How to make your own foam orthopedic mattress at home. How to sew a cover for a foam mattress. How to sew any mattress with your own hands quickly and easily

How to make a foam mattress with your own hands at home. How to make a mattress with your own hands - for whom could this topic be really interesting? First of all, because he plans to become a pro in furniture making in the future and is already trying himself in this business. This is also useful for those who want to save money on buying a new mattress with orthopedic characteristics. Creating such a sleeping item with your own hands makes it possible to get rid of the need to pay for the work, since you will only need materials.

And now, for those who simply love to make things, are not afraid to take on everything new and want to know “how the world works and everything that is in it!”

If you decide to make an orthopedic mattress with your own hands, you should consider a number of nuances:

  1. TO quality Making your own mattress is not that difficult, and it can even be fun. But if you want to get a high-quality product, you cannot do without perseverance, accuracy, scrupulousness and patience.
  2. Theoretical knowledge. If you only have a desire to make a mattress, but do not have any special skills or even theoretical knowledge, it will not be amiss to read the article about the types of fillers and properties, as well as the required degree of mattress hardness and the materials used to make covers.
  3. Materials. The selection of material - layers of filler or blocks, fabric for covering and special glue is also a crucial moment. The level of difficulty in selecting durable, high-quality and safe materials depends on the region of residence, since in big city(capital, regional center) there is a large assortment, but for residents of small villages and towns, they will have to spend time and effort to find reputable suppliers and manufacturers, as well as pay additionally for delivery.
  4. Tools. After this, you should think about whether you have the necessary tools.
  5. Case. If you are not a sewing master, you should think about who will help you calculate the cover and help you sew it.

When there is quality materials, and you approach the matter with all delicacy, you can count on a decent result.

DIY foam mattress

Foam rubber also has a second name - polyurethane foam, and is the material that is ideal for beginners. In order to create a monoblock foam mattress, minimal knowledge of the technology process and a minimum of materials for manufacturing are required. In addition, polyurethane foam blocks are relatively available material, and it is possible to choose the dimensions, height, rigidity and density of the blocks.

Selecting foam rubber

So, if we talk about what you can use to make a mattress for a bed with your own hands, then modern production Orthopedic type mattresses use polyurethane foam (foam rubber) as the main filler, which can ensure durability and comfort from sleeping on such a product. In spring models, it helps to isolate the spring block, and in a springless mattress it performs a load-bearing function.

Due to scientific and technological progress And latest technologies, the properties of foam rubber have become many times better over the past few years. Now it is not at all the same as before - crumbling, quickly losing elasticity, turning yellow, sticking together, but improved - some brands have modified the material beyond recognition.

Reference: foam rubber is an elastic and soft polyurethane foam (polyurethane foam). Short name occurred as a transition of the name from the popular Norwegian trademark, which supplied polyurethane foam to the USSR back in Soviet times. Thus, the name of the company became a household name.

The brand of foam rubber for furniture is conventionally divided into 6 categories, and the marking is read as follows:

  • The first letters are the brand of material.
  • The first 2 digits are indicators of the density of the material (kg/m3).
  • The last 2 digits are stiffness (or, as it can also be called, compression resistance).

Standard (
ST)– it is made from one polyol. The hardness of a material is determined by its density. Foam rubber with a density of 35 (ST 3542) is suitable for making a mattress from this category. It is interesting that such material is not designed for people who are heavy, up to a maximum of 85 kg.

Increased hardness (EL) – reinforced polyurethane foam, with the addition of rigidity polyol to the standard one. Due to this, with a similar density, a less rigid mattress will be obtained. This perfect option for a quality mattress, in particular EL 3245.

Very hard (N)L)- for example, NL 4065 is a brand that has high density and rigidity. It is a reliable, durable, expensive foam rubber for a luxurious springless mattress designed to withstand enormous loads in the form of pressure from the weight of very large people.

With high elasticity (NR) - it is made from 4 polyols, and since the production process is quite labor-intensive, this affects the cost. The material is durable and has great bearing capacity. HR 5535 is exactly the brand that deserves attention, and with a service life of up to 15 years.

Note, that variety HR 6030LL fromWATERLATTECH is highly elastic, with increased comfort. The difference between natural latex and waterlatex is almost imperceptible even in feel.

Viscoelastic (VЕ) – This is so far the most recent project for the manufacture of polyurethane foam products. It is very expensive, but fully justifies its cost, as it is considered one of the best in quality, durability, reliability, as well as high anatomical effect. The EL 5020 brand has already proven itself.

