and a Teflon frying pan, even if not scratched, still needs to be changed after three years ;-)

Taught by an old friend in every sense of the word. I looked on the internet just to find out if mustard is antibacterial. I haven't seen it yet. Along the way, I read about the serious benefits of washing your hair (the hair is greatly strengthened, but there are several rules). Seek and you will find. By the way, Teflon frying pans are carcinogenic (when heated (how else?) they release cancer-causing substances).

Mustard is great, but it’s cruel for my delicate hands, it stings too much. Therefore, I came up with a dishwashing liquid for myself, so to speak, I combined everything positive traits natural ingredients: 2-4 tablespoons of soda and 4-5 tablespoons of mustard diluted in a liter of water. In general, the proportions are very approximate, because I do it by eye. There I crumbled half a piece of household goods. soap (the simplest, brown one) and let the soap swell. Then I poured half a bottle of glycerin into it (so that the hands would not spoil) and beat it all with a blender. The result is simply a wonderful mixture for washing dishes: it softens water (due to soda), washes off grease (even very burnt ones) and disinfects dishes. And it doesn’t damage your hands. True, it doesn’t smell very good, but this drawback can be tolerated. The smell does not remain on the dishes. The result is perfectly shiny dishes, without an ounce of chemicals on them.

There are no surfactants, no fragrances, no dyes. Satisfied as an elephant. And it lasts a long time! If the dishes are greasy, you can add more mustard. It won't hurt, but will only make the composition better.

Thanks for the environmental tips everyone!!! I tried washing it with mustard and soda - the dishes were clean! maybe the water was hot? :)

When washing a frying pan, I use several times less mustard. So, it’s more economical than you think) I have an aversion to chemicals... even the smell remains on the dishes after it. It's poison.
The author has not yet remembered where this chemistry goes through the sewer... into the same water that we drink.

I was very scared by the smell of detergent on the dishes after washing. You rinse and rinse the pan, put it on the stove and when it heats up it still smells like detergent. Now there are no such problems with mustard powder! Also, the plastic containers smelled strongly after washing and the grease from them was not washed off very well. And once you swipe the sponge with mustard powder, there won’t be a trace of grease!

Anyone who needs mustard powder can purchase it at maslogor.ru. The powder is always fresh. I recommend.

These are the products I use and their soap is good, although it looks ugly :)

Mustard is an excellent natural substitute harmful means. But sometimes it doesn’t wash very well, and it also dries out the skin of your hands. I'm looking for something natural, not causing allergies I've tried a lot of products and I can say that the best is soap nut powder. It foams and lathers naturally, soothes and does not dry out the skin and cleans dishes perfectly. Try it))

I've been washing dishes with mustard for two years now. It was my husband’s idea - he is for health safety! I was not used to it and was not comfortable at first, but I am also for naturalness and ecology. I poured it into a convenient container and everything was great! The grease is washed away, the dishes are clean, and the environment does not suffer. Mustard has antibacterial properties and does not clog the drain!

In addition to washing or washing, detergents for dishes and laundry must also be tested!

Mustard for washing dishes is a very good product for all occasions, and very environmentally friendly. This fact is very important if there are people with allergies, small children, or old people in the house. I recently bought a very good dishwashing liquid, mustard. Our manufacturer is domestic, in a 500 ml jar. , inside 300 ml. dry powder. I was very pleased, it cleans perfectly, although the smell is not very good, as it smells like mustard, but it’s very cool.

I wash children's dishes only with special children's detergent Aqa baby. It is hypoallergenic, without phosphates and dyes. I should try my own, I heard that mustard cleans dishes well, but I never had to use it.

Great article. I took from it what I was looking for, namely how to store mustard in the kitchen. In a jar with holes. I didn't realize it myself. Thank you for the advice. I myself have been washing dishes with mustard for a long time. This is a miracle, what a wonderful remedy! I only recommend him to everyone. You will immediately understand the difference towards a huge plus.

