Key factors for the company's success. Success factors for a modern enterprise

Success Factors

What does a person's success in life depend on? There may be many answers, but the most correct answer depends on the character of the person. Research from the US Institute of Psychology has shown that there is a close connection between a person’s character traits and his success. Scientists analyzed the success stories of 2,000 successful people and identified the main character traits, the combination of which leads to success. The survey showed that the main components of success are the presence of the following character traits in a person:

1. Self-discipline. Without self-discipline, a person should not expect success. To become a disciplined person, you must develop the ability to take action. This does not mean that you need to act recklessly or rashly. But you shouldn't waste too much time. As soon as you have an idea and you know the way to implement it, you are confident in success - that means you should implement it. The time to act comes when fresh idea, and it is backed by strong emotions.

However, as soon as you do not take action, you automatically fall victim to the principle of lowering the degree of intention. In other words, the desire to implement the idea gradually begins to subside, and doubts and suspicions arise, caused by you. A person wants to act while he is under the influence of an idea, when he is experiencing an emotional outburst. But if a person doesn't convert desire into action, desire begins to fade, the incentive to action is lost. After a certain period of inactivity, the idea can be safely written down as unrealized.

The role of discipline in transforming desire into action is to find the right motive, turn on reason and irrepressible desire, and then turn emotions into action. If a person does not have self-discipline, then he loses ideas one after another, without ever realizing anything.

It is very important to be able to resist the desire to put off the work you have started or leave some things for tomorrow. Instead of doing your best, you allow yourself to do a little less. Thus, you are able to gradually lose the desire to implement your plans.

2. Knowledge of your business. A person can work in any field of activity, but he is unlikely to achieve significant success in matters in which he does not know thoroughly. To become a professional in his field, a person must learn one truth - learning continues throughout life. Anyone, even the most professional worker, who abandons the habit of improving their skills, sooner or later loses them. Staying at the top is sometimes more difficult than getting to it.

3. Common sense. Without this character trait, a person is not capable of an objective view of things. Thanks to common sense, a person is able to make optimal and specific judgments about everyday affairs, discard all extraneous thoughts and objectively evaluate the event with different points vision. One way to develop common sense is to analyze the experiences of other people and learn from their mistakes so as not to make your own.

4. Self-confidence. People who have achieved greatest success, most often rely on their own abilities and skills. When a person is confident in his abilities, he is determined to take action, make decisions calmly and carefully, taking full responsibility for them. Self-confidence allows a person to move forward and not break under the onslaught of problems; they are ready to go to the bitter end, no matter what happens. One can only envy their courage and energy.

5. High general level development. It involves quickly grasping complex concepts, making them clear and full analysis. In addition to analytical thinking, a high general level of development also implies a rich lexicon, good abilities to reading and writing.

6. Ability to finish what you start. Some people are capable of giving up one step away from the top. TO successful people, who has the ability to bring the work started to its logical conclusion, this does not apply. They are very active, hardworking, they have a goal and a motive to achieve it. They have diligence, organizational talent and specialist skills in their field.

In addition to the above, there are many more factors for achieving success, but self-discipline, knowledge of one’s business, common sense, self-confidence, a high general level of development and the ability to complete a job are the most important of them. Develop these traits in yourself and you will have a real opportunity to achieve success.

Success Factors modern enterprise

Successful business operations of an enterprise depend on the influence large number factors. But the source of a proactive entrepreneurial approach comes from three core principles that bring success in today's environment.

These principles are as follows. Planned profit cannot be achieved without economic efficiency (principle of rationalization). An enterprise is not a machine in which you can replace this or that part in order to achieve success. To a large extent the enterprise is social education different people with different interests. This interpersonal aspect of the enterprise must be considered with no less attention than efficiency (the principle of pluralism of interests). The 7-S management concept combines both of these principles and provides a comprehensive framework for building a successful enterprise.

