How to properly place a refrigerator in the kitchen interior. How to successfully place a refrigerator in a small kitchen: simple solutions to a complex problem Options for placing a refrigerator in kitchen furniture

Recently, more and more often in apartments, kitchen areas are allotted less area. Although it should be noted that a small kitchen, with a variety of layout options and interiors, is more of a plus than a minus. Her space is easy to organize so that it becomes practical and comfortable. However, many housewives are concerned about the question of where to put them in a small room. modern refrigerator, which can sometimes reach considerable sizes.

Work triangle rules

Before you quickly set up your kitchen, you should familiarize yourself with the working triangle rule. Unfortunately, not everyone knows him. But it really works and improves the functionality of the kitchen. It is very simple to arrange pieces of furniture and household appliances linearly, but it is very difficult to call such a solution rational. It is important that the refrigerator becomes an integral part of the triangle.

Moreover, even in a small area, it is appropriate to adhere to this rule, despite the ridiculous distances between work areas.

First of all, you should make sure that there are no obstacles on the way to the refrigerator, for example, a table or any other pieces of furniture. Between the contacting zones it is necessary to maintain a distance of 60 to 120 cm. If the recommended parameters are not maintained, the cooking process often becomes a real torment, and not a pleasant experience. It is advisable that work in the kitchen proceed according to the following principle:

  • food is taken from the refrigerator;
  • then they are sent for washing or directly to the worktop;
  • then they should be sent to the stove, which should preferably be placed near the countertop;
  • It is appropriate to place ready-made dishes immediately on the table at which the meal takes place.

Another important point is to have a place next to the refrigerator for unpacking grocery bags. This makes the job easier and faster.

Of course, creating a perfect (isosceles) work triangle in the kitchen is quite difficult. Practice shows that other planning solutions are most often used.

  • Layout option in the form of the letter “L” implies the location of the refrigerator together with the kitchen unit so as to create an L-shaped environment. You can also install the unit on the opposite wall from cabinets installed in an L-shape.

  • 2 row layout involves placing a sink, cooking stove and worktop along one wall, and a refrigeration unit and other cabinets along the other. This allows you not to violate the working triangle rule.

  • U-shaped option placement allows you to occupy, in addition to two walls, a third, for example, with a sink.

  • Island layout makes it possible to place the work table in the center of the kitchen. However, it is difficult to use this solution in a small kitchen.

It is worth remembering that the countertop surface should be located between the storage, washing and cooking areas. This will not only improve work area, but will also separate the sink and electrical appliances.

Where to put the refrigerator?

Before moving on to the most convenient places to install the refrigerator, when the kitchen is small, you should familiarize yourself with the list of those where it is better not to install this household appliance.

  • The first option has already been mentioned earlier - in one row with the stove and sink.
  • Near electrical appliances such as dishwashers or washing machines. This may cause the refrigerator to overheat. Minimum distance from the cooling device to the powerful electrical appliances should be about 15-20 cm.
  • Near the radiator, cooking stove or close to the walls. It is important that the rear panel of the refrigeration device is well ventilated so as not to cause a disruption in heat transfer.
  • Items household appliances cannot be placed next to the sink. The water source is clearly not “friendly” with them. Moisture that gets on the contact can cause a short circuit, which can lead to a fire.
  • A location too far from the front door will make unloading groceries difficult.
  • Placing it close to the dining table will make it difficult to open the refrigerator doors. It's not a good idea to move chairs every time.
  • Installing a refrigerator separately, for example, in the middle of the kitchen area next to the island, is also undesirable, otherwise a heavy atmosphere may be created in the room.

It is very convenient to place a refrigerator in the corner of a small kitchen, especially if it has a window.

In this case, it merges with the surfaces and becomes less noticeable. It is worth emphasizing that this location solution is the most popular.

However, installation in a corner is possible if the wall length is 5 meters or more. Then it becomes possible to place the sink, work surface, cooking stove and refrigerator in one row.

Another solution when installing a refrigerator in a corner is to place it under the surface of the countertop. Of course, this is appropriate for small dimensions of the refrigeration device. As a result of implementation this option It will be possible to expand the work surface and simplify work in the kitchen. Often the refrigerator is located at the very entrance to the kitchen. This technique is even used for zoning space. After all, this is how the refrigeration device becomes an additional partition. You can place it either to the right or to the left of the entrance, as it will not stand out too much, especially if you choose a refrigerator in light colors.

Small area allows you to choose convenient location for a refrigerator - in the same plane as other pieces of furniture.

You can also integrate a refrigeration unit into furniture to create a uniform surface and visually expand the kitchen area. However, the latter option requires mandatory consideration of the working triangle rule. It is also possible to place the refrigeration unit in doorway. This is done as follows - the old opening is sealed, and new door organized in the partition wall between the kitchen and living area. This setting is especially appropriate in Khrushchev-era buildings to expand the space of small kitchens.

It is worth clarifying, before embarking on such an improvement in the kitchen space, whether the wall is permanent. You may need to complete all the necessary paperwork for this procedure. Another place for a refrigerator is under the facade.

It is best if it is close to the cutting table or sink. Although convenient solution allows you to quickly get used to it.

Installation in a niche made of plasterboard will be an excellent option if you want the refrigeration unit not to stand out too much from the background of kitchen utensils. In addition, this option is characterized by increased practicality, since less dust and direct dust will fall on the refrigerator. sun rays. Making a niche is quite simple from aluminum profile and a couple of sheets of drywall. In this case, you can arrange niches above the refrigerator or attach vertical cabinets to the side, if space allows.

