How to grow a rose seedling from a bouquet. Rooting cuttings in water. Select suitable stems and cut cuttings

Don't rush to throw it away. Few people know, but flowers can be given a second life. You don't need any supernatural knowledge to do this. We will study a few tips and answer the main question: how to grow a rose from a cut flower.

First difficulties

Don't think you can do it easily the first time. As soon as you want to grow a rose using this method, you may encounter the following problems:

  1. If you have flowers foreign origin, then there will be problems with rooting. This happens due to the fact that they are treated with various chemicals.
  2. Even if you have Russian roses, be prepared that the buds will be small. And also such plants are not resistant to severe frosts.

But don't despair. If you follow our recommendations, you will quickly learn how to grow a rose from a cut flower.

Basic Rules

To achieve your goal, we suggest using the following tips:

Tip 1. When the bouquet has matured, prepare cuttings that are cut from the stems. The height of each of them should not exceed 20 cm. This will help them not to dry out.

Important! Each cutting should have 2-3 live buds.

Tip 2. If there are any leaves left on the cuttings, cut them off immediately. Make one cut each on the top and bottom of the kidney. To do this, prepare a sharp knife.

Tip 3. For a day, place the cuttings in a solution that promotes rapid rooting. This drug can be purchased in a special store.

Tip 4. Buy correct soil. Special soil for roses is suitable for this. It contains all the necessary components and trace elements. Place all the soil in boxes or pots.

Tip 5. You can plant cuttings no earlier than after 2 months.

Tip 6. Cover all seedlings with plastic bottles. They will help maintain a constant temperature, which should be between 20-25 degrees.

Tip 7. The soil in pots should always be moist. Spray the cuttings with water 5-6 times a day.

Tip 8. During the cold season, do not keep plants on the balcony.

By following our rules, you can easily get the answer to the question of how to grow a rose from a cut flower. The photo will show in more detail the cuttings that will make a real miracle.

Original ways

If you are seriously interested in the question of how to grow a bush rose from a cut flower, then you will be interested in the following method. We invite you to read in detail:

  1. Prepare the cuttings and insert each into one potato.
  2. Make a garden bed on your property. To do this, dig a small trench.
  3. Choose a place that is sunny and inaccessible to winds.
  4. Add sand to the trench. Now sort the young shoots. Choose only those copies that are the size of a pencil. The shoots must be even.
  5. Now we plant them in the prepared bed and cover them with soil.
  6. During this time, sprouts may have formed on the potatoes; we urge you to cut them off.

If you still doubt whether it is possible to grow a rose from a cut flower, then our answer will be obvious. Of course, you can, the main thing is desire and compliance with all the rules.


Now that you have decided to take a closer look at the question of how to grow a rose from a cut flower, then be prepared for the following:

  • if you have been growing cuttings at home all this time, then in the first spring the plant must be transferred to open ground; even a large container will be cramped, since the plant has large roots;
  • always remember that this flower is the most capricious of all representatives of the flora, so provide it with proper care.

You can plant cuttings in open ground in the summer. June is best for this. They are planted in the ground, which must be fertilized with peat and humus. Cover the cuttings with a glass jar. If fresh green leaves appear on them, this indicates that the plant has taken root successfully. Continue to constantly loosen the soil, remove weeds and water as necessary.

We answered your main question: “How to grow a rose from a cut flower?” The rest is up to you. Follow the instructions exactly and you will definitely succeed.

Planting roses from cuttings is a simpler and more reliable method of propagation than from seeds or grafting. Doing so better in spring, from April to June, or in the fall, when pruning bushes for the winter. And, using a purchased or donated bouquet, cuttings can be carried out at another time.

Growing roses from cuttings has its advantages:

  • longevity of life and flowering period;
  • do not regenerate into wild ones;
  • adapt well to environment;
  • not picky about soil.

There is also a drawback: overwintering rooted cuttings is difficult. This is due to the fact that during the autumn summer period a sufficiently powerful rhizome does not grow, so in the first winter the rose is dug up and placed in the cellar (if the temperature in it does not drop below minus 5 degrees Celsius) or stored in the house in a cool, dry place.


Propagation of roses by cuttings is one of the most popular and simple ways dilutions, the main thing in this procedure is to prepare them correctly. Select this year's shrubs that have recently finished flowering or are about to bloom. If the spikes are easily removed, this is a sign of their suitability.

Use the middle part of the shoot, remove the thorns and lower leaves.

It is recommended to cut branches in the evening or early in the morning. Cut 15-centimeter lengths with 2-3 nodes (pairs of leaves) and the same number of buds. To do this, use a clean and sharp tool so that the branches are not injured.

The cuts must be made obliquely. Make one immediately below the lowest node, and the other a couple of centimeters higher than the top one. To prevent moisture evaporation, shorten the leaves by a third.


To ensure successful rooting of rose cuttings, dip them in any of the root growth stimulants:

  • Epin;
  • Kornevin;
  • Heteroauxin.

You can prepare a stimulating liquid for root growth yourself, folk method: Dissolve honey (1/2 teaspoon) in 200 g of water. The cuttings are kept in the solution from three days to two weeks, since root system develops depending on the room temperature.

Soil preparation

The soil is prepared in the following proportion: two parts of black soil, one each of turf and sand. The dug holes are pre-filled with a 3-5% solution of potassium permanganate.

After planting, it is necessary to mulch with a three-centimeter layer of sand: it is better to use river sand, as it has a large dispersion.

Care after planting in open ground

After planting the cuttings in the ground, they are covered with glass jars to create a greenhouse effect. After two weeks, for the purpose of hardening, the container is temporarily removed, and after some time it is removed completely.

Watering is not carried out too intensively, maintaining light soil moisture and watching for condensation on the walls of the vessel, since oversaturation with moisture can lead to rotting.

If buds form on young shoots during growth, they must be pinched so that the plant’s strength is spent not on flowering, but on the development of the rhizome.

Propagation of roses by cuttings in summer

Most often, roses are planted from cuttings in the summer, in June, as this is the most favorable period for the development of the root system. There are several ways to plant rose cuttings.

Traditional breeding

Plant the prepared cuttings at an angle of 45 degrees. Deepen the lower bud into the ground. Compact the sand and water, cover with jars. When the temperature during the day is not lower than plus 25, and at night - not less than plus 18 degrees. Celsius, after about a month the bud will sprout. By the end of summer, new shoots will reach 30-40 centimeters in length.

In the southern regions, due to dry summers and high temperatures Rooting roses with cuttings is best done in the fall. Branches removed during formative pruning of rose bushes can be used as starting material. Bury the prepared cuttings in the garden. Cover with cut plastic bottles and leaves on top.

Propagation of roses in potatoes

One of the simple methods of propagation is planting roses from cuttings in potatoes. This allows the roots to retain the moisture they need during dry periods and feeds them with starch.

