Houseplant laurel. Growing and caring for bay leaves at home

Good day everyone!

Noble laurel (laurus nobilis) or laurel tree, with the fragrant leaves of which every housewife is familiar, grows naturally in the south of Europe, the Mediterranean, and the Western Caucasus. But laurel can also act as indoor plant, especially since caring for it at home is not at all difficult.

And the health benefits of this plant in the room are very great. Bay leaves contain many phytoncides and essential oils that purify and heal the air. And the energy of the plant is very good, it’s not for nothing that it is a noble laurel! Heroes and winners were awarded with wreaths of laurel branches!

The laurel bush is very suitable for both the bedroom and the living room. It improves sleep, harmonizes relationships, smooths out rough edges, and helps mutual understanding.

The most popular use of bay leaves is as a spice. Also noticed a long time ago medicinal properties plants to which it owes a large presence in the leaves essential oil. This oil is widely used in perfumery and cooking.

I got a laurel about ten years ago. I accidentally bought it in some store. I brought it home and was very happy.

But the plant sat in one place and did not grow. What's happened? I began to look carefully - and there was a scale insect on it! That's why my bay laurel isn't growing! And now I will tell you about my experience in caring for indoor laurel and how I got rid of the scale insects on it.

The laurel plant itself is quite unpretentious, loves light and Fresh air, not afraid of drafts. Grows well in regular soil suitable for most evergreens.

If you want to prepare the soil yourself, take this mixture - 2 parts turf soil, and 1 part each sand, humus and well-decomposed peat. The soil should be sufficiently breathable with neutral acidity.

In summer, during the growing season, laurel needs feeding. As for home remedies, I use water after washing the meat, a little ash, and also feed with fertilizers for indoor flowers according to the instructions. Feeding can be done once every two weeks.

The tree tolerates pruning well, and the branches can then be used in the kitchen. By pruning you can shape the plant and prevent it from growing too much.

The temperature for growing bay trees is normal, room temperature. In winter, if it is possible to keep it cooler, then it is better to do so. But I have a laurel in an ordinary room, although in the winter we maintain the temperature in the house at 19-20 degrees, sometimes it can be lower, that is, without heat.

In winter, the plant is in a dormant period, so there is no need to feed it, but water it moderately when the soil dries out. In winter, the bush tolerates even a lack of light well; it stands in the back of my room on coffee table.

But when it begins to grow, it is better to put it in a brighter place so that the shoots do not stretch out.

Propagation of Laurus nobilis.

The easiest way to propagate laurel indoors is by root shoots during transplantation. There are times when seeds are found in a bag of bay leaves and for some people they sprout.

My laurel has never bloomed, perhaps in room conditions this is not always possible.

I tried to root the cutting under a jar, it sat for a very long time, but it never took root. Now I propagate only by division during transplantation and by root shoots, which appear in abundance around the main trunk.

Watering a bay tree.

One of the main conditions for successfully growing laurel is proper watering. The main rule is not to overwater the plant, especially in winter, when it is dormant. In summer, watering should be sufficient; in hot weather, you can water every day.

Here it is necessary to monitor the condition of the earthen clod and not allow it to dry out. The laurel will respond to a lack of water by wilting its leaves. If you water in time, the leaves will restore turgor.

For the last few years, I have been taking my laurel outside in the summer, and it stands on my terrace until frost. When it’s hot in the evenings, I can spray the flowers with water; when it rains, I expose them to the rain. so that the dust can be washed away.

In winter, instead of rain, I give the laurel a cool shower. He loves it very much, the plant really cheers up after a bath. During the shower, I put a plastic bag over the potty so that water does not flow into the potty.

Bay tree pests and their control.

One of the most malicious pests of indoor laurel is the scale insect. Many people wrote to me about this in the comments under the article about. I promised to tell you how I dealt with the scale insects.

Yes, it was not easy. What didn’t I do after I discovered this nasty thing on the branches! Say. I can’t say that one thing helped, most likely everything in combination helped.

I washed the plant several times with laundry soap and kerosene. I wrapped the pot with film, and applied soap foam from the entire crown. laundry soap with the addition of kerosene. For a liter of water - a spoonful of kerosene. I left the foam on the plant for a couple of hours, then washed it off with a shower.

Since I have the laurel on my coffee table in the winter, I inspected the plant in the evenings and used a cotton pad soaked in alcohol to remove scale insects from the branches and leaves.