Sometimes the kitchen is so small that you have to install a refrigerator in the hallway. To do this, you should remove the door that separates the kitchen from another room to avoid unnecessary confusion with a bunch of doors. If desired, and if the layout allows, you can leave the door to the kitchen simply open. If there is a storage room in the hallway, then it would be appropriate to place the refrigerator there.

Of course, it is better to leave this option as a last resort, since running to another room for groceries is not very convenient.

If the kitchen area is small in size, and there is also a gas water heater installed in it, then the placement of the refrigerator can become even more bigger problem. In this case, it is necessary to carefully measure every centimeter of the area. It is important to note that the refrigeration unit, like other electrical household appliances, cannot be installed close to the column. Safety rules state that it is necessary to maintain a distance of 0.4-0.5 meters. It is also prohibited to independently move the column to another location; this is done only after obtaining special permission. An excellent option for a kitchen with a gas water heater would be to locate the refrigerator directly under the water heater. This is appropriate since the bottom of the speaker does not heat up.

Subtleties of kitchen layout with furniture

Corner kitchen sets represent a convenient and fully formed working space. Often, they already include a refrigerator and all that remains is to place everything according to the rules of the triangle, that is, on one side there is space for work, and on the other, for eating. If the refrigeration unit is very bulky, then it is better to install it at one of the vertices of the working triangle, that is, at the window or at the entrance.

It is worth noting that corner furniture is distinguished not only by its small size, but also by its spaciousness.

Such furniture allows you to use all the corners that are usually not taken into account in standard models of kitchen sets. For getting extra space you can use the rotary pull-out shelves. Corner kits for non-standard kitchen areas kitchen furniture may not be suitable, for example, a narrow and long space. Some housewives note the inconvenience of working with a sink, which is located in the corner.

Built-in furniture, including a refrigerator, is the optimal solution for a small kitchen space. It is best if the size of the refrigeration unit is small, for the most necessary things. This option is better suited for those who live in an apartment and can constantly buy more groceries.

Placing household appliances in the kitchen can become a headache, especially if the area of ​​the room is very modest. There are several options for how to fit a refrigerator into the kitchen interior without losing functionality.

Kitchen layout and zoning

A small part of the apartments can boast of having a separate dining room. Most often on modern kitchen Work and eating areas coexist peacefully. Naturally, the main part of the room is allocated for work space.

To create a comfortable environment, it is important to properly organize the room, come up with a layout of areas for storing, cutting and preparing food. That's why modern furniture for the kitchen is available in the form of modules that can be easily arranged in a variety of configurations.

Corner layout

This arrangement is most convenient for arranging a “working triangle”. It fits the room perfectly square shape. Although we must admit that this option looks organic in any area. The exception is very narrow kitchen. As a rule, the dining area or soft corner is arranged separately, and they do not interfere with movement in the work area.

The most popular option for arranging kitchens.


This layout is functional and appropriate in small kitchens (up to 8 sq. m).

An important requirement is that the distance between the parallel ends of the furniture must be at least 1.5 m. As a rule, the dining group is placed on one of the sides. In this case, the table can serve as an additional work surface. In spacious rooms, the small side is designed as a bar counter, although the fashion for this type of layout is on the decline.


With this option, the entire work area is lined up along one wall. Direct layout is most often found in Khrushchev or small apartments. From an ergonomic point of view, this is not the most convenient option for the location of the refrigerator, stove and sink.

Therefore, if the size of the room allows, an island is additionally installed in such a kitchen.

The linear arrangement of the kitchen looks great in compact and spacious rooms.


In kitchens with a large area (more than 12-15 sq. m), the combination of an island (structure in the center) and a U- or L-shaped work area is popular. This is certainly a spectacular placement of furniture and appliances. It’s just important to install them correctly so that there are no difficulties when using the equipment and furniture.

The filling of the island can be very diverse: stove/sink, stove/bar counter, sink/bar counter), built-in appliances (refrigerators, Dishwasher), drawers and open storage systems.

Ideas for placing a refrigerator in the kitchen

The arrangement of the kitchen space and the location of all pieces of furniture and equipment are determined by the size of the room. The refrigerator is the largest item, so small area It can be difficult to install it comfortably. To find the most rational decision and figuring out how to hide a refrigerator in the kitchen, you need to consider several ways to install it.

In a niche

Similar option the location can be called optimal. In a niche, equipment gets less dirty and is reliably protected from accidental mechanical damage and sunlight.

It is only important to ensure correct connection. The size of the box must be sufficient for its free installation. If there is excess space left, then fashionable flat cabinets can be installed on the side. Storage systems are well placed above the equipment.

An example of how to rationally use niches.

Built-in refrigerator

This method cannot be called a new product, but it is gaining more and more fans. And this is not surprising! Built-in bulky equipment does not stand out against the background of furniture and easily fits into the interior of any style.

A good solution is to build a refrigerator under the countertop. Of course, such compact equipment is suitable for a young married couple without children or single people.

More modern idea– install separate freezing and refrigerating chambers. They do not necessarily have to be next to each other and can be located in different places in the kitchen.

Small refrigerator under the window

In old houses there are niches built under the window sill. These boxes were intended for winter storage products and conservation. Nowadays, these systems are rarely left in their original form, as there are several problems:

  • there are constant drafts due to poor fit of the doors;
  • Due to the through hole, in severe frosts the food in the refrigerator freezes and the doors become covered with frost.

