What toys to choose for hamsters? DIY toys for hamsters - cheap and varied gifts for your pet DIY ideas for a hamster

In this article I will look at how you can make a maze for hamsters at home with your own hands. I'll bring you step by step instructions and I will list necessary materials and craft tools. I will describe how a hamster behaves in a maze.

There are several methods for making a hamster maze.

Cardboard maze for a hamster at home

This method is the simplest. To create it you will need:

  • box large sizes. It will be the main room;
  • sheets of cardboard;
  • glue or tape;
  • scissors.

Stages of creating a maze from cardboard:

  1. You need to cut strips of any length from cardboard. They will serve as walls that the rodent will bypass.
  2. Connect the strips together with tape and put them in the box.
  3. If the box is high, you can make a second floor. It is also necessary to build a ladder so that the hamster can climb on it. You cannot make a very high second floor, as the rodent may fall and be injured.
  4. Connect the structure to the cage so that the hamster can independently move from the cage to the maze and back. This is necessary to ensure that the animal does not get stressed.

A cardboard labyrinth is very fragile, so the rodent must be constantly monitored in the room, and frequent restoration is also required.

Cardboard maze

From plastic bottles

First, the labyrinth should be made in the shape of the letter T, and then create a more complex multi-level one.

For this you will need:

  • plastic bottles 0.5, 1.5, 2 l.;
  • insulating tape;
  • scissors and a stationery knife.

Creation stages:

  1. Rinse all bottles well. It is best to use baking soda or laundry soap. Rinse everything well with water.
  2. Take bottles of different sizes and cut off their neck and bottom.
  3. Sharp edges are sealed with electrical tape. The edges can be melted with fire, but this method is not entirely safe.
  4. Side big bottle make a hole and adjust it to the size of a small container. Paste into big bottle smaller container.
  5. Secure the bottles with electrical tape.

If opaque vessels are used, then holes must be cut on top so that you can see where the animal is.

From plastic bottles

According to this principle, more complex design. For a bottle that has a branch, make two more on the other side and connect a container to each.

If the maze rises to the second level, then the transition to it must be done at an angle so that the hamster can climb there.

From boxes and tubes with your own hands

To create this design you will need:

  • boxes different sizes(toothpaste or face cream boxes, shoe boxes);
  • plastic bottles;
  • bushings from toilet paper or paper towels.
  • scissors;
  • insulating tape.

The labyrinth can be constantly improved and the moves in it can be changed.

Creating this type of game structure consists of the following steps:

  1. Wipe all boxes from dust.
  2. Approximately estimate the diagram of the future design. For large boxes, make several exits. Transitions between them can be made from plastic bottles or toilet paper rolls.
  3. Cut off the necks and bottoms of the bottles. Cover sharp edges with electrical tape.
  4. Draw holes for the entrances and cut them out.
  5. You can make a structure in large boxes.
  6. All parts are connected to each other with electrical tape.

From boxes and tubes

Use of fittings and plastic pipes

Plastic pipes are non-toxic and have a special thread for connection. You can choose any pipe size.

To build a large toy you will need:

  • remnants of plastic pipes;
  • fittings (angles).

From all these materials you can build an unusual structure. Gray, clear and white pipes work best.

If all components are opaque, it is necessary to make a small hole in the pipes to observe the animal.

The holes should be such that the hamster cannot stick his head through.

Plastic fittings

How does a hamster behave in a maze?

For rodents, pipes are burrows. Under natural conditions, animals live in labyrinths with many passages, so they have a positive attitude towards artificial tunnels. Among the disadvantages of a homemade design are:

  1. The animal can make a home for itself in plastic bottle or water and will not crawl around the rest of the space.
  2. An animal can make a toilet for itself in a pipe.

Tunnels are very attractive to hamsters, so when an animal appears, you should not immediately install it. First, it is better for the hamster to get acquainted with its house and family. If the animal lives in a pipe, like in a house, there is no need to worry too much. You can't force him out of there.

Regular cleaning of the pipe is necessary.

There are a wide variety of options for homemade tunnels for hamsters. The main thing here is to show your imagination and the animal will be very happy with the new entertainment.

Anyone who wants to get a hamster needs to know how important a home is for him, because the animal needs a reliable shelter. A hamster's house should be spacious, interesting and cozy. Even the health of a small pet depends on this. At the same time, it is necessary to maintain certain sanitary standards and provide some activities for the rodent.

