Frame without insulation. We insulate a frame house for winter living. Insulating the attic - how to make a panel house “breathe”

In the previous article, I described step-by-step instructions for assembling a frame house with your own hands. Now, we will look at instructions on how to properly insulate it and isolate it from wind and moisture, so that during operation, it for a long time remained reliable protection from frost in the cold season, and also saved from the sweltering heat in summer.

What insulation to use for a frame house

I will not describe here which insulation is better for a frame house; this is a separate topic, and it is discussed in detail in another article.

But it is worth noting that about 80% of the total frame houses, are insulated with mineral wool or insulation based on it. Taking this into account, this step-by-step instruction, basically, will be based precisely on such insulation.

  • In addition to mineral wool, there are several other types of insulation that are, to one degree or another, suitable for use as thermal insulation for frame houses, such as ecowool, expanded polystyrene, expanded clay and others. We will talk about the differences in the technology of their use at the end of the article.
  • Insulation of a frame house with glass wool occurs in exactly the same way as with insulation based on mineral wool, so we will not consider this type of insulation separately.
  • Mineral wool, compared to other types of insulation, is the most versatile material. It is used to insulate not only frame houses, but also any others. It is used as insulation almost everywhere in the construction of private houses.

It is important to know that when working with mineral wool, especially indoors, it is necessary to use products personal protection, such as gloves, goggles and a respirator. Contact with skin can result in severe itching, redness, and allergic reactions.

In principle, the insulation of all parts of a frame house is not much different from each other, but there are still some nuances, so it is necessary to consider each part separately.

Do-it-yourself insulation of the floor of a frame house

The technology of floor insulation largely depends on the type of foundation, but since most frame houses are currently built on a pile-screw foundation, this is what we will start from when insulating the floor.

  1. Insulation of the floor of a frame house, regardless of the type of insulation, begins with waterproofing. In addition to the waterproofing membrane, we also need to build a structure under the floor joists that will hold both the waterproofing material and the insulation itself, as shown in the diagram.
  2. If the house is located high relative to the ground, and you can crawl under it, then first, under the floor joists, tension waterproofing membrane and fastened with a furniture stapler. The overlap of the waterproofing strips should be as tight as possible so that there is no leakage from under the floor. Find out from the manufacturer which side the material is stuffed in and which side is out.
  3. Also, from below, on top of the waterproofing, a board is made. The size of the board and the installation pitch are not particularly important, but no more than 40-50 cm, as long as this is enough to prevent sheets or strips of mineral wool from falling through. Sometimes the board is packed tightly, without gaps, this strengthens the floor structure. This is what you should end up with:
  4. If it is impossible to crawl under the house, then a board is first placed under the joists, and then a waterproofing membrane is attached to the joists from inside the frame house, as shown in the photo.
  5. When the base for the insulation is ready, mineral wool is laid between the floor joists of the frame house. It is necessary to lay it tightly, the presence of voids is not allowed. Mineral wool is cut with a sharp knife, you can use a construction knife, but always a little longer than the required length, about 1 cm.
  6. For ease of installation, the distance between the logs is selected in advance, depending on the insulation, in our case, the width of the mineral wool slab is 60cm. This means that the distance between the joists should ideally be 58-59cm.
  7. The thickness of the insulation layer depends entirely on the region where it is being built. frame house, but on average it is 15 cm. It is also necessary to take into account the height of the floor joists of the frame house. As a rule, the thickness of all layers of mineral wool does not exceed, and sometimes even slightly less than the width of the board or timber from which they are made.
  8. An important point in laying mineral wool is that each layer must overlap the joints of the previous one, as shown in the photo. The overlap should be at least 15-20cm.
  9. On top of the mineral wool, inside the frame house on the logs, it is necessary to fix a vapor barrier membrane. It will protect the insulation from moisture from the inside, and also serve as additional wind protection. In order for it to be airtight, the joints must be taped with double-sided tape, for example.
  10. Plywood, OSB board is laid over the vapor barrier membrane, or a board is sewn together, which will be the basis for further finishing.

It is worth noting that mineral wool itself is not a wind barrier, so the waterproofing and vapor barrier membrane must be stretched so that there is an overlap on the walls, excluding moisture and wind from getting between the wall and the floor of the frame house.

Insulating the walls of a frame house with mineral wool

In a frame house, as in any other, there are two types of walls - external, one side of which is located on the street, and internal, which are located entirely inside the house. So, it is necessary to insulate both of them.

The walls of a frame house can be insulated both from the inside and outside; this does not change the materials used and their quantity. We will look at insulation from the inside; everything is done from the outside in exactly the same way, only in a slightly different sequence.

Insulation of the external walls of the house

It is worth immediately noting that when covering a frame house outside and inside with your own hands, various materials, they may be different from those that I describe in this manual. The order of actions may also differ, but in general, it turns out almost the same, as in the diagram. This approximate diagram, for example, instead of OSB boards, on one side you can pierce the sheathing with slats or a 25mm thick board. The board, as a rule, breaks through a certain distance - about 40cm between the axes, but it is worth remembering that in this case, the rigidity of the walls will suffer a little.

The process of insulating walls with mineral wool with your own hands is almost identical to thermal insulation of the floor, and is carried out as follows:

  1. The outside of the frame is sheathed with OSB boards, with gaps between them specified by the manufacturer, usually 2-3mm. After installation, the gaps can be foamed. This is what it looks like from inside the house:
  2. Then, also on the outside, a waterproofing membrane is stretched, which will protect mineral wool, the frame of the house, as well as OSB sheets against external moisture, on top of which external Finishing work, such as installing siding, for example. Some manufacturers make waterproofing materials with self-adhesive strips to make the joint tighter. If there are no such stripes, it is advisable to glue the joints with double-sided tape.
  3. From the inside of the frame house, between the frame posts, which, if you did everything correctly, are located at a distance of 58-59 cm from each other, sheets of mineral wool are tightly inserted.
  4. It is better to use mineral wool with a density of at least 35-50 kg/m3. Less dense insulation will settle or roll to the bottom, which will lead to the appearance of voids and cold bridges. As a rule, manufacturers write on the packaging what material can be used for.
  5. Just like with the floor, layers of mineral wool should be laid so as to overlap the previous joint of the sheets by at least 15-20cm. The total thickness of insulation depends on the climate zone, but the average value is also 15 cm.
  6. After all the insulation has been laid in the walls, it is necessary to fill with foam all the small voids formed at the joints of the boards and beams.
  7. A prerequisite for insulation with mineral wool is that from inside the house, over the insulation, it is necessary to stretch a vapor barrier membrane, which will protect the insulation from moisture coming from inside the house. On top of which, most often, the same OSB sheets are stuffed as on the outside, but you can also use boards, slats and similar materials, depending on the further finishing. An important point in installing a vapor barrier membrane is that internal corners it could not be tightened, and the vapor barrier completely followed the angle of the frame. Otherwise, in the future, it will be difficult to nail the trim at the corners.

