How to learn to read quickly: exercises and tips for speed reading. How to teach a child to read quickly? Speed ​​Reading Technique

Many people want to improve their reading speed in order to truly enjoy studying books. It is also important to be able to remember what you read; this feature helps improve memory. Experienced experts recommend using practical recommendations. They are aimed at improving memory and general perception of information. Let's consider important aspects In order, let's highlight the main thing.

Create conditions for the perception of information

  1. To improve your reading speed, create comfortable conditions. It is enough to select cozy place, soft sofa or a chair, moderately bright light. Reading should not be done in noise, otherwise you will have to skim the material several times.
  2. With absence optimal conditions attention is scattered, you will not be able to remember what you read. For this reason, you don’t need to take a book on public transport or do this while the TV is on.
  3. Go read in a separate room, away from other household members. If possible, study books outdoors with the sounds of birds chirping and a gentle breeze. It is important to completely immerse yourself in reading so that nothing distracts you.
  4. The most perfect time considered to be early morning (the period from 07.00 to 11.00). After waking up, your head works quite well, most importantly, don’t forget to have breakfast. If it is not possible to read in the morning, carry out the procedure in the afternoon.
  5. Many people prefer to bed down with a book in the evenings. However, in given time information is absorbed worst of all. You should also not read after eating; be sure to wait 30-45 minutes. Otherwise, the body is busy digesting food, as a result of which it “has no time” to absorb information.

Highlight the main thing

  1. To increase concentration and better remember information, study the material and highlight the main thing from it. This way you will remember what you read without special effort, because the point will be clear.
  2. Let's give a simple example that will help solve the problem. Sentence: “We went with our parents on vacation abroad to enjoy the azure sea.” The meaning will be clear from the following keywords: “we-vacation-sea”. You don't have to read everything, skip the unnecessary stuff.
  3. In this way, you will reduce the time for processing information without losing the semantic load. It is advisable to use this technique when reading small texts, such as magazines, newspapers, and posts on social networks.

Eliminate Regression

  1. Regression refers to reading the same sentence/phrase many times in a row. It doesn’t matter at all whether you do it intentionally or not. Such actions significantly increase the reading time, but do not add understanding of what is happening.
  2. Regression appears when the meaning of the text is lost. It turns out that a person returns to the beginning of a sentence or, even worse, a paragraph to find. You can avoid such situations using a pencil, bookmark or finger. Mark the place where you stopped earlier.
  3. Other people start to regress when they don't get it right the first time. You can get rid of this feature, but you will have to be careful. When you sit down to read, concentrate, only then start working with the text.
  4. It is a mistake to believe that reading is a passive activity. During information processing, the brain is involved quite strongly, so the action requires concentration. As a result, you will completely eliminate regression, thereby speeding up the speed of text processing and improving the perception of information.
  5. It is also worth determining how important the information you are rereading is. If you understand the gist without rereading it, don't go back to the paragraph again and again. This way you will only waste time.

Don't read the words

  1. The speed will slow down greatly if you read one word at a time. Replace the incorrect technique with processing information in sentences or chunks (phrases).
  2. To give an example, the situation would look like this: “car in the garage” or “car + in + garage”. Less trained readers will act according to the second principle, which will not be considered correct.
  3. The brain has a nice ability to fill in the gaps it finds in a certain segment of a sentence. You can read “car in the garage” as “car”, “garage”, the preposition will be automatically substituted on a subconscious level.
  4. In this way, we again return to isolating keys from a whole sentence or phrase. You will reduce the amount of processed information by 45-50%, which will significantly increase your reading speed.

Don't mouth the text

  1. Many people make the mistake of spinning words in their heads or mouthing them while reading. This feature called subvocalization. This is what affects reading speed.
  2. Of course, children are taught to receive and perceive information in this way, but speed is not important to them. In your case, subvocalization makes it difficult to process information faster because you are not speaking at lightning speed. This can be done much faster in your head.
  3. If you get rid of pronouncing words with your lips, your speed will increase 2-3 times, which is an undeniable advantage. To prevent subvocalization, it is enough to occupy your mouth with a toothpick or candy during the reading period. From now on, you need to read, as they say, with consciousness, without muttering.

