How to fertilize with egg shells. Eggshells as fertilizer in the garden. All useful ways. Rules for grinding shells for fertilizer

When deciding to grow organic vegetables, every gardener thinks about how to feed the plantings without the use of chemical fertilizers. There is a large list of products that can be used as fertilizer. A special place in this list is occupied by eggshells, as a universal natural fertilizer. It contains phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, easily digestible calcium, sulfur, aluminum, and iron.

How to use eggshells for fertilizer

Use to feed plants better shell poultry eggs - it has a more comprehensive list of elements included in its composition, but the shell of store-bought eggs is not much different in composition.

At the end of winter, with the beginning of the new laying season, the shells of laid eggs contain the greatest amount of calcium and other plant nutrients. The shells of brown eggs contain more micro- and macronutrients than the shells of white eggs.

For the purpose of creating a fertilizer mixture from the shell, it should not be exposed to high temperatures. It is possible to make powder from the shell of boiled eggs, but the content of useful substances in it will be less than in the shell of raw eggs - some of the elements will go into the water during cooking.

How to make fertilizer from eggshells

To use the shell for feeding, it must first be prepared. Shells of any origin must first be dried. To do this, collect the egg shells in a container with good ventilation - a cardboard box, paper bag or sugar bag. The shells collected in this way dry naturally and do not create an odor. It will take no more than 5 days to dry completely. It is not necessary to remove the inner film - it is no less useful for fertilizer purposes, but if dried incorrectly it creates bad smell.

You can make the manufacturing process easier if you do not accumulate a lot of raw materials. Having collected no more than a kilogram of shells, you need to grind them. It is more convenient to do this by spreading a cloth or oilcloth on the table, scattering the dried shells on it, covering it with another part of the cloth and crushing the raw materials using a rolling pin. You need to grind it as finely as possible. Finish grinding with a coffee grinder or meat grinder. The resulting flour is stored in a tightly closed container to prevent moisture from entering.

For which plants and how to use the shells

Before using the resulting powder from the shell, you need to clearly understand which plants will positively respond to such feeding, and for which it is better not to use it. Plants that prefer alkaline reaction soil. Such an additive to the soil will be positively appreciated bell peppers, eggplants, tomatoes, any type of cabbage will like the addition of shell powder, they will thank good harvest for adding crushed shells of currants, broccoli, honeydew melon, onions, lettuce, beets, spinach.

And for which ones is it not necessary?

You won’t like this addition to the soil when planting beans, peas, kale, cucumbers, spinach, zucchini, strawberries.

Fertilizing the soil with eggshells

In the garden, eggshell powder is used to reduce soil acidity. For economical consumption, a handful of powder is poured into the planting hole. This application reduces the risk of clubroot disease in cabbage.

The crushed shells used when planting cauliflower act as a top dressing; other fertilizers do not need to be applied.

A lack of calcium in tomatoes and peppers results in the appearance of blossom end rot on the fruit. You can compensate for the lack of this nutrient by using powdered eggshells. The powder is sprinkled on the soil around the diseased plants.

Pest Control

You can use the shells in the garden to control pests. Coarsely ground egg shells mixed with ash are sprinkled between the rows. This becomes an insurmountable barrier for slugs.

Crushed shells mixed with vegetable oil and the drug Regent will protect the roots of seedlings from mole crickets.

Egg shell powder will provide significant benefits when added to compost.

Fertilizer for flowers from eggshells

Egg shells have also found use in growing indoor flowers. It is used as drainage, an infusion is prepared from it to fertilize flowers, and used in powder form.

Crushed egg shells are used to loosen the soil.

Crushed shells into large pieces provide good drainage. She is laid on the bottom flower pots layer of at least two centimeters and cover with earth on top. Next, the plant is planted as usual. Suitable for all plants. This drainage improves root ventilation.

Another way to use shells for houseplants is to prepare an infusion from it, which is used as fertilizer. In this case, the shells of ten eggs are crushed and poured with 1 liter of boiling water. The vessel with the resulting mixture is left in dark place at least a week. During this time, most of the necessary substances from the shell pass into the water. The readiness of the infusion can be determined by the appearance of the smell of hydrogen sulfide. This is the main drawback. When using the infusion, the smell persists for some time.

This is such a useful eggshell. Use it when growing plants and you will need noticeably less chemicals.

For a good owner, nothing is wasted, especially for a summer resident or gardener. Many kitchen waste can be successfully used on the site, including eggshells.

