How to make a small waterfall on the wall in your apartment with your own hands: technique, stages of work, recommendations. Waterfall for an apartment How to make a waterfall in the interior of an apartment

A waterfall in the interior is a small miracle. The sound of water breaking into small splashes on the stones, a multi-colored rainbow in the air and calm water in the backwaters - all this is beautiful and so mysterious. Artificial "cascade" hand-made a person does not look like a natural one, but is just as beautiful and attractive to the eye. Waterfalls can be seen in parks and gardens and in dachas. Today he received registration in many premises:

  • in hotel lobby areas
  • in cafes and restaurants
  • in station waiting rooms
  • at the dachas
  • in apartments

Often, private doctors’ waiting rooms and spas are also equipped with artificial waterfalls. They can be found in many rooms where you have to spend time waiting for your turn, and this is not just aesthetically pleasing - the sound and sight of flowing water has a calming effect and has a positive effect on the human nervous system.

A little about the device

Technical capabilities of the device artificial waterfalls are such that it can be installed in any room, both large and small. Theoretically, we can install this wonderful “structure” even in the smallest apartment - for this we need to choose the right format, be patient and show a little ingenuity.

So, how to choose a “cascade” for an apartment? This will largely depend on the size of the room, as well as the tastes of the owners.

Types depending on design

  • Jet waterfalls– are very similar to living water cascades found in nature. They represent a falling stream of water. Just a certain height and drop of water down, as well as one or more steps along which it flows. Such systems are mounted along a distant niche or an unoccupied wall; their height can be very varied: from half a meter to 2.5. Modern industry produces materials that are very similar to natural ones (stones, plants), but at the same time much lighter and more convenient. In addition, this waterfall will give you the music of the murmur of living water. It will fit perfectly into the interior of any room in the apartment; often such fontanelles are chosen by small cozy cafes. Jet waterfalls can be made either flat and placed along the wall, or voluminous - then they will take up more space and turn into a real small pond with a whole world of plants, towers and even live turtles, but in any case, their world will depend only on your imagination .

  • drip waterfalls– they will appeal to those who want silence, because water flowing over the glass does not create noise, the drops flow down in small streams, often arranged in glass tubes or between the glasses. The lighting will make the waterfall multi-colored. Their production technologies are such that even if you break glass you will not get any fragments. A special film is applied over the glass to prevent possible fragments from flying away. Similar decorative elements can be seen in hotel lobby areas or waiting rooms. The presented waterfall in the interior is also good in miniature sizes for dividing rooms, for example, it can serve as a partition between the kitchen and recreation areas, hallway and living room. The variety of shapes makes it multifunctional: rectangular and large ones are suitable as partitions; rectangular and small ones will replace a screen, and small round ones can easily replace wall paintings. Triptychs (a waterfall divided into three parts and very similar to a painting) are also available. The customer always has the opportunity to choose the size and shape of a drip waterfall of almost any size and a wide variety of design solutions.

  • Very popular today mirror waterfalls . Their principle is based on water flowing over glass on which a mirror reflection is applied. The whole point is that the picture on the mirror can be anything: a photo of a real waterfall, a drawing or abstraction, stones, plants and the like. The print can contain whatever your soul desires, and appropriately selected lighting will make this waterfall simply irresistible. At the same time, like the drip one, it does not create noise. It is good to arrange such structures along the wall - their height should be sufficient, however, there are also very miniature models.

A little advice : At the base of the waterfall place live or artificial plants and stones - let the water fall into the living interior, and not onto a plastic panel.

Installing a waterfall is not such a troublesome task, although it will require some time and effort, after...

Many people who have a country house on their own property only dream of decorative fountains and waterfalls. However, this is not really a serious problem. After all, you can install such structures, even the simplest variations, literally in a weekend! In this you will also need knowledge of some skills in matters of construction, a list of materials that you will need during the work process, as well as excellent instructions in a “language that you understand.”

How to make a decorative fountain for your home?

Fountain in own garden- This optimal solution in order to humidify the air, this is especially lacking in summer heat. Regardless of the chosen style of such installation, as well as its shape and size, it will perfectly decorate and complement your landscape design. To install a decorative fountain in your own yard, you should make some preparatory work. And so, let's look at all this in more detail.

