Chinese rose. Photos of varieties and home flower care. Chinese rose - growing conditions and signs about the flower Chinese rose home plant care

With its bright colors and its beauty, blooming hibiscus attracts the attention of many gardeners who willingly grow it at home. This article will tell you how to care for hibiscus at home.

Chinese rose or hibiscus - very popular indoor plant, which today even novice gardeners readily grow. This flower can be found in an apartment or private house in the Moscow region and in other regions of our country. The homeland of this plant is southeast Asia. Judging by the name, its homeland is China. Although for some species of hibiscus the homeland is in America, Africa and the islands Pacific Ocean. In some countries it is called the flower of death.

Indoor hibiscus has different description because this flower is characterized big amount varieties that differ from each other in the following parameters:

Despite such a variety of varieties, in apartments and private houses you can often find exactly Chinese hibiscus. This flower in wildlife grows in northern Indochina and southern China. In countries where the climate does not allow hibiscus to be grown in gardens, it is planted in greenhouses or flower pots. In addition to the Chinese rose, you can often find hibiscus in the same pot in an apartment. It is also very popular for growing at home (in an apartment or private house).

The Chinese rose belongs to the Hibiscus genus and the Malvaceae family. Different varieties have different description. For example, some varieties look like a tree, while others look like a bush. The Chinese rose represents evergreen tree or shrub. If the hibiscus care was correct, then the Chinese rose can reach three meters in height. But such dimensions can only be obtained if the shrub grows in a greenhouse. At home, hibiscus (its different varieties) can grow to a maximum of two meters. Chinese rose can be grown in an apartment in one pot, planting several plants in it at once. Sometimes you can find a description of this indoor flower as a standard tree.

Chinese rose is a shrub that has leaves that resemble birch leaves. They are dark green, smooth and shiny. There are teeth on the edge of the leaf blade. The leaf shape itself is elongated-oval. Indeed, this description is very similar to birch leaves


The shrub produces single flowers. On one bush they can be scattered throughout the plant. Initially, the flowers look like narrow buds, which open and become like fairly wide cups. Their diameter can vary from 8 to 14 cm. Flowers can be double or simple. Their description and color of the buds depend on the variety.

Interestingly, each flower blooms for only one or two days. Proper plant care will help you achieve constant flowering. Moreover, in some countries the color of this plant is a harbinger of death. But don’t worry if the Chinese rose blooms on time. After all, death is indicated by a color that appeared at an uncharacteristic time. Normally, indoor hibiscus blooms from early spring until late autumn. It is in spring that the plant wakes up after winter and is ready to enter the active stage of development - flowering. But when a color appears at an uncharacteristic time, you need to look for the root cause, and not believe ancient superstitions.

It is worth noting that in some countries this flower (young shoots) is eaten as a salad ingredient. Therefore, this plant in such countries is often grown in one pot, many of them. Chinese rose flowers are also used to make hair dye.

Here it is interesting plant, how indoor hibiscus can be found in our homes in the Moscow region and in other regions of the country. At the same time, many flower growers do not even think about the possibilities of using it for purposes other than decorating a window sill.

The Chinese rose will be an excellent indoor plant in the house, as caring for it is quite simple. Even an inexperienced gardener can handle it. The main condition that is worth remembering when you intend to grow indoor hibiscus in your home is the correctly selected place for its growth. But you still can’t do it without proper care. You need to keep a Chinese rose in your house summer period at a temperature of +20-25 degrees. At the same time, in winter time It is necessary to keep the flower in the temperature range of +14-16 degrees, but lowering the temperature below +12 degrees is not recommended. At this temperature, hibiscus in the spring at the specified time, even when growing several plants in one pot, will give a beautiful color.

You need to care for your hibiscus in such a way that there is no dry air in the room. Plants, especially those grown in one pot, react quite negatively to dry air (for example, their color falls off). Very often the formed buds do not even have time to open. To avoid this, the bush should be sprayed periodically, but watering should not be done more often. Remember that water should not get on the color of the plant.

In summer, a flower pot can be kept on fresh air. But here you should know that the bush should not be exposed to direct rays of the sun. Wind and rain will also be detrimental to the plant in such a situation.

An important parameter for choosing a place to grow Chinese roses in the Moscow region or any other region of the country is lighting. This plant, grown in a single pot or vase, loves indirect but bright light. Such lighting can be created by placing, for example, a pot on the windowsill. In this case, drafts must be avoided. Because of it, the color of the plant may also suffer. Lack of lighting will result in the bush not blooming or the buds remaining unopened. Therefore, to get beautiful and blooming flower, it should be kept in a well-lit place where it is not exposed to direct Sun rays.

