Which frying pans are the best and safest? How to choose a quality frying pan - expert advice

In 2007, it appeared on the market non-stick cookware with a new type of coating - ceramic spraying.

The new product was appreciated not only by consumers, but also by dishonest manufacturers who saw an opportunity for profit in the popular product. How to choose a frying pan with a ceramic coating so that it lasts a long time, is safe for health and easy to use? This review will help you make the best choice and buy a quality product.

What is a ceramic coating - manufacturing method and features

The first known patent for a ceramic-based nonstick coating belongs to William A. Groll, now the leading manager of the All-Clad Metalcrafters concern, which produces the highest quality cookware.

There are two methods for applying the non-stick ceramic layer. A more budget-friendly way is roller rolling, implying the use of extruded aluminum. The prepared forms are pre-fired and placed on the conveyor. Then a suspension of sand and tiny stone chips 15-25 microns thick is applied to them. This is followed by the drying stage, after which the product again enters the conveyor for applying a new layer.

Second method - spraying- guarantees a thicker coating (up to 70 microns) and includes two stages:

  1. Placing workpieces with a pre-smoothed and polished surface in closed cells, into which a mixture of inert gas and oxygen is subsequently supplied.
  2. Using special plasma jet guns, a powder consisting of water, silicon-containing substances (sand, clay, small stone chips) and a solvent (formic or hydrochloric acid) is sprayed onto the outer and inner sides of the blank, which helps to fix the layer on the product.

Thanks to temperatures reaching +1,500 °C, the mixture being processed melts and envelops the workpiece with a thin film.

As a result, it appears material similar to strained glass increased hardness. Features of the ceramic coating are strength (six times greater than Teflon), multi-layering, heat resistance and high non-stick qualities. The spray composition does not contain:

  • Polytetrafluoroethylene. Its compounds, decomposing when heated, release volatile toxic fumes into the air that are dangerous to human health.
  • Perfluorooctanoic acid. This chemical synthetic substance has carcinogenic properties that lead to cell mutation and can cause the development of cancer.

Which ceramic-coated frying pans are better?

Frying pans, which are subsequently coated with a ceramic layer, are cast from cast iron, aluminum and carbon steel.

Cast-iron pan with a ceramic coating provides slow but even heating, which is perfect for cooking foods that require prolonged heat treatment. If there are microcracks on the surface, coated cast iron cookware can be cleaned of the coating using a sandblasting unit and continue to be used.

Made of aluminum Non-stick frying pans are produced in two ways:

  1. Extruded aluminum. The production technology consists of using thin sheet blanks, which are pressed into the required form. The advantage of stamped pans is low price, however, they are inferior in their functional qualities and service life to cast ones.
  2. The best ceramic-coated frying pans are cast aluminum models. For their manufacture, molds of various configurations are used, which are filled with molten metal. Such dishes are durable, have thick surfaces, and are resistant to deformation and corrosion.

Carbon steel. Benefits steel utensils are light weight, strength and rapid heating. Disadvantage - low thermal conductivity.

Instructions for choosing a ceramic frying pan

In order for a frying pan with a non-stick ceramic coating to serve long years, there are several important indicators to consider when purchasing.

High-quality coating is the key to durability

To choose a good ceramic frying pan, pay attention on the coating structure. It should be uniform, without bulges, bends, dents, chips and inclusions in the form of dark dots and spots. Color is also important: give preference to pastel colors. Shades of beige and Ivory They say there are no synthetic dyes in the composition.

The quality of spraying depends on the production method. There are two types: rolled and sprayed coating. The difference between them is quite significant. Rolling is done only on blank sheets, from which the dishes are subsequently “squeezed out”. This process leads to deformation and the appearance of microcracks. The method of rolling spraying is indicated by small streaks and streaks on the inside of the product.

The best frying pans are the models that ceramic composition applied by spraying onto ready-made molds. The surfaces retain their non-stick properties for a long time, remaining smooth and durable.

Bottom and wall thickness

The thickness of the surfaces directly affects the wear resistance of the ceramic coating and the tendency of the frying pan to deform. When choosing from several models, always give preference to frying pans with a bottom thickness of at least 3 mm.

Shape and size

As a rule, in the arsenal of every housewife there are several special frying pans used for preparing certain dishes. In addition to universal frying pans with a diameter of 18 to 30 cm, manufacturers produce special models with ceramic coating.

For making pancakes, pancakes, cheesecakes and pancakes. Features: low sides, long handle and flat, compacted bottom. The size should not exceed 22-25 cm. As for materials, preference should be given to cast iron, which retains heat better.

For grilled meat and fish. Such dishes are characterized by a relief bottom. Juice accumulates in the grooves, which subsequently evaporates and makes the food juicier and softer, preserving all the beneficial properties of the products. The ribs distribute heat evenly, reducing cooking time to 5-10 minutes. The range includes round, square and rectangular models - when choosing, consider the size and shape of the burners of your stove.

Wok. The ideal size is 30-35 cm. In a wok, the heat treatment time is significantly reduced due to the conical shape and thinned walls. The best material for a wok is steel, since cast iron is too heavy and aluminum retains heat less well.

