How to plant a money tree shoot with root. Where is the best place to put a money tree in an apartment? Signs and superstitions

Crassula or Crassula is popularly known as " Money Tree».

The plant is very popular due to its unpretentiousness. But how to really grow beautiful specimen Not everyone knows.

In fact, everything is very simple, it is enough to follow some rules for caring for the fat woman.

A little history...

It has long been known that plants bring prosperity to the home, especially if we're talking about about Crassula. According to Feng Shui theory, a money tree attracts financial flow to its owner. But to achieve results, it is not enough to simply buy a plant and forget about it.

It is no coincidence that the fat woman received its name as an owl. This succulent plant looks like a small tree with rounded leaves that resemble coins, attracting positive energy to the house. Crassula lends itself well to cutting and shaping the bush, which allows you to grow a small bonsai.

The Crassula is native to the arid areas of Africa and Madagascar. In its natural habitat, the plant accumulates quite a lot of moisture in the leaves, thanks to which it easily tolerates the absence of rain.

There are many varieties of the money tree, but indoor floriculture Tree-shaped, silver and oval Crassula are more often grown. The color and shape of the leaves are varied and depend on the species. There are trees with a green, silvery color, with a reddish border and pubescent leaves.

IN room conditions Almost all types of Crassula grow well and can reach large sizes.

How to plant a fat plant (photo)

If you want to grow a real money tree from a fat plant that will delight you with its appearance, then you need to adhere to some rules.

1. All money plants need to be planted with my own hand.

2. It is necessary to determine right place position of the flower pot in the room.

3. Choose a pot made from natural materials.

4. Provide necessary care.

Choosing a flower location

The whole life of the fat woman in the house depends on the right place. Crassula prefers bright areas of the apartment, but exposure to direct sunlight can lead to leaf burns.

In summer, it is necessary to shade the flower, and in winter, place it closer to the light. Suitable place for growing Crassula there will be a western or eastern window sill, as well as a bright room.

Creating comfortable conditions: temperature and moisture

Fat woman doesn't like high humidity air, therefore it is indifferent to spraying. To maintain cleanliness, it is enough to wipe the dust from the leaves with a wet cloth several times a month.

It is advisable to maintain the temperature at a natural level.

In spring, growing temperatures range from 20 to 25 degrees.

In winter, the plant is kept cool, at temperatures up to 15 degrees.

If it is not possible to constantly maintain such conditions for growing a plant, then winter period you just need to remove it for more cold window sill, away from the heating system.

Soil for growing Crassula

Crassula grows in any soil, but it is better if the soil is loose and well-permeable to moisture. River sand, ash or charcoal are added to heavy soils. You can use cactus substrate.

Which pot to choose for a money tree

Not just any pot you buy is suitable for growing this succulent plant. It should be made from natural materials, which will benefit the root system of the fat plant. The size of the pot is selected taking into account the root system of the tree, but it should be flat and wide. The plant is not grown in large deep pots.

If the fat plant is planted to attract financial flow, then the color of the pot matters. As a rule, the flower is planted in a red or green bowl. You can simply paint the existing container or wrap it in suitable paper.

The bottom of the pot must have holes for water drainage and good drainage. This will protect the flower from various diseases.

Crassula care: watering, fertilizing, replanting

Caring for a fat woman is not difficult at all. The plant requires a minimum of care, but will reward you with an elegant green crown. By the way, the state of the money tree can be used to judge the financial affairs of its owner. Dark green succulent leaves indicate that everything is going well, but a depressed fat plant hints at an inability to manage money. The money tree blooms very rarely, but for a caring owner it will be a pleasant surprise.


The money tree does not like frequent watering. After each watering, the soil in the pot should dry well by at least 3-4 cm. In summer, water more often, and in winter, once a month is enough.

The signal for watering will be the leaves and stem of the plant, which, with a lack of moisture, shrink and lose turgor.

Inexperienced gardeners often mishandle the plant, causing it to die. This is due to waterlogging of the soil. If there is root rot, the flower cannot be saved; you can only take a cutting from it for rooting.

Feeding Crassula

Occasionally, the fat woman needs additional nutrition. During the period of active growth, from spring to autumn, the plant is fed once or twice a month. With the onset of cold weather, all feeding is stopped.