You also need to periodically add fertilizer to the pot. Feeding is carried out for a plant growing in one pot. So it is also needed when growing a flower together with other plants in the same pot. Fertilizing should be carried out during flowering and bud formation. IN winter period When the flower is in the dormant stage, no fertilizer is applied.

When it is time to apply fertilizer, it can be purchased at a flower shop. We select fertilizers specifically for Chinese roses. In summer, fertilizing is applied to flowering plants once every two weeks. During the period of active growth of hibiscus (spring-autumn), fertilizer is applied every week. It is recommended to alternately apply mineral and organic fertilizers.

Any indoor flower, including hibiscus, needs to be cared for properly. And the most important aspect care will be properly organized watering. Chinese rose loves moisture. Therefore, in the warm season, watering should be generous. It is also recommended to spray the bushes. Watering is carried out only with settled soft water. room temperature. If several flowers grow in one pot, then watering them should cover the moisture needs of all plants.

In winter, watering is reduced and carried out only when adding the top layer of soil. At this time, the plant reacts very strongly to flooding or severe drying of the soil.

As you can see, watering Chinese roses does not cause any difficulties. Therefore, anyone can keep such a flower in their home.

Caring for hibiscus requires more than just proper watering and fertilization. Periodically it is necessary to prune and pinch the bush. Pruning can be done when transplanting a flower into new pot. It is necessary to pinch and trim this plant for the following purposes:

  • stimulating shoot growth;

  • acceleration of flowering;

  • formation of lush and decorative crown shrubs growing in one pot;

  • removing dry shoots from the bush. In this case, healthy shoots can be cut in half.

To avoid infection during pruning, the sections are treated garden varnish. In this case, healthy cuttings obtained during pruning can be planted in a separate pot. This planting will allow you to propagate Chinese roses at home.

The sample is carried out when the time has come to transplant the plant into a new pot. Before carrying out this manipulation, trimming is done. If you prune in the summer, then flower buds will form on regrown branches in early autumn. Thus, you can enjoy the blooming of Chinese roses right up until spring.

By pinching, you can form almost any crown. You need to pinch the tops of the shoots.

An important point in caring for indoor hibiscus is its planting and replanting. Plants are always planted in a new, slightly larger pot. A very spacious pot will cause the flower to stop blooming. Therefore, many gardeners recommend choosing a narrow container for planting Chinese roses. If an adult shrub is planted, then only a partial replacement of the top layer of soil is done. Moreover, their transplantation is carried out once every 3-4 years. But young plants can be replanted every year.

When planting and replanting, it is necessary to choose the right soil for the plant. The soil for this hibiscus variety should consist of the following components:

These components should be added in proportions of 1:2:1, respectively. You can also add sand and bone meal to this mixture.

Planting and replanting Chinese roses is carried out only in pots, at the bottom of which a drainage layer has been formed. To create it, you can use clay shards. Without it, the roots of the shrub may rot, even if you keep it in optimal conditions growth.

By growing a Chinese rose at home, you can propagate the plant and create a whole home garden. This flower reproduces well in the following ways:

  • seeds;

  • cuttings that can be obtained through formative pruning. For these purposes, only healthy cuttings should be used. Rooting of cuttings occurs in about 3-4 weeks.

If hibiscus at home was incorrect managed care, then the plant will begin to hurt or pests will appear on it. Signs of the disease are the following symptoms:

Very often, Chinese roses at home suffer from chlorosis. To get rid of this sore, you need to normalize proper watering and flower nutrition.

Among the pests on hibiscus, due to violation of the rules of care, aphids and spider mite. When they appear on the bush, you can notice a cobweb. To control pests, the plant should be treated with a soap solution, and in advanced situations - with insecticides.

If you do not start treating a diseased flower in time, you may soon lose it completely. Therefore, it is recommended to adhere to proper plant care and periodically check the bush for the appearance of insect pests.

Following the care rules given in this article will help you grow a beautifully blooming and tall Chinese rose bush at home, which will delight you with its health and excellent decorative appearance.

The Chinese rose is one of the most popular flowers of the hibiscus genus. This plant is widely distributed throughout everything to the globe , especially in the tropics and subtropics. Its beauty and small amount of space allow it to be kept at home. Is it difficult to care for this not-so-indoor plant?

