How to make a well cover with your own hands. Do-it-yourself well cover - types of structures and their manufacture Do-it-yourself wooden well cover

It’s hard to imagine a dacha or country house that doesn’t have running water or a well. After all, without water, especially in summer, in the sweltering heat, a comfortable human existence is impossible. If you are the happy owner of a well, this article is for you.

Everyone knows that a well is not only a source of tasty, thirst-quenching water, but also an important architectural element summer cottage generally. This is confirmed by the huge number of summer residents who decorate their wells with intricate decorative elements, decorated with carvings, forging or drawings on the surface. If your well is not one of the wells that are works of art, do not despair, because this “misunderstanding” can be easily corrected. Be patient, desire to change your well and imagination, and in just a couple of hours your well will have a completely different, cozy and beautiful look.

How to decorate a well in a country house? There are a lot of options, but the most common and easily feasible is to create a well cover made of wood, PCB, or made in the form of a miniature house.

Option one is a cover for a well made of wood. Why made of wood? Wood is environmentally friendly material, quite wear-resistant and easy to work with. In addition, a well cover made with decorative elements is not only practical, but also very beautiful.

To make it, you should prepare durable wood, such as aspen, nails, metal hinges And necessary tool.

Advice: If you live in a cold region where the air temperature in winter drops below -20 degrees, we recommend making this cover double and insulated to prevent the water in the well from freezing.

The creation of such a cover begins with measuring the well and determining the size of the cover; then the sheathing is made according to the size of the well and sheathed with boards prepared in advance; Metal loops or a rubber belt are attached to the resulting structure - one end to the lid, and the other to the well.

After installing the cover, a handle is installed on its surface for more convenient opening of the well. The final stage is decorating the constructed lid - and here bitumen or natural tiles, metal tiles, slate and even straw come to our aid.

Option two is a cover made of PCB. To create it, prepare in advance following materials: PCB itself, metal corners, profile pipes, metal hinges, measuring tape, bolts and the necessary tools. As you know, textolite is a durable building material consisting of many layers, characterized by ease of use and increased durability during operation.

The first step in creating such a lid is cutting metal corners into 4 segments of the same length; Afterwards, the resulting sections must be welded together and the weld seams processed with a grinder. We fix the resulting metal square on the surface of the well and cover it with boards, leaving a hatch for the future cover.

Then we proceed to creating the lid itself. To do this, take a metal profile and again use a grinder to cut four pieces of the same length, each of which should be slightly shorter than the previously cut pieces for the frame.

We also weld the resulting sections and cover the top with textolite, using self-tapping screws to connect and treating the seams with sealant. The resulting lid should fit tightly into the frame installed on the well; We connect the lid and frame using metal hinges. To complete the work, a handle is mounted on the lid for convenient use of the well.

And the last, third option for making a lid in the form of a miniature house. To do this, a frame for the well is made according to the technologies outlined in the first version in the form of a gable roof; on one of the slopes of such a “roof” a small door is made, through which water will be drawn from the well.

Wells can be located on the site not only with drinking water, but also drainage and sewerage. To ensure the safety of people and animals and protect the well from debris and precipitation, the well must be closed. For this purpose, a plastic, wooden or metal well cover is used.

Types of covers

Depending on the design and purpose of the well and your desire, you can do:

  • a simple wooden lid
  • wooden with hatch,
  • metal,
  • concrete,
  • plastic,
  • top in the form of a house.

If necessary, install a lock or latch on the lid.

Simple wooden cover

A simple DIY wooden well cover can be round or rectangular. It is made from 4*4 or 5*5 cm bars, which are knocked together into a shield. To make a shield, the bars are laid tightly together in one or two layers and secured with reverse side two bars across. For structural rigidity, another diagonal block is nailed.

All gaps are filled with sealant or clogged with slats. The surface is thoroughly polished grinder. If you need to make the lid round, it is cut out according to the template.

To ensure that the lid lasts a long time, it is coated with an antiseptic and moisture-proofing compound. The outside can be painted, stained, or varnished. Handles are attached for ease of use.

