How to cover walls with plastic without a frame. How to cover walls with plastic panels with your own hands. What you need to cover the outside walls of a house

Interior decoration with plastic panels is becoming increasingly popular, primarily due to its simplicity. installation work. Such panels are made from polyvinyl chloride (PVC) - a material that is strong, durable and, most importantly, cheap.

Pros and cons of the material

TO positive qualities panels include:

But there are also disadvantages that you also need to be aware of. First of all, this:

  • specific smell, especially in the first few days after installation;
  • synthetic origin, which is why PVC is not recommended for use in residential premises;
  • deformation due to sudden temperature changes;
  • low strength (the panel can be damaged even by a slight blow).

We also add that polyvinyl chloride panels, when compared with other finishing materials, are not considered prestigious.

Having understood the features of the coating, you can begin installation.

What will be required at work?

  1. Building level.
  2. Guide rails, which are made of wood or metal.
  3. Roulette.
  4. Marker.
  5. Hacksaw.
  6. Hammer.
  7. Square.
  8. Mounting stapler.
  9. Screwdriver.
  10. Stationery knife.

Panel selection

For determining required quantity panels, the total area (ceiling or walls) is measured, and a small margin is added to the resulting figure in case of unforeseen expenses. The thickness (0.5 cm or 1 cm) and width (from 20 cm to 50 cm) are also determined.

Note! The surface of the panels can be of two types - matte and glossy.

Taking into account the selected thickness, it is selected plastic cornice and moldings (profiles for joining panels). If not only the ceiling, but also the walls are sheathed, then corner joining profiles will also be needed.

The length of PVC panels varies between 2 m and 6 m. The length should be selected so that after installation there is as little waste as possible. Ideally, it should be equal to the length (or width, depending on the installation method) of the wall or ceiling.

It is also worth paying attention to the appearance of the products. The surface of the panels must be smooth, without any differences, otherwise the joints will be visible even to the naked eye. In addition, all panels must be from the same batch and have uniform coloring.

There are two ways to attach the panels; the choice of one or the other depends on the level of humidity in the apartment.

  1. At frame installation the panels are attached to a pre-assembled frame.
  2. Frameless installation involves fastening directly to the work surface.

Both methods differ as strengths, so negative qualities. To find out which one is better, read more about frame and frameless installation.

Video - Finishing with PVC panels

Frame installation

Suitable for rooms with increased level humidity (bathroom, toilet), with uneven walls or, if necessary, installing hidden lamps.

Stage 1. Surface preparation

Any special preparatory work does not need to be carried out, but some procedures will still have to be performed.

Step 1. First, all protruding elements are removed from the walls - paintings, lamps, shelves, etc.

Step 2. If the walls were previously tiled, then they need to be removed, but if they were tiled with plaster or wallpaper, then nothing needs to be done.

Step 3. The evenness of the surface is assessed. All detected defects (recesses or protrusions) are sealed with putty.

Stage 2. Frame assembly

Depending on the material, the frame can be of three types:

  • metal;
  • wooden;
  • plastic.

In most cases they use wooden slats, but too much wet areas this is unacceptable (in extreme cases, the wood is treated with an antiseptic). The frame for such premises is assembled from metal or plastic profiles.

Note! There are two ways to assemble the frame - vertical and horizontal. The first method is used when horizontal installation panels, the second - on the contrary.

Often the panels are installed horizontally, so this article describes the vertical mounting of the guides.

Step 1. Horizontal lines are drawn on the working surface in increments of 0.5 m. To do this, you can use a building level.

Step 2. Fastening brackets are installed along each line (they come complete with slats) in increments of 60-70 cm. Screws are used to fix the brackets.

Step 3. The staples located at the lower and upper points are bent in the shape of the letter “P”.

Step 4. Slats (metal or wood) measuring 2x5 cm are inserted into the brackets and secured with 25 mm self-tapping screws. It is important to maintain the plane, so a level is used again.

Note! The technology for assembling the frame is the same for both walls and ceilings.

Stage 3. Sheathing

After checking the strength of the assembled frame, you can begin covering it.

Step 1. An L-shaped profile is attached to the slats along the entire perimeter.

Step 2. Corner profiles are installed at the joints of the walls.

Step 3. Measure the distance between external parties guides, 5 mm is subtracted from the resulting figure.