It is worth noting that this entire procedure can be done in reverse, first stretch the vapor barrier membrane from the inside, then the internal cladding material, and the process of insulating the walls with mineral wool can be done from the outside.

Insulation of internal walls of a frame house

Distinctive features of insulating the internal walls of a frame house are:

If it is not possible, or there are no strict requirements for the soundproofing of internal partitions, it will be sufficient to use the same insulation as for external walls. The thickness of the heat-insulating layer can be much less.

Do-it-yourself insulation of the ceiling of a frame house

Insulating the ceiling of a frame house is practically no different from other types of houses with wooden floors, and is one of the most critical aspects of thermal insulation of the entire house as a whole.

Now let's take a step-by-step look at how to properly insulate the ceiling of a frame house with mineral wool:

Since warm air tends to rise upward, if the ceiling or roof is not insulated correctly, the maximum amount of heat will escape from the house.

Insulating the roof of a frame house with your own hands

Very often, instead of the ceiling, and sometimes together with the ceiling, the roof of a frame house is also insulated with mineral wool. This is usually done in cases where attic space residential and heated.

The insulation technology is practically no different from the thermal insulation of the ceiling, with the exception that a waterproofing material must be stretched over the insulation to protect the insulation from the external aggressive environment.

This is how the thermal insulation layer of mineral wool on the roof of a frame house looks like in the diagram:

Here are a few features that will help make the DIY insulation process easier:

It is worth noting that the roof can also be insulated from the inside if it is fully assembled. But this is much more inconvenient, because you will have to come up with some kind of temporary fastenings before stretching the vapor barrier material so that the insulation does not fall out.

Features of using other types of insulation

All preparatory work in terms of thermal insulation of a frame house, regardless of the type of insulation, they are no different. The differences, and even then minor ones, are in the installation of the insulation itself, which will be discussed further.

Now let's look at the main differences between insulation with other materials, which can also be used as thermal insulation for frame houses.

Insulation with expanded polystyrene (foam) and EPS

If you dig around on the Internet, you will find a lot of controversy about foam insulation not only for wooden houses, but also for others. Indeed, polystyrene foam for frame houses is not the most the best option, although it will be the warmest, with the same thickness of insulation, and why is a separate topic for discussion.

The process of insulation with polystyrene foam and extruded polystyrene foam is practically no different, so they can be combined. Here are some features of expanded polystyrene and insulation based on it:

  1. Polystyrene foam does not always fit between the joists as tightly as mineral wool, so all cracks and voids must be removed using polyurethane foam or similar materials.
  2. Expanded polystyrene is a flammable material; this must be remembered and even potential sources of combustion should not come into contact with it.
  3. When using polystyrene foam, it is necessary to take care of improved ventilation, because this material practically does not allow air to pass through.
  4. Despite the fact that polystyrene foam practically does not allow or absorb moisture, it cannot be left as the only waterproofing for the house. Waterproofing and vapor barrier layers must still be present, because they protect not only the insulation, but also the wood itself from which the frame of the house is assembled.
  5. Expanded polystyrene is very fond of rodents who make their moves in it, so you need to take care that they do not get to it.

These are the basic rules and differences in the use of polystyrene foam boards and insulation based on them. Otherwise, everything is done exactly the same as in the case of insulation with mineral wool.

Features of insulating a frame house with ecowool

Ecowool - relatively new material for insulating not only frame houses. It can be used as insulation in almost all areas of private construction, including frame construction.

  1. Despite the fact that ecowool insulation can be done without special equipment, I still would not recommend doing so. Firstly, because with the help of special equipment ecowool is applied more evenly and blows out all the voids. Secondly, manually prepared ecowool has less good characteristics, both in terms of shrinkage and thermal insulation.
  2. Ecowool absorbs moisture very well, so waterproofing and vapor barrier materials, as well as their installation, must be approached with special responsibility.
  3. It is necessary to apply ecowool with a reserve, because it will shrink over time, up to 10-15%.
  4. When applying it, you must use personal protective equipment.

It is worth noting that when insulating a frame house with ecowool, it is necessary to hire responsible and highly qualified specialists who will take into account all its features during installation.

Insulation of a frame house with expanded clay

This insulation technology is currently used extremely rarely, because there is now a huge selection of materials with much better characteristics, but still I will tell you a little about it.

  1. Expanded clay in dry form, as insulation, can be used either to insulate the floor or ceiling, and it can also be used to insulate interfloor ceilings. Using it in walls is problematic, and, in my opinion, not justified.
  2. Very often, expanded clay insulation is combined, for example, with sawdust, ash, etc.
  3. The difference between expanded clay insulation is that the floor and ceiling, underneath the joists, must be pierced either with a board at the joint or with some kind of plywood materials.
  4. It is better to use expanded clay of a fine fraction, thereby there will be fewer voids.

In addition to those described by me, there are many more materials and methods for insulating frame houses with your own hands. But they are all so similar that describing each of them does not make much sense.

They are assembled in a fairly short time, using minimal labor resources. However, with all its advantages, it still has one small drawback. If you don't produce high-quality insulation walls and roofs, it can only be used in summer period, since it is not suitable for year-round use in our climate.

Insulation of a frame house - types of materials

The modern market offers huge selection building materials for insulation of frame houses. Based on the above, it is very important that the insulation retains its functionality for decades; for this it is necessary to use only high-quality material.

Currently, thermal insulation materials are conventionally divided into two categories - organic and synthetic.

  1. The first includes natural materials of natural origin ( sawdust and shavings, compressed straw, etc.).
  2. The second category includes types of insulation obtained using a high-tech production method, using various chemical components and compositions, namely: mineral wool, polystyrene foam, basaltine, and others.

The excellent thermal insulation properties of synthetic materials make them the undisputed winners in this group. They boast such qualities as:

  • good moisture resistance;
  • low thermal conductivity and flammability level;
  • no shrinkage and long service life;
  • prostate to use;
  • safety for humans.

Insulating a house is the most popular and well-proven method. The material has excellent noise absorption, retains heat well, and also has a high class of environmental friendliness.

Insulation of walls from inside and outside

There is no particular difference from where to start work on insulating a frame house, from the inside or the outside. Here it is more convenient for anyone. For example, installing insulation from the street is a little easier, but there is a risk that it may start to rain and then the work will have to be stopped for some time.