But I found the scale insect not only on the laurel, it also affected the lemons and even on the window.

Therefore, in the summer I went on a real attack. I took all the flowers out into the yard, stained the window with dichlorvos, and then washed it thoroughly.

I cut off the leaves of the hippeastrums, and treated all the plants - laurel, lemons, hippeastrum with Aktara. Moreover, I not only treated the crown, but also watered it a little with a ball of earth, since scale insect larvae live in the soil.

This treatment was repeated two or three times with an interval of 10-14 days. And after that the scale insect disappeared.

Now, as a preventative measure, before bringing it into the house after a summer stay on the street indoor flowers, I definitely process them all right on the terrace, preferably twice with an interval of 7-10 days.

And in winter I periodically examine my pets so that if something happens, I can take timely measures.

So you have learned how you can grow a bay tree at home and how to overcome scale insects. We’ll talk more about the benefits of laurel another time. If you have any questions, ask, if I can, I will answer.

That's not all for today. Bye bye! I would be grateful if you share the publication with your friends on social networks.

Noble laurel - care and cultivation at home.

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Bay leaves grow in warm Mediterranean climates, but it is very interesting to talk about whether bay leaves can be grown at home? After all, today there are a large number of opportunities to create a microclimate on your windowsill that will completely suit this plant. Moreover, it is widely known that laurel is not considered a very demanding plant. It easily tolerates temperature changes and is not very demanding on moisture. Therefore, growing a tasty, fragrant seasoning at home is quite simple. And when the shoots grow enough, you can delight your family and guests with rich borscht, spreading the mouth-watering aromas of your own bay leaves!

The subtropical climate of the Mediterranean is ideal for good growth laurel tree. In our country, the plant feels good in natural environment Krasnodar region. However, there are many known cases when own plots gardeners grow good bushes and middle lane. The leaves are quite fragrant and are perfect for seasoning homemade broths.

Laurel trees belong to the Laurel family. Today three types of these plants are known. They are evergreen, for home grown Noble laurel is best suited.

Growing homemade bay leaves

In general, we can say that laurel is not a picky plant, therefore, with proper care, moisturizing and feeding, it is not even the most experienced gardener can grow a big tree at home. Not only can its leaves be used in the kitchen for all types of dishes: both first and second, the incredible fragrant aromas of the growing tree will soar in all rooms.

It is known that growing laurel secretes phytoncides, which very effectively fight bacteria and fungi. So we can say with confidence that home tree will protect the family from frequent illnesses and colds.

Location and lighting

Laurel is rightfully one of the unpretentious types of vegetation. It easily tolerates even difficult conditions. But, still, if you want to see a fragrant, healthy and beautiful tree, then it is better to create the most favorable conditions.

Thus, many gardeners note that a flower pot can be placed in any part of the room: be it the south or even the north side. The plant will grow in both limited light and excessive sun exposure. The only thing is that the size of the pet depends on the conditions. On the south side you will become the owner of a large and stately bush that can easily overcome even a two-meter height. In different lighting, your bush is unlikely to please the eye with its lush growth.

Watering and fertilizing

Lavrushka is good at frequent moisturizing. In general, you should try to thoroughly water the soil in the pot about once every 5 days in winter and at least once every 3 days during hot days. To prevent the soil from becoming too moist, it is better to organize good drainage at the bottom of the pot, allowing excess liquid to pass into the saucer. However, it will not be superfluous to water the plant even every day during particularly hot seasons. Monitor the need to moisten the soil based on the degree of drying upper layers soil.

It is advisable to settle the water in advance, because most often in our country the liquid contains a lot of iron. Hard water is unlikely to please any flora, especially those grown at home.

Please note that laurel bushes will be very happy if you sprinkle a small drop over them warm water. Let it fall on the leaves, trunk, upper layer soil. You shouldn’t do this frequently, but in the warm season it is better to spray water at least once a month.

Very good decision A container of water placed next to the pot will serve. In the warm season, the liquid will evaporate and moisten the surrounding air, creating pleasant conditions for the normal growth of the bush.


Laurel grows slowly, but can grow to quite impressive sizes. In wildlife, trees easily reach six meters or more. Of course, a home specimen is unlikely to boast such growth. But this does not mean that over time your compact bush will not outgrow the room’s capabilities.