Option with hatch

This design is more convenient, since you do not need to move or lift the entire lid to draw water. How to make a cover for a well with a hatch?

The base of the lid is wooden shield, assembled from bars 4*4 or 5*5 cm, as in the previous version. In its middle, a hole is made for a hatch measuring approximately 50*60 cm. The hatch doors are made of thinner bars (2*2 or 2.5*2.5 cm), and they are attached to the base on hinges. The wood is also sanded, coated with protective compounds, and painted. Handles are attached to the hatch flaps from the outside.

Such a lid can be made not only from wood, but also from metal. To do this, weld a frame from a 40*40 corner and weld it to it steel sheet 4-5 mm thick, in which a hinged hatch is made. The frame can also be sheathed with textolite 8-12 mm thick. The metal structure must be painted to protect it from rust. First apply primer, then paint.

Made of metal

The metal well cover can be of a different design. It consists of a base, which is attached to the head of the well, and a hatch on a metal frame, covered with textolite. To make it you will need

  • corners,
  • square profile pipe,
  • metal tape 4-5 cm wide,
  • loops,
  • sealant,
  • textolite for the hatch,
  • dye.

The corner is cut into 4 parts, the ends are beveled at 45 degrees. From these, a frame is welded into a frame, and the welding points are ground with a grinder. This is the base of the bottom. For the frame of the lid, another similar frame is made.

The pipes are cut into pieces so that the frame made of them fits inside the frame made of corners. Also, the pipes are laid crosswise inside the rectangle, the structure is welded - two frames are welded to each other. Metal constructions coated with primer.

Two sheets of textolite are cut to the size of the frame and attached to it on both sides with self-tapping screws. If necessary, insulation can be laid between the PCB plates.

For the base, the metal tape is bent to the shape of a well, as in the photo.

Wooden formwork is made around it to the size of the frame for the lower part. Concrete is poured into the space between the formwork and the ring. When it hardens, a lid is attached to the fixed part using hinges. At the end metal parts and the concrete base is covered with two layers of enamel.

Made from concrete

Concrete covers can most often be seen on technical wells or on wells made from reinforced concrete rings. Concrete slab the desired shape you can cast it yourself. If you need to close the well for drinking water, a hole for a hatch is provided in the slab.

How are reinforced concrete well covers made?

  • A hole should be dug at the site with a depth equal to the thickness of the slab.
  • Plywood or polyethylene is laid at the bottom of the pit.
  • Install formwork to form a hole for the hatch.
  • Concrete mortar is mixed, cement, sand and crushed stone are taken in a ratio of 1:3:4.
  • The first layer of concrete is poured; its thickness is about 4-5 cm.
  • Reinforcement is laid - this can be reinforcing mesh or steel rods or wire.
  • Pour the rest of the concrete and compact it thoroughly.

When the slab is installed, the joint with the ring is sealed cement mortar. The hinges for the hatch are secured with dowels, then the door is installed. Usually on concrete wells the hatch is made of metal.

How to close a drainage well

The drainage well must be closed with a hatch without holes. This is necessary so that precipitation does not get into it and the load on the system does not increase. If the drainage well is ready, the cover will already be included. For self-constructed drainage wells, you will also have to select the cover yourself. Available for sale plastic lids different models and sizes.

How to close a sewer well

The well containing the sewage system needs a reliable, durable cover. Such a well is located close to ground level, flush with it or buried. The hatch must be flat and withstand heavy loads. A decorative cover can also be installed on the well, masking the hatch, for example, made of polyurethane, made in the shape of a stone or stump.

You can make it yourself from ordinary polyurethane foam, scraps of boards, foam and other materials. If you show your imagination, you can make interesting sculptures. The creation process looks like this:

  • the first layer of foam is applied to the base,
  • boards, pieces of wood, pieces of foam plastic, and so on are laid on it,
  • cover with the next layer of foam,
  • repeat these operations until the desired dimensions are achieved, gradually narrowing the lid and giving the desired shape,
  • After hardening, cut out the parts with a knife and sand them with sandpaper.