Standard mineral wool insulation has a width of 600 mm. Therefore, when constructing a frame, this point must be taken into account. In order for the material to fit tightly to the vertical posts, the ideal step size between them is 580-590 mm. This distance will not allow the insulation to slide down over time, since it will be tightly clamped.

According to established standards, the thickness of insulation for a structure in the central region of Russia is 150 mm. Therefore, it would be advisable to use slabs with a thickness of 100 and 50 mm.

Thus, instead of three slabs, two slabs will be enough for the structure, thereby significantly reducing labor costs. Also the material is 100 mm. less prone to deflection and therefore more securely attached to the structure.

Fastening vapor barrier and OSB boards

  • In order to prevent moisture from entering the insulation, it must be well protected from it. To do this with inside the wooden walls of the frame must be covered with a vapor barrier film. Using a regular stapler, we roll out the roll in horizontal stripes and fasten it overlapping along 5 cm. to the vertical posts. Make sure that the film adheres tightly to the surface everywhere;
  • Next, we need to cover the vapor barrier film with OSB boards, which will serve as the basis for the interior finishing. Using ordinary wood screws and a screwdriver, we fasten the panels one by one, cutting them with an electric jigsaw if necessary.

Installation of insulation

Let us consider, as an example, the insulation of a frame with slabs based on mineral (stone) wool. The material is quite elastic, so no additional method of fastening is required to fix it; simply insert it between the posts. The slabs must be held tightly there due to the difference in size.

Installation of insulation is carried out in two layers, using a checkerboard pattern. The second should overlap the butt joints of the first, exactly in the middle. This method allows you to avoid the appearance of so-called “cold bridges”, which contribute to the appearance of condensation and dampness on the inner surface finishing, as a result of which mold and mildew may appear.

Once all the slabs have been installed, they will need to be protected from rain and strong winds. To do this, by analogy with internal walls, the external ones are sheathed in the same way.

The material used is a hydro-windproof membrane; it will reliably protect the walls from drafts and raindrops getting inside. To securely connect the membrane, secure it to the posts with counter-latching.

External wall cladding

Depending on the material you choose for finishing, you need to properly prepare the base for it. For ordinary siding or a house block, moisture-resistant OSB boards are attached to the counter-batten, to which guide bars are nailed.

It is very popular among the population, which accurately imitates the structure of real wood.

Sectional diagram of insulation

If the walls will be sheathed with any other finishing material (facade tiles, artificial or natural stone, etc.), it is unnecessary to nail guide bars to the OSB boards; the walls will be left in this form for finishing.

Roof insulation

  • Not many people know that roof insulation plays a very important role in creating a favorable microclimate in the house. High-quality insulation of this element reduces heat loss at home by 25-30 % , therefore it is very important to approach this issue responsibly.

One of the most common ways to insulate a roof is to lay insulation between the insulation, and in order for the insulation to last a long time, the roofing cake must have ventilation gap.

The essence of the process of framing a frame house with mineral wool is quite simple and looks like this:

  1. On the outside of the roof, a diffusion membrane is nailed to the upper base of the rafters, which is fixed with a counter-latten;
  2. Next, on the inside in two layers (each 100 mm.), using the same checkerboard order, insulation boards are laid. Pay special attention to the areas of the gables and the ridge of the roof;
  3. The insulation must be covered with a vapor barrier film, which is attached with horizontal stripes from bottom to top, overlapping 5 cm.;
  4. The final stage is lining the ceiling with finishing materials (lining, plywood, block house, plasterboard, etc.)

Floor insulation

Another place where the leak occurs 15-20% warmth that is so precious in our time. You can, of course, fork out the cash and install a system in your home, especially since in our time there is plenty for this.

However, why not try to insulate it well first. After all, the floor is the place where a lot of interesting things happen.

You can’t even count how many kilometers your baby crawls along it, and then takes his first steps in life on it. Spending time doing yoga and reading interesting books will bring pleasure in addition to benefits.

Sequence of floor insulation in a frame house:

  • A layer of waterproofing film is rolled out onto the subfloor. All joints are taped with reinforcing tape;
  • Between the floor joists, insulation is laid (thickness not less than 200 mm.). To prevent the formation of a gap, the width of the insulation must exceed the distance between the joists by 1-2 cm;

  • Overlapping insulation on top 5-10 cm. covered with a vapor barrier carpet;
  • Next, depending on the floor covering, the floor is covered with sheets of plywood or a finishing board is laid.


Today there are many different modern materials that are suitable for insulating houses built using frame technology. However, numerous positive reviews owners show that in this case there is no point in overpaying for expensive materials. Mineral wool, which is quite affordable, does an excellent job of protecting your home from the cold.

Therefore, we can safely conclude that mineral wool is reliable, inexpensive and quite efficient material for insulation of a frame house. Due to its environmental friendliness and fire safety, insulation can be used both inside and outside the house, and nothing else is needed.

The most critical stage of building construction using frame technology is insulation. The work can be done in several ways, so the process and therefore the efficiency will vary. It is worth noting that wall insulation must be carried out not only from the outside, but also from the inside of a frame house in order to achieve maximum effect.

Required materials and tools

To insulate the walls of a building, you need to purchase the following materials:

Comparison table for insulation materials. Click on photo to enlarge.

  • mineral wool;
  • glassine – waterproofing membrane;
  • foil-type vapor barrier;
  • fiberboard and chipboard boards.

For internal insulation of a house, it is recommended to use mineral wool, because it has low thermal conductivity and is resistant to combustion. In addition, the material is safe for health because it is hypoallergenic. Covering the walls of a building with edged boards is the best option. The material undergoes special treatment to achieve the required level of humidity and prevent the formation of rot, mildew or mold.

In addition to the above materials, a number of tools are required to insulate the inside of a building. These include:

Preparatory activities

Internal insulation of a frame structure can be carried out both at the construction stage and in the finished building. In the latter case, before insulating the walls, it is necessary to inspect the frame house from the inside for protruding nails and damage to the external cladding. The discovered elements should be carefully bent with a hammer or removed with a nail puller. Wall defects, such as cracks or gaps, are sealed with polyurethane foam.

The wood in some areas of the frame house becomes damp during operation. Therefore, it is important to carefully examine the structure! To remove damp areas, use a hair dryer. Afterwards, it is necessary to establish the cause of the formation of dampness from inside the house and get rid of it.

Waterproofing house walls

Waterproofing scheme for a frame house. Click on photo to enlarge.

Insulation of frame structures begins with waterproofing the walls from the inside of the building. Glassine is used for this, since it effectively eliminates excessive moisture, which is important for arranging reliable thermal insulation at home. After all, mineral wool is used as an insulating material, which loses its properties when exposed to moisture.

Glassine must be cut into strips of a certain size, after which they can be laid. Using a construction stapler, the material is attached from the inside to the frame posts and sheathing.