Saucepan. It is characterized by high straight or inclined sides, thick walls and a bottom. This model often comes with a lid and removable handles and is oven-safe. The best material for stewpans is cast aluminum, ideal for long-term simmering of dishes.

Features of choosing a frying pan for gas and electric stoves

Manufacturers usually provide their products with markings informing the consumer about the type hob, for which the model is intended. Choosing a ceramic frying pan for electric and gas stoves, consider the following recommendations:

  • For electric stoves, it is important to have an even and flat bottom ensuring tight contact with the hob. Concavity cannot exceed 0.6% of the pan diameter. It is not recommended to use thin-walled cookware.
  • An important detail is the color of the bottom - dark matte shades do not reflect the heat generated by the stove and provide ideal heat absorption.
  • Not the last element is the handles. They are removable, screwed and cast. Handles should not become hot during cooking. The best material is heat-resistant silicone or plastic. The best option is a handle with a SoftTouch coating that prevents slipping.
  • The diameter of the frying pan should not be smaller or larger than the circumference of the burner. Otherwise, the power of the appliance will not be enough to heat the dishes, and the cooking time will increase significantly.

Which frying pan is suitable for the oven?

The first thing you should pay attention to when buying a frying pan with a ceramic coating for oven, are handles. They must be heat-resistant and preferably removable.

A mandatory attribute of ovenware is a lid that matches perfectly in size. The best option- glass heat-resistant lid with a metal or rubberized rim. The advantage is the presence of a hole for steam to escape, which prevents the liquid from boiling over and helps improve the taste of the dish.

Important! Frying pans with a ceramic non-stick layer, like Teflon and frying pans, should only be placed in a cold oven and care must be taken to ensure that the walls of the pan do not come into contact with the heating elements.

Review of the best manufacturers

Unfortunately, today on the market you can find many products from pseudo-European (actually unknown Chinese) manufacturers, whose products are characterized by low prices and poor quality. Even among products with the same characteristics, give preference to dishes from well-known and well-established brands that provide a hygienic certificate and a guarantee for their products.


The company that was the first to give Russian housewives the opportunity to use frying pans with ceramic non-stick coating. The highlight that distinguishes the manufacturer’s products from competitors is the presence of a thermospot - an indicator of heating up to +180 °C and the readiness of the frying pan for use.

To the very modern models, developed by Tefal specialists, include frying pans of the METEOR CERAM aluminum series, the distinctive feature of which is an ultra-thick bottom (5 mm). The non-stick ceramic coating has a low porosity structure, which promotes closer contact between food and the surface of the cookware. In addition, the French brand's pans are the only ones on the market that are compatible with induction cookers.


The Italian manufacturer, founded in 1889, produces frying pans with both its own environmental non-stick coating and licensed DuPont multilayer coating. All products are made of aluminum with the addition of copper. The ISO 9002 standard guarantees durability and defect-free products.

Today the company produces several series of frying pans made using quick heating technology. The group coated with ceramic microparticles includes cookware from the Cortina and Cookin lines. It is distinguished by its elegant appearance (many speed bars have a white color on both the internal and external surfaces), safety of use (the absence of heavy metals in the composition) and increased heat resistance (up to +450 °C).


Since 2006, all products of the German brand, founded in 1988, have been manufactured in China, which has not affected its quality in any way. The company's calling card is the patented technology of a three-layer stamped bottom, thanks to which the thermal conductivity of the materials is increased several times.

The range of cookware produced by Rondell includes two lines focused on ceramic coating - Eis and Terrakotte. The frying pans of both series are made of aluminum (wall thickness - 3.5 mm), have a presentable appearance and durable cast steel handles with reliable riveted fastening.

Brand Vari

The Landskrona company (St. Petersburg) has been producing high-quality tableware since 2002 and uses Italian fittings and coatings from the international corporation WHITFORD in its production. One of the brand’s popular series is the Cerama line. This thick-walled cookware is made using the die casting method, which guarantees a denser aluminum structure, and is then coated with the following layers:

  • non-water-absorbing Akzo Nobel Matrix® spraying, the peculiarity of which is its use in a wide temperature range, resistance to most chemical compounds and contact with metal objects;
  • reinforced coating containing ultra-hard tiny ceramic particles.

Among other advantages of Vari brand cookware, it is worth noting the thickness of the bottom and walls (4-6 mm), the absence of cadmium, lead and harmful emissions when heated, soft handles and the ability to use on gas, electric and induction (with an adapter) stoves.

Pros and cons of ceramic coating

Although ceramic-coated frying pans appeared on the market only in XXI century, they have already managed to displace their Teflon colleagues. A number of advantages contribute to the growing popularity of such dishes:

  • Environmental friendliness. Only natural materials are used in production: stone chips, sand and clay. A big plus for fans of a healthy lifestyle is the ability to prepare food with minimal use of oil and fat.
  • The surface structure is absolutely smooth and has no pores, which avoids damage and the possibility of burning. In addition, the coating is chemically inert, the prepared products do not have any foreign tastes or odors.
  • Aesthetic side. The original coating mixture is resistant to coloring - various pigments can be added to it, which is why manufacturers often produce dishes different colors and bright colors.