Helpful advice! Before you decide to buy a brandVE, you should thoroughly test the material and its properties by simply lying on it. Although most often the reviews about the properties of the material are enthusiastic, not everyone likes the enveloping effect.

Preparation (tools and materials)

In order to make a foam mattress with your own hands at home, you will need:

  • Foam rubber with increased rigidity(NL) and a thickness of at least 5 cm, and this will go to the frame around the perimeter. If the mattress is made from foam rubber of this brand for full man, no additional frame is required. Finished products from the line for fat people usually equipped with a Euro frame.
  • Main filler any brand (EL, HR, VE, HR*). The HS brand, which is considered budget, is not at all suitable for making a mattress. The ST variety is suitable for items that are used extremely rarely - a guest place or a couch for the country.
  • Layers of coir from coconut - optional. They can be used as layers (to increase rigidity) or on top of one side of the mattress (to make a product with double-sided rigidity).
  • Roulette.
  • Felt pen/marker- in order to make markings.
  • Rake or long ruler - to draw straight lines.
  • Sharp knife - in order to trim the foam.
  • Sheet plywood – for cutting backing
  • Special glue for gluing foam rubber ( Regarding the adhesive composition, you can always consult furniture store, or on a website that specializes in sales of polyurethane foam).
  • Fabric for the cover – it is desirable that it be a special matter. This can be quilted fabric with a softening backing/insulation, terry with a base of waterproof membranes, bamboo fiber, jacquard
  • Lightning ( one large or two medium), sewing threads.
  • Scissors - to open the cover.
  • Sewing machine.

Now we can talk about how to make a mattress.


Below is step-by-step instruction on how to make a mattress with your own hands from a polyurethane foam block:

  1. First you need to take exact measurements of the bed box.
  2. After this, you need to cut out strips of very hard polyurethane foam to make the frame. The height of the strips should be the same as the future height (i.e. thickness) of the product. A rectangle assembled from strips along the outer perimeter must necessarily correspond internal dimensions bed boxes.

A must read! How to cut polyurethane foam? To begin with, make markings on it using a marker or felt-tip pen. Next, you should place a plywood sheet so that the surface on which the cut will be made is not damaged in any way. You should take a very sharp knife that will have a replaceable blade (since otherwise you will have to constantly sharpen it). Hold the knife vertically so that your movements are strong and precise. If the thickness of the foam rubber is greater than the length of the knife blade, then the material should be cut to the thickness of the length of the blade, and then spread apart and pushed deeper, and again hold the knife vertically. If burrs appear on the polyurethane foam, this is a signal that it is time to change/sharpen the blade.

  1. The strip bars should be glued together and laid on a flat surface.
  2. Inside the frame we lay a precisely cut base from a polyurethane foam block with less rigidity. The ends of the mattress should be glued together internal parties foam rubber frame-box.

If desired, one side of the mattress can be equipped with a latex-type coir slab by simply gluing it to the surface.

How to sew a cover

In order to sew a cover, you need:

  • Take accurate measurements of the finished product, its length, width and height.
  • Calculate the amount of fabric used based on the size of the mattress and the width of the fabric sample you like.
  • Cut out two rectangles (bottom and top) with a seam allowance for stitching the side strip along four cuts.
  • Cut out a strip that will go around the sides of the mattress, and ideally the cover should be removable. To do this, the strip that encircles the side parts of the product must be cut lengthwise in the middle. On one side, everything needs to be tightly stitched, and the other three sides must be connected using a long, sewn-in zipper, similar to the principle of fastening a suitcase. In the version with a zipper, do not forget to make allowances for stitching the latter.

Note, that the cover must be very dense so that it needs to be put on with outside help, but in no case small.

How to make a mattress pad

Case. The principle of making such a mattress cover is similar to sewing a mattress cover. The only difference is that for a mattress cover it is not at all necessary to fit very tightly to the mattress, like a cover.

With elastic bands at the corners. In this case, you can limit yourself to sewing a simplified thick mattress cover with corner elastic bands.

With elastic around the perimeter. This is another not very complicated model, where the mattress cover with sides is kept pulled into the drawstring with the help of an elastic band around the entire perimeter.