Rooting of rose cuttings in potatoes is done in a hole dug to a depth of 15 cm. The planting site must be selected based on the following criteria:

  • not blown by winds;
  • well lit;
  • is not completely shaded;
  • is not exposed to direct sun rays for a long time.

Pour a five-centimeter layer of sand into the recess. Prepare cuttings 20 cm long, free them from thorns and leaves. Select medium-sized potatoes and remove their eyes.

Make holes in the root vegetables, stick the cuttings into them and dig them into the trench at a distance of 15 cm from each other, leaving a third on top. Place the jars on top. Water periodically (once every 3-5 days), and once a week to replenish carbohydrates, pamper with syrup by dissolving a spoonful of sugar in a glass of water.

Growing roses from cuttings from a bouquet is effective if they grew in domestic nurseries. This is due to the fact that foreign copies are treated with preservatives before shipping, so they will not be able to take root.

Rooting roses from a bouquet at home requires compliance with the following rules:

  • use fresh flowers;
  • the stem should be woody;
  • choose a cutting of medium thickness, with buds on top and bottom.

Remove flowers, buds, thorns from the stems, cut off the lower leaves. Cut them into 15-30 cm pieces and keep them in distilled water, which you change every other day. After the roots appear, plant in the ground, covering with a jar.

Reproduction climbing rose cuttings has its own characteristics. In September, prepare 20 cm cuttings. Make sure they have 3-4 buds. They can be rooted in the ground or in water.

If you use water, boil it to kill bacteria to prevent possible rotting of the emerging roots. The roots develop to the required length in 20 or 30 days, after which the cuttings are transplanted into a flowerpot and cared for as usual. indoor plant.

If it is planted in the ground, the roots usually do not rot. Fill the pot with soil and make a hole. Fill it with sand, insert the stalk and place the jar on top, periodically monitoring the moisture. With the pot in front of a window, cover the jar with a cloth to shade it.

Roses propagated by cuttings using unconventional methods

Exist unusual options breeding these flowers, in addition to those described above.

In the package

Growing roses at home from cuttings is possible in a tight polyethylene bag. The earth is first placed in it. Instead, you can use moss moistened with aloe juice diluted with water (the ratio of water to juice is 9:1).

The cuttings are placed with the lower cut into the substrate. After this, the bag is inflated. It is tied and hung from the window. Increased humidity inside, which causes fog to form, promotes the growth of roots, the first of which will appear in a month.

Burrito method

It is possible that growing roses from cuttings at home using this method will not give 100% results, but it is not difficult to try.

Wrap the cuttings treated with any root growth stimulant damp newspaper, put in a bag and leave in a dark, warm place. Check them in two weeks. Some varieties may already have formed roots during this time.

Trannoy method

Growing roses from cuttings at home using the Trannois method means that the stem that will be used for propagation takes the maximum amount of starch from the leaves.

In the summer, when the plants have finished blooming, cut off small leaves and wilted flowers from selected branches. When you see the buds swelling at the bottom of the branches, this means that the bush is preparing to continue the vegetative process. Therefore, before the leaves appear, cut cuttings 20 cm long. Plant several pieces (5-7) in one hole at once, at an angle of 45 degrees. Cover them with 5 liter plastic or glass jars. Don't forget to water the soil.

Bottom line

Even if you have never grown flowers, try propagating roses from cuttings at home using any of the above options. The result will not be long in coming, and by the next season you will be able to enjoy the view of a beautiful shrub, and over time you will have a whole rose garden, turning your garden into a relaxing corner fragrant with aromas.

And raise the queen of flowers yourself. We will tell you how to produce, whether it can be done at home, whether it is possible to root from a bouquet and other secrets of propagation at home.

What roses are suitable

Not all varieties are capable of propagation by cuttings. It turns out very well. Many miniature varieties, polyanthas, hybrid-polyanthas, floribunda and some tea varieties, for which neither rootstocks nor budding are needed, also perform well with this method. This process works very poorly with wrinkled and yellow roses.

Did you know? Obtaining cuttings from a bouquet with imported ones most likely will not work. Such flowers are treated with special preparations that prevent the petals from withering and falling off. Give preference to domestic roses.

Classic way: step-by-step process

This method allows both beginners and experienced gardeners to take cuttings without any frills, simply and clearly.


The first thing you need is the cuttings themselves. They are created either in the summer. Autumn cuttings, lignified, are prepared after the flowers have fully ripened. Choose smooth, strong stems with a diameter of 4-5 mm.
Green or summer cuttings prepare until the bush is completely woody. This happens around the time of the first flowering. For propagation, choose even flowering shoots. We need the middle part of such an escape. Such shoots take root best.

Important! Very green or already lignified shoots take root much worse.

The procurement process is the same for all options:
  • the lower cut is made directly under the bud, at an angle of 45 degrees;
  • make the top cut at a distance of 13-15 cm. It should be made 1 cm above the bud at a right angle to the trunk;
  • the thorns are removed, the leaves below are removed, and the top ones are cut off by one third. Treat the upper cut with a solution of potassium permanganate or brilliant green;
  • place the cuttings in water or a solution of potassium humate;
  • Now the cuttings are ready for rooting.


So, our cuttings are ready, kept in solution and can be rooted.

There are several ways to root the resulting seedlings.

Important! You can plant a seedling in the ground after a young shoot appears from the axils of the leaves. This means the roots have grown and are established.


So, we have a young shoot, and our cuttings have become full-fledged seedlings. Now they are ready for planting in their permanent place of growth.

Roses are grown from cuttings in autumn or spring. At spring planting the soil temperature should be above +10...+13 °C. And in the fall, everything must be completed before mid-October (but not earlier than mid-September), so that the seedlings can take root and prepare for frost before winter. If you plant them too early, while it is warm, the plant will send out shoots that will freeze and destroy the plant during frosts.

A hole is dug somewhat larger than the pot in which the seedling grew, so that the plant can have some space. Humus is poured down or covered with earth - the roots of the seedlings should not touch. Cuttings from pots are planted together with a lump of earth. If the roots are without soil, then they should be soaked in a rooting agent.

The seedling is placed vertically in the hole, sprinkled with earth and compacted tightly. Then they water it. If you plan to propagate roses using cuttings, cover them with jars, cut plastic bottles or special material; an additional advantage would be to cover it all with grass or pine needles in order to insulate the soil in the fall and calmly enter winter.
Spring seedlings are also covered, watering is carried out around the shelter. After the leaves appear, the seedling begins to be accustomed to open air- the cover is first removed for half an hour, gradually increasing the time.

Important! Do not forget to moisten the soil around the seedling daily. But do not overdo it - excess moisture is harmful to roses.

Seedlings should be insulated for two winters after planting. And only then are they able to winter on their own.

About other methods

In addition to these classic rooting methods, there are several other options.


