How to properly make a plaster slope on a window. Technology for plastering window slopes. Marking for plaster

It’s not difficult to figure out how to plaster slopes. However, this work requires maximum responsibility and a competent approach. You will be able to properly plaster window slopes only after a detailed study of the basics of plastering other, simpler surfaces (for example, ceilings and walls). Therefore, it is advisable to practice first, and only then plaster the window slopes. Several simple and intelligible, but very useful recommendations will help you do this in the best possible way.

Preparing tools and materials for work

Any renovation work require the use of appropriate tools and materials. And it is no exception. The specific set of tools depends on what materials you will use to do the work. However, you will not be able to cope without the following devices in any situation.

Plastering windows and door slopes using a small tool: 1 - wall; 2 - solution; 3 - rail; 4 - position of the screed when plastering the slope; 5 - box; 6 - small.


  • aluminum rule;
  • building level;
  • measuring tape and pencil;
  • malka;
  • several spatulas (must be 5 cm);
  • containers for water and solution;
  • Master OK;
  • hammer-pick.

It is not enough to just know a list of tools. In order to properly plaster window slopes, it is necessary to use the most suitable devices for this process. For example, a level that is too long will not help you in such work. It may not fit into the space between the window sill and the lintel and will become completely useless. However, even using an overly short tool, it will not be possible to plaster the window slopes - it will be very inconvenient. That's why the best option is a level 100 cm long. Such auxiliary tools, like a knife and a caulk gun.

When working, you may need a can of polyurethane foam. Carefully examine the condition of the window before going to the store. If there is a gap between the window opening and the frame, then a cylinder will definitely be needed.

If you use ready-made cement mortar for plastering, you will additionally need a trowel and a float. If you use other solutions, then prepare the irons different sizes, sponge grater and medium spatula. In most cases, a 45 cm spatula is sufficient.

Prepare good protective clothing and shoes. They should be such that you are comfortable. Be sure to choose a suitable headgear so that the plaster does not fall on your head when processing the window slope. Due to the fact that while working with plaster you will have to come into contact with your hands, it is best to buy sealed nitrile gloves.

Very a good helper will become a plaster goat. You can make it yourself, buy it, or borrow it from someone. It is more convenient and safer to work with it. Plastering a window slope from a stool or ladder is not best idea. Firstly, it is less safe, secondly, it takes longer, and thirdly, it is not very convenient.

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Preparation for processing window slopes

Before plastering the window itself begins, you will need to complete a number of preparatory activities. How thoroughly and thoroughly you approach preparatory process, not only the convenience of further work directly depends, but also the quality and durability of the finish.

It is recommended to install a window sill before work. This way you will avoid future work on sealing the gaps between the window sill and the side slopes, and will further increase the strength of the installation. In such a situation, the window sill will need to be protected from mortar and mechanical damage. To do this, cover it with thick paper. If after renovation you still have unnecessary pieces of drywall, use them - it’s even better.

If there are traces on the window old plaster and other unnecessary contaminants, be sure to remove them. A high-quality finish can only be achieved by laying plaster on a durable and well-prepared surface. Any dirt, dust, paint, etc. will significantly worsen the final result.

It is recommended to carefully cover the window block itself with film. It will be enough to stick it to the window using masking tape. Wrap batteries, pens and other items that may be “damaged” by the plaster during operation with thick paper.

Wall section with high quality plaster: 1 – spray; 2 – soil; 3 – cover; 4 – brick wall.

Remove excess polyurethane foam with a knife if you used it to seal cracks. To improve grip plaster mortar with a base, you need to pre-treat the surface deep primer. When choosing a specific primer in a store, be sure to tell the consultant what the base is made of.

In the next step, you will need to work on the vapor barrier device. For this interior wall sealed vapor barrier film. It can be sealed with foam or treated with a special frost-resistant silicone sealant. Make sure the surface is dry before applying sealant. Otherwise, the composition will not stick. Remove excess sealant immediately. The frozen substance is very difficult to wash off.