First stage. Choosing a fountain type

Based on its design, decorative fountains there are:

  • Stationary, which are very reminiscent of various sculptures, as well as other masterpieces of architecture, very often decorating parks and other recreation areas. They are rightfully considered real art. The designs are based on certain figures, for example, animals/children. Fountains are made from stone (polymer concrete), which has a very high degree of strength and resistance to temperature changes.
  • Submersible hydraulic installations are made directly in reservoirs, and they consist of: a pump with a pipeline through which water flows. As well as attachments, with the help of which the same required form water jet. It is these structures that are most often built in suburban garden plots. They look simply great, from the outside it seems as if splashes of water are flying straight from the ground.

Second stage. Choice of shapes, sizes

The simplest and one of the most common options is a jet type fountain. In it, the water moves upward, and there it is divided into smaller streams. Thanks to this design, your garden pond will look much better.

The shapes are symmetrical, in other words, correct - speaking from the point of view of geometry. Fountains are rectangular, square, round, and others. However, additional decorative design not necessary for them. The only important thing is that the boundaries of your pond are marked, which will look beautiful with the help of natural stone/stucco. It is very important here to ensure that the design of the decorative fountain fits into the exterior style of your site.

The size of the structure depends on the total area of ​​the land; accordingly, the larger it is, the larger it can be dimensions fountain.

Third stage. Deciding on a place

As a rule, fountains are located in the most beautiful places personal plot. But they should not be directly under the baking sun, so that microbes can multiply there. At the same time, there should not be much shading, otherwise it will look too faded.

The ideal location for the fountain would be in partial shade, and the original location would be complemented by sunbeams playing in its water.

A place where wind and drafts predominate is very unsuitable, so that gusts do not disrupt the jets, spoiling the whole appearance designed composition. Also, cluttering with trees is not very suitable, since leaves will constantly fall into the water.

In general, we can conclude that best place There is light partial shade for your fountain, there is a variety of flowers around, and all the garden paths intersect.

The fountain should be located where the area will be visible from different points Your site. It would be very nice if you set up a structure on a playground for children, or, for example, in an area where you relax. At the same time, the fountain should not be an obstacle to access to other elements of the decoration, as well as buildings/households. buildings.

If your decorative fountain is located in a low area, you will receive the following advantages:

  • Air humidification, which is very important and relevant in the summer heat.
  • Easy adjustment groundwater in the necessary, right direction.

It is important to know! There should be no trees near fountains. This is due not only to contamination by leaves, but also to possible damage to the waterproofing layer by the roots of the plant.

If the size of the structure is not very large, you can use a plastic container. But, if the fountain is large in size, you will first need to build a foundation. As for the pipeline, it should be made from pipes (plastic), since they will not rust, and connecting them is quite simple (you only need a soldering iron for this). The pump plays a special, important role here. Thanks to it, it forms the pressure of water supply, as well as its release using nozzles.

Fourth stage. Pump selection

How long the fountain will last depends on how high-quality the hydraulic equipment is. Accordingly, we can conclude that there is no point in saving when buying a pump.

The operating principle of the pumps is not complicated. Water enters the pipeline, draining into the bowl, after which it flows into the pump nozzle. Already in it, the required pressure is created, due to which water is released through the nozzles. Next, a cyclical repetition occurs.

The power needed to pump depends on how much throwing force is needed, as well as how big the bowl is.

It is important to know! The circular pump requires electricity to operate. Accordingly, you should consider its connection before installation!

If you want to save money and at the same time improve the area, install a Heron fountain. This design consists of three vessels, located one on top of the other, coordinating with each other.

The upper vessel looks like a bowl into which water is poured, while at the same time the lower containers are closed. When water pours into the container in the middle, it closes immediately. The design has tubes, and thanks to pressure, the liquid circulates. But this design has its downside. As you use it, the amount of water in the bowl increases. At this time, it decreases in the vessel - in the middle. As a result, very soon, the fountain will not work.

Fifth stage. Making a fountain

Among the most popular options for fountains, one can highlight a design made with materials, so to speak, at hand; and also from stones.

Making a decorative waterfall for the garden

This design can also greatly embellish your site. And if there is already a reservoir, we can say that half the work is done. Whatever decorative waterfall we are talking about, such structures consist of 2 elements, namely: a container into which water will flow, a hill and a pump, which ensures air circulation.