Step 4. Installation of panels should begin from some corner of the room - this will reduce the consumption of materials. The panels are attached to metal slats with screws, and to wooden slats with a mounting stapler.

Note! If you don't have a stapler, you can use small nails.

Step 5. Each subsequent panel is installed in the corresponding grooves of the previous one. Due to the well-thought-out design, even an inexperienced person can handle the installation.

Step 6: The most difficult part is installing the last panel, as it will most likely have to be cut. For this you will need a hacksaw. The cut panel is first inserted into the profile, and only then into the grooves of the previous one.

Step 1. First, a pre-cut plastic baguette is installed along the entire perimeter of the ceiling. In the corners, its sections are joined at an angle of 45?, and they are attached to the frame in the same way as when covering walls - with screws or a stapler.

Step 2. Then take the first panel, bend it in the middle, insert it with its ends into the grooves of the baguette, press it against the frame and move it until it narrow shelf will not completely fit into the groove of the parallel baguette. Next, the panel is fixed with a mounting shelf.

Step 3. The second panel is installed in almost the same way, except that its narrow mounting flange fits into the groove of the first.

Step 4. All panels are attached in the same way. Traditionally, when installing the last of them, difficulties with the size may arise - you will have to cut the panel.

In dry rooms with fairly level PVC walls panels can be installed directly on walls using liquid nails. Blend in in this case applied in the same way as when laying tiles - with dotted or straight lines in the center and along the edges of the panel.

This installation method saves time and money, but there are a couple of important points to consider:

To clean PVC panels from dirt, they are used. soft fabric and detergent (necessarily without solvent). Do not use a sponge or hard cloth - they will damage the surface and leave scratches. At the end of washing, the walls are rinsed with water to remove any remaining detergent.

Video - Finishing a bathroom with plastic panels

Plastic has burst into modern construction very quickly and many people prefer to use this material for interior decoration. There are many different rumors and legends about plastic, and before choosing it for finishing, you need to find out whether all the information is true. In addition, this article talks about how to cover walls with plastic panels.

Plastic: truth and fiction

True facts

"Plastic" myths

DIY wall decoration with plastic panels

There are a huge number of videos on the Internet about how to perform installation correctly, how it is carried out on slopes, and what tools are needed. This article provides general information on these issues.


In order to install the panels yourself, you need the right tool:

Making cladding with your own hands is not very difficult, you need to know the correct sequence of actions, do the job carefully and read the recommendations of panel manufacturers. However, general scheme The work on wall cladding is the same for any plastic panels.

  1. If the plastic is brought from a cold room, it will take at least thirty minutes for it to warm up. You cannot work with cold material.
  2. Clean the walls thoroughly - remove old plaster, wallpaper, tiles and other debris. The tiles need to be sanded well to improve adhesion.
  3. If necessary, cut the panels with a saw or jigsaw. In this case, it should be positioned with the front part facing up.
  4. The film that protects the material can be removed after completion of work.
  5. If the panels are attached to the sheathing, then you need to use special thermal washers. They are needed so that when heated (in hot summers) the plastic covering does not fly off. Plastic expands when heated and if you don't think about a material that will resist expansion, you can end up with a falling off finish. You can use a special flexible profile. It's essentially double-sided foam tape. It looks flimsy but is actually a great mount.
  6. To lay wires under the panels, grooves from special plastic strips must be installed in advance.

Additional elements:

Panel installation

PVC panels have two sides - one with a long fastening flange, it is this side that the panel is attached to the sheathing, and the other with a small flange, it ensures adhesion to the adjacent one.

Sequence of actions when installing panels.

  1. Installation of sheathing. The sheathing is installed along the entire wall and perimeter, a horizontal position is sufficient, the step between the planks is from thirty to fifty centimeters. The sheathing should not hang, that is, all ends should be secured.
  2. The starting and finishing profiles are attached to the sheathing.
  3. The first board is inserted into the lower profile. In order to bring it into the upper profile, the board needs to be slightly bent.
  4. The board is placed on Right place and is attached using self-tapping screws or staples.
  5. All other boards are installed in the same way.
  6. The last board is cut to the right size from the side of the large mounting shelf.
  7. The last board is inserted into the niche reserved for it. To hide the cut part you need to carefully bend the shelf of the finishing profile and place a board under it. This part of the procedure is best done with a partner.