If you do not vapor barrier the foam seal from the inside, then after some time the foam will become wet under the influence of condensation and will lose its original properties as insulation. In some cases, it may completely collapse. As a result, the windows will begin to sweat, and drafts will come from the street.

At the next stage you need to make malka. It represents a template according to which you will plaster. Look at the slopes of your window. You will notice that they are not perfectly straight, but rather flare out slightly inward. As a result of this, in fact, a window opening is formed. In most cases, a piece of plywood is used to make the fry. It should be 5-10 cm longer than the window slope. The width will be about 15 cm so that the template can be comfortably held by hand while working. A cutout is made on one side of the fry. During the plastering process, the side with the cutout will move along the slope. On the 2nd side you will move along a pre-installed beacon. The mulka will ensure that the windows are as smooth as possible. Additionally, you need to make a cutout for the window hinges.

Be as responsible as possible when making the template. Make sure that work surfaces are as level as possible. If possible, remove a small chamfer (round off the surfaces with a file). This will prevent chips from appearing on the plywood during work.

Professional craftsmen use aluminum jigs for their work. They are made to order. However, if you do not plan to plaster slopes professionally, you can get by with a regular wooden template.

After replacing window frames, many were faced with the problem of finding a responsible craftsman to plaster the slopes. Most workers, even if they are ready to do this work, most often do it poorly, while demanding unreasonably high wages. You should know that if the windows are improperly finished, they lose their heat and sound insulation properties. Moreover, the appearance of harmful fungal organisms is guaranteed, which can negatively affect human health. You can plaster slopes with your own hands; we will tell you how to do this in the article.

General requirements

Slopes on windows should not only have a beautiful appearance, but also meet a number of requirements

Slope is a section of the wall (according to its thickness) that is adjacent to the window frame. A high-quality slope has the following characteristics:

  • good moisture and vapor resistance of the surface, which will make it possible to ensure high quality assembly seam, subject to compliance with GOST requirements;
  • increased resistance to delamination during wet cleaning or cleaning;
  • resistance to mechanical and external influence(temperature changes, sun rays);
  • high thermal insulation properties.

Slopes on windows can be oblique and straight, narrow and wide, external and internal.

Preparatory stage

Before starting work on the production of plaster slopes, it is worth paying due attention to the preparatory stage.

If you have a “new building”, then the slopes are made only after finishing plastering of the remaining walls. In this case, you should wait several days until the plaster on the walls dries.

The area under the slopes must be well prepared, cleaned of dirt, dust and any grease deposits. Mortar protruding from the brickwork or beads of concrete should be removed.

Protruding foam residues must be removed

To improve the adhesion of the mortar to the wall, the brickwork must be embroidered in advance to a depth of at least 10 mm. To improve thermal insulation, it is necessary to caulk or blow out with foam (which is more convenient and faster) the gaps between window frame and a wall.

If you have wooden window frames, then you need to lay a special insulating material that will protect the wood from absorbing moisture and subsequent rotting.

When metal-plastic windows It is recommended that after applying the solution and drying it, make a small notch up to 5 mm wide between the slope and the frame. Then fill it with silicone sealant. This notch will serve as compensation for thermal expansion of the frame and guarantee the absence of cracks on the surface of the window slopes.

Plastering window slopes

To make it easier to clean up dirt after work has been done, window frames, glass and the area around the window should be covered with protective cellophane film, which can simply be thrown away after completion of work. If, when dismantling old window frames, the edge of the slope is damaged, it is necessary to install an ordinary corner. Which one to choose, plastic or metal, you decide for yourself.

Tools and materials

To make plaster slopes with your own hands, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • roulette;
  • pencil;
  • putty knife;
  • Master OK;
  • containers for water and mixing the solution;
  • pick;
  • malka (by the way, you can make it yourself);

Using a small tool you can make the same angle of inclination on all slopes
  • deep penetration primer (you can make it yourself by mixing PVA glue with water in a ratio of 1:2);
  • cement (or ready-made plaster mixture);

Preference is already given ready-made compounds in bags.