Experts note that the outer cladding of a frame building should not have a protective layer of hydro- and vapor barrier, since this prevents the removal of moisture. At proper arrangement thermal insulation of walls, moisture passes through glassine, entering the wood, after which it enters the atmosphere. Otherwise, moisture accumulates inside the structure, and as a result, the wood rots.

It is important to leave a small gap between the facade and the outer cladding. For example, if siding is used for finishing, then the gap should be 3 cm, which will ensure natural ventilation walls

When installing glassine strips, an overlap of approximately 10 cm is made. This prevents water or condensation from getting on the insulating material. For even greater reliability, the joints are taped with construction tape. In places of overlap, the waterproofing membrane is fastened with staples in increments of 10-12 cm.

Laying insulation material

Insulating a frame house using mineral wool from the inside of the structure involves laying building material on a layer of waterproofing in the cavity between the frame posts. The insulation should be adjusted to the size of the cavity, which requires a well-sharpened construction knife.

First of all, measure the gap between the wall posts; add 5 cm to the resulting size on each side of the mineral wool slab. The left allowance will allow you to reliably insulate the building due to the tight installation of the material. The remaining scraps of heat insulation will also be useful in the work - strips about 3 cm wide are made from them to insulate the joints.

When all the walls of the house are covered with mineral wool, they begin to seal the joints. To do this, make a tourniquet from the insulation and insert one side of it end-to-end using a knife. Next, fold the material in half and perform the same operation on the other side. Now the joints frame structure will be reliably protected from the cold.

Installation of a vapor barrier layer

We attach a vapor barrier membrane on top of the insulation. Click on photo to enlarge.

The process of insulating the house is almost complete; all that remains is to cover the thermal insulation material with a layer of vapor barrier. It is recommended to use a foil insulator, since it has the greatest efficiency. To insulate a frame house, most experts use 3 mm thick penofol.

The vapor barrier membrane is fastened using a construction stapler. It must be stapled to the wall studs from the inside. It is better to lay the vapor barrier layer horizontally - this greatly simplifies the work and reduces material consumption. Penofol strips are laid with an overlap of approximately 5 cm.

After installing the vapor barrier, all that remains is to cover the walls of the house with edged boards. It should be noted that penofol is attached with the foil side facing outwards, so it reflects heat into the structure. In addition, this arrangement of the material prevents the formation of condensation in the walls of the frame structure, significantly reducing the thermal conductivity of the structure.

If the technology is strictly followed, the thermal insulation of a frame house will be as effective as possible and will last for several decades.

For year-round operation of a frame house and its long-term service, high-quality insulation is necessary. Everything needs to be insulated - walls, ceiling, roof, floor. What materials and technologies are applicable to solve the problem, and which heat insulators are better to refuse? We will answer these questions and provide step-by-step instructions for insulating a house with your own hands.

Requirements for thermal insulation material

The frames of houses built using “Canadian” technology are assembled from OSB boards or wood. To ensure that the insulation does not cause damage to structures, it must have sufficient vapor permeability – not less than 0.32 Mg.

Fiber heat insulators – mineral wool materials – absolutely meet this requirement. Popular synthetic insulation materials, such as polystyrene foam and polymer-based analogues, cannot be used in wooden structures for two reasons:

  1. Firstly, due to the lack of elasticity, the heat insulator will not be able to adapt to temporary deformations of the wood (shrinkage, increase in volume). The result is the formation of cracks and cold bridges.
  2. Secondly, polystyrene foam and its analogues do not allow wood to “breathe”. This leads to moisture accumulation, mold and rotting of structural elements.

When choosing how to insulate a frame house, in addition to vapor permeability, you should also take into account additional properties heat insulator. The following indicators are welcome:

  • fire safety;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • resistance to shrinkage;
  • minimal water absorption.

Choosing the optimal insulation

Mineral wool heat insulators are the most acceptable option for insulating a frame house. The materials are made from different raw materials, which determine the basic characteristics and scope of application. The general advantages of all types of mineral wool include: light weight, fire safety, resistance to pests and the necessary vapor permeability.

The main disadvantage of fiber insulators– hygroscopicity. To preserve the insulation properties, mineral wool needs high-quality vapor and waterproofing.

Basalt wool - environmentally friendly and fireproof

The main component of the insulation is rocks of volcanic origin: basalite, diarite and basalt. Stone wool – absolutely non-flammable material, capable of withstanding temperatures of 1000 °C. The heat insulator retains physical properties for 40-50 years.
The main advantages of basalt-based mineral wool:

  • low thermal conductivity – 0.36-0.42 W/m*C;
  • resistance to mechanical stress;
  • good noise insulation characteristics;
  • resistance to temperature fluctuations.

The insulation contains hydrophobic additives that ensure rapid removal of moisture. Basalt heat insulator is produced in slabs, the density of the material is 35-50 kg/cubic. m.
The disadvantage of stone wool compared to fiberglass counterparts is less elasticity and susceptibility to rodents.

Glass wool – elasticity and moisture resistance

The basic components of the heat insulator are broken glass and sand. The addition of binding components makes it possible to form rolls from the finest glass fibers. Approximate dimensions of the mats: thickness – 100 mm, width – 1200 mm, length – 10 m.

Features of glass wool:

  • high elasticity – the material easily takes on and quickly restores its given shape, which is very convenient during installation;
  • vibration resistance;
  • not susceptible to mold and unattractive to rodents.

Like rock wool, fiberglass is fire resistant. However, in comparison with the previous insulation, loses on several points:

  1. Unsafe material - installation is carried out in a respirator and protective clothing. The fibers are very fragile and when cutting, a lot of “glass” dust is released.
  2. Shrinkage of the heat insulator - over time, the risk of the formation of cold bridges increases.

Ecowool – versatility of use

A new word in the segment of thermal insulation materials -. The material is 80% recycled paper. Additional components: boric acid and sodium tetraborate. Minor ingredients provide protection against microorganisms and reduce flammability.

Distinctive features of ecowool:

  1. Ecowool – bulk insulation, and therefore the technology of its application is radically different from working with sheet mineral wool. To create a thermal insulation layer, special equipment is required - a pneumatic inflatable device.
  2. If the walls of a frame house are poorly insulated, there is risk of ecowool shrinkage, which is fraught with the formation of uninsulated zones.
  3. The material is not recommended for use near open fire sources, fireplace pipes and chimneys. A protective layer of basalt foil-clad fireproof mats or fencing made of asbestos-cement slabs is required.

The main advantages of ecowool: environmental friendliness, the possibility of insulation hard to reach places and high sound insulation qualities.