How to make a mattress smaller

If for some reason it is no longer possible to return the finished mattress and exchange it for another, but you need to make the mattress smaller with your own hands (narrow or shorten), you will need to follow some simple steps:

  1. Spread the sheathing on the required side.
  2. Use a long strip and a marker to mark.
  3. Cut the springless block (if you need to disconnect part of the spring block).
  4. Shorten or narrow the trim.
  5. Sew everything up carefully.

As you can see, this is not difficult at all.

How to change the firmness of a mattress

A thin mattress called a mattress topper can help correct the firmness. Latex models, as well as those made from holofiber and soft polyurethane foam, will give the surface of the bed softness. Latexed coir is a rigid filler. Please note that just like the mattress, the topper can be made with your own hands.


As you can see, making a mattress with your own hands is a feasible task, for which you need:

  1. The desire to finish what you started and a positive attitude.
  2. Determination of needs (height, size, degree of rigidity).
  3. A little theory (about adhesive compositions, varieties of fillers, fabrics for lining).
  4. Availability of high quality materials.
  5. Accuracy, precision of movements, perseverance and patience.
  6. The mattress cover and cover can be sewn by hand or to order.

For detailed information, we suggest watching the video tutorial.

With current prices, it is much easier and cheaper to sew a mattress with your own hands than to go to the store for an expensive product with the same parameters. The cost of a factory product is high, and the price of fillers required for sewing the structure is cheaper. What you should have in large quantities is time.

DIY foam mattress

People no longer sleep on straw bedding and mattresses, preferring comfortable orthopedic products. The mattress has become an indispensable attribute of any bedroom. Mattress sewing techniques are being improved every year, as manufacturers strive to satisfy all customer requirements. The question of how to sew a mattress yourself is only gaining relevance. If the store is unable to offer the product with necessary parameters, you can sew a mattress with your own hands if you have basic sewing skills and a lot of free time. You should first read the recommendations of specialists and look at several patterns.

Selection of foam rubber for a mattress, material density indicator

Polyurethane foam is considered the optimal filler for homemade mattresses. PPU is also called foam rubber. Synthetic material has several varieties. It differs from each other in such indicators as elasticity, density and rigidity. Other characteristics may also be taken into account. A foam mattress is suitable as a base for sleeping area, because it is able to quickly restore its previous shape and has the necessary elasticity and softness. Main characteristics material - density, by which the quality of foam rubber is determined. The indicator is in the range of 25-40 kg/m3, and when labeling the manufacturer uses letters and numbers that indicate the hardness index.

To sew foam mattresses, you should use material with the following markings:

  1. VE–HR. Highly elastic foam rubber is used for the manufacture of luxury products and furniture. The model is recommended for use when creating a foam mattress with your own hands and other bedding. The latex filler guarantees proper back support, it is elastic and quite soft.
  2. El. High rigidity material. able to withstand a load of 100 kg (El-2240). The cost is reasonable for a service life of 5 years. El-2242 is more wear-resistant and durable, its service life reaches 10 years.
  3. ST. Standard material with a density of 25 kg/m3 and higher. Commonly used in the production of products intended for children.

Preparation of materials and tools

To make a foam mattress with your own hands, you will need the following materials and tools:

  1. Dense and high-quality foam rubber, before purchasing which you should check for the appropriate markings. You will need to make a frame of appropriate size for the material. Such manipulations will help maintain the original shape of the product longer, increasing its service life.
  2. Material markings VE – HR and El can be used in the manufacture of filler. The inner niche in the box is filled with foam rubber, after which auxiliary layers based on coconut coir and others are added. Thus, the orthopedic properties of the product are improved. Preference should be given to solid pieces of padding polyester, which will match the size of the future sleeping place. If it is not possible to purchase a large piece of filler, it is permissible to use several smaller pieces.
  3. Adhesive composition. It will be needed for connecting individual layers of fillers and for gluing box elements. You will need a specialized compound that is used to glue layers of foam rubber. One of the purchasing options is Sefox. The composition is recognized as safe, has no foreign odors and holds the material together perfectly. A gun will be needed to evenly distribute the adhesive mass.
  4. Before you make a foam mattress with your own hands, you should take care of purchasing the material from which the cover will be made. Viscose, cotton, calico, linen or any other fabric can be used as such material, but only natural ones.

Tools you will need: sewing machine, knife, scissors, tape, tape measure, tape measure.