The principle of economic rationality

The goal of all actions of an enterprise should be to maximize profits to support and develop the enterprise. It means:
- earn money using available means maximum income(principle of maximization);
- achieve a given goal using minimum funds(principle of minimization).

Any step that contradicts this economic principle needs to be justified. Violation is justified only if other goals are achieved.

Enterprise as a pool of interests

The success of an enterprise largely depends on the success and productivity of various groups of the team. Each of these groups contributes to the achievement of the enterprise's goals, but also simultaneously expects returns from the enterprise. If these expectations are not met, productivity stops growing as predicted and the success of the enterprise is jeopardized. Therefore, the success of an enterprise depends on the extent to which the enterprise's management is able to satisfy the conflicting demands of various groups. What is particularly problematic is that the demands of these groups are sometimes in extreme conflict with each other. The talent of a leader lies precisely in resolving and harmonizing these conflicts for the benefit of the enterprise.

So, what are these groups with different contributions and different demands on the enterprise? As an example, you can imagine the following general classification:

What conflicts of interest can we see between these groups? For example, conflicters are the founders of an enterprise and employees. The equalization of interests between them occurs through tariff agreements on the one hand, and associations of enterprises among themselves on the other. If, during negotiations on wages, an agreement is reached that its level is too high from the point of view of the founder (investor), investors see this as a threat to their profits and leave the enterprise, having in mind a better investment of capital (for example, placing it on the free capital market). If during negotiations the level is set too low wages, discontent is growing employees, motivation disappears, evasion of work and dismissals due to at will, labor productivity falls.

7-S management concept

The concept of “family management”, authored by R. Pascale and A. Athos, is based on a comparison of the experience of American and Japanese enterprises. As a result of research, it turned out that the success of an enterprise is determined by 7 factors, the names of which in English language start with the letter S: strategy, structure, information system, specialized knowledge, core personnel, leadership style, self-awareness (enterprise culture).

Successful enterprises are distinguished from unsuccessful ones not so much by the use of individual factors, but primarily by the weighted combination of all seven “es”. Both authors criticize primarily the purely instrumental, payout-only attitude of many traditional businesses. These enterprises understand “their business” as a mechanical device that, when correct use Three hard factors - structure, strategy, systems - almost inevitably work effectively.

The other four, so-called “soft” factors—core personnel, leadership style, specialized knowledge, and self-awareness—determine the tasks and roles of employees, as well as the principles on which the enterprise’s goals are successfully achieved. These factors should not be in a subordinate position; they should always be considered in the process of forming hard factors.

The joint participation of 7 factors can be demonstrated using the example of the Japanese company Matsuhita (brand names of products - Panasonic, Technix). Konosuke Matsuhita already in the early 1930s developed a general concept that allowed company units to remain small and dynamic and promoted managerial autonomy.

He carried out complete decentralization, with the exception of four functions: controlling, financing, personnel management and training. People were named the most important resource of the enterprise. One of Matsuhita's principles is: "Mistakes are forgiven, neglect of our values ​​is not." When taking any steps, the company always ensures that the relations between employees always remain healthy, as they serve as the most important prerequisite high performance. In addition, Matsuhita introduced a corporate anthem, which is sung by employees every day before work, and also developed a code of values ​​- a written set of goals, beliefs and style of relations in the enterprise. Svetlana GLAZKOVA

Almost everyone dreams of own business. But sometimes there is not enough time, sometimes there is not enough money, sometimes there is not enough courage. How to achieve success in business? The main thing is to start! Your business is reminiscent of a chess game. You start it, carefully think through your moves, and only after that can you count on winning.

Instructions for use

The first thing you need to do is “ get into the flow". What does it mean? To begin, choose a direction, learn as much as possible about it and try to fit in. Risk is a noble thing. At the same time, you should not be afraid of anything, since the main component of success is believing in yourself!

You can start from your current type of activity. Analyze the niche, see what products consumers are interested in and whether you are ready to provide them. Try to make your dream come true, but not on a global scale. For example, if you want to start your own business selling furniture, first try to buy and profitably sell at least one sofa.