Plastic is one of the most used materials in modern construction. Therefore, PVC technology products are produced in a huge range. As for wall decoration, wide panels are used for these purposes, which can be selected according to color, pattern and even the properties that they should have. If you decide to decorate the surfaces with such a finishing material, we will tell you how to cover walls with plastic panels with your own hands so that they lay flat and serve you for many years.

The whole truth about plastic

Before starting work, you should first evaluate the characteristics of this finishing material and debunk all the myths that are associated with it.

True facts:

  • Plastic is completely harmless. Thanks to modern technologies, PVC panels, which are intended for finishing premises, have become absolutely harmless to humans. This is due to the fact that now in the production of this material, chemical components such as asbestos and cadmium are not used. In addition, due to this, the price position of plastic in the building materials market has become much lower.
  • Aesthetics. Thanks to a huge range of different colors, patterns and textures, a wall covered with plastic panels looks stylish and original.
  • Versatility. Plastic panels are convenient to use in places where the use of other finishing materials is problematic or impossible, for example, when cladding walls of irregular shape or various architectural delights.
  • Reliability. Such material is quite capable of supporting a TV, sconce or painting.
  • Organic. Plastic, regardless of its texture and color, looks organically with different ventilation grilles, split systems and sockets.
  • Persistence. Despite the fact that plastic is quite lightweight material, which can be pierced, with proper care it will last for decades and can withstand moisture and different temperatures.

Dispelling myths about plastic surgery

Today there are many “myths” about this material, for example:

  • Plastic panels are not required special conditions from the wall surface. As for the plastic itself, it is a fairly undemanding material. But the lathing should take place on a surface that has been cleared of old finishing material and on a completely flat wall.
  • Cladding with plastic panels is very easy and does not require special effort. Indeed, the sheathing process is simple, but effort and care will have to be made in order for the finished result to be high-quality and even.
  • The hygiene of this material. Unfortunately, this is not true. Plastic does not have moisture or vapor permeability. Therefore, walls that are lined with plastic panels simply do not breathe.

Important! Plastic panels are best used for cladding bathrooms, kitchens, balconies or loggias. It is not recommended to carry out such wall decoration in the bedroom, nursery and living room.

  • Unattractive to insects. Due to the fact that the plastic inside is hollow, various spiders and other insects can live in it.

Important! Plastic panels for correct installation are sealed, and if you do not break it, then nothing bad will happen, and “uninvited guests” will not settle inside such a finish.

  • Flammability of plastic. Such finishing material Does not ignite from heat or matches. However, if the room is completely on fire, the plastic panels are also exposed to fire and release toxic substances.

Types of PVC panels

Today, plastic panels are divided into the following types:

  • Reiki. They are assembled into a single structure using grooves.

Important! In order to visually enlarge the room with the help of plastic slats, the wall panels must be installed vertically.

  • PVC panels imitating tiles.
  • Sheet materials. They are similar in appearance to plywood.

This finishing material is mounted on special adhesive mixtures or they are fixed with small self-tapping screws, and the joints are sealed at the end of the work.

Important! When choosing a material for wall cladding with plastic, first pay attention to color scheme and drawing.

How to cover walls with PVC panels?

For decorative finishing walls with this material, you should stock up on special tools. You will need:

  • Jigsaw or circular saw;

Important! It is best to opt for a saw. This is due to the fact that when working with a jigsaw, it comes across stiffening ribs - the cut at the end may turn out to be wavy.

  • Miter box for a jigsaw with angles of 90 and 45 degrees;
  • Staple gun - you will need it if the sheathing will be done on wooden sheathing;
  • Rubber mallet;
  • Plaster spatula.

Important! When choosing a stapler for working with plastic, pay attention to ensuring that the slot of the extruded staple is located as close as possible to the toe. This will make installation much easier.

Preparatory work

Before covering the walls with panels, you must first make the sheathing - making the main frame. This will allow panels to be replaced without difficulty in the future and to ensure their reliable fastening. Most often used for lathing walls wooden blocks or metal profile.

Important! Small cells, which are located directly behind the structure, can also be used for laying insulating materials.

Such sheathing is attached to the wall surface using clamps or self-tapping screws in dowels. In order for the frame to be strong and you do not have any problems when installing plastic panels, the lathing process must be carried out following the following sequence of actions:

  • Use a level to make preliminary markings.
  • Place the transverse battens of the sheathing at a distance of 30-50 centimeters from each other.