It can replace store-bought fertilizers that are not always available, and this is not its only useful property. The benefits of eggshells as fertilizer and how to use them are not known to everyone. Therefore, beginners in gardening often make mistakes at the stage of preparing and applying homemade fertilizers.

Composition and benefits for plants

The main component of the shell is calcium carbonate, also found in chalk and lime. As part of the shell, it is absorbed much more quickly by plants. In addition to calcium, it also contains a number of useful elements, in smaller quantities. 100 g of fresh eggshell contains:

  • calcium carbonate - 35 g;
  • iron - up to 4.2 g;
  • zinc - up to 650 mg;
  • magnesium - 410 mg;
  • sulfur - up to 1.3 g;
  • phosphorus - up to 170 mg;
  • manganese - up to 110 mg;
  • sodium - up to 130 mg;
  • potassium - 85 mg.

Chromium, fluorine, iodine and cobalt are also present in the composition, but they are destroyed when heated.

Calcium, as the main component of shells, has a lot of positive effects on the growth and development of plants:

  1. Promotes the rapid dissolution of all substances (subject to a humid environment).
  2. Supports the vital activity of beneficial microbes, accelerating the decomposition of organic matter into microelements.
  3. Activates nodule bacteria that promote nitrogen retention in the root zone.
  4. Fertilizing increases plant immunity, which is especially important for seedlings.
  5. Strengthens the vascular walls along which elements useful for growth move.
The film covering the inside of the shell is rich in mucin and keratin, which are also important for plant development. Although the amount of these elements is small, with constant use they will make a significant contribution to enriching the soil.

Purposes of application

The benefits of egg shells as a means of fertilizing the soil in the garden have already been mentioned above. But in addition to enriching the soil with minerals, it has several more useful properties:

Soil deoxidation. If the soil on the site or in the pots is too acidic, it is worth adding alkalizing substances. Crushed shells effectively fulfill this role.

Protection from diseases. Black leg and blossom end rot, which often affect seedlings, are not harmful to plants treated with infusions containing eggshells.

Drainage and loosening of soil. Adding shells increases the aeration properties of the soil, preventing moisture from stagnating in the roots.

Repelling garden pests. The shell is effective in the fight against slugs, snails, moles, shrews and mole crickets.

The shells of both domestic and purchased eggs are suitable for the garden and garden. And not only from chickens, but also from quails. Duck and goose eggshells are coarser and more difficult to grind.

For which crops can and cannot be used?

Although different types plants have different “preferences”, eggshell fertilizer is suitable for almost all green inhabitants of the garden and garden. The positive effect is also noticeable when used for home flowers.

In the garden

Crushed shells are added when planting in holes for potatoes, onions, and carrots. Also sprinkle vegetables on top, this will protect them from slugs. It will be useful to feed seedlings of peppers, cruciferous and nightshade plants with an infusion of eggshells. However, at first you should not overuse such fertilizers; you can harm fragile plants.

Correct preparation

The duration of its preservation will depend on how correctly the raw materials were prepared. This makes this stage important for subsequent work with the shell. First, the eggs are freed from their contents and washed thoroughly. If you allow protein residue to remain on the walls, it will begin to rot.

And spoiled raw materials cannot be used for feeding due to the threat of diseases in plants. After washing, the shells are dried in the oven until they become brittle. It is possible to use boiled egg shells, but raw eggs contain more nutrients. It will be more preferable for preparation.

How to grind

You can grind raw materials in different ways:

  • grind in a coffee grinder;
  • scroll through a meat grinder;
  • collect in a bag and smash with a hammer;
  • crush with a masher.

The finer the grind, the faster it will release nutrients to the soil. Therefore, it is ideal if the output is a fine powder. It is also suitable for sprinkling plants on top. And larger pieces are useful for protection against underground and above-ground pests.

Preparation and application of fertilizer

How exactly to use eggshells in the garden, as a fertilizer or for deoxidation, needs to be decided in advance. Because the methods of preparing it differ depending on the end goal.

From dry powder

When planting potatoes, carrots or onions, the dried and ground shells are added to the holes, a handful in each. In order to evenly distribute the powder over the soil surface, it is poured into plastic bottle with several holes that must first be made in it.