Usage ready-made mixtures will significantly facilitate the work and allow you to obtain a high-quality solution
  • rail for level output;
  • building level (you can use a plumb line);
  • brush or roller;
  • water-based paint;
  • putty (finishing);
  • sandpaper (fine grain) or paint mesh.

Do-it-yourself technology

We find the zero level and set beacons for plaster around the entire perimeter

Before starting all work, it is necessary to prepare the surface for applying the solution. Then we find the zero level and place beacons for plaster along the entire perimeter of future slopes window frame. Installing wooden slats will make the work easier.

The slats can be fixed to ordinary mortar. In this case, you need to control the level both horizontally and vertically.

We prepare the solution for slopes in accordance with the instructions on the packaging. It must be thoroughly mixed to ensure uniformity in all layers. After setting all the landmarks, they begin to treat the surfaces of the slope with a primer (or a mixture with PVA).

It is best to repeat the finishing several times with short breaks.

We begin to treat the surface with a primer. When the desired level is reached, the last movements of the spatula should be carried out from the window towards the room

After preparing the solution, take a spatula and apply the first layer of solution. If you need to make high plaster slopes, then the solution should be applied in layers at short intervals, during which the layer dries out a little. We begin to apply the solution from the bottom up, focusing on the beacons or wooden slats. When “expelling” the required height, it is important to apply the solution correctly: first vertically, and then horizontally. When the desired level is reached, the last movements of the spatula should be carried out from the window towards the room.

When plastering slopes from above window opening It is recommended to add gypsum or alabaster during the preparation of the solution. This is necessary to speed up drying.

It is better to apply the solution in small portions, especially in the upper part of the slopes

For high-quality plastering of the upper slope, many recommend increasing the number of layers and at the same time reducing the volume of mortar applied with a spatula. Malka will be useful to you when making plaster slopes with an angle, if this angle should be the same on all surfaces. This tool is easy to use: place one end on the window frame and the other on wooden slats, which is fixed on the edge of the slope.

Remove excess malka to create correct angle necessary only after the solution has set.

All irregularities are removed with fine-grained sandpaper

After this, a layer of finishing putty is applied. All irregularities are removed with fine-grained sandpaper or paint mesh. Finished dried slopes are covered water-based paint in several layers with drying between approaches.

Plastering window slopes dates back to the time when windows in their modern form became familiar to humanity. The technology for this type of work is so elementary that even an untrained beginner can easily handle it. Moreover, there are now many more plastic windows than wooden ones, and plastering slopes on such windows is even easier.

Selection of tools

Each master thinks differently about how to plaster slopes and what tools to use for this.

For indoor work, do not use a level that is too large or small; a meter level is best. Also stock up on sealant and a knife.

Before plastering the slopes on the windows, check whether all the gaps are properly filled with foam; you may need to have the installers correct any deficiencies.

If you decide to plaster the slopes with cement mortar, purchase a trowel and a trowel, and to work with Rotband you will need different sized trowels, a wide spatula and a sponge trowel.

Preparatory work

High-quality plastering of slopes with your own hands is impossible without following the following preparatory procedures:

  1. remove excess polyurethane foam using a knife;
  2. clean the surfaces with a brush with metal bristles;
  3. remove dirt and construction debris;
  4. start priming work (inside a dry room you can use a liquid cement solution or antibacterial substances);
  5. along the entire perimeter of the window frame to the base of the wall, it is necessary to apply a sealant that will increase waterproofing (for such work, substances that contain silicone are used, with its help the windows will not sweat, working with it is simple and comfortable, it is inexpensive and brings a lot of useful things) .

What solutions are used for plastering slopes?

It is necessary to plaster the slopes both indoors and outdoors. For work inside the room, you can use a mixture of sand and alabaster in a ratio of 1:2. A solution based on cement and sand is mixed 1:3, and a mixture of cement, alabaster and sand - 1:1:2.

