How can a girl get a job in the police? The essence of police work. How to get a job in the police

Some time ago, the attitude towards law enforcement officers left much to be desired. Now the attitude is changing better side. Many associate this with the reform, thanks to which the prestige of law enforcement agencies has increased and many have become interested in how to become a police officer.

In addition to a number of visible changes, including the uniform and wearing of badges, the government is trying to increase the prestige of police service by increasing pay.

The requirements for candidates have also become more stringent, so becoming a police officer is not easy, but it is possible. The main thing is compliance with the put forward requirements, successful completion of a medical commission and psychological tests.

Some are attracted by the power vested in the police, others want to serve in the police out of the highest duty of honor and justice, for some, service in the police is the business and meaning of life, contrary to popular opinions about law enforcement officers.

To become a police officer, desire alone is not enough; you will definitely need a higher specialized education, no criminal record, physical health. Serving in the armed forces when entering a job, in some cases, provides a number of advantages.

What do you need to do to become a police officer?

Before applying to the police personnel department for a job, decide in which department you want to work. In each to the candidates individual requirements.

According to the law of the Russian Federation, only citizens of the Russian Federation without a criminal record can work in the police, regardless of gender, nationality and religion. Age restrictions for employment are from 18 to 35 years, this is one of the most stringent requirements for candidates.

Women are subject to the same strict requirements as men; there are no benefits or concessions when joining the police. It is more difficult for women to achieve the right to serve in law enforcement agencies, but if there is a great desire, physical preparation, the goal is quite achievable.

The simplest thing awaiting an applicant is an interview.. If a person behaves adequately during an interview and answers the questions asked correctly, the candidate receives the go-ahead from the committee members.

The next step is to collect documents for getting a job. You will need:

  1. questionnaire
  2. biography
  3. diploma
  4. passport

An application for employment in the police, a questionnaire and an autobiography are filled out. The biography is checked especially carefully; not only an expunged criminal record is unacceptable, but also administrative punishments. Relatives are also checked along this line. A diploma or diplomas confirming education and a passport are provided.

In addition to the listed documents, you will need:

  1. Recommendations. At least 2 police officers with a positive reputation for years of work in the police (at least 3 years).
  2. Employment history. Required if you have worked before.
  3. TIN certificate.
  4. Documents on military registration for those liable for military service.

Basic documents will require information about the income and property of the applicant, spouses and children under 18 years of age. In addition, consent is given to the verification and processing of data.

The next stage is a medical examination. You will need patience, as the medical commission takes up to 5 days. The medical commission is one of the difficult stages, here many candidates for work in the police are rejected. Some joke bitterly, saying that it is more difficult to pass a medical examination to become a police officer than to become an astronaut.

It will take a lot of time to obtain certificates from dispensaries confirming the absence of diseases that interfere with the work of a police officer (tuberculosis, mental illness, drug addiction, venereal diseases). Candidates are screened for dependence or predisposition to alcohol.

The tightening is associated with the fact that a police officer must act as a model and show resistance to the stresses and temptations of life. This will give you confidence that in a non-standard situation the policeman will act competently, adequately and not get confused.

Another difficult stage is psychological examination. This is not a simple compatibility test, but a test of 600 questions, plus a lie detector is connected. After the examination, a number of rooms pass through:

  1. psychiatrist
  2. surgeon
  3. ophthalmologist
  4. therapist

Don’t forget about fluorography, cardiac cardiograms and ultrasound; you may need head shots to make sure there were no injuries.

When the medical commission is completed, you will have to face the financial papers. They will ask you to fill out a tax return and provide information about bank accounts, income and property, securities and shares.

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The last event is passing the standards for physical training. The standards include: push-ups, abs, long-distance running. Only the strongest and most resilient work in the police.

The challenges and rewards of being a police officer

No matter how the attitude towards police officers changes for the better, one will have to deal with the prejudiced attitude of the population, even if the police officer risks his health or life. Many see this as self-interest. But such is life, it is impossible to please everyone.

Some relatives, and even friends, for selfish purposes hide behind working in the police, firmly believing that they can get away with a lot. This can seriously damage a police officer's reputation and result in his being deprived of his position if cover-up is proven. The law is binding on everyone, and the court can punish any person, whether he is an archaeologist, a doctor or a police officer.