“Warm wood” - an alternative to mineral wool

This group is represented mats and boards made of wood fiber materials. The technical and operational characteristics of the insulation are at a fairly high level:

  • good thermal insulation - thermal conductivity is comparable to that of mineral wool;
  • preservation of the structure even when wet - the properties of the insulation do not change when absorbing moisture in a volume of 20% of its own weight;
  • high strength and excellent sound insulation – protection from impact and “air” noise;
  • sufficient density and elasticity - the insulation is attached between the frame posts without additional fasteners;
  • environmental friendliness of the material and safety of installation work.

Wood fiber insulation “breathes” and helps maintain a comfortable microclimate in the house. The disadvantages of a heat insulator include: high cost and flammability.

Thermal insulation with mineral wool: step-by-step instructions

In most cases, for insulation frame structures used mineral wool in the form of mats. Therefore, subsequent instructions will be based on working with this material.

Preparatory activities

The first thing you need to do is understand the structure of the insulation cake, calculate the material and prepare the surface for installation. It doesn’t matter which side to start the work from - outside or inside. Some people believe that it is more convenient to perform thermal insulation from the street side. However, weather factors must be taken into account.

The standard structure of a thermal insulation cake with the order of layers from the internal cladding to the facade of the house:

  • Decorative finishing indoors.
  • OSB board.
  • Vapor barrier.
  • Insulation layer.
  • Windproof membrane.
  • Lathing made of bars for arranging a ventilation gap.
  • OSB board.
  • External cladding.

Recommended step frame beams– 580-590 mm. This range is optimal when using standard mineral wool mats 60 cm wide. According to the standards, the thickness of the insulation for temperate climates is 150 mm. To fill the space between the beams of 15 cm, it is advisable to use mineral wool of two sizes: 50 and 100 mm.

Surface preparation comes down to cleaning off dust, removing protruding nails and blowing in the cracks with foam between the frame elements. Before installing the insulation, you must check wooden structures for the presence of dampness, dry problem areas with a hair dryer.

Interior finishing: sequence of layers

First you need to prepare the base for laying the insulation. From the inside of the house this role will be played by vapor barrier film and OSB boards.


  1. Roll out a roll of insulating material and cut it to the size of the walls of the house.
  2. Secure the vapor barrier sheets one by one to the vertical posts of the frame using a stapler. Installation rules: insulating strips are directed perpendicular to the wooden beams, minimal overlap– 10 cm.
  3. Check the tightness of the protective layer.
  4. Cut OSB boards with a jigsaw.
  5. Secure the panels to the frame, covering the vapor barrier film.

Further OSB boards will serve as the basis for applying the finishing touches to the walls.

Rules for installing insulation

An important advantage of using mineral wool or wood fiber insulation is the ease of installation with your own hands. Both heat insulators are quite elastic, so they do not require additional fixation. The slabs are inserted between the frame posts and are held in place due to the slight difference in size.

To ensure that the thermal insulation layer does not lose its effectiveness over time, it is necessary to follow certain rules for its installation:

  1. Laying is done in two layers, the slabs are placed in a checkerboard pattern. The second row of mineral wool should overlap the joining seams of the first in the middle. This technique prevents the appearance of “cold bridges” that contribute to the accumulation of condensation and dampness.
  2. Insulation boards need protection from strong winds and precipitation. By analogy with the internal wall, the heat insulator is sheathed with a special hydro-windproof membrane.

The film insulation is fixed with a stapler. For more reliable fastening, you can use a counter-latching system.

External wall cladding

The beams attached on top of the wind barrier create the necessary air gap between the thermal insulation material and the exterior finish. Further insulation of the facade depends on the material of the finishing cladding.

Under and siding of different types, moisture-resistant OSB boards are nailed onto the sheathing, to which guide bars are attached. Artificial, a natural stone or facade tiles laid directly on oriented strand boards.

Thermal insulation of a house roof

High-quality roof insulation is of great importance in preserving heat. Thoughtful and well-executed thermal insulation of the roof of a frame house saves 25-30% of thermal energy.
A popular insulation option is placing mineral wool between rafter legs. Roofing pie must be supplemented with a vapor barrier film and a diffusion membrane.

Let us describe sequentially, how to properly insulate a roof:

  1. Stretch a water-repellent diffusion film along the outer end of the rafters. Secure the membrane with a counter-batten.
  2. From the inside rafter system lay insulation. Thermal insulation is placed in two layers 100 mm thick, the installation pattern is a checkerboard layout.
  3. Cover the mineral wool with a vapor barrier film, observing the horizontal laying of the vapor barrier in the direction from bottom to top. The overlap of film insulation is 5-10 cm.
  4. Cover the ceiling with OSB, plasterboard, plywood or clapboard.
    The external finishing of the roof is done using counter lathing. Sheathing bars are nailed onto the slats, creating a ventilation gap. OSB boards or directly roofing material (slate, corrugated sheeting, metal or flexible tiles) are attached to the top.

Insulation of the first floor floor

A lot of heat also escapes through the foundation of the house - about 15-20% of heat costs fall on the floor. As an option, you can organize water underfloor heating. However, it is easier and cheaper to insulate the base with mineral wool.

  • Fasten the canvases together with reinforcing tape, running it along the joining lines.
  • Install a log system made of boards on top of the waterproofing.
  • Cut out the insulation for the cells in the joists. The size of the heat insulator should exceed the distance between the boards by 1-2 cm - this gap is necessary for tight joining and eliminating gaps. The thickness of the insulation is at least 200 mm.
  • Cover with a vapor barrier film, and lay plywood or a finished plank floor on top.
  • The described technology is suitable for insulating interfloor or attic floors.

    A variety of methods for using ecowool

    The second most popular material for thermal insulation of frame buildings is ecowool. But here it is better not to experiment and entrust the work to professionals. Mechanized backfilling will provide required density and uniformity of laying.
    There are three methods of using ecowool:

    • dry "spray";
    • wet application;
    • glue method.

    Dry method applicable for horizontal surfaces, inclined closed cavities, filling interfloor ceilings and non-demountable structures. The packing density of ecowool using this method is 45-65 kg/cubic meter. m depending on the slope.

    Wet technology Suitable for vertical open walls. Ecowool flakes are moistened and applied to the surface under pressure. The density of the thermal insulation layer is about 65 kg/cu.m. m.

    The adhesive method is similar to the previous one, but instead of water, an adhesive component is added. Advantages of the technique: high adhesion of the insulation to the wall, elasticity of the material and low deformation after drying. The adhesive method is indispensable for thermal insulation of flows from below; this option is also suitable for treating walls.

    The issue of insulating a house needs to be thought through at the construction stage. This is more profitable from a financial point of view and technically correct. Structural elements are insulated as the building is erected, and there is no need to major renovation buildings after commissioning.