Plastering slopes with your own hands becomes easier to do thanks to the use of the Rotband dry mixture. The cost of such material is certainly not small, but it lays flat and has insulating and antibacterial properties.

To finish slopes outside, you can use only cement mortars: they are not afraid of changes in air temperatures, different humidity and chemicals. The main thing is not to forget to mix into this mixture liquid glass and plasticizer.

The process of plastering slopes

Before you begin installing the beacons, calculate at what angle the surface will be installed. Experienced builders call this indicator “dawn angle”, and set it using a protractor. Don’t be too confident in your eye; the result of installing the surface “by eye” will not be very pleasant and will require rework.

Now you can start installing beacons. WITH outside you can use a flat wooden plank or a metal profile, and you can’t do without an aluminum corner near the frame. The external beacon, after completion of all work, can be removed, and the internal ones will be covered with plaster mortar.

The outer beacon is fixed to the surface using nails or self-tapping screws, and the inner beacon is placed on alabaster or cement until completely dry.

If you need to cover an area with a thick layer of mortar, give each one time to set. The maximum permissible density for pouring mortar from cement and sand should not exceed 2 cm, for gypsum mortar - 5 cm.

If you decide to plaster newly installed plastic windows and noticed them protective film, do not rush to remove it until the slopes are ready. Such work is usually very dusty, and the film will help protect the frame from damage and dirt.

But, if you still removed the protection, stick it on the window masking tape or polyethylene.

Do not rush to apply one layer of mass on the second, give each of them time to dry - this will allow you to protect the walls from cracking.

The density of the outermost tier should cover the beacons. After pouring the mortar, all excess mass can be removed using a spatula or plaster corner. As a result of such actions, you can get a flat and smooth surface.

At the next stage, you can begin to grout the slopes with sandpaper and make them smooth.

After this you need to draw the corners. To do this, you will need to remove all external beacons and use a grater and a grater. The grater should be leaned against one surface, and the grater should continue to apply the mixture and level the corner. After this, the same work is carried out on the other side.

The next step is painting. For this it is better to buy acrylic paint on water based. If your apartment is dry and warm, the slope does not need to be treated with a primer before painting. But, sometimes (especially in rooms with high humidity), it is still worth covering the surface with an antibacterial primer solution.

Please pay Special attention the fact that plastic can succumb to exposure to the sun and expand. To prevent the frame from cracking and deformation due to this, use this advice: when you finally level the plaster, use a metal spatula to cut a notch 3-5 mm deep, and then fill it with a colored sealant (to match the cladding) based on silicone. Due to its elasticity, silicone will protect the structure from possible deformation.

In conclusion, I would like to say that it is quite possible to plaster slopes yourself, having a certain amount of knowledge. But, if you have never held construction tools in your hands, let experienced and knowledgeable people solve the problem of “how to plaster slopes.”

The approximate cost of plastering slopes is shown in the table.


cost element

Unit. Baz. price, rub.)
Resource consumption rate
Construction labor costs person/hour 9,52 383,06 431,29
Middle class builders person/hour 9,75 3,4 3,6
Construction lifts mash.h 24,64 1,16
Ready-made finishing cement-lime mortar m 3 597,93 4,4
Water m 3 3,6 0,35
Construction garbage T 8,1
Cost indicators
Payment to workers rub. 3646,73 4205,08
Machine operation rub. 28,58
Material resources rub. 2632,15
Total direct costs rub. 6307,46 6865,81

After installing the door and window designs there is a need for additional finishing works, which are associated with plastering slopes. This work can be easily done independently, without the involvement of specialists or the use of complex tools. Naturally, there are numerous rules that help create a truly beautiful surface.

It’s strange, but very little importance is given to the finishing of slopes. It is believed that this element design - does not carry a special interior design. Therefore, very often you can see how next to new and beautiful window(door), a rather crooked and primitive surface is created, which completely negates any efforts. Although they have now appeared various materials, allowing you to hide any imperfections, but they require installation skills.