The first pruning procedure is best done on a fully grown plant. When it reaches two years, the upper shoot of the crown is carefully cut off from the bush. Then, when the top acquires side shoots, they are also carefully thinned out.
It is best to prune in late summer, when the plant has finished growing. There is no point in not working on flower formation at all. Otherwise, you will end up with an untidy tree.

Air temperature and humidity

Laurel is extremely unpretentious to temperature conditions. Few pets can boast of resistance to fairly low temperatures in winter, but this tree will happily overwinter at 10 degrees Celsius. Of course, such a regime is not typical for a living room, but, anyway, try not to keep laurel in winter at high temperatures.

Advice. As soon as the cold weather passes and the average temperature at night stops dropping below zero, you can safely send the tree out into the fresh air. For example, a balcony or summer garden is a good choice.

In summer, try not to overheat the bush. 20-25 degrees will be enough. Laurel does not like dry air. Therefore, artificially increase the humidity by spraying. Place a saucer of water near the flower.

The soil

Soil for your bay leaf Absolutely anyone will do. The main thing is to ensure good drainage of the pot and try to feed the flower so that it grows beautifully, with the correct shape.

Reproduction methods

Many gardeners advise using one of three simple types bay leaf dilutions:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings;
  • bends.


Most reliable method Growing laurel involves using seeds. Many stores offer bay leaves. Today it is not a problem to place an order online. The right time for sowing is January. This is due to the fact that the seed can lie in the ground for quite a long time. The first shoots appear no earlier than a month later, but may not emerge for up to six months. Therefore, planting in winter will result in plant growth occurring in spring and summer: the most favorable time in terms of temperature and humidity.

Attention! Many gardeners advise propagating laurel using seeds. This is explained by the fact that from the very beginning the bush will grow and form in the same conditions and will not experience stress from changes in temperature or humidity environment. In addition, purchase required amount seeds can be affordable price and in almost any store.

Store seeds in a cool place until sowing time. For example, a refrigerator or a shaded buffet. Before planting the seeds, they must be soaked because they have a thick skin. This will significantly speed up the process of new shoots appearing.

There are no special soil requirements for seed growth. Any fertile soil will do, which you can prepare yourself or buy at a flower shop. The only thing is very important condition: the top layer should be laid out 2-3 centimeters with calcined sand. This is very important for the seeds to be accepted.

By the way, many people advise thoroughly calcining the entire soil before planting seeds in the ground to kill bacteria and pests. It is believed that this recommendation is useful not only for propagation by seeds, but also for cuttings and layering.

The seed is sunk about 1 cm. A mini-greenhouse is arranged above the pot. A plastic bag or even a glass jar is suitable for this. The greenhouse must be ventilated periodically.

Ripening occurs in different ways and depends on temperature. But when the shoot throws out the first two leaves, the new plant can be replanted separately. It is not necessary to use store-bought pots. First time ideal home A yogurt cup will serve as a container for your baby.


Growing a bay leaf from a cutting is more difficult than from a seed. For cuttings, the middle or lower part of the branch is usually chosen. It is best to take a young bush, the stem of which has not yet been covered with wooden bark. The most important condition is that the new shoot has three free areas between the bases of the leaves (the so-called internodes).

The bottom cut must be made oblique. The leaves at the base of the cutting are removed, and the top ones are cut to about half so that they do not evaporate too much moisture.

The soil can be enriched with special additives that will promote rapid development of roots. Of course, a greenhouse is being built over the shoot. New laurel trees need to be watered frequently. Spray 4-5 times every day. After the root system appears (usually after a month), the shoot is transplanted to permanent place.

By layering

It is quite easy to obtain a shoot of a young plant using a method that is very often used for propagating grapes. To do this, layering is done from a young shoot. The lower branch is lowered and buried in the prepared small groove. There the stem is securely fastened so that it for a long time remained in the ground. In the place where the branch will be covered with earth, an incision is made in the bark.

It is important to provide the sprinkled ditch with very good watering. After some time, a young shoot will emerge from the ground. It is dug up, carefully separated from the lower branch at the base and transplanted into its own pot.
Next, as with cuttings: the first time good watering and greenhouse conditions.

How and when to replant laurel?

bay tree It doesn't grow fast. At good conditions maintenance, bushes are replanted every two years. New dishes is taken on the basis that the width exceeds the previous one by several centimeters. Older plants are replanted every 3-4 years, as they grow. It is important to try to use the same soil for the same shoot.