    Video instructions for do-it-yourself thermal insulation

    More information about the technology of home insulation is described in the video.

    Frame houses in our country are treated without much respect. And they are short-lived, and are blown by the winds, and freeze in the winter - what they don’t say about them. In fact, a frame house, built according to all the rules, is one of the most durable and warm. And in terms of speed of construction, simplicity of design and cost, it has no competitors. Another plus is the ability to do all the work yourself.

    Inexpensive foundation, a fairly light and durable frame made of timber and boards is assembled quickly and without additional questions. But before insulating a frame house (from the inside or outside?), it is important to understand what is happening in the construction of the frame wall pie.

    Moisture vapor passes through the walls and, meeting cold air, turns into water. We don’t need water either on the walls (they will rot) or inside the thermal insulation (it stops “working”). Therefore, the main rule of insulation is that the vapor permeability of the insulation cake should increase from the inside to the outside.

    Now let’s look specifically at the insulation of a frame house. It doesn’t matter whether you start placing all the “ingredients” from the inside or the outside. The main thing is to follow the correct sequence.

    Insulation with mineral wool and other modern materials.

    OSB boards or slabs (the most popular material today) are attached to the frame posts on the inside. Then mineral wool slabs are tightly inserted between the frame posts. It is recommended to lay several layers, overlapping the joints of the previous ones.

    Also, instead of mineral wool (some varieties of which tend to shrink in size over time), it is recommended to use other modern environmentally friendly insulation materials in the form of tiled basalt blocks like Rockwoll light butts.

    The completely filled frame is covered with a membrane film. It serves to protect the thermal insulation from external mechanical influence (wind) and from moisture from the outside. Fasten it with a regular stapler.

    An additional row of bars is stuffed on top of the film and the material is already attached to them. exterior finishing.

    The inside of the OSB board is covered with plasterboard and wallpaper is glued.

    Foam insulation

    Polystyrene foam is not a very good option for insulating a frame house. He's not breathing. There is only one way for moisture to escape from the room - through wooden structures. Naturally, they begin to rot if no action is taken.

    This is done as follows: under the OSB boards on the frame posts, a vapor barrier material is attached with foil inside the room. The joints of the vapor barrier are taped, eliminating the penetration of moisture into the walls of the house.

    Next, the frame is filled with polystyrene foam, sealing the seams with foam. Membrane film in in this case need not. Further finishing of the wall is at the request of the owner. Polystyrene foam can be plastered, finished with siding or other materials.

    This method of insulation requires good ventilation. Essentially, we turned the room into a thermos.

    Recently, the method of insulation with polyurethane foam has become increasingly widespread. But this method is not for those who like to do everything themselves.

    Insulation of a frame house from the inside: technologies and materials (photo, video)

    In order for a house built using frame technology to become a full-fledged dwelling, and not a utility shed, it is necessary to insulate the enclosing structures. Thanks to the construction features, all the work is quite easy to do with your own hands, without the help of helpers.

    Materials and principles of work execution

    Insulation of a frame house from the inside

    Currently, the problem is rather not where to get it, but what to use for insulation. Range of materials

    very wide and varied:

    The use of fiber insulation should be done in conjunction with steam and hydro- or wind insulation. Otherwise, moisture quickly condenses and accumulates between the fibers and creates favorable conditions for destruction wooden frame.

    Foam plastics, due to their structure, do not have this disadvantage. They consist of many closed capsule cells filled with air and practically do not absorb water. Foam insulation can be used on its own without the use of auxiliary protective layers.

    When carrying out work, it should be remembered that there is no universal material. IN various designs various brands insulation will work differently. Not only thermal parameters will play a role, but also the structure, density and form of thermal insulation (roll, elastic mat or rigid sheet).

    Floor insulation

    Floor installation example

    In a wooden frame house you can find two insulated floor designs, fundamentally

    different from each other:

    • floor on the ground;
    • floor with joists.

    In the first case, as thermal insulation material Rigid extruded polystyrene foam is used. The use of foam plastics is undesirable, since their structure is less durable. When choosing sheet material Preference should be given to sheets not with flat edges, but with folds along the perimeter.

    After the backfill layers of sand and fine gravel have been completed, interrupting the capillary rise of moisture, a rough screed is placed on top of them. To cement mortar does not go deep into the layer of crushed stone, a dense layer is first laid on its surface polyethylene film.

    After the surface of the screed has hardened, it is rolled out roll waterproofing with overlapping and sealing of seams. Expanded polystyrene sheets are laid on the waterproofing and filled with finishing screed. You can already lay the base on the finished screed or install the floor covering directly.

    The design of the insulated floor along the joists is actually a wall laid horizontally. The insulating floor pie looks like this:

    • subfloor - laid on skull blocks or hemmed from below directly to the joists;
    • waterproofing layer - you can use roofing felt or glassine;
    • thermal insulation - placed in space between the joists;
    • layer vapor barrier film. An alternative to specialized vapor barrier can be foil foamed polyethylene, which, in addition to vapor barrier properties, provides additional protection against heat loss by reflecting radiant heat into the room;
    • counter-lattice – provides a ventilation gap between the vapor barrier and the finished floor covering;
    • finishing floor

    In this case, fibrous materials based on basalt fiber (mineral wool) are best suited as an insulating filler. It is available in the form of rolls or mats. In principle, both forms of release are quite widely applicable. Thermal insulation is located on a horizontal surface and is not subject to shrinkage under the influence of gravity.

    Due to their small size, mats are more convenient to work with. However, there is a need to tightly join their joints and perform joint spacing when laying in two or three layers. Roll material is devoid of this drawback and, when laid, produces a solid monolithic layer.

    Wall insulation

    The process of insulating walls is usually carried out from inside the room. At this point, hydro-wind insulation and external decorative cladding have already been installed on top of the frame from the outside.

    Mineral wool is placed in mats between the vertical posts of the frame. Fixation is carried out due to the internal elasticity of the material. The distance between the posts should be 1-2 cm less than the dimensions of the mat.

    Wall insulation

    In principle, foam plastics can also be used. But achieving complete filling of the inter-rack space with rigid sheets will be quite problematic. You will have to use polyurethane foam as a filler for the inevitable cracks and voids. The only clear advantage in this case will appear due to the elimination of the need to use an internal vapor barrier.

    When using mineral wool, the use of a vapor barrier is mandatory. Specialized membranes are best suited for this purpose - the smooth side should be facing the mineral wool.

    An air gap must be provided between the vapor barrier and the finished inner lining. It performs the function of ventilation and removes moisture from the structure. Structurally ventilation duct formed by installing sheathing bars. The final interior decoration of the room is subsequently attached to these bars.