Skip what you already know

  1. To increase your reading and better master the information, you need to skip unnecessary sections. This includes information that does not carry any meaning. It's fairly easy to determine which subsections are worth your attention.
  2. To perform the manipulations, scan the text with your eyes, highlighting the key words (or lack thereof). You can also read the first sentence of all paragraphs, understanding the essence. This move will help you understand the content and decide whether the text is worth your time or not.
  3. This technique is especially relevant in cases where you need to understand a particular chapter or passage from a book (if you cannot find the necessary information). This applies to memoirs, reference books, etc. Human nature may be very reluctant, but this way you will better understand the essence and increase your reading speed.
  4. In addition, if the book is not to your liking or is not useful, avoid reading it altogether. For the most part, many works are not well written and do not reflect the concept. Read 7% of each publication, and then choose the most suitable one for yourself.

Study the material before reading

  1. To improve your reading speed, study the material before extensive processing. To do this, run your eyes over the first and last sentence each paragraph. Pay attention to words in bold or italics.
  2. Such actions will help you understand whether it makes sense to read the entire chapter or whether it can be excluded. Don't skip the headings; as a rule, they characterize the essence.
  3. As a result of selective reading, you will get a complete understanding of all components of the text. If necessary, you can return to a particular paragraph and study it in more detail.
  4. The technique of preliminary study of the material makes it easier to perceive, remember and read a previously unseen book. This way you can quickly process a complex article or scientific publication.

Train your memory

  1. If you have difficulty remembering information you read, improve your memory. An excellent option is to study foreign language or words individually. You can study at home or enroll in the appropriate school. The skill will also be useful in Everyday life(work, travel, etc.).
  2. To train your memory, start reading poems and then memorize them. To improve visual perception, regularly look through complex photographs or pictures, try to remember every little detail from the image.
  3. Another way to improve memory is the correct arrangement of words. For example, ask household members to write 12 words in different orders. Read them, put them away, then try to reproduce the sequence on a separate sheet of paper. Repeat the manipulations 7 times per session, 2 times a day. Gradually increase the number of words in the list, try to remember their sequence.
  4. Experienced minds around the world unanimously say that when reading it is extremely important to develop memory. If we talk about research, experts have found that after reading a book, a person remembers about 18-22% of its content. The worse the conditions for text processing, the more detrimental this affects perception and assimilation.
  5. It is known that age is directly related to the brain’s ability to remember information. After finishing school and college, many people stop developing their memory, but such actions are wrong. It is important to always practice, otherwise you will not be able to capture even the smallest complex fragments.
  6. The absorption rate is influenced by the genre of the book and the pleasure with which it is read. If you like the plot and theme, the percentage of memorization automatically increases by 1.5-2 times. For this reason, it is important to choose literature that is right for you.

Don't move your eyes

  1. If you remember the moment when a small child is taught to read, you can understand the following. The child is told to look carefully at the word he is reading before moving on to the next one. In the case of children, this step is partially correct, but it already leads to failure in the future.
  2. It is known that the brain picks up large quantity information through the eyes thanks to peripheral vision. As a result, you can cover not one word, but 4-5, it all depends on the complexity of the text. The practice of “stopping” has a detrimental effect on reading speed.
  3. In order to get rid of bad habit, before working with text, relax the muscles of your face and eyes. As a result, you will be able to view most of the page. Try to read at least 4-5 words, only then move your eyes further.

It is quite difficult to learn to read quickly and subsequently remember the information received. As practice shows, memory records only 20-30% of all studied material. Highlight the main thing, exclude regression, do not pronounce the text with your lips, do not read the words. Skip chapters you already know. Study the material paragraph by paragraph before starting mass processing. Train your memory through exercises without moving your eyes.

Video: how to learn to read and remember what you read

With the abundance of information in modern world, as well as the constant lack of time, it is very important to learn to read quickly, because this is the only way to always be aware of everything you need. No matter what industry you work in, innovations are constantly emerging, and you definitely need to stay on top of the changes. Not to mention the fact that in the absence of skill quick reading Even daily review of correspondence can turn into a long and tedious task.