The methods listed above have their drawbacks. There is little oxygen in the water and the plant can rot, and in the ground it can dry out due to lack of moisture. Inventive gardeners have come up with a clever way to avoid these dangers. They became rooted in.
To do this, take a large tuber and clean it of all the eyes (this is very important, otherwise the potatoes will begin to grow and spend their energy not on roses). A cutting is stuck into half of the tuber and planted 5-6 cm into the ground.

Important! With this method, it is not necessary to cover the rose.

In this form, the cutting overwinters well and grows until spring. And the tuber serves as additional feeding. In spring, the seedling is ready for transplanting. But it is better to immediately plant it in a place of permanent growth.

The point of this method is to create high humidity and fumes. To do this, the prepared sections are wrapped in wet or moistened rooting agent and placed in plastic bag. The bag is sealed and inflated, then placed in a sunny place.
Due to the high humidity in the bag and artificial fog, the cuttings begin to grow faster and roots appear within a couple of weeks.

This method gets its name from Mexican food. In the original, a burrito is a tortilla with filling inside. In our case, the flatbread will be newspaper, and the filling will be freshly cut rose branches.

The newspaper should be damp, but not wet. And the newspaper is kept in this wet form all the time until the roots appear.
It is also possible to wrap the package additionally plastic film or put in a bag.


Wait until the bouquet fades (but not completely). Cut cuttings from the stems so that each has at least 3 buds. That is, each shoot fragment must have 2 internodes.

With a sharp blade Using a razor or knife, make a small oblique cut directly under the bud and a straight cut 0.5 cm above the bud. If there are leaves, remove the bottom one completely, and half the top one.

Take a drug to improve plant rooting (for example, Kornevin or Heteroauxin, they are available over the counter in flower shops), dilute according to the instructions and place the cuttings in the solution for 12-14 hours.

Prepare a pot with nutritious and loose soil (you can buy ready-made soil for roses in the store). Plant the cuttings at an angle, making sure that the middle bud is above the ground, just above the surface. Lightly press the soil around the cutting with your fingers.

Cut a plastic bottle with the cap unscrewed in half approximately in the center. Cover the cuttings with the top part. The optimal air temperature for your plantings is +25°C.

Spray your plantings 5-6 times a day with settled water room temperature(or even a little warmer). From time to time you can spray with a weak solution of Zircon or Epin. The soil in the pot should be moist all the time, but not sour.


Rooting lasts about a month. All this time you must literally “nurse” your pets. We'll have to be patient.

Helpful advice

Do not expose the pot with cuttings to direct sunlight.
Cuttings planted in the ground in June take root best.

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  • how to grow roses in the garden

Many amateur gardeners have probably encountered a situation where the roses they received in a bouquet were so delightful that they made them want to plant the same ones in their garden. Is it possible to plant a rose from a bouquet?

Yes, definitely. With rare exceptions, any purchased rose can be “tamed” and added to your flower garden.

First, you should pay attention to the stem of the rose, which we will. The stem should not be quite woody, that is, most of it should not be a wood-like solid substance. Flexible and green stems will not work, although you shouldn’t take very hard ones - they will make a rose even more difficult.

Cut off part of the stem so that two or three buds remain on it, preferably with leaves. You need to cut about a centimeter above the top bud and the same amount below the bottom. The upper part of the stem must be cut strictly horizontally and sealed with wax or paraffin. The lower part is cut at an acute angle, approximately in the same way as the legs are usually cut before being put into a vase.

Leaves emerging from the buds should be cut in half to reduce the evaporation of moisture through them. Now we need a rose from the bouquet in.

Now let's start transplanting our resulting . Let's prepare a jar (or other convenient container) with river sand for this. If you don’t have one, then you can take any other one, just rinse it thoroughly and add soil to it. In extreme cases, you can get by with plain water. It is advisable to treat the sharply cut end of the cutting with a root formation stimulator, which is easy to buy at any gardening store, after which it is lowered into the ground or water. It should be immersed to the full depth of the cut, so that the lower bud is under water (or in).

Our cuttings must be covered with a jar or plastic bottle on top so that the soil can be watered, after which all that remains is to wait. When growing cuttings, the soil should not be very wet; it is better to achieve a state of light moisture.

When the cuttings begin to grow, they can be gradually transplanted into.

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One of the most beautiful flowers are roses. And how nice it is to leave the house and see several bushes of such beauty on your site! These flowers can also be planted using cuttings, especially since this method of propagating roses is very simple.


Take shoots from flowering, half-burnt shoots during the inflorescence period. Cut from the middle of a shoot 5-8 cm long with two or three buds. Cutting with a bud is also allowed, but a bush from such shoots will turn out to be painful and will develop slowly.

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Do not water the cuttings too often, otherwise rotting will occur.

Helpful advice

Don’t forget to fertilize the bushes, this will make them grow better, become resistant to unfavorable environments and there will be more flowers.

For the winter, we cover the beds with sawdust and leaves. After frost, we remove the material with which we covered it and take care of it: we field it, water it. If you pay attention to the cuttings, then in the fall you will already grow good bush for landing.


  • How to grow a rose from a bouquet at home and plant it

It's always nice to receive flowers as a gift. Especially if it is a huge bouquet of delicate roses. And it’s such a pity when pink buds first begin to wilt and then slowly fade. And then you begin to wonder how to preserve this beauty? Maybe it’s possible to make this bouquet bloom as long as possible for own plot?

You will need

  • Rose cuttings
  • Secateurs
  • Rooting agent
  • Humus
  • river sand
  • Five liter plastic bottles


To rose from bouquet well rooted, it needs to be carefully prepared. The sooner you start preparing, the greater the likelihood of the cuttings rooting in the future.
So, preparation. To do this, you need to trim the flower and leave 25 cm of the stem. After this, you need to cut off all the leaves except two on the cuttings. After this, we cut the end of the stem crosswise, splitting it.

Then, before planting in the ground, the split tip of the cutting must be dipped in a special rooting agent. The soil for planting roses should be very rich in humus. And on the surface of the earth, after planting roses, you need to pour a layer of river sand at least three centimeters thick to prevent rot.

After that, their five-liter plastic bottles make mini-greenhouses by cutting off the narrow part.
Then the planted cuttings need to be covered with prepared greenhouses, sticking them firmly into the ground so that they are not blown away by the wind. These greenhouses do not open until next summer. You only need to water around the shelter. The greenhouse must be removed if the cutting has produced a bud.

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Helpful advice

The optimal temperature for rooting rose cuttings is from +18 to +25…30 degrees.

Have you been given a beautiful bouquet of roses? If desired, this bouquet can not only stay in a vase for one and a half to two weeks. Roses from a bouquet are also possible. Rose is a rather capricious flower. To grow it at home, you need to comply with certain conditions. The rose requires loose soil, light, Fresh air, air temperature not lower than +10. Root rose better in late spring and early summer.

You will need

  • Cut rose, sharp knife, root stimulator, potassium permanganate or brilliant green, glass jar or cut bottle, planting substrate, pot.