The powder is scattered around the plants, not forgetting to thoroughly moisten the soil afterwards. They also fertilize the soil for future plantings in spring and autumn. 80–100 shells should be used per 1 m². If an excess amount of such fertilizer is applied, it will not cause much harm to the plants. However, in order not to provoke an excess of calcium, it is wiser to adhere to the norm:

  1. For cabbage - 0.5 tsp. into each hole when planting.
  2. For tomatoes and other nightshades - when planting, 50 g per bush.
  3. Onions and herbs are watered with infusion once every 14 days. The same norm for cucumbers.
  4. For strawberries - when planting a handful per bush.
  5. Shrubs - 0.5 kg per trunk circle.
  6. Stone fruit trees - 0.7 kg per 1 m².
  7. Pome trees - 0.5 kg per 1 m².
  8. For roses and ornamental perennials, watering with infusion is carried out once every 20 days.
  9. Annuals are watered 2 times a month.

To get rid of slugs, the soil under the plants in spring and summer is mulched with powder and shells of a larger fraction. And to combat fleas, cruciferous leaves are sprinkled with the smallest particles, as if powdering.

To use the shell as drainage, simply break it with your hands and place it on the bottom of the pot. Pieces that are loosely adjacent to each other will allow excess moisture go into the pan.


It is very simple to prepare a universal infusion for feeding, which many plants love. Powder from 5 shells is poured into a container and poured with boiling water (3 l). Infuse the liquid for about 7 days, until it becomes cloudy and smells. Before use, this infusion for the garden is diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 3. For watering indoor flowers and garden plants Eggshell fertilizer is used 1-2 times a month.

Composed with other components

Egg waste can be used not only separately, but also together with other fertilizers. The crushed pieces are mixed with mineral supplements, calcined over a fire and mixed with ash. There is a very common effective recipe complex fertilizer from the following components, taken in equal parts:

  • crushed shell;
  • onion peel;
  • leaves walnut or nettle;
  • ash.

The ingredients are mixed in a container, poured with boiling water, stirred and covered with a lid. Leave it for a day. Before use, the infusion is filtered and diluted with water. There is also a known recipe for a healthy decoction for plants: 10 shells and the zest of 2 oranges are crushed and boiled in 3 liters of water for about 30 minutes. The decoction can be used immediately after cooling.

Storage requirements

You can store the shells whole without wasting time on chopping. The main thing is to rinse them thoroughly. After the clean shell has dried (you can dry it in the oven), it is placed in a paper bag, linen bag or glass container with a loose lid so that the raw materials do not “suffocate”. Then put it in a dark, dry place. A well-cleaned shell will retain its beneficial properties for up to 1 year.

Polyethylene and plastic containers for storing this raw material are not suitable.

Eggshell as a fertilizer for the garden it will serve as a natural and cheap alternative to nutritional and alkalizing factory compounds. Collecting it in large quantities is not as difficult as it might seem, and storing it is as easy as shelling pears. Every plant grower should experience this wonderful fertilizer in action at least once.

Eggs are one of the must-have products on our table. What do you do with eggshells that accumulate a lot? You probably throw it out with the trash. This is not the most The best decision. It turns out that eggshells can be used as fertilizer for your garden.

How are eggshells useful for plants?

Egg shells consist of 93% calcium carbonate, which is easily digestible for plants due to its synthesis in the body of the bird. The fats, organic substances, magnesium carbonate, proteins and carbohydrates included in the shell are an excellent nutrition and source of nutrients.

The crystalline structure of the shell also has a beneficial effect on digestibility. In this sense, the shell is much more convenient than lime or chalk, which are traditionally used to deoxidize the soil. As you know, increased acidity of the soil negatively affects plant fertility. Finely crushed eggshells mixed with mineral fertilizers.

Eggshells are a source of nutrients for soil and plants

Table: useful substances contained in raw materials

It is recommended to use eggshells from poultry as fertilizer for the garden. The elements included in its composition are of natural origin, since the diet of poultry includes natural products. Store-bought eggs are also suitable for use, but the feeding from them is much weaker, although the calcium content in the composition is higher.

Video about the benefits of eggshells

Features of collecting raw materials

Start collecting material in winter. At that time Domestic bird begins to rush after a short break. Do not forget that the shell must be clean: protein residues will rot over time and begin to emit an unpleasant odor. Rinse the collected shells thoroughly and dry them afterwards.

Start collecting shells at least from the beginning of winter

Studies have shown that the brown shell is somewhat thicker and denser than the white one. This means that its mass is higher, and therefore the content of nutrients in it is higher.