If your goal is to leisurely enjoy reading the classics while rocking in a rocking chair, perhaps increasing the speed is unnecessary, but in all other cases it will definitely not hurt.
Common misconceptions about short reading.
To learn to read very quickly, you must first rid your mind of some attitudes that do not allow you to even begin. In fact, these are nothing more than myths, but they are quite common. The first of them: to read quickly, you need a special talent, and this is not given to everyone. Not true! If you have mastered the ability to read as such, then you can increase your speed. The second goes like this: if you didn’t learn to read well in childhood, it’s impossible to do this as you get older. And that's also not true. You can master this skill at any age. There would be a desire.
Quantity and quality.
Even in the distant school years, reading technique was higher among those children who read more - not only within the given program, but also simply “for themselves.” And the first rule of anyone who wants to learn to read quickly is read. And not from a computer screen. Make it a rule to read at least 10-15 pages of a book a day, gradually increasing their number. With constant training, over time you will already “grab” words entirely, recognize them faster, and reading will begin to take much less time. This way you will learn to read quickly, even without using special techniques and without various speed reading courses. But to make your classes more effective, it’s still worth familiarizing yourself with some techniques.

Don't read out loud!
Reading aloud, so necessary for initial stage learning, now only gets in the way. If you move your lips like a schoolgirl or pronounce every word you read to yourself, you should know that this is slowing down your reading. It is quite obvious that we can grasp words many times faster than we can pronounce them. Here are a few exercises that will help you shut up and thereby increase your speed of comprehension of printed information.

  • keep your finger on your lips and make sure they don’t move;
  • press your tongue firmly against your teeth while reading;
  • Play some calm melody while reading (without words, of course!) and follow it while you read.
Down vertically.
Another school habit that ruins everything is running your finger along the line, reading every word. Our task is to learn to grasp the entire line at once; there is no need to carefully read every word to understand the meaning of the phrase. The following exercise will help you learn this. We move our finger evenly down along the text and try to keep up with it. To begin with, let it not be a book page, but a newspaper column - it is much narrower. After some time, you will be able to read books as well. To control yourself, you can move not your finger, but a sheet of paper with a “window” cut out, so that 3-4 lines fit into the window. Have time to read them while they are in sight.

Be extremely careful, nothing slows down your reading more than having to go back and reread what you've already read. Moreover, the very thought that you can re-read at any time weakens your attention. Don't let yourself go back. This way you lose your rhythm and waste time. Knowing that you can’t re-read, you will read everything much more carefully.

Take a wider view.
Your reading speed largely depends on how well your peripheral vision is developed (remember, you need to grasp the entire line from beginning to end, looking at its middle). To develop it, do a few simple exercises.

  1. Write numbers from 1 to 9 in the square, randomly placing them across the entire area, and then, looking in the middle and without taking your eyes off, find the numbers in order. Then complicate the task by increasing the square and the number of numbers.
  2. In any situation, try to look straight ahead and grab as many objects as possible with your peripheral vision.
  3. While reading, move your gaze to the window, the angle of view will increase, and return to the book again.
Today is better than yesterday.
Read “for a while” every day and write down your results, try to increase the speed day by day, at least a little. This way, over time, you will become a really fast reader.

Now that you have an idea of ​​how to learn to read quickly, the result depends on only one thing - daily practice. And if you have sufficient motivation, then with some effort you will develop speed reading skills much faster than you think. Expensive speed reading courses are, of course, great, but if you want to learn how to read quickly, you can do it yourself. We wish you success in this necessary endeavor!

In modern flows of written information, speed reading plays a critical role in cognition and development.

Many people ask: How to learn to read quickly, what is the speed reading technique, what exercises should you do to increase your reading speed?

Today on the site website You will learn not just how to teach yourself and your children to read quickly, but also how to correctly perceive the text when reading quickly, developing perception, memory and attention.

How to learn to read quickly - speed reading technique

The usual reading speed of an adult is 120-180 words per minute, if higher, then, as a rule, this is already viewing the text, and not reading with normal perception, understanding and memorization of what was read.

If you consciously understand the essence of how to quickly learn to read printed and written text not for skimming, but for understanding and remembering required material, then performing simple exercises speed reading you are quite quickly learn reading techniques at a speed of 600 to 1000 words per minute,those. 3-5 times faster than usual.

However, it should be understood that learning to read quickly does not mean learning to instantly understand the meaning and quickly remember what you read, for example, in fiction.

But for office work And business papers speed reading is very suitable, provided that you clearly understand the essence of the work issue.

For example, if you are a bank employee who understands terminology, then your ability to quickly read contracts and so on will suit you, unlike ordinary person, who, using the speed reading technique, will not understand the essence of the agreement, say a credit agreement...

In general, developed peripheral vision will suit you not only in speed reading, but also in the perception of any visual information (for example, instant perception of car instruments and the situation on the road for instant decision making), i.e. where a lot of information is simultaneously received for brain processing.

Schulte table - exercises for speed reading

One of the methods for speed reading exercise is the Schulte table. You should take a standard book sheet of paper and draw a square Schulte table on it, consisting of five rows and five columns - numbers in different orders from 1 to 25. (When practicing on a computer monitor and on a smartphone screen, adjust the table to the full size and not use cursor)

How to conduct speed reading exercises using the Schulte table to learn how to read quickly:

  • Keep a distance from your eyes just like when reading normally;
  • Fix your gaze on the center of the Schulte table and do not move it;
  • Look for numbers one by one in ascending order from 1 to 25 as quickly as possible, and the main thing is not to move your eyes (look with peripheral vision) and do not say the numbers out loud or to yourself;
  • Do not practice speed reading with tables to the point of fatigue;
  • As your skill in quickly reading numbers (or letters in alphabetical order) increases, you can expand the tables by the number of rows and columns (6x6, 7x7, etc.)

Other speed reading techniques

After practicing speed reading on Schulte tables, you can go directly to the text.

At first, to perform quick reading exercises, you should take texts from newspaper columns, because... The lines there are smaller than a regular book page. Then move on to broader texts.

It is important to learn to see (perceive) almost the entire line of text, so that there is as little movement of the eyes along the line as possible.

Also, for quick reading, it is important to learn to grasp the main concepts and theses in the text you are reading and discard “water” (words that do not carry a special semantic load).

How to teach children to read quickly

To teach children peripheral vision and quick perception of information, for example, in the Schulte table, you can use drawings (pictures) instead of numbers.

Parents should understand that the child has object-figurative thinking, and not, like an adult, verbal-logical thinking, so exercises on speed reading letters (words) and numbers in the usual form can be very tiring for him.

It is better to first use pictures and objects to teach children to read quickly (for example, letters, words in the form of pictures and objects)

Problems that prevent you from learning to read quickly

In the process of speed reading exercises you will get rid of these problems:

  • Inability to see peripherally (learning to perceive as many words as possible, almost the entire sentence)
  • Internal pronunciation of the text (perception of the text visually)
  • Returning the eyes to what has already been read (development of quick memory)
  • Concentration (reducing automatic perception of internal and external interference)
  • Inability to quickly find key concepts and theses (learning to quickly understand meaning based on speed reading)

Read others

Before talking about how to learn to read quickly, you should ask the question why reading is needed at all. What do we gain by reading literature, especially today, when paper media can be replaced by audiobooks and watching film adaptations of interesting stories.

Maybe there is no such urgent need for reading anymore?

Why is reading necessary?

Only through reading can a person develop his literacy. Agree, few people remember absolutely all the rules for writing words, except perhaps Russian language teachers.

But a well-read person does not need these rules, since he can easily recall the spelling of any words in his memory.

Even the spelling of rarely encountered words can be reproduced based on associations and knowledge of the mass of words read.

Reading has always been a priority fiction, since it has a high vocabulary, and is also perceived and read much easier than technical or scientific literature. And no one will argue that fiction is more interesting and fascinating.

Thanks to reading, a person’s imaginative thinking develops. Images in films are generated by the pictures we view. And during reading, the process of co-creation between the writer and the reader occurs. The reader's imagination creates and creates images. In the process of reading, the brain trains and develops.

Human experiences and feelings that the author conveys in literature are the lived experience of humanity. We are not able to experience all the emotions and experiences available to us in such a short life. A guide helps to cultivate these feelings - a book, thanks to which we can subtly understand what other people feel and better understand our emotions.

Disadvantages of Traditional Reading

Scientists have spent a long time investigating the question of why people read so slowly, and they were able to identify five main disadvantages of slow traditional reading:

  • Reading regression, that is, the constant return of the eyes to already read lines for the purpose of re-reading. Most of us return, and even more than once, to the starting position of the text we read. This lack of self-confidence leads to the fact that the lines read are never remembered. Repeated returns destroy the integrity of the read text.
  • Lack of reading program. We are used to reading as we have to. But there is some literature that is really worth reading slowly and carefully. And vice versa, literature that needs to be read quickly, and its majority.
  • Pronouncing the text being read to oneself, that is, articulation. People spend a sufficient amount of time on this process, since an inertial hearing analyzer is connected.
  • Low field of view. The eyes perceive a maximum of three words when they stop on the text, and the speed reading technique involves covering the entire page at once. Vertical eye movement is the basis of fast reading.
  • Lack of attention, which is a catalyst for the reading process. We can read even when our thoughts are somewhere far away.