Chinese rose: home care

When and where to grow Chinese rose? In order to look after Chinese rose at home, you need room conditions suitable for flowering, as well as proper feeding:

  • Provide the flower with enough light. Chinese rose flower, loving warmth and light. For the plant to grow beautiful home, it needs care and should be placed in a well-lit place that is not exposed to a lot of sunlight. If you grow a plant in the shade, then there is a high probability that it will not bloom, and if you plant it in the scorching sun, it will die.
  • Provide her with enough fresh air. It is recommended to plant or take the plant outside in spring and summer. By placing the pot in a warm place that receives a small amount of wind, you can be sure that this will benefit the flower.
  • Monitor the air humidity indicator. A Chinese rose can easily die even from direct sunlight, and there is no need to talk about low humidity. It is important to spray the rose, wipe its leaves and in every possible way ensure that, regardless of the month, the rose receives a sufficient amount of moisture. However, when watering a flower, you should ensure that drops of water do not fall per plant above the stem: this part of the flower is very delicate and can crumble due to excess moisture on it.
  • The Chinese rose needs to be fertilized, but it must be done correctly. The flower feeding period is April-September. Fertilizers should be added once every two weeks in small quantities. In winter, you can feed the plant only if it blooms. In this case, the dosage of fertilizers is reduced by a quarter. Summer fertilizers should be mineral or organic (can be alternated), winter fertilizers should be potassium-phosphorus.
  • It is important to prune the rose at the right time (spring). This must be done before the flowers form buds, before the process of transplanting the bush. After this, the number of shoots of the plant increases. In order for the plant to become lush and attractive, during pruning you need to get rid of all dry, bare and otherwise damaged shoots. Stems with such shoots should be cut off completely; regular stems should be shortened by half. To prevent the plant from secreting juice, the cut stems should be treated with garden varnish: this will ensure their protection. Repeated pruning should be done in the summer.
  • Have the right pot. If a person wants to grow this flower at home, then he should make sure that the container in which the plant will grow is a little small. If you plant a Chinese rose in a spacious pot, then it will not bloom and produce seeds, it will only grow. Plants that have not reached the age of five years need to be replanted once every twelve months. Each new pot should be larger than the previous one in a radius of one or two centimeters, no more. Chinese roses that have reached the age of five years must change their “place of residence” every three to four years. If the rose is already quite old, but still bears fruit, it is not replanted, however, a few centimeters of substrate are added every year.

Chinese rose transplant

As already mentioned in the previous paragraph - transplantation of this plant is very important part his life. In order to properly transplant a plant into room conditions, care required:

  • Prepare a mixture of soil (for trees and deciduous soil), humus, a small part of sand, a little peat (mainly for older plants)
  • At the bottom of the pot you should put a layer of material that can save the roots of the plant from stagnant water
  • After this, the plant should be replanted. In order for it to take root, you need to move it to another pot by transferring it, then water it.

Chinese rose after flowering

When and why does a rose bloom? It does not have a characteristic period of calm and rest, however, if the owner sees that the flower needs rest, then it is necessary to provide it everyone necessary conditions . After the Chinese rose has bloomed and shed its leaves, you need to trim the stems (so that fifteen centimeters remain from the root to the end of the stem). For the winter, the plant is placed in a room or place where partial shade will reign and the temperature will not exceed twelve degrees Celsius. You shouldn’t forget about the rose: the soil in which it grows should be watered periodically.

After several waterings, the top of the pot, in which there is a Chinese rose, covered with a paper bag or galvanized (this will retain moisture for a long period of time). After wintering, in the spring, the plant is taken out, freed from the bag and placed in diffused light. Gradually, the dose of water received by the plant should increase until it reaches the dose of regular watering. It is important to follow such a system of enriching the plant with water so that young shoots can develop and bear flowers.

How to propagate and grow Chinese rose? This type of roses is good reproduces by seeds. However, you can increase the number of plants using the vegetative method (and this is much more convenient to do at home). The ideal cuttings for propagation will be those remaining after pruning in the spring. Before planting, the cuttings must be treated with a liquid that stimulates growth, then moved to prepared water or planted in a specially prepared mixture of sand and peat. In any case, the container must be covered with glass (it is best to glass jar).

Afterwards, the cuttings will take root and can be planted in soil specially prepared for the growth of Chinese roses. The planted flower is pinched. With sufficient and proper lighting these plants may even begin to bloom after a couple of months. You can also use cuttings located at the top for cuttings, but only if they have two or three internodes and were cut during the summer pruning period.

Chinese rose pests

Why does the flower get sick? The main insects that cause damage to this plant are aphids, spider mites and thrips. Very often, the cause of pests is improper rose care (the most common reason is low air humidity). To get rid of them, care is required; you need to place the plant on a dampened tray and constantly spray the leaves of the plant with water at room temperature.