    Insulation of interfloor ceilings

    The peculiarity of interfloor ceilings in a wooden frame house is that the floor on the second floor is also the ceiling of the first. The technology for performing the work in this case is the same as when carrying out floor insulation along joists. The difference will be in replacing the bottom waterproofing layer with a vapor barrier.

    Insulation interfloor covering

    Finishing The ceiling of the first floor will be hemmed from below to the floor beams. Thermal insulation is installed inside the structure from above (from the second floor).

    The process of insulating a frame house allows you to use various materials and technologies to obtain the desired result. When doing work with your own hands, the final choice always remains with the owner of the house, and this must be approached quite carefully and carefully so that later you do not have to redo a large amount of work done.

    Do-it-yourself insulation of a frame house

    Frame construction is becoming more and more popular. This is due to the low costs of constructing buildings, ease of installation, short terms construction. In this article we will tell you how to properly insulate a frame house with your own hands.

    First of all, it should be noted that the insulation of a frame house occurs even at the stage of its construction in the process of laying out the space between the frame racks with a certain type of material.

    Choosing the type of insulation for a frame house

    After the construction of the house, it can be carried out additional insulation houses both in the outer part (facade insulation) and from the inside. There are a variety of ways to insulate houses. Almost all existing insulation materials are also suitable for insulating frame structures erected for subsequent living. They usually differ in breathability, environmental friendliness and, of course, price.

    As a rule, problems with insulating a frame house do not arise, because upon completion of construction we have even and smooth walls without unnecessary protrusions. Sheathing such walls with insulation is a pleasure.

    We insulate the facades of the house

    The insulation of a frame house from the outside is carried out using well-known materials - mineral and ecowool, polystyrene foam (polystyrene) and OSB boards. Everyone chooses according to their own pocket, of course health is more expensive, so it is recommended to use environmentally friendly insulation. If you want to understand the types of insulation and choose insulation for your home, watch the video.

    Types of insulation - video

    Successfully executed insulation will increase energy saving and ensure comfortable living.

    Each of these materials has its own advantages, as well as weaknesses. You can find out about them in the sections of our website dedicated to these insulation materials.

    Waterproofing insulation of a frame house

    Here, stopping at general issues insulation of a frame house, we only note that the technology of insulating a frame house with any of the listed materials requires good waterproofing.

    In addition, you should seal all the connectors in the walls that sometimes appear when frame construction. You can seal the cracks using polyurethane foam.

    Insulating a frame house with mineral wool is the most popular option. And also, despite the low noise insulation and flammability of this material, the option of insulating a frame house with polystyrene foam is often chosen. But be careful about the environmental friendliness of these materials. Mineral wool can cause serious damage to your lungs if it leaves gaps in your home and allows air to blow in, and polystyrene foam releases harmful benzene when exposed to sunlight.

    How to insulate a frame house from the outside and inside?

    Waterproofing material. It is attached to the frame of the house using a construction stapler (this is the most convenient option). Important! Monitor the integrity of the waterproofing sheet. Damage even in the form of small cuts or punctures is unacceptable. Attach the individual parts with a slight overlap.

    Lathing. It is necessary if it is decided to make the insulation of a frame house from the outside from mineral wool. Foam plastic, penoplex, etc. – hard and durable materials. They are glued directly to the wall; there is no need for lathing for their installation.

    Insulation. Placed on top of the waterproofing layer. Work technology in accordance with the selected type of insulation.

    Vapor barrier. Necessary if mineral wool was used for insulation, because it, as we will discuss, is highly hygroscopic and, absorbing moisture, loses its heat-saving properties.

    Facing. A very important stage! Almost all types of insulation require high-quality and reliable cladding, which will protect the material from destruction under the influence of atmospheric phenomena. It will also provide environmental safety their applications.

    Insulation of the floor of a frame house

    The insulation materials already stated above - mineral wool and polystyrene foam (and its derivatives) - are also suitable for insulating the floor of a frame structure. Expanded clay and gypsum fiber boards can also be used.

    The most successful option is double-sex technology. Those. one in which a rough and finishing floor is installed, separated by an air gap. Such a floor will meet all the requirements for floors in a frame house: heat retention, sufficient strength, water resistance and safety.

    How to make floor insulation with your own hands

    1. Waterproofing. Important! The waterproofing layer must extend onto the wall slab of the frame.
    2. Frame (joists and floor base).
    3. Insulation + vapor barrier.
    4. Finish floor + interior floor finishing (in accordance with the designer's plan).

    Insulation of a frame house, carried out in accordance with the technology, will provide you with reliable protection even from severe frosts. Warmth and comfort to you in your home!

    Insulation of a frame house: walls, floor and ceiling

    Insulation of any frame house - necessary measure during the construction of such housing.

    Frame houses are deservedly very popular in our latitudes: they are convenient for living, do not require complex assembly or a massive foundation, are inexpensive, and therefore accessible to many people.

    But there is an opinion that such a home is not suitable for the winter period, so the house is considered a good option only for a summer residence.

    However, this statement is only partly true.

    If you know how to insulate a building from the outside and inside, then you can use a frame house for living at any time of the year.

    In a frame house, any convenient materials are used for the foundation (most often it is poured concrete), and certain requirements are put forward for the walls.

    However, it also happens that it is necessary to insulate the floor in a frame house on stilts - the technology of work in this case will have its own nuances.

    At its core, housing has simple design: vertical lintels that are connected by horizontal piles or reinforcement.

    The resulting cells are filled with insulation, and the outside and inside of the house are finished. The entire wall structure with insulation is called a “pie”.

    Of course, the insulating material plays a key role here: it allows you to better retain heat in the house, protects against moisture and drafts, and performs soundproofing functions.

    To prevent the cake from getting wet (for example, from rain), you can use special films. The most important requirement is correct styling insulation, and then the cake will perform its functions correctly and for a long time.

    How to reliably insulate a frame house? Insulating a frame house from the inside is a whole system of actions. The design is primarily based on the choice of material.

    They use both natural and synthetic materials for insulation.

    In the first case, the frame building is insulated with peat, sawdust (wood shavings, tyrsa), straw slabs or ash.

    The technology of insulation with natural insulation is such that it is quite difficult to organize the installation process with your own hands - when working with sawdust, peat or other materials, dirt and many unpleasant moments cannot be avoided.

    Imagine how the insulation of a house with ash will proceed - both the floor and the walls of the house will inevitably be covered with black dust.

    If you choose straw, it is extremely difficult to immediately understand what quality it is - as a result, there may always be an unpleasant odor in the house.

    Synthetic materials are not much more expensive, but they do not have such obvious disadvantages as working with sawdust, they are easy to install, and most importantly, they provide high insulation and durability.