Speed ​​reading exercises help eliminate those shortcomings that we make when reading books traditionally. The speed reading technique creates new fundamental great ways reading, develops new brain structures and increases its activity. N.P. Bekhtereva said that the brain must work, and the more it works, the more effective the result of its activity.

Speed ​​Reading Basics

Despite the fact that there are many schools and methods of speed reading, they are based on the same psychological laws.

People learn to position their gaze in such a way as to see as many words as possible. Our gaze slides from the beginning of the line to its end, and we grasp each letter, and in best case scenario every word.

In the speed reading technique, the gaze is fixed on a certain place, with a given rhythm. The text is absorbed well and efficiently in cases where there is symmetry or equal components. There are special techniques for expanding the field of perception, since we do not use the entire breadth of perception that can be used.

Scientists have developed special gymnastics for the eyes, thanks to which the range of vision expands, and you can see a whole line instead of one word. The creation of this technique took several years of work by a large team of scientists who thoroughly studied the question: how to learn to read quickly. Their developments have been tested by many experts and are protected by dozens of patents.

Young people have already appreciated this technique, and every year the number of people wishing to master the technique of speed reading is growing.

Reading correctly

Many readers complain that the plot of the book is not as memorable as they would like. What is the reason for this reading result? Are there secrets on how to read a book correctly, so that you can retell its contents in a month?

  1. When re-reading books on the subway or in line, it is not always possible to remember their plot. It is better to set aside time for reading in a homely, quiet and peaceful environment.
  2. You should always have a pencil or marker with you so you can take notes or highlight places that are significant to you. If it’s a pity to spoil the book, then you should read it with a notepad in order to write down your favorite quotes, interesting thoughts and phrases.
  3. Experts advise choosing a narrower book format, which allows the eyes not to run around the perimeter of the page, but to stick to its middle. This method makes it possible not only to assimilate information, but also to read a book faster, as well as solve the question of how to read books correctly.
  4. You should always remember about the bookmark in the book, since without it the end point of reading will be constantly lost. A sufficient amount of time is spent searching for a place and re-reading the places you are looking for.
  5. And the most important thing in the question of how to read books correctly is not to be shy about learning the meanings of unknown words from a book, this is how the reader’s vocabulary is replenished. Knowing the meanings of different words will allow you to apply them in appropriate situations.

How to keep up with reading

Make lists of literature that you need to read, so that it includes not only fiction, but also books on psychology, scientific literature or modern prose that can expand your horizons.

Every cultured person living in society has a certain list of what they need to know. This knowledge allows you to maintain a conversation and understand what the current world is about.

We can make large lists, but where can we find so much time to read all the literature if, in addition, we deal with texts every day? professional books, Internet, instructions and others.

We receive so much information that the average person is not always able to perceive and remember everything he hears, sees or read.

For such an amount of information, the average reading technique is not enough, which is why speed reading courses and schools began to appear, where you can find out how to learn how to quickly read books and master the skills of speed reading techniques using a variety of methods and exercises.

Speed ​​reading technique - actual topic for people doing their own thing intellectual development. A specialist of any level needs to keep up with the times and know about what changes are happening in life, about new discoveries, new names.

Analytical reading with high quality Schoolchildren and students need to master the material they read so that they can spend minimal time and effort on doing homework or learning new material.

Quick Reading Exercises

We often find ourselves stopping while reading a book because we realize that we are thinking about something else. I have to re-read paragraph by paragraph again. There is no concentration, and we re-read everything again. Naturally, time is lost and reading speed drops.

  • In order to get rid of this bad habit, scientists have developed a method of increasing speed, which is based on the principle of coercion. The text is covered with a piece of paper, and regardless of whether you read the first line or not, the next line is already revealed. A sheet of paper always moves a little faster than we can read the previous line.
  • Then, everything happens the other way around, regardless of whether the line is read or not, it is covered with a sheet of paper so that it is not possible to read everything again. This exercise teaches a person to concentrate.
  • Another exercise that develops attention is working with noisy texts. Ordinary words are inserted into the text, disrupting its harmony, which forces the reader to concentrate his attention on important information.
  • An exercise that develops anticipation, that is, teaches the ability to think through a text, can increase your reading speed several steps forward. To begin with, endings are thought of, then words and phrases, and then paragraphs can be thought of. This is an excellent exercise for expanding the field of perception.