Cut the cuttings as follows: each cutting should have 2 buds. The lower cut is oblique. Make it at a distance of 6-7 mm from the lower bud. The upper cut is straight. Make it above the top bud at a distance of 2-3 cm. Use only a sharp knife.

Either remove the rose leaves or cut them in half. Cauterize the sections with potassium permanganate or brilliant green. Treat the lower cut of the cutting with a root formation stimulator.

Helpful advice

After planting the rose in the ground, do not forget to water the flower in a timely manner, loosen the soil, and feed it with fertilizer.

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Almost any woman, having received a bouquet of roses, wants to preserve such beauty for as long as possible. Often attempts are made to make new plants from a given bouquet of flowers. It is quite possible to do this, but not everyone can do it as a percentage flower from a bouquet there is a chance to become a plant in the future. So how do you give a rose from a bouquet? new life?


Cut cuttings 10-12 cm long from the middle part of the stem. The cuttings should have 2-3 buds, and the lower cut should be made at an angle of 45 degrees, 1 cm below the bud, and the upper one should have a straight cut, and made 0.5 cm above the bud. The top cut must be cauterized with brilliant green or potassium permanganate.

Remove the bottom leaf of the cutting and shorten the top leaves to a third. Trim the thorns.

Keep the prepared cuttings for 12 hours in aloe juice or growth preparations. Then dip the lower part of the cutting into powder that promotes the formation and growth of roots.

Plant the prepared cuttings in rich soil to a depth of 1.5–2 cm. Cover with a plastic bottle with the bottom cut off. Water through the neck of the bottle. Before planting, the soil must be sprinkled with a 3 cm layer of sand.

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Helpful advice

If the cuttings are sitting in a greenhouse, then the glass must be painted over with white paint; if under bottles, then they must be covered non-woven material. After 4 weeks, the cuttings can be planted in open ground.

Roses can be propagated different ways, but it is best to do this using cuttings. This method is suitable even for novice gardeners; it is simple and reliable. You can root the cuttings directly in the soil or first keep them in water.


A month later, when the cuttings take root and begin to grow, begin to accustom them to the open air. If buds appear at this time, remove them immediately. Remember that you must purchase soil suitable for roses, and optimal temperature for permanent rooting - 23-25 ​​degrees.

For the first 2 weeks, spray the seedlings at least 5-7 times a day. Water as needed, remembering to keep the soil moist but not soggy. If it is not possible to manually spray multiple times, use automatic fogging systems, especially if we're talking about about a large number of rooted seedlings.

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Undoubtedly, the rose is the queen among all flowers. And, like any royal person, she is capricious and requires certain conditions for cultivation. But special help Roses need it during winter. They are not particularly afraid of snow; rather, a winter without snow will be more frightening for them. There are several points to consider in order to grow a rose in winter conditions.

You will need

  • - greenhouse;
  • - shovel;
  • - soil;
  • - pruning shears;
  • - Charkoru solution.


Before roses, remove weak shoots from the bushes. Leave no more than 5 skeletal branches that have 3 or 4 well-formed buds. A day before planting, place the bushes in a special solution designed to stimulate root formation, for example the drug Charkora, 1 ml of which must be diluted in a liter of water.

Start planting roses from about the second half of November. Use selected annual bushes or biennials. Form ridges 1 m wide. Raise them 25 cm from the floor of the path. Make the middle of the bed higher than the edges. Plant five rows of roses on one ridge. The distance between them should be at least 25 cm, but not more than 30 cm. And make the rows at a distance of 25 cm from each other.

After planting, for 5-6 weeks, maintain the soil temperature at +8 degrees.

Increase to +15 degrees the moment you notice the leaves opening. From the end of March until the bud forms, maintain the temperature at +22 degrees, and at night reduce it to +18. As soon as colored buds appear, adjust to +16.

Water the plants according to the following scheme: in the winter months - once every two weeks or every 10-12 days, in the spring months - more often, once a week.

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Beware of spider mites. During the growth of shoots, maintain (for example, regular abundant watering) a relative humidity of 76 - 80%.

Helpful advice

If you want to take bushes for growing from a nursery, then the best time for this is October, a month before planting in the greenhouse. Store planting material in a basement or barn where the air temperature is no higher than +2 degrees.


Keen gardeners do not need to be told how desirable roses are in the garden, how captivating their aroma is, and what an exquisite look they give to the flower garden. Grow roses on your own summer cottage This is a dream of many, but some fear that this task is too difficult and thankless - not all roses can withstand the harsh Russian winters. How should you grow roses to avoid disappointment?

Variety selection

First you need to decide on planting material. It is advisable to take an interest in the latest selections and visit a nursery where rose seedlings are grown. If this is not possible, and you order roses by mail, search the Internet about the company. All large agricultural companies guarantee that seedlings comply with the declared characteristics and their quality training for shipment.

The received shipment should be inspected upon receipt together with postal employees. Pay attention to the condition of the root system, buds and general form seedlings. If you are not satisfied with the quality, immediately write a complaint; in this case, a postal worker will act as a witness. Large companies value their reputation and always respond to such cases - return money or make a replacement.

You should not purchase seedlings on the market from unknown traders - in addition to deception, you run the full risk of acquiring a bunch of infections, because no one can guarantee you quality and safety in this case. After purchase, until planting, seedlings should be stored in a cool place, with the root system moistened.

How to plant roses

To plant roses, you need to choose the most formal, bright and windless place in the garden so that they have the opportunity to express themselves in all their glory. Don’t forget that roses grow in one place for several decades, so choose the location responsibly so that you don’t have to replant the plants.

Before planting roses, carefully prepare the planting hole: ideally, such holes should be prepared in the fall, filled with peat, humus, and complete mineral fertilizer. The depth of the hole should be 30-35 cm so that the roots of the plant can be freely located in it. Pay attention to the grafting site if you purchase a grafted rose: it should be at ground level and cannot be buried in the soil. The roots need to be covered with earth, the soil compacted around the seedling and watered, observing the above conditions. Mulch the surface of the planting hole with peat.

How to care for rose bushes

It is not enough to plant rose bushes; they require constant care. For lush flowering Roses need to be regularly fed, watered, pruned, protected from weeds and pests, and covered for the winter.

1-2 weeks after planting, the roses need to be fed with mineral fertilizer, then repeated twice during the summer. It is necessary to water abundantly at least once a week; after watering, the surface of the soil should be loosened and mulched. To protect against pests, roses are sprayed with insecticides, and against rose diseases - with fungicides. For abundant blooms, regularly remove dead flowers to encourage new buds to grow. Important point– covering roses for the winter. Without this, many varieties cannot grow in our harsh climate, so you should approach this issue responsibly.

If you can provide a minimum of comfort for roses, they will delight you long years, decorating your garden all season long.

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Roses can be grown not only in the garden - dwarf varieties They feel great on the windowsill. Caring for a rose is not difficult. Try planting one plant - it is possible that after a successful experience you will want to expand your mini-garden.