In small kitchens it is unwise to completely isolate such street system storage The solution to the problem is to insulate the walls of the box with penoplex or isofol. Through hole covered with a louvered metal grille (easy to regulate the flow of outside air). Install metal-plastic doors.

An updated version of an old outdoor refrigerator.

Installation in a corner

This method of arranging a refrigerator in the kitchen is most often found in small rooms (brezhnevkas), where you have to save every centimeter of space. Usually it is installed with a linear arrangement of kitchen furniture. A place in the corner is allocated near the window, while a cutting table or small cabinet separates the refrigerator from the sink/stove or hob. But we must take into account that if the window opening is close, the equipment may block the window.

An important detail when placing equipment in corners is that the depth of the refrigerator and countertops/cabinets should be approximately the same.

Refrigerator by the door

There are often interiors where the refrigerator in the kitchen is installed right next to the doorway. There may be several reasons for this:

  • The “dead zone” near the door has sufficient area for installing equipment (in kitchens more than 9 sq. m). Naturally, this arrangement of the unit should not interfere with the free entry of residents.
  • In studio apartments, the refrigerator visually separates the kitchen and marks the beginning of the living room area. Since in this case the equipment is clearly visible, it is advisable to install a refrigerator in the kitchen with an original design.
  • The space of the room visually looks free, since equipment is a rather large item.

Popular location of the refrigerator at the entrance

It is not recommended to consider this option for apartments where kitchens have an elongated shape. Or the corridor leading to the kitchenette is quite narrow. Disadvantages of installation: sometimes you have to abandon the door or the doorway needs to be expanded/moved.

Outside the kitchen

Owners of very small kitchens (5 sq. m. or 6 sq. m.) are forced to use this method. An acceptable solution to the problem is to have a storage room/niche in the corridor where equipment is placed. This is also an excellent option when arranging a studio apartment.

Non-standard design technique designing a kitchen with a free-standing refrigerator - installing equipment directly into the furniture located in the hallway. In this case, select a unit with a beautiful bright design doors. Silver or black models also look impressive. An original solution will disguise the refrigerator - paint the doors in a color that matches the shade of the furniture.

Is it possible to install a refrigerator on the balcony?

There are no direct prohibitions on placing equipment on a loggia or balcony. According to the manufacturers' recommendations, the units should be operated in rooms with an air temperature in the range of 16-32˚C.

That's why low temperatures and extreme heat in summer significantly reduce the life of the equipment. And the refrigerators that stand on open balconies, rust due to periodic high humidity and precipitation during bad weather

Other ideas

A non-standard option is to install equipment under the stairs. Usually the space is “sewn up” and used as a storage room. When installing a refrigerator, it is necessary to provide heat dissipation equipment, since it will quickly overheat in blind niches.

Gray refrigerator in the kitchen

The original location of the refrigerator under the stairs

Owners of spacious kitchens with islands cannot complain about the lack of space or limited storage space. However, the abundance of square meters is not a reason to use them irrationally. Therefore, drawers built into the island are often used to accommodate small refrigerators in the kitchen.

Sometimes the unit is simply installed in a closet located in the hallway or corridor. In this case, the equipment is covered with a regular door leaf.

Refrigerator for a small kitchen

Placing a kitchen set, appliances and a dining group in a small area (about 7 sq. m) is a very difficult task. And I also want everything to be not just “at hand,” but also to create a cozy atmosphere. Therefore, you should know how to place a refrigerator in a small kitchen. The optimal solution to the problem is to install equipment of suitable sizes.

Narrow models

The 45-55 cm wide refrigerator is designed specifically for small apartments. As a rule, a decrease in one indicator is compensated by an increase in another. Therefore, such models are produced with a height of 1.5-1.85 m. You can look for a lower refrigerator, but these types are assembled without a freezer, so you will have to separately install a freezing chamber.

Corner kitchen with narrow refrigerator

The small size of the equipment does not affect convenience - the internal content is represented by different compartments. Thanks to their unusual arrangement, it is easy to arrange a wide variety of products.

Non-standard models

Separate refrigerators and freezers deserve special attention. How to install such refrigerators in a small kitchen? They are usually placed under the worktop - this is an excellent place when there is a lack of space. A small camera can be installed in a niche at any height. There is another option - placing the refrigerator above a drawer or washing machine.

Unexpected placement of a refrigerator in a niche

Built-in models are hidden by furniture facades, and this option is appreciated by true aesthetes. An important requirement is that the dimensions must correspond to the dimensions of the niche. Therefore, it is recommended to order furniture after purchasing equipment.

Small refrigerators

Such equipment is most often found in small kitchens. Small models 40-45 cm deep will fit perfectly into compact room. With them the problem of how to place the refrigerator in the kitchen will be solved. As a rule, these are single-door models up to 1.5 m high, with a freezer located at the top. The volume of such equipment is very modest; it is suitable for single people or a young family.

When looking for a place for a refrigerator in the kitchen, it is important to fit it organically into the interior and not lose freedom of movement and a comfortable approach to appliances.

The refrigerator is an integral part of the kitchen space, like a sink or stove. If the kitchen is too small, then the owners are faced with the important question of how to properly place the refrigerator in such a room so that it does not create inconvenience.

The main problem is that even a modest-sized refrigerator takes up a considerable part of the space in the kitchen. In addition, this very large piece of furniture visually reduces the already cramped kitchen space.