Making a mattress

After all the tools and materials have been found, you can begin sewing a mattress for the bed with your own hands. The step-by-step instructions will look like this:

  1. First, you should measure your sleeping area and decide on the size of the future mattress.
  2. Afterwards you can begin assembling the frame. The design is necessary in order to eliminate possible displacement of the filler to the sides and to keep its shape well. To do this you will need dense foam rubber 10 cm thick. In accordance with the dimensions of the frame, bars are made and laid on a clean and flat surface in the shape of a rectangle. The elements are glued together using glue; the composition must be sprayed at the junction points.
  3. The filler is laid. When using one large piece of filler 15 cm thick, it is enough to adjust the material to the dimensions of the frame.
  4. When using several unequal filler elements, auxiliary manipulations will be needed. If you do not fasten the foam rubber elements together, then over time they will creep apart and the structure will lose appearance. To do this, a protective (bonding) layer is applied based on the adhesive composition used. The material is sprayed over the entire surface of the layer, after which it is attached to the auxiliary layer. Coconut coir and polyurethane foam can be used as such. The result of such work will be robust design, which has orthopedic properties. The surface will be characterized as hard. A mattress consisting of two layers of struttofiber and a layer of foam rubber between them will be no less comfortable.
  5. Find foam rubber on sale required thickness difficult, but finding a thin one won’t be difficult. The solution is simple - glue several layers of polyurethane foam together.

How to sew a mattress cover

In order to make a mattress cover at home, you will need: a sewing machine, thread and a piece of fabric. After a control measurement of the assembled frame with the placed filler has been carried out, you should begin to cut out the individual elements of the cover. The allowance on each side will be 4 cm, which will be needed for the seams. The cover should fit snugly on the mattress, but not overtighten (deform) it. This will help give the structure additional elasticity and strength.

It is impossible to do this on your own, so you will need outside help. At the final stage, one of the sides will be fastened with a pre-sewn zipper. It is not recommended to use buttons. When making a cover, it is recommended to use only natural fabrics that are not capable of causing an allergic reaction. This element is equipped with a zipper, but is not removable. Used as a protective element designed to protect the main structure from contamination. If necessary, a removable mattress cover is made separately.

After sewing the product, it is a good idea to ventilate the mattress. This will help get rid of foreign odors. Anyone who has sewing skills can make a mattress based on foam rubber with their own hands. Only high-quality materials are used as filler.

DIY orthopedic mattress made from pillows

It is a pleasure to use such a handmade product. The compact mattress is conveniently placed in the niche of the closet, provided that its use is not expected in the near future. In order to make a high-quality mattress from pillows yourself you will need:

  • five or more pillows of the same size;
  • a few meters durable fabric, non-marking, since frequent washing will change the appearance of the product, which is placed on the floor covering.

With absence required quantity pillows, the elements can be made independently from polyurethane foam (PPU). You will also need cutting scissors and a machine. Table or other working surface should be spacious. If possible, you can use the floor in the room.


The working surface is pre-washed and dried. The selected piece of fabric is spread onto the cleaned surface. Work on the floor the more convenient it is that there is a lot of free space and you can lay out the necessary accessories and tools nearby. To make an orthopedic mattress with your own hands, you will need five pillows. You also need to purchase a 2-meter piece of fabric. Along the right edge of the laid out material, pillows are placed in a row. By folding the piece of fabric in half, the pillows will be covered.

The workpiece is connected using threads or needles. The pillows are carefully removed. A product that has indentation along the edges will look neater. After turning and stitching, the seams will not be visible. The edges are sewn together using a sewing machine. The material is smoothed out from the upper front side, after which the distance for each of the pillows is measured using a ruler. Marks on the fabric are applied in the form of lines. Sections should be the same in size. The seam is made along the front side along the previously drawn line. The pillows are placed in manufactured compartments.

To make a handmade product look attractive, you can sew small buttons on the edges. Thus, the material will be securely fastened, and the shell will be removable, which will allow washing at a convenient time. The design is foldable and mobile. This homemade orthopedic mattress can be moved around the house and stored on a shelf.

DIY transformable mattress

There is also another option for creating a transformable mattress with your own hands. To do this, several pillowcases are used, which are sewn together. You can use fabric and batting as filler. The sides equipped with buttons or zippers should be on the same side. After placing the pillows inside the structure, the product is considered ready. Such products are especially popular with children who love to build houses and play there for hours. Mobility and light weight will allow you to do without the participation of an adult, which is important. Adults can rest on this mattress at night. The structure should not be placed in a crib, since the product does not have sufficient orthopedic properties.