Universal mineral complexes or special fertilizers for succulent plants are suitable as fertilizers for Crassula.

Transplanting a money tree

Young plants need to be replanted annually, while adult plants need to be replanted once every four years. The fat woman does not tolerate frequent transplants and can get sick.

The container for transplantation should not be wide; it is selected in accordance with the diameter of the crown. Crassula does not tolerate large and spacious pots.

How to propagate Crassula (photo)

The money tree reproduces in two very in effective ways:

Rooting the leaf plate;

By cuttings.

The best time for Crassula propagation is from August to October. Although many sources advise replanting in the spring. But then it will be necessary additional lighting and growth stimulants.

Crassula grows quite slowly, so rooting occurs within several weeks. During this period, the plant needs to create suitable conditions.

The first important rule when propagating is the age of the mother plant. The older and healthier plant, the better the rooting will take place. Cuttings are taken from mature, well-branched trees.

The prepared cuttings are immersed in water; when the roots appear, they must be placed in nutrient soil.

During summer rooting, the plant quickly begins to grow.

Rooting of a money tree leaf occurs in the same way, with the only difference being that the fresh leaf needs to be dried for several days, otherwise it will rot. A planted leaf will quickly take root, but the seedling itself will not appear soon.

Problems when growing Crassula (photo)

Inexperienced gardeners face a number of problems that can destroy the plant.

1. Waterlogging of the soil.

The leaves become soft, turn yellow and fall off - the first sign that the plant has been flooded. The fat plant is pulled out of the ground, the rotten roots are cut off, sprinkled with crushed coal and planted in a new substrate.

2. Yellow and brown spots on the leaves indicate the presence of scale insects.

All damaged plants are removed and the flower is treated with insecticides.

3. Yellow spots and cobwebs on the leaves indicate a mite.

The plant is washed well with tobacco solution, laundry soap, after which it is processed chemicals.

4. Cotton-like coatings on the leaves indicate mealybugs.

The fat woman is washed with soapy water, only then treated with garlic solution and chemicals.

Growing Crassula at home not only attracts financial flows, but also clears the room of negative energy, brings good emotions.

Hello, dear friends! Each of us wants to believe in signs that bring good luck. Some people sincerely observe various rituals, others consider them superstitions, but at the same time they are happy to join the game.

Many beliefs are associated with various indoor flowers, especially with such a beautiful and unpretentious plant, like the tree crassula, otherwise called the money tree.

It is densely covered with fleshy leaves that look like coins, and is considered a symbol of abundance among many peoples. This wonderful plant easy to place in your home, since planting a money tree at home is very simple.

In the magical Chinese practice of Feng Shui, the money tree is considered a guarantor of stable financial well-being. If you act strictly according to Feng Shui, then you cannot buy crassula; it is even recommended to get a piece of this plant secretly.

This will not harm anyone, since to propagate the fat plant, you can break off a small shoot or just one leaf (for a lush plant, the procedure is painless). Best time For vegetative propagation- spring or first half of summer. Sowing seeds at home is not recommended.

Breeding from a leaf

Crassula is one of those few plants that reproduce well by leaves. It is possible to grow a full-fledged money tree from just one leaf.

A large leaf gives more powerful roots.

The process of root formation begins in water or a moist substrate.

Obtaining roots in an aquatic environment

Half a centimeter of water is poured into a small vessel and a leaf (previously dried for a day) is immersed in it. Kornevin can be dissolved in water (according to instructions). Direct sunlight should not be allowed, but it must be light.

Soon several roots will form, and then the leaf is transplanted into a small pot with holes for water drainage and a very loose substrate. After some time, a young stem grows. Later it is transplanted into larger containers.

Mini greenhouse

The cut on the leaf is powdered with root and the lower third is buried in moist soil consisting of a mixture of peat and sand. Rooting can also be done in sphagnum moss or coconut substrate. The leaf is covered with a transparent glass (glass or plastic) on top. Place in partial shade. Periodically lightly moisten, avoiding excess dampness (sometimes ventilate) and stagnation of water, otherwise the succulent tissues will rot. When a strong sprout appears, transfer it to a larger container.

Rooting a shoot

  • In water

From a cut or broken cutting (approximately ten centimeters long), first remove several lower leaves and place it in the shade for a day or two so that the wound site dries out.