However, when choosing the best kitchen assistant, you should consider not only the pros, but also the disadvantages of ceramic frying pans:

  • Ceramics - very brittle material, requiring careful handling. Be careful when working, try to protect the frying pan from falling and not meet your late husband with it.
  • High price. The price of a good ceramic frying pan starts from 1,500 rubles.
  • The weak point of the coating is its instability to abrasive and aggressive substances and sudden temperature changes, as well as a short service life (up to three years).
  • With the exception of Tefal models, the use of ceramic-coated pans on induction cookers is prohibited - these electrical appliances only recognize metallic ferromagnetic materials.

Care features for long service life

In order to extend the life of the frying pan and maintain its non-stick properties, follow simple care rules.

  1. Do not rush to use a new frying pan immediately after purchase. First, you should treat it with soapy water, then rinse it in plenty of warm water, wipe it dry with a soft towel and lubricate the inner surface and walls with oil or grease.
  2. The next step to help improve the non-stick coating is hardening. Heat the pan over high heat for a few seconds. Do not exceed the time specified by the manufacturer - long thermal effect on empty dishes negatively affects its quality.
  3. Although the ceramic coating is resistant to damage, you should not use metal accessories - it is better to replace them with silicone, wooden or plastic spatulas.
  4. Ceramic coating cannot withstand sudden temperature changes. To avoid microcracks, do not place frozen food in a hot pan and do not allow a hot frying pan to come into contact with cold water.
  5. To clean, use a soft sponge and detergents, do not contain alkali, chlorine and acids. If you cooked without oil, you can simply rinse the surface warm water.

Although many manufacturers claim that their products are suitable for processing in dishwasher, it is recommended to abandon this method, which involves the use of aggressive cleaning agents.

Ceramic frying pans with a white or beige coating sooner or later become covered with a greasy coating. And although these stains do not affect the taste of the prepared food and do not harm health, they spoil the appearance. Such formations can be removed with medical spit or products intended for cleaning microwave ovens.

Find out what others are, how they differ and which one is better.

A frying pan is the main attribute in the kitchen, and is found in every home. Almost no preparation is complete without this wonderful device. It can be used to fry, steam and bake dishes in the oven. Previously, cast iron frying pans were made, but now they have switched to more modern ones - Teflon and ceramic. Many housewives have a question: ceramic frying pans - how to choose, which company produces high-quality dishes. The choice must be approached with special responsibility, since not only the service life of this product, but also the quality of the prepared food depends on your decision.

Strengths and weaknesses of ceramic-coated frying pans

Let's start understanding Teflon-coated frying pans and get to know their advantages and disadvantages.


  • The product can be washed in the dishwasher.
  • It tolerates washing well with detergents.
  • It has a fairly dense structure (the surface of the device has almost no pores), which avoids possible scratches and damage.
  • The ceramic frying pan is wear-resistant.
  • Since the product can be painted in different colors and shades, you can buy a frying pan in any color palette, and not in the standard black tone.
  • Allows you to cook food without adding sunflower oil, making the dishes nutritious and healthy.
  • Without spending a drop of oil, you will save a lot of money that would have been required to purchase if you used another frying pan.

Important! This - perfect solution for those who watch their weight and want to eat healthy.


  • Wears out due to sudden temperature changes. A heated frying pan does not withstand the flow of cold water and food from the freezer.
  • Becomes unusable due to frequent soaking.
  • It is not suitable for induction hobs and hobs due to the fact that the listed burners use only cookware with a metal bottom, and not a ceramic frying pan.
  • High price policy(compared to Teflon coating).

Features of a ceramic frying pan

Which ceramic frying pan should you choose? The coating consists of a ceramic nanocomposite containing tiny sand particles. All components are absolutely safe for human health, even at the highest heating of 450°C. In terms of strength and wear resistance, such a product can be placed on a par with a cast iron or steel frying pan. Ceramic tableware is presented in stores and on various websites in a large assortment, differing in size, color and shape.

Ceramic frying pans are made from the following materials:

  • Stainless steel. Frying utensils made from this material are light in weight, heat up quickly and do not deform at all.
  • Cast aluminum. This frying pan is considered one of the best. Its price is an order of magnitude cheaper than the previous one, but they are the same in quality.
  • Thin stamped aluminum. The price of a product made from such material is very reasonable, but it has a short service life and low functional qualities.
  • Forged aluminum. Ceramic cookware made from forged aluminum is inexpensive, but the quality is almost as good as cast cookware.

Important! If you decide to buy a frying pan with a ceramic coating, then give preference to well-known brands that can provide a guarantee for their product.

Rating of the best manufacturers of ceramic frying pans

After familiarizing yourself with the design features, advantages and disadvantages of this product, do not forget to get acquainted with the most popular frying pans, which have been noted by many users. So, the most popular ceramic frying pans are the following.


This company is known all over the world, thanks to the production of not only quality dishes with non-stick coating, but also in the manufacture of household electrical appliances. All products of this trademark can turn ordinary cooking into an entertaining process.

Tefal ceramic frying pans fully meet the user's needs and are stylish and modern design, and in some cases are multifunctional. In short, this is a good frying pan with a ceramic coating.