Well, if you don’t have any reservoir on your site, it is with its construction that you should begin work. You should also decide at this stage regarding fish and plants whether they will be added to the pond.

By the way, this design - perfect place habitat for plants and fish, because:

  • Here they are provided with constant oxygen.
  • Optimal supported temperature regime, and this is very important on hot summer days.
  • And the fish feels much better in water that circulates rather than standing still.

At the same time, there are some types of plants, such as water lilies, that are negatively affected by circulating water. In this state, plants are constantly in discomfort. This factor is very important to take into account if you still prefer to decorate your home waterfall with plants.

At the first stage of work, a foundation pit is being built

To begin with, it is important to understand what shape and size the structure will be. Then you can begin further work and arrangement of the waterfall.

  • Turf, debris, etc. should be removed from the area. Since it is very important that the surface is level, it should be leveled, that is, if there are hills, remove them.
  • The contours of the future structure should be softened. To do this, you will need a rope with pegs “attached” to it, or lime.
  • Dig a hole without throwing away the soil. She will still be needed.

In order not to complicate your work, the ground you are digging needs to be cleared of existing debris.

To prevent the walls from crumbling at this stage, they should be compacted and also moistened.

  • When you have dug a hole to the required depth, you should dig another 10 cm, and then fill this height with fine-grained river sand. As a result, you need to compact everything carefully and meticulously.

It is important to know! If you are putting fish into a pond, you should make a smaller hole in the center of the resulting pit, to a depth of up to 25 cm.

At the second stage we make a waterproofing layer

Of course, if you have a ready-made mold for the bowl, then we won’t do any waterproofing. Well, if this is not the case, the waterproofing will need to be made of very high quality.

The following materials are suitable for it:

  • Concrete
  • Film-PVC, and butyl rubber, ERDM

Flexible coatings are easier to install and much cheaper. But this requires the installation of protective material, such as geotextiles or cardboard. The thickness of the protection should be around 2.5 cm.

A layer of concrete will be more reliable, but installing it is a rather labor-intensive procedure, which will require the following work:

  • At the bottom of the pit you should make a “cushion” of gravel and waterproofing in the form of polyethylene or PVC film.
  • Make a frame using reinforcing bars. The fasteners may be plastic.
  • Make formwork by filling the bottom with concrete solution. In this case, the cement must be at least three hundred grade, crushed stone in fraction size up to two centimeters.
  • After the bottom has completely hardened, the walls should be formed, that is, formwork with filling. The reinforcement should be tied with steel wire, but not secured by welding.

At the third stage we build cascades

Garden waterfalls should be up to one and a half meters in height. If ledges are required, sandstone should be used, which looks quite natural. In addition, there is no need to process it.

Start laying from the bottom. Make sure the first tier is even. The rest can be anything. Lay out tiers, the stones should be fastened with cement/spray foam. You need to make sides along the edges small size. This way the water in your waterfall will flow directly into the riverbed.

If you are using exactly polyurethane foam, you will need to immediately sprinkle it with sand in order to hide its protruding edges.

At the fourth stage, the pump is selected and installed

So you have a one and a half meter structure. For her, a pump with a power of 70 W will be just right. Accordingly, with a higher pit height, a more powerful pump is also required.

When you have purchased the mechanism, you should install it on the bottom of your pond, but it is important to do this so that, like the wires from it, they are invisible.

There should be two windows on the pump casing:

  • Water suction device (the hose from the window should be left at the bottom)
  • Water ejector (the hose should be taken to the top of the structure)

The pump should then be connected to a transformer installed indoors.

At the fifth stage we decorate the decorative waterfall

We checked the functionality of the device and the entire structure. Everything is fine?! Now decorate it, for which stones with plants, sculptures with LED lighting can be used. You can install a bench near the waterfall and hang a hammock. And in general, you can now safely show your imagination and decorate the exterior of the site as soon as you wish!

Decorative fountains and waterfalls - 100 photos of finished projects

"What a beauty! Stunning, how original!” It’s incredibly nice to hear such words addressed to the things that we possess. And it’s even nicer when friends and family confirm this: “Truly charming! This artificial home waterfall resembles a modern piece of art.”