To protect the foam from atmospheric influences, it is covered with plaster or tile adhesive, and then paint the façade acrylic paint.

House-shaped finial

A cover for a well of this shape will not only fulfill its direct function, but also act as a decoration for the summer cottage. The house is gable roof on a small log house, a hatch is made in one of the roof slopes.

The house can be built from timber, metal, covered with siding, and decorated to your liking.

A wooden house looks beautiful, but in order for it to maintain its appearance, you need to take care of it: remove the old layer of varnish or paint and recoat it, apply protective compounds. A house on a metal frame, covered, for example, with siding, does not require such maintenance. There are also ready-made metal, plastic and wooden houses. The house can be open or closed.

Closed house on a metal frame

Under closed house you can hide the concrete ring of the well. Such a house has a metal frame made of a profile pipe or metal profile. The height of the house should be approximately 20 cm higher than a person’s height to make it convenient to get the bucket.

  • First, two frames are welded - “floor” and “ceiling”.
  • They are connected by vertical posts.
  • They attach a post with a height equal to the height of the entire house - this is the basis for the roof.
  • The side parts of the profile, which will be the basis of the roof slopes, are cut off and a triangle is made. You need two such triangles. The roof slopes can be made equal or the slope with the hatch can be made flatter.
  • The triangles are attached to a vertical stand. The tops are connected by a crossbar - this is the ridge of the roof.
  • Mount the racks for the hatch on one of the slopes.

After assembling the frame, they move on to finishing the house. The roof can be made from corrugated sheets, bitumen shingles. The house itself is finished with clapboard, imitation timber, and siding. It looks beautiful if the well located near the house is made in the same style.

Open house

The open house is a canopy with a lid. To install it, two posts are installed on which the well gate is strengthened. The canopy is supported by posts.

Such a house does not cover the concrete ring, so it is finished, for example, artificial stone, covered with a log house. The racks can be dug in both before and after finishing the ring.

The canopy should protrude far beyond the edges of the well (at least 20 cm on each side) to protect it from precipitation.

The canopy can be made entirely of wood or on a metal frame.

You can make a lid for the well yourself or buy a ready-made one. In addition to the usual flat lid or structure with a hatch, you can make a decorative one or build a house with a roof.

A cover for a well for any purpose - not only decorative functions. In the case of inspection or other wells that provide access to underground sewer lines, it closes the hole, thereby preventing falls or injuries, as well as damage to equipment, if it gets into the well shaft.

All well-type sources without exception are equipped with these elements. They are the simplest and most reliable.

1 What are the features and purpose of well covers?

In places where it must withstand a lot of weight (for example, covering the opening of a sewer manhole on the roadway), they are usually cast iron.

Also, inspection or communication rooms can be closed with concrete covers that are not designed to withstand the pressure of a passing car (a concrete well cover will simply burst under the weight of the car).

Where this is not essential, such as irrigation lines near lawns, the covering is made of plastic or polymer materials can be used. The material from which the well cover at the dacha can be made is wood, plastic or textolite.

Another function of such a cover in the case where the well is a reservoir with drinking water is to maintain temperature, which allows the water in the well not to freeze in winter time, and be cool in the summer.

Also, even cast iron hatches from sewer wells perform the most prosaic function. With their help, it is possible to prevent excess garbage and dirt in communications not designed for this.

1.1 Characteristics

Based on the functions described, as well as the type of well, different performance requirements apply to covers and hatches.

Application of a cover or hatch round shape, in addition, it ensures both savings in materials for its manufacture and the inability of the hatch to fall into the well itself during installation.

Cast iron hatches for sewer well, as well as for access to communications must comply with GOSTs.

The parameters of the sewer hatch are determined permissible load on it - this can be up to 90 t/s in the case of a sewer well on the roadway, and up to 6.8 t/s - for an access hatch to communications and cable routes.