But there is a very simple way, namely, plastering the slopes. Despite its simplicity, it has many advantages:

  1. Low material cost.
  2. Simplicity. All work is done independently.
  3. The ability to create a harmonious part of the interior.

And despite the fact that this option has been used for many decades, it still enjoys due popularity.

Plastering slopes - simple and cheap way strengthen the wall

Why do you need to plaster slopes?

When it comes to plaster slopes? This happens when a new window or door (most often the entrance) appears in the room. Due to the work being carried out, part of the wall adjacent to the object being installed is destroyed. Therefore, this area must be brought into aesthetic compliance. But, in addition to purely decorative functions, slopes have a number of other important purposes:

  • Hiding editing elements.
  • Improving the thermal insulation of the room.
  • Protection from moisture.
  • Protection from extraneous noise.

It is worth noting that plastering window slopes and doorways are similar operations in technology, but have some differences. This is very important to take into account, otherwise some difficulties may arise.

Plaster doorways and window slopes - processes similar in technology

Tools and materials for work

Before wondering how to plaster slopes, you need to prepare necessary tool and purchase materials. For all types of work they will be identical.

You will need the following:

  • Level. You should immediately take into account that its size should be at least 1 m.
  • Rule. It is necessary to check that it has no curvature or damage to the ribs. Otherwise, it will take a very long time to level the applied solution.
  • Roulette. This device should always be at hand.
  • Bucket for mixing. In general, any convenient container will do.
  • Spatulas – wide, medium and small (trowel). They are convenient for scooping up the mixture and throwing it on required area. And also quickly correct small imperfections.
  • Large and small ironing board. They will distribute the composition and create a smooth surface.
  • Grater. It is better to select based on the plaster used.
  • Construction knife. For cutting foam.
  • Tube gun. Needed for applying sealant.
  • Pencil. It is better not to take a felt-tip pen or marker, they can leave their mark noticeable.
  • Brushes and roller. For priming and painting.

Advice! The work ahead will be top notch. Doing them standing or on a stepladder is not very convenient. If possible, it is better to make a structure like a goat. This will allow you to immediately capture large plot and do not constantly move the support.

For ease of plastering, you can use a construction “goat”

You need to be very careful when purchasing materials. It is important to consider that for different types premises will be required different mixture. How to choose the right plaster?

  1. For objects with high humidity, as well as for outdoor work, compositions that are made on the basis of cement are used.
  2. Do-it-yourself plastering of slopes inside rooms is done using gypsum mixtures.

On a note! There is a more modern acrylic material, but it is quite expensive and cannot compete with the above products in this regard. But this does not mean that it cannot be used for slopes. On the contrary, it is universal.

Additionally prepared:

  1. Polyurethane foam. In fact, it is usually not spared by the window and door installers themselves, but the opposite can also happen.
  2. Sealant in tubes. Will be needed for better sealing cracks and cut areas of foam.
  3. Primer. Binding and pore-closing solution.
  4. Corner or wooden planks. They serve as beacons.

Problems that may arise

Everything is prepared and waiting in the wings, but many nuances arise that prevent finishing the finishing work. What are the main reasons?

  • The installation of the structure itself (windows, doors) was performed poorly. Therefore, all work done by third-party specialists must be carefully accepted, and independent work must be done conscientiously from the very beginning. Otherwise, it will turn out that the plastered areas will have to be broken in order to correct the original defects.
  • The electrical cable was not taken into account. Few people pay attention, but in old houses electrical wire starts under the frame front door. Just in the corner of the slopes. It is easily damaged.
  • Temperature indicators do not meet the required values:
    • For cement mortars– above five degrees;
    • for gypsum mixtures - from ten degrees.

Therefore, you should eliminate all secondary causes, and then get to work.

Plastering window slopes

Plastering window slopes with your own hands will require a number of interrelated steps. Each must be completed completely and on time. The final quality depends on this.