One of the most common diseases found in this flower is chlorosis (yellowing of flower leaves associated with increased chlorine and calcium content in the water used to water the plant). In order to quickly get rid of unsightly petals, it is enough to settle the water and add iron chelate to it (an element necessary for quick and correct height plants). If, after a long time, nothing changes, then the problem is in increased watering of the plant.

Hibiscus, or Chinese rose, beautiful flowering plant from the mallow family. The usual environment of this plant is the subtropics of Southeast Asia and Polynesia.

Hibiscus species include herbaceous and tree-like species, annuals and perennials. There are about 300 species in total. Distinctive feature- large single flowers that form in the axils of the leaves.

Chinese hibiscus is cultivated at home. This is an evergreen shrub, less often a low tree. IN natural environment such individuals can grow up to 5 meters. The leaves of the flower are oval in shape and jagged at the edges (see photo). The foliage reaches 10-15 cm in length. They attract with their lush greenery and shine. Chinese hibiscus boasts bright flowering: large inflorescences (up to 12 cm in diameter) are amazing color palette. There are red, purple, crimson or pink flowers.

Often the mention of hibiscus gives rise to unpleasant associations associated with superstitions in people’s minds. So, some people call the Chinese rose the flower of death and try to get rid of it as soon as possible if it suddenly lives in a house or apartment. Signs are taken especially seriously in Eastern Europe, and some fears have reached us. So, why is hibiscus called the flower of death? There are a number of superstitions for this:

In fact, hibiscus is not as scary as it is painted. After all, superstitions are contradictory. Some firmly believe that the Chinese rose is a symbol of love and passion, and therefore you need to take care of it to the maximum. Then there will always be prosperity in the house, and love will not leave the door.

Home care rules

Chinese hibiscus is very unpretentious. Because of him simple in nature the plant can be found not only in residential premises, but also in in public places, for example, in clinics, and even in production, in workshops. By the way, the Chinese rose can be found at the grocery market. Since hibiscus leaves have a certain medicinal properties, they, already dried, are sold as an additive to tea. Home care involves a minimum of action and a maximum of love.

Soil selection

A mixture of humus, turf and leaf soil is ideal for growing Chinese roses. At self-production The components are mixed in a ratio of 2:1:1:1. At the same time, hibiscus can easily grow in absolutely any soil. You can use universal primer purchased at a flower shop. When planting a new plant, it is recommended to add foam balls or small pebbles to the soil.

The secret to a successful landing

Growing and planting Chinese roses is an interesting and entertaining process. Not everyone knows that it is quite easy to grow a flower from seeds. They sprout quickly and do not require much attention. Success will be guaranteed if you follow a number of simple rules:

  1. before sowing, the seeds should be kept in a pink solution of potassium permanganate for about half an hour for disinfection;
  2. after thorough washing, leave for a day in a solution of a growth biostimulator;
  3. It is better to germinate seeds in damp gauze at good room temperature;
  4. seeds laid out on damp gauze are best placed in plastic bag, leaving the seeds access to oxygen;
  5. after the first shoots appear, and this usually happens within 2-3 days, small sprouts must be transplanted into separate cups with ready-made soil from a mixture of sand, peat and ash;
  6. The seedlings need to be covered with a bag on top, creating a mini-greenhouse on the windowsill.

How to choose the right pot

The right pot is a guarantee lush flowering and excellent growth of hibiscus. The container in which the pet will live should be a little tight. In a pot that is too spacious, hibiscus devotes all its energy to greening and succulent foliage, forgetting about flowering. When transplanting, the size of the container increases by 2-3 cm from the previous one.


It is recommended to feed the flower once a month from spring to autumn. You can start in March. Ideal solutions mineral fertilizers. It is important to observe the following condition: mineral fertilizer is used only when the hibiscus has not been transplanted into a soil mixture enriched with vitamins and minerals. Otherwise, you can fertilize no earlier than 2 months after transplantation. Iron and copper chelate are especially useful for Chinese rose. In specialized stores you can buy special liquids that need to be added to the water for spraying.

The most commonly used fertilizers are:

  • Athlete, Gilea, Master. For proper dilution, it is necessary to comply with the proportions indicated on the instructions for the drug.
  • Sugar infusion helps activate flowering. 1/2 teaspoon per glass of water. Such watering is carried out once every 2 weeks.
  • From the second year of a flower’s life, manure can be used as fertilizer in the ratio of 2 tablespoons of well-dried manure per 2 liters of water.


Hibiscus is quite cold tolerant. In winter, it can withstand strong and sudden drops in temperature, even frost. The optimal range for the plant is considered to be a temperature of 13 to 22 degrees. In summer it tolerates heat up to 25 degrees, in winter -13-15.