The policeman has irregular working hours and can be called back to work at any time. On weekdays, a policeman must maintain order and keep everything under control.

A decent salary and early retirement due to length of service compensate for a number of work difficulties. According to the new legislation, after a 10-year service life, the state allocates lump sum allowance for the purchase of housing for law enforcement officers. Housing can also be purchased under a preferential program at 7% per annum.

If the experience is 15 years, with all calculations the vacation will be up to 2 months. Police officers and their family members can take advantage of benefits medical care and spa treatment.

There is a good opportunity to climb career ladder. It all depends on the personality of the police officer, diligence in work and self-improvement. Receiving a higher rank and awards will affect your pension.

If the checks are successfully completed and psychological tests and the medical commission gave the go-ahead, those who want to work in the police are given the opportunity to undergo probation from 3 to 6 months. During the internship, the mentor officer must teach and vouch for the newcomer to serve in the authorities that he will strictly observe the prohibitions and restrictions that are imposed on police officers, according to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation.

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During your internship, prove yourself and show best qualities. After successfully completing the internship, you will receive the position and title you applied for. The internship period is included in the work experience.

Becoming a police officer is not so easy, so if working in law enforcement is your calling, show firmness in decision-making, perseverance and perseverance. If you don't succeed in realizing your dream, don't be discouraged. Can

So, you have decided to become a police officer. It can be either a man or a woman. Many people claim that every second person can become a police officer, even those who come “from the street.” In reality, everything turns out to be not entirely true. Let's figure out how to become a police officer, and what stages you need to go through from the beginning to the actual employment.

1. Interview. Most often, this is the simplest thing that can await you in the coming days. If you are a person with an education, preferably a higher legal education, adequate, without a criminal record (yours or close relatives), offenses, arrests, etc., then you can very easily be “approved” at this stage;

2. Collection necessary documents. This is necessary before applying for any job. On average it will take about a week of your time. What documents will you need to become a police officer:

- a statement of request to join the police,

- a handwritten application form,

- education diplomas,

- passport and international passport,

- autobiography, handwritten,

- documents on military registration for those liable for military service and subject to conscription,

work book, if you have previously worked somewhere,

- TIN certificate,

— consent in writing to the processing and verification of personal data, as well as registration of special information,

- documents disclosing your income, ownership of property, liabilities, and similar documents in relation to your spouses and children (under 18 years of age).

3. Passing a medical commission. On average it will take from 3 to 5 days, depending on your capabilities. Whether you will pass the commission or not is a big question, because... a lot of candidates are rejected. Sometimes you can argue what is more difficult - to pass a medical examination for a police officer or.

- obtaining certificates from dispensaries stating that you do not have sexually transmitted diseases, tuberculosis, mental problems and disorders,

- You will need to pass all standard tests and drug tests. On the first day everything is over,

— the next day you need to have time to undergo a psychological examination. It's not easy to pass their magazine's compatibility test, it's much more complicated. Checking not only on a huge number of questions, but also with a connected lie detector. It will take about 3-4 hours, not counting the queue you need to wait.

— it is necessary to undergo fluorography on both sides, ultrasound, ECG, and other images.

4. Filling out financial documents. This is, first of all, filling out a tax return; it is also important to highlight information about bank accounts, income, property, shares, securities, etc.

5. Sports training. After submitting documents and a medical examination, you must pass physical fitness standards. Only the most athletic can become a police officer. Standards are passed based on indicators such as:

- push-ups from the floor,

- long distance running.

That's all, all your capabilities have been demonstrated, you have done everything you could. The main thing is to decide whether you are fit to serve in the police, but this no longer depends on you.

Police work: difficulties and advantages.

Is it worth going to work in the police? This question interests every second candidate for the police. Indeed, on the one hand, this is a kind of power and strength, but on the other hand, there are a number of negative phenomena that can frighten you. Let's start with the main responsibilities of the police: in emergency situations, police officers are obliged to take urgent measures to save people and their property, provide assistance until doctors arrive, and assist with the continuous work of the rescue service.