Making a mattress using natural materials

Before you make a mattress with your own hands, you should ensure that you have the following materials:

  • adhesive composition;
  • fabric for sewing a cover;
  • filler (the material must be sufficiently elastic);
  • sewing machine and other sewing accessories.

In most cases, a single piece of foam rubber is used as a filler. A layer of coconut coir or polyurethane foam will improve the orthopedic qualities of the mattress. A moderately hard surface is more comfortable for the spine. It is also possible to use struttofiber to make mattresses for a crib. In this case, the foam layer will be on one side, and the coconut fiber will be on the opposite side. You will also need a cover. Natural (breathable) fabrics are used to make the structure. Linen or calico are used most often. Upcoming manipulations

Before you begin the upcoming manipulations aimed at sewing a mattress, you should measure the dimensions of the sleeping area. At this stage, a tape measure is used, after which the frame is assembled. Dense polyurethane foam 5-10 cm thick should be used as a base. We sew a mattress 15 cm thick. A smaller thickness of a children's mattress will cause discomfort to a child or an adult, depending on the purpose of the structure (play or relaxation). Accuracy in dimensions is important, so measurements are taken several times.

The comfort and stability of the future structure will depend on the quality of the materials used. Next, the filler is laid. When using a single piece, a sharp knife (stationery or shoemaker) is used to adjust the material to the dimensions of the frame. You have to cut out an even piece. If several sheets of foam rubber are used, the individual elements are glued together with special glue.

How to sew a mattress from cotton wool

Cotton wool is considered a traditional filling for mattresses, however, it is not the best. The porosity of the material is high. It is not possible to maintain the indicator, since it does not have sufficient elasticity. Before sewing a mattress (for children or adults) from cotton wool, you should think about additional layers that do not have the listed disadvantages. Such structures cannot be used as a sleeping place for a child, since they do not have orthopedic properties. Sewing a mattress cover is not difficult; it is much more difficult to fill the structure with the selected filler.


  1. You should decide on the dimensions of the future design. Afterwards, individual elements are cut out from durable cotton fabric. Allowance is made for seams of 5 cm, which are folded and stitched. One of the ends is left open.
  2. The cotton wool is laid in thin layers, each fragment is pressed. The surface should be uniform. The next layer is laid on top of the previous one until the required thickness is achieved.
  3. The layer is stitched with loose seams. Only very thin layers adhere well.
  4. The cover turns out and folds up. The cotton wool is folded into a loose roll.
  5. The end of the roll is applied to the sewn end of the cover. The corners are inserted into the mattress cover, after which the roll is covered with a cover. It’s difficult to do something like this alone. Make sure you have an extra pair of hands.
  6. The free ends are stitched. This is done using a sewing machine.

Prices for orthopedic mattresses may seem quite high - people want to sleep on good-quality and comfortable mattresses, but not everyone is ready to pay a lot of money for it.

What to do in such a difficult situation? There are three options:

  • Purchase a similar mattress from a little-known manufacturer;
  • Buy an inflatable orthopedic mattress;
  • Make an orthopedic mattress with your own hands.

Is it really that profitable?

By purchasing a mattress from a little-known manufacturer, we get a product that is not much different from the products of famous brands. Large manufacturers spend a lot of money on advertising and promotion of their product, including advertising costs in the cost of mattresses. Little-known companies, as a rule, operate in local markets and do not aggressively promote their products - which is why prices for mattresses are lower.

Minus this method is that some little-known companies produce extremely low-quality mattresses that are unable to compete even with the cheapest models from well-known brands.

By making an orthopedic mattress with our own hands, we will receive certain benefits. The raw materials are cheaper than a finished mattress, and we will have virtually no additional costs. Depending on the cost of materials, we we can save up to half the cost of a finished mattress. Let's figure out what we need to make an orthopedic mattress with our own hands.

In order to make an orthopedic mattress ourselves, we will need raw materials - the main budget will be spent on their purchase. We will make a springless mattress, since purchasing blocks of independent springs will be quite problematic, and classic spring blocks will not add orthopedic properties to our mattress.

To make a mattress we will need:

  • Dense polyurethane foam for lateral support;
  • Main filler;
  • Dense material for making a cover.

Dense polyurethane foam laid along the edge of the mattress will act as a holding box. Thanks to it, the mattress will keep its shape well. And in the middle of the mattress there will be filler.