    Frame dwellings are insulated with mineral wool, polystyrene foam, and polyurethane foam.

    How to properly insulate walls and ceilings

    How to insulate the floor in a frame house correctly? The most successful is considered to be the insulation of a frame house with polystyrene foam. The opinion of many experts confirms that such material is absolutely safe, it is easy to install with your own hands, and during work you will not have to deal with a large amount of debris, as, for example, when working with sawdust.

    It is also better to choose polystyrene foam for a frame house because it does not rot, it does not need to be changed for a very long time, and it is vapor-proof (all these advantages are not available when working with sawdust).

    In order for the insulation of the walls and ceiling of a frame house to be fully justified, you need to choose the right foam sheet.

    We choose its thickness depending on the purpose (we plan to insulate walls or ceilings, a private house or a winter country building), it varies from three to ten centimeters. The denser the material, the better its insulating properties for a frame house.

    Remember also that if the foam is too thin, it will easily crumble.

    First of all, the installation technology outside the house requires careful preparation of the walls. This stage should not be ignored under any circumstances.

    If there is construction debris inside the frame structure, we must remove it.

    External cladding should not have protruding nails, splinters or corners - they can damage the foam and the insulation from the outside will be inadequate.

    To avoid drafts in the house, cracks are filled with polyurethane foam. Inspect the frame for damp spots - there should not be any.

    If the insulation is done with your own hands, then the cake can be dried using ordinary construction hair dryer in a matter of minutes.

    Step-by-step instructions for home insulation synthetic material(foam or polyurethane foam) is quite simple.

    First, we install slabs of insulating material between the frame structures. To ensure the correct dimensions, you can cut to size.

    It is done with your own hands using sharp knife. It is important not to miss a single crack, from the foundation to the ceiling.

    External insulation means that the sheets will be secured using special dowels.

    If installation is needed from the inside, then in order not to shift the dew point to outer skin, you also need to install a vapor barrier membrane.

    After all the dowels are secured and the mounting foam has dried (this takes several hours), you can cover the walls with acrylic-based plaster.

    A small layer of coating with a homogeneous mass is applied to the entire surface, after which it is mounted reinforced mesh.

    We wait until it hardens (at least a day), after which we re-coat it with plaster or paint.

    This step-by-step work plan will help even a non-professional to insulate a winter building quickly and without much effort.

    We insulate a panel frame house

    What should the owners of a panel frame house do? After all, the pie in it is different in design from the usual one.

    It also has its own step-by-step installation instructions and a clear action plan suitable for insulating a panel frame house even with your own hands.

    For panel house insulation is only necessary if you live in winter period.

    Since the thickness of the panel housing frame is twice as thick as usual, it is not possible to insulate the entire area, but individual elements.

    It is best to calculate the thickness of the insulating layer during the construction of a panel house, because installation will be carried out directly into the walls.

    For additional protection of the panel house, air-tight membranes are also installed in the pie. When starting insulation, all joints and cracks should be treated with mastic or polyurethane foam.

    First, special profiles are attached to the frames using dowels. After this, they are treated both outside and inside with clapboard.

    In this case, the outside of the house should be damp, and the inside should be dry.

    Not only the walls, but also the floor require special attention in panel frame houses. Therefore, if you are not sure of the strength of the foundation, the floor can be additionally covered with foam insulation.

    After insulation has been carried out outside and inside the house, and work has been done to insulate the foundation (floor), the facade can be sheathed with panels or covered with plaster.

    The step-by-step instructions for this process are not much different from those described above.

    Insulation with polyurethane foam

    Insulation with polyurethane foam is becoming increasingly popular because it is suitable not only for external use in frame houses, but also from inside the home: on stilts, for ceilings, floors, and walls.

    This material is universal: it forms a reliable cake and helps to strengthen the thermal insulation of the foundation. Compared to sawdust insulation, this option has many advantages.

    Spraying polyurethane foam is used for insulation. The technology is quite simple, but it requires additional equipment.

    That is, you won’t be able to do everything completely with your own hands - you’ll have to call professionals with spraying equipment.

    However, insulation with polyurethane foam for a frame house has a number of advantages - such material will serve you for a long time, it can withstand any temperature changes.

    Spraying polyurethane foam will save metal carcass from corrosion.

    Insulating the walls of a frame house with such spraying eliminates rotting or the possibility of insects or rodents infesting the walls (which is sometimes observed when insulating with sawdust).

    In addition, the installation technology is carried out in such a way that you do not have to use additional foam with your own hands, so that the cake or floor is protected from drafts - the material penetrates tightly into all the cracks.

    On average, the covering of a large frame house, even on stilts (where Special attention required for too thin floors), takes a couple of hours.

    We insulate floors and ceilings

    Insulating the floor and ceiling when working with your own hands is as important a process as laying material in the walls. The thickness of the insulation layer depends on the thickness of the foundation.

    Instructions correct installation dictates the need to choose a fairly impressive coating thickness.

    The technology for insulating the inside of a house starts from the ceiling. The insulation cake is laid from the attic side.

    The vapor barrier layer is securely attached using a stapler or glue to the beams and the entire area of ​​the attic.

    After this we put mineral wool or polystyrene foam. It is better not to experiment with sawdust, because, as mentioned above, they are not good material. The joints here are processed in the same way as on the walls.

    And lastly, waterproofing is installed in the frame house, and a protective row of boards is installed on the sides.

    When insulating the foundation and ceiling, you must not forget about ventilation. Its installation in a frame house is done after insulation, but the holes for it are made in advance and are not covered with material.

    The size depends on the pipes, usually their diameter is no more than ten centimeters.

    To keep the cold from the foundation in winter time did not penetrate into a frame house, we should think carefully about the choice of flooring material and its thickness.

    Instructions for successful insulation most often involve choosing polystyrene foam, because it is affordable and retains heat well.

    However, remember that the laying pattern of polystyrene foam is such that it is better to lay it only on top of the vapor barrier material.

    You should not neglect the ventilation of the equipment, otherwise the floor will begin to rot.

    If the technology for insulating the walls of a frame house is not complicated, then you will have to tinker with the floor.

    To install insulation, everything floor coverings will have to be removed, starting from the linoleum and ending with the bottom boards.

    If heating is provided in the floor design of a frame house, then it is better to install it under a layer of insulating material (you can choose either synthetic or natural insulation, but when working, for example, with sawdust, there will be more trouble).

    The insulation itself occurs similarly to the procedures with walls and ceilings. Choose mineral wool or polystyrene foam for this.

    It is better to give preference to slabs of the material rather than rolls - they are more durable and will last longer. Installation takes place using glue or dowels.

    After all the actions, the boards and linoleum are put back into place.

    How to insulate a ceiling top floor brick house