It’s not so common today to install a decorative waterfall in an apartment, country house or public interior. Don't be afraid to make it part of the space:

Entrance group;
- bright accent in a niche;
- a mirror;
- a partition between zones;
- or a humidifier.

Do you need a waterfall that will become stylish addition interior? We offer the optimal approach, attractive solutions to your problem. Waterfall at home – original decorative element, which has a beneficial effect on the human condition. Since ancient times, people have known that water can give peace, strength and tranquility.

IN winter time year, the humidity in our homes is only 10%, and in best case scenario- 20%. Dry air reduces immunity, promotes the spread of infections, dries the skin and mucous membranes. As humidifiers, apartment waterfalls will maintain the recommended air humidity of 30 - 50%.

How do you see your own home waterfall? In the online store, mini waterfalls for apartments from artificial stone, or you need a water feature for a high-tech office. Designers will help define the problem, take into account the pros and cons of the room, and offer an acceptable solution for the future waterfall.

Where to buy decorative waterfalls and fountains for your home in Moscow

Having trouble making a choice? There are many offers on the market regarding where to buy decorative waterfalls and fountains for home in Moscow.

Let's figure out together how to avoid mistakes:

1. Home fountains and waterfalls are technical structures operating on a closed hydrocycle system - water circulates in a circle using a pump. Depending on your preferences and mood, we suggest using low-noise pumps with the ability to adjust the flow force. We are armed with European and Chinese equipment manufacturers. The difference is in the warranty and cost. European equipment cannot be cheap - the equipment comes with a 5-year warranty. Chinese manufacturers give a one-year warranty, none service centers, but prices for pumps are 2-3 times lower.

2. Indoor waterfalls for the home require periodic maintenance - add water or clean the filter 1-2 times a week. We are interested in further cooperation, so we will be happy to advise or show the process of operation and careful care.

3. We don’t make home waterfalls in two days - this is a dubious activity. To avoid creating a “fire pond” in the interior during startup, the water system needs to be checked and adjusted. We implement objects remotely - this need arose in three cases:

Temporary installation for an exhibition;

For countries outside the Russian Federation;

The client wanted to assemble it himself.

Structurally, a water wall is a reservoir of water, from where water is supplied through nozzles to a surface - a carrier, glass, plastic or stone. During construction, the upper spout and receiving bath are closed decorative finishing or stitched up. This creates the impression that water is flowing out of a crack in the ceiling and flowing into the floor.

Look at the photo gallery for completed projects and production details.

The easiest way to buy mini waterfalls for your home is in an online store. We will help you build interior waterfalls with complex technical solution according to individual sizes.

Floor waterfalls for the office - a status element of the corporate interior

They can be seen in entrance group business centers: “White Stone”, “Delta Plaza”, “Domnikov”. Floor waterfalls for the office will give the interior an original and attractive look, and will smooth out distracting and unpleasant noise effects. This is especially useful for busy offices or areas with high level traffic.

A water wall or office waterfall is used as part of a corporate identity: a logo image, engraving, inscription of the company name are placed on it, and used in decoration color palette brand. A relaxation room with a waterfall is often found in spa complexes and airports; their interior must be conducive to relaxation and stress relief.

A harmonious addition modern interior Stylish glass waterfalls “Neolithic Art” will become. They will fit into classic styles, and in modern trends: “modern”, “high-tech”, “loft”.

Decorative waterfall "Three Spheres" in the Sakharov Plaza business center

To ensure a full-flow overflow along the entire edge of the upper bowl, and uniform distribution of the water film over three spheres, two submersible circulation pump with a productivity of 46 cubic meters/hour each.

Only professional specialists can make calculations, design and build a waterfall. It is also very important to select the correct equipment and piping required diameter. You can also purchase a ready-made waterfall for your home. Or you can order a waterfall according to your own sketches and then you will become the owner of an exclusive, unparalleled waterfall. As a rule, specialists not only help you choose and provide installation services, but also make regular visits for maintenance and service fountains. Especially if these are complex, special designs.

Artificial waterfall for transmission
"Housing problem"

Bugs under the waterfall

Installation of a swimming pool in the floor.

at the Medicina clinic
for the group of companies "MonArch"

When returning home from work or a long trip, you always want to relax and unwind in a cozy, comfortable environment.