Important! Please note that the lowest rail should be positioned so that it is in maximum contact with the floor, and the top one with the ceiling.

  • To hide corner joints, install guides and fittings.

Important! If the wall is not completely level, you can put a piece of wood or some other durable material under the rail.

We install PVC panels

In order to cladding walls with plastic panels with your own hands, you must adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

  • Fix the starting and finishing profiles of the structure vertically.
  • Place the first board into the top profile and bend it slightly.
  • Place the board fully in place, secure it with staples or screws.

Important! To ensure that the walls end up smooth and without gaps, do not forget to use a building level.

  • Install the remaining PVC panels in the same way.

Important! A cheap profile from such manipulations may remain bent or crack along the edge of the corner. In order to correct such a defect, it is necessary to heat the deformed area using a household hairdryer and iron it with pressure with a cold iron.

  • On the side of the large mounting shelf, trim the last board to the size you need. Afterwards, bring it under the niche reserved for it.
  • Hide the cut part. To do this, carefully bend the shelf of the finishing profile and place it under the board.

How to care for PVC panels?

After you have finished the walls with plastic, it is very important to provide this material with proper care. This will significantly extend its aesthetic appearance and long service life.

Basic rules for caring for walls covered with PVC panels:

  • This surface should only be washed with a soft cloth.
  • Try to use for washing detergents without any abrasive or solvent.

Important! The most suitable option for caring for plastic sheathing walls is considered an ordinary soap solution.

  • Finally, the surface should be wiped with plain clean water.

Despite the fact that plastic for wall cladding is quite easy to install, there are still nuances, failure to comply with which will lead to a significant reduction in the service life of such finishing and the appearance of gaps due to an uneven surface:

  • You cannot work with cold material, therefore, if the plastic is brought from the street, it needs to be allowed to stand for 30-60 minutes before starting the process.

Important! Should not be produced PVC installation panels in rooms with temperatures below 20 degrees.

  • The sheathing should be divided in such a way that there is a distance of about 50 centimeters between the slats.
  • For more better ventilation it is necessary to make cuts in the slats themselves.
  • Despite the fact that PVC panels are a fairly unpretentious finishing material, before starting work you should still clean the walls of old finishing material and debris.
  • If there is a need to cut panels into pieces, this should be done face down.
  • The protective film can only be removed after the installation work has been completed.
  • If you are attaching panels to the sheathing, it is best to use special thermal washers to fix them. This is a fairly reliable mount that can withstand high temperatures.
  • If PVC panels have a pattern, then installation should begin from the left corner and gradually move to the right.
  • Installing PVC panels is a fairly simple and not too labor-intensive process. However, even such a finishing material that is easy to work with requires compliance with certain rules during its installation. By putting our advice into practice, you will be able to decorate walls with plastic without much physical effort or material costs. In the end, you will get perfect smooth walls, stylish design and a warm, cozy atmosphere in your home.

Wall decoration with panels made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is used everywhere and not only in facilities with quite high level humidity (balconies, bathrooms), but also in other rooms. This is due to the fact that today the market offers wide choose such material with different textures and shades. And thanks quality characteristics PVC wall panels are installed at facilities for various purposes without losing the attractiveness of the interior.

Selection of material and features of use

Wall finishing materials residential buildings must meet a number of requirements: fire resistance, absence of harmful components, and resistance to external factors. Wall panels made of polyvinyl chloride fit the description.

In addition, they are characterized by other beneficial properties:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • ignition temperature is +370 degrees, when compared with chipboard, the latter begin to burn already at +250 degrees;
  • when ignited, wall panels tend to self-extinguish, and noticeably less smoke is released than when chipboard burns;
  • resistance to moisture, which allows you to finish a balcony, bathroom, room with a swimming pool, and if you compare PVC material for wall finishing and its analogue - chipboard, then again, the advantage will be on the side of the first option due to moisture resistance;
  • non-susceptibility to fungus formation, which is due to the structure of polyvinyl chloride - it is a non-porous material;
  • a simple installation process, thanks to which the cladding of a balcony or other premises can be done with PVC wall panels even in the absence of such experience, in this again there is a similarity with chipboard;
  • many options of shades and patterns, which allows you to produce Finishing work polyvinyl chloride in any interior without losing its attractiveness.