However, there is no need to fall into despair. There are several ways to properly place a refrigerator in a small kitchen so that the room remains comfortable and convenient.

Where can you install a refrigerator in a small kitchen - the best options

In one of the corners of the kitchen— so that the refrigerator does not visually clutter the room and does not interfere with household members, designers advise installing it in the farthest free corner. This technique will make the refrigerator less noticeable, in addition, it will visually raise the low ceiling.

It is better to place all large items against the wall - this also applies to the refrigerator. As a rule, on each one, even the one itself, there is a corner, one of the walls of which goes into the work area, and the second is adjacent to the window.

The distance from the window to the walls can be very different, but this is the place that will be most convenient for placing the refrigerator.

The main thing is that household members will not have to constantly trip over the refrigerator. If you also choose the right dimensions for the size of the room, it will take up quite a bit of space.

If you decide to place the refrigerator in a corner, it is recommended to buy the tallest and narrowest model.

It is advisable that it be light - white or in a metallic color, then the room will not seem cramped. To save even more space, you can place a microwave oven right above the refrigerator in the corner.

Refrigerator installed near the kitchen window- this method of placement is most often chosen when the kitchen has. A refrigerator standing separately by the window is located close to the work surface, so it is quite convenient to use it while preparing food.

At the same time, it does not clutter up the kitchen and leaves quite a lot of free space in it. It is important to choose a tall and narrow model that will need to be pushed as tightly as possible against the wall.

Another option is a small refrigerator near the window, above which there is a wall cabinet for storing dishes or other utensils.

Refrigerator installed near the sink— often near the sink there is a fairly spacious “dead” zone in which nothing stands. There is also a free corner or niche. It’s worth taking a closer look at this place, because a refrigerator installed there can completely transform a small room.

With this layout option, the rest of the space will look lighter and more spacious. To enhance the effect, you can use light furniture and the same finishing materials.

To make it easier to find space for a refrigerator in a small kitchen area, designers advise getting rid of some bulky and rarely used kitchen appliances- it can be replaced with a more compact one.

For example, it is worth choosing an oven with a steamer function and microwave oven. A massive food processor can be easily replaced with a regular one immersion blender. A full-fledged dining area can easily be arranged in the living room, and in the kitchen itself a light and compact replacement can be installed.

Refrigerator near the front door- this is another pretty one popular place for the location of the refrigerator. Depending on which one was chosen, either a spacious corner or a flat wall can be formed there.

Both options are great for installing a refrigerator. The main thing is to combine it correctly with the rest of the furniture, in particular with the set. In general, designers advise making furniture for small kitchens to order.

This approach makes it possible to use each square meter without leaving any gap between household appliances and cabinets.

Location of the refrigerator in a niche- this option is one of the most practical and convenient. In the niche, the refrigerator is partially protected from sunlight, household pollution and mechanical influences. You just need to strictly follow the rules for connecting a household appliance, and make sure that nothing prevents the doors from opening freely.

When installing a small refrigerator, you can take up the free space above the shelves or cabinets to store dishes, seasonings, and kitchen utensils.

If the niche provided technical documents, is missing, then it is quite possible to equip it yourself, after consulting with an architect. It is possible that such redevelopment will require approval from government agencies.

Advice! If there is no air circulation in the niche, the refrigerator may overheat, and this will disrupt its normal operation. As a rule, manufacturers indicate in the instructions minimum dimensions niche required for embedding.

Installing a refrigerator under the windowsill- this option should be chosen if the kitchen is really very small, and if no more than two people live in the apartment, for whom there is no need to store large supplies of food.

A compact refrigerator can be placed directly under the windowsill, which serves as a dining table or work table.

Installing an undercounter refrigerator- if you live in an apartment small family, you can safely buy a small refrigerator. It can be perfectly positioned directly under the work surface table top, under dining table, under the bar counter or in another similar place in the kitchen.

As a rule, the height of such a refrigerator does not exceed 50 cm. This model does not have a freezer, so it takes up very little space. To store frozen fruits and vegetables, you can purchase a separate freezer and install it outside the kitchen - for example, in a pantry.

Installing a refrigerator in a closet- to implement such an idea, it is worth ordering a kitchen set made to individual standards, with the possibility of integrating a refrigerator into it. The household appliance itself should be small or medium in size, then it will fit perfectly into the interior.

This is a great way to save as much kitchen space as possible and make it more ergonomic and functional. The refrigerator can be located in the upper compartment of the cabinet, then you will not need to bend over to it to get certain products.

Refrigerator located on the balcony- this option can be ideal if certain conditions are met:

  • The kitchen area must be insulated as much as possible, otherwise placing a refrigerator in it is prohibited.
  • Required good ventilation balcony
  • The loggia itself must be reinforced and easily support the considerable weight of a large refrigerator.
  • The refrigerator should not be constantly exposed to direct sunlight.
  • It should be remembered that it is prohibited to place sockets on the balcony, so when connecting the refrigerator you will have to use an extension cord.

Installing a refrigerator in the hallway- this option can be used if it was not possible to find a place in the kitchen, and the existing corridor adjacent to the kitchen is quite spacious for this. It is important to place the refrigerator in such a way that it does not interfere with the movement of family members around the home.

Its door should open freely without bumping into foreign objects. Another suitable place to install a refrigerator is a small closet or pantry.