The dishes are manufactured by a well-known German brand, which has established its products as one of the highest quality and reliable. It is used in their kitchens not only by housewives, but also by professionals.

Ceramic frying pans from the Rondell brand combine German quality, modern design and versatility. Their production uses high-quality material that is resistant to various external damage and does not pose a risk to human health.

Important! Positive properties and the characteristics of the products of this European brand have a quality certificate.


The assortment is represented by two series - Cookin and Cortina. The coating is based on a patented fast heating technology. The Italian manufacturer is among the top three famous brands to produce the highest quality products.

There are ceramic frying pans standard height or higher for stewing and frying large quantities of vegetables and meat.

Important! The handle of this company is equipped with a convenient heating indicator.


Products presented by European manufacturers are gaining increasing popularity. All ceramic pans are marked positive reviews among advanced housewives. Reasonable price, high safety and quality of materials used guarantee ease and comfort of use. This is exactly the case when the price matches the quality.

Types of ceramic frying pans

For home use It is not at all necessary to have a large number of utensils for frying; it is enough to purchase 2 universal frying pans and 1-2 for a special purpose. Let's take a closer look at the main types ceramic frying pans:

  • A pancake maker is a utensil with low sides for preparing pancakes, pancakes, pancakes, scrambled eggs and cheesecakes. This device is very convenient to use, as it allows you to use a minimum amount of oil when frying and ensures that the prepared food slides freely.
  • Grill. The inner surface of such a frying pan has a ribbed structure, thanks to which you can cook juicy meat, and not drier and steamed meat, as in a regular frying pan. This is facilitated by the juice accumulated in the ribbed grooves, released from the meat during cooking.

Important! Such ceramic dishes are most often round in shape or a more spacious version - square.

  • A special ceramic device for frying fish has a more elongated shape - rectangular or oval.
  • The ceramic saucepan consists of high straight or inclined sides and a comfortable long handle. Its purpose is to stew food.
  • Wok. It is a conical frying pan for quickly frying food over very high heat. Used to prepare Asian dishes.

Secrets of choosing the right ceramic frying pan

So, which ceramic frying pan should you choose? We present to your attention the most useful tips that will help you in choosing this device:

  • Check out the manufacturers of ceramic frying pans, weighing all the advantages and disadvantages of the products offered, and only then focus on the budget available to you.
  • Before making a purchase, do not forget to ask the seller for a certificate confirming high quality and the safety of the product you are interested in.
  • We recommend choosing a frying pan with a molded handle, which guarantees reliability during use of the device. To ensure that the handle does not heat up and can be picked up, make sure that it is made of heat-resistant material.

Important! If you are purchasing a frying pan for baking food in the oven, then buy a product with a convenient removable holder.

Not only the taste of cooked food, but also your mood directly depends on the quality of kitchen utensils. The soul rejoices when everything is fried and steamed without burning. It’s not without reason that they say that cooking starts with the “right” frying pan. Of course, this takes into account personal experience housewives, characteristics hob, the specifics of the dishes that are usually prepared. But the most important argument is a cookware manufacturer with a good reputation. Although our numerous surveys have shown that the “best” frying pans for each housewife can be completely different. And yet, we chose the main quality criteria based on the example of products from various brands.

To choose good frying pan, you need to take into account its main characteristics: the material from which it is made; shape; diameter size; wall height; bottom structure; type of non-stick coating (if any); accessories; presence of a cover. In addition, you need to know the purpose of the utensils you are purchasing (for pancakes, for stewing, for scrambled eggs, for frying meat, etc.). Although, of course, there are universal frying pans, as a rule, they are cast iron or steel.


One of the most safe materials For kitchen utensils, cast iron is considered. When heated, it does not release toxic substances and is completely biologically inert. Another advantage of cast iron products is their natural non-stick coating. But the heavy weight and special care of this cookware leave it in the last positions in sales.

Pans made of steel (stainless, carbon) are also considered good decision, because they contain nickel, which prevents the dishes from oxidizing and becoming dangerous. You can perfectly cook various dishes in them and even store food for a short time, which cannot be said about cast iron. The only condition good product, this is the quality of steel ( perfect ratio nickel and chromium - 18/10). Disadvantage: You need to have certain cooking skills. Often such pans become capricious and start to burn. The reason is almost always the same: the bottom is not heated before use (it is necessary for the water drops to “dance”).

Aluminum frying pans are made from food-grade aluminum, which does not oxidize with food during the cooking process, although it is better not to cook various sauces containing acidic ingredients (tomatoes, lemons, etc.) in them. And in most cases, aluminum is used for the base of the body in non-stick models. Its advantages are obvious: it is lightweight and has rapid thermal conductivity. This allows aluminum cookware to take first place in sales volumes. But when choosing, you need to take into account the fact that products made of stamped aluminum “sink” faster than those made of cast aluminum, since they have a thinner body and bottom.


If we talk about non-stick coating, then the time of toxic and unhealthy Teflon frying pans is over (if, of course, you buy the product in stores). More modern coatings are marble (stone) and titanium, but they all have the same base as Teflon - polytetrafluoroethylene. To enhance strength and wear resistance, microparticles of various substances are added (granite chips, artificial diamonds, titanium microparticles, etc.). The designs of marble inclusions on the products are purely decorative.