Thanks to all these factors, the cladding of a balcony or other room will last for quite a long time. However, you must remember that excessive loads on PVC panels will lead to their damage, since such finishing materials are not impact-resistant. In this also, polyvinyl chloride wall panels are similar to chipboard.

Before purchasing, external characteristics and dimensions should be taken into account:

  • width varies from 200-350 mm;
  • length is selected from the range: 2,700-3,000 mm;
  • thickness corresponds to 8 mm, 9 mm, 10 mm.

The durability of the structure is determined by the strength of the selected panels. And this parameter depends on the thickness and number of stiffeners. Before purchasing, you should carefully inspect the panels for interior decoration.

They must be the same size and free from scratches. The stiffeners must also be intact and without damage. It is important to check the front surface for the quality of the design.

Preparation for installation and correct calculation

PVC finishing materials must be fixed taking into account the condition of the surface, as well as the installation method. Usually the sheathing is pre-mounted on the surface. In this case, there is no need to carefully prepare the walls of the balcony or other rooms; it is enough to cover up the cracks, if any.

If wall panels are glued to the surface, it must be cleaned of old paint, whitewashing.

Types of moldings for PVC panels

This can be done not over the entire wall, but where the paint has peeled off. A special adhesive composition for polyvinyl chloride allows you to attach it quite firmly PVC construction. The entire surface is treated with an antifungal compound.

To determine how much material is required for a particular room, you need to perform a simple calculation. Depending on how the balcony is covered: horizontally, vertically, the calculation process will differ.

For example, if panels for interior decoration are planned to be mounted vertically, the length of the perimeter of the room is determined, then the width of the door and window openings must be subtracted from the resulting value.

The final number is divided by the width of one panel. 2-3 units of stock are added to the result. In case PVC wall the panels will be mounted horizontally, the area of ​​the window and doorways. The resulting value is divided by the area of ​​one panel.

Frame structure

Two design options are used: metal (aluminum, steel) and wood. The first option is preferable for finishing a balcony, bathroom and other rooms with high humidity. Metal profiles are offered in standard sizes.

And here wooden beams it is better to select in the range from 40 to 50 mm in width and 20-22 mm in thickness. The length is determined by individual requirements.

It is considered preferable metal carcass, since it is resistant to external factors, which makes it possible to cover balconies, bathrooms, and rooms with a swimming pool. The tree serves less in such conditions. Balcony cladding using PVC material can be done with staples or self-tapping screws.

Fastening the thermal washer

The second option involves the use of a thermal washer - this is a set of fasteners that prevents screws from popping out under the influence of sudden temperature changes (when operating in extreme heat).

Installation of sheathing

The guides on which PVC panels for interior decoration are attached are installed perpendicular to the direction of installation of the sheathing. Between them there are intermediate bars/profiles, the distance between which is 500-600 mm. Before installation, markings are made.

A mandatory strip is installed at the bottom (closer to the floor) - it provides additional rigidity to the structure. The profile/beam should also be secured on top. This may be near the ceiling or below. It all depends on the level to which the cladding is carried out.

The wooden frame is secured with dowels, for which the wall is pre-drilled in accordance with the marking points. Metal structure installed on special supports. At this stage, the wiring of future electrical wiring is done.


Starting and finishing profiles are installed at the top and bottom, where each panel is inserted. The installation begins from the corner that first “catches the eye” upon entering the room. Here the corner molding is installed (attached to the sheathing using the chosen method).

Then the panel is inserted with the side where the small fastening strip of the PVC panel is located. A large fastening strip is used for fastening to the sheathing.

Each subsequent PVC panel should fit as closely as possible to the previous one installed. It is recommended to use silicone sealant to seal the joints. It is applied to the side edge before installation.

The final stage

When covering the balcony with the main material is completed, you need to cover all the edges with moldings. These could be corner areas or areas where a material color transition is used.

Cutouts for switches and sockets are also made after finishing the balcony cladding. Special boxes are installed in the finished openings.

Thus, if we compare chipboard and polyvinyl chloride, the second option wins in a number of ways. These panels are relatively easy to install, durable, attractive, and easy to maintain. If we talk about price, then, for example, wall decoration wood panels will cost more than polyvinyl chloride.