Plant and grow: rooting and handling roses

Roses can be grown from cuttings or purchased already formed plants. Cuttings are cut from green shoots with bark beginning to harden. Cuttings are carried out in May or June, and the cuttings are taken from profusely flowering rose bushes. Cuttings with several buds are suitable for rooting. They should be planted in special soil for roses. After planting, the cuttings are covered with a glass cap, and after 15 days, when the plants take root, watering begins. When the plant develops a bark system, it is transplanted into a pot. For better rooting of cuttings, it is recommended to use phytohormones.

You can try to root a rose from a bouquet. However, such a flower is unlikely to be suitable for a room; it is better to plant it in the garden.

Store-bought dwarf blooming roses should also be replanted. For the flower you need to prepare a small pot with nutritious soil and good drainage. The rose bush is removed from the old pot, the substance is cleaned from the roots, and then the plant is placed in a new container. After transplanting a rose, you need to remove all flowers and buds - this procedure stimulates further abundant flowering. It is better to transplant adult bushes at the end of summer.

How to properly care for indoor roses

The best place for rose bushes is a bright southwest or southeast window. Flowers tolerate temperature changes well, but cannot tolerate drafts. During the period of active growth and flowering, roses need bright, diffused light. If there is not enough daylight, provide the plants with artificial lighting.

Roses need plenty of watering with soft water. If the indoor air is too dry, place potted plants on a tray covered with pebbles and constantly moisten them. Make sure that water does not stagnate in the soil. The air around the roses needs to be sprayed. From time to time, fertilizing with a complete complex fertilizer is required. But do not overdo it, otherwise the rose will build up green mass to the detriment of flowering.

If the indoor air is too dry, buy a household humidifier.

In autumn, after flowering has ended, watering is reduced. The plant can be taken out into the garden and buried in the ground. Roses can overwinter in a basement or other cool place. dark room. In mid-winter they are brought into the house and the stems are cut to half their height. After this, active watering and spraying begin. In early spring the rose will begin to bloom. To prolong the process, pick off faded buds and stimulate the plant with mineral fertilizer.

Make sure that pests do not settle on the plants. The rose may be affected by aphids, scale insects or mealybugs. Carefully inspect the stems and leaves; if whitish spots, cobwebs or sticky streaks appear, spray the plant with insecticides.

Video on the topic

When growing roses in the garden, you can limit care to watering, pest control and pruning for the winter, followed by insulation, but roses in pots at home require more attention. They need to provide suitable conditions.

Varieties suitable for growing at home

There are many in nature, but not all of them are suitable for growing on a windowsill. all year round. The main groups of roses most often found in apartments are miniature, tea, Bengal and polyantha.

Miniature roses rarely exceed 30 cm in height, specimens 10-15 cm are often found. The flowers are double and often odorless, the colors are very diverse.

Tea roses are also grown in the garden, choosing tall varieties for planting there. For the home, you should use varieties that do not exceed half a meter in height. The flowers of tea roses are very fragrant and come in a variety of colors.

Bengal roses bloom all year round, without a dormant period, and since they are quite compact and unpretentious, they are ideally suited for growing on a windowsill. Bengal roses are red, white or pink in color.

Polyanthus rose can grow at home, but it will need a lot of space. For the winter, it is better to cut this type of rose and place it in a cool place so that the bush gains strength before the next flowering.

The necessary conditions

After purchase, roses often take on a very pitiful appearance. To prevent this from happening, you must follow special conditions, needed by these plants.

First of all, roses need diffused light. Shade and cold are not suitable, but hot southern windows will also be destructive for roses. The best option is west or east, and for summer period light shading. Roses do not like dry air, so in winter you need to spray them with a spray bottle as often as possible, since the air in the apartment begins to heating season becomes very dry. In a dry and hot climate, spider mites will definitely appear on the rose and destroy the flower within a week.

Roses love fresh air, but do not like drafts. Stuffiness has a bad effect on them, especially in combination with high temperatures, above 25°C.

The soil in which the rose will grow at home must be nutritious, loose and breathable. A drainage layer and a hole for water drainage are required at the bottom. Watering should be frequent and plentiful; flowers respond gratefully when the soil in the pot is constantly moist. To prolong flowering, faded flowers are removed immediately with a sharp knife.

Roses need space, so you shouldn’t fill the entire window sill with plants. Crowded roses will promote the spread of pests and diseases. It is necessary to carefully inspect the flowers at least once a week for infection. spider mite or other pests and diseases.


  • How to grow a rose at home

The bush rose is one of the most famous ornamental shrubs and with its help you can beautifully decorate any garden plot. This plant is incredibly tenacious, so it is much easier to care for them than other types of roses - climbing, standard and indoor.

Shrub roses are unpretentious plants that require a minimum of care, and they are also resistant to frequent changes in temperature and humidity. These plants can delight the eye with their flowering until the first frost. In order to grow bush roses on your personal plot, you should know a few simple but important rules.

Features of planting, soil and proper watering

Shrub roses should be planted in places protected from the wind. These plants are very light-loving, so for planting them, it is advisable to choose only sunny places on the site. For comfortable and stable development of the plant, the soil must be saturated with organic substances.

Sometimes the soil is “depleted” due to frequent landing and replanting other plants, therefore, in order for the roses to take root well and develop stably, it can be “revitalized” by adding a little sand, compost and wood ash.

Considering that the rhizome of a bush rose is usually located very close to the surface, the soil in the places where this plant is planted must be periodically maintained, clearing it of weeds and debris. The key to lush flowering of roses is also periodic loosening of the soil.

Shrub roses are not particularly demanding when it comes to watering, so it makes sense to intensively moisten the soil only when spring period. In summer, roses should be watered only when necessary - if the weather is very hot and there has been no rain for a long time. Before the onset of winter, roses should be watered very rarely, so as not to provoke the growth of new shoots of the plant, which, as a rule, die under the snow.

In order for bush roses to develop steadily, the plant must be pruned. You should start pruning some time after planting the seedling. So, if buds have formed on a young and not yet mature plant, then they must be removed.

Also in the spring, it is necessary to prune damaged and weak shoots, remove shoots with dark bark, since the unnatural color of the bark of a bush rose may be a sign of some disease. Don't forget about trimming dried stems.

To protect roses from possible diseases, you should remove fallen leaves in a timely manner, since when they rot, a huge number of various pathogenic microorganisms are formed. In addition, the plant should be periodically fed by adding it to the soil around the bush. mineral fertilizers. The optimal fertilizers for bush roses are potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen.


  • Tips for summer residents

Tip 16: How to plant a purchased rose so that it takes root

When women receive a gorgeous pink bouquet as a gift, they sometimes want to preserve this beauty. They're going on various tricks, trying to root flowers in order to then grow rose bushes in your garden.