If the coating is damaged, the frying pan needs to be changed only because of a decrease (or loss) of non-stick properties, and not because it is harmful to health.


The thicker the bottom, the faster and more evenly the food will cook. But there is no need to go too far here. A bottom that is too thick (more than 9-10 mm) will heat up slowly and consume a lot of electricity, without improving the quality of the prepared dish. Frying pans with a thin bottom (2.5 mm) are, as a rule, budget-friendly and designed for a short service life.

If a frying pan is purchased with a non-stick coating, then the service life of this material is limited (even if all the rules are followed); the product will have to be replaced with a new one after 1-3 years.

Is it necessary to overpay for a massive bottom in this case? Unlikely! More can be considered a budget option with a regular bottom (from 3.5 mm). This model will be pleasantly light and therefore comfortable.

Size, shape, accessories

The most universal are the classic, round shapes with a diameter of 26-28 cm. The height of the sides is standard - 4-6 cm. Pans with these parameters are suitable for both frying and stewing.

Everyone chooses the shape and design of the handles themselves. There are “detachable” ones (convenient for ovens), there are bakelite ones (pleasant to the touch and heat-resistant), there are metal ones with plastic or silicone inserts (so that they don’t heat up). How not to get lost in this diversity? You need to consider the type of hob you have (gas, electric) and how comfortable the model is in your hand.

If we talk about thermostats on lids, practice shows that this accessory breaks down quite quickly and then serves as a “collector” of fat, which gives the product an untidy appearance.

Characteristics of popular brands

Leading manufacturers offer a wide variety of high-quality and reliable frying pans. There are many brands, each with its own history and assortment. Our task is to provide objective information on brands and show their strongest sides, and everyone will make their own choice. In this matter, it is wiser to rely on your experience, information from various sources and the characteristics of your kitchen.

The most popular models include brands: Tefal, Biol, Rondell, Gipfel, Fissman, Kukmara and others (data taken from query analysis search engines in the Internet).

Frying pan from Tefal

The French company is the driving force in the sales of cookware with non-stick properties and has been doing this successfully for more than 60 years. Should you trust this brand? Certainly! Behind it are technology, experience, time and a lot of practice. Characteristics of one of the frying pans of this brand:

Tefal Meteor Ceramic frying pan – model made of stainless steel. Inside there is a ceramic coating. Manufacturer – France. The diameter of the product can be different - 24 cm; 26 cm; 28 cm. For a model with a diameter of 28 cm, the following characteristics are relevant: weight - 1.1 kg, bottom thickness - 5 mm, wall thickness - 3 mm. The handle is made of bakelite. The model is suitable for all types of stoves (induction, gas, electric). The advantages of the product include the following:

  • the presence of a built-in indicator that signals that the dishes are heated to 180 degrees, which is optimal for starting the cooking process;
  • resistance to damage and change in product shape under the influence of high temperatures;
  • low porosity of the coating, which makes it easier to care for the product;
  • uniform heating;
  • The ceramic coating provides ideal conditions for stewing and simmering food.

The cost of this model with a diameter of 24 cm is about 2500 rubles. Tefal has a fairly extensive selection of frying pans ( different coatings and material), so you can choose a more budget option.

Frying pan from Biol

The company began its activities in 1999 in Melitopol, Zaporozhye region (Ukraine). During this time, it introduced into its production a modern and high-quality German non-stick coating Greblon from Weilburger Coatings, which allows cooking with virtually no oil. Specializes in cast aluminum cookware. But there are also cast iron products, which to this day are the safest and most durable. After all, cast iron frying pans are considered the best: they heat up evenly, retaining heat for a long time.

A striking representative of the products of this manufacturer is deep Cast-iron pan with removable handle. It is suitable for all types of stoves, as well as ovens. Dimensions and weight of the Biol frying pan:

  • diameter – 24 cm, height – 5.8 cm, weight – 2.02 kg;
  • diameter – 26 cm, height – 6.6 cm, weight – 2.37 kg;
  • diameter – 28 cm, height – 6.6 cm, weight – 2.63 kg.

Frying pan from Rondell

The German company pleases its customers primarily with quality. They often say to themselves: “Having bought one product from us, you will definitely come back for a second one...” Proof of these words is the characteristics of one of the frying pans of this brand:

The Flamme RDS-710 model has such a feature as a triple bottom. This innovation makes it possible to distribute heat equally and maintain temperature longer. The product has a non-stick coating. Ceramic particles in its composition increase resistance to mechanical damage. Another advantage of this model is its thick walls (6 mm). Flamme RDS-710 is used for cooking on any surface. In addition, the product can be washed in the dishwasher.

Frying pan from Neva Metal Utensils

The plant (NMP) is one of the largest Russian manufacturers cookware with non-stick coating. The company was founded in 1999 in St. Petersburg on the basis of a research institute, which allowed them to create and apply their own modern technologies and innovation. Main product characteristics:

  • Made without PFOA (perfluorooctanoic acid);
  • The dishes are environmentally friendly.