The larger the area you need to fertilize, the more eggshells you will need. Collect required quantity not difficult if you have a lot of laying hens at your disposal or if you have neighbors who collect shells only to throw away and can easily give them to you. Otherwise, collection will take a lot of time. You can calculate the total weight of shells collected during the year using the formula: 10 g * N * 12 months - 10%, where:

  • 10 grams - the average weight of the shell of 1 egg;
  • N is the number of eggs your family eats during the month;
  • 12 months - 12 months;
  • 10% - unusable shells that will have to be thrown away

Rules for grinding shells for fertilizer

To use the material, it must be crushed. The degree of grinding may vary depending on the application. You can process clean, dried shells in a coffee grinder, mortar, or meat grinder. Another way: place the shell on a hard surface, such as a table, thin layer, cover with newspaper or cloth and tap it thoroughly with a hammer, then use a rolling pin as if you were rolling out dough. This way you will achieve a fairly fine grind.

To use the shell as fertilizer, it needs to be crushed

Use in the garden

To get good seedlings and a bountiful harvest, add crushed material to the soil at the rate of 2 cups per 1 square meter area. When digging up the soil before winter, the shells can be added to the soil in small pieces.

The crushed shells are added to the soil when digging

You can also make an infusion from the shells, crushed into powder, to use as a liquid fertilizer. You will need 5-6 shells per 1 liter of water. Calculate how many shells you need, chop them and pour boiling water over them. Leave for 5 days, stirring regularly. This infusion is very good for watering young shoots of any vegetable crops, especially potatoes. It is also great for feeding eggplant and cauliflower seedlings, which are often deficient in microelements. Just remember that during the period of plant germination, the amount of such fertilizer should be moderate. But for adult plants - vegetables, any garden flowers- such feeding will be ideal.

Video about using eggshells in the garden

Benefits for seedlings

You can grow seedlings directly in eggshells

Eggshells have long been known as aid when growing seedlings. It has a very beneficial effect on tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, and flower crops at the seedling stage. Gardeners have been using shells since before special containers and peat tablets were available.

It was done like this: the top of a whole egg was removed, the contents were poured out (a raw egg can be drunk or used to make scrambled eggs, omelettes, and baked goods). Gypsy needle, were made with an awl or a thin nail drainage holes. This creates a container in which you can place 1-3 vegetable or flower seeds. The soil will be supplied with nutrients, and when it is time to plant the seedlings, it is enough to slightly squeeze the shell so that it cracks. Be careful not to injure the roots of tender seedlings.

If you sow seeds for seedlings in plastic cups, can add a small amount of shells ground into flour (3–5 grams for each cup) into the substrate used.

Small pieces of eggshells will serve as excellent drainage in seedling containers. Simply spread the shells in a 1 cm layer along the bottom of the pot or container in which you plan to sow.

How to use the product for indoor plants?

The flowers that you grow in pots at home need mineral fertilizers. As you know, they oxidize the soil, which has already given almost all the useful elements to the plant in the pot. Therefore, it is advisable to use ground shells together with mineral fertilizers. Add it at the rate of 1/3 teaspoon per pot.

When replanting indoor plants, place crushed and calcined shells on the bottom of pots and containers in a layer of 2–3 cm. This will ensure good drainage and saturation of the substrate with useful substances.

Cook with eggshells liquid fertilizer for your indoor flowers. Take a jar of any container, fill it to the top with shells and pour boiling water over it. Leave for a week, covered. A sign of readiness will be cloudiness of the liquid and its unpleasant odor. Before using the infusion to fertilize indoor flowers, dilute it with water in a ratio of 1:3.

If the unpleasant smell bothers you, prepare this tincture in a slightly different way. Grind the shells into powder, pour 0.5 kg of the resulting substance into a jar and fill with 3 liters of warm water. Leave for a day, then use without diluting. The powder can be added with water again to prepare the infusion again.

Use eggshells as pots for indoor flowers

After all, you can use eggshells as decorative element. Plant small plants in the shell, for example, succulents or violets; they will look very original in such improvised “pots”.

Video about eggshells as drainage

Today, eggshells for the vegetable garden or garden are rarely used as fertilizer, but even those summer residents who have heard about the benefits of fertilizing do not always apply it to the plants correctly.

How exactly is calcium flour useful, and how can you use it to grow vegetables and fruits to your delight and to the envy of your neighbors?