We can choose the same polyurethane foam as a filler. It is advisable to get a solid piece that is suitable both in thickness and side dimensions. If you have the desire and opportunity, you can try to look for coconut fiber, laying it in turn with polyurethane foam. The result is a mattress with increased rigidity that is beneficial for the spine. We can also design a mattress with different hardness of the sides - coconut coir will lie on one side, and polyurethane foam on the other.

Together with polyurethane foam, we can use dense struttofiber material. It has an interesting structure with vertical fibers and provides decent support for the spine. This material should be located at the top and bottom, and in the middle we can lay polyurethane foam or a mixture of polyurethane foam and coconut slabs.

As for the cover, preference should be given to dense natural fabrics. For example, it could be calico or natural linen.

The most difficult thing is to get filler materials - this will be the most the hard part mattress manufacturing process.

Let's start making the mattress

When making an orthopedic mattress with our own hands, we need to prepare the following tools:

  • Sewing machine;
  • Roulette;
  • Scissors and a sharp knife;
  • Glue.

We will need a sewing machine to sew a cover, a tape measure to measure materials, and scissors and sharp knife we will cut our fillers. As for the glue, it is necessary for gluing individual layers of fillers - here we need some kind of glue that is safe for health and does not emit harmful toxins and odors. Recommendations on this issue can be obtained from a furniture repair shop.

Before starting work, you need to measure the dimensions of your sleeping place- they will be equal to the size of our future mattress. After this, we begin assembling a frame made of dense polyurethane foam, which will provide support for the filler from the sides and help the mattress hold its rectangular shape. To do this, we use dense polyurethane foam with a thickness of 50 to 100 mm. The approximate thickness of the mattress should be 14-15 cm - a smaller thickness will not increase comfort.

The next stage is laying the filler. If you are lucky enough to get a solid piece of polyurethane foam of suitable thickness, measure the dimensions free space in the resulting frame, then cut out the corresponding piece of polyurethane foam - here you will need a sharp knife, for example, a stationery knife or a shoe knife.

If you decide to use a combined filling, then the individual sheets of filling will need to be glued together so that the finished mattress is dense and does not “walk” under the weight of the person lying on top. To do this, we use safe, odorless glue, otherwise it will simply be impossible to sleep on the mattress.

Did you manage to get only thin polyurethane foam? No problem - glue the individual layers into a single structure using glue. But don’t even think about using scraps and small pieces of polyurethane foam for stuffing - the base of the mattress should be closer to a monolith, and not consist of miniature elements, like a cheap foam model.

After the stuffing is ready, we place it in our frame and begin sewing the cover. To do this, we take measurements of the resulting mattress and measure out two pieces of fabric - don’t forget to leave some extra space for the seams and the thickness of the side parts(approximately 3 cm is allocated for the seams on each side). The cover should be quite dense - it should be put on the filling with the frame with some difficulty to make the mattress strong and elastic. The seams of the cover should remain inside.

To sew the cover, only natural fabrics and thick threads are used. Natural fabrics will ensure the absence of allergies and irritations, and strong threads will ensure the durability of the manufactured cover. It is quite possible that you will need someone's help to tighten the cover. After stretching, the cover needs to be sewn up (if necessary, sew in a zipper on one side).

By the way, this will be a permanent cover, non-removable. Therefore, it is recommended to sew a removable cover on top of it, equipped with zippers around the perimeter or on two adjacent sides - at any time this cover can be removed and sent for washing. If you are too lazy to bother with another cover, buy a mattress cover, but in this case you need to be prepared for additional expenses - the cheapest option is to sew the cover yourself.

After the mattress is ready, you need to let it air out a little. outdoors– to do this, you can take it out to the balcony or loggia, where the unpleasant odors will disappear from it.

In conclusion, here are some tips:

  • Accurately measure the dimensions of the components and the dimensions of the sleeping area - the mattress should be dense and not falling apart. Yes and in its place it should lie tightly, without moving to the sides;
  • Do not make mattresses from foam rubber and batting - these materials will not allow you to create a mattress with orthopedic properties and anatomical effect;
  • Do not use synthetic fabrics for sewing covers - they can cause allergic reactions and irritation;
  • Do not use for self-made orthopedic mattresses, Bonnel spring blocks - on their basis it is almost impossible to create normal mattresses with orthopedic properties.

This article will be useful for those who have decided to acquire good mattress, while saving on buying a ready-made product by making it yourself.

In principle, there is nothing difficult in making a mattress; you need to become familiar with the basic properties of this material and manufacturing techniques.