In order for the bush to form as healthy and beautiful as possible, already for annual plants It is customary to generously fertilize the soil. Manure is good for this purpose. The main thing is to dilute it with water so as not to burn the roots. You can enrich the soil no more than once a month. But fertilizing rarely, less than twice a year, will also not benefit the formation of a noble appearance of the pet.
Laurel also prefers mineral fertilizers, which can be picked up in flower shops. It's good if you make it a rule to alternate different types fertilizers

Diseases and pests

Laurel does not tolerate dry air very well, as it historically grows near sea coasts. Therefore, when humidity is low, the bush begins to dry out and shed its leaves.

The unpretentiousness of the plant allows almost any owner to grow a full-fledged bush. In fact, the bay tree does not require anything other than good moisture. And few flowers do not require watering. You also need to fertilize the soil at least sometimes, since bay bushes are replanted quite infrequently.


Growing bay leaves at home is very good idea. There are no particular difficulties with care or reproduction. Laurel most often develops well on its own. And if you monitor your pet’s growth especially carefully, then you can safely talk about a lot of advantages that the owner of this wonderful bush will receive.

Everyone has known this plant since childhood, despite the fact that its roots (literally and figuratively) are from the subtropics. It's about about the noble laurel. Our mothers and grandmothers, great-grandmothers added and continue to add such a familiar “bay leaf” to soups and main courses for flavor, to various preparations for the winter: what kind of crispy pickled cucumbers are there without bay leaves?

Perhaps this is one of the most famous spices in the vastness of Russia, and one of the most beloved and used in cooking. And who hasn’t read, all in those same distant or recent times of youth, ancient Greek myths, myths of the country where noble laurel revered as a sacred tree? The heads of the winners were decorated with wreaths from it; laurel groves were also considered sacred; rituals were held in them with the goal of appeasing the gods, asking for protection, glory, victory in battle, on the lists.

Since we are not in the subtropics, we will try to grow this “sacred” tree at home, in an apartment, especially since the plant is quite unpretentious and it will significantly decorate your interior. IN wildlife the tree reaches quite large heights (10-15 m), but in apartment living conditions - much less, however, think in advance where it will live, in the living room or kitchen, give it a fairly spacious and bright corner.


It does not need too high a temperature winter period, +15 degrees is quite enough, in the summer - it’s better to take the potty out onto the balcony, onto the veranda or outside, if possible - give him a vacation in the fresh air.


The subtropical guest loves light, the sun, but not the heat - make artificial partial shade, if direct rays cannot be avoided, water generously, preferably with warm water.


In the warm season, laurel prefers abundant watering. The plant is watered immediately after the top layer of soil dries. For irrigation use warm and well-settled water. In winter, watering is reduced. Laurel does not like to be flooded, but the soil in the pot should not dry out completely.


The tree grows slowly, however, it requires annual replanting while it is still young. Replanting involves changing the pot, which has become too small for the laurel, to a larger pot; do this carefully and carefully, without damaging the root system.

When the laurel reaches three to four years of age, you can replant it every two years or as needed: add peat, sand, humus to the soil for planting; the composition should be quite light, “breathable” and, at the same time, nutritious. You can add a little wood ashacidic soils the plant does not like it, the ash compensates for excess acidity, if any. Be sure to spray the plant with water as needed; dust accumulating on the leaves does not allow them to “breathe” fully.

Feeding and fertilizers

The bay tree needs both organic and mineral fertilizers. It is fed during the growing season. It is better to use specialized fertilizers or reduce the recommended concentration. Laurel can and should be fed with fertilizers, but do not overdo it in this noble impulse: excess fertilizer can have a depressing effect on the plant.

Laurel propagation

Perhaps the most labor-intensive and least predictable process is reproduction. Laurel propagates in two ways - cuttings and seeds. This process is quite lengthy. Cuttings take a long time to take root, and seed germination takes about three months.


Seeds stored in the fall may not germinate at the beginning of spring (this depends on the storage conditions; they should neither dry out nor freeze), and cuttings are also a very capricious material and take a long time to take root. Branches 10–12 cm long should be planted in light (with a fairly high sand content) soil, covered with film or a glass container. We put the plant in a warm place and wait until it takes root.

This may happen a few weeks after planting, be patient and remember to water when the soil dries out. Don’t rush to “pluck” (for culinary purposes) the tree, let it grow, and it will thank you with wonderful, delicious-smelling leaves that cannot be compared with those that we buy in the store, because they are fresh and have not lost their unique aroma over long periods of time. transportation and storage and, most importantly, grown with your own hands.