How to design a small kitchen with a refrigerator

When arranging a small kitchen, you need to be guided, first of all, by the issue of convenience. You cannot buy bulky furniture that will clutter up an already cramped room.

IN in this case Only or type of layout is ideal. To expand the space a little, you can combine the kitchen with a balcony.

Furniture for a small kitchen should be chosen depending on the style of the interior. For rooms whose interior is made in traditional styles, sets made of natural wood or chipboard are suitable.

The color of such furniture can be white, beige, or any pastel shades. Setting up a small kitchen in modern styles, you should pay attention to furniture made from lightweight synthetic materials.

An abundance of metal, glossy surfaces and glass is welcome - they help to visually increase the space.

As for household appliances, their choice depends only on the taste preferences of the owner of the kitchen. In any case, it is better to choose comfortable and practical models, which fit perfectly into any style - this also applies to the refrigerator.

For modern interiors, retro-style household appliances are suitable; for other interiors, you can choose modern options refrigerator in white, light gray or metallic color.

You can simply hide the refrigerator behind the facade of the furniture. The ideal solution For a small kitchen there will be a small built-in refrigerator.

Advice! The main rule that should be followed when planning a small kitchen is to abandon furniture that you can completely do without. There is no place for sideboards, chests of drawers, decorative bedside tables and numerous shelves - it would be better if something like this takes their place necessary thing like a refrigerator...

Most consumers consider buying a refrigerator a very serious task and approach it very thoughtfully, wanting to be fully informed about the product they are purchasing when choosing such expensive equipment.

When we go shopping in search of a new refrigerator, we often come across such an offer as a built-in model, or a refrigerator built into a kitchen unit. This option looks very attractive and is convenient when decorating a kitchen space in a single style decision, although somewhat unusual for domestic consumers.

Features of the models

Already based on the name, it becomes clear that this refrigerator model should be organically built into the kitchen furniture and be as inconspicuous as possible. However, you cannot take an ordinary refrigerator and hide it in a niche of the kitchen unit, since this will not take into account some important points:

  1. Dimensions kitchen furniture and ordinary household refrigerator must match;
  2. Refrigerator operating in a closed recess, must have special design features, otherwise it will quickly fail;
  3. For normal operation built-in refrigerator a special ventilation system is required, which is supplied with the unit.

In order for an integrated refrigerator model to operate flawlessly, it must be significantly different from a conventional one. In particular, the compressor in such models is located at the top, and the thickness of the housing walls is noticeably increased.

Another important difference is that the design of such a unit requires appropriate fittings and Wall panels, installed on the doors.

Installation of an integrated refrigerator must be carried out by specialists who will take into account all the nuances of the design and coordinate them with the requirements of safe operation.

A built-in refrigerator will make it possible to make your kitchen truly unique, but when choosing it, you need to take into account all the pros and cons, one of which may be the fact that the price tag for these models significantly exceeds the cost of a free-standing model with equivalent functions.


Location in the kitchen interior

In accordance with design solution, the refrigerator can be completely built into the kitchen unit, dissolving into the interior. In another option, it can be only partially hidden, being “recessed” into a niche between cabinets, or in the corner part of the kitchen, separated by a partition.

In the first case, they are installed on the refrigerator doors decorative facades, completely matching the design of the kitchen furniture. Typically, such panels are made to order, taking into account all the features of the refrigerator, which may be multi-chamber and will require a particularly precise fit to the dimensions.

A much simpler option would be to install a refrigeration cabinet in a kitchen unit cabinet that is suitable in size. This can usually be done with a single-compartment refrigerator that does not have a freezer compartment.

Three types of door designs are possible when installing a built-in refrigerator:

  1. The refrigerator itself is built into the cabinet body, but its door protrudes about 5 cm, it does not have any decorative overlays;
  2. The protruding door is lined with decorative panels, but saves original pens and along the contours the lines of the metallized surface of the refrigerator are noticeable;
  3. Fully integrated refrigerator, the door of which completely merges with the surface standing nearby cabinets

A kitchen layout in which the refrigerator is located behind a partition is convenient in terms of saving space.

In this case, the question does not arise whether it is possible to place an oven next to it, since a furniture wall with a frame will serve as a delimiter and protect both appliances from affecting each other.

When installing a small refrigerator, for example, in a taller Kitchen Cabinet, you can arrange it next to a microwave mounted on top, hiding both household appliances.


In order for the kitchen design to be consistent in style, when installing a built-in refrigerator, you need to decide which type to choose.

Usually the choice is between modules and a full-fledged unit, including both refrigeration and freezer cabinets.

Free-standing modules can be:

  1. Freezer;
  2. Refrigerator without freezer;
  3. Wine cabinet.

The advantages of using modules are obvious. When using them, you can choose the size and location of the blocks in the kitchen. In this case, the freezer and refrigerator are located independently.

Installing modules makes it possible to significantly lighten the kitchen interior by getting rid of bulky vertical cabinets. This is especially important for small kitchen spaces.

Along with simple modules, there are designer options with pull-out shelves and drawers. It is worth paying attention to the wine cabinet, which is unfamiliar to domestic consumers. Hidden behind swinging doors, it provides a convenient and luxurious "cellar" for storing wine.

For those who want to install a full-fledged refrigeration unit, there are also combi models of different configurations.

The freezer may have a top or bottom position, or be located on the side, for example, in models " Side by Side". In the case where the size of the kitchen and the owner's income allow, such a voluminous and convenient appliance as " Family Hub", also called " smart refrigerator».