There is an opinion that the shells of store-bought eggs are saturated with chemicals and contain virtually no nutrients. This is not so, the immune system of the bird carrying the egg neutralizes the shell from harmful substances so that the chick is healthy. In the shell of chickens (quails) industrial production no more toxins than poultry products. It contains many natural valuable micro and macroelements:

  • more than 90% calcium carbonate,
  • 1.5% magnesium,
  • iron,
  • fluorine,
  • manganese,
  • phosphorus,
  • sulfur,
  • copper,
  • other minerals, as well as vitamins.

All this enriches the soil, makes the soil fertile, breathable (the plant receives enough oxygen), loose and soft.

Often, inexperienced gardeners simply do not know how to use eggshells as fertilizer - they scatter the unwashed shells in large pieces on the ground, as a result, they attract flocks of birds who want to feast on a product that is useful for their skeletal and muscular systems, while the ground remains without fertilizing. It is necessary to pre-clean and crush the shells

What vegetables, berries, fruits “love” eggshells

For which plants is feeding with calcium grains especially useful? Approximately 2 cups of calcium shell flour are used per 1 m2 of soil. Adding it to the garden soil has a very beneficial effect to improve the growth and development of the following vegetable and melon crops:

  • tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, eggplants. And also carrots, beets, cabbage, potatoes. Melons, watermelons;
  • Shrubs love this kind of feeding and fruit trees: raspberry, apple tree, gooseberry. Currant, pear, apricot;
  • adding eggshells increases the yield of strawberries;
  • Stone fruit crops (cherry, bird cherry, plum, and others) especially need calcium, since a lot of the mineral is spent during the formation of the stone;
  • Citrus, legumes, coniferous and green crops also need calcium fertilization.

Its pieces provide excellent drainage when growing seedlings in disposable cups. However, an excess of calcium can harm young seedlings.

The shells of chicken or quail eggs are usually used as fertilizer, since those from geese or turkeys have a too dense structure that is difficult to process into flour.

How to properly use egg shells

You need to collect shells from raw eggs, because... During the cooking process, almost all the beneficial properties disappear; such fertilizer will be ineffective.

Preparation of calcium flour

First, you need to thoroughly rinse the shells and then dry them immediately (put them in the sun or heat them in the oven). The main thing is to prevent protein residues on the walls, otherwise the future fertilizer will deteriorate.

The purified product can be ground in a meat grinder, coffee grinder or other convenient method.

It is best to walk over it with a rolling pin and then grind it. Large pieces take a long time to decompose and do not affect plants as quickly as small crumbs.

There is no need to accumulate huge bags of powder; it is better to grind it little by little.

Ready-made calcium flour can be placed in jars, closing the lids tightly. Or store inside paper bags. It is better not to use plastic bags - moisture condenses from the air inside, which causes the product to rot.

How to make liquid calcium solution

For infusions, you can use small pieces of shell and powder.

Place in glass jars, fill with water and, tightly sealing the lid, place in a cool place without light.

After one and a half to two weeks, when the tincture becomes cloudy and smells unpleasant, it’s time to pour it on vegetable plants and fruit trees. The liquid is first diluted with plain water (proportion 1:3).

This feeding will help you grow an excellent harvest.

Tiny cups for seedlings made from shells

You can use egg halves to force the plant from the seed - it immediately receives the calcium and other trace elements it needs.

You can plant such seedlings together with egg “cups”, at the same time fertilizing the soil.

Most often, this method is used when growing cabbage, peppers, tomatoes and melons.

Some simply burn shell particles with ash, obtaining fertilizer rich in microelements without washing, drying or grinding. Eggshells, as a fertilizer, have an excellent effect when used in any form.

Protective abilities of the shell

You can use it in the garden to repel pests.

How to do it:

  • Pieces placed in the holes will help against moles;
  • Fine powder scattered next to the crop protects against slugs and mole crickets.

In addition, grinding not only natural calcium fertilizer, it is used to protect (alkalize) acidifying soil with clay or swampy structures.

To reduce acidity and increase the fertility of the site, 1 square meter is enough. m. pour crushed flour from 30 chicken to 50 quail eggs. If we consider that on average a family consumes from 30 to 100 eggs per month, 5-10 kg of unique, useful calcium fertilizer is thrown into the trash every year.

Determining acidity is as easy as pie: using a special device or by pouring vinegar over a lump of earth - if foam or bubbles appear, it means there is enough alkali in it. If there is no reaction, the soil will turn sour, it’s time to lime it with calcium fertilizer. There is no difference when to fertilize the soil with eggshells - in spring or autumn.