The stores offer a huge range of different houses, but homemade design will bring more joy and will cost less.

Which option to choose for the house

Before you build a house for a hamster with your own hands, you need to decide what it should be like. The purpose of such a home is to hide the pet from prying eyes. When deciding what to make a house from, you need to give preference to non-toxic materials, since the animal will definitely try them. Housing must be cleaned periodically.

A house for any hamster can be made of paper or cardboard. Boxes, slats, plywood and coconut are also suitable for this. There are different design ideas, allowing you to turn your pet’s home into a real interior decoration.

Constructions homemade products must be safe, without protruding or sharp corners. It is better not to make it from plastic, as the animal can eat the polymer material.

How to do cozy house How to build a hamster with your own hands largely depends on its size. And they are selected taking into account the size of the animal. A Syrian pet will need a larger home than a Djungarian pet.

A good shelter will not only provide an excellent place to sleep, but also provide protection from drafts. You can make different houses for hamsters, the photo shows interesting options such structures.

Wooden house

Let's consider the construction option wooden house for a hamster. It is important to choose a length so that the animal does not feel cramped, and there is also enough space for storing food supplies. In addition, it is necessary that the animal can climb around its apartment.

It is important that the structure has ventilation. To do this, several holes are made in the surface. All parts and holes must be carefully sanded so that the pet does not get hurt.

Now let's figure out how to make a house for a hamster with your own hands. First of all, you need to prepare wooden board or a sheet of plywood. A house made of plywood will cost less. And this material is easier to process. The approximate height of a wooden building should be 10 cm. The lower part is left open. For the top, you need to set aside 17*12 cm on the sheets. This will prevent the roof from falling inward. A window and entrance are cut out on the front surface. To fix parts, you can use slats.

The assembly process consists of the following steps:

  1. Each part must be processed with a file and then sanded with sandpaper.
  2. The walls are assembled with self-tapping screws or nails.
  3. The roof is placed on top without fixing, which makes it easy to clean the room.

Housing out of a box

By analogy with a wooden house, you can make a house out of a box. First, suitable patterns should be made from cardboard. The walls are secured with some kind of safe glue. The window and entrance are made using scissors or a stationery knife.

You can also make a house out of a tissue box. Such containers already have holes that will be used as an entrance.

House made of bottles

Can be built nice house from bottles. Here's what to do:

  1. The bottom of the bottle is cut off. Then it is turned over with the cut down and the entrance is made in a semicircle.
  2. It is necessary to make holes for ventilation along the perimeter of the product with a hot knitting needle.
  3. The cut edges of the bottle must be treated with electrical tape to prevent injury to the animal.

Coconut option

If you don’t like the previous options, then you can figure out how to make a house out of a coconut. This option is not difficult, but you will have to scrape the pulp out of the fruit. The dwelling is more suitable for a dzhungarik.

To make a coconut house you need to follow these steps:

  1. Make holes in the eyes of the coconut and pour out the milk.
  2. The most vulnerable spot is located next to the eyes; there you need to tap with the blunt side of the knife. If a crack forms, the part can be cut off with a knife, and if not, then sawed off.
  3. To make it easy to remove the pulp, the fruit is removed in freezer for half an hour.
  4. An arch is cut out on one side. The edges of the holes for entry and ventilation need to be sanded.

The coconut house is installed with the hole cut down. This will prevent the structure from rolling.

How to arrange a shelter and where to put it

The house needs to be thoroughly washed or cleaned, and a layer of shavings placed on the bottom. Hamsters love to rummage through it. You need to put some straw in the corner, which will become a bed for your pet.

There should be fresh food and water inside. This animal eats little by little, but there should always be a supply of food.

The home should have toys and wheels so that the pet can play. After all, rodents love this lifestyle. The toys are secured to keep your pet safe.

Important! Housing should not be located in a draft. It is better if you put it in a dry and warm place.

Hamsters are extremely mobile, active rodents that have a good appetite. They must burn maximum calories to avoid serious health problems. By purchasing or making your own toys for hamsters, you will diversify his leisure time and ensure a long, happy life.