Volume and parameters

What size model to choose depends largely on the location of the kitchen furniture. When creating a kitchen from scratch, of course, you can give free rein to your imagination and creative thought. However, even in this case, you have to take into account the parameters of refrigerated cabinets offered on the market. You can order furniture to fit the size of a specific refrigerator, but, unfortunately, it is not possible reverse process, That's why It is advisable to select a refrigerator before ordering a kitchen set.

Built-in refrigerators with freezers are:

  1. With bottom freezer volume 259 l (177 x 55.9 x 54.4 cm);
  2. With two bottom freezers volume 566 l (177 x 111.8 x 54.4 cm);
  3. Multi-chamber volume 406 l (179.8 x 60 x 65.6 cm)

Built-in single-compartment refrigerator with freezer compartment:

  1. Mini fridge volume 131 l (82 x 59.8 x 54.8 cm);
  2. Volume 189 l(121.8 x 54 x 54.9 cm);
  3. Volume 249 l(139.5 x 55.9 x 54.4 cm);
  4. Volume 320 l(177 x 55.9 x 54.4 cm).

Built-in wine cabinets offered in many variations:

  1. Volume 22 l(86.5 x 14.5 x 42.5 cm);
  2. Having a volume of 95 l(81.6-86.6 x 59.7 x 57.1cm);
  3. Volume 127 l(45.5 x 59x 55.5 cm);
  4. Maximum volume 195 l(121.8 x 55.7 x 55 cm)

From these characteristics it can be seen that the height of the built-in refrigeration technology does not exceed 2 meters for tall models and 900 mm. for compact ones.

Number of cameras

Very often, a single-door unit is chosen as a built-in refrigerator, since it is easier to cover its door with finishing panels.

Available with top or bottom freezer. There are also multi-chamber models, the arrangement of cameras in which can be both classic and horizontal.

Installation Features

Judging by user reviews, built-in models not only look more aesthetically pleasing, but also work quieter than their free-standing “brothers.” First of all, this is due to technical characteristics for this category of refrigerators, but the fact that the device is hidden in the depths of the kitchen furniture is also important.

There are 2 installation options:

  1. Partial, in which the device is installed in a decorative niche. At the same time, it is convenient to use the factory door, especially if it is equipped with a touch screen and an ice maker.
  2. Full embedding option, in which the device completely merges with the kitchen set.

It must be remembered that any built-in equipment requires a nearby outlet; the use of extension cords in this case is absolutely unacceptable.

It is not recommended to install a built-in refrigerator yourself, because if the installation technology is violated, the factory warranty for the device will no longer apply.

Main features of installation of built-in refrigerators:

  1. Cannot be installed directly on the floor: to ensure ventilation, there must be a grille at the bottom of the device;
  2. The base is left partially open;
  3. They do not install the back panel close to the wall;
  4. Leave on the sides about 7 cm;
  5. Fastening decorative panels It is more reliable to make connections to the door on hinges than on guide rails.

Control type

Built-in models may differ in the type of control.

  1. Most easy to use will electronic control . The display can be either touch or push-button, but in any case all indicators of the device’s operation are reflected on it. This type of control is suitable for incomplete installation, preserving the factory appearance of the doors.
  2. Mechanical control, which is also called semi-automatic, this is due to the fact that most parameters are set by the device itself, but the user can adjust some parameters independently.
  3. Manual control, which is expressed in the installation temperature regime freezer.

Energy consumption

The energy consumption class is indicated on a sticker attached to the wall of the device. The most economical device is the one marked with the letter A. The more advantages are indicated, the higher its efficiency. Premium class models have an A+++ rating (allow you to save 50% on normal costs electricity), budget units are usually marked A+, which also provides sufficient energy savings (from 40% to 30%).

You should not purchase equipment with an energy consumption class lower than B.

Climate class

For stable operation of equipment, there is such a characteristic as climate class. It means in what temperature conditions and at what humidity the operation of this device is permissible.

Russia is included in the zone belonging to the middle climate class. For this class, normal operating conditions are considered to be an external temperature of +10 to +32 degrees Celsius.

Accordingly, the marking of devices should be in the range from N to SN, or N-SN.

Defrosting chambers

The type of defrosting of the freezer and refrigerator compartments is one of the most important characteristics of the device. Currently there are 3 options:

  1. Manual defrost, in which you need to turn off the power supply and wait until the ice “coat” frozen on the walls of the refrigerator melts;
  2. "Direct Cool" or a drip defrosting system, in which condensate freezing on the walls thaws automatically after a certain period of time, after which it flows in the form of drops into a tray, from where it is then evaporated by a running compressor;
  3. "No Frost" also called wind or frost-free technology. This is carried out thanks to the presence of an evaporator and constant air ventilation, which leaves all microparticles of ice formed during freezing when passing through the evaporator. This dries the air, and the remaining ice crystals melt and flow into the tray.

Noise level

The characteristics of any refrigerator indicate the noise level it produces during operation. In Russia, there is GOST 16317-87, which sets the maximum permissible value of refrigerator hum to no more than 53 dB.

Devices with the " No Frost"noise ranges from 44 to 47 dB. Operation of the unit with a manual or drip defrosting system will be quieter: 34-42 dB.

additional characteristics

In addition to the defrost mode, important points that you should pay attention to when purchasing a built-in refrigerator are:

  1. Availability of a "freshness zone"" and its parameters (humidity and temperature);
  2. Additional modes freezing and cooling;
  3. Antibacterial treatment coating;
  4. Possibility to rehang doors;
  5. Availability of " vacation».
  6. Does the device require with ice maker connected to water supply.