Not only houseplants and aquariums, which must be constantly looked after, make the interior of the room softer, relieve internal emotional stress, soothe and caress the eye.

You can let the beauty and enchanting whisper of nature into your apartment with the help of glass waterfalls. Running water, decorative lighting, waterfall design on glass, mirror or stone add zest to the interior of rooms and have a beneficial effect on the condition nervous system, humidify the air in the room.

How it works?

An installation in which water flows down the glass does not require additional source water or connection to the central water supply. The flow pattern of the liquid is as follows: from the lower container, water is moved by a pump to the upper storage tank, from where it falls smoothly along smooth surface plexiglass and again finds itself at the bottom. Quiet and uninterrupted operation waterfalls are provided by pumps the best manufacturers, capable of raising water to a height of about 2 meters. The pump and lower water tank are not visible; they are hidden behind decorative panels.

Distilled water circulates in the device. Such water does not bloom, does not emit odor, and lime deposits do not form on surfaces. Care technical design incredibly simple. It is enough to occasionally wipe the outer surfaces with a damp cloth. Placing a waterfall on glass does not require much space, and visually the area of ​​the room or hall increases with this decor.

The manufacturer's warranty for “water on glass” equipment is one year.

Running water in the interior

Placing a waterfall on glass in an apartment or country house has no restrictions. In rooms where laminate, parquet, wallpaper are used for decoration, a drop of water will not fall on the floor or walls. The design is completely sealed. Correct installation prevents splashing of water during operation of the device. At the request of the customer, it is possible to manufacture both miniature structures and waterfalls of significant size. In a product designed and manufactured in accordance with individual requirements, the characteristics of the living space are always taken into account perfectly.

In an apartment, a waterfall can be built into a niche or wall, using falling water to divide the room into zones, or hide part of the room behind a wall of water. Decorative design details are made from high-quality materials, their color and texture are carefully selected and harmoniously complement the interior.

apartment or private house unusual element You can use an indoor waterfall for this.

In addition, it performs a health function: it humidifies the air, which in the apartment, especially in winter, becomes very dry.

Also, a DIY indoor waterfall helps relieve fatigue and emotional stress.

Therefore, it is not just an interior decoration, but makes the house more comfortable and promotes peace of mind.

Indoor waterfalls vary in shape, have different heights of water rise and method of falling.

It is quite possible to create an indoor waterfall in accordance with your own design, using natural or artificial materials For .

Indoor products are divided into several types:

  • Exotic. This type has in its decor natural stones, living plants, reeds, trees, jugs, mirrors and other elements. Designs create great decorative effect. The container at such waterfalls is made of metal, glass, ceramics, concrete or constructed of stones. Almost always it has a glass fence, open design rarely done. This type of waterfall is rarely built in a home or office due to its bulkiness, but the technology for its manufacture is very simple.
  • Strict. In this design there are few natural elements in the decor - it is a waterfall, as if placed in glass - it is called “a waterfall on glass”. The mechanism of operation of the structure is the fall of distilled water over vertical glass in an endless stream. On top of the structure there is a container of water, which is supplied to it by pumping. These types are divided into jet and rain (water drops flow down thin capillaries).
  • Combined. This type of waterfall is the same as the glass one, but decorated with details natural decor: stones, plants or trees. Based on the method of lifting the liquid, there are jet, drip, fog and cascade.

According to the design of the structure, the structures are collapsible and monolithic, mobile and singing. Depending on the place of installation, they can be tabletop or wall-mounted, like a column or screen, as well as a waterfall-window.

Tabletop waterfall

How to make an indoor waterfall with your own hands, a master class on construction technology can be found on the Internet. If there is little free space in the room, then you can make a mini tabletop.

For small room- this is the optimal solution, since a small structure can efficiently perform its functions, that is, please the eye with its design and humidify the air in the room.