Before making slopes on plaster windows, you need to perform a number of the following manipulations:

  • The required mixture is selected. The required quantity is purchased.
  • Everything unnecessary is removed. Cut off polyurethane foam. This is done flush with the window frame.
  • The old composition is being chipped away. It's better to remove it completely. Thus, there is less risk of voids and cracks.
  • All dust and dirt are erased. Can be carried out wet cleaning, but then everything should dry well. It is very convenient to use the vacuum cleaner.
  • Two layers of primer are applied. The solution is selected based on the wall material. Often this concrete slab or brick.
  • A vapor barrier is created. This is done in two ways:
    • The film is laid. It is secured with self-tapping screws or glued. It is important to achieve complete contact with the surface.
    • Coat with sealant. It's much more convenient. Do not forget that the cut foam is completely covered with silicone.

On a note! You need to work quickly with the sealant. Excess is immediately removed. The composition must be initially frost-resistant.

There is another problem with balcony window blocks. It lies in the fact that the upper part is initially made with a bend. Therefore, you will have to knock down a large area or apply a thick leveling layer (reinforcing it).

Plastering a balcony block often requires reinforcement of the upper part

Start of main work

The sequence of general actions looks like this:

  1. Preparatory work is being carried out.
  2. The window and its elements are completely covered plastic film. This is done to protect against dirt and accidental damage.
  3. Install pre-prepared corners. They will serve for additional reinforcement and also as beacons. They are measured using a level. This must be done carefully.
  4. A bar is attached that will determine the plane of application of the composition.

Installing a batten and a beacon on the window allows you to complete the job according to all the rules

Advice! For greater convenience, you can make a template. It will take into account the width of the slopes, which will make it possible to carry out work faster.


You can plaster the slopes on the windows according to the following instructions:

A rule regarding plastic windows should be added:

  • The initial work is carried out according to the instructions, but then they do the following: they carry out the angle of the spatula between the slope and the frame. A shallow groove appears.
  • It is filled with sealant. This is done in order to avoid the appearance of cracks.

Following this simple technology, it is possible to answer the exciting question: how to plaster slopes on windows. To get a more complete picture of this process, we recommend watching the video:

Features of plastering door slopes

How to plaster door slopes? This activity is different from window work. And has the following features:

  1. For high-quality execution, two rules are used.
  2. The mixture is applied according to the scheme used for window structures.
  3. It is required to install the door correctly - keeping it parallel to the floor. This will make it possible to obtain a more even slope.
  4. Be sure to install perforated corners.

Rules for plastering door slopes with your own hands

Due to the fact that work is often carried out at the entrance to the apartment, one problem arises - most of the wall surface will interact with the frame (metal or wood), which will be exposed to different temperatures. This is prevented as follows (the method is similar to that used in window blocks):

  • Plastering door slopes begins with the complete removal of the old layer (next to the frame).
  • Taken construction knife. It is placed at an angle of five degrees in the upper corner. And pressing, they lower it to the very bottom.
  • The entire treated area is primed.
  • The surface is cleaned a little and filled with sealant. It is immediately erased.

Working with the surface

Due to the fact that you have to work with large surfaces, which are often quite damaged, plastering door slopes is divided into two stages.

1. The starting coating is made:

  • the preparatory stage is carried out;
  • A layer of plaster is applied and rubbed down.

Large damage to slopes requires the application of a starting layer of plaster

2. The finishing layer is formed. Putty is great for this. They do the following:

  • Allow time for the first layer to dry completely;
  • apply a layer of primer;
  • mix putty;
  • apply a layer up to 2-3 mm thick;
  • it is rubbed with a wet spatula;
  • internal and external corners– grind, chamfer;
  • painted.

Finishing door slopes

From the above it follows that the plastering of doorways is complemented small nuances. Indeed, it may seem that they are completely insignificant, but it is their compliance that allows you to create exactly what will meet the expectation.

Bottom line

Now it’s completely clear: how to plaster and what to use to plaster the slopes. It is following the presented rules that will make the work quick and easy, and most importantly, of high quality.