Rooting a purchased rose is not so easy, but it is quite possible. The success of this operation will vary depending on the origin of the rose, its variety and the quality of pre-sale preparation. If the rose was cut a long time ago and was treated with special preservatives for better preservation, it is unlikely to be rooted. If the rose is fresh, you can try this. However, even in this case, it is unlikely that it will be possible to grow a gorgeous rose bush in the garden - greenhouse roses are grown for cutting, unadapted to open ground conditions and harsh winters. If you don’t want to plant a rose, you can try to root it in different ways.

Method one

After the buds wither, you need to cut cuttings from the stems, for this you will need a sharp razor. Several cuttings can be prepared from one pink stem; three buds should be left on each section of the stem. The lower cut is made under the leaf, it must be done at an angle of 45 degrees, and the upper one must be made above the bud and made perpendicular to the trunk. The bottom sheets need to be torn off, the top ones can be left.

Then you should put the cuttings in a solution of “Heteroauxin” or “Kornevin” for 10-12 hours, then plant them in nutrient soil obliquely at an angle of 30 degrees, deepening them to the middle bud. The soil around the cuttings needs to be squeezed and watered. Each cutting should be covered with a plastic bottle cut in half with the cap unscrewed (for ventilation).

To maintain the desired microclimate, the cuttings should be periodically sprayed with warm water and watered, without allowing the substrate to dry out. After 3-4 weeks, fresh shoots will appear from the buds, and miniature roots will form on the roots. After another 2-3 weeks, you can transplant the seedlings to permanent place in the garden or in a large pot.

Second way

To cut roses, the same technology is used, but then the cuttings should be placed in water with a Heteroauxin solution in a bright place, out of direct sunlight. It is better to take a tall plastic bottle so that the cuttings fit entirely in it. This will also create a microclimate with high humidity, which is necessary for the formation of roots. After 2-3 weeks, a white growth forms on the lower edge of the cuttings - callus, which is the rudiments of roots.

After this, the cuttings are planted in a pot and grown to optimal condition. This method is more labor-intensive and does not always give the desired result. However, the first method does not guarantee success. It is better to use both methods simultaneously to increase the chances of a successful outcome of the operation. Great importance has the cutting time, as well as the characteristics of the rose variety that is supposed to be propagated. Best time for this procedure - the second half of summer and the beginning of autumn. Get it in winter good results It's unlikely to succeed.

How to take cuttings

Before you start cutting, prepare your tools. To work, you will need pruning shears, a sharp knife, blade or scalpel. They must be thoroughly washed and wiped with alcohol or another disinfectant.

Use pruning shears to cut the shoots from the bush. Cuttings can be taken throughout the growing season, but shoots take root most readily when buds appear on them. Cut them with pruning shears, then cut them into pieces, the optimal size of which is one internode, that is, each should have 2 leaves. Using a sharp knife, scalpel or razor, make a perpendicular cut under the bud where the leaf ends.

In the same way, you can prepare cuttings of roses you like, but for successful rooting, the flowers must be fresh. You can take cuttings all year round.

How to root cuttings

Dip the lower cut of the cutting into any of the growth stimulants. These drugs promote the active formation of roots, which, accordingly, greatly increases the chances of getting a new plant.

Prepare a nutrient substrate. It should be sufficiently breathable and moisture-resistant. The best option is to use vermiculite for rooting rose cuttings. Pour it into a wide bowl, moisten it and plant the prepared cuttings at an angle. Place the container in shady place in the garden and cover the top with film, pressing it to the ground. Open the film periodically, wipe off condensation from it and ventilate the cuttings.

When cutting roses in winter period, the container, covered with film or a plastic bottle, must be placed in a sunny place and illuminated above it. To do this, attach a special phytolamp or fluorescent lamp at a distance of 35-40 cm from the cuttings. Provide additional light to the plants constantly.

After some time, callus forms on the cuttings, from which roots will subsequently emerge. In mid-July, young branches will begin to appear on the rooted cuttings. This will serve as a sign that the roses can be transplanted to a permanent place.

Prepare a nutritious substrate for them from humus, turf soil, peat and sand. Dig it up landing hole, fill it with soil and carefully transplant the seedlings, trying not to damage the thin roots.

Before the onset of frost, young plants must be covered especially carefully. Cover them with soil and cover them with spruce branches. Do the same with rose cuttings rooted in winter and autumn periods. Plant them in the garden at the beginning of summer, when the threat of frost has passed, choose a shady corner for them, and after the plants begin to grow, transplant them to a permanent place in the flower garden.

Green shoots are considered the ideal option for cuttings, but if you want to admire a beautiful bouquet, you can postpone this procedure until the buds have completely withered.

What is needed during the work process:

  • sharp knife or pruning shears;
  • disinfectant;
  • rooting preparations;
  • a pot for planting cuttings;
  • expanded clay for drainage;
  • priming;
  • plastic or glass containers to create a microclimate;

To grow a rose from cuttings, choose woody stems with living buds and elastic leaves.

  1. On the selected stem, remove the flower along with the buds.
  2. A cutting 15 centimeters long is cut with a sharp knife from the middle of the rose stem. The cuttings must have three living buds, as well as a small amount of leaves.
  3. If you want to grow roses from cuttings, another cutting method is suitable: the lower cut is made according to the principle of a cross-shaped shallow split of the stem.
  4. A cut is made from the lower side of the cutting, under the bud at an oblique distance of 6 millimeters. The cutting angle should be 45˚. The upper cut is horizontal, carried out above the kidney at a distance of three centimeters.
  5. The resulting sections are treated with a disinfectant. Its upper part can be additionally sprinkled with activated carbon.
  6. You can achieve better root formation using a growth stimulator. The cuttings are soaked in a diluted preparation - “Kornevin” for 24 hours. Dilute it according to the instructions.
  7. Drainage is poured into the bottom of the pot, followed by soil substrate, and the cuttings are planted so that two buds remain on the surface, and the third is in the ground. Watered.
  8. The pot is covered with a glass container, creating a microclimate for the future seedling. The plant is placed on windows on the south side, sprayed regularly several times a day.
  9. A month after the first roots appear, fertilizing is done, and the young leaves and buds that appear are removed for better rooting.
  10. After two months, in spring or summer, sufficiently rooted seedlings are transplanted into flower beds in fertilized soil.

Concerning indoor species, in some cases, it is possible to grow a rose from a broken stem. It is dipped in water and after a month and a half good roots appear. The young plant is planted in prepared soil.

How to grow roses in potatoes

In summer, during the flowering period of roses, their young shoots are pruned. To grow a rose from shoots, it is advisable to choose even and thick stems, as these take root better.

  1. The stems are cut into pieces 25 centimeters long, removing thorns and leaves. The cut is made at an angle.
  2. For each cutting, take a young potato tuber, make a hole in it and insert the cutting into it.
  3. Sand is poured into the bottom of the dug long hole for better soil drainage.
  4. The seedlings are placed so that the planting depth and width between them is 15 centimeters.
  5. Sprinkle the top with earth and compact it thoroughly at the base.
  6. Water at planting and throughout the summer.