To make it you need to prepare the following:

  • A small pump for circulating liquid, pumping it from the lower vessel to the upper one. A pump pump is suitable for this; it should be placed in the lower reservoir and pump water upward. You cannot buy such a pump in a store, but you can take it from an old electric samovar.
  • A plastic 5-liter bottle, the lower water container will be made from it. Separate the lower part to a height of 6-8 cm.
  • A round tray on which the cake is placed, with a diameter of 30 cm. This is the base for the structure. You can use any shallow dish.
  • Soft hose, pebbles, construction foam, paint, glue.
  • Connection of the pump to the lower container. Using a heated soldering iron, make a hole in the container on the side surface. It should be 0.5 mm smaller in diameter than the size of the pump tube for a tight connection with it so that there is no leakage. If water oozes out, you should put a piece of soft hose on the pump tube and then thread it into the hole - this will seal the connection.
  • Glue the lower container and pump to the base. Place a soft hose over the supply tube and make a box out of cardboard to cover the pump. Having done this part of the work, you should check the operation of the pump and make sure that there is no leakage.
  • Execution of waterfall relief. Apply construction foam over the entire base and raise it by 5-6 cm. Let the foam harden - this lasts 3-4 hours, and then start building up the slide. It is necessary to increase the base of the waterfall to 15-17 cm.
  • Creating a waterfall. After 10-12 hours, when the foam has completely hardened, cover the channel along which the water will flow with pebbles and place a small lake on top. Upon completion of laying out the riverbed and pond with pebbles, it is necessary to coat the riverbed itself and the seams on the pebbles with waterproof glue.
  • Check the operation of the waterfall. To make water flow beautifully, nests are formed to accumulate and beautifully fall water streams. Using a gun (hot glue), small grooves are made at the top of the waterfall in the form of a trench.
  • Decor. To paint the parts, you need to make a suitable paint - dilute PVA glue with water in a 1x1 ratio and add color and sand to them. Mix well - you should get a creamy mass. Make 3-4 shades of green and paint the structure in layers, waiting for the previously applied layer to completely dry.
  • Making a pallet. It is made from cardboard and packaging paper. A round pallet is made, then it must be painted with spray paint.

Place the waterfall on the tray, pour liquid into the lower container and turn on the pump. The indoor tabletop waterfall is ready. You can enjoy its murmur in .

Waterfall on glass

An indoor waterfall on glass looks original in an apartment. The design and manufacture of such an element for an apartment is not difficult.

To build an indoor waterfall, the master class is studied in detail and carried out in full compliance. To do this you will need:

  • cellular plexiglass of the required size
  • vinyl hose
  • compressor for an aquarium, preferably silent
  • check valve
  • backlight

General view of the structure: on the podium there is a cover and a panel necessary to protect the structure from pollution and dust. For high quality, you should take neon bulbs and place them as it is more convenient: at the top, bottom or side.

First you need to draw a diagram of the craft and decide on its size. Only then should you begin its construction, which happens in the following sequence:

  • Making a pallet from waterproof material - you can take wooden boards, clean them up sandpaper and varnish in several layers. Once it is ready, place a power supply, a compressor and a check valve on it, it will prevent the liquid from moving through the hose when the cascade is turned off, as well as batteries for the backlight - these can be controllers or lamps.
  • Install and secure plexiglass on the pallet so that the backlight is visible through it. Place a glass container in the tray and pour water into it, because the liquid column functions constantly. Then lower the tube from the compressor into it, then air bubbles will fall into the holes of the plexiglass.
  • Installation of acrylic sprayer. It is required to evenly distribute air bubbles throughout the plexiglass tubes. The holes have individual tubes.
  • The container for refilling water should be made inconspicuous. Why it can be placed on a waterfall or placed behind glass, in front of the podium. The water in the container should not stagnate, so you need to install a small tap.

For such a waterfall you need to use distilled water.

Such waterfalls are placed anywhere in the room and can even serve as a dividing wall between zones of the living space.

You can paste photo wallpaper in the background or decorate it with aquarium elements; the lighting will beautifully illuminate the wall and create a unique fairy-tale motif in the room.

Indoor waterfalls are bold design solution for or office. In addition to aesthetic functions, it carries a healing and psychological load.

Because it makes the air in the room moist and promotes psychological relaxation. In addition, it gives the room modern look and home comfort.

The second advantage of a self-made waterfall is its cost-effectiveness - if there is “junk” in the house, you can show your imagination and create an incomparable design. Involve children in the work - this is a unique way to get closer to the kids and teach them to express themselves.

How to make a waterfall with your own hands is shown in the video:
