How to open your own business if you no longer have the strength to work for hire? Tired of working for my uncle. Employment or your own business

persons who provide themselves with work. Their income (or their family's income) directly depends on the results of their activities in the production of goods and services. These individuals themselves accept management decisions influencing the activities of the enterprise, or delegate these powers, but in any case bear full responsibility for the well-being of the enterprise. The self-employed are divided into employers and self-employed persons. These also include unpaid family workers.

  • - International Society of Disaster Medicine; World Association of Disaster Medicine and Emergency Medicine; Pan American Health Organization, Washington, USA; International organization "Medicine Without Borders", France...

    civil protection. Conceptual and terminological dictionary

  • - A contract between employer and employee containing a description of the job and provisions regarding pay and working conditions...

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  • - A person who is difficult or impossible to recruit. Obstacles to employment may arise due to the presence of physical, mental, cultural or moral disabilities...

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  • - "...5...

    Official terminology

  • - Locatio, conductio, 1. contract between the landlord and the tenant. The rent was called merces, pretium, pensio. This type of contract was concluded especially when renting houses and lands...

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  • - faces, work activity which is carried out according to an established set of rules, while the fixed assets, some or all of the tools, premises necessary to carry out this activity, as a rule, ...

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  • - a type of insurance in case of unemployment, insurance funds are formed through regular contributions from entrepreneurs. In our country this type of insurance is mandatory...

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  • - interest-bearing assets...

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  • - “...The term “State of employment” means the State in which, as the case may be, the migrant worker will be, is, or has been engaged in gainful employment.....

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  • - ".....

    Official terminology

  • - ".....

    Official terminology

  • - "... is work in which a person enters into an express or implied employment contract, guaranteeing him a basic remuneration that does not directly depend on the income of the unit where the person works...

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  • - Hire, hire, hire, hire. bud. vr. from hire, hire...

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  • - employee...

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"SELF WORKERS" in books

Not for hire

From the book Ukraine is not Russia author Kuchma Leonid Danilovich

Not for hire I don’t know about such people, without being overwhelmed by the problems that they were so persecuted. Not so long ago, I became aware that already in 1958, only 21% of Ukrainian schoolchildren studied in Ukrainian schools, and in Kharkov, Odessa and Donetsk Ukrainian schools were registered

Killers for hire and their patrons

From the book Duty and Courage [stories about diplomatic couriers] author Maisky Ivan Mikhailovich

Murderers for hire and their patrons A rare occurrence occurred in practice international relations crime (and this is exactly what the attack on Soviet diplomatic couriers was) - a crime that was clearly political in nature, but it remained, as it were, “unnoticed” by the Latvian

Quadrant P (employed)

From the book 8 financial misconceptions. Money management author Kiyosaki Robert Tohru

Quadrant E (employed) When I hear the words “stable job” or “benefits”, it becomes clear to me what a person is like. The word “security” often becomes a reaction to the emotion of fear. Most often, words about stability become a reaction to fear

Techniques that work

From the book Infobusiness at full capacity [Doubling sales] author Parabellum Andrey Alekseevich

Techniques that work You ask the following questions: what have you tried, what worked and what didn’t? Let’s look at the situation using time management as an example. The person says: “I can’t work with full immersion and concentrate on my tasks.” And it begins

Working pensioners

by Penn Mark

Working Retirees There are a few magic numbers in American life. You can vote (and be drafted into the army) at the age of 18. Those who are 21 years of age or older can drink alcoholic beverages. You can become president at 35 years old. And to retire at 65. However, as for

Working from home

From the book Microtrends. Small changes lead to big changes by Penn Mark

Working from Home While 3.4 million Americans spend ninety minutes or more commuting to work each day, 4.2 million are putting on their slippers and heading to their home office. That office can be fancy decorated. decorative panels special

Working principles.

From the book Philosophy of Law author Alekseev Sergey Sergeevich

Working principles. The idea of ​​personal law, expressed in the acquisition of direct legal action by human rights, gave rise to another side of the humanistic concept, according to which those enshrined in legal documents of high

Working women

From book Everyday life The United States in the era of prosperity and Prohibition by Kaspi Andre

Working women There has not yet been a revolution in this area, despite appearances. Indeed, many history books or memoirs insist on the supposed shift of women into work. As if all barriers had receded, as if


From the book How to Travel author Shanin Valery

Hiring a Detective

From the book How to Avoid theft. Car security systems author Eremic Natalya Grigorievna

Hiring a Detective Pros. Unfortunately, there are none. Cons (especially in Moscow). Hiring a detective is not a difficult task. But it’s worth thinking about how one person will find a car in big city, and even more so beyond its borders? No, a private detective can find a stolen car,

Opportunity to work for hire

From the book Life and work abroad author Sander Sergey

Opportunity to work for hire In which country are there today best opportunities to build a career? And where to look for the best job offer? CareerCast ( believes that the best places to work are in the UK, China, USA, France, Australia, Japan,

Self-employed employees (self-employed)

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Employees who are self-employed (self-employed) Finally, good employee may become a self-employed person. Such people may provide a source of candidates for a range of jobs requiring technical, professional, administrative or

Pathfinders for Hire

From the book Conflict Management author Sheinov Viktor Pavlovich

Pathfinders for hire It turns out that you can make a good business out of betrayal. Offended by the obvious (or imaginary) betrayal of his girlfriend, a man is ready to shell out any money for the opportunity to slap her in the face at the “scene of the crime.” So he goes to a private investigation agency and


From the book Apostles of Two-Faced Janus: Essays on Modern America author Manakov Anatoly

KILLERS FOR HIRE Cold, pouring rain mercilessly lashed the gravestones of St. Cemetery. Joseph. Covering himself with an umbrella, the priest celebrated the last mass for the deceased and hastily retreated. Only his wife, children and a handful of closest friends remained at the grave. Putting on

Chapter 2. Work for hire

From the book How to make money without initial investment author Evstegneev Alexander Nikolaevich

Chapter 2. Work for hire I could not ignore this method of earning money as work for hire. You write an application for a job and begin to exchange your time for money. This method is neither good nor bad. Just know that it is there. And, to my personal regret, most

Buy shares and receive dividends

One day a couple of years ago I was sitting in a cafe with one of my friends and he was telling me about his abilities in the field of online advertising. He imposed his services, convincing them that he was a marketer and knew this like no one else. The conversation began with the fact that I was trying to make money by selling goods via the Internet. I didn’t have my own products, so I decided to try to make money on affiliate programs. I registered with Admitad, received a link to one of the products and set up contextual advertising in Yandex Direct. I spent 2,000 rubles and managed to earn a little less than one and a half thousand.

Not very profitable. I couldn’t understand what I did wrong, so I complained to a friend about it. Instead of practical advice and proposals to sort it out together, my interlocutor made me an offer. He will set up contextual advertising, run it, and for this I will pay him money. Well, of course, I will also give money for the advertising itself. He is supposedly a great specialist in this and, unlike me, will be able to sell the goods and make money from it. Something else confused me. If he is such a specialist and is 100% sure that he knows how to properly set up advertising and make money from it, then what is stopping him from doing it himself?

You can borrow 10,000 rubles, this is not a large amount, take the goods through an affiliate program on the same admitad, set up the context, top up your account with 10,000 and earn, for example, 15,000. You can spend 10,000 again on advertising, and 5,000 is pure profit . Perform this operation ad infinitum and you will be happy. But, for some reason, my friend didn’t want to do that. And I know why. He knows how to set up contextual advertising no more than me. He has no idea whether such an activity will bring profit or not, he just wants to do something and be guaranteed to get money for it. This is how he lives absolute majority of people! No responsibility, just dumb physical labor and a guaranteed salary.

A friend of mine several years ago got a job as a courier at a real estate agency. Her task was to attract customers by posting leaflets. More precisely, she was paid simply for the fact of posting these leaflets. No one demanded results from her in the form of sales, they paid accordingly only for her legs, as they say, no percentage of the transactions. She once complained to me that she had covered the entire city, every pillar, entrance, all the bulletin boards, and this led to a huge flow of calls, clients and sales. But they paid her real pennies. She accused the head of the agency of greed, saying that with that kind of money she could have paid normally, because I worked. And I thought, you agreed to this job because you don’t want to be responsible for the result. Just go and glue, you don’t need much intelligence. Why not get a job as a realtor or open your own agency, put up advertisements for yourself, and in this case your efforts will be duly rewarded.

But she only thought about it when she saw the positive results of her work. She could not guarantee it in advance and therefore wanted to receive money simply for the fact of posting advertisements. If her work did not lead to calls and deals, then there would be no money in the company. That is, my friend would receive money that was not earned. This is the difference between working for hire and running your own business. People want guarantees, stable money every day, monthly or more often. They want to know for sure that they will receive a certain amount in specified number. Most employees do not bring profit to the company with their work, but they demand wages as if someone in this life owes them.

I value the work of self-employed citizens because they are completely dependent on the quality and quantity of work performed. These guys have better service and attitude towards customers. A policeman will not speak to you respectfully because his income does not depend on whether you are satisfied with his work or not. At the post office, the operator will not run around trying to please everyone, because her salary does not depend at all on the amount of work. Serve 10 clients a day or 110, it makes no difference. So why rush?!

Hired work is chosen by people who are not ready to bear responsibility for the results of their efforts. They just want to do something and get paid for it. Preferably large and without delays. But this payment model has long outlived its usefulness. Nowadays, payment for results in the form of a percentage is becoming increasingly popular. I was watching the news once and they showed workers who were on strike. They complained that they worked three shifts, but they had not been paid their salaries for three months. The journalists made their way to the management, and there they heard the following: no one buys the products, we cannot sell them. I have nothing to pay. Yes, they worked, but our work did not bring money.

If the prosecutor's office checks and it turns out that the money was not stolen and the products were not actually sold, then it turns out that the workers went on strike in vain. More precisely, according to the law, the manager will be obliged to pay, he is obliged to pay precisely for the work. And if they paid a percentage of sales, then no one would go on strike. If you didn’t earn money, you didn’t get money. Doing a job does not mean getting paid. Soon, it seems to me, hired work will disappear completely. At least the form of remuneration will definitely change. The employee will only be able to receive money after the product or service is sold. Salaries will cease to exist, only a percentage of profits will remain. This approach could improve the quality significantly, because now people don’t really care how to do their work, the main thing is that the month passes as quickly as possible and the salary is transferred to the card. Everyone just talks about how great they work, the whole company rests on their shoulders. But for some reason they don’t want to work for themselves. Apparently, the result of this magnificent work is not able to feed even him alone.

Against the background of all this, the answer to the question of choosing a hired job or starting your own, albeit small, business is obvious. If you really know how to do your job and treat it responsibly, then I see no point in working for someone else’s dream. One of my friends works as a loader, but for himself. He puts up advertisements, they call him and, having gathered his team, he leaves for loading. Earns more than many managers. You and I are used to imagining that a loader is a local drunk who is ready to carry any heavy loads by hand. If you don’t know how to do anything and your work is not capable of generating income, then all you have to do is look for a hired job. There is stability, guarantees, a social package, a pension, bosses, reprimands, injustice, delays in payments, deception, hassle, overtime without additional payment. Well, in general, you know what I mean.

Why do you even need to know about the pros and cons of hired labor? Are there really other options besides working for “uncle”?

If you think that working for hire is the only possible source of income, then be sure to read and remove the program of slave thinking from your subconscious. This is what your parents, school, university and those around you methodically put into your brain. It's time to get rid of stereotypes and use your head, friends. Remember:

You always have a choice! You can choose hired labor, or you can work for yourself.

Each direction has its own advantages and disadvantages. This publication will focus on work for hire. I suggest starting with its advantages.

Advantages of permanent employment

Don’t listen to agitators calling on you to quit your job and start your own business with them - dull sellers of useless rubbish. Better turn your head on and think about the positives permanent job for hire:

  • Monthly salary. The main advantage is that he knows exactly the dates and amounts of expected wages to be credited to his card account. He looks confidently into the future, and therefore sleeps peacefully and does not shout in his sleep: “How much will I earn this month?! Will I be able to repay the loan I took out to buy food for my hamster?!”

    Hired employee Vasily knows for sure that on the fifth the “uncle” (employer) will credit an advance to his card, so he boldly goes to his neighbor with the words: “Petrovich, borrow 5,000 rubles before the fifth!” And Petrovich will lend it, because he knows that Vaska has an advance payment on the “fifth”, which means the money will definitely be returned.

  • Permanent employment. The employer's responsibility is regular payment monthly salary for an employee. Just don’t flatter yourself, friends:

    An entrepreneur is an exploiter. Therefore, you will definitely work off the salary you receive.
    You must understand that the wage fund is formed from the income that employees bring to their company. Naturally, the employer is interested in ensuring that people do not sit idle.

    Is this bad? I'm sure not! On the contrary, it is very good. After all, responsibility for the functioning of the business lies on the shoulders of the entrepreneur, and the employee can calmly concentrate on performing his direct duties. And the more he is loaded with work, the more benefit he will bring company, and the more confident he will be about tomorrow.

  • Paid holiday. According to Chapter 19 Labor Code Russian Federation The employer is obliged to provide the employee with annual paid leave. Trifle? No!

    Judge for yourself. There are 365 days in a year, 28 of which are paid vacation. This means that more than 7% of your life is sponsored by your employer each year. While you are warming your belly somewhere on a Turkish beach, the money on your card continues to arrive regularly. Agree, it’s comfortable!

  • Free education. What value does a young university graduate have on the labor market? Ever wondered why employers prefer specialists with experience? The answer lies on the surface:

    The best source of personnel is hiring.
    Do you know what employers say to “green” young people who have just received a diploma? higher education? They say the traditional phrase:

    Forget everything you were taught at university and start learning again here.
    And it's not a matter of poor education. No. Everything is much simpler:

    Only “in combat conditions”, at work, can a person become a true professional in his field.
    It's one thing to learn to sell, and quite another to actually make sales. Remember:

    Employment is the only place where a person improves as a specialist for free. Little of! They also pay him money for this!
    Cool, yeah? Let's continue further!

  • Limited liability. An employee is solely responsible for his or her area of ​​work. For example, secretary Vasilisa is only responsible for ensuring that the coffee is hot, her skirt is short, and the director is happy. All! This is the only thing they can ask her for!

    If accountant Arseny makes a mistake in the quarterly report, then he will be responsible for this mistake, since this is his area of ​​​​responsibility. Although, perhaps, being “on the carpet” with the director, he will have to perform some of Vasilisa’s functions, so to speak, in order to defuse the situation a little and slightly amuse the boss. But it is better for the secretary not to allow such situations, because the boss may one day tell her: “Teach Senya how to make coffee and get lost!”

  • Availability of a social package. Do you know what a social package is? If not, then I'll tell you:

    A social package is an additional benefit that a company provides to its employees at its own expense and on its own initiative.
    This could be health insurance, free meals, gym membership, travel package, company car, compensation rented apartment(for non-residents), etc.

    I want to warn you right away:

    The social package is an exclusively voluntary initiative of the employer, which is why some companies do not have it.
    But this is no reason to worry. After all, most companies provide valuable employees with social packages. This is very motivating! Agree, treating teeth for free with health insurance is much more fun than paying for your own money. How cool it is to drive a car and not think about fuel costs. I’m already silent about free trips to foreign resorts. In general, the social package rocks, friends!

  • Purchasing goods (services) of the company at preferential prices– almost all employers provide this opportunity to their employees. It is clear that we are talking about goods and services for the population. If you work at a factory producing grenade launchers, then you are unlikely to be able to buy several “Flies” on the cheap. But an employee of a furniture company can easily purchase a furniture set for himself at a discounted price, and an employee of a travel company can buy a trip at a good discount. A small thing, but nice.

Well, friends, are you impressed by the advantages of permanent employment? Me personally, yes! I re-read them again, and even wanted to get a job. Oh, and this desire is growing rapidly! I urgently need counterarguments! Disadvantages in the studio!

Disadvantages of hired labor

Do you really want to know about the disadvantages of working for hire? Aren't you afraid of straying from your intended path to a stable and carefree life? Okay, then I start:

  • We must obey other people's orders. For me personally, this is the biggest disadvantage. Most of all, I don't like it when people try to control me. Especially if it is done by clueless managers. This is probably why I managed to get along only with strong leaders who work for results.

    However, here key factor It is not the personality of the director, but the very need to obey someone. There are people who value freedom from their employer more than money. And I understand them perfectly.

  • An employee's income is limited. It doesn’t matter whether you receive a fixed salary or are on a piecework basis, your salary will still be limited to a certain “bar”. Just ask your friends who are employed: “How much do you earn?” I am sure that everyone will name some number.

    But what if you want to earn two or three times more? An employee has two options: get a promotion or find new job. Moreover, it is not a fact that you will be able to find this job in your city or even in your country, and getting a promotion is not always possible. So people “sit” for decades on fixed salaries for the sake of their stability. Although, what kind of stability is there? She doesn't exist!

  • You can be fired at any time. So much for stability! If you work for 30 years in your company, give it best years, put your soul into its development, but one day your boss will call you and say: “Ivan Petrovich, our company no longer needs your services! All the best to you, dear!”

    Yes, yes, you are waste material and you are sent to the landfill. No one will appreciate your devotion and dedication. No one cares about the contribution you made to the development of the enterprise. As soon as the door closes behind you, everyone will forget about you.

    You know, this is probably why I never valued work - I didn’t see the point in doing it. For me, work has always been an environment for my own development. When considering this or that vacancy, I asked myself the question:

    What experience and what benefits can I get by working in this company?
    As they say: “It’s nothing personal, it’s just business.” Don't let yourself be used, friends!

  • Dependence on the employer is formed. Stable monthly salary, social package, established relationships with the team and management, a clear understanding of your functional responsibilities– all this is a kind of comfort zone for an employee.

    Have you ever wondered why many people are afraid of losing their jobs? They just don't want to leave their homes! That is why employers are in no hurry to raise their salaries. Why raise it! They are confident that even if they reduce salaries, most employees will continue to work. Do you know why? Because people have developed a psychological dependence on their work. Few are ready to give up everything and start from scratch. It’s all due to fear and doubt: “What if it gets even worse in the new place? What if I don’t fit in with the team or can’t cope with my functions? And in general: here I know everyone, but there I need to make new connections and get up to speed. No, it’s better not to take risks and work calmly in your company. And then you look, everything will get better, and wages will be raised again!” This is why this thinking occurs:

    Wage labor is a kind of oxygen mask for the worker.
    Money is vital to a person, just like air. Let's say you are in a vacuum and are getting air through an oxygen mask. At first you are given sufficient oxygen. Then they took it and reduced the feed by half. You will naturally feel discomfort. However, air is supplied. In smaller quantities, but served. Who is ready to take the risk and remove the oxygen mask?

    That's how it is with work, friends. Everyone in the smoking room will be indignant at the actions of the management, but only a few will dare to leave their warm place. The main mass will moo gloomily and continue to pull the plow further.

  • Work dulls your sense of responsibility. It's about taking responsibility for your life. There is an old saying:

    You are the boss - I am a fool.
    By getting a job, you essentially hand yourself over to the entrepreneur. All the risks for the success of the business lie with him, but you are responsible only for your area of ​​​​work. If you are ordered to paint a fence, you will paint. If they ask you to take it apart in a week, you will take it apart. You don't have to think about whether it's profitable or not. Your task is to carry out commands conscientiously. All!

    And who will be responsible for stupid orders? Of course, an entrepreneur! His sense of responsibility is all right, but you can relax and not think about anything. After all, you are not the “boss”...

What do you think of the counterarguments? Agree, they are strong too! Think, gentlemen! By the way, do you behave at work like a “pawn” or like an entrepreneur? It will help answer this question

The age-old question: is it better to work for yourself or for an “uncle”? On the one hand, there is more freedom, but at the same time, with your own business, there are several orders of magnitude more responsibility and risks.

Shall we continue? - Start.

A little dark humor: according to statistics, most homeless people once decided not to work for their uncle anymore.

Opinion: working as an employee is a normal phenomenon; usually you have one immediate boss, you can get along with him and find common ground. If you are building a small business (and as I suspect, it’s mostly not the owners of mega-corporations who sit on the https:// site), then every client is your boss. And what is better - to work for one uncle or for many uncles?

Why it’s good to have your own business (from a reader’s letter): relative freedom of action, no limits on earnings, the ability to conduct business at your own discretion + the ability to manage your time more freely.

Arguments for your business

1. Benefit or getting extra money for yourself and your family.
Most people start a personal business precisely in the hope of getting for themselves more money. If their personal business goes well, then they succeed and then this is a big plus in the life of such a person.

2. The excitement associated with profit
The feeling of excitement when more income appears makes a person’s life more interesting. He has a desire to move forward, he works more enthusiastically, life takes on new colors.

3. Personal freedom.
Every person who works for the owner always feels oppressed and in some cases even humiliated. And by opening his own business, he gets the opportunity to live more freely. An independent entrepreneur grows in his own eyes and in the eyes of those around him, he feels like a man with a capital letter.

4. There is no one to report to.
Your business eliminates its boss, whom many often even hate. The opportunity to not have to answer to anyone encourages many independent people to start their own business.

5. Psychological comfort
Having your own business gives you the opportunity to choose your partners and employees at your own discretion. A person does not need to tolerate unpleasant people in his environment. He will not be annoyed by lazy or overly active employees, whom he often has to endure at work.

6. The opportunity to do what you love.
The opportunity to do what you love is a very powerful argument in favor of your business. After all, people often spend their entire lives doing things they don’t want to do. Children's dreams of a profession rarely come true for various reasons. Previously, a person worked at an enterprise that existed in a given area and could not afford to change anything. Having his own business gives him the opportunity to do what he likes and that’s great.

7. Flexible work schedule.
If you become the owner of a personal business, you can plan your work as it will be convenient for you. You will not need to ask your boss for time off in order to take care of your children or personal matters. You decide how and at what time to work yourself.

8. The opportunity to take a break from work if the child is unwell or ill.
If you are your own boss, then you do not need sick leave. You can rest and heal at home for a couple of days and then get back to work. This is especially valuable for people with small children.

9. The opportunity to arrange a vacation at a convenient time.
People working for the owner are often forced to take vacation in winter or autumn when the weather is bad. A private entrepreneur chooses the time for vacation himself. And if the business is successful, he can even afford a tourist trip.

10. The opportunity to leave your business to your children.
A person can leave his business to his heirs. Children can continue the work of their parents, which we often see in the example of successful companies. The business becomes a family business, with all family members working in it.

Arguments for working for your uncle

1. No start-up capital required
When working for the owner, he provides all the means of production. You don't need to worry about equipment and tools for work.

2. No need to worry about selling products
The owner is looking for markets, everything you produce is sold by him.

3. You don't care about business development.
All concerns about improving and developing the business fall on the shoulders of the owner.

4. Social package
When working in a factory or in any company, you are provided with sick leave and paid leave.

5. Stable salary.
You are required to pay your wages on time

6. You receive pensionable service
Many people work in enterprises in the hope of receiving a pension.

7. Constant work schedule and rhythm of life.
People who are not too active and who love a quiet life are attracted to a constant work schedule.

8. The ability not to think about work at home
After working for a day at the enterprise, you throw all thoughts about work out of your head.

9. All issues with taxes, banks and other services are resolved by the owner.
A person working for the owner does not need to resolve issues with bureaucrats and waste his nerves on the complex problems of the enterprise.

10. You can relax at the expense of the enterprise.
Enterprises often give their employees free trips to boarding houses or holiday homes.

What do you prefer?

Many people believe that working for hire is the only way to earn income. First of all, this is not true. But even if your understanding makes sense, then think carefully about the situation around being hired. What needs to be done to ensure that work brings both moral and material pleasure?

A little history.

The meaning of the word work has its roots in the word slavery. Of course, we are talking about the meaning of this word in Russian. Actually, this is the reason why there is so much gossip in society. It is the origin of the word work that is used in many recruiting texts, which abound MLM business. Why! Getting rid of slavery is considered a very important task.

The historical roots of slavery lie in the relationship between master and apprentices. In the worst understanding of this relationship. We will not discuss the niche of philosophy, where the situation is somewhat different. In pre-capitalist times, it was extremely difficult to become a master in production, and not many people succeeded. Only to those who really had the makings of a master. Basically, students worked for the master in exchange for bread and a place to sleep. Dull unskilled work. Such a relationship cannot be called work for hire.

The concept of work for hire, as we currently perceive this concept, appeared relatively recently. It is believed that this concept is a product of the era of bourgeois revolutions. At the same moment, the concept of fixed wage, which most perceive as a symbol of stability.

The peak of the popularity of hired work occurred in the seventy years of the era of socialism. It was during this period that the concept of work was brought to the point of absurdity, when even representatives of liberal professions were put on a fixed salary, which often did not reflect the cost of contribution to social life. It is these circumstances that have given rise to the phenomenon of attitudes towards work in our society.

Thirst for freebies. Receive a salary, not earn it. An attempt to be registered at work, and not to fulfill the tasks of the enterprise. All these quirks are not typical for the Western system of thinking. And only the spreading of representatives of our collapsed socialism shows all over the world some possibilities for evading their value system.

Employment. Public opinion.

Yes! This is the most important factor that makes most people so drawn to paid work. This is stability. Stable salary, stable position in society, stable career. The final decision is made by management, all that remains is to implement it. Or you can just sit it out decision– maybe it will resolve.

Such philistine psychology has ruined more than one enterprise. When a team of “re-inmates” is selected. Everyone is waiting for someone to fulfill the tasks facing the enterprise, but not them. The day has passed and ok. That's why thousands of people are looking for better job for hire. No, not like that - they are looking for the best option for themselves.

Employment. Realities.

The best option? People! Wake up! Socialism is long gone. No one will persuade anyone - come to work, please! There is no trade union committee, no party committee and other superstructures. It's simple - nothing personal, this is business. The harsh realities of life show that any enterprise depends on global conditions. Moreover, it does not matter at all whether the connection is direct or indirect. Poor management - in best case scenario the enterprise will eke out a miserable existence. In the worst case, bankruptcy.

So where is the stability in these conditions? The person seemed to have found a job that suited him, his career seemed to take off, and suddenly bam and it was all over. What about the “undercover” games and intrigues at the enterprise? Is this also stability? What about a career that is suddenly interrupted by a call from a friend? And this is stability? Don't create illusions!

In fact, being hired is your truest self. private business with its own risks, ups and downs. Risks only in this option lie on the shoulders of the business owner, and you have no influence on their elimination.

No, I'm wrong, you can. Talk poorly to the client, perform poorly on the task assigned by your manager, and the risks will increase many times over. Unfortunately, most employees forget that the salary is paid not by the owner of the enterprise, but by the client. I personally experienced this phenomenon at my own enterprise. When it came to issuing salaries, many looked in surprise at the payout sheet.

What is this business for you? And in everything, starting with the choice of profession. If you chose the wrong profession, then there is nothing to expect from work. Example? Please. There is an overproduction of lawyers in the country, for example. However, year after year in universities there is competition for specialties in which there is obvious overproduction. But demand creates supply, which is why there are many law departments available. And there are professions in which there is a clear shortage of personnel. But you have to work hard there!

Choice of profession.

Based on the fact that hired work is still your personal business, this is what you should proceed from when choosing a profession. In fact, choosing a profession is the most important stage in your development. Moreover, I know many examples when the first education was not final solely because of a wrong choice due to youth or something. But after reflection, a person already makes a meaningful decision and gets exactly the profession that completely suits him.

Please note that the choice of profession should be based on the assumption that you should become a professional in this profession. Don’t sit and do your number at work, but be an effective figure in the overall picture of the enterprise. This is your personal business! The better you show yourself, the higher the final result. Perhaps this will not happen immediately and not at the enterprise where you currently work.

But to obtain tangible financial results, employment definitely requires the presence of good professional skills. This is what we must proceed from. And, if your salary does not suit you, then soberly assess your level of professionalism in your chosen profession. Perhaps you have chosen the wrong profession. And don't whine about low wages. Better improve your skills.

I agree that the owner of an enterprise does not always adequately evaluate the efforts of his employees. Then the path is even more obvious - improve your skills and find a more successful enterprise. You just need to know what you can offer him (the company) that the HR department will not be able to ignore your candidacy.

To make your choice of profession meaningful, read the entire section and find the profession that will make you think. It is for this profession that you will look for more material than I could imagine. Perhaps this will be the right choice.