Then placed in a container with a small amount water, periodically adding it as it evaporates. The vessel is placed in partial shade. You can add a root formation stimulator (kornevin, heteroauxin, zircon, etc.).

After 15-20 days, when a good mass of roots appears, the money tree is planted in the soil mixture. It is necessary to select a suitable soil, preferably a special one, for succulents, since fat plants are succulents (translated from Latin as “succulent”).

  • In the substrate

Dried cuttings for 24 hours (freed from lower leaves) can be rooted not in water, but in a pot with special soil. Use a small clean pot or nursery, always with drainage holes at the bottom.

The soil is made by mixing equal parts of light earth and high-quality (without cement dust, preferably coarse-grained) sand; it is very good if a little sphagnum moss is added (it prevents rotting processes and regulates humidity). The cuttings are planted, deepening them a few centimeters.

The pot is placed in a place where it is light, but there is no direct sunlight. It is very important not to let the soil dry out; stagnation of water and excess humidity are also dangerous.

After a few weeks, the top begins to grow - this means that feeding roots have grown. The young tree is not disturbed for a year, then it can be replanted and rearranged.

Seedlings obtained from cuttings begin to grow green mass quite quickly. If the fat plant is formed correctly, in any photo it looks like a lush, beautiful bush. To provoke active branching, the top is pinched as soon as the young fat plant begins to grow after rooting.

A money tree from a leaf develops slowly at first, then the process accelerates.

Transplantation process

Root system an adult money tree is not very large, so a pot that is not too high is selected for the plant. At the same time, it must be large and heavy enough (preferably ceramic) so that the branched bush does not fall. Drainage at the bottom is required! Soil specifically for succulents and cacti, with sand. On top, at the root collar, you can add a little sand or small pebbles.

The money tree is native to the south of the African continent and does not tolerate stagnant water. This is the case when it is better to underfill than to overfill (especially if it is cool, for example in winter). An adult specimen will not die from short-term drought.

Frequently replanting a fat plant (especially an adult one) is not recommended.

Conditions of detention

The money tree loves bright light, but not full sun; stretches out in the shadows. It will benefit from occasional mistings in the summer. Like many other succulents, Crassulas are unpretentious and will grow in any temperature.

But if they are given winter dormancy with minimal watering and in a cool place (+10 degrees), then adult (over five years old) bushes can reward themselves with wonderful, very abundant flowering. The fat woman will also be pleased with spring and summer feeding.

Magic rituals

Feng Shui practice recommends placing six coins at the bottom of a money tree pot so that money can be found in the house. It is also necessary to place the plant correctly in the apartment. The optimal place is a window facing southeast.

Dear friends, success and prosperity to you! And let your loved ones indoor flowers give joy!

Goodbye, goodbye new meeting on our blog.

Sincerely, Andrey

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The houseplant Crassula, or Crassula, according to the owners of this flower, has magical properties, due to which it received the popular name “money tree”. Growing such a living talisman on your own is not too difficult - just choose the right one and plant a completely healthy, high-quality shoot from an existing mother plant.

Rules for preparing planting material

Even a novice amateur gardener who has never independently propagated ornamental crops can plant and grow the popular “money tree.” Crassula is able to take root well with both small shoots and leaves. Most often, in indoor floriculture, the method of rooting a shoot is used. c, which form roots as quickly as possible and quickly take root in their permanent growing location.

It is very important to take planting material from a well-formed parent plant. Amateur flower growers know quite a few types of Crassula, but the most common variety is Crassula arborescens, as well as Cotyledon arborescens or “money tree”. The shoots of the silver crassula (Crassula argentea) and oval crassula (Crassula ovata) take root very well. The color and shape of the foliage can be very different, but this does not in any way affect the rooting rates of the planting material.

How to plant a money tree shoot (video)

Soil preparation

In natural natural conditions Crassula grows on soils that necessarily contain a significant amount of sand. The soil should be very loose or fairly loose. At home, it is necessary to create conditions for the flower that will be as close as possible to natural environment a habitat. Very well suited for growing ornamental indoor plant ready soil, suitable for cultivating cacti or any succulent plants.