If you do this kind of exercise often, you can force your gaze to move vertically.

When to start studying

It is stupid to argue with the fact that it is necessary to read, and constantly. It is best to accustom a child to this from childhood, but as for the development of speed reading skills, no one can answer unequivocally. There is an opinion that such reading can even harm children under 14 years of age, but this is only an opinion that has not been proven by anyone.

Psychologists believe that children need to be taught, not by force, but in the form of a game. Well, while there are debates about the dangers and benefits of speed reading, life itself forces us to master such a technique. Employees of large companies and government agencies, as well as those who have to work with a large volume of documents as part of their duties, have already felt this.

A person who reads quickly cannot become a slave to speed. By acquiring basic speed reading skills, he improves both memory and depth of perception, and it does not matter at what age he begins to master these skills.

What to do if you don't want to read

What is reading - it is the main tool for learning. A schoolchild who reads slowly does not achieve anything; he loses the desire to read and learn.

It is necessary to instill a love of reading from childhood; at the same time, creative and logical thinking child. How can you force yourself to read as an adult?

Psychologists say that you need to develop a habit. To begin with, you should select interesting literature and put aside the ones you don’t like. It is also recommended to create a list of literature to create a symbol of personal achievement and train yourself to spend at least half an hour a day reading.

How to force yourself to read if, with a large flow of information, access to paper media is extremely limited. It is easier to turn on the TV or turn to the Internet for help than to allow yourself to waste time going to the library.

Decreased interest in reading is associated not only with the accelerated pace of life. Today's youth do not have enough of the literature that used to be part of school curriculum. She wants to know more about the modern world, about incidents that are presented not in books, but in television and the Internet.

In order not to think about how to force yourself to read, you need to know that only a book can develop a person’s speech, as well as his logical and creative thinking, in addition, she disciplines, educates necessary for a person quality.

You can instill a love of reading through exercises that teach you how to read quickly. This is a fun process that, thanks to some exercises, turns from a chaotic, unorganized process into an organized activity. People read faster, and most importantly, they understand what they read more fully and deeply.

Today, the technique of speed reading has become very popular. This is necessary for people of any profession. Anyone can develop this ability. How to learn speed reading, you will learn all the teaching methods in this article.
First of all, a person must understand for himself why he needs it, what the goal is and what it will give him. For an adult, motivation is important so as not to give up learning halfway. You also need self-confidence. You must understand that everyone can learn to read quickly if they really have such a desire.

How to learn speed reading on your own?

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Now there are many courses that teach speed reading. But courses require time and money, which are often not enough. To learn to read quickly, you can do speed reading exercises at home. To do this, you need to find 20-25 free time a day.
The most effective speed reading techniques that you can do yourself

  1. "Sighting method" It is necessary to learn in a few seconds to identify in the text those passages that you need to pay attention to, sifting out already known material. First you need to try this exercise on objects. Look at the thing for a few seconds, and closing your eyes, remember it in all the details. Next, note what you forgot and repeat the exercise several more times.
  2. Method for finding keywords in text It will not only allow you to read quickly, but also remember what you read and grasp the essence of the text.
  3. Very important articulation suppression exercises , since they take up a lot of time. By articulating, we read at the same speed as if we were reading aloud. Count in your head from 10 to 1. Now try to read the text and at the same time continue to count in your mind. All attention should be on the numbers. Of course, you won't be able to understand anything you read. After all, you did not have the opportunity to pronounce the text out of habit. Instead of counting, you can sing a song in your mind. This will break your habit of articulating. After doing these exercises regularly, you will feel like you can understand words without even reading them.
  4. Learn to use your visual memory . You need to read not letter by letter, but learn to grasp words consisting of 9-10 letters. This is easy to do if you make signs with the most common words. Looking at the table, but without reading the words, close your eyes and say what is written.
  5. The reason for the low reading speed – poorly developed peripheral vision. A person reads a line in parts, because he cannot catch it entirely with his eyes. You need to learn to read “vertically”, this means that by looking at one point, you can see the entire line or even the entire page. Schulte tables will help with this. You can write the text by hand or print it on a computer so that the text looks in the shape of a triangle. Look at the center of each line and, without moving your eyes left and right, read the text. You can develop peripheral vision on the street or at work. Look at one point, but at the same time try to see what is happening around.
  6. Another enemy of fast reading is regression. A person often returns to a text he has already read. This happens due to misunderstanding of the text, lack of attention, and sometimes out of habit. To learn to read quickly, you don’t need to “jump” through the text while reading. A regular bookmark, which you need to cover a line you’ve already read, will help you cope with the habit of re-reading the text.
  7. In speed reading, it is very important to learn to get the maximum from the text useful information . Experts recommend breaking the text into blocks and focusing on them Special attention: title, author, topic, facts, criticism and novelty of the material. Read the text 3 times and write down the basic information for each block. The first time, read it quickly and get the gist, the second time, read it carefully and emphasize as much information as possible. The third time, make sure that nothing important has escaped your attention. Read 1-2 texts a day like this and soon you will learn to work with information. You'll never have to take notes again.