Plastic hatches can be used not on roads, as well as hatches made of polymer materials or rubber. At the same time, the latter can be close in pressure characteristics to cast iron ones (we are not talking about heavy hatches).

By size, covers and hatches for inspection rooms can be divided into light, medium and heavy. The key criterion here is the weight of both the cover itself and the hatch body and locking elements. As a result, the parameters of the possible load on the hatch also change.

GOST for sewer and inspection hatches establishes standard diameter depending on the type of hatch, both for the body and for the cover itself.

So, for a heavy sewer hatch (type “T”), the diameter is determined to be 695 mm with a thickness of 50 mm. For a type “L” hatch, the diameter of the cover will be 675 mm with a thickness of 40 mm. The diameter of lightweight type hatches may not change, but the thickness of the hatch cover will decrease.

The standards also provide dimensions for polymer-sand hatches Green colour, which are placed only in the pedestrian zone and green areas, as well as on local area. For comparison, the diameter of the cover is set to 630 mm, thickness 40 mm, the nominal load on the hatch is up to 3 tons.

2 Making a lid with your own hands

If polymer or cast iron hatches for sewer inspection wells or access to communications are manufactured at a factory and have standards that are impossible to replicate at home (and not necessary), then a cover for a well in the country or country house It is quite possible to make it yourself.

A do-it-yourself well cover can be made from PCB wood, and can also be mounted under a hatch. Some problems can also be solved by a roof for a well (for example, a gable roof), but it does not ensure closure of the neck.

The most simple option is a wooden cover for a well, the dimensions of which directly depend on the type of well and the diameter of the neck. It is better to take the strongest type of wood available options. You can make a hinged lid or the hatch will simply be removable - this is a matter of the master’s desire.


  • round or square hatch knocked together from boards that are attached to two cross beams as tight as possible. Also, for strength, you can fill a third beam across the first two;
  • The cover must exactly match the diameter of the well, and after complete installation there should be no gaps;
  • It is also recommended to treat cracks with sealant.

In the case of a two-leaf option:

  • two shields are knocked down rectangular shape In addition, the well itself is also covered with a shield made of boards, in the center of which a hole is left according to the size of the valves;
  • The hinges are attached with outside on the base of the hatch and the flaps are fixed on them;
  • In the assembled state there should also be no cracks and it is better to treat the doors and base with sealant in this case as well.

If there is a need or desire to take advantage of a less conducive decorative processing option - you can make concrete, not wooden base. In this case:

  • The formwork is formed, a round hole is dug, the diameter of which matches the diameter of the well (concrete) rings. In addition, a wooden formwork is placed in the center in the shape of the hole for the hatch, and I also cover the hole with plastic film;
  • The mixed solution is poured into the hole, first in a small layer, and the reinforcement is placed there. After this, the pit is filled to the brim;
  • After about 4 days, when the solution hardens. The finished ring with a hole for the lid is removed from the formwork and installed on the neck of the well. The joints are covered with mortar;
  • The hatch is installed according to the shape of the hole. It can be wooden, metal or plastic.

2.1 Metal cover for a well with a locking mechanism (video)

Source of water in country house or at the dacha there is often a well. But if it is not protected from external factors, then as a result you can get a number of problems with the functioning of this structure. In the old days, a do-it-yourself well cover was made in the form of a very attractive decorative house, made of wood. On the move today different materials, from which this protective element can be made.

Main functions, materials used

It would seem that the main and only task of the cover is to provide protection against the entry of debris into the well: leaves, household garbage - pollution is carried away by the wind, which is usually very strong in an open space. But that’s not all, because there are other functions whose implementation allows you to use water all year round without unnecessary difficulties, namely:

  • providing protection from direct sunlight, which is more conducive to the growth of algae at the bottom of the well;
  • insulation of the structure, without which in winter the liquid will instantly freeze, and as a result not only the owner will suffer, who will lose a source of water, but also the pumping equipment, which is too exposed to low temperatures;
  • providing ventilation;
  • protection from small children playing on the site, as well as from birds and animals;
  • decorative function, because the opportunity to complete all the buildings on the site in the same style is often used.