If you need to plant a “money tree” shoot in a self-prepared soil mixture, then it is recommended to give preference to a composition based on three parts of medium-grained sand, a couple of parts of peat and a couple of parts of leaf soil. In order to ensure optimal level air permeability, it is advisable to add raising agents in the form of vermiculite and perlite to the prepared soil mixture.

Important to remember, that any variety of Crassula is very difficult to tolerate too dense and poorly drained soil, which often causes stagnation of moisture at the root system of the ornamental crop.

Selection of landing capacity

A flower pot or planting container for planting a Crassula shoot with roots must be chosen very carefully and thoughtfully, which is due to fairly active growth processes and the rapid rate of increase in the above-ground part of the plant. Enough short time an ornamental crop can form a dense and relatively heavy crown, which is not always well supported by the insufficiently developed root system of the Crassula.

Experienced amateur flower growers, who have been cultivating Crassula in indoor floriculture for many years, recommend giving preference to heavy and fairly deep, but at the same time capacious planting containers. It is best to plant Crassula in clay or ceramic pots with a wide neck, which is due to the peculiarity of the rapidly growing and rather superficially located roots of the decorative crop.

It is important to note that the succulent ornamental plant does not need frequent replanting, which is especially important for adult or heavily grown specimens. However, the larger the flower pot, the faster the green above-ground mass of the crop grows. In any case, the container for planting must fully satisfy all the requirements of the fat plant and contribute to the full growth or development of this indoor culture.

How to grow a money tree (video)

Planting dates and technology

To properly plant a shoot of the “money tree” into an already prepared planting soil, you must adhere to the following simple, but very important rules:

  • the shoot separated from the mother plant must be immersed in settled clean water room temperature for rooting;
  • some amateur gardeners practice rooting a shoot directly in a nutritious soil substrate, but this method is less convenient and does not allow determining the degree of formation of the root system;
  • when rooted in nutritious soil, the seedling must be provided with a greenhouse effect, and watering must be carried out the bottom way, through the pallet;
  • in order to increase rooting rates, it is recommended to treat a cut of a shoot of an indoor crassula in a stimulating solution based on “Kornevin” or “Heteroauxin”;
  • In a pre-prepared, clean flower pot, you need to pour a drainage layer, and then nutritious soil;
  • it is very important to observe the planting depth, which directly depends on the size of the rooted shoot of the Crassula;
  • usually, average depth planting a “money tree” seedling varies between 40-60 mm.

On last stage When planting, the root system of the Crassula shoot is very carefully sprinkled with soil, but the soil should under no circumstances be compacted. After heavy watering, severe soil shrinkage may occur, Therefore, if necessary, the nutrient substrate is added.

It should be noted that if there is too much soil in the flower pot, indoor plant in conditions home grown can stretch upward strongly, and the taproot deepens significantly downward, so the above-ground part of the young Crassula becomes thin and quite weak. If this situation occurs, then when replanting the plant for the first time, the excessively long root should be slightly shortened.

Features of further care

In the first days after planting the rooted shoot on permanent place It is very important to provide the plant with high-quality shading from direct sunlight and relatively abundant watering. The first feeding of a young ornamental plant can be given about a month after planting. As soon as the plant begins to grow, you can proceed to the standard measures for caring for an adult indoor fat plant.

Money tree: reproduction and formation (video)

The money tree absolutely does not tolerate proximity to any cacti, so such ornamental plants should be grown at a sufficient distance from each other. Proponents of the teachings of Feng Shui claim that the fat plant effectively attracts financial well-being and good luck into the home, therefore the condition of the houseplant grown from the shoot must be monitored very carefully, observing all the rules for cultivating a decorative flower.

The article discusses the main methods of vegetative propagation of Crassula by cuttings and leaves with rooting in soil mixture or aqueous solution.

Crassula belongs to the succulents. Numerous species are found in many regions of the world as single and perennials herbaceous, bushy and tree-like forms (from 0.3 to 5.0 m). They can be grown with equal success in open ground and indoor spaces.

Biological features

Crassula or Crassula is popularly called the money tree due to the similarity of the leaves to coins. The leaves are simple, round, succulent, shiny, densely covering the stems of the bushy plant. Blooms small flowers white, pink, yellowish flowers, collected in small umbrellas. When grown indoors, color is rare, which is due to lack of lighting. The root system is powerful and forms aerial roots.