The main method of speed reading is to learn to see the entire page without focusing on the little things.

You can learn speed reading at home with the help of an interesting exercise “Mixed Up Letters”. In words, all letters are written in random order, except for the first and last. You need to read the text from these words. There are many such texts on the Internet. Or ask a friend to write you such a text. Many people cope with this task with ease, since the human brain perceives better not alphabetic, but dictionary reading.

  • Exercise "Crossed out letters." A friend writes you a text with missing vowels or consonants. And you write to him. Who can read it faster?
  • Cross out or sketch out every second word in the text and try to understand the meaning of the text. This exercise activates the brain and develops intellectual abilities.
  • The “Semantic Guess” exercise is that many words can be skipped and not read, since it is already clear that they are written there according to the previous meaning. You can learn to skip entire blocks of text. For example: “Every person needs to maintain good physical...
  • You need to visit the gym...” The words “form” and “hall” are clear in meaning and you immediately understand which words are missing.

How to teach speed reading to a child

It makes sense to start teaching your child speed reading at the age of 9-10 years. Until this age, the child is not ready for speed reading exercises.

The older children get, the more they need to read. The amount of literature that needs to be read doubles by the 5th grade. By 8th grade - three times. A child must not only learn to read quickly, but also understand what he is reading about. The skill of speed reading will be useful to him throughout his life. Now there are many courses on speed reading, but if parents can devote 20 minutes a day to studying with their child, then this can be learned quite quickly at home.

Problems that children have when reading

  1. When reading “to themselves,” children articulate and move their lips. In this case, the eyes linger in one place for a long time;
  2. Many people read aloud, although vision perceives information 10 times faster;
  3. Most children have a small field of vision, so exercises are necessary to increase it;
  4. Primary school students often stammer, involuntarily change letters, and do not read the endings. This reduces reading speed significantly.

Speed ​​reading helps eliminate these errors and increase reading speed. It is also important that the child understands and can retell what he has read. To solve the problem of high-quality understanding, speed reading techniques help the child see what is important in the text, develop attention, imagination, memory and thinking.

Many children become distracted when reading, their thoughts fly away, and they don’t remember where they stopped reading. So, the basic speed reading techniques will teach the child attention, concentration, and composure.

Speed ​​reading Teaching method for a child at home

You need to work with your child for 15-20 minutes three times a week. Lesson structure:

The first stage of classes eliminates the causes of slow reading and expands the field of vision.

  1. Reading short text(up to 100 words). After this, ask your child questions about reading comprehension;
  2. Schulte table. The child's task is to quickly find the scattered numbers in the square. Start with 9 and work your way up to 36 digits in the table;
    The next stage involves focusing on what you read and assimilating the information.
  3. Damaged text technique. Cut the text into pieces and glue it onto the card, shifting it by 1-2 lines. Then you cut out the middle of the text, individual letters, etc. Then conduct the conversation over text.
  4. Mathematical exercises to develop attention alternate with drawing on the topic of the text read.


An exercise to change the speed of reading is that you move your fingers over the text, and the child tries to keep up with reading after you. Gradually increase your speed.

Text comprehension exercise. You need to cover the top of the line. The lower one remains completely open. The child will understand that he needs to quickly read the bottom line before the top line is completely opened. After this, compare the text and retell it. It also develops silent reading.

Your task is to instill in your child a love of reading. Conduct these classes in a good mood. Such activities will make it easier for the child to perform many tasks in the future, they will succeed in school, and quickly perceive a large amount of information.