Pay attention to yourself! How to achieve success in entrepreneurial activity? It's all about psychology. Have you ever had to change jobs because you weren't happy with your boss? If so, then it was not about him, but about your hidden problems that prevented you from understanding and accepting the point of view of another person. Work on yourself. If you are confident in your business and are not afraid of anything, no one will stop you from achieving what you want.

Be responsible for the result. Forget that you once worked for someone, don’t think like a performer, think like a creator. At the same time, never put off business-related issues for later. This will ruin your business before you know it. Everything must be completed on time, even the most insignificant tasks.

Don't expect success! Take action and feel as if you have already achieved great heights. This will help you avoid mistakes and raise your status in the eyes of others.

So, even if you have nothing but a dream yet, follow our advice and the foundation for future entrepreneurial activity will appear. Don’t be afraid of anything, work hard, and everything will definitely work out!

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Company success determined primarily by its profitability and reputation, both of the company itself and its employees. It is the staff that largely determines the development of the company and its further prosperity. An employee must be able to offer the client what interests him and convince him that the most high quality right here.

Of course, the approach to the client is determined by the specifics of the company’s work and what the client wants to see. What he expects from those with whom he will collaborate. In addition, the customer expects to be offered a way to solve the problem he has set. And, although everyone requires an individual approach, there are also general rules, applicable for a significant percentage potential clients. And often the success of a company depends on whether you are familiar with these rules.

It is especially difficult for those who sell services. Although the tips below can be useful to anyone. Apply them taking into account the client’s desire and condition. After all, the success of a company is always the merit of its employees. Those whose clients are depressed and have no idea how to cope with the problem or what to choose should be very careful. After all, to some extent they are entrusting their life to you. So lawyers, medical professionals, those who sell insurance services, etc. need to follow them strictly. But this approach will also be useful for others. The success of a company depends on the client, and therefore consider the following rules.

Rules of communication with the client

Communication with the client: restraint and confidence, this is what the client expects. From the one who represents a certain company, the employer draws a conclusion about how significant the success of the company is and, therefore, whether he will receive a quality service. You must give the impression of a person with a strong position in life, doing everything possible to achieve his goal.

Communication with the client: conversation, the most important part of it. Even on initial stage development of the company, they will choose you if every word is verified and accurate. Use strong words, which are associated with success and prosperity (it’s good if they contain voiced consonants). You should give the listener as much information as possible without being verbose. Refined epithets and comparisons are inappropriate here.

At the same time, really offer correct solution, you can if you have as much information as possible. Listen carefully. If the person opposite is lost, look for him the right word or phrase. This will give you the impression of professionalism, which is essential for the company's success.

Communication with the client: voice, facial expressions, non-verbal messages. Be collected and unemotional. Everything - your voice, your posture, your movements should indicate that you are confident in your abilities. Keep your back straight, don’t make sudden movements, don’t try to show emotions on your face: you’re not expected to give a demonstration. Speak half a tone louder than the other person, but do not shout. By this you prove that you are a man of action, which will provide you with an order, and therefore guarantee the development of the company.

Communication with the client: improvise. The employer wants to see a person who knows and can help him. Your job is to make that impression. Here you will sometimes need some minor tricks. Pretend that you have already solved such questions, make assumptions. And, of course, constantly learn, this the key to the company's success, you must understand exactly what you are talking about, even if you have no personal experience in this matter yet.

Communication with the client: first business, then money. Don't reduce negotiations to discussing fees. Discuss the matter first. Leave the question of payment for the end of the conversation. The success of the company depends on the impression you make on the client, the quality of the service/product provided, and not on how much money you can squeeze out of him. This approach is only suitable for fly-by-night companies.

But the development of the form is still only possible if you receive orders. If you want to have an advantage, end the conversation on a pleasant note. Smile at your interlocutor, show that you are not only a professional, but also a pleasant person.

Be open and confident and don't forget how the success of the company depends on you, so don't stop on this path.