How to make slopes on plaster windows? This is the question that owners of their homes face when replacing windows. The repair is not considered complete until the slopes are in order.

The article suggests learning how to plaster slopes on windows for reliable protection the entire structure from moisture and cold getting into it. Even a beginner can perform similar work, if he has a strong desire to do the repairs himself, has certain information, and does all operations carefully and carefully.

Why do we need slopes on windows, their types and features

Slopes are the part of the wall located between its corner and the window.

They are:

  • Domestic, components inner part walls.
  • External located on the outside of the building.

The functions of these elements include:

  • Giving a finished look to the window opening, which will allow it to become its decoration and emphasize the overall style of the room.
  • Hiding mounting elements.
  • Improving the thermal insulation of a room by moving the “dew point” beyond the boundaries of the room.

The very first to appear were plaster slopes, which are made by applying one or several layers of plaster, followed by covering the top layer with paint. When installing such slopes, a lot of debris and dust appear, and in terms of the timing of the work, they take quite a long time.

With the advent of new materials and technologies, plaster slopes began to be replaced by:

  • Plastic (see Finishing window slopes with plastic - installation steps). The materials for their manufacture are:
  1. plastic panel without insulation;
  2. The sandwich panel is a two-layer material and already contains insulation. This is the most warm look slopes for windows, which has the longest service life, commensurate with the service life of the metal-plastic structure itself.
  • Plasterboard. These are slopes, the material for which is moisture resistant drywall, followed by painting it in any color the customer desires. As a rule, it is chosen white. The space inside the slope, if necessary, is filled with insulation, which can be polystyrene foam or mineral wool.

The advantages of such materials:

  • Low price.
  • Speed ​​of work completion.
  • The presence of a small amount of debris and dust.

Materials and tools for work

Before plastering the slopes on the windows, you should prepare:

  • A building level, up to one meter long, but not very short, it will be inconvenient to work with.
  • Aluminum rule.
  • Roulette.
  • Containers for diluting plaster, water and primer.
  • Small spatula.
  • Master OK.
  • Ironing irons large and small.
  • Wide spatula – 45 centimeters.
  • A sponge grater for applying gypsum compounds.
  • Grater and grater for working with cement mortar.
  • Special gun for sealant.
  • Sharp construction knife.
  • Sprayer or brush for applying primer.
  • Corner profiles, window strip.
  • A simple pencil.

Tip: To work, you need to make a small goat, on which it will be more convenient to perform all operations. Do not putty from a stepladder or stool, which can be quite dangerous.

The choice of what to plaster the slopes on windows depends on the presence and level of humidity in the room and the placement of the slope - inside or outside the home:

  • In rooms where high humidity and for structures located outside, it is better to take cement compositions.
  • Work inside the room can be done with lime-gypsum or gypsum mixtures.

In addition to this you will need:

  • Polyurethane foam for blowing in cracks in the window block.
  • Primer (see Why a primer is needed: technological nuances of finishing work) of deep penetration.
  • Headdress.
  • Nitrile gloves to protect your hands from the solution.
  • Overalls.
  • Comfortable shoes.

To properly design a window, it is necessary to properly install all its elements:

  • Windowsill.
  • Window block.
  • Correct tides.
  • The slopes themselves.

How to prepare a window for plastering slopes

Before plastering the slopes on the windows, you need to:

  • Decide on the type of solution.
  • Perform priming work. The use of a primer improves the adhesion of the plaster solution to any slope base. Depending on the material of the side surfaces of the window, which can be very different, the appropriate primer mixture is selected.
  • After treatment, the surface must be completely dry.
  • Vapor barrier is being carried out. The end elements on the room side are covered with a vapor barrier film or applied to them. silicone sealant. In the absence of this stage, over time the foam will become wet from condensation, which will disrupt its thermal insulation properties, it may begin to crumble and collapse, this will lead to fogging of the window, which will cause a draft.