Crassulas are sun lovers. All year round need bright lighting. For normal growth and development in summer, an air temperature of +12-+18*C is sufficient. In winter, during the dormant period, minimum temperature is +7*C. Watering is moderate when the top layer (up to 3 cm) of soil is dry. By autumn, watering is reduced and plants are not watered in winter. During the growing season they like to spray with warm, settled water. Fertilizing is carried out with special fertilizers for succulent plants.

Crassulas are easily propagated vegetatively by cuttings, individual leaf blades and seeds. Propagation of Crassula by seeds does not convey the properties of the plant, is quite difficult to work with and is used much less frequently than vegetative propagation.

Propagation by cuttings

To propagate Crassula from cuttings you need:

  • inspect the plant and select a fairly developed shoot measuring 10-12 cm,
  • Carefully separate from the mother plant and leave to dry for a day.

You can root cuttings in 2 ways - in water and in soil.

Rooting cuttings in water:

  • on the petiole separated from the mother plant, we tear off the lowest leaves,
  • put the prepared cuttings aside,
  • fill the container halfway with water, add root to speed up root formation,
  • we strengthen the cutting in the container so that it does not “drown”,
  • place the container with the cutting so that the leaves do not fall under the straight lines Sun rays.

After 2-3 weeks, roots appear on the cuttings. The plant is ready for permanent planting.

Rooting cuttings in soil:

  • prepare pots for planting. Wash the old ones with soap and disinfect, soak the new ones in boiling water,
  • Place drainage from shards and sand at the bottom of 7-8 cm of the pot, fill 0.5 volume of the pot with soil mixture,
  • the soil mixture is prepared from clean garden soil and sand in a 1:1 ratio,
  • Make a shallow hole in the pot with a pencil and place the prepared cutting there,
  • pour the soil mixture into the pot (do not compact it!), not reaching the top edge 1-2 cm,
  • Water moderately, carefully along the edge of the pot when the top layer of the soil mixture dries out. Excessive moisture causes the death of the cutting.

On next year the cutting is transplanted permanently. During rooting, you cannot change the location of the rooting cutting.


Reproduction of the fat plant by leaves, as well as by cuttings, can be carried out in water or soil mixture.

Rooting a leaf in water:

  • To root in water, carefully separate the lower, well-developed leaf of the crassula and leave it in the shade for a day,
  • prepare a flat container or bottle and immerse the leaf with its lower end in water with a root of 0.5 cm,
  • move to a warm, bright place without direct sunlight,
  • When the roots appear, carefully transplant into a shallow bowl for greater development of the root system, and after a month into a 5-7 cm pot.

Rooting a leaf in the soil:

  • Place peat with sand or wet moss in a bowl, moisten it with a solution of water and roots and dig in the bottom part of the leaf (about 1/3). Do not allow excess water, the leaf will rot,
  • cover the buried leaf with a glass, creating greenhouse conditions,
  • Ventilate the greenhouse several times a day (several minutes, slightly opened),
  • spray finely warm water when the top layer of artificial soil dries,
  • Provide support for the sheet.

Rooted cuttings and leaves are transplanted into large containers annually for the first 3-4 years.


Crassula propagation by seeds is carried out much less frequently. To obtain an adult plant, propagation of the fat plant by seeds takes a longer period and more time for care. Seed propagation is used mainly by breeders to obtain varieties and hybrids and is practically not used at home.

For amateurs, propagation by seeds at home is carried out as follows:

  • washed and disinfected bowls are filled with a soil mixture of leaf soil and sand, 1.0:0.5 parts, respectively,
  • Crassula seeds are very small. They are sown on the surface of the soil mixture and sprinkled with sand,
  • moisturize and cover with glass to create greenhouse conditions With high humidity air,
  • The bowls are ventilated daily.
  • upper layer the soil should remain moist (not wet),
  • after 2-3 weeks, seedlings appear,
  • for picking seedlings, prepare a soil mixture of turf, leaf soil and sand (0.5:1.0:0.5, respectively),
  • seedlings are planted in bowls with a moist soil mixture and placed in a well-lit place, but without direct sunlight,
  • When the picks reach 5-7 cm, they are transplanted into 5 cm pots with light soil. During the engraftment period, the air temperature is maintained at 15-18*C.