Price and brand

Since the demand for built-in refrigerator models is constantly growing, almost all major manufacturers of household appliances produce them. To choose a good option, it is worth reviewing the best brands.

Beko offers two options on the Russian market:

  1. Two-chamber refrigerator with bottom freezer chamber Veko CBI 7771, volume 243 l, refrigerator compartment with drip defrosting system, NoFrost freezer, freshness zone, antibacterial coating and reversible doors. Dimensions 177 cm/53.5 cm/54 cm Average price 39,000 rubles.
  2. Freezer Veko BU 1200 HCA, having a volume of 87 l, electronic control, manual defrosting system. Dimensions 82 cm/54.5 cm/59.8 cm. Price from 18,000 rubles.

Hansa offers a built-in model of a refrigerator with a bottom freezer HANSA BK 316.3 volume 273 l, manual defrosting, mechanical control. Dimensions 177.6 cm/54 cm/54 cm, average price 26,000 rubles.

In order for the refrigerator in the kitchen to look as harmonious as possible, it is necessary to position it correctly, taking into account other existing furniture in the room. Don’t forget about convenience - when cooking, it’s not very convenient for a housewife to run between the stove, refrigerator and sink if they are located at a great distance from each other. Also, the location of the refrigerator is influenced by such factors as the size of the room, the height of its ceilings, the location of doors and window openings and much more. All these features are taken into account when designing a kitchen design. Let's look at the main options for placing a refrigerator in the kitchen, and you will choose the one that is right for you.

Ways to locate refrigerators

The refrigerator in the kitchen interior can be positioned as follows:

  • Linear

With this placement option, refrigeration equipment is installed on the same line with other household appliances, both on one side of it and on the other, along the wall. Important rule, which must be observed - do not place the refrigerator too close to a gas or electric stove or by washing, so as not to disturb its operation.

With a linear arrangement, the refrigerator can be either built-in or free-standing. In the first case, it is driven under a niche in the furniture, in the second, it is placed at one or the other end of the kitchen set.

  • Angle

This placement option is most often used when the kitchen has small sizes. If the furniture set is corner, then place the refrigerator at the entrance to the kitchen, or near the window next to the cabinets, or in a niche specially designated for it.

  • Non-standard placement

Non-standard placement involves installing a refrigerator in the kitchen without regard to the rule of the working triangle, in which food processing, washing and storage areas are located at a certain distance from each other, usually no less than 1.2 m and no more than 2.7 m. Non-standard placement refrigeration equipment possible only in the case of a spacious kitchen. In small rooms, the rule of work zones remains the same.

  • Installation in a niche

This type of installation of the refrigerator implies the presence of a niche in the kitchen unit. If you are planning this installation option, you must order a kitchen with a niche in advance and taking into account the size of the refrigerator. To prevent it from breaking quickly, you need to ensure sufficient air circulation - be sure to leave gaps between the walls of the refrigerator and the kitchen furniture.

The refrigerator cannot be installed:

  1. Near electrical or gas stove, heating radiators. This will cause the equipment to malfunction;
  2. Near a window through which the refrigerator body will be regularly heated by sunlight for a long time;
  3. In a room where the air humidity is more than 80% ( optimal temperature air for equipment operation – 14-35C).

A few words about built-in refrigerators

Built-in refrigerators allow you to effectively use kitchen space and at the same time make the interior even more elegant and attractive. Compared to separately standing models they have certain advantages:

  1. They don't change appearance headset;
  2. More economical due to the presence of additional thermal insulation of the walls;
  3. Not so noisy when working;
  4. They do not require taking into account most parameters when choosing. It makes no difference what design the refrigerator is, how it looks in the interior;
  5. Protected from mechanical damage;
  6. There is no need to think about how to hide a refrigerator in the kitchen.

Among the disadvantages of built-in refrigerators are the following:

  1. Smaller freezer and refrigerator sizes;
  2. Great cost.

Built-in units can be thermoelectric, compression, or absorption. Thermoelectric models are highly reliable, operate effectively under overloads, and continue to efficiently cope with their tasks even in an inverted state, which other devices cannot boast of.

Compression refrigerators are the most common today. They are economical, inexpensive, reliable, easy to operate, and are more likely to inject cold. Their disadvantages are noise during operation (the quietest models are those with a linear compressor).

Absorption built-in refrigerators are silent, durable, and can operate on another type of energy carrier - gas or liquid fuel. But in terms of functionality, they are inferior to the models discussed above, and their operation is more expensive.

Refrigerators can be either partially or fully built-in. In the first case, the appliance doors remain visible, in the second they are completely hidden by the cabinet doors, while sometimes there are windows left in them for air access or the removal of the working panel.

Refrigerator in a small kitchen

If kitchen area is very small, and installing the refrigerator outside is impossible, you can proceed as follows:

  1. Install a built-in stove instead of a conventional stove (electric or gas) and place a refrigerator in its place;
  2. Change the kitchen set with the possibility of placing a built-in refrigerator;
  3. Buy a mini-fridge, for example a tabletop one or 50-60 centimeters high, which can be placed under the table;
  4. Remove the stove from the kitchen, replace it with a multicooker, microwave.

How to choose a classic refrigerator?

In order for the products to always be maintained in the required condition, and to use the refrigerator conveniently, you need to know the technical characteristics of the equipment, which you should pay attention to when purchasing it.