The shrub loves fresh air, so in warm weather it can be moved to a balcony or veranda. When ventilating a room, it is important to avoid drafts.


The optimal location for hibiscus is considered to be eastern and western windows. This plant loves moderate light and does not mope in the shade, but may retard growth or stop flowering. You should also not place the flower pot in direct sunlight, as the plant will get scorched foliage.

Proper watering

Chinese rose requires moderate watering. They should not be too frequent and not too voluminous. In winter, watering is reduced as much as possible. In summer, abundant watering every 2-3 days is recommended; in winter, once every one and a half weeks will be enough.

Watering is carried out only with settled water warmed to room temperature. The main indication that it is time to moisten the soil is when the earthen clod dries out 2-3 cm from the surface. Flower growers recommend loosening the soil a little after each watering.


Pledge successful growth hibiscus in optimal humidity air. The plant reacts quite sharply to the lack of this factor. When spraying, it is recommended to follow a number of rules:

  1. Avoid getting water on the inflorescences by spraying only the leaves. Otherwise, the hibiscus will drop its flowers.
  2. IN summer time the frequency of spraying increases; there is no need to be afraid to do this procedure several times a day.
  3. Once a week you need to give your pet a bath day. Having lowered the flower container into the bath, thoroughly rinse the hibiscus. This is not only a useful hygiene procedure, but also helps in the fight against spider mites. You can wash only the foliage, without getting it on the flowers.

Additional air humidification is also necessary. You can place containers of water next to the flower pot or place the pot on a tray with expanded clay or wet pebbles. It is unacceptable for the bottom of the pot to come into contact with water.

Hibiscus pruning

To prevent the plant from losing its decorative look, it is necessary to carry out a pruning procedure. It is carried out in the spring, before the plant begins to bloom. You should not prune the rose after transplantation; it needs to adapt. The main task of pruning is to reduce foliage and stimulate the formation of new flower buds.

  • remove dried leaves from branches, bare branches and overly elongated shoots;
  • Sprinkle the cut area with activated carbon for disinfection;
  • all shoots are cut 15 cm from the base, but one bud must be left;
  • repeated pruning is carried out in mid-summer.


It is advisable to replant hibiscus annually, especially in the case of young individuals. Large mature bushes can be grown in a year. The first transplant after purchase should be carried out only when the plant has fully adapted and taken root in its new home. Transplantation is carried out in several stages after flowering:

After flowering

Hibiscus does not have a clearly defined dormant period. Often, in order to give the flower a little rest, flower growers artificially put it into hibernation, reducing watering to a minimum. After all the foliage has fallen, the shoots are cut 15 cm from the base. The plant goes to winter in a cool room with a temperature of 10-12 degrees. Very rarely, wintering hibiscus is watered and covered with any material so that moisture is retained in the soil longer. With the onset of spring, the pot with the rose is gradually brought out into the light and begins to be watered, each time increasing the volume to the same level. This stimulates awakening and activates all the vital forces of the flower.

Problems of growing hibiscus

Although they say that the Chinese rose can grow even in the harshest conditions, the flower can get sick. If you don’t notice problems in time, you can lose beautiful plant. Among the main problems are the following:

  1. Attack of harmful insects: thrips, aphids, spider mites. main reason their appearance is due to insufficient air humidity. To solve the problem, you need to increase the frequency of spraying and treat the foliage with an infusion of hot pepper and laundry soap.
  2. The leaves are turning yellow. This may be a signal of lack/excess moisture or the first sign of chlorosis. The disease is treated with iron chelate added to water during irrigation.
  3. All the leaves have fallen. This happens due to drafts and sudden temperature changes.

Chinese roses (or hibiscus) - bright flowers. They will decorate any garden, room or office. Caring for Chinese roses is simple, and even novice gardeners or those who have little free time can handle it. However, you still need to follow certain rules.

Features of this plant

The Chinese rose flower is characterized by large petals, brightness, long stamens and sometimes even colored leaves. The color is usually red. There are also others (white, purple, etc.). According to their structure, flowers are divided into double, semi-double and simple non-double. The leaves are predominantly green, but they may have spots and streaks (red or white).

The Chinese rose grows in Southeast Asia. The durability and unpretentiousness of the plant allow it to be planted even on summer cottages in our country. From a non-double variety you can get a whole tree. It will not be difficult to grow hibiscus in the house: dwarf varieties have been specially bred for this.