Here are the difficulties of working in the police that can await you:

1. Citizens of the entire country will treat you with prejudice, they will consider you a “lower class” person, even if you strive and actually help them. It turns out that no matter what you do, no matter how hard you try, very few will love you, and at the same time you risk your health and your life;

2. Your relatives or friends may be hiding behind you, believing that you will always save or cover for them, which can undermine not only your reputation in society, but also in the workplace;

3. In the police, the blame for large-scale events is always “dumped” onto small ranks, i.e. For any misstep of an entire unit, everyone will be reprimanded, and it’s good if they don’t put it in their personal file. So, if you want to know how to become a police officer, learn to accept accusations against yourself and argue less;

4. Police officers often have long working hours. Even if you essentially work according to a schedule, you can always be called upon; you are a keeper and servant of the law. Moreover, even in everyday life you need to monitor law and order, but not interfere, but call the police if necessary;

5. Most often, the money allocated by the state to meet the needs of police officers, both in offices and on the road, is not enough. Therefore, they have to buy the necessary stationery, office equipment, and spare parts for their company car on their own or by pooling money.

As for the advantages, here’s what you “threaten” about becoming a police officer:

1. Retirement at 45 years old, which you will agree is already a lot, it’s worth risking your life for this;

2. The necessary uniforms are allocated by the state, and this gives you more opportunities, representative appearance and accessibility to many areas of interest;

3. The state allocates money for the purchase of housing for police officers;

4. Interesting investigations and you are always up to date with events in the city. This is interesting for those who cannot live without new information. Police officers don't always have to deal with shootouts and homicidal maniacs, so the service can be interesting and attractive.

5. The opportunity to grow up the career ladder, receive well-deserved medals and orders, which will affect your pension.

There is a dual attitude towards police officers in Russia. On the one hand, “thieves’ culture” is popular in our country: chanson music, the TV series “Brigade,” life according to concepts... And within the framework of this worldview, some part of the population usually treat the police with at least hostility. Hence all sorts of anecdotes and jokes, often extremely offensive, rude nicknames and the like.

On the other hand, having encountered representatives of the criminal world in person, the average Russian seeks protection from the police, realizing that it is to the representatives of this dangerous and thankless profession that we owe our safety, and sometimes even our lives.

An active police officer, who asked not to be named, agreed to speak frankly about his work to the magazine's readers. Reconomica.

The work of police officers is covered in the romance of old TV series, and is the dream of many children and teenagers. Who among us at a young age did not want to put on a uniform jacket, get our own pistol and protect peaceful citizens from bandits? Or investigate the most complex and intricate crimes. But few people actually understand what police service is.

Gangster Petersburg, which became home to criminals of the nineties and zeros, remains a rather dangerous city to this day. According to official statistics alone, there are more than a hundred thefts and about 310-350 murders per month. Even if this figure is below the Russian average, for an ordinary city dweller it is still prohibitively high.

Who are PPSniki

PPS officers, guards, PePS, patrol- Many names have been invented for this service. PPS performs the most difficult and dirty work on the streets. They also respond to most calls by phone 02 (112).

Often there is not a moment of rest during the shift. You only have time to eat at night, and a lunch break exists only in your dreams. Why did I choose this particular service? Probably because despite this, you are always in the center of events. You are the first to know about what happened, the first to rush to help people, the first to provide emergency assistance.

Their profession is to protect others.

What does it take to join the police?

Police officers call work in the police service. And this is not just a stable expression. When you take the oath of office, you actually swear to serve your country. Devotedly, faithfully, selflessly.

Not everyone can become a police officer. According to Federal Law No. 3 “On the Police” Any citizen over eighteen years of age who has served in the army and is medically fit can enter the service. But there is a little trick. Law students state universities They can take it without serving, you just need to have a document confirming deferment from the army.

The future employee will undergo medical examinations in just over two months. During this time, doctors will check the candidate for serious illnesses, injuries and mental disorders. Upon completion of the commission, the current employee receives a referral to one of the police departments of his city.

Getting into the police force is no more difficult than getting into any other job. Often vacancies are posted on HeadHunter, SuperJob and similar services. You can also find out about the availability of vacancies at the central office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the city or district. The addresses and telephone numbers of these departments can be found on the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Having a driver's license category B ( cars) will be a definite plus. A police driver earns on average 5-10% more.