Number of cameras

The ease of use of the equipment will depend on the number of cameras. There are refrigerators with one, two and big amount cameras Single-chamber models are available with and without a freezer. It is located at the top and is part of a household device (does not have a separate door).

In two-chamber models, the refrigerator compartment has its own door and is located both at the bottom and at the top. The bottom location of the freezer compartment is the most common and convenient to use. There are refrigerators in which the chambers are located not vertically, but horizontally, this is also convenient. Such models are wider and more spacious.

Multi-compartment refrigerators are convenient because they allow you to most effectively manage the process of freezing and defrosting food. One chamber can be used for quick freezing, another for heating, and the third can be a freshness zone for fruits and vegetables. The more chambers a refrigerator has, the more expensive it is. The choice of model depends on the individual preferences of the owners.

Refrigerator size

A kitchen refrigerator must have optimal sizes. Even before purchasing, you need to clearly understand where in the kitchen it will be installed. The most popular models remain two-chamber ones, with a height of one and a half to two meters. Their width is usually 50-60 centimeters, depth - 60 cm. When purchasing, remember that the width of the refrigerator does not always allow you to “push” it into the kitchen due to the narrow doorway.

Refrigerator volume

Pay attention to the usable volume of the refrigerator, and not to the total volume, since it is the latter indicator that affects ease of use. Consider how many people live in your family, how often you cook, whether you prefer frozen or fresh food, how much you usually buy, and similar factors. Based on this, choose a model with the optimal volume of freezer and refrigerator compartments.

Defrosting options

Refrigerators with manual defrosting are in little demand because they are inconvenient to use. Today, models with No Frost and Full No Frost functions are popular, which allow you to forget about the need to defrost your household appliance. The few disadvantages of such refrigerators: additional noise from the air flow created by the fan, a decrease in useful volume due to the presence of a fan and a compartment for it - do not deter buyers.

Shelf material

Refrigerator shelves come in metal and glass. The first ones are inconvenient because spilled liquids can flow through them, but they do not interfere with the normal circulation of air inside. Such shelves are usually installed in budget-class models and do not look very attractive in appearance. Glass shelves are installed everywhere - most refrigerators will have exactly these. They are difficult to break (high-strength glass), and if milk, juice or soup spills in a plate, other shelves will not be affected. Their slight disadvantage is that they interfere with the uniform distribution of air inside the refrigerator when it does not have a distribution fan or flow-through cooling.

Degree and speed of food freezing

Freezing power shows how many kilograms of food will be properly frozen per day. Focus on the maximum volume of products that require freezing that you buy in one store visit.

The degree of freezing indicates how many days food can be kept frozen. Focus on the number of star icons. If there are 4 of them, then the products can be stored in the freezer for 6-12 months, if 3, then 3 months, 2 – thirty days.

Noise level

It is important that the refrigerator in the kitchen does not make too much noise, because sometimes this noise can be heard in another room, which causes some discomfort. Optimal level noise – up to 40 decibels. If the characteristics indicate a different value, then it is better to opt for a quieter analogue. The noise level of operation is also affected by the correct installation of refrigeration equipment.


The most popular manufacturers of the household appliances in question are LG, Samsung, BEKO, Bosch, Indesit and some others. They offer models of both economy and elite class, with any technical characteristics and design.

Energy efficiency

A refrigerator in the kitchen should not only please you with its functional features, but also consume electricity to a minimum. The most economical consumers are class A+++. But most often there are refrigerators on sale with energy efficiency class A. This is also quite enough.

Ability to control the refrigerator remotely

Technologies do not stand still, and today the system for controlling the operation of household appliances remotely using gadgets has become very popular. Even if you are in another country, you can customize the operating modes of the device - change the temperature, control electrical energy consumption, activate and deactivate certain options. All control is carried out via the Internet using a specialized application installed on a smartphone or tablet.


The design of the kitchen and refrigerator should be in harmony. Today on sale you can find equipment in any design. The most common colors of refrigerators are white and silver. White models look simple and cheap, but silver ones look more aesthetically pleasing and attractive.

If classic colors do not suit you, you can purchase models in black, red, beige and other colors. They will stand out brightly against the background general interior, causing the admiration of the guests. Separate mention should be made of refrigerators with photo printing. Externally, they are very attractive, they look good both with a single-color kitchen set and with a different colors. If, on the contrary, you are interested in the question of how to hide a refrigerator in the kitchen, then the colors of the interior and the body of the device should be similar.

Additional options

Please note additional features:

  1. Vacation mode

This mode helps during the period when you leave home for a long time: on vacation or on a business trip. The temperature in the freezer is maintained constant, but in the refrigerator it rises, so all food must be removed from it.

  1. Door within doors

This constructive solution has a positive effect on energy consumption and the quality of stored products. There is another door in the main door of the refrigerator - which leads to only one compartment where you can store the most frequently used products. And to get them out, there is no need to open the main door.

  1. Super cooling and super freezing

The “super freezing” option forces the refrigerator to work in a more intensive mode, in which rapid freezing occurs large number products. In order not to harm the products already there, the function must be activated a couple of hours in advance.

The “super cooling” option is needed in order to promptly warn the apartment owner that the temperature inside the chambers has begun to drop. This happens when the door is not tightly closed or there is no electricity in the household network.

When choosing a refrigerator, remember that you should not overpay for additional functions, which will practically not be used.