The most popular model is “Titan”. The surface is heated evenly. The non-stick coating does not deteriorate in case of mechanical damage (scratches). The thickness of the walls of the product is 4 mm, the bottom is 6 mm.

Frying pan from Kukmar

Today it is known in Russia and the CIS countries as a manufacturer of cast aluminum cookware with various non-stick coatings. The model called “Tradition” is considered the best. Its coating is dark “marble”, hard and durable. Due to its characteristics, the dishes are resistant to mechanical damage and serve for a long time.

Frying pan from Gipfel

It occupies a leading position in the production of cookware from stainless steel 18/10. German quality and laconic style have gone hand in hand for many years. One of the models of this brand:

The Zenit frying pan has a marble coating ( decorative effect). Quite deep: its volume is 1.8 liters. The material from which this product is made is cast aluminum. It has a non-stick coating both outside and inside, which allows the product to look stylish and easy to clean. Suitable for all types of stoves.

Frying pan from Fissman

Fissman was founded in 2008. Today it is a chain of stores (more than 120) throughout Russia. Their main advantage is innovation. Characteristics of one model of this brand:

The Fissman CRYSTAL frying pan is made of cast aluminum with an induction bottom (suitable for all types of hobs). The handles of the product are made of stainless steel, which allows it to be used for preparing dishes in the oven. The range of diameter sizes is as follows: 28 cm; 26 cm; 24 cm; 20 cm.

Frying pan "Master Heat"

The model is quite advertised, as it is sold through a teleshop. The presented frying pan consists of two halves, which are held together by magnets. Thanks to this design, it is easy to turn the product over during cooking, frying one side or the other. In addition, tightly closing halves prevent fat from splashing out. For safety, the edge of the pan is equipped with a silicone, sealed ring. The model is made of cast aluminum, the inner surface is Teflon coated. One of the shortcomings was noted: large dimensions.

Frying pan from Supremo

The Supremo brand has Chinese roots. Products are made of aluminum, both stamped and cast. Upper layer- non-stick coating. The sales locations are large supermarkets, which at one time provided the brand with high sales and popularity. The popular Supremo frying pans of the Wood & Stone series (wood and stone) have an aluminum base with a non-stick coating. Its decorated pattern resembles marble chips. Wooden handles, product diameter – 24 cm, capacity – 4 l. The model is suitable for all types of heating surfaces.

Frying pan from Vari

is a Russian company specializing in the production of high-quality aluminum cookware with non-stick coating from Whitford. The models have non-stick material based on PTFE, ceramic based on sol-gel technology, and Xilan XLR® fluoropolymer coating. This indicates that production has the necessary technical conditions.

The PIETRA series from Vari is “stone” cookware with three-layer non-stick armor. Dishes can be prepared with virtually no oil. The case has thickened walls and a bottom, which ensures resistance to temperature changes and uniform heating.

Frying pan from TimA

The Russian brand TimA was founded in 2006. Popular among Russians due to its low prices. The company produces its products in Russia, China, Ukraine and Italy. For example, Tima Titan Granit is an Italian product. It has a removable handle, which easily turns the frying pan into a saucepan and vice versa. The non-stick coating allows you to withstand temperatures up to 220 degrees.

Frying pan from TVS

The Italian company TVS is the largest manufacturer of aluminum cookware with non-stick coating. The company name TVS reflects the principles of Technology (Technology), Variety (Versalitata) and Style (Style). Therefore, the brand is believed to provide the best pans in the market. For example, the “Mineralia” model consists of aluminum, where the bottom thickness is 3 mm, has the color of stone with the effect of marble inclusions, comes in different diameters, and is a budget category product.

Basic selection rules

And finally, a few rules for choosing the best frying pan:

  • First: Decide on the purpose of the frying pan and its size. What will be cooked in this frying pan and what volume.
  • Second: Choose a material (steel, cast iron, aluminum) taking into account the weight of the product, care and operating features.
  • Third: When choosing a frying pan with a non-stick coating, do not console yourself with thoughts that it will serve perfectly for a long time. Practice shows that the period of effective functionality of a non-stick coating (for any operation) is no more than 1-2 years.

And in order not to be tormented by the eternal question of which frying pan is better to choose, you need to know in advance its purpose, characteristics of the material and features internal covering(service life and non-stick properties). To do this, you need to carefully study the instructions for the purchased product.

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Which frying pan is better to buy? This device has long been indispensable in the kitchen. With its help you can fry, stew, simmer, caramelize and do many more things. On modern coatings products are prepared with virtually no fat, and all food is healthy and nutritious. And a modern frying pan can become a real decoration of the kitchen and delight not only the hand, stomach, but also the eye.

Types of frying pans

What are the best frying pans? Humanity has come up with many varieties: large and small, narrowly focused and suitable for everyone. But if you want to do right choice, you should familiarize yourself with the basic criteria of a particular cookware.


The most versatile option, suitable for preparing almost all dishes. Classic products are made from all kinds of materials, they can be varied in size and height of the sides, but the main distinguishing features are rounded shapes and an elongated handle. The most popular diameter is 24-28 cm.