How to get a job as a police officer from the street

The police have long attracted two types of people: those who want power and those who simply want to help people. The latter, unfortunately, are fewer.

Who does the leadership want to see in the ranks of the teaching staff? Brave, brave (sometimes to the point of recklessness) and resourceful people. But in reality there are less than a third of them. It is not for nothing that the teaching staff is called a springboard to high offices. It was from here that many generals, ministers and other high officials began their careers.

Interview at the HR department

An employee's journey begins with the HR department. It is the personnel who decide whether you will get into the state or not, they help you choose the direction, the territorial department. During the interview there are a number of standard questions:

« Why do you want to serve in the police?», « How do you see an ideal police officer?», « How do you see the police of the future?», « What do you expect from this job?».

Feel free to answer honestly. The HR manager will definitely appreciate and understand everything you said and wanted to say. At this stage, applicants are almost never eliminated. Remember that we are people too. Help them learn what the police are to you and why you joined them.

A policeman must be prepared for anything

Work “on the ground” begins differently for everyone. Some will be greeted by clean streets and tranquility of the central areas, while others will eventually get used to starting the morning with murders and countless calls. And these challenges will not always be adequate.

The duty department is required to register any calls. This means that trips to aliens or neighbors who irradiate after 2 load-bearing walls, will not be uncommon. A police candidate must be prepared for this. Just as he must be prepared for real threats in a big city.

Give way - save someone's life!

In this part I would like to make a small digression. All calls are divided into several categories: false, low priority, medium priority and highest priority. The highest include mass fights, attempted murders and everything that needs to be reported as soon as possible. When such calls come in, every minute counts. In this case, a special signal (flashing light and sound) is activated.

Police cars speeding along the road and ignoring traffic lights, rushing to where the slightest delay could cost lives. Let such a car pass and save a person. And then, if you suddenly find yourself in trouble, they will be there in time to get to you.

Give way to the flashing light, because a person’s life is at stake!

A typical working day for a police officer

PPS regiments perform 3 tasks:

  • Patrolling the streets on foot or in a company car.
  • On-call trips.
  • Support for other police departments.

The distribution takes place every morning at the “planning meeting”. The senior regiment reads out operational reports, shows those put on the wanted list and gives some parting advice. During these 30-45 minutes, employees receive instructions for work and are assigned tasks.


Foot and vehicle patrols make up the majority of the regiment. They are assigned patrol squares around the area, where most of their day is spent. The task of patrol officers is to check documents, maintain order on the streets and create an atmosphere of safety. They can also give directions, help a lost child, and much more.


The second task of the teaching staff is to respond to calls from citizens. All calls to 02 are recorded in the registration log and transmitted to the patrol officers. Depending on the priority, employees can postpone the call until later or immediately go to the address.

Support for other departments

The PPS belongs to the PLO (public order) units, which means that you will often have to help the Metropolitan Police, Investigative or Inquiry departments and do much more that is not entirely related to ordinary work. Less often, requests for help come from operational regiments guarding sporting events.

The main thing is a reliable partner!

The police protect not only people, but also our little brothers

The work of a police officer is full of funny situations. Senior colleagues will tell you about many of them, and you will encounter many of them yourself in the first days of work. I’ll tell you a story about what happened to our “patrol.”

Wild animals in a large city are not that uncommon. Every two to three months, major newspapers report on yet another deer or elk that has wandered into the city center. We were a little luckier. Residents of the outskirts of our area called 02 after seeing a red cow in the park near their house. Fortunately, there were almost no problems with her. A small truck was sent from a neighboring department, into which we loaded the frightened animal. A few agonizing minutes - and the car started moving. We never saw our red-haired friend again.

As experienced colleagues note, you need to always be prepared for anything. Work does not allow you to relax, keeps you in tension, and constantly forces you to solve unusual problems. These are the realities of the streets of a big city.

Police salaries in 2018

In the civil service, count on high salaries no need to. But meanwhile, police salaries are indexed, increasing by 7-13% every year.

Police officers in St. Petersburg for 2017 amounted to 33,750 rubles. Not so much compared to other professions, but still not so little. The highest figure remains consistently in the Central and Admiralteysky districts (about 42,000 rubles), the lowest in the outlying districts (about 29,000 rubles).