Most the right time for propagation of laurel by cuttings - March. Semi-lignified branches, the length of which has reached approximately 10 cm, are suitable for this purpose. To ensure that the cuttings take root better, they are treated with Kornevin or Heteroauxic. They are rooted in a pot in a mixture of sand and peat, placed in a mini-greenhouse or covered glass jar. The room temperature should be between 24-25 degrees.

Diseases and pests

The main enemy of laurel is. When infected, the leaves become shiny and sticky, releasing essential oils. If the pest is controlled with insecticides, laurel leaves should not be used as a seasoning.

One of the most popular evergreen plants grown at home is the laurel flower. An additional effect of growing it indoors will be a pleasant aroma, and a bonus - protection from blood-sucking insects! It may be a small bush or a miniature tree. In ancient times, wreaths made of bay leaves were placed on the heads of winners and famous people. In conditions open air and soil grows up to 12 meters high. This plant is very convenient to grow at home, because it, in addition decorative decoration apartments, also has useful functions. No need to run to the store for a bay leaf, you just need to pick it from the tree. In our article, you will learn about caring for a bay tree at home.

Varieties of indoor laurel

This plant has only two types:

  • Noble laurel;
  • Canarian laurel.

Unlike its compatriot, the Canarian species has large, broad leaves, slightly wrinkled at the edges. But its aroma is somewhat weaker than that of its noble brother. Several varieties of the noble laurel tree are known.

A houseplant, which is quite simple to care for, is in high demand among gardeners. The main botanical species has three varieties: narrow-leaved, golden and wrinkled. All of them differ from each other only in the shape and color of the foliage.

Soil for growing bay trees

Bay leaf seedlings, after we can grow them from seeds, will need to be transplanted. When transplanting a seedling into a pot, be sure to fill it with a good drainage layer of expanded clay. Laurel loves moist soil, but stagnation of water should not be allowed, as this can lead to the death of the plant. The soil should be light; any version of the universal soil found on sale is suitable for laurel. Your own soil for planting laurel can be prepared from two parts of turf soil, one part of leaf soil, and half a part of fine, well-washed river sand. Before planting the seedling, the soil can be heated in the oven at a sufficient temperature for disinfection. Too high a temperature during heating should be avoided so as not to destroy all beneficial microflora.

Propagation of laurel trees by cuttings

Before the shoots begin to grow in April, cuttings about 10 cm long are cut. Then they are rooted in heated leafy soil with the addition of sphagnum moss (1+1), covered with a glass jar or plastic bag to maintain moisture. It is advisable to maintain a constant temperature of +22…+28°C. With the appearance of leaves, the rooted cuttings are transplanted into the same soil mixture, as when grown by seeds. The transplanted plants are constantly watered, preventing the soil from drying out, and sprayed with cool water.

Propagation of laurel tree by seeds

Laurel seeds are large, oval-shaped and up to two centimeters in length, with a thin shell that prevents the seeds from drying out and their premature germination.

Laurel seeds do not like drying out and can germinate only in the first 3-5 months (and then only with proper storage). Before sowing, the seeds must be freed from the shell and sown in separate pots, or simply in a permanent place. Seeds usually germinate from April to August. It also happens that sometimes seeds can germinate in January, but in severe frosts the seedlings will most likely die. It is best to keep the plants in the room at a temperature of 10 degrees Celsius, and in the spring it is advisable to take the plant outside. In the first year, feeding seedlings is not necessary, but from the second year, mineral fertilizers can be used as feeding in small doses. Laurel will tolerate any soil except waterlogged soil. If you grow laurel in your home, you will get a beautiful evergreen plant that will delight your eyes every day.

Laurel tree care

The laurel plant itself is quite unpretentious, loves light and fresh air, and is not afraid of drafts. Caring for the laurel tree at home and in open ground Some points must be observed. Let's take a closer look at them.

Watering a bay tree

Laurel loves water very much; the plant needs a constant flow of soft water. During the dry season in summer, the plant can be watered twice a day, morning and evening. However, it is necessary to water if the plant has completely absorbed water and should not allow waterlogging. During the dormant period of autumn-winter, watering is reduced, but the soil should not be allowed to dry out. Try to comply temperature regime with the watering regime and then the plant will be able to gain strength and grow in the natural cycle.