The main feature is the ribbed bottom, which leaves its mark on the cooked products. Meat or fish turns out juicy, as the juice released accumulates in the grooves. The classic device is a heavy, weighty body and a convenient lid with a weighting agent.

Such dishes are used to cook with a minimum amount of fat, and some products do not touch the metal at all and do not absorb oil. This way the food retains its natural taste. And if your grill has a non-stick coating, then you can do without oil altogether. For frying meat in a healthy manner, this pan is the best.

Outdoor dishes are especially popular. They provide comfortable cooking and are easy to clean afterwards. Separately, you can purchase a special grille that is fixed at the top.

It is especially popular among professional chefs in restaurants. Most often they are made of high-quality steel, and the bottom can be one, two or three layers. So most in the best possible way heat is distributed, food is cooked evenly and does not burn. The Dutch oven is great for baking and baking foods.

Handles fix spot welding. In addition to being particularly durable, they will not heat up even under the most intense fire. The handles are usually small, so they can be stored both in the wind and kitchen cabinet The dishes are very convenient to place in the refrigerator.

This type of tableware has become fashionable only recently, but in China it has been used since ancient times. Distinctive features- rounded and high sides, a small flat (less often convex) bottom of small diameter. Handles are most often found in the form of small ears. The set includes a dome-shaped convex lid and a grill on which cooked food is placed to drain liquid or fat.

The Wok is very convenient for preparing sauces and marinades, as well as bulk semi-finished products. These pans have high speed heating and maintain a constant temperature for a long time. Another feature is that the bottom, due to its narrow diameter, always has a higher temperature than on the walls. Therefore, the spectacular tossing and moving of food from wall to wall by professional chefs is required primarily to avoid burning, and only then for the sake of show.

This is a symbiosis of a pot and a frying pan in which you can cook almost all dishes: from scrambled eggs to desserts, from soups to sauces. The saucepan has thick walls and a bottom, so the food is heated evenly. And the tight-fitting lid retains the necessary liquid until the very end of cooking.

Saute pans are produced for most ovens and stoves. The most expensive ones come with thermometers and fluid level control. If the bottom is additionally grooved, then the food will not burn in any way.

This is a round dish with small sides and a flat thick bottom (at least 2 mm thick). The lower the side, the easier the pancakes will slide off when cooking. Most often they have an ergonomic and comfortable handle, since it is with its help that all manipulations are performed. In a pancake bowl small size You can reheat dishes or cook simple ones.

What are frying pans made of?

Today, the range of materials is quite large, ranging from time-tested cast iron to modern alloys. But most often, substances with high thermal conductivity that can maintain temperature are used. What are the best pans? Reviews indicate that each variety has its pros and cons.

Cast iron

This frying pan heats up very quickly and is one of the best for long-term cooking or simmering. the best materials. It successfully replaces the cauldron. Cast iron has increased resistance to burning. It also forms a natural non-stick coating as a result of oil absorbed into the pores of the metal. This is the most versatile and durable product that can even be baked in the oven.

There is no special care or tools for cast iron cookware. The disadvantage of the surface is that if not properly cared for, the dishes will begin to rust over time. To prevent this from happening, it must be dried or additionally calcined after use. Cast iron is also quite heavy and can crack.


Titanium is a chemically inert substance that does not react. This is one of the most expensive coatings. Very few people can afford a completely titanium frying pan, and there is no point in it. The lining itself is completely harmless. There simply cannot be toxic emissions in it.

Titanium surfaces are resistant to mechanical stress, and you can cook food with virtually no oil. The service life is at least 25 years, and a rather expensive product pays for itself in any case. You cannot cook on induction cookers.


Food cooks quickly in it, and heat is distributed evenly due to the high conductivity of the metal. But such a frying pan also cools down quickly. And the dishes last a very long time, so almost every apartment has some kind of copper product that was inherited. Today they are not produced by all manufacturers, since copper has similar properties to stainless steel and aluminum, but is much more expensive.

The inside of copper products is coated with tin, nickel or stainless steel to prevent oxidation. If you notice an unusual taste in the food, this means that the copper has begun to oxidize and it’s time to restore the protective layer (which is done easily and quickly).

The disadvantage of copper products is that the vitamins in it are destroyed much faster, especially vitamin C. But acid-free products (for example, eggs) are whipped perfectly. Care - non-abrasive pastes, cannot be washed in the dishwasher.

Universal stainless steel

They do not have any non-stick coating, but the taste and color of the food is fully preserved. Suitable for both simmering and frying. Today, even a grill can be made of stainless steel.

This is another good and inexpensive cookware that is not afraid of rust and mechanical damage. Stainless steel is very easy to clean, but when overheated, unsightly stains can form on the stove. It is very good to simmer a dish in such a frying pan, since aluminum retains heat for a long time. Food does not burn on it, the only thing is that before starting cooking it should be warmed up well and oil should be poured in.


These are budget products, lightweight and heat up quickly. Food will burn on them more often than usual, and the oil will smoke due to the high heating temperature. If the pan is heavy enough, then it is made of cast aluminum and its performance is better than stamped ones. The minimum bottom thickness is 5 mm.

To avoid damaging the surface, use special silicone or wooden spatulas. Such pans should be cleaned very carefully with abrasives and acidic agents.