Of course, the easiest way is to purchase finished products in a special store. You won’t have to mess around, and the choice of models there will probably be impressive. But is there any point in spending money on simple toys that you can make with your own hands? Keep in mind that this is a highly specialized product and the cheapest toys will cost no less than the hamster itself.

Therefore, it is better to buy in the store only such goods that you cannot make yourself. For example, a special ball for a hamster would be a good purchase. Having placed your pet there, you can calmly lower it to the floor and go about your business or even leave the house. The rodent will happily run around the entire apartment, burning extra calories and learning more about its home. At the same time, nothing threatens him - a cat or dog will not get to him, and the hamster itself will not run away, will not get stuck in the inside of the refrigerator, or die from an electric shock received from a chewed cable.

At a stretch, a wheel can also be called a useful toy - you can make it, but it’s more difficult process, requiring the use of special parts. This is generally an irreplaceable thing if you cannot purchase a ball for some reason. Installed in a cage, it will allow the hamster to run all day (and sometimes all night), burning extra calories and maintaining excellent physical shape.

That's probably all. All other toys can be made yourself, using items that are usually thrown into the trash without a second thought. The main thing is to show your imagination and work a little with your hands.

DIY toys for hamsters

This craft will be of particular interest to children. Well, if their parents support them in this endeavor, then this will further strengthen the family and allow everyone to get an unforgettable experience together and just maximum positivity. So, how to make a toy for a hamster with your own hands? The choice here is simply huge - you can transform a variety of objects beyond recognition. So, let's get started!

From walnut shells

Many people don’t even realize, but using nut shells, you can make a toy that will bring a lot of pleasure to both the hamster and his owners.

For this you will need:

  • 3 walnuts;
  • thick, durable thread;
  • drill with a thin drill bit.

The whole job takes just a few minutes:

  1. Carefully divide the nuts in half - the easiest way is to insert a knife or screwdriver into the gap between the shells and turn. Remove the entrails and partitions.
  2. Carefully drill a small hole in the middle of the nut.
  3. Thread a thread through the holes in the shells to get a kind of beads.

That's all - the toys are ready. Now put a treat in each half of the nut and hang the “beads” in the hamster’s cage so that he can easily reach the bottom shell. You will see with what pleasure the rodent climbs on its new toy, pulling out its favorite food.

From a toilet paper roll

What do most people do with a cardboard tube when it runs out of toilet paper? That's right, he throws it away. But you can use it to make wonderful toys for hamsters with your own hands. True, they will only occupy representatives of not too large breeds for a long time - for example, Dzungarians. The Syrians will tear thick cardboard too quickly.

In addition to the video itself, you only need scissors.

  1. Cut the sleeve into rings 2-2.5 centimeters thick.
  2. Insert one ring into another, the resulting structure into a third, and so on - use five rings in total to form a dense ball with small gaps.
  3. Stick a piece of carrot, apple, or other hamster's favorite treat inside and give the toy to him.

Most rodents tinker with a new toy with great pleasure, trying to get food and delighting young spectators.

Minks and "diggers"

In nature, hamsters live in burrows, so they love to dig in the ground. Alas, such an opportunity cannot be provided in a cage. But you can make a good replacement.

For example, after spreading a thick layer of sawdust on the floor, bury a small box of food items - cookies or waffles - in it, making a small hole in the lid. Hamsters like to hide in such an impromptu hole even more than in a regular house.

Do you want to give your pet the opportunity to dig in the ground? Take regular river sand – fine and clean. Wash it off dust several times and let it dry completely, stirring occasionally. Place it in a bowl with high rims and place it in the cage. The hamster will happily dig into dry, clean sand. And if you bury a few peanuts in it, this action will occupy him for many hours.

Making a ladder

Many hamsters are very fond of various ladders on which they can climb up and down. Please your pet and make him such a decorative element from wooden ice cream sticks. In addition, this will allow you to combine business with pleasure - after all, ice cream cannot be thrown away, you will have to eat it.

To work you will need:

  • Popsicle sticks - take an arbitrary number, the length of the future bridge depends on this.
  • Glue. The main thing is to make sure that it is not toxic - what if the hamster decides to chew on the ladder and swallows a piece of glue.

The sticks need to be prepared accordingly - rinsed from any remaining ice cream. The best way to do this is to soak it in water for several hours. warm water and then wipe soft cloth and dry.