Employees receive a full social package, according to the same Federal Law No. 3. It includes all the benefits and benefits guaranteed to a government employee. Minors, elderly and pregnant family members of a police officer also receive benefits.

Salaries in the authorities are completely white. At the very beginning, at the stage of the first briefing, you will be told about inspections by the Internal Security Service and the FSB, setups and raids by the Economic Police. Agree, it is much more pleasant to have a stable indexed salary with bonuses and additional payments than to always fear the discovery of your scam.

Salary table according to rank

Below is general table salaries for 2018.

Private: police, internal service, justice 5200
Junior sergeant: police, internal service, justice 6240
Sergeant: police, internal service, justice 6760
Senior sergeant: police, internal service, justice 7280
Foreman: police, internal service, justice 7800
Ensign: police, internal service, justice 8320
Senior warrant officer: police, internal service, justice 8840
Junior lieutenant: police, internal service, justice 9880
Lieutenant: police, internal service, justice 10400
Senior Lieutenant: Police, Internal Service, Justice 10920
Captain: police, internal service, justice 11440
Major: police, internal service, justice 11960
Lieutenant Colonel: police, internal service, justice 12480
Colonel: police, internal service, justice 13520
Major General: Police, Internal Service, Justice 20800
Lieutenant General: police, internal service, justice 22880
Colonel General: police, internal service, justice 26000
General of Police Russian Federation 28080


The following table shows monthly increases for longevity

There are a number of other coefficients that the HR department will tell you about; they relate to specific conditions of service.

How to make a career in the police

There are several ways to climb the career ladder.

  • The first is length of service. Every year in the police force you will receive a higher rank, which affects your salary.
  • The second is special merit. For demonstrated valor, you can get promoted to several levels at once.
  • The third is high performance. High work efficiency is a direct path to improvement.
  • Remember, your job is to protect people. Abstract yourself from your problems at work. When you are in uniform, you are servants of the law and guardians of order.
  • Don't give in to likes or dislikes. Police service is dangerous and difficult.
  • Be human. Always remain who you are. Don't let work change you.

Good luck! I hope this article will help someone to accept important decision about your future.

[RF Law “On Police”] [Chapter 7] [Article 35]

1. Citizens of the Russian Federation who are no younger than 18 years of age and no older than 35 years of age have the right to serve in the police, regardless of gender, race, nationality, origin, property and official status, place of residence, attitude to religion, beliefs, state language of the Russian Federation, having at least a secondary (complete) general education, capable of performing the official duties of a police officer based on their personal and business qualities, physical fitness and state of health.

2. To higher educational institutions vocational education The federal executive body in the field of internal affairs may accept citizens of the Russian Federation who have not reached the age of 18 and have a secondary (complete) general education.

3. A citizen of the Russian Federation cannot be recruited to serve in the police in the cases provided for in Part 1 of Article 29 of this Federal Law, as well as in cases where he:

1) has a residence permit or other document confirming the right to permanent residence a citizen of the Russian Federation on the territory of a foreign state;

2) is a suspect or accused in a criminal case;

3) repeatedly during the year preceding the day of joining the police, was subjected to judicial procedure administrative punishment for administrative offenses committed intentionally;

4) does not agree to comply with the restrictions, prohibitions, fulfill the duties and bear the responsibilities established for police officers by this Federal Law and other federal laws.

4. Citizens of the Russian Federation entering the police service undergo psychophysiological studies, testing for alcohol, drug and other toxic addictions in the manner determined by the federal executive body in the field of internal affairs.

5. For a citizen of the Russian Federation entering the police service, a personal guarantee is issued, which consists of a written undertaking from an internal affairs officer with at least three years of service that he guarantees that the specified citizen of the Russian Federation will comply with restrictions and prohibitions established for police officers by this Federal Law and other federal laws. The procedure for issuing a personal guarantee is determined by the federal executive body in the field of internal affairs.

6. A personal file is drawn up for the police officer. The procedure for maintaining personal files of police officers and the procedure for centralized recording of personal data of police officers and citizens of the Russian Federation entering the police service are determined by the federal executive body in the field of internal affairs.