The materials that are used today to make the lid are: metal; still the same tree as in former times; plastic; plywood.

Tip: To enhance the thermal insulation properties of the lid, you can use insulation, for example, polystyrene foam.

Main types of designs:

  • wooden lid;
  • on a metal frame using textolite;
  • plastic cover (usually purchased ready-made);
  • based on plywood;
  • reinforced concrete.
Well cover - photo ready-made version made of wood

In addition to differences in material, a do-it-yourself well cover is made taking into account some design features:

  1. Round or square design.
  2. Removable lids and hinged elements.

Wooden cover

One of the significant advantages is the simplicity of the device. The material is quite light and easy to install. However, this option will last for best case scenario 5 years, but this is subject to proper processing paint and varnish materials. The most suitable wood: alder, oak, linden, birch, and the recommended size of the main board: 20x150 mm (thickness, width), in addition, 40x40 mm bars will be required.

In the production of such a cover, sealant, varnish or stain, fastening elements (nails, bolts) are used; handles are also required for the convenience of opening the well cover.

The length of the boards always corresponds to the dimensions of the well. Next you need to adhere to the following scheme:

  • wood is stuffed on top of two parallel bars, the material is placed as tightly as possible;
  • on the wrong side, to give greater rigidity, it is recommended to nail another block, placing it diagonally;
  • the canvas is processed: sanded, chamfered, if necessary, the shield is made round (using a grinder);
  • all existing gaps in the cover must be sealed with sealant;
  • At the final stage, the structure is varnished.

For ease of use of the lid, one or more handles are attached on top of the wooden panel. If necessary it is possible to make a version with a hinged sash. The main work is repeated. Again, if desired, an additional layer of thermal insulation is provided, for which insulation - EPS (extruded polystyrene foam) - is attached to the underside of the lid. Also, a metal sheet can be laid on top of such a structure.

In this case, 2 shields are made for the lid: one large one with a pre-prepared hole for the sash and a second, small one, which will act as a sash and is attached to the first one on hinges

Combined option - metal and textolite

Such a self-made well cover requires much more effort, since you will have to use a welding machine, a grinder to process the seams, concrete screed fixed part at the top of the well. The movable structure is made of metal elements– pipes rectangular section, and PCB is also used.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

Now a little more detail about how to make a lid for a well yourself, or rather, its lower part. To do this, in accordance with the dimensions of the finished frame, formwork is prepared around the head of the well. The lower part of the frame made from corners is attached on top of the wooden structure. A metal strip should be installed along the very edge of the well head, trying to give it a rounded shape. Concrete mixture is poured into the created empty space between the formwork and the tape.

Upon completion of this work and after the resulting structure has completely hardened and settled, you can fix the frame from profile pipes and textolite. This is done using two loops. WITH outside The handle is secured with bolts. The final stage is the application of enamel to metal parts in two layers.

Reinforced concrete structure

This is the most labor-intensive option available. To implement it from concrete mixture casting a lid for a well with your own hands - step-by-step instruction the work is presented below:

  1. In accordance with the size of the well rings, a hole is dug in the soil 10 cm deep, which determines the thickness of the structure. The bottom is covered with polyethylene. Usually a movable opening flap in the middle is assumed, for which a smaller formwork is built in the central part of the pit.
  2. The first layer of concrete mixture is poured to a height of no more than 5 cm.
  3. Next, the reinforcing mesh is laid.
  4. The solution is poured on top to the edges of the pit.
  5. After waiting a few days (3-4) until the cover has completely hardened, you can install it on the well ring, having first removed the film.
  6. Seams are necessary between the well and reinforced concrete structure seal with cement mortar.
  7. In place of the window, a sash made of metal, wood, or plastic is installed in the concrete cover, depending on preference.
. This device will significantly improve work efficiency.