Thus, fat plants can be propagated quite easily and quickly vegetatively by cuttings and leaves. Rooting of cuttings and leaves can be done in water or soil mixture. Seed propagation at home is impractical.

The most popular are the tree-like representatives of the Crassula. They are popularly known as the money tree, the tree of happiness, and the monkey breadfruit tree. At home, this tree grows up to 50 cm, the trunk is wide, strong, branches well, the leaves are dense, fleshy, and located oppositely.

The Crassula plant is a genus of the Crassula family, its second scientific name is Crassula.

In total, there are about 300 species in the genus, all of them differ not only in height, but also in the appearance of the leaves and trunk. The shortest dwarf fatty grows only 3 cm, and the largest more than 5 meters.

Some of them are adapted only for growing in arid regions, while some prefer aquatic conditions; for example, they are used in aquariums at home. Among all succulents, Crassula is the most shade-tolerant. Depending on the variety, the plant needs more or less light.

The more variegated the color of the leaves, the more the fat plant needs the sun.

The most common types of fatworts in home cultivation:

  • Crassula arborescens.
  • Crassula sickle-shaped.
  • Crassula perforatum.

In many homes you can most often find the tree crassula:

  • She came to us from South and South-West Africa, maximum height in natural conditions it is 3 meters, but at home it is most often a small tree, no more than 1.5 meters high.
  • The leaves of the money tree are round, succulent, and shiny. When the leaf falls, a scar remains on the trunk.
  • It is extremely rare for the plant to bloom in a room, but when this happens, you can see cream or white flowers.

Crassula crescent:

  • It has a straight, slightly branched trunk.
  • The leaves are crescent-shaped (hence the name of the species), grayish in color, and succulent.
  • During the flowering period you can see bright flowers, red-orange in color, they are collected in an umbrella inflorescence.

Crassula moss:

  • Outwardly different from previous representatives, it reaches a height of 25 cm, the stem is straight, juicy, branches well, the shoots are tetrahedral.
  • In spring, the Crassula blooms and small pale flowers appear.

Crassula perforatum:

  • Also common in indoor floriculture, the leaves are diamond-shaped and entire at the base.
  • The name comes from appearance when the trunk seems to go right through the leaves.

First of all, you need to choose the right place in the room; the entire life of the plant depends on lighting to a greater extent than on other living conditions. The plant loves sunny places, however, this does not mean that direct sunlight will be safe for it; they can burn the leaves.

In summer, the plant can be shaded a little, and in winter it can be placed closer to the window.

If there is a possibility of regulation temperature regime, then you should adhere to the following indicators:

  • In spring, the temperature in the room should be 20-25 degrees, and in winter it is advisable to lower it to 15 degrees.
  • If it is impossible to achieve such conditions, then at least in winter the fat woman needs to be moved away from the battery.

The air humidity can be anything, it does not play a fundamental role. Periodically, the leaves of the fat plant can be sprayed or wiped with a damp cloth to remove dust and other contaminants.

You need to water Crassula carefully:

  • It is very important to prevent waterlogging of the soil, and even more so stagnation of water.
  • The plant should be watered when the top layer of soil dries out a few centimeters.
  • In winter, watering is limited, especially if the tree is kept at low temperatures.
  • Watering in the cold season is provided a maximum of once a month.
  • But again, it is important to ensure that the soil does not dry out completely.

Crassula needs feeding exactly as much as any other plants:

  • Universal fertilizer is applied once a month, that is, in spring and summer, and in autumn and winter, the required dose can be divided in half.
  • Fertilizer for cacti is also suitable.

Crassula can be replanted every year, but the optimal number of replantations is once every three years. After transplantation, the plant may become sick. Crassula does not like space and large pots, so you need to choose a flowerpot that is not deep, according to the diameter of the crown.

It is advisable to select soil that is not heavy or dense.

You can buy substrate for cacti in the store; it is nutritious and at the same time loose. Do not forget about good drainage; sand must be added to the soil. At self-production The soil is taken from turf soil, sand and leaf soil in a ratio of 1:1:3. To reduce acidity, ash and clay are added to the soil.

Crassula can be propagated using cuttings or leaf rooting.

Both methods are simple and effective. It is believed that the Crassula should be propagated in the spring, during the period of active growth, but practice shows that the most favorable period is from August to October. In this case, there will be no need for stimulating factors in the form of artificial lighting or the creation of greenhouse conditions using glass or polyethylene.