Air humidity plays a very important role for laurel. The plant should be sprayed daily with soft, filtered water, avoiding moisture on the leaves during the peak of the heat, otherwise the leaves will get burned. In winter, you can replace spraying with wiping the leaves damp cloth. You can determine for yourself whether there is enough moisture in the air because the leaves turn yellow.

Fertilizing the bay tree

It is necessary to feed the bay tree only in warm spring and summer period once a month. For this it is best to use liquid or full mineral fertilizer. IN winter time years, the laurel does not need feeding.

Lighting for growing bay trees

Laurel is a quite hardy plant; it will be able to grow in moderate light, but it will develop best - and actively branch - in bright, mostly diffused light. From excess scorching sun rays it should be protected

Laurel prefers bright light, but grows very well in the shade. It is advisable to protect the tree from direct sunlight, otherwise it may dry out quickly.

A good place would be a balcony or loggia, slightly darkened with curtains or special reflective paper. It is necessary to regularly ventilate the room, but beware of drafts.

For successful growth crowns, the tree periodically needs to be turned towards the light source.

Temperature for growing bay tree

Before growing laurel at home, you need to know that the best summer temperature range is from 18 to 20 degrees, and the winter temperature range is from 10 to 15 degrees.

The laurel lives most pleasantly in the fresh air - on the balcony, in the courtyard or in the country house, including throughout the year - if winter temperatures remain at +5-6.

The best temperature during the growing season is 17-19 degrees.

In the spring, in warm period, take the plant into fresh air. The bay tree is not afraid of wintering, so it easily tolerates even slight frosts. In winter, it can be grown on windows on the cold side.

If you live in an area with a mild climate, laurel can be grown in the garden and used as a hedge.

Laurel tree pruning

Prune the tree. Best time- the border between summer and autumn. This will encourage the laurel to grow outward rather than upward. By pruning you can shape the plant and prevent it from growing too much. Starting from the age of 2 years, use garden shears to form a crown in the form of a ball or any other shape.

Diseases and pests of bay tree at home

The laurel species is very disease resistant. Very rarely, laurel can be affected by sooty fungus. A reddish coating appears on the leaves, which is simply washed off with water. This disease does not affect the development of the plant, but the plant loses decorative look. For treatment, you can use a weak solution of soda and green soap in water - 5 g of each drug per liter of water is enough.

Of the pests that most often settle on houseplants, laurel can be threatened by scale insects, mealybugs and spider mites.

As you can see when proper care You can grow a bay tree at home.

In pursuit of beauty appearance you might come across a beautiful Laurel tree. An additional effect of growing it indoors will be a pleasant aroma, and a bonus – protection from blood-sucking insects!

Laurel (from Latin Laurus) – low evergreen laurel family. The most common and popular is the Nobilis or Noble laurel variety. The homeland of this tree is the Mediterranean region, from where it then spread throughout the subtropical part of Europe. In Russia, it is often found in the southern part of the Krasnodar Territory and in the Crimea.

Types of laurel

Noble (from Latin Laurus nobilis)

– in open air and soil conditions it grows up to 12 meters high. It has a pleasant and strong aroma of leaves.

Canarian, also Azorean (from Latin Laurus azorica)

- the tree is even taller, reaching 15 meters in height. The leaves are larger than those of the noble one, have a wavy edge, but the aroma is somewhat weaker than that of its brother.

How to care for laurel at home?


First of all, choose a bright place, preferably with bright diffused light - an east or west window, a spacious ventilated balcony without direct sunlight. Then you need to select the soil and prepare the plant itself - germinate a seed, root a cutting or root layer, or take an already grown bush from a flower shop.

The soil

The tree is unpretentious to soil, but it is better to choose light soil for indoor laurel - for example, a mixture of garden soil and sand in a ratio of 5:1. When buying soil in a store, pay attention to mixtures for indoor palm trees or cacti - they will also suit the composition. It is better to grow Laurel nobilis in pots small size, gradually changing them - it is recommended to replant the young plant regularly.