All of the lid options described have their pros and cons. When choosing suitable solution you should take into account your capabilities, the availability of free time for its implementation, the degree of convenience in operating the structure and the length of its service life. Most susceptible to influence weather conditions is a wooden lid, however, it is this option that looks the most attractive in appearance when properly treated with paints and varnishes.

Another option on how you can make your own cover for a well is shown in the video.

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Rostislav Kiriev 07/15/2015 | 5099

Many areas have wells. To protect drinking water from contamination, freezing in winter and heating in summer, it should be covered with a lid. Let's look at a few common and simple options. handmade well covers.

To make a well cover you can use various materials. Each of them has its own advantages. But there are also clear leaders on this list.

Wooden cover for a well

Tree Excellent as a material for a well cover:

  • practical to use,
  • easy to process,
  • has high aesthetic qualities.

You should choose the most durable wood: this is oak, aspen, elm, larch, pine.

Size And form the covers will depend on the design of the neck of the well itself. An extremely simple and quick option is a cover in the form of a hatch, hinged or removable. To prevent water from freezing in winter even in severe frost, it is better to make a two-layer lid. For this you will need:

  • dry processed boards, bars;
  • handles, hinges;
  • metal hinges or a belt made of thick thick rubber;
  • nails;
  • hammer, screwdrivers, hacksaw;
  • measurement tools.

First you need to decide on the measurements. To securely position the cover in the well opening, lining of bars is required. The resulting sheathing is sheathed with thin boards and equipped with hinges. Instead of hinges, it is permissible to use a rubber belt. Attached at different ends to the work and the lid, it will communicate them.
Having made two covers of the same diameter, one of them is installed at the bottom of the well neck, the other at the top. In the cold season, a layer of insulation is laid between them.

As pens For a wooden lid, ordinary bars packed next to each other are suitable. Or you can purchase ready-made metal handles, including those with a lock or lock.

Textolite cover for a well

Lasting modern material based on resin impregnated plastic, called textolite, also good for making a well cover. Working with it is not burdensome, and the result is decent. This thing will last for many years. So, during the work you will need:

  • textolite sheet;
  • metal corner;
  • pipe with a square or rectangular cross-section;
  • sealing paste;
  • cement;
  • handle, hinges;
  • welding machine, grinding machine;
  • fasteners;
  • hammer, screwdriver;
  • roulette.

First the creation is measured. According to the measurements, a quadrangular frame is welded from the corner. The joints of the structural joints are welded on both sides, external and internal, and subsequently processed with a grinder.

The profile pipe is cut into sections, the length of which should be 1 cm shorter than each side of the angle frame. They are placed inside it along the perimeter and welded to the base. Welding seams are also cleaned.

According to the sizes metal frame, two identical plates are cut from PCB. A layer of any insulation is placed between them, the resulting “sandwich” is fastened with self-tapping screws, and the edges are treated with sealant.

The cover and frame are connected by hinges pre-installed with bolts or welding machine. The finished cover is placed on the well, the frame is strengthened with cement. Finally, a handle is attached to the lid; the structure can be painted to give a more attractive look.

Concrete well cover

A heavy concrete cover is suitable for a conventional well made of concrete rings, decorated without unnecessary frills. It is more convenient to use a lid in the form concrete slab with a hole in the center, which is closed by a door made of plastic, wood or metal. You need to prepare:

  • wooden boards;
  • plastic film;
  • mesh for reinforcement;
  • concrete mixture.

A round hole is dug with a wall height of 10-15 cm. Its diameter and the diameter of the well rings must be equal.

The inside of the earthen blank is lined with film. To form an opening for the door, a wooden structure in the form of a square, made from 4 boards of equal length. Its edges are also wrapped in polyethylene.

The formwork is poured in a layer concrete mortar 5 cm thick. A mesh for reinforcement is placed in the unhardened mass, and the pit is filled to the top with concrete.

After a few days, when the concrete has completely hardened, the lid is removed from the workpiece. It is placed on the well, the joints with the body are covered with cement solution. The hole is decorated with a door made from available material.

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