The most popular flowering species:

  • "Florida" (red-orange single flowers);
  • "Hamburg" (red terry);
  • "San Remo" (white non-double);
  • "Rose" (pink semi-double) and some others.

Growing Chinese roses at home does not take much time and effort. The main thing is to provide it with enough light and regular watering. Then flower plantings will delight you for a long time. It is even more pleasant when they are grown by their own labor.

Planting rules

The first question facing the future owner of hibiscus is: how to plant it. To do this, you need to purchase cuttings or seeds. You will need expanded clay, river sand and several types of soil - turf, leaf and humus. For growing at home, it is better to use cuttings. They can be cut from Chinese roses from friends or bought at a flower shop.

  • put expanded clay on the bottom of the container, on top of it - river sand and sheet soil (equal parts);
  • pour this mixture over;
  • plant the cuttings, bury them 1-1.5 cm;
  • cover with a glass jar and wait for it to take root.

Another option is to use water with activated carbon.

After the roots appear, you should plant the Chinese rose in a pot:

  • cover the bottom with expanded clay;
  • mix turf, leaf and humus soil with river sand (in a ratio of 4:3:3:1);
  • plant a sprouted cutting;
  • water well (watering is one of the main factors for successful growth).

If you decide to grow a flower from seeds, you should also prepare them before planting:

  • soak in small quantity water at night;
  • then place on damp gauze and place in a plastic bag with holes for air.

In such a container there will be a greenhouse effect - warm and humid. It is under these conditions that the seeds will grow. When the sprouts appear, they will need to be sprayed with warm water and ventilated.

The next stage after the leaves appear is planting the plants in small pots with humus and turf. At proper care for a Chinese rose at home it will bloom:

  • for 3-4 years when grown from seeds;
  • on next year when grown from cuttings.

In order for a rose to grow and bloom successfully, it should be placed in a sufficiently lit place, but not in direct sunlight. Rooms with windows facing east or west, in front of which there is no tall trees or houses. In summer, it is better to take this plant out onto the balcony, but under a canopy so that the sun does not burn its leaves. Burns significantly reduce hibiscus resistance to disease. Therefore, it must be kept in the fresh air, but under protection.

Proper maintenance of the house

It is equally important to know how to care for Chinese roses. It requires pruning, watering, spraying, pinching, and fertilizing. A houseplant under 5 years old also needs to be replanted every spring.

This plant should be watered every 3 days in the summer and a little less often in winter. The main thing is not to let the soil in the pot dry out. The water must be settled and ensure that it is at room temperature. At the same time, it is important not to overwater the hibiscus so that its roots do not rot. Also, to avoid this, there must be good drainage at the bottom of the pot. In hot summers and dry conditions from heating in winter, the plant should be sprayed. You will have to irrigate every leaf. It is important to ensure that water does not get on the flowers - this will cause stains on them. It is also worth placing containers with distilled water or pieces of ice next to the rose in a pot - this humidifies the air.

For feeding you need to use mineral fertilizers, which contain more phosphorus and potassium than nitrogen. The latter should be reduced to a minimum by the end of summer. Fertilizing should be done every 10 or 15 days in the morning or evening, fertilizers should be dissolved in warm water, strictly observing the dosage. In winter, fertilize should be done once every 1.5-2 months. To help hibiscus bloom better, you need to feed it with natural substances - for example, a sugar solution.

  • To obtain the first fertilizer, you need to dissolve half a teaspoon of sugar (per glass) in water.
  • You can also feed the Chinese rose with water with pebbles and activated carbon: boil the pebbles with boiling water to disinfect, put in a tray, pour water, place under the pot and leave for 2-3 hours until the plant absorbs it. This complements watering well.

So that these indoor flowers have not turned into sloppily overgrown bushes, they need to be shaped: cut off the top, leave a stump 7-8 cm high.

  • In general, pruning according to the rules is carried out in the spring after replanting, as well as in the fall (by a third) or at the end of winter (by half).
  • You should always cut off shoots growing parallel to the main trunk and branches growing inside the crown.

The transplant itself is quite simple. The same mixture is prepared as for the first planting. A hibiscus with an earthen lump is placed in it. Another option is to mix turf, sand and peat or humus (2:1:1). After 5 years, when this indoor beauty grows, it will be possible not to replant, but simply change upper layer soil.

Hibiscus also needs to be bathed both in summer and winter. To do this you need to wrap the flowers and buds plastic film and hold for 10-15 minutes under a weak stream of cool (not cold) water. Then you need to leave it in the bathroom until it dries.

The Chinese rose is considered one of the most undemanding plants, but caring for it at home requires punctuality and attention.