You just need to correctly calculate the amount of material and add a small margin to the resulting number, and also carefully mark the sheathing and the panels themselves. This will avoid wasting time and effort on dismantling an erroneously installed structure.

Nowadays, hygienic and easy to install PVC panels are used in many construction and repair work. This includes covering walls with plastic panels in bathrooms, showers, kitchen areas, and finishing of slopes when installing double-glazed windows, as well as covering ceilings in swimming pools. They are also often used for cladding the outer surface of walls.

The main advantage of the panels is their versatility. They can be mounted on almost any surface (wall or ceiling), be it brick or tile, however, their primary purpose is installation in a “wet” environment. Other advantages include durability, affordable cost, corrosion and ultraviolet resistance, and water resistance. In addition, plastic, unlike tiles, is warm to the touch, which virtually eliminates condensation.

There is practically no need to care for plastic panels after proper installation. They are not difficult to wash, just do not use products containing abrasive particles or solvents.

In order not to be disappointed in the result, you must first slowly study the attached instructions. Each manufacturer makes its own recommendations for installing its products, but general principle everyone has the same:

  • At least half an hour before installation, the panels must be brought into a room at room temperature;
  • Old coating (tiles, wallpaper), as well as dirt and dilapidated plaster must be removed from the surface on which sheathing or installation will be carried out. If the tile is left, it needs to be sanded to improve the adhesion of the adhesive to the surface;
  • The panels must be cut using a hacksaw. You can also use hot construction knife or 15 tooth saw;
  • When cutting panels, they should be placed with the front surface facing up;
  • Delete protective film only necessary upon completion of all work. Of course, if there was one at all. This will help protect the plastic from accidental scratches, which are not uncommon during sheathing, cutting and installation;
  • To Work with cutting tool you need to wear special glasses;
  • The adhesive must be applied directly to work surface in the form of a thin and even mesh. There should be no empty areas left.
  • If the wall or ceiling is damp, you can use metal stands or moisture-resistant materials. When covering this unique frame with panels, it is very important to provide ventilation. A small gap between the panels and the wall can serve very well as ventilation;
  • If it is necessary to install sockets (telephone, power supplies) under the panels, it is necessary to use special strips;
  • If there is one nearby heating devices, you need to check the temperature of the air they heat. Maximum permissible temperature– 60 degrees;

Installation of plastic panels

Small nails are evenly driven into a specially designed protrusion (“lip”) on the panel. Hammering must be done carefully so as not to damage the plastic with a hammer. This method is used only when covering wooden sheathing or walls. Fastening staples can be a good alternative to nails, but for them you need to purchase a stapler.

When covering metal sheathing you need to use special screws.

Gluing PVC panels

This method is only suitable for smooth, dry surfaces. There should be no dust on the wall or ceiling greasy stains. You need to take special glue - “liquid nails”. It must be emphasized that when working with panels, it is prohibited to use glue containing solvents or cleaners.

If the shower wall is being covered, then it is necessary to leave a small (3 millimeters) gap at the bottom. This is necessary so that when the pallet expands, the material does not “tear”. It is better to fill the seams silicone sealant. For complete waterproofness, the ceiling gaps must also be treated with sealant.

Panel care

Plastic panels should be washed exclusively with a soft cloth, no sponges, hard brushes, rough cloths, etc. Except special means You also cannot use any detergent compositions, especially if they contain solvents or abrasive particles. In most cases, plain soapy water is sufficient. After cleaning, the surface should be rinsed again with clean water.

And here is a visual video on installing the panels:

Recently, plastic has been widely used for finishing various surfaces not only in offices, but also in residential premises due to its simplicity and ease of installation, as well as technical characteristics and reasonable cost of the material.

There is a wide range, which is represented by a large selection of colors and sizes.

In order to sheathe walls with plastic, there is a technology for performing the work that allows you to do the sheathing yourself, while saving money cash on call from specialists.

Basic technical parameters of plastic

Plastic has the following properties, which include:

  • Attractive appearance;
  • Safety and harmlessness of the material;
  • Affordable price;
  • Simple and quick way installation;
  • Durability;
  • No need for special care;
  • Moisture resistance;
  • Strength and reliability of modern plastic panels.

Thanks to the application modern technologies and wealth color solutions you can achieve not only attractive appearance walls, but also to create a cozy and residential atmosphere.

Currently, manufacturers offer not only plain panels, but also the ability to create bright patterns and even designs.