7. A police officer takes the Oath of an employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation.

8. Appointment to positions of senior police command and dismissal from these positions are carried out by the President of the Russian Federation.

1 comment on the entry “Article 35 Law on Police. Joining the Police"

    Article 35. Joining the police

    Commentary on Article 35

    1. In accordance with Part 1 of the commented article, citizens of the Russian Federation are accepted to serve in the police. When determining citizenship of the Russian Federation, one should be guided by the Federal Law of May 31, 2002 N 62-FZ “On Citizenship of the Russian Federation” and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.
    2. Issues of recruitment to the police are regulated by the Instruction on the procedure for applying the Regulations on service in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, approved by Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia of December 14, 1999 N 1038.
    3. Despite the fact that citizens of the Russian Federation are accepted to serve in the police regardless of gender, race, nationality, language, origin, property and official status, place of residence, attitude to religion, beliefs, membership of public associations, the law provides for some requirements for candidates for the position of police officer. Therefore, special units of the internal affairs bodies preliminarily study candidates accepted for service (study) in the police. At the same time, the candidate’s health status, compliance of his education and special training with the requirements for the position for which he is being accepted, business, personal and moral qualities are determined (clauses 4.2, 4.3 of the specified Instructions).
    4. Based on the results of the preliminary study, the head of the structural unit of the internal affairs body draws up a certificate of the results of the candidate’s study. This document is sent to the head of the internal affairs body who has the right to appoint to the position. The latter reviews the received documents and, if the decision is positive, transfers them to the appropriate personnel department to conduct a special examination of the candidate and send him to a military medical commission to determine suitability for service in the internal affairs bodies<270>.
    <270>See: BNA. 2000. N 17.

    5. In the absence of information that prevents the candidate from being accepted for service in the internal affairs bodies, as well as being recognized by the military medical commission as fit for this service, the candidate has the right to write an application for admission to service in the internal affairs bodies (clause 4.4 of the Instructions on the procedure for applying the Regulations on service in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation).
    6. Recruitment of citizens for the positions of ordinary and commanding staff of internal affairs bodies is carried out:
    - by concluding individual contracts in the form established by Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated July 19, 1999 N 526 “On the appointment to positions of heads of internal affairs bodies under a contract”<271>;
    <271>See: BNA. 1999. N 37.

    - by competition;
    - through appointment to a position.
    7. Order for recruitment:
    - persons of senior, senior and middle command in accordance with the nomenclature of positions are signed by the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, his deputies, the first deputy head of the Investigative Committee under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, heads of main departments, directorates (as main ones), departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia directly subordinate to the Ministry of Internal Affairs Russian divisions, ministers of internal affairs, heads of main departments and departments of internal affairs of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, departments (departments) of internal affairs in transport, departments (departments) of internal affairs of the Directorate of sensitive facilities, district departments (departments) of material, technical and military supplies, district Department of Internal Affairs, Central Internal Affairs Directorate of Moscow, heads of educational and research institutions, advanced training schools for command staff, departments (departments) of private security, heads of line departments of internal affairs in transport, district, city, city district departments (departments) of internal affairs;
    - private and junior commanding officers - officials listed in the above subparagraph "a", as well as heads of departments, departments (services) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Main Internal Affairs Directorate, the Internal Affairs Directorate of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, private security units, the Main Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and chiefs, commanders combat and other units of the internal affairs bodies, which are granted such a right, by the chiefs listed in the above subparagraph “a” (clause 4.6 of the Instructions on the procedure for applying the Regulations on service in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation).
    8. When recruiting for service in the police, you should keep in mind that, according to clause 4.7 of the Instructions on the procedure for applying the Regulations on service in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, employees who are close relatives or relatives, provided that they are not directly subordinate or controlled by one another.
    9. There is no direct prohibition in the law, however, we would not recommend guarantees from close relatives and guarantees that can be regarded as a mutual favor to each other. For example, an employee vouched for a police candidate. And the latter, having worked for three years as a police official, vouched for the son of his guarantor. Such a guarantee does not correspond to the main idea laid down in Part 5 of the article under comment.
    10. Part 7 of the commented article establishes the obligation of a police officer to take the oath of law enforcement officers. According to clause 7.1 of the above-mentioned Instructions, this responsibility is assigned to:
    - employees who first entered the service of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation - no later than two months after being assigned a special rank;
    - cadets, students educational institutions Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia who have not previously taken the oath - no later than two months after enrollment in studies or reaching the age of 18;
    - employees of internal affairs bodies who have not previously taken the oath for some reason.
    11. On the concepts of “suspect” and “accused”, see the commentary to paragraph 12, part 1, art. 12 of this Federal Law.
    12. On the concept of “personal data”, see the commentary to clause 4, part 1, art. 13 of this Federal Law.
    13. See also commentary to Art. Art. 36, 40 of this Federal Law.