Temperature and watering

At home, caring for laurel is quite simple. After the small tree has taken root and turned green, it is important to provide it with comfortable conditions and proper regular watering. In summer, laurel is watered with water at a temperature of 25–30 degrees. If tap water is too hard in your region, it needs to be filtered or boiled first. The plant should not be flooded - too wet soil is much more harmful than dry soil, and can even kill the tree. On particularly hot days, you can also spray the leaves with a spray bottle twice a day (morning and evening). This will help remove dust and dirt from the leaves and reduce the likelihood of pests.
In winter, common laurel prefers special care: a relatively low temperature - +15 degrees at room humidity. Therefore, it is recommended to remove the pot with the plant away from heating devices, leaving it on a cool windowsill or insulated but not heated loggia. Watering in winter is usually less intensive - a couple of times a week is enough.


Caring for laurel nobilis at home includes feeding during rapid growth. For this purpose, ready-made mineral or organic fertilizers for house plants, both special “Laurels” and those intended for cacti and palm trees. The frequency of feeding is up to two times a month.

Transplantation and transhipment

Laurel transplantation is carried out, depending on the age of the plant, once a year for young tree and after a year or two - for an older tree. Carry it out better in spring before the start of the active period. Growing laurel is usually done in small pots, each new pot selected 5-6 centimeters larger in diameter. Laurel transplantation at home occurs in the following order: first, the root ball is removed from the old pot and some of the soil is carefully shaken off; then transfer it to a new pot with drainage placed on the bottom and half filled with soil; The roots are carefully straightened, covered with earth and compacted so that the tree holds tightly. It is important not to add too much soil, maintaining the same relative level as in the old pot. If everything is done correctly, the laurel will grow with new strength, continuing to delight with its beauty and aroma.


How to grow from seeds?

Growing laurel from seeds at home is not a difficult process, but you need to be patient. Seeds can remain viable for up to a year after ripening on a tree, but this is only possible if the right conditions storage, so most often they are recommended no later than after 3 months. Before planting, you can remove the “shell” - the pericarp - from the seeds, this will speed up the germination process. Laurel from a seed at home without pre-treatment sprouts quite slowly - sometimes the sprouts can remain in the ground for up to six months. There is no need to despair; it is only important to water the soil periodically. When the seedlings hatch and unfold two or three leaves, it is time for picking - the plants are dug up and the root is pinched to 2/3 of its length. After this procedure, laurel seedlings are planted for a permanent “place of residence.”

How to grow from cuttings?

If among your friends there is already a gardener who grows laurel, a new seedling can be obtained from an old tree by cuttings. The most suitable time for propagating indoor laurel by cuttings is spring, but if necessary, you can root the cuttings both in summer and autumn. Branches are cut 6-8 cm long (two or three internodes) from mature but not yet lignified young shoots. Then, for better rooting, they are kept in a solution of heteroauxin or potassium permanganate for a day, after which they are buried in the ground half their length and cared for in the same way as in the case of growing laurel from a seed.

Visual design

Forming a laurel at home is a simple and, one might say, optional process. Regular, careful pruning creates beautiful shape crown and enhances branching, due to which even small indoor tree make it look like its tall street counterparts, giving it the appropriate appearance - a ball, a pyramid or a classic standard one.


The most common pests of indoor laurel are scale insects, spider mites, mealybugs and aphids. At the first signs of an unhealthy tree: massively falling yellow or gray leaves, white cobwebs on the leaves and branches, damage to the bark and sprouts of the plant, you should immediately begin isolating it from its healthy neighbors. Scale insects damage almost the entire plant: leaves, branches and trunk. If the infestation is weak, the pests can be removed using a cotton swab with a soapy solution, but if the infestation is severe, you will need Actellik or Karbofos insecticides (after this treatment, the leaves become unsuitable for consumption). Spider mite appears on the tree in dry rooms with high temperature air. The signal for tick damage is grey colour fallen leaves, the juice of which it feeds on. Aphids migrate to Nobilis from other plants, including those brought from the garden. To combat it, it is recommended to use tobacco decoction with soap, which is sprayed repeatedly on the plant.


Improper care at home leads to the deplorable state of home laurel. Overwatering causes leaf spots and root rot, while underwatering causes leaves to turn yellow. In winter, without proper care, the tree may lose its leaves.


At home, some housewives grow bay laurel as a fresh and affordable spice. The leaves of the plant have a pleasant aroma and bitter taste, well suited to fish and meat. They are often found in soups, main courses, and autumn preparations. The light scent of wood essential oil refreshes the air and helps reduce the number of insects in the room - for example, mosquitoes do not like it. Home laurel is unpretentious in care and takes root in the most different apartments. With proper care, this decorative foliage plant will delight you with its beauty and aroma for many years.

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