Disadvantages of using plastic

Despite the significant number positive aspects, this material It also has some disadvantages.

Which include:

  • Unhygienic: the material “does not breathe”;
  • Quite a poor ratio of vapor permeability and humidity;
  • A prerequisite for leveling the walls to ensure a flat and smooth surface;
  • Combustibility of the material with the release of toxic and harmful substances.

Design features of plastic panels

Before covering the walls with plastic, you need to understand their design and the rules for performing the work.

Plastic panels are made by extrusion from polyvinyl chloride, which has a high coefficient of thermal expansion, so minor deformation is allowed during their installation.

The panels come in different lengths and widths, and the thickness is usually 5-10 mm.

A special feature of the material is its moisture resistance, resistance to aggressive chemicals and additional thermal insulation due to the porous structure of the material.

Do-it-yourself installation of PVC panels.

For sheathing they are used Various types profiles.

Types of metal profiles for lathing

To facilitate installation work, they are used different kinds metal profiles.

Which include:

  • Starting.

    It is used as a starting strip from which installation begins. Can be used both floor and ceiling;

  • Finishing. Installed at the end of the work and helps to easily and efficiently install and secure the last strip;
  • External and internal corner profiles. Used for high-quality finishing of any corners;
  • Docking. The main purpose is decorative finishing different elements on a surface.

Required tools for installation

To complete the work, you will need the following set of tools, which includes a circular saw, a construction stapler with staples, a spatula and a rubber mallet.

The saw is necessary with fine teeth to obtain an even and high-quality cut of panels.

A stapler will be needed for installation wooden frame, and using a mallet with a special hook, they pull up the strips and place them in the appropriate place to create a complete fabric without seams or gaps.

A spatula is needed to bend the finishing profile when installing the last panel on final stage installation

The materials you will need are a pre-calculated number of plastic panels, metal profiles for sheathing and self-tapping screws.

Installation process of plastic panels

On preliminary stage It is necessary to prepare the surface of the walls and clean them of all kinds of dirt and dust. Next, they begin to install the frame, for which metal profiles of various types are mainly used.

Wooden beams can also be used for sheathing, which should be treated with special antiseptic agents to ensure their protection from moisture and subsequent rotting.

Install the starting and finishing profiles and guides.

At the next stage, the plastic strip is slightly bent and installed in the profile, and then inserted into the upper stop.

The panels are connected to each other, tightly joining, forming a seamless surface. All stripes are installed in the same way until the last one. Last panel it is cut slightly in width taking into account thermal expansion, and then the finishing profile is bent with a spatula and inserted into the groove until it stops.

For this procedure, you will need the help of an assistant to ensure high-quality fastening and installation of the plastic.

For decorative finishing of corners and baseboards, special plastic strips and corners are used, designed to hide small cracks and gaps. With high-quality lathing, the result is a smooth and smooth surface walls without defects.

Their use significantly helps to facilitate further design and repair.

Watch the video:

However, it is strictly forbidden to use them for a children's room, and for a bedroom it is possible to partially use them as decorative elements. Full wall covering in the kitchen subsequently leads to the appearance of microbes in the porous structure of the material.

You can learn how to cover walls with plastic by carefully studying detailed instructions and process sequence.

If you have a special set of devices and minimal skills, you can end up beautifully sheathing the walls.

How to properly mount wall panels: design and installation features

When we start a renovation, we always think about the costs first, and also try to spend as little time as possible.

And, of course, don’t pollute your apartment too much. For such results, wall panels are usually excellent; you can find out how to install them in this instruction.

Required materials and tools

How to attach plastic panels Not everyone knows.

Even if someone has some idea about this process, they still face some kind of problems. In order to attach such panels, you do not have to specially level the walls or ceiling. Bathrooms, kitchens, and the like are best suited for this process.

By the way, using plastic wall panels you can create a luxurious room that will always be a pleasure to be in. As for the means at hand, here you also won’t have to think long; a few tools that are very easy to find at hand will be enough.

So what do we need? Below is list of tools that will be required in the process.

If you have prepared all the listed tools, you can begin the process.

The first thing you need is a tape measure. Measure the surface on which the panels will be installed so you can immediately know how much material will be used. If plastic panels will be mounted on walls, they must be completely cleaned of wallpaper, dust and, if necessary, paint.