Possible problems

When wondering how to properly care for any planted plants, you need to remember the need to monitor their condition and immediately take action if something is wrong.

Disturbances in hibiscus flowering:

  • bud drop due to lack of nutrients, cold or dry soil;
  • lack of flowering - the reasons are usually an excess of nitrogen in the soil or insufficient lighting;
  • brown edges of leaves - burn from the use of nitrogenous fertilizers;
  • yellowing and falling leaves due to excessive watering (roots rot), excess chlorine and calcium in water for irrigation and lack of nitrogen and iron in the soil;
  • light spots on the leaves are burns that appear if the plant is kept in direct sunlight;
  • pest infestation.

From the latest greatest harm caused by spider mites and greenhouse whiteflies. Mites cause leaves to become covered yellow spots, cobwebs appear on them. The whitefly carries various infections, and in addition, a sooty fungus develops on its feces (looks like a black coating), due to which the hibiscus dries out and may completely die.

Why the leaves turn yellow is a question that is asked by almost every owner of a houseplant, including the Chinese rose. And if such a problem occurs, you need to check:

  • Is the flower watered enough: the soil in the pot should not be dry or too wet, like a swamp;
  • Is the water for irrigation settled? Usually it comes from the tap too hard, its use leads to chlorosis of the soil;
  • whether it is standing directly in the sun and at the same time whether there is enough light in the room;
  • what is the room temperature: hibiscus – tropical plant, therefore, he is uncomfortable if the temperature around him is below +18˚C, but it should not be above +30˚C either;
  • whether dirty spots, cobwebs, or small mites have appeared on the leaves;
  • whether too much nitrogen or high-phosphate fertilizers have been applied.

Accordingly, if any irregularities in care are revealed, it is necessary to immediately begin to eliminate them: normalize watering, move the hibiscus to a lighted place under a canopy (but do not leave it in a draft), start spraying, bathing, adding to the soil necessary fertilizers, reduce the amount of nitrogen.

If the yellowing is caused by pests, you need to treat the flower with insecticides or soapy water. To make it bloom better, you can add a little phosphate fertilizer to the water for irrigation, but keep it in moderation. If the hibiscus turns yellow with proper care, an early transplant is needed: most likely, the soil is not suitable for it at all.

The problem of how to grow a Chinese rose is quite amenable to solution: it is necessary to observe light and temperature regime, water in time with settled water, apply the necessary fertilizers, prune, replant and monitor for pests.

Chinese rose or hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis) belongs to the Malvaceae family. The plant genus includes about 200 species, but how indoor flower Only this type is popular.


Already from the name it is clear that the birthplace of the flower is China. It also grows in other areas of Southeast Asia. And in Malaysia, the hibiscus is a national symbol, and the image of the Chinese rose flower is minted on coins.


Hibiscus – evergreen shrub or a slender tree, more than 2 m high. The trunk is woody, light brown or yellow color. The foliage of the plant is shaped like birch leaves, just as shiny, with small teeth along the edge.

The flowering of the Chinese rose, judging by the photo, is beautiful: huge single flowers, up to 15 cm in diameter, come in simple shapes (reminiscent of an open bell) or double. There are varieties of hibiscus with white, scarlet, lilac, yellow or pink petals. Each flower blooms for only one day, but with proper care, new buds are formed without interruption from spring to late autumn.

Interesting. Dried flowers of one of the varieties of hibiscus, the Sudanese rose, are the main component of Hibiscus tea, giving the drink a rich red hue.


Thanks to Dutch breeders and flower growers from other countries, many varieties of Chinese roses have been developed. The group of non-double large-flowered hibiscus “Sunny City” is very popular:

Below are absolutely amazing photos of blooming hibiscus from American gardeners. The so-called “Florida” hibiscus have purple and lilac shades unusual for the natural forms of the flower:

Among the representatives of terry hibiscus, the King variety is recognized as the most popular. Its giant double bright yellow flowers cause genuine delight. However, the variety is quite capricious; if the rules of care are violated, it easily drops its buds.

Growing conditions

A tropical culture can exist in our climate only as a greenhouse or home flower. On open air The plant can only be carried out in summer, in warm weather.

As a houseplant, the Chinese rose does not cause much trouble to care for. It is important to remember the basic requirements of a flower.