After this you can start working.

  1. Apply glue to one side of the stick.
  2. Attach other sticks to it, leaving a gap of 2-3 millimeters between them.
  3. When the “bearing” stick runs out, glue a new one to the transverse “steps” and continue working until you get a ladder of the required length.

Now let the glue dry completely and place the new toy in the cage, resting it against some object - for example, a house. You will be surprised how much fun homemade hamster toys will bring to your pet.


Do you want to equip a whole area for your hamster? Great solution! It will be problematic to do this in a cage, but an empty table will do just fine. You can also arrange it in the corner of the room, where the platform will not disturb anyone.

Glue together high enough walls from cardboard (you can take regular corrugated cardboard from boxes from the store) and place it on the floor so that the hamster cannot escape anywhere. Make sure they are secure and cannot be knocked over by a rodent.

All that remains is to install wheels, sand bowls, ladders and many other toys on the site. Show a little imagination and think of what toys you can make in addition to the existing ones. Now you can let your favorite rodent go to a hamster amusement park even for the whole day - he will probably like it here, he will have fun all day long, which will have a positive impact on his health and life expectancy.

Hamsters are very playful animals, however, they lead a somewhat “strange” lifestyle: they usually sleep during the day, but when evening comes, they are ready to have fun and play with redoubled force.


Master classes on making toys

In order for your “fluffy” not to be sad, it is not at all necessary to buy him expensive toys; all the things for a pleasant pastime of the hamster, with which he will happily play, can be made independently, with your own hands.

Homemade staircase

Very often, hamsters chew through the wheel in the form of a lattice. But don’t rush to throw it away after that - it will make an excellent staircase that you can make with your own hands.

The excess spokes on the sides of the wheel are cut off, then the ring is opened and the crossbars are cut off one at a time. Using a lighter, the middle of the former wheel is slightly melted to the point of creating a bowing bridge. The edges of the ladder are also heated over an open fire and bent like hooks so that the product can be easily hung in the cage.


Hamsters love to climb into narrow spaces. You can make a homemade tunnel with your own hands from wood or even from ordinary durable cardboard and electrical tape.

The cardboard is bent into a tube of such a diameter that a hamster can freely crawl into it. To keep this tube in place, tape its edges. It was better to secure the resulting tunnel with electrical tape at the bottom, making it convenient to get through it.

Two-story house

To create a house you will need wood plywood, preferably poplar. The dimensions of the roof will be 25 by 12 cm, the walls will be 10 by 10 cm, except for the back, which will be 25 by 10 cm.

A hole is made in the first side, and an opening for the valve is marked on the second and rear. Now blanks are cut out using the marked material and glued together. We fix the roof and turn the created structure over. From the inside we mark places for future slats and glue them.

To create a second floor, a hole is made in the roof and a smaller box glued together from the same plywood is placed.

Maze and obstacles

An obstacle maze can be one of the most entertaining and long-lasting entertainment for your pet, a place where he can play. And it’s quite simple to do. Along the way, it is better to place not only obstacles, but also tasty treats.

To create a labyrinth with your own hands, you will need a decent-sized cardboard box, paper with a beautiful ornament, wooden borders, a measuring ruler, glue, and scissors.

You cannot use special “Moment” glue to make toys and houses. It can cause health problems for the animal.

The walls will be about 15 cm, just enough to prevent the hamster from climbing over them. It is at this level that we cut off the box from above, and then make one exit. For beauty from the inside, it is better to cover the structure with decorative paper.

Now you need to make the inner walls of the labyrinth from curbs or plywood. To secure them, it is better not to use PVA glue, since in this case the hamster can simply break the walls while running around. Obstacles can be small slides made of the same plywood or tunnels in the form of twisted cardboard. You need to wait until the glue dries and different parts designs to lay out tasty treats for the hamster so that he is more willing to explore the entire maze and eventually find a way out of it.

Homemade toys from waste

Even real garbage can be used as starting materials for toys. The main thing is the quality of the product, so that the hamster becomes interested in it and does not break it when it starts playing there for the first time.

Walnut shell toy

To create such a toy, you need several walnut shells and threads of the length that the resulting thing should be. Instead of thread, a thin, strong rope will do.