A Teflon-coated frying pan (polytetrafluoroethylene) is a fashionable kitchen accessory loved by many housewives. They are not afraid of high temperatures, alkalis or acids. The coating is most often applied to steel or aluminum. The result is a wonderful non-stick surface, much better than cast iron. The Teflon polymer coating is very similar in properties to titanium, only it is afraid of mechanical stress. Often, to enhance the non-stick effect, there is a special pattern on the bottom that reduces contact of the product with the bottom.

The service life of such pans is up to 5 years. When working, use only silicone or wooden spatulas to prevent the surface from being scratched. Otherwise, Teflon becomes harmful and such a frying pan should be ruthlessly disposed of. You cannot heat pans above 200 (other manufacturers) - 260 (original French Tefal) °C.

New lately. Ceramic composites (a combination of sand particles) in such pans are different from those we are used to clay products. Most often they coat cast iron or aluminum. The latter save a light weight, but become very durable. This coating is much stronger than Teflon, but is resistant to falls.

The pans heat up quickly (up to 450 degrees) and cool down slowly when turned off. The dishes can be washed and cleaned with all means and any spoons and spatulas can be used. The surface never absorbs odors, it is chemically neutral and does not react with food.

Such pans cannot be placed on induction stoves. They can also be painted in the brightest and most acidic colors. And eco-ceramic products are becoming the main accent in the kitchen.

Marble or granite frying pan

Granite coating - reliable and durable pans that heat evenly and allow you to cook on the smallest flame. Frying food on such dishes will be several times faster. Surprisingly, granite products weigh very little and are quite convenient to use.

Marble is a newfangled Teflon coating, only interspersed with similar crumbs. Buying such dishes in Moscow will cost at least 2,000 rubles. These are the best frying pans with a non-stick coating: lighter than cast iron, resistant to mechanical damage and cooling slower than Teflon or ceramics. And such a frying pan looks unusually stylish in a similar marble kitchen.

How not to make mistakes when buying

  1. Pay attention to the thickness of the walls. The heavy weight of the cookware is not always a determining criterion (for example, in aluminum cookware), but thick walls ensure uniform heating. The wall thickness is not less than 4 mm. Of two frying pans of the same material, the one with the thicker bottom and walls is better.
  2. The bottom should be perfectly smooth, without flaws, irregularities or bulges. The cellular one will last less than the usual thickened one. The thicker the surface, the more stable the pan will be on the stove. And it will heat up more evenly. The most best thickness- from 6 mm.
  3. It is good when there is an external coating - enamel or varnish. These are the most universal products suitable for everyone hobs.
  4. Buy products from trusted manufacturers, especially those with newfangled coatings. Expensive products are often counterfeited by unknown manufacturers, as the temptation for easy money is great.
  5. The more layers of coating, the longer the frying pan will last. Dishes made of 8 layers (for example, marble) will last at least a quarter of a century.
  6. The worst way to attach the handle to the body is with bolts. Sooner or later they will become loose and fail. But cast ones are much more functional and safer.

We select under the stove

  • Which frying pan is better to choose? If you are going to buy your first universal frying pan, measure the diameter of the top circle. 24 cm is ideal for one person, 28 cm for two or three.
  • For glass hobs, copper and aluminum pans, as they leave traces.
  • If you plan to use the cookware in the oven, you need removable or pure metal handles.
  • There are special markings for induction cookers.
  • Stamped aluminum products are only suitable for gas stoves; they will be deformed on electric stoves.
  • The enamel coating can be used on all surfaces: induction, electric stove or gas.

Manufacturers rating

Which frying pan should I buy? Reviews and reviews on the Internet will give you ratings of brands that will not let you down, and your dishes made from high-quality raw materials will last a long time.

  • Tefal.

It was this French company that invented non-stick coating. Today is the best non-stick frying pan sold in almost every country in the world. Moreover, the warranty on Teflon is at least 24 months. Their distinguishing feature is the red Termo Spot indicator, which tells you when it is time to place food on the surface.

There are a lot of lines and series in Tefal's assortment. There is a collection made from Jamie Oliver cast aluminum, with Meteor Ceramic mineral particles, or Expertise (with a reinforced titanium coating), suitable for any hob.

  • Neva-Metal.

A manufacturer from St. Petersburg, which combines the best European standards and affordable prices. The machined bottoms of Neva-Metal cookware ideally distribute heat, and the service life ranges from 2000 to 4000 operating cycles. There is also a large range of products with removable handles for use in the oven.

The most interesting series: Ferra Induction, light “Pearls” with polymer coating, “Titanium” and “Cast” (3 layers of non-stick coating). The company even took care of morning pancakes and pancakes for kids - the “Fun” series allows you to bake dough products with the faces of your favorite cartoon characters.

  • Kukmara.

A company from Kazan, which has the most complete selection of aluminum frying pans: cast, with a thickened (up to 6 mm) or machined bottom. There are also plenty of types of coatings - non-stick, ceramic, marble.

The most interesting is the Palette series, which looks stylish on kitchen surfaces the same color. And Greblon Decor enameled products are not afraid of abrasives, oils or detergents.

Video: which pans are better? Review