Basic requirements for creating a mattress

Having finally decided what exactly should happen in the end, it is necessary to take into account several nuances:

  • a quality product - you will need to apply patience and accuracy to get the expected result in the end;
  • theoretical knowledge - it will not be superfluous to study and become familiar with the theory, so that later in practice everything will work out in the best possible way;
  • choice of material - in order to decide what material to use, you need to understand whether it will be just a hard mattress, orthopedic or soft. The range of materials is varied and the price, accordingly, can fluctuate over a wide range, it will depend on the manufacturer, thickness, country of manufacture;
  • tools;
  • sewing a cover, this will also require sewing skills or you can order it separately according to your parameters.

If quite recently, when mentioning foam rubber, many remembered the yellow and crumbling material, then last years it has improved a lot; in its production they use high-tech polyurethane foam, which has enough long term service and operation. It provides strength, elasticity, release it various sizes and thickness.

Foam rubber brands

There are several grades of hardness and density available:

  • soft – not suitable for making mattresses, because it has low density and rigidity;
  • standard - a dense type of foam rubber, used for the production of mattresses;

Important! Although from this brand in industrial scale produce mattresses, but you should know that in terms of rigidity this type can withstand a load of no more than 75 kg, therefore, it is more suitable for making children's product in the form of a mattress.

  • increased rigidity – the most best option, which will last for many years;
  • extra-hard – a highly durable brand, but when choosing it, you should take into account all the features of the person who will sleep on such a mattress;
  • highly elastic type - this foam rubber has a so-called “memory”, it has already proven itself well in the consumer market, but its price is correspondingly higher by an order of magnitude compared to conventional brands.

Making a mattress

So, foam rubber has been purchased, a sheet of thin fiberboard has been prepared, it will serve as a substrate for an even cut of the material, a tape measure, a marker, a construction ruler, a knife, glue for gluing layers of foam rubber, if there are several of them, or coconut filler, which can also serve an additional layer.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. You need to accurately measure the inside of the bed frame.
  2. A fiberboard board is placed under the foam rubber and the measured measurements are drawn.
  3. Carefully begin cutting with a knife.
  4. Layer on layer, covering them with special glue.
  5. After complete drying, a cover, previously sewn according to measurements, is put on the product.


If you follow all the rules for selecting and preparing the material, then it is quite possible to make a foam mattress yourself; you just need to stock up on a little theoretical knowledge and basic skills in accurately taking measurements.

It is inconvenient to sleep on the sofa all the time: even structures equipped with a “French folding bed” mechanism are inferior in comfort to beds with an orthopedic mattress. If, in addition to organizing a comfortable sleep, you need somewhere to seat guests, you cannot do without a piece of furniture with a backrest that can accommodate several people. Then it’s worth making something like a sofa out of the bed - making a soft headboard (back), sewing removable covers from a suitable furniture fabric.

As you can see, both furniture products are in demand in everyday life; it is difficult to choose between them. It’s good if the size of the apartment allows you to add a sofa and bed, but what if not? In this case, you need to figure out how to sew a mattress for a sofa or make a soft backrest with a bed cover.

Fabric selection

The fabric should not only look stylish, but also be easy to wash. Quite often, even in fabric catalogs, only dry cleaning or dry cleaning is indicated as a method of cleaning textile material. However, as practice shows, this does not mean that washing is contraindicated.

To avoid sewing again, purchase a small piece of fabric you like and wash it in washing machine at a water temperature of 30°C (flocked fabric will not survive washing - it will peel off, don’t even try to use it).

Measure the cut before washing - further comparison will show whether shrinkage has occurred. Assess for discoloration, appearance or absence of lint. If the results of the experiments are positive, this piece of fabric will come in handy: you can use it to reupholster a chair or make a cover for sofa cushion.

  • Since furniture fabric is not cheap, sew the invisible part of the cover from calico.
  • Before cutting, the fabric should be washed, especially calico, which noticeably decreases in size. In addition, the calico must be ironed with steam.
  • To determine the required amount of material, lay out the patterns on a checkered sheet. Don't forget to reserve material for shrinkage when cutting.

Mattresses are different

Annoying misunderstandings happen even in the home of perfectionists, so the sofa and bed need protection from dirt. If you don’t want to do anything, buy a sheet with an elastic band of a suitable size. She can handle minor stains quite well, but any spilled liquid is too much for her. Cleaning a sleeping place is quite problematic; changing it every time is too expensive.