By the end of the summer period, rooted seedlings are ready for transplanting. This is an interesting way to grow roses different varieties and get a gorgeous blooming greenhouse.

Video on the topic

Soon, very soon, men will give bouquets to all girls and women for the holidays. But if you are given a bouquet of roses, you should not thoughtlessly throw the wilted flowers into the trash. You can give them a second life, although this process is quite labor-intensive and lengthy.

How to grow a rose from a cutting in the ground?

The basis for growing roses at home from a cut flower is plant propagation by cuttings. This is in general simple way getting a full-fledged plant from a “piece” that you cut at someone’s house, but in the case of roses it takes time and very careful care.

So, to grow a rose bush from a rose that was in a bouquet, you need to cut cuttings. To do this, take a wilted flower and cut cuttings about 16-21 cm long from the middle part of the stem. Each cutting should have at least 2-3 live buds. The cuts must be made between the kidneys with a very sharp knife.

Stick the resulting material (cuttings) into regular soil for home flowers (up to a maximum of half the height, but preferably no more than a third). To increase the chances of roots appearing, you can use special drugs, which are sold in flower shops (root growth stimulants).

The cuttings should be covered with greenhouse film (to create a mini-greenhouse, a cut plastic bottle or jar is also suitable, which should be covered with the cuttings, lightly sticking it into the soil). Make sure that the soil in the pot of roses does not dry out. After the roots appear, the first branches will appear. After this, you can remove the greenhouse or ventilate the plants more often.

Young roses can be transplanted into separate pots and placed on a balcony or loggia in the summer.

Helpful advice: Please note that it is extremely difficult to grow roses from imported flowers that have been transported from abroad for a long time, since they are treated with preservatives to preserve their presentation. Try to find local varieties of roses. The chance of rooting of rose cuttings that have stood in the form of a bouquet for more than five days is also low.

How to grow a rose from a cutting in potatoes?

There is an interesting way to germinate cuttings. Some gardeners suggest sticking a prepared rose cutting into a potato plant (you must first cut out the eyes from it). Next, you need to stick the potato with the cutting into the ground and care for the rose as described above.

Rose is one of the most popular flowers. On many holidays, bouquets of these flowers are given. There are a huge number of varieties. And many women wonder how to grow a rose so that it delights with its beauty at home in a pot or in a flowerbed.

How can you grow a rose?

Nowadays, to grow a flower, you don’t have to be an experienced gardener or breeder. You can learn about all kinds of growing techniques from the Internet. Moreover, there are several ways to grow a rose, and anyone can choose best option exactly in my case:

  1. Growing from seeds.
  2. Growing in a greenhouse.
  3. Cuttings in water.
  4. Cuttings in the ground.
  5. Cuttings in potatoes.

How to grow a rose from a cutting

The most suitable varieties for cuttings are considered to be varieties of roses, the predecessor of which was rose hips. This plant has a unique feature - almost any fallen branch can easily take root even in not the best soil. The descendants of rose hips also received similar properties.

When choosing a rose variety, you should not take the following:

  1. Hybrids native to South America.
  2. Dutch long stems.
  3. European teahouses.
  4. Artificially selected.

The above varieties require special skills and knowledge. Successful cuttings are observed only in 10% of cases. These flowers are most often propagated by budding.

To grow a rose from a cutting, you need to start preparing it the moment you pick up the bouquet. You can root cuttings at any time of the year. For cuttings, there is the following list of strictly defined actions:

  1. From the entire bouquet it is enough to choose a few flowers. It is necessary to remove all the thorns and cut off the buds.
  2. The cuttings are completely immersed in water for a day.
  3. The cuttings must be trimmed correctly. If you make a mistake, the likelihood of rose germination will sharply decrease. The length of the entire cutting must be more than 10 cm. It must have at least one bud. The ideal cut would be such that the lower part is cut in the middle between the nodes, and the upper part ends no higher than 1 cm above the bud.
  4. At the bottom, a cross-shaped section is made with a sharp knife, the depth of which should not exceed 8 mm.
  5. The top of the cutting is sprinkled with activated carbon.
  6. The lower part of the plant must be treated special means stimulating root growth. It can be bought at almost any flower shop.

After all the manipulations, the cuttings must be placed in a vase or jar of water. It would be a good idea to add a few drops of honey to the water. It is an excellent biostimulant. The plant is covered with polyethylene. We do not change the liquid in the vase, but only add it as it evaporates.

There is an option to grow a rose from a cutting in the ground. To do this, instead of a vase with water, the treated sticks must be planted in the ground. The main thing is not to forget to water the plant in a timely manner. The soil should always remain moist.

If you chose the option of cuttings in water, then you need to wait for the roots to appear and plant the rose in the ground. If the cuttings were planted directly into the ground, then we simply expect the result in the form of sheets.

How to grow a rose from seeds

Most often, people are looking for a way to grow roses from seeds that were brought from China. Some doubt that after long transportation the seeds will be able to grow into a beautiful flower. The question of how to grow a rose from seeds is especially relevant if you want to have quite rare varieties in your collection. The growing process is long and requires control. But if you follow the correct sequence, then in the near future you will be able to rejoice beautiful flower in your greenhouse or on the windowsill:

  1. The seeds are not simply immersed in the ground, but first prepared. To do this you will need regular gauze or cotton pads. In principle, any item that can retain moisture will do. Even a piece of cotton fabric can be used to germinate seeds.
  2. You need to pour a little hydrogen peroxide onto the substrate and put the seeds. They also need to be covered with gauze on top.
  3. Wrap everything in plastic wrap. No need to tighten it too tight. It is enough to cover it slightly to get a greenhouse effect.
  4. It is necessary to wet the gauze at regular intervals and wait for the rose seeds to germinate.
  5. Now the seeds need to be planted. This can be done directly into the soil or into special peat tablets.
  6. The air temperature at which roses can be grown at home is 18-20°C.
  7. In order for the root system of a rose to develop well, you should not wait for the first buds to bloom. They need to be cut off.

How to grow roses in potatoes

For some, this method is considered intricate and tricky, but it has been quite popular for more than a hundred years. It is especially relevant for home breeding of roses. IN industrial scale doing it would be quite energy-intensive. The technology is considered quite simple:

  1. A medium-sized pot needs to be filled with drainage. Its height should be 3-5 cm. Next, you need to fill in approximately 1/3 of the total soil.
  2. Now you need to prepare the cuttings. The procedure is identical to the one above.
  3. Use the bottom of the cutting to pierce the potato approximately to the middle.
  4. You need to place a potato with a cutting in a previously prepared pot and dig it in with soil.
  5. The pot is placed in a well-lit place.
  6. Many gardeners advise creating some kind of greenhouse. To do this, it is enough to cover the cutting with a glass or plastic bottle. But in practice, roses grow both with and without such a design.
  7. After the stems have strengthened and grown, the roses must be planted in pots.