Next, you need to take a hammer and a nail, with which you make a hole in all the shells. Walnut shells have a structure that makes it easy to punch a hole in it without it breaking into pieces. It is advisable that an adult handle this task, otherwise a child who decides to make a toy for a hamster may accidentally hit himself on the finger with a hammer. A thread is threaded through the punched holes until all the shells fit onto it. In this case, it is better to make sure that the thread is hammered in tightly enough and does not dangle too loosely. To prevent the shell from moving off the rope, a washer is attached to one end, and the other end is tied at the top of the cage.

To help your pet start playing sooner, you can put his favorite treats inside the shells. Such a thing performs three useful functions at once: it allows the hamster to grind its claws, develops intelligence and simply helps to kill time.

Wooden toys

The first thing you need to do is take a block of wood and cut out a piece of suitable size from it, about 12 by 8 cm. The surface of the future toy is processed with sandpaper, and the edges are rounded so that the hamster does not get hurt.

Using a feather drill, a pair of indentations are made to approximately half the thickness of the workpiece. Next, two squares of plywood are cut out, which will be the size to cover the created recesses. Their corners are also rounded and the squares are attached to the main workpiece using screws. At the same time, they should open and close so that the hamster can move them with moderate effort. And he will need to open these recesses in order to find tasty food there. An excellent toy that simultaneously develops your pet's thinking and gives him the opportunity to get some good exercise.

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How to create real entertainment for your small pet with your own hands, a toy with which he can play.

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If you have one or more hamsters at home, then you should know how restless they are by nature. During the day they most often sleep, but as soon as evening comes, away they go!.. The energy of your pets needs to be directed to toys, otherwise they themselves will splash it out on the environment. And then it will be bad for both the equipment inside the cage and the cage itself!

You can buy it at a pet store, or you can make it yourself. You can also use the art of origami for fun.

How to make a toy for a hamster from a walnut shell with your own hands

A toy for a hamster can be made from a shell walnut:

  1. If you don't have any loose shells, take a few walnuts, carefully crack them open and discard the insides (eat them yourself or feed them to your hamsters).
  2. Measure and cut a piece of thick thread or rope as long as you want the height of your DIY hamster toy to be.
  3. Using a hammer and nail, make a small hole in each shell. To do this, you just need to hammer a nail into the empty shell and then pull it back out. It is advisable to perform this operation on an adult, as a child may be injured by a heavy hammer.

  4. Thread a piece of thick thread or rope through the hole. Tie a metal washer to one end of the rope - this will prevent the rope from slipping out of the shell.

  5. String more nutshells onto the string until the piece of string you have measured is gone. At the same time, do not jam the rope to the eyeballs.
  6. Tie the remaining free end of the rope to the top of the cage.
  7. Finally, add a tasty treat to each shell to give your hamster an incentive to explore the new toy.

This homemade toy for a hamster develops mental capacity your pet, trains its body and helps to sharpen its claws.

How to make a toy for a hamster from cardboard tubes with your own hands

Can make a toy for your hamster with your own hands from cardboard tubes rolls of toilet paper. To make this toy more attractive, it is recommended to place a delicious-smelling treat inside.

  1. Take one tube of toilet paper roll and pick out some treats for your rodent.
  2. Using scissors, cut the cardboard tube into five equal rings.
  3. Take one ring and insert it into the other so that a cross connection is formed. An example is shown in the photo.
  4. Insert the resulting structure into another ring.
  5. Do this operation for the two remaining cardboard rings, and you should end up with a design similar to the one shown in the photo.

  6. Put in homemade toy.

The arrangement of the rings, which is quite difficult for a hamster, will not allow him to quickly unravel the puzzle in order to get to the treasured treat. This will keep your pet busy for more than one day. He will roll, chew and unravel your puzzle with pleasure, especially since at the end of the journey he will be rewarded with a tasty treat!

So, to conclude the article, we present another fun toy for a hamster that you can make with your own hands. To make it you will need:

  • wooden block (you can choose the sizes yourself);
  • a small piece of three-layer plywood;
  • cutter, feather drill or brace (for drilling holes of medium and large diameter);
  • two screws;
  • sandpaper.

Step-by-step instruction

At the final stage, place a delicious-smelling treat in each cavity and close the lids. This DIY toy will get your hamster to use his brain and put in a little physical effort to get to the tasty treat.