Former soldiers who come from the army are often lost in civilian life, not knowing what they want to do next. It is generally accepted that the army makes a real man out of a young man, but this issue is controversial. The fact is that a serviceman’s daily routine is scheduled minute by minute, the soldier learns to do everything according to orders, and that’s how he lives whole year. Of course, a lifestyle with a clear schedule becomes familiar, so when “grandfather” goes on demobilization, real life It comes as a kind of shock for him.

Now you have to solve important problems on your own - who you want to be, what you want to do, and you also have to move yourself along the path of development. There is no longer an officer nearby who will solve all your problems, give you food and drink.

When thinking about where to go next, soldiers often choose the opportunity to find employment in the police - at least some hint of development in the Russian Armed Forces, especially wage The current employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs cannot but please with its size. Recently, the Russian Government has been closely engaged in reforming military sphere, so it’s a sin for the military to complain.

The road from the army to the police

How competent the police staff is sometimes raises some doubts. That is why former army soldiers are willingly accepted into the ranks of the police - they are more stress-resistant, they know what discipline and order are, excellent performers and responsible employees.

But this does not mean that the police will accept the first person who has served in the army - the competition for open vacancies in 2017 has not been canceled. By the way, about the competition - if you want to apply for a place in the police, you first need to find out if there is a vacancy.

To do this, come to the territorial police department and declare your desire to work in a serious department. If necessary, talk to management, there is a competition ahead, you should prepare well.

Who is more likely to get caught by the police?

Working in the Ministry of Internal Affairs implies not only good physical data and endurance of the applicant, but also knowledge of many laws - it is on their basis that the employee has the right to identify another as a violator of law and order, a corrupt official, and so on. The more savvy an applicant for a vacant position is in the legal aspects of current Russian legislation, the greater the chance of breaking into the ranks of the police.

Therefore, before applying for a job in the Russian Armed Forces, it is necessary to realistically assess your own capabilities. Selection and training of personnel takes into account the following important criteria:

  • age from 18 to 40 years;
  • presence of military service;
  • sports achivments;
  • participation in sports competitions or their organization, refereeing;
  • education is taken into account - higher education guarantees a complete knowledge and training of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

You are drafted into the army upon reaching 18 years of age, so when you return home, all you can boast about in the competition for a place in the Ministry of Internal Affairs is 1 year away from your loved ones, a plus will be contract service lasting 2 years, it will set you apart from the crowd and indicate your serious intentions to connect with his life in military affairs.

Whether it’s worth joining the police immediately after the army or whether it’s better to wait and get an education is up to you to decide. You can graduate from a university in absentia and work at the same time, but where to get a job without knowing absolutely nothing, with 9 grades or 11 grades of school, you should think carefully.

The value of operational personnel

The HR department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is still inclined to the option when the operational staff is already more or less oriented in the legal aspect. Of course, if you wish, you can train any employee, but how much effort and time is needed to turn a newcomer without knowledge into a real highly qualified employee, and how long will he work in his position? It is definitely difficult to answer these questions.

The result of such experiments is disastrous:

  • low level of professionalism of staff;
  • as a result - poor detection of crimes;
  • lack of interest in solving the case.

The reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2017 requires a greater reduction of employees who do not want to give 100% in the workplace, so the requirements for applicants increase even more, which means that a simple former soldier is unlikely to be lucky enough to immediately get a job in the police. Conclusion - it makes sense to still get an education, and only then go through a competitive selection.

Although no one forbids you from trying your luck right after the army, all you have to do is submit an application, documents and hope that you will be appreciated.