Crassula grows slowly, so you need to be patient. Rooting will occur in 2-3 weeks, the main thing is that the mother plant is mature and strong, well branched.

Propagation using cuttings:

  • The cuttings can be placed in water and wait until the first roots appear, or they can be immediately planted in a small pot in the soil mixture.
  • It would be more correct to first lower the cuttings into water, wait until small roots appear, and after about a week transplant them into the ground.
  • In spring or summer the plant will take root very quickly.
  • The plant immediately begins to lengthen and expand, the main thing is that the soil is nutritious and moist.
  • If you plant Crassula in the fall or winter, then active growth will not begin immediately, but only in the spring.

Another way is to root a Crassula leaf.

Here the technology is the same as with cutting propagation, but you can immediately wet soil(peat with sand). Wet moss will also work. The leaf is buried about a third of its height; it is advisable to make a support for it or plant it near the edge of the pot so that it does not fall.

If the leaf takes root in water, the cut must first be dried. This will take approximately 2-3 days. Thus, there is no risk that the leaf will rot. The roots will not take long to appear, but the plant itself will not begin to grow soon.

Every year for the first three years, the fat plant needs to be transplanted into a larger pot.

Caring for a fat woman is not difficult; it does not require special conditions that cannot be created in the house.

Crassula diseases are the same as those of other succulents. Main causes: bacteria and lower fungi. They begin to act when the plant does not have enough light or the air humidity is too high.

Main pests:

  • Root mealybug.
  • Scale insects and false scale insects.
  • Spider mites.
  • Greenhouse flat beetle.
  • Nematodes.
  • Thrips.

The disease can be determined by the condition of the leaves. For example, if the leaves become soft, yellow and fall off, this may be a signal of too much water. You can provide assistance in the following way: remove the flower from the pot, remove damaged rotten roots, sprinkle the cuttings charcoal and transplant the plant into new soil.

If brown or yellow spots appear on the leaves, then most likely the Crassula has a scale insect. The affected shoots must be removed; if insects are found, they must be destroyed; the flower itself must be wiped and treated with an insecticide.

If small yellow spots have formed on the leaves and cobwebs are visible, then we should talk about spider mites.

The fat woman not only brings money to the house, as is commonly believed, but is also the family doctor. In addition, Crassula cleanses the house of negative energy, brings prosperity and good emotions to the house.

Crassula predominance:

  • Crassula is used for sprains and bruises. To do this, a bandage or gauze is moistened in the juice of the leaves of the plant and applied to the sore spot and covered with polyethylene. The dressing is changed every three hours until the pain subsides.
  • When many remedies do not help relieve pain and swelling after a wasp sting, help will come Crassula. The cut leaf must be applied to the bite site and fixed. If you take such measures immediately, the pain will quickly subside, the swelling will go away, and the risk of any complications will be eliminated.
  • Crassula leaves are consumed orally fresh for throat diseases. Three times a day you need to chew a third of the leaf and then the inflammation with sore throat, pharyngitis and tonsillitis will go away faster.
  • For kidney disease, an infusion of Crassula leaves is used. To do this, the leaves are crushed and in the amount of 1 tsp. pour a glass of boiling water and keep in a water bath for 15 minutes, then infuse for another 1 hour. This infusion should be taken 3 times a day, 1 tablespoon before meals. The course of treatment lasts 10 days, then there is a break for a week.
  • Rubbing the juice of the leaves is effective for arthritis of the joints. If hemorrhoids have worsened, you can lubricate them with Vaseline ointment mixed with the juice of Crassula leaves. You can also insert a tampon soaked in juice for 20 minutes. The pain will go away if you do this procedure once a day.

Crassula leaves also help with exacerbation of stomach ulcers; on an empty stomach, you need to eat 2 whole Crassula leaves an hour before breakfast.

Crassula is also effective for:

  • Calluses.
  • Burns.
  • Cuts.
  • Ingrown toenail.
  • Herpes.

Crassula is a unique plant; it has high decorative properties, brings money and prosperity, and also has medicinal properties. It is very easy to propagate Crassula, so if you see this tree among your neighbors, it will be enough to ask for one leaf to grow the plant at home.

More information can be found in the video.