Dear Polina Vasilievna! It's a pleasure to read your blog, everything said above is true. Mustard is an excellent dishwashing liquid. I also remembered, 30 years later, in kindergartens during Soviet times they washed dishes only with mustard powder. Safe, effective and cheap. From now on I will only use this time-tested product. Back to the Future! I wish you all good health

cheap and cheerful and no chemicals, a great product

And I will try now. I hope you like it. The chemistry is really alarming.

I've been using mustard for a long time. I'm very pleased. It’s convenient to pour it into a dispenser sugar bowl (which, when turned over, pours out exactly one portion. These are often used for sugar in cafes. They are sold in stores)

I like this product and I will use it, the plates shine

Hello, I’ve been washing dishes with mustard for almost a month now. Before this I used baby detergent, but there is also a lot of chemicals there. Moreover, the child began to have allergies.

Yes, it's safe and correct. Now I also learned about it with mustard a long time ago, and not because of saving water, but because of its safety for health.

Thanks for reminding me. Fabulous. Let's go back to basics!

And I wash dried fruits with mustard. Now almost all of them are covered with some kind of shiny oily crap. And raisins and prunes. And even dates. I haven’t tried washing dates and prunes yet, but I washed raisins, different varieties, with warm water and mustard. Just not hot so that the raisins do not spoil. Removes this grease in one go. Excellent tool!!

Today, it is a rare housewife who manages the kitchen without means for washing plates, pots, pans, and cutlery.

Only a few people think that these products are produced chemical industry.

Users forget that human body also contains fat necessary for normal functioning organs, so chemicals can be harmful to health.

Baking soda for washing dishes is an alternative to chemicals with cleaning properties, excellent home remedy, which can be successfully used in public catering.

Expert opinion

Even in pure form sodium bicarbonate perfectly cleans surfaces of all types of contaminants, but many even better ones have been invented based on NaHCO3 effective recipes kitchen utensil cleaning products.

Soda + mustard

  • Take 3 tbsp. l. sodium bicarbonate and 2 tbsp. l. dry mustard, dilute with boiling water.
  • Metal, glass or clay items are placed in a basin with the prepared solution for 15-20 minutes.

After this, the devices are washed with a sponge directly in the container. The boiling water will not have time to cool down in 15 minutes, so you need to do this carefully so as not to harm your hands.

Then you should rinse the utensils and place them on a clean towel or napkin.

Baking soda + hydrogen peroxide

This is a long-known home remedy, for the production of which it is important to maintain proportions.

  • Take 180 ml of boiling water and 1 tbsp. l. peroxide and sodium bicarbonate.

It is advisable to pour the mixture into a convenient container and shake.

The product is sprayed onto the contaminated area and left for 8±2 minutes, then washed off.

The disadvantage of this recipe is that for each use you will need to re-prepare the mixture, which quickly loses its cleaning properties during storage.

Instead of peroxide, you can use regular table vinegar.

Laundry soap+soda

At home, you can simply make a paste based on soap and NaHCO3. You can take laundry soap or baby soap - these are the most environmentally friendly and hypoallergenic varieties.

  • Add 1/4 pack of baking soda and ten drops of essential orange or lemon oil to half a glass of grated soap.

This paste can be used to wash any household utensils; even if microparticles get into food, it will not cause any harm to the body.

Soda Ash

What's the difference between this chemical substance from the usual, well-known NaHCO3, which can be added to the dough?

The fact is that the calcified version of this substance is sodium carbonate, which cannot be ingested.

Expert opinion


It has an even more pronounced alkaline reaction, it is used for particularly dirty surfaces such as frying pans. Tasting this substance is strictly prohibited; you must ensure that it does not come into contact with your eyes or skin.

The paste is prepared from equal proportions of NaHCO3 and water, the product is applied for three to five minutes. After this, the paste is washed off.

If the soot is not removed, you can rub the area with a cloth with NaHCO3 applied to it. When removing fat, the dishes are soaked in a solution, which is prepared according to the following recipe: 3 tbsp. l. NaHCO3 per 1 liter of water.

Oily utensils are soaked for five minutes, after which they are rinsed in running water.

Soda Ash for washing dishes in the dishwasher

Sodium bicarbonate is used as an ingredient in many dishwasher cleaners. Here are the most popular recipes.

An ordinary soda solution is used to wipe the walls of the chamber and wash the basket for placing dishes.

To begin with, the machine is turned on for one cycle for idling. Then 1/2 cup of baking soda is poured into the device (the use of ash or caustic soda is strictly prohibited).

Add 1.5 tbsp to 1 glass of NaHCO3. l. peroxide and ten drops essential oil. After the mixture has dried, it is poured into the apparatus. Place 1/2 cup of vinegar in the upper basket. After this, the machine is turned on at idle speed.

This recipe allows you to get rid of plaque in the device.

Baking soda can be added to baby washing powder, which does not contain many harmful substances.

It is enough to mix equal proportions of NaHCO3 and powder; 25 grams of the mixture is enough for one wash.

Instead of the usual soda version, you can use a more powerful soda ash version, which is also mixed with baby washing powder.

This mixture is especially suitable for washing frying pans or pots, which are often heavily soiled.

Dishwashing liquid with soda

  1. Rub a piece of household or baby soap, pour 1/2 tbsp. cold clean water.
  2. The mixture is placed in a water bath and brought to a boil.
  3. Gradually add a little more water so that the volume remains about half a liter.
  4. The mixture is kept on the fire until the soap is completely dissolved.
  5. The mixture cools, a tablespoon of vodka and four times as much glycerin are poured into it.
  6. The product is mixed, the foam is discarded, and the remainder is poured into a bottle.

This liquid removes grease from utensils, but does not dry out the skin on your hands.

Baking soda for washing dishes

If the utensils are heavily smoked and have a lot of fat on them, then it is beneficial to make a product from 4 tbsp. l. baking soda and peroxide.

The mixture is applied for 8-10 minutes, after which it is easily washed off along with the soot.

Soda solution for washing dishes in passenger cars

Sodium bicarbonate is officially used in railway transport.

The service instructions for conductors detail how to use NaHCO3 to wash kitchen utensils. The recipe is as follows: 5 g of calcined (!) product is dissolved in a liter of ordinary water.

The solution is used for washing glasses.


Excellent cleaning product cast iron frying pans and other dishes from burning - using stationery or silicate glue and NaHCO3.

  1. Take half a glass of each ingredient and stir in hot water.
  2. The frying pan is completely immersed in the composition and kept in it for at least two to five hours.
  3. It is useful to periodically check the hardness of the soot with a knife.
  4. When it begins to separate from the cast iron, you can clean the utensils with a scraper or knife.
  5. To speed up the process, the mixture along with the dishes immersed in it can be boiled, gradually adding water to it, which boils away.

How to boil a pot with soda ash

You can clean stainless steel elements with a saturated soda solution, which is filled with water and boiled.

For this recipe, it is better to use calcined powder rather than food grade (although the first option is also acceptable, but less effective).

After cooling, the devices can be easily washed with a regular sponge. Be sure to thoroughly rinse forks and spoons.

Boiling dishes with soda ash and glue

  1. Utensils that need cleaning are placed in a large metal container.
  2. The dishes are poured until completely immersed in water, 500 g of NaHCO3 and two or even three bottles of glue are poured into it.
  3. If you need to strengthen the recipe, you can plan the block laundry soap.
  4. After turning off the stove, you should wait until the water has cooled down and only then take out the dishes.

    Dish paste: soda, soap, mustard

    It is easy to prepare a long-lasting product at home.

    1. Pour 25 g of grated laundry soap into 300 ml of boiling water.
    2. You need to wait until the soap dissolves and the water cools down.
    3. After this, 1.5 cups of dry mustard and NaHCO3 are added.
    4. At the end, add 2 tbsp. spoons of ammonia.
    5. You should wait until the paste thickens.