Fastening panels using lathing

There are two ways to attach wall panels: directly on the wall or on a specially prepared sheathing.

In the second case, the wall must be perfectly flat if you want a high-quality result in your kitchen, or in another room in which the installation takes place.

So, in the case of lathing, you will need slats that need to be screwed to the wall at a certain distance from each other.

If the tracks are installed on walls, the width between the slats should be approximately 40-45 cm, in the case of a ceiling 30-35 cm. Regarding the direction of fastening, the slats should be fastened perpendicularly.

The material of the wall also matters. If it is concrete or brick, it is better to screw the slats using dowels; if the walls are wooden, ordinary self-tapping screws will do. Do not rush to start working immediately after reading these instructions. You must understand how this process happens so that there are no difficulties in the process.

Some fastening features wall panels:

  • If you use nails when removing the structure in the future, their reuse will be impossible due to major damage;
  • Clamps - a good option for fastening;
  • As mentioned earlier, self-tapping screws are ideal for fastening;
  • You can also think about fastening with staples using a special stapler.

If everything is ready for installation, you can begin.

You need to do the steps in the same order as below:

If difficulties arise during the installation process, you can find a lot of video material on the Internet that describes in detail and, most importantly, shows the entire process.

Fastening with clips

If you decide to install directly on the wall, without using lathing, you must be sure that the room in which the installation is taking place is dry and the walls are perfectly level.

For example, this could be the kitchen. However, in this case, be sure that your kitchen is a really dry room. The exhaust system must be in place.

So in this installation option you will need special clips, with which the panels will be attached to the slats.

The panels are made of a material that can change with temperature changes.

For this situation, leave a small gap between the panel and the ceiling. If you use wide enough slats, insulation or sound insulation can be placed between the wall and the plastic panels.

Don't forget that this process applies not only to the walls, but also to the ceilings of your room.

A few tips that may make your work much easier:

Now you can be sure that the fastening of plastic wall panels is great choice for quick and low-cost repairs indoors, especially since it’s quite easy.

Dimensions of plastic panels

This finishing material appeared on construction market relatively recently. Today it is widely used in both internal and external facing works. These panels are made from PVC - polyvinyl chloride - traditional method extrusion.

  1. Properties of PVC panels
  2. What are the dimensions of plastic panels?
  3. Where are plastic panels used?

Properties of PVC panels

What are the dimensions of plastic panels?

The thickness of PVC panels comes in two types: those with a thickness of 5 mm, and those with a thickness of 8-10 mm.

The second type of panels is considered, as a rule, to be single - due to the thickness of moldings of standard sizes created for these parameters.

Panel length standard:

  • a 10cm wide lining has a length of 3 meters,
  • wide panels (20-37 cm) have standard lengths of 2.6, as well as 2.7 and 3 meters.

Width of PVC panels:

Where are plastic panels used?

This material is excellent for cladding not only walls, but also ceilings.

A proven installation method - finishing the walls with plastic panels

A big advantage when installing wall panels is that you do not need to pre-level the wall surfaces. It's easy enough to prepare wooden sheathing(as in the case of drywall), and then attach panels to it that contact each other like a puzzle, inserting into each other (like laminate).

Look how great the wall panels look:

This material is great for the bathroom, being a worthy alternative to ceramic tiles.

Almost in no way inferior to tiles, the panels are still more practical: they are resistant to moisture and temperature changes, can be easily washed from almost any stains, and their installation is many times faster and easier. And their price is much lower than tiles. The most common size of bathroom panels is 270x25 (30) cm. Moreover, the installation of panels in the bathroom can be completed literally in one day.

The sizes of plastic ceiling panels are made from 2.5 to 4 meters in length, and the most popular width sizes are 10, 25 and 50 cm.

The thickness of the ceiling panels also varies - this should definitely be taken into account when choosing profiles for them.

In the photo below you can see how good the ceiling looks, finished with this material:

The ceiling panels are identical in composition composite materials, used in medical equipment and in food packaging, which indicates their environmental safety.

Ceiling panels are more flexible than metal slats and more resistant to various deformations. Consisting of a large number of insulated cells, plastic pvc panel has excellent soundproofing characteristics.

Ceiling panels, protected on top with a layer of varnish, have excellent antiseptic properties (without attracting dust), UV resistance, and good wear resistance.