The use of eggshells in the garden increases the yield by 2 times greater than before. Its origin does not matter at all: the material was taken from a home chicken coop or a local poultry house.

It's nice to evaluate the result of your efforts, understanding what it's like high yield was achieved without the use of chemical pesticides and nitrates.

Often gardeners who grow vegetables for themselves are especially concerned about their environmental friendliness. And therefore, use as little “chemistry” as possible. One of natural fertilizers, with which you can improve the condition of the soil and feed the plants, is eggshell.

What is the use of eggshells as fertilizer?

In order to be convinced of the value of eggshells, let us turn to its composition. Studies have shown that it contains a large number of macro- and microelements.

Table: macro- and microelements contained in eggshells

Calcium predominates in eggshells

Calcium predominates in the composition of eggshells, but the data from the table indicates that the shells can be considered a complex fertilizer. Other advantages of its use include the following:

  • cheap, because you don’t need to buy it separately; it’s enough to save what remains after using eggs for cooking;
  • safety - when using eggshells, it is impossible to exceed the dosage;
  • environmental friendliness of the product;
  • improving soil quality - adding shells ensures better soil aeration;
  • reducing soil acidity.

The shells of boiled eggs practically lose their beneficial properties, because heat treatment leads to the destruction of most of the macro- and microelements contained in it.

After adding eggshells to it, the soil becomes looser, which improves its aeration

The most useful fertilizer from eggshells is for plants such as:

  • tomatoes,
  • eggplants,
  • salad crops,
  • pumpkin,
  • fruit trees and berry bushes - apple, cherry, raspberry, red and black currant.

But for cucumbers and zucchini, such fertilizing need not be done.

How to prepare and add eggshells

In order to obtain useful fertilizer in the future, you need to stock up on a sufficient amount of shells. If you simply collect it in some container, the shell will soon begin to emit an unpleasant odor. This will begin the process of decay of organic residues. To prevent this from happening, you can bake the shells in the oven or rinse them inside with water before sending them for storage.

In order for the shell to “breathe”, it is better to store it in cardboard box, linen bag or glass jar with a loose lid.

Two options for feeding are obtained from eggshells:

  • in the form of an infusion
  • in powder form.

How to make eggshell powder

If the material has been prepared, you can begin preparing the powder. This can be done in several ways.

  1. Method one. By hand, first crush the shells into average size pieces, which are then ground into powder in a coffee grinder. Unless, of course, you don’t feel sorry for your own coffee grinder.

    The shells ground in a coffee grinder are very convenient to use.

  2. Method two. If you don’t want a coffee grinder, you can grind the shells in a meat grinder, after adding a little water to them.
  3. Method three. You can grind the shells in a mortar. This method is more labor-intensive, but does not require anything other than a mortar and pestle.

    It is more labor-intensive to obtain powder from eggshells in a mortar

  4. Method four. You can pour the shells into a fabric bag and then roll it out with a rolling pin. Or hit it with a hammer. In this case, it will be more difficult to grind the shell into a powder; some particles will remain intact.

    Shells crushed with a hammer will be larger than when ground in a coffee grinder

To avoid injury from sharp edges, use the powder with caution.

How to prepare an infusion from the shell

An infusion based on eggshells can be used to feed houseplants, seedlings, and garden plants. To obtain it, crushed shells are placed in a container, for example, glass jar, then pour it there warm water and close with a lid. The composition needs to be infused for about a week, shaking occasionally. A sign of readiness is the cloudiness of the infusion and the appearance of a characteristic unpleasant odor. For irrigation, the solution is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:5.

Tincture from the shell is often used for watering indoor plants and seedlings

Video: how to prepare a solution from eggshells

When and in what doses is it better to fertilize?

It is recommended to apply powder fertilizer from the shell gradually, in several doses. Primary fertilizing (30–40% of the total volume) is applied along with other fertilizers during the soil preparation period before planting seeds or seedlings. It is better to do this directly into the holes, because... There are hardly many shells, so you need to use them rationally.

The rest of the powder is added during subsequent feedings. For the entire season, it is advisable to apply from 0.3 to 1 kg/m2.

Another option for using shells is to add them in the form of pieces, crushed to medium size, to compost and organic matter. This can be done in the fall.

I use eggshells as a plant repeller. To do this, I chop it not very finely and scatter it on the ground around the stems. This helps to get rid of attacks, for example, by snails, because the sharp edges of the shells prevent them from crawling towards the plants.

Video: eggshells as fertilizer