Exist different ways propagation of roses, but we will focus on the most popular one = from cuttings. Very often we manage to get a cutting of a plant we like, but what to do with it next so that it does not die is unknown. We will help you grow beautiful flowers from rose cuttings.

You can even grow a rose from a bouquet at home by properly rooting the cuttings.

How to propagate roses from cuttings

This is a simple method that involves cutting cuttings with three buds and then rooting them. But questions arise about how to properly carry out cuttings; is it possible to root cuttings in water?

The middle or upper part of a healthy woody shoot, which has already finished flowering, is better suited for cuttings. Using a special garden knife or pruning shears, it is necessary to cut shoots 10-15 centimeters long, each of which must have at least 3 buds. They need to be cut so that the lower cut, made at an angle of 45º, is directly under the lower bud, and the upper (straight) cut is above the upper third bud. The technology for growing roses involves partial removal of leaves (this is necessary to reduce evaporation). The bottom leaf is completely removed, and the top ones are shortened by 1/3.

How to plant a rose cutting

What you need ideally: sufficient light, air temperature +23-25ºС, moderate watering and spraying.

Let's look at two ways to root rose cuttings:

  • in the soil - for this they are planted obliquely on a prepared bed (if cuttings take place late spring or in summer), or at home in pots with a substrate of peat, sand (most) and fertile soil. Cover the planting with a glass jar, creating a small greenhouse. You need to water the plantings as needed, and before planting the cuttings in the pot, you need to add well-washed coarse river sand, into which you need to stick the cuttings (the sand will prevent the plant from rotting due to excess moisture). When it starts to produce young shoots, you can sometimes open the jar slightly to remove condensation.
  • in water - for this, the cuttings are placed in a container of water and left in a warm, well-lit place. From time to time, the water needs to be changed and topped up, and after 20-25 days the cuttings will have roots and can be transplanted into pots with soil. You can add a root formation stimulator to the water for rooting cuttings - then the roots will appear faster.

How to grow a rose from a bouquet

Very often the desire arises from beautiful bouquet roses to grow the same flowers. This can be done, you just need to cut the cuttings in time and germinate them correctly. Cuttings are carried out when the flowers begin to shed their petals.

The cuttings are cut as usual - from below at an angle of 45º, and straight from above. There should be 1-2 buds on the cuttings. It is better to root shoots from a bouquet in the soil according to general rules, but they need to be stuck into the substrate strictly vertically, deepening to the first bud. At proper care they will take root in about a month and begin to produce young shoots. It should be noted that cuttings of local varieties of roses take root better.

If the plants took root in the garden in the garden, then by winter it is better to dig up the first-year cuttings and transplant them into pots for wintering, which need to be put away in the house or in a dry cellar. And in the second year, they can already winter in the garden right in the soil, provided that the flowers are securely covered for the winter.

In order for roses to be resistant to diseases and pests, they need to be well looked after - watered and fed in a timely manner. The first feeding is needed when young seedlings reach a height of 15 centimeters. For feeding, it is advisable to take a complex fertilizer at a dosage of 15 grams per 10 liters of water. Please note that fertilizing roses with nitrogen should be stopped in mid-summer, but fertilizers with phosphorus and potassium can be applied until autumn.

Growing a rose from a cutting, video

Rose cuttings in potatoes, why?

In this method, the potato tuber creates nutrition and moisture for the roots and the cuttings grow faster.

Fresh potatoes contain an optimal range of nutrients. It is a long-term source of constant moisture and reliable protection from hypothermia, rotting, and the development of bacterial diseases that sometimes affect roses at the initial stage of growth. In addition, technically growing rose cuttings in fresh potatoes is as easy as shelling pears.

To germinate rose cuttings, take recently dug tubers that are not limp or spoiled. Remove all eyes to prevent germination.

If the cutting is grown in a pot in winter, then simply select dense, large potatoes.

For cutting cuttings, it is not recommended to use shoots with unripe buds, as well as with already faded roses, since it is very difficult to root such cuttings - they simply do not take root. Propagation by cuttings is also possible from a purchased rose from a bouquet - there is no fundamental difference. But keep in mind that Dutch roses are treated with a preservative compound that ensures long storage; it is almost impossible to root them.

The length of the cutting should be 15-20 cm. Thus, from one rose or one medium-length shoot you can get 3-4 pieces for propagation. Cuttings should be cut with a sharp tool, preferably a garden pruner, so that the stem is not pressed when cut. The lower cut is made 2 cm below the bud at an angle of 45°, the upper cut is 1 cm above the bud, and the cut itself can be either angled or straight. All lower leaves of the cutting must be removed.

Next, sections of the cuttings are treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, and then placed for a day in a stimulating solution of any root formation stimulator, prepared according to the instructions for it. You can replace these products with fresh aloe juice.

After all the preparations, the rose cuttings are stuck with the bottom part into the prepared hole in the potato. Let me clarify that propagating roses in potatoes is only suitable for upright varieties. To grow a climbing rose, not a cutting is used, but a layering - a shoot buried and rooted in the soil, because growing layering in a potato tuber is very difficult.

You can root a rose in a potato tuber at home in a pot, or by immediately placing it in open ground. Planting cuttings directly into the ground provides an advantage - the roses will not need to be replanted, and this will allow them to bloom the same year or next spring. The area for planting cuttings should be bright, without stagnant water and protected from the wind. Further planting technology is as follows:

  • dig a trench 20-30 cm deep (for planting in rows, or for further replanting to another place) - for planting single bushes without replanting, separate holes are dug for each plant;
  • pour a layer of river sand at the bottom of the hole - this is necessary to prevent contact of the tubers with the ground and prevent rotting of the potatoes themselves, and with them the cuttings;
  • Insert the prepared rose cuttings into the holes made in the potato tubers;
  • post planting material in a trench at a distance of 15 cm from each other;
  • Fill the trench 2/3 full with soil mixed with sand and compact it lightly.

Plantings must be provided with a good level of humidity. Watering should be regular, but not too intense. For the first time, it is recommended to cover the cuttings with a plastic bottle with the lid unscrewed (to allow air access). On sunny days, the plants need to be shaded; on cloudy days, the bottle should be removed completely. After about a month, when the cuttings take root, the cover is removed completely.

Planting rose cuttings at home

To germinate roses in potatoes at home, prepare planting containers. You need to lay drainage at the bottom of the pots, then fill the containers soil mixture(any store-bought soil for flowers will do) along with sand. Place the potato with the sprout in the pot. Sprinkle with soil.

In order for the cuttings to take root more quickly, the soil must remain moist, so in addition to watering at home, it is recommended to additionally spray future roses with water. A shelter made of glass jar, plastic bottle, or a plastic bag. After the buds begin to develop on the cuttings, the shelter is removed, and the seedlings are gradually adapted to the conditions external environment. Special attention You should pay attention to the quality of lighting, but you must ensure that the sprouts do not overheat under the lamps.