What to do? It is best to sew a cover yourself - a purchased one may not fit in size and will sit on your mattress like a “new thing from someone else’s shoulder.” After all, mattresses differ in size and shape of corners (rounded and straight), and covers differ in the way they are sewn.

The ideal cover fits the mattress tightly, protects it as much as possible from dirt and is easy to wash.

A good solution is to protect the sofa or bed with an additional thin mattress about 5 cm thick. It is easy to make it yourself from foam rubber (cheaper option), polyurethane foam, artificial or natural latex (more expensive option). Such a mattress can be washed in the bathroom or simply made a new one. Why? The cost of replacing it is much less than purchasing an orthopedic mattress or reupholstering a sofa.

Making a thin foam mattress

A sheet of foam rubber (density not lower than 25) can be easily cut with a sharp knife. Most often used for this operation construction knife with replaceable blades. This is done like this:

  1. The sheet of foam rubber is marked with a marker (felt-tip pen), and marks are placed.
  2. By using wooden plank all marks are connected by a straight line.
  3. Under the place of the future cut we place some unnecessary hard cloth (a scrap of board, a piece of thick cardboard, etc.).
  4. Taking the knife strictly vertically, make the cut with leisurely, precise, strong movements.
  5. We check the depth of the cut: we push the resulting hole apart with our fingers and cut the foam rubber to the bottom.

If there are a lot of burrs at the cut site, the tip of the blade (or the whole thing) should be replaced. Curvilinear cuts are made in the same way: a pattern is applied, markings are made on it, excess foam rubber is cut off with a vertically mounted knife, the resulting cut will not be ideal, but quite acceptable. If necessary, foam rubber can be easily glued together, the resulting seam will be strong and elastic.

Note! When heated, cyanogen-containing substances that are hazardous to health are released from foam rubber, which even in small doses affects the respiratory and nervous system. Therefore, hot cutting of this material at home is categorically unacceptable.

Cover for a thin mattress made of calico or satin

It is acceptable to use ready-made quilted fabric (the composition is more natural, containing cotton), used for making linings or sewing bedspreads. We begin work by taking dimensions: length, width and height. To avoid creating unnecessary seams, we take the fabric as a single piece. Remember that natural fabrics shrink noticeably; after washing, a piece 2 m long may shrink by 10 centimeters. Therefore, it is best to wash the fabric first.

Leave a 1.5 cm seam allowance. To cut the fabric evenly, we wrap the remainder over the main part and even out the edges. Holding it with your hand, slightly pull the fabric towards you with scissors and make a cut.

We fold the piece of fabric along the fold line, rounding the corners as on a mattress. Sew the cover around the perimeter on sewing machine, we pass the edges with a zigzag or overlock.

On the shorter side we leave a hole for installing a zipper, a space at the edges of 20 to 30 cm. We iron the fabric in this place, and after preliminary basting we sew in a zipper using a machine.

There is almost no sliding of the fabric on the foam rubber, so carefully, without tugging, we pull the cover onto the mattress. We tighten the fabric, straighten the corners, then pick up the folds and tighten them again, after which we fasten the zipper.

Cover for a thin mattress made of upholstery fabric

To ensure that our fabric covering neatly covers the mattress on all sides, after marking the corners, we mark the auxiliary lines of the detailed pattern. Applying the pattern, we round the corners of the upper part, do the same with the corners of the lower part (hems) and draw a straight line at 45°, following through the intersection points of the lines indicating the height of the mattress.

Cover for orthopedic mattress made of furniture fabric

The side of the cover is essentially a long ribbon. If there is not enough fabric for it, sew it from several pieces. Make sure there are no seams on the visible front, or make the seams symmetrical.

2A+2B – not the exact size (the difference appears due to the presence of rounded corners), side part it will turn out longer, the excess is simply cut off. To calculate the length more strictly, you can measure the perimeter of the upper part.

We process the edges of the allowances with a zigzag (if the fabric frays), the seam allowances are folded onto the calico and stitched along the edge. It is sewn in front of the top, the sections are processed and stitched, just like the sides. The upper part of the case is ready.

Baste and sew the sides. Fold the seam allowances down and stitch them off, making an indent of 2 mm. We sew a piece of calico to the side, immediately stitching the area previously left unsewn, and sew along the edge.

A double hem with a closed cut approximately 2 cm wide is made along the entire bottom edge, secured with a stitch, 2 to 3 cm is left unstitched for laying the elastic.