  • Hibiscus requires bright lighting. Young plants are placed on the brightest windowsill. Adult specimens are placed in the brightest room. To get winter flowering, the plant needs additional lighting.
  • The plant does not like heat; a comfortable temperature for it is +22 degrees. If it gets hotter, the flower needs to be watered more often and the foliage needs to be sprayed with cool water.
    In autumn or winter, the flower needs to rest in a cool room, with a temperature of +15 degrees. At this time, the plant lays new buds for future flowering. Without proper rest, flowering will not be as abundant.
  • The soil for Chinese roses needs to be neutral, rich in humus and loose. Buy a ready-made mixture for flowers or mix humus, crumbly forest soil and sand yourself. Instead of sand, you can use perlite and vermiculite.
  • Hibiscus needs abundant watering, with complete soaking of the earthen clod. But moisture is not allowed to stagnate in the pan. The frequency of watering is established experimentally: the soil in the pot at a depth of 4 - 5 cm should always be slightly moist. Water only with settled water at room temperature.
    In winter, hibiscus is watered less often than usual.
  • The plant needs high humidity air. In addition to regularly spraying the foliage, increase the humidity by placing bowls of water near the flower pot. A decorative fountain or a small aquarium with fish installed near a flower will not only help the plant feel good, but will also create a favorable atmosphere in the room.

Hibiscus, pretty large plant, requiring a large volume of space.


In addition to timely watering and spraying, flowering hibiscus needs fertilizing with fertilizers. The peak of intensive growth and flowering occurs in spring and summer. During this period, the Chinese rose is fed every two weeks.

Before flowering, for active growth of greenery, add nitrogen fertilizers. At the moment of formation of flower buds and flowering itself, phosphorus and potassium are added. Use ready-made mixtures mineral fertilizers, with a predominance of relevant substances. The following manufacturers have proven themselves well: Raduga, Ideal, AVA, Pokon, Kemira Lux.

Pruning for Chinese roses is no less important. It is carried out in the spring, before the buds begin to fill. First, remove all weak and damaged shoots. Healthy branches are shortened by a third or half, forming a lush bush. The fact is that hibiscus flowers form at the ends of young branches, and without shortening the shoots, you can get long bare branches hanging down, with a flower at the tip.

Important! All cuts on the plant must be made only with a special sharp tool, and then covered with garden varnish.

A young hibiscus bush, up to four years of age, needs to be replanted annually into a larger pot. Each time they take a container 2–3 cm in diameter larger than the previous one.

An adult hibiscus plant cannot be replanted - the size of the bush is too large. Every year, carefully remove the top layer of soil, 3–4 cm thick, and replace it with fresh soil.

Pests, diseases

Quite often, Chinese rose leaves turn yellow and fall off. Often the reason for this is dry air in the apartment and lack of watering. But often the cause of yellowing is chlorosis - a disease that manifests itself when a flower is watered too much. hard water, with an excess of chlorine and calcium. Water the plant only with soft, not cold water.

In case of severe pest infestation, you will have to use Actellik (15 drops per liter).


Chinese rose can be propagated by seeds, but this is a very difficult and time-consuming task. Not all varieties retain their characteristics when sown with seeds. Therefore, you need to plant hibiscus with seeds purchased in a store, paying attention to the time of seed collection. In the second year of storage, the germination capacity of Chinese rose seeds decreases sharply.

Before sowing, the seeds are soaked for 12–13 hours in warm water with the addition of Epin. This will speed up the germination of the flower. The seeds are laid out on soil made from a mixture of peat and coarse river sand, with the addition of turf humus (1:1:0.5), and lightly sprinkled with sand. Containers with crops are covered with glass or film and kept warm. Germination takes a couple of weeks at a temperature of +25 degrees. The greenhouse needs to be ventilated daily and monitor soil moisture.

Hibiscus seedlings are arranged on a bright windowsill and protected from drafts. The seedlings are watered moderately with warm water; starting from a year, they feed liquid fertilizers; pinch the shoots, forming a lush bush. The Chinese rose is planted in separate pots at the age of a couple of true leaves. The plant will bloom only in the 4th year.

It is very easy to propagate hibiscus from cuttings at home.

At good care, hibiscus may bloom next spring.

Rooting from cuttings is only suitable for ordinary hibiscus. Hybrid Dutch and American varieties propagated by grafting onto roses.

Quite often, the Chinese rose bush produces abundant growth in flower pot. It forms especially actively after pruning the bush. When replanting hibiscus again, the shoots are carefully transplanted into a separate pot, obtaining a finished young plant.


Hibiscus is grown separately from other flowers; its flowering is beautiful and self-sufficient. You can place colorful varieties of hibiscus nearby and indoor roses, jasmine. Wonderful flowers will perfectly complement each other in a bright ensemble.

To the hibiscus standard forming, you can plant a tender one in a pot. The petals of Chinese rose and petunia are similar in shape and density, and harmonize well with each